Thursday, August 06, 2015

Lion killing dentist forced to hire armed security.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Lion killing-pariah Walter Palmer has hired a phalanx of private investigators to protect his safari-themed homes from animal rights activists, Daily Mail Online can reveal. 

The globally-despised dentist, 55, is spending thousands of dollars a day on armed security and covert CCTV cameras after being deluged with death threats and abuse. 

Palmer and his blonde wife Tonette, 56, went into hiding last week after he was unmasked as the fanatical American bow hunter who slaughtered famed big cat, Cecil. 

While the wealthy couple remain out of sight, private detective agencies have been tasked with guarding their three lavish properties, which are all crammed with exotic animal heads and mementos from Palmer's numerous kills. 

The main Palmer residence in Eden Prairie, Minnesota has been closely monitored by police and has so far escaped any damage. 

But their vacation home in upscale Marco Island, Florida was targeted overnight Monday when vandals sprayed the words 'lion killer' on his garage door and dumped pigs' feet on his driveway. 

Daily Mail Online can reveal the $1.1 million waterfront property has a hunting-themed decor, with exotic animals and safari motifs on the wallpaper, drapes and upholstery. 

Okay I just have to say that while I think this Walter Palmer guy is a despicable human being, and deserves much of the backlash that he has received, I draw the line at death threats and property destruction.

Engaging in criminal behavior in response to behavior you find criminal is a logically impaired mindset.

In other news Cecil the Lion has become a cause celeb and has even been memorialized by one of the animators behind "The Lion King."

I'm telling you if this keeps up it could have a significant impact on minimizing or even putting a stop to trophy hunting around the world.

And gee wouldn't that be oh so terrible?


  1. Anonymous2:27 PM

    What is he, the Koch bro's dentist or something?

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      My thoughts exactly. It sounds like there might have been some corruption in his past - there is not too many dentist who can afford multiple multi-million dollar properties.

    2. Isabella7:41 PM

      That's what I thought too. Maybe he inherited? If he's doing illegal stuff, it'll come out sooner or later.

    3. His wife is loaded. He married money.

  2. Our Lad2:31 PM

    Despicable behavior by the vandals and also predictable. This cadidate for Motherfucker Of The Year has been slaughtering for grins for years and now is reaping his karmic reward. Welcome to the rest of your life, needledick!

  3. Anonymous2:42 PM

    I love the above rendition of that gorgeous lion!!!

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM


    2. It is available for sale as a poster and all profits are going to WildCRU.

      Ty is releasing a Cecil the Lion beanie baby end of September with profits going to WildCRU also.

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I'm against the vandalism. Solves nothing.

    Has he lawyered up yet? Seems to have enough $$ to hire the best.

    Expect he's looking into plastic surgery and moving assets and contemplating a life abroad in a cave, a really dark and dank cave. Minus wifey-poo -- Tonette? Really? Named after a kid's perm from the '50s? -- who likely has had enough of the animal obsession.

    1. He can't afford to leave his wife. She's the one with all the money.

    2. Anonymous5:48 AM

      I bet most of his monetary assets have been off shore for decades.

  5. Anonymous3:13 PM

    That artwork is awesome.

    My dad's name was Cecil. I so hope your predictions come true.

    He probably hired someone to do that to his property, cuz you know, sympathy and victim cards and shit.

    I know Marco Island and southwest Florida very well.

  6. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Lot's of changes are happening because of this dickwad. Both United and Delta airlines will no longerallow shipping of animal parts to or from the U.S for one.

    I hope this couple (she's an exotic animal slaughterer as well) loses every last dime,every piece of property and all those chicklet teeth.Maybe palin can rent out her Arizona home to them. I'm sure she has great sympathy for them and besides she'll need the cash soon.

    1. UPS is still willing to ship animal parts from Africa to the U.S. I think FedEx still does too.

  7. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Run, Palmer, Run! How does it feel to be hunted down for the rest of your natural life?! Welcome to the Jungle!

  8. Anonymous6:20 PM

    He deserves what he gets.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    The artwork is an amazing tribute. Saw "The Lion King" on broadway and was impressed with Julie Traymor's vision. She's got an amazing eye for detail. I highly recommend watching "Across the Universe", another of her collaborations.

    As far as the Dr., one way or another the boomerang of karma will handle him, regardless of his ability to pay to weasel his way out of a trial or punishment. Karma works in it's own time, it's own way, he now embodies all the qualities that his "Trophy" lion didn't possess. Animals only kill for survival, and they usually do it quickly. This man is a coward and knows what it feels like to be stalked and hunted.
    Not a fan of the graffiti, two wrongs don't make a right, but it's somewhat minor in comparison to his actions.
    One of my coworkers adopted a kitten and named him "Cecil" because her daughter felt it would honor it's wild ancestor. I thought it was appropriate.

  10. I'm really surprised that HE isn't being hunted by some whacko. Though vandalism is never right, he is lucky that's all he's getting.

  11. physicsmom7:46 PM

    The artwork is disappointing. Cecil's primary feature which distinguished him from other males, is his black mane. The artist needs to go back and correct this so it actually looks like Cecil, and it will then be a very fitting memorial.

    1. He's supposed to be in the clouds. Artistic license. Black clouds probably didn't work for him.

  12. Paul in Minnesota3:44 AM

    Also be nice if Cecil's death due attention to Mugabe and his dictatorship. Be great if Mugabe also died and his cronies fell so that Zimbabwe could move on, heal and ordinary Zimbabwenans could have a better life.

  13. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Until he presents evidence of the death threats, I am presuming this is all part of "I am a victim" defense.

    What a coward, if he believes his poaching was legal, why is he hiding? Oh right bullies run and hide when confronted.

    Too bad South Africa doesn't look into his white rhino hunt, did he poach that animal also. There are only 4 white rhinos left in the wild.

    I agree with the commenter that stated the artwork would have been nicer with a black mane.

  14. Palmer apparently thought killing a lion was only about him and the lion. It wasn't. Actions have consequences. Black lives matter, the unborn matter, endangered species matter, the environment matters, the planet matters, humanity matters, etc.
    I don't endorse threats and vandalism, but that's often what happens when passionate people are confronted with an outrage.


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