Thursday, August 06, 2015

GOP Presidential debate Open Thread. Update!

First off I want to bitch a little about the fact that I have to watch freaking Fox News in order to cover this debate.

I try very hard never to watch that shitty cable network unless you-know-who makes an appearance or I hear that one of the anchors in on the verge of a nervous breakdown. (I'm looking at you Glenn Beck.)

However, like it or not, Fox has the biggest political side show going right now, and no serious political pundit, blogger, or commentator would dare to miss it.

Personally I am hoping for some real fireworks tonight.

For instance maybe Donald Trump will demand to see Ben Carson's birth certificate, or Jeb Bush will call Trump an asshole again, or maybe Rand Pail will start quoting Alex Jones conspiracy theories right on the air.

Damn now THAT would be entertaining.

But we probably won't get that lucky. (We certainly didn't during the "Kid's Table" debate earlier today.)

Oh well, here I sit full of hope with my popcorn, my box of wine, and my fingers all limbered up.

And I can already smell the elephant shit so let's trot these clowns out and get this three ring started!

Update: Ideas for questions to be asked during the debate courtesy of Raw Story.

My favorite?

"Are you the father of Bristol Palin's baby?"

Hey, it's worth a shot.

Update 2: Okay well so far the take away from this debate is that Donald Trump does not like to debate.

The arrogant prick actually threatened Megyn Kelly for asking him about his attitude toward women, and then he went all off like a toddler on Chris Wallace for asking him about a bullshit claim he made about border security.

Update 3: The Washington Post has a running transcript here.


  1. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Rick Perry Ooops!

    Ronald Raven!

    (you have to put Sarah Palin in!)


  2. Janice A Soderquist4:09 PM

    Carly got 83% favorability on the debate. Sarah will hate this, another woman getting praise in politics. Sarah never got that much. Watch Sarah slam her now. Donald has no intention of using Sarah to campaign for him, he just wants her followers. She will never been seen campaigning with him.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      So Carly is the least shitty among a pile of shit? Or maybe she's the most shitty.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Carly didn't represent women at all in that kid table debate. She sounded like nothing more than a bitch with a massive hard on for Hillary Clinton!

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      The pee pond says she stole Sarah's ideas.
      What a horrible day they're having today.....HA!

    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Carly Fiorina Has Standout Performance In First GOP Debate

      If Google searches are any indication, Republican presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina won the Republican "happy hour" debate that took place in Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday.

      A visualization by Google shows Fiorina leading the other six Republicans who took part in the debate:

    5. Anonymous6:09 PM

      I guess this sums it up...#GOPClownCar

      Funny Or Die ‏@funnyordie 37m37 minutes ago

      That was the best SNL cold open of all time! #GOPDebate

    6. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Sarah jane hudson arraaghhr.

    7. Former Alaskan10:32 PM

      How's Phil munger doing? Does he still have a blog?

  3. One bingo card printed, one to go.

    Can't have popcorn. Am on a low-carb diet. Am losing weight. But believe it or not, wine IS on my diet, go figure.

    Praise the lord and pass the pepperoni.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      The drinking game should be- one big gulp any time someone actually answers a question. That would keep viewers sober and tomorrow's workforce not hungover.

    2. Anonymous10:53 PM

      Omfgds! I watched the debate but completely forgot the wine and I love me some boxed wine!!!! Shit!

  4. Anonymous4:31 PM

    The Little Kid's table's Lindsey G. wants to put boots on the ground in the Middle East. The Big Kid's table will have to top that for pure bloodthirsty.

    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      Not to worry. Whenever a Bush is involved, there will be war!

    2. Anonymous4:50 PM

      The Moderators are just as bad as the line up, should ask, "and just how do you propose to pay for the next war, and whose children are you sending to death?"

    3. Anonymous5:32 PM

      They won't 4:50 PM because they're Fox!

    4. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Mike Huckabee upped the blood ante: The purpose of the military is to kill people and break stuff!

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Gryphen, You shouldn't drink and blog...
    But, given that it is Fox and the GOP, what could possibly go wrong...go wrong...go
    Even drunk, your blog will be more intelligent that anything that comes out of that debate.

  6. Anonymous4:36 PM

    For anyone who doesn't get Fox and needs some obnoxious Republican entertainment, c4p is imploding. The mods are banning looking time posters and others are taking what is left of their marbles and heading to politibrew (?,) and rightscoop. C4p is on its last leg. Yay!

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Link to thread?

    2. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Here you go.

  7. I was hoping to find a live stream of the debate, but apparently that's not possible unless you pay (I'm on rabbit ears). So I m trusting all of you to faithfully report who says what so I can update my bingo cards.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I think you can stream it on

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    You're stronger than I am, Gryphen. I refuse to put my TV on Fox News. Can't do it. I refuse to watch the clown show. My greatest fear is that Jeb! Will be crowned and walk into the Qhitw House. That's just a third term for W. Profoundly sad.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Me too. I'd rather watch or in this case, listen, to the first Avengers movie from the other room yet again.
      M from MD

  9. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Let the Hunger Games begin

  10. Yep, it's already awkward.

    1. Yep! Don't know if I can stomach this!

    2. Anonymous5:20 PM

      I turned it to Family Feud.
      Same thing, technically. LOL!

  11. Anonymous4:58 PM

    My father, a keen observer of politics, once told me, everything else aside, in any election, put your money on the taller man.
    Looks like Jeb wins.

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Poor Linsey Graham must have believed that - Daily Mail shows him standing on a box!

  12. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I'm tuned into Comedy Central for the Best of Stewart. I'll let you guys watch the moron show and report back!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

      Tivo'ed Stewart. This beauty pageant is a riot!

  13. Trump just refused to pledge not to run as an independent if he does not win the nomination.

    And this REALLY pissed off Rand Paul.

    1. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Because Trump stole Rand's idea?

    2. Anonymous5:33 PM we're set for Trump/Palin?

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Nope, Trump/Fiorna

  14. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Wonder what percentage of rwnjs don't have cable?

  15. I loved it when Trump said he had given Rand money after Rand said he bought politicians.

  16. Megyn Kelly is attacking Trump over his misogyny.

    And he is actually threatening to go after her if she continues.

    Oh this is much better than I expected.

    1. Guess that means I can check off the square that says "Trump insults the moderator". Yea!!!!

    2. Anonymous7:17 PM

      She deserved it! Megan Kelly was awful!

  17. Oh look Ted Cruz is answering a queszzzzzzzzzzzz........

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Teddy the Chipmunk Cruz
      The man has all the presidential timber of a toothpick

  18. Well Scott Walker just reinforced that he thinks of women and breeding stock.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      He sure did!
      With Huckabee right on his tail!

  19. Huckabee believes that aborting a fetus ignores their constitutional right to live.

    Wait, what?

    1. Anonymous5:25 PM

      See, the NRA wants to give newborns guns, and the RNC wants to use their tiny fingers to vote for the GOP.

  20. John Kasich does not understand what the word "finally" means.

  21. Holy shit. Kasich sounded like a democrat. I'm still not voting for

    1. Anonymous5:27 PM

      He's against gay marriage and reproductive freedom. He's no democrat.

    2. I know he isn't a democrat. And like you I know EXACTLY who he is. I live in Ohio and I am a democrat.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Simmer down, Angela. Otherwise we will put you in a time out at c4p, with all those testy folks!

    4. Oh my . . . . .its the stalker.

  22. Oh man Trump is coming off as incredibly defensive.

    He is losing this thing big time.

    I'm sorry HUGE time.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Turning redder by the second. Good thing there are a couple of MDs on the stage. Might come in handy if the Donald's head explodes.

  23. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Oh good, Donald, go after the reporters. That's such a winning strategy.

    1. Anonymous5:32 PM

      Conservatives ate it up when Newt Gingrich did this in the South Carolina debate in the 2012 election. Because the media is just one more liberal thing to hate.

  24. I just turned the freak show off. Was getting ready to holler at my TV and throw stuff. They are so damned self-righteous.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:10 PM

      LOL I had it on, and my husband asked "When did hell freeze over?" .....I'll never live this down.

  25. Caroll Thompson5:38 PM

    Rand Paul makes a case for the 4th amendment. Get a warrant. Best thing I heard all night.

  26. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Rand just went there!

  27. Rand Paul and Chris Christie are trading blows over the NSA.

    I kind of agree with Paul on this one.

  28. Ted Cruz thinks the only way to stop ISIS is to kill any person who might possibly want to join them.

    Sounds reasonable.

  29. Ben Carson thinks waterboarding is perfectly okay.

    As long as we never admit that we do it.

  30. Donald Trump is for a single payer system in other countries.

    And Rand Paul hates him for it.

  31. Anonymous5:49 PM

    This isn't a debate. This is a one hour commercial for the GOP candidates.

  32. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Hillary Clinton Trolls Republican Candidates

  33. Did Trump just suggest the answer to our healthcare system is TrumpSurance?

    1. Yep, and it's going to be the best, it's going to be HUGE!

  34. Trump is saying that he bought Hillary Clinton with campaign donations so that she would come to his wedding.


    1. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      I would LOVE to see Hillary's copy of the "thank you note" whichever wife he was marrying at the time. "Yo, Hillary and Bill, Thank you the very much for the chrome bread toast machine I can do my makeup on and dry nails while The Donald can kiss his face without mirror", but what is "crumb tray" for?

  35. Ben Carson wants to get rid of all the "loop hoes."

    I think he was talking about taxes.

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Maybe he was talking about Bristol Palin?

    2. Anonymous11:41 PM

      Racist comment

  36. Jeb Bush is now bragging about how he destroyed education in Florida.

  37. Jeb's claims about Florida school gains are pretty much bollucks.

  38. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I tried watching had to turn that bullshit off, turn to the Rachel Maddow show, she showed those that didn't make it debating to an empty stadium, so humiliating.

  39. This is embarrassing.

    Well, no, actually "embarrassing" doesn't cover it.

    Is this assemblage of clowns the best that one of the two political parties in the most powerful country in the world can come up with?

    Tragically, the answer is "Yes -- this is the best they have."

    Sad. Sick.

    I was able to stand 15 minutes of the "debate."

  40. Ben Carson is promising to make us all smarter.

    You first buddy.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      He comes across as a lightweight.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Ben Carson: Smallest navy since 1917...Need moar battleships? (How many battleships per aircraft carrier? DOH!)

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Battleships? Yeah. That will work great when we fight the War of 1812 again.

  41. "27 times since WWII" - please, don't tell me Jeb didn't know the questions beforehand. I suspected this earlier from what the candidates said, and this just sealed it.

  42. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Scott Walker says he will do to America what he did to Wisconsin.
    Good gosh, I agree with him on something.

  43. Scott Walker is saying he will do the same thing to America that he did to Wisconsin.

    Isn't that a terrorist threat?

    1. Anonymous6:38 PM

      Great minds, G... =)

    2. Anonymous7:44 PM

      It is unless it's consensual.


    3. Anonymous12:20 AM

      Scott Walker screwed us in WI and he'll screw y'all too!

      God I can't stand him.

  44. Huckabee apparently wants to tax prostitutes and drug dealers. I say .. why not?

  45. Is Chris Wallace going after Trump?

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      It certainly appears that way.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      They all looked like they were going after him! Kelly too.


    3. Anita Winecooler7:55 PM

      Hey, Chris, bring some air freshner, a clothes pin, and extra toilet paper.

  46. Trump claims he is not a bad businessman, he just costs his investors billions of dollars by filing for bankruptcy.

    But the important thing is that he is still rich.

  47. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Barbara I

  48. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Bernie Sanders Live-Tweets the GOP Debate

  49. I need someone saying something in Spanish and Hillary's emails for a bingo.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      bingo! Sorry,i won!

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      You're halfway there, amigo

  50. Anonymous6:27 PM

    Dick Cheney Was The Real Winner Of The First Republican Debate

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney's spirit is apparently as immortal as his earthly vessel.

    At Thursday evening's GOP candidate forum in Cleveland, Cheney's foreign policy vision was very much alive as various presidential hopefuls vowed to re-invade Iraq, send troops to Syria, spy on mosques here in America and get tough with Iran by scrapping President Barack Obama's diplomatic approach.

  51. No wonder Trump is doing well. This isn't a debate, it's a pageant, and he knows pageant!

    1. Anita Winecooler7:45 PM

      WINNER!!!! When's the bikini portion? And flute playin'?????? On second thought, never mind. Christie and Thong kini, perfect together!

  52. Anonymous6:40 PM

    From Bill Maher:

    Rand Paul remembered one thing from his debate prep: If they ask about Gay, bring it around to GUNS RIGHT AWAY!! ‪#‎MakesNoSenseWhoCares‬?

  53. Cruz just totally didn't answer the question about cyber spying from China and ... that other country ... and then got a jab against Carter and for Reagan ... yea

  54. According to Huckabee we have decimated our military. I say No.

  55. Anonymous6:47 PM

    When they come back after the break with God, boy oh boy will they be surprised cuz i believe She is PISSED.

  56. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Donate to win!

  57. Question: "Does God talk to you?"

    Oh this should be good.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Questions are easy if you don't answer them.
      I hate to give any credit whatsoever to Walker, a blithering idiot who has driven the WI economy into the ground, but at least his answer related in some small way to the question.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

      What a "Fox" question. A better one would be "Do you talk to God?"

      Megyn got a good hair job! The extensions and dye job were fantastic, but her highlights were all wrong. Tabitha Coffey would slap your stylist silly, just sayin.

  58. Anonymous6:52 PM

    God said She does not want to be involved in our crazy American bullshit... why can't any of them admit to that fact?

  59. And now it's the Christian revival hour.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      Shocked, Shocked!

      Cue up Cher's "Gypsies, Tramps and Theives"

  60. Ben Carson hates talk of race war and the driving of wedges into people.

    My that does sound violent.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:27 PM

      LOL, He also took out half of someone's brain and did siamese twin surgery. And operated on feti in the womb! Beat THAT donald!

  61. Anonymous6:56 PM

    God said all those peeps need meds cuz She is NOT whispering to them about ANYTHING, much less about how to run the country.

    Personally, i believe it's their guilty consciences driving them mad.

  62. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Deedeethree on C4P writes: "Sarah is watching and waiting and taking notes, then she will use her degree in journalism and do some digging and investigating.Then she will have a dossier on all the current candidates on what they said before to what they are saying now."

    Haahahahahahahaha. Can't....breathe....

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Trust me.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Dee is definitely insane. Thanks again, RayGun for letting out the mentally ill.

    3. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Dee is dumber than the clown car full of republicans!

  63. Anonymous6:58 PM

    oh yawn. don't get lousy stinken station. I will read all about it Watching Jon Stewart instead.

  64. Apparently the jobs their parents held is REALLY important to the GOP candidates.

    My mom was a waitress, elect me.

  65. Anonymous7:00 PM

    God said She is exhausted having to listen to all this party of the "I" bullshit and that She is going to have a vodka and orange juice and flip over to Jon's final show where She knows She'll be thoroughly entertained :)

    1. Anonymous12:26 AM

      Hi God! Good to know you're a fan of John Stewart. Or John Leibowitz, as you may know him originally as. Either way, I bet you're kinda sad to see him go.

  66. Hey Ben Carson has a comedy routine!

  67. Replies
    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      *sigh* and still no baby daddy for Bristol's newest abstinence fetus.

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      And it's over.
      If only.


  68. Watching Jon Stewart's last show!

  69. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Sarah Palin did an excellent job at the first debate


    Biotch is afraid to run for the 2016 presidency. It is 2012 all over again.

  70. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Jebbie proved that we don't need another Bush in Washington.

  71. Anonymous7:34 PM

    5 Reasons To Be Glad That You Didn’t Watch The Fox News Debate

    From Donald Trump getting booed to Jeb Bush rewriting history to blame President Obama for his brother’s economic collapse, here are five reasons to be glad that you didn’t watch the first Republican debate.....

  72. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    I kind of watched the whole shebang, Trump just HAD to toss a dig at Rosie O'Donnel at the onset, a truly palin worthy "WTF Moment". Is Rosie running for office?
    Overall, it accomplished nothing, not one stood out among the rest as "Sponge worthy" let alone "Candidate Material".

    Where's the outreach to disenfranchised voters? Minorities?
    "Inclusion", they all cancelled each other out.

    The best was the end, when they played their violin music about being raised poor, hard work, working class, etc. etc. and NOT one related to the working class's plight. A ship of fools.

  73. I really don't want to interrupt this "debate" thread with some really, really serious material -- however -- while we were distracted watching the GOP Clown Car roll over in a ditch, Bristol was busy posting new material to her Instagram page -- and it's really, really WEIRD!!!

    She says:

    ". . . That's why I'm self made. . . "


    1. Anonymous8:22 PM

      A plaigiarist is what she is! The illiterate grifter couldn't do more than rip this off. WITHOUT CREDITING THE AUTHOR.

      " Erica Faith › 422 days ago
      The difference between you and me is that i'm built for this shit! i've conquered my demons. i've been broke, paid, lied... "

    2. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Every time Bristol posts this stuff, I think of Phyllis on the Mary Tyler Moore show talking down to Mary Richards.

      If you've fought those demons, Bristol, you'd quit your stupid Nancy-written blog, stay out of the press, drop the exotica BFF, and raise your bastard kids to be responsible adults.

    3. Anonymous12:38 AM

      Yes, Bristol is self made all right, with Sarah Palin's money and connections to put Bristol on TV and set her up with Nancy French, the blog and book ghost writer. And Donald Trump is self made, too. Look what he made of himself after inheriting great money from his wealthy father. .

  74. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    Go Rosie!!!!!!!

    1. Anonymous11:43 PM

      Awe f***ing some !

  75. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Fox News had a panel on, from the audience. They were asked if they had changed their views on Trump. Many of them before the debate were supporting him, but after tonight, changed their tunes. They didn't like the Trump refused to answer the questions and that he was willing to sabotage the GOP by running as an Independent.

    1. Upset were they that Trump wouldn't play their game?
      That's the appeal of Trump. You can't have it both ways.

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      If Trump really wants to be the nominee, he only has to do one thing. Go on television or appear at an event in front of several reporters and call President Obama an uppity _______.

      The republican base will then happily crawl over broken glass to vote for him. Meanwhile, Reince Priebus will be sobbing uncontrollably over losing control of the inmates.

  76. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Digby had a flashback.

    "George W. Bush was sitting on his porch at the fake ranch in Crawford when he received a memo entitled "Bin Laden determined to strike inside the United States." It was later reported he told the briefer, "All right. You've covered your ass now." And then he went fishing. "

    Let me know how all this turns out...

  77. Anonymous9:21 PM

    I can HARDLY wait for the Heinous Heifer's rebuttal.
    Earn your money, RAM. Sheesh.

  78. Anonymous9:22 PM

    in reading the comments over at the piss pond about the "debate" came across this little jewel ;
    Q • an hour ago
    jebbie and Paul are the only 2 candidates whose Drudge Poll percentages have dropped tonight. All others have gained, even Christie with 1.39% now. lol
    • Reply•Share ›

    onparade Q • an hour ago
    trump with 41%
    1 • Reply•Share ›
    kennjac Q • an hour ago
    Do you have a link to Drudge?
    • Reply•Share ›
    Kathleen kennjac • an hour ago
    1 • Reply•Share ›
    senator20526 Kathleen • 8 minutes ago
    You can vote as many times as you want.
    • Reply•Share ›
    kennjac Kathleen • 40 minutes ago
    • Reply•Share ›

    .. those morons just love it when they can jump into one of their "poles" and vote as many times as they like .. simple minded droolers ..

  79. jonlives11:21 PM

    i could care less of these fucks ... i am still misty eyed with jon stewarts farewell.

  80. Anonymous12:40 AM

    How many more debates will take place before Sarah's fans realize that she is not running?

  81. Anonymous4:13 AM

    We are all doing exactly what the GOP wants. We are letting their insane candidates control the news. This has gone on every three years for the past dozen years or so. From now on, every newspaper and every news program will lead with which GOP nincompoop is saying what. None of them are worthwhile as potential presidential material but that does not matter; it's all for entertainment and brainwashing.

    Most of us can predict that Jeb Bush will eventually emerge as the "adult" in the room, much as John McCain and Mitt Romney did in years past. In the meantime the GOP's favorite talking points - war and more war, the evils of abortion (ironic that warmongers are so worried about fetuses), the destruction of their recently discovered Christianity (to say nothing about the equally ironic feared loss of their "second amendment rights) by immoral liberals, and finally the need to control minorities and to end immigration - will dominate the political discourse all over the US. Every insane proposition ever brought up by any of these hateful people will be repeated to the point that many voters (especially the Fox News types) will be cowering under their beds. The Democrats, on the other hand, with real proposals for making this country better will be dismissed by the national media as boring and not get any coverage at all.

    In this morning's international edition of the New York Times there are minimally three front page articles about last evening's opening debate among the Klown Kar occupants. I doubt that there is even a sentence among all of those reporters' sentences that describes the insanity rampant among the GOP contenders.

    Sorry for the rant but I think these debates should be banned. It is nothing but hour upon hour of free time for the GOP to distort reality. It's all especially disgusting when you think that major channels won't allow the President of the United States address the nation on important issues. Remember a few months ago. President Obama's speech at American Univ. on the multi,lateral agreement with Iran should have been a speech made to the country on national television and covered by all of the channels and news outlets. But that did not happen and we know why because we know who controls the media.

    1. Many people--who knows how many--like me, did not see the debeats [yes] because we don't have cable. My thought is Fox did this on purpose to minimize the damage. Major political events are not usually restricted to only those who can afford to attend. So far.

  82. I'm not risking even a twenty bet that Chris Christie got through two continuous hours on his feet without farting.

  83. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Sarah Palin was at home watching the first 2016 GOP presidential debate and was heartbroken that her new beau didn’t mention her name and her new Trump administration cabinet position.

    Sarah Palin I guess Trump is not into you?

  84. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Wonkette said Sarah Palin walks down aisles at Home Depot looking for lawn products that have names that might be pretty for Bristol’s latest virgin birth!


    What The Hell Does Sarah Palin Want Now?

    Does Sarah want to be vice president when Donald Trump becomes “president,” because he already said he wants to tap her, in a government way? Does she want to Maverick her way into the You Betcha spot at the last minute and run for president? (Probably not, presidents don’t usually quit halfway through their terms unless they’ve been caught doing Watergate.) Is she just GRIFTING FOR CASH LIKE SHE ALWAYS DOES, because it beats getting a real job?.... 

    And also, retire from what, exactly? Sarah Palin’s current job, as far as we can tell, is dictating Facebook status updates to an aide while she does her “exercises” or smokes cigarettes on the front porch or looks through the aisles at Home Depot looking for lawn products that have names that might be pretty for Bristol’s latest virgin birth, we don’t fucking know what she does with her spare time, which is ALL OF IT....

    A bunch of Republican idiots talk about how Sarah Palin is the best thing that ever happened to all nations that ever existed. John McCain says Palin was the thing that really sent his campaign over the top, by which he means that space just underneath the Obama-Biden ticket we guess....

    1. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Sarah walked down the rodent section at Home Depot and looked at some mouse traps.

      Mouse traps? Barstool how about naming my new grandchild Trapp?

  85. Anonymous5:39 AM

    Did Jeb really say, ""Elect me, and I'll make America like Florida?"

    Not just no, but HELL NO!

  86. Amy in Juneau10:01 AM

    I haven't read thru the comments here, but I just saw an MSN article about Kim K posting a selfie with Hillary on Twitter, "Stealing the GOP Debate thunder".

    Hear that Bristol? Your idol you try to emulate is supporting Clinton for President.

    1. Anonymous11:06 AM

      I doubt that KK will support any Democrat. The Kardashians are very southern California conservative. This is more media whoring by KK.

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Yes, it looks like she is going to support a Democrat. It is Hillary. I don't know if she made it official yet. It's been talked about before this selfie.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.