Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Host of, I kid you not, "The Palin Update" interviews Sarah Palin. Gee you think he asked her any "gotcha" questions?

Okay so first let me tell you that this article in on Breitbart, so click at your own risk.

Secondly this guy's head is so far up Palin's ass that he can watch her digest her daily intake of Red Bull and Crunchwrap Supremes.

Which is pretty obvious from how this Kevin Scholla guy starts the article:  

Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was my guest on The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio and she tackled the hot topics with precision, passion, and poise. From Planned Parenthood to our Second Amendment, Palin didn’t shy away. She gave lucid arguments for how to proceed while making no excuses for being a Christian in a Christian nation. 

Yep he actually suggested she was "lucid."

Here are the "lucid" things she said about the GOP candidates: 

“I’m very thankful we have a deep bench and they all have positive attributes. They all have some good background that bodes well for what they would do as the administrator, the executive of our nation. I just have appreciated though the opportunity to speak personally and on a professional level about Mr. Trump’s attributes.”

Just dripping with lucidity don't you think?

But the truly lucid remarks are left for Planned Parenthood: 

“Planned Parenthood needs to be defunded and shut down,” said Palin. “It is such a sham business. This BS of them touting all the medical services they provide women and the free healthcare–They don’t provide all these services. They are able to refer out services. It’s immoral, it’s unethical, it’s disgusting, it’s despicable, this butcher shop that we see now that they are.”

And of course what does Scholla believe gives Palin the credibility to go after Planned Parenthood so viciously?


Of course Palin has a unique perspective here, after choosing life for her son Trig knowing that he’d be born with Down Syndrome.

That's right her fake pregnancy is the golden ticket that she needs to lie and demagogue to her heart's content. After all who could dare challenge her after she "gave birth" to her little Down syndrome prop?

Besides me of course.

Here is her final rant lucid statement about what conservative need to do moving forward:

“We need constitutional conservatives who really understand what freedom is and how important it is to fight for freedom,” Palin said. “They have to be fighters. We have to be fighters. We have to do it now. We don’t have a whole lot of time left to undo what Obama has done to our country so we need to start doing our own homework on candidates. Our own homework on what these policies and these laws actually are coming out of DC and we need to take action. God doesn’t drive parked cars. He expects us to take action and to do our own homework.” 

"God doesn't drive parked cars?" So somebody clear this up for me, to the Right Wing is the word "lucid" interchangeable with "batshit crazy?"

Cause I'm confused. 


  1. Anonymous12:08 PM


    The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio.. WTF was the idiot who thought that endeavor up and who are the sponsors, Depends and Ensure?

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Taco Bell and Red Bull? Gabor Wigs and Suave Self Tanning Lotion?

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      The P.U. (Palin Update) brought to you by G&D: grifting and desperation.

    3. Anonymous1:15 PM

      She resides at the bottom of the barrel, with other liars (hitler, madoff, anything fox, elizabeth hasselbeck, ann coulter, donald trump, genghis Con, george W.)

    4. Anonymous2:49 PM

      And It's a very DEEP barrel, right Sarah?

    5. Anonymous8:20 PM

      They are all lies. We never see this. Strange. Haha write whatever about her being normal. She is not. She is a loon.

  2. Do the clinics that service the Native Alaskan Indians perform abortions? And if they do, I am pretty certain our tax dollars are at work. Does anyone know?

    I am just sick of this holier than thou attitude.

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Bristol might know. Isn't she on Native Alaskan Medical Insurance and ACA?

    2. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Well if $arah is so full of love then why is she killing people? Cry cry cry in a jail cell baby…she extorted funds that were a BIRTHRIGHT as Senator Hollis French said…and that the owner is no threat to anyone!
      Cry cry cry in the courtroom baby…

    3. Anonymous9:34 PM



    4. Thank You. Looks like you have to have a pretty good reason to have an abortion...but it can be done.

  3. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Dear Mama Grizzly,

    Without fetal tissue, how are scientists supposed to solve medical issues that are afflicting people younger than in the past like Alzheimers, premature aging and others? You cannot be that ignorant?

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Sarah doesn't care about that. Pro life = pro forced birth. Nothing more and nothing less.

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Methinks she can.

    3. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Yes, she is. Dumb as a rock.

    4. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Yes, she is that ignorant.

    5. Anonymous1:21 PM

      one would think she better get her affairs in order to be ready for the big trials coming up…I heard that a retired CIA dude is in Washington DC…hand carrying evidence to have the President review…and with the latest bickering with John McCain…our Constitutional Professor for a President might make her an example out of it…matter of fact…the news said that Russia and the USA signed into a law that goes after officials who violate human rights…wasn’t it The Kid who said from Russia with love?

    6. Anonymous3:20 PM


      Aren't the Palins out of the country? Why would they return if it would be a bad trip for them?

  4. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "God doesn't drive parked cars?"

    Isn't that same phrase on the last page of her "Going Rogue"?

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      She stole it from the weekly inspirational sign in front of the Wasilla Baptist Church.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Anything is possible with God. Just because he hasn't driven a parked car doesn't mean he won't do it.

    3. Anonymous1:14 PM

      yes Todd and Sarah will be answering to a judge in a court about that and other activities they engage in and bushwhacked others to engage in…luckily for the “hired help” the target forgives their stupidity…the judge might not be so forgiving…we will see…stay tuned Alaska Court Systems…

    4. Anonymous1:21 PM

      you left out Bristol sending her “minions” to emit domestic-terrorism on a child-rape victim…when the victim called the cops it kind of threw a wrench in the gears…

    5. hauksdottir2:07 PM

      Of course not!

      He waits for John Denver to take the wheel, and then contents Himself with monopolizing the radio station.

    6. Anonymous2:20 PM

      You mean there's no special...

      God: Life is a crap shoot, like the millionth customer that crosses the bridge gets to shake hands with the governor. You thought I picked you because you're better than everyone?

    7. Anonymous2:41 PM

      Parked cars usually have Bristol in the back seat 'interviewing' trial daddies.

  5. Janice A Soderquist12:24 PM

    No person with a brain follows Sarah's interviews. She is on her own. She is at the bottom of the barrel now and knows it. Everyone just laughs at her anymore. Do you see anyone with a brain asking for her advise? Do you hear anyone with a brain call for her advise. She is just a treadmark on the road.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM


    2. Janice A Soderquist1:07 PM

      Thank you, typing too fast

    3. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Well then I guess it will be “God’s Will” to have them stand trial…start in Alaska, then Washington DC then the United Nations council…hee haw..;)

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      You are correct. If you Google News her, it's pretty much Breitbart that has any sort of consistency in publishing anything about her. Every so often a few news outlets picks up stuff, but less and less often as the time goes forward. This latest Nancy French attack is making some rounds, and Mediaite grabs stuff from Breitbart a lot of the time, but overall it's pretty much a media blackout on her sorry ass.

    5. Anonymous8:25 PM

      What the hell is she talking about deep bench. Read the first sentence. Wtf

  6. Anonymous12:25 PM


    The last page of Going Rogue!

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      well what about Sarah’s mom and MEM going to a “ripe tomato” house to wonder “why are you here”? lol…so what was all that about? hmmm?
      Oh right…that certain someone being in Alaska just focked it all up?
      And how is that again…oh right that HUGE Trust fund in Alaska…
      So what’s up with Seanny boy in Wasilla? oh right…drive by’s again?
      Well it’s all going to be discussed in Geneva from what I understand…
      Can anyone say “OOOUUUCCCHHH”…damn that DNA sample indeed!

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Speaking of DNA, Nicholas II of Russia is Great great Grandpa...so now lets talk about those international human rights violations and abuse....and that account that began Dain Bosworth in 1929.... This should be a Matlock moment...

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Kid, your credibility is faltering. You mention too many courts, too many countries and I doubt the POTUS would be reviewing a court case.

    4. Anonymous4:15 PM

      Nicky was killed with his kids in Ekaterinburg Impatiev House. His kids never had kids.

  7. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Wow, that whole "fighter" thing is, to quote a famous former politician, "despicable" and "disgusting."

    Plus, Sarah, please tell us what about the Obama era you want to undo -- the rise in the stock market, the rise in jobs created, the drop in the unemployment rate, the returning of our troops to our shores, the push for equal pay for women,
    or dozens of other accomplishments? Would you like the economic crisis brought on by George Bush and his cronies?
    Would you like to send our troops out to foreign countries that don't want us interfering in their business? Do you want to put all those new workers on the unemployment line? Please be specific.

    There's so much to say, Sarah, but let me conclude by telling you, once again, that we are not a "Christian nation." We are a country in which no religion is granted sovereignty, which is written right into your beloved First Amendment. That means you're free to pray with Rev. Muthee, and my daughter is free to attend Quaker Friends Meetings, and my son was free, as an adult, to decide not to attend any church at all. Do you know the difference between all the varieties of "Christian?" Does that mean you agree with Pope Francis, or is he some other kind of Christian that you don't recognize? When the Mormons die and get their own planets, do you wish you could do that, too? When the Episcopalians and Methodists accept same-sex marriage, are they un-Christian? Can you name the denominations of the different Founding Fathers, and which ones didn't have any particular religion?

    Why not take some time each day to study the Constitution, and the New Testament, and then get back to us. Thanks for caring.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      New Testament??? You mean their is a new one that she can quote, but never embrace? Well, this just sucks!

    2. Anonymous1:05 PM

      Oh, plus, let's repeal Obamacare and all those lives that it's already saved.

      Do you ever watch a TV show or movie that's even just a few years old, when one of the plot points is that people can't afford to go to a doctor or hospital, or have an operation? Do you realize that, in the states that now have ACA, that's not true anymore?

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      yeah like how much money is that “kid” worth now…all this drama because of the Geneva trip…wow…let’s have a test of intelligence then…we win!

    4. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Who went to Geneva, when and what was the purpose?

  8. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Kevin Scholla was the one that set up the Palin in Trump's cabinet nonsense!:

    "Yesterday, Donald Trump appeared on “The Palin Update,” a show dedicated to all things Palin. After Trump hailed Palin as a “tough and smart” leader who bravely stood up to “disgusting lies,” host Kevin Scholla asked the GOP presidential candidate, “If there is a Trump administration, could you see picking up the phone, giving the governor a call and picking her brain on some things, or perhaps having her along in some official capacity.”

    “I’d love that,” Trump replied. “Because she really is somebody who knows what’s happening and she’s a special person, she’s really a special person and I think people know that.”

    “Everybody loves her,” he added. Trump went on to say that unlike the former half-term Alaska governor, his current Republican rivals are “weak” and “ineffective” leaders “to a degree that’s actually almost hard to believe.”

    Voters, Trump explained, “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.”"


    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      "“Everybody loves her,” he added." Trump needs to lay off whatever he's on. He's freaking delusional thinking everyone loves that has been idiot.

      "Voters, Trump explained, “like the Sarah Palin kind of strength, you just don’t see very much of it anymore.”"" Newsflash--voters don't like corrupt idiots who quit half way through their term

  9. "she tackled the hot topics with precision, passion, and poise"
    No, she didn't. She can't.

    "She gave lucid arguments "
    No she didn't. She can't.

    "Of course Palin has a unique perspective here, after choosing life for her son Trig knowing that he’d be born with Down Syndrome."
    Seven years later and she still has not progressed her Trig narrative beyond how noble and wonderful she was for being willing to parent Trig. God forbid she should pay the slightest attention to, you know, Trig.

    What a horrid and stupid waste of skin.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      If she's anti-abortion, she didn't choose not to have an abortion. She would never have considered it. She's no saint -- she just did what she says all women must do.

    2. When I saw that "precision, passion, and poise", the first thing I thought of is the perennial Palinbot troll who called himself Hammer of Thor (plus a few other sock puppet names), who spammed every Palin blog top with alliterative drooling love paeans to her.

      So, is Kevin Scholla "Hammer of Thor"?

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      yeah alaska is the worst in the nation and hand picked cases hu? say hows that dave parker doing…again….more obstruction? of course…
      they crucify those they cannot forget…just give them the money…

    4. Anonymous2:11 PM

      yeah, just stop. It is getting old.

    5. Anonymous3:41 PM

      2:11 it's just now getting started... evidences hav been assembled... retired judges are in the final stages of review... They're starting evidensherry hearings in the Geneva courts... they can run but they can't hide... lol...

    6. Anonymous6:12 PM


      You do know that Dave Parker no longer works for APD, right? You always seem a bit behind the times on all things "Alaska".

    7. Anonymous9:38 PM

      Evidensherry? ROFLMFAO!!!!

  10. Anonymous12:33 PM

    This interview is exactly why Palin doesn't get those $100,000 speeches anymore. Some old worn out BS over and over again. No vision from Ms Wonky Eye.

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      well now Sarah just spoon fed SNL skits to last before and after the elections…that will be popcorn night…Tina Fey will be glad to do it!
      We will be glad to watch it in America – home of the Braves!

  11. Anonymous12:56 PM

    BAtSHit is on a roll!


    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      whut? No bubbles?

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      yeah I heard about that…let’s see it started with Annie then Sarah bull-winkled Westa, that Cape Hood meeting with Kristan Cole?
      Then what? um…oh then there is John…and Todd trying to get someone into prostitution “one more time” attempts blew up in his face!
      “Got balls that clank”…not prostitution material I guess…oh then there is the suicide of one of Westa’s kid…poor Westa…the curse of the Palins indeed! See what happens when you do the Palins a favor?

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Translation into English, please.

  12. Anonymous1:02 PM

    She's so desperate she has to go on her own promoting show to promote herself? WTF? Really? She has descended to staging accidental run ins at malls and sucking up to her sycophants? Wow. Just wow. She is so done, done, done. She will forever be a fringe player, if that, because soon all her old, white, horny followers and their counterparts, the old, white, dried up, cranky female followers, will have dropped dead or fallen into incoherence and dementia. She's a desperate grifter, looking for the next mark, only to find that close to the entire PLANET is laughing at her, mocking her and trashing her for her nasty, mean and ignorant personality. And not far behind is her fucked up female offspring. Brisdull in particular has become a carbon copy of her sick and twisted parents. Mostly Willow has stayed clear of the disastrous public image...mostly, I say. She seems to not have been infected with the narcissism gene quite the same way as Bristol has.

  13. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Ironically, there is some compelling bible-riffic evidence that Jeebus worked his way through seminary/furniture repair school as a valet parking attendant at a popular Roman casino/brothel/pizzeria. So in a very real sense perhaps god did drive parked cars.

  14. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Jesus Christ himself couldn't get the Republican nomination for POTUS next year. He's a liberal hippie after all.

  15. The Kid1:12 PM

    This is the email I sent to her... I did ya'll a favor lol...

    Thursday July 2nd, 2009 8:40:22 pm

    Independence is something I never got to experience…
    The trust fund and the “planning” you knew XXX was doing…
    Then the imprisonment for better “solid legal evidence” of keep the trust account…where is freedom here?
    For you all, well spend money like water…
    you have to live with what you did…
    those are exerts from your son…
    who got treated like shit and almost lost at the demise of XXX…
    Munchhausen syndrome by proxy…that is why you took the boys and ran…
    and leaving me to deal with her Obsessive compulsive disorder to the trust account…
    Happy 4th of July…
    Oh by the way –
    Yeah I am suing your asses…
    How dare you lie to me – on the phone –
    only to find out “this is the first time you are mad at your dad”???
    told that person he is not my dad…
    oh and tell your best friends I am coming after Palin…
    bitch tried to get me killed – then went after XXX???
    oh the webs she weaves – uh news flash – XXX Bro is a retired Detective…
    and might show up since I gave him the intel report of how they are going to him…
    to get to me and that is strike two now…attempted murder is a felony…
    times are hard – people are talking for less cash…
    tell Palin I will not move – and XXX sold you out…
    Hope your happy…
    I will be ecstatic when I bring ethics violations and have evidences…
    oh – may be you should burn my house down…
    Oh yeah – you all (Palin) tried – dumbshits that they are…
    they had MEA jolt the wrong address…
    wow…federal crimes of the worst nature…
    Let’s see…XXX had property in Anchorage downtown…
    you and XXX had it in Anchorage and some in the Valley…
    good developments – which are a derivative of Sundance Development…
    glad I was such a treasure to adopt…
    Now I am getting my money back and you all…
    are going to federal prison…I will be so happy to see it in a federal court…
    local or DC…they haven’t decided yet…

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Gryphen, please remove this post. Someone left their padded cell door open and they used the computer.

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

      You may need to give API a call, tell 'em to load a roll of tinfoil into their fax so you can send 'em all the details while still maintaining op sec!

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Sent to who? In this format?

    4. Anonymous2:20 PM

      2:04, I'm gut laughing over here. Thanks.

    5. Shawns MOM2:22 PM

      She resigned a half hour after Shawn's psych eval came back clean. Secret Service said he could testify. That's why she quit.

    6. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Lol!! This post brought out the anti-Palin loonies... Shawnsmom washt Shawn just arrested AGAIN for a conflict with another women? Maybe get him and your family some therapy.
      The entire psych report showed Shawns problems.

      Sarah quit to make money and to feel important again.

    7. Shawns MOM3:29 PM

      How do you know what was in the entire psych report? You're looking at a huge HIPPA violation. Expect to hear from our lawyers.

    8. Anonymous3:49 PM

      3:16 PM You must be a Palin High School dropout. Check your own backyard before advising others. Sarah Palin QUIT to avoid going to court.

    9. Anonymous3:54 PM

      3:49 PM You're right, she quit, but not because of that Penn. jackass. She quit because of that e-mail from The Kid posted below.

    10. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Shawn's mom, you are a wacko. That goes for THE KID, also too. Take some deep breaths and your medication. Expect to hear from the API crew.

    11. Cracklin Charlie4:08 PM

      Interesting choice of words in one of Sarah's lucid comments above:

      From Sarah Palin:

      "We don’t have a whole lot of time left to undo what Obama has done to our country so we need to start doing our own homework on candidates."

      Not a lot of time, Sarah? Going somewhere?

    12. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Hey Charlie have you heard any rumors about that old tv show coming back? I think I heard it was "I've Got A Secret."

      Have you heard anything like they are looking at Chris Hanson to be the new host and Sarah will be on the pilot?

    13. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Cracklin Charlie, maybe Sarah thinks all that Obama has done for this country magically disappears after his term, therefore to undo it, she must do her homework now.

      I know it doesn't make sense, but neither does that sentence.

    14. Anonymous6:24 PM

      "It's time."

    15. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Shawn's mom's lawyers are going to find someone who posted anonymously on the Internet? Wow, you must be wealthy!!

      And yet you didn't comment on Shawn's recent arrest. Why was that?

      To 3:49, fuck you.

    16. Anonymous7:39 PM

      6:54 PM You don't qualify to fuck anyone, troll. The truth about your dropping out of High School hurts. Sarah Palin quit to avoid ethics charges, fool.

    17. The Kid's 2nd cousin's father's sister's son's ex-wife8:16 PM

      These things shouldn't be publicly revealed... like when you told about the Knik Goose Bay prostitute story and the jolt of electricity went to the house...wrong address...oops...and that poor kid got blamed for it...so Czar Nicholas of Russia II had to intervene...your nothing but a mosquito was the word that went out...I can breath wen I can stop laughing...but word to the vice...don't post all our family stuff on public boards...

    18. Anonymous8:38 PM

      the reason she resigned…
      the reason she gave Trans Canada 500 million dollars…
      the reason Alaska Oil company and subsidiaries sold recently…
      the reason she hates Alaska now…
      the reason she sent cookies to Natives…
      the reason she spews hate on Muslims…

      may be she needs to be anointed with olive oil…

      then we can watch her flop around like a marionette…toss olive oil on her and watch her perform…may be this time the demon will leave her alone? may be she should not play with big boys either…

    19. Anonymous10:01 PM

      Since when does quitting absolve one of criminal penalties? Answer: It does NOT. 7:39, you're full of shit. The fact is you don't know why Palin quit. But one thing is certain: she cut no deal with DOJ to quit in exchange for dropping any ethics charges. What would be in it for DOJ? Absolutely nothing.

    20. Cracklin Charlie10:03 PM

      The demon seems to come from within. Not likely it will leave her, alone or otherwise.

    21. Anonymous11:04 PM

      5:48 Sense into a crazy world? It’s so crazy, I heard some investment money went to making that film that got released before the Benghazi incident and that the SPECIFIC intent of the film was to take religion and tweek it to be perverted as they did…cough cough…thus CAUSING an uprising…that did not escalate into war as predicted…so I wonder who lost money on that venture… Palin? lol…head tilt…
      Ever notice when things get to a boiling point in “revelations” about some matters, McCain squawks like a duck and waddles like a goose…
      The world will find out what you allowed to happen in Alaska McCain… and you can’t hide WHO is in Alaska forever…and Palin blackmailed you…and how about the HUGE accounts in Alaska…you know…the one that is invested in BP, Land, Sundance Films, and other richer investments…gosh paybacks will be HUGE hu Sarah…how is England doing these days…this is gonna be a fun winter…lol….since I am a little mouse…G…R…I…N….oh and Captain Zero will be arrested soon!

  16. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Donald Trump and Roger Ailes Make Up — for Now
    Things got worse for Ailes over the weekend. In a phone conversation, Trump told Sean Hannity that “he was never doing Fox again,” according to one person with knowledge of the call. The anti-Kelly emails, and threat of a boycott by Trump, seem to have pushed Ailes to defuse the war. One Fox personality told me that Fox producers gave instructions to tell in-house talent not to bring up Trump’s controversial comments that Kelly had “blood coming out of her wherever" during the debate. According to one count, Fox only aired Trump’s comment once since Friday, while CNN mentioned it at least 50 times.

  17. Anonymous1:19 PM

    I am looking forward to the day that you and your Machiavellian personality is no longer. Yes, trust me, you are batshit crazy!

  18. Anonymous1:36 PM

    She tried to kill the person that made her resign...and that person was transporting an Elder - on duty...with camera surveillance?
    Oh Sarah and Company can tell the FBI why they would want to kill Grandma? Ouch..

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Another BS story. Proof???
      The loonies are out!

    2. Anonymous10:02 PM

      You are seriously deranged.

  19. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Blah blah, parked cars blah, blah. Take your own advice and run for president Sawah. Lol.

  20. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Anyone who would use a human as Palin has done Trig is beyond redemption. Her Queen Esther obsession tops all in the narcissistic disorder spectrum. That she still believes herself relevant is a more curious part of the toxic mix of disorders.

  21. Anonymous1:50 PM

    What in the world will Palin do now that Trump has declared on CNN this morning he would like to fund the "good parts" of Planned Parenthood?

    The pond is in an uproar but they have faith their queen will address the trumpster. HA

    No way on this green earth she would say anything bad about Donald duck


    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      But the federal government already funds "the good parts." No federal money is used to fund abortions.

      Maybe this will become the new GOP talking point. Keep funding PP's good parts and "defund" the abortion segment. Saves them face with uninformed and makes them appear pro-women health care.

  22. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Speaking of Russia...that DNA test is in! Seems Nicholas II of Russia has kin in Alaska...funny how they keep trying to kill those kin...huh Sarah....money will go to that kin and then USA will plunge into a depression...and there is nothing you can do to stop it...huh Sarah?

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Zip it Looney Tunes.

    2. The Kid2:33 PM

      1:53 God Be with You...this is the Kid...
      So...long sigh...I got two DNA tests back...
      48% British...almost 500 distant cousins..
      No close relatives...lol...well of course...
      52% Middle Eastern regions...sand in shoes
      Well that makes me a mutt I guess...haha...
      But the money has to be returned and crimes committed against me told before a judge in a court of law...local..state...federal and now international...fume...grumble...
      Why do other people make my life complicated? I didn't do anything...oh wait..
      I was born...roll of eyes...so says my clients.
      they are Elders...we all are born we all die!
      Lol...Golden Girls or Grumpy Old Men...;)
      Take Care everyone and PRAY for PEACE
      not War like 'some people' keep yammerin

    3. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Zip what, 2:18? He is entitled to his comments just like you are. When you start your own blog(impossible) then you can tell others what to write. Until then, Fuck off.

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      I'm pretty sure this is what paranoid schizophrenia sounds like...

    5. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Oh brother.. Have been hearing this story for years. And still there is no/zero/proof

    6. TwoBlueJays3:53 PM

      I like reading the posts from The Kid. Nothing is too far-fetched or wild when it comes to the Palins. Seems like more info is being presented with every post. And you know, if Gryphen thought it was total BS perhaps he wouldn't allow the posts. I don't think this is a troll. Someone who is bound by some agreement where they cannot put it all out there, maybe. But there IS a reason she resigned in shit-scared mode and it will come out.

    7. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Just sit down and write that novel, will ya? And spare us the conspiracy salads.
      M from MD

    8. Anonymous5:04 PM

      But there IS a reason she resigned in shit-scared mode and it will come out.

      I'm on it!


    9. Seriously then...get on it. You might win the Pulitzer Prize.

    10. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Dear The Kid.
      I'm retired now, so I'd be glad to teach you how to write complete sentences.

    11. Anonymous7:15 PM

      The thing is, predatory types often choose their victims wisely. Who will ever believe somebody who doesn't come across as generally credible?
      I just hope somebody will explain it all someday. Clearly, I mean.

    12. Retired CIA8:19 PM

      Speaking of a mess…well there is a “ripe tomato” they took HUGE funds from…AFTER labeling the kid AFTER prison…lucky for us the kid knew back then “things are not what they seem” and took written action…things ADULTS do…henceforth the legal actions that are coming…and of course the Heaths/Todd Palin…and their “best friends” that took incredible measures to take out this ripe tomato…so those missed opportunities were able to be spoken…then when questions were asked…all hell breaks loose on the ground…we got civil warfare…when that backfires…they shifted paperwork in the administration level…it’s complicated doesn’t begin to cover it…and I am on the outside looking in…THEY CRUCIFY THOSE THEY CANNOT FORGET…unfortunate for Sarah and Sean the United Nations courts will hear the case this summer I hear…justice will come in many forms I see…lucky for us the kid has a good heart and we guard it!
      After all you can’t put “life assurance” on someone and be from England and not have consequences when the “birthright owner” is murdered…
      It seems to me Sarah and her yapping God’s Will and all…looks like Sarah can’t kill what isn’t suppose to die…and we are watching the kid 24/7…;)

    13. Anonymous8:34 PM

      oh she thinks this HUGE secret she ‘knows’ is her ‘ace in the hole’ and so far so good…but a warning…that does not last as long as it use to…all things come to an end…because…the next stage is the stage of enlightenment…and the more you dig the more they hurry to bury…lol…
      in the meanwhile we all watch the live entertainment…humanity chess my dear…it’s not as hard as you think…and it’s better to be an player…they have become too brutal and ‘I don’t care’ syndrome globally…they need to be educated…and they will…so relax… and get out the candy and popcorn…grin…

    14. Anonymous10:06 PM

      The Kid is CLEARLY not rowing with both oars in the water and neither is that other BSC poster. Anyone who doesn't realize they are utterly delusional has a screw loose themselves.

    15. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Are you a doctor? Then shut the fuck up.

  23. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Sarah Palin: "Planned Parenthood...This BS of them touting all the medical services they provide women and the free healthcare–They don’t provide all these services. They are able to refer out services."

    Homework grade: F

  24. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Can anyone tell me what the hell is The Palin Update/Mama Grizzly radio?? A daily/weekly broadcast by PayMe panty sniffers? Updates on the Hateful Hag's goings on and/or "writings" on facebook? WTF, please tell!

    1. Anonymous2:17 PM

      I think it's a cross between Clint Eastwood talking to an unoccupied chair and a shit flinging gorilla in a zoo.

  25. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Sarah, what make of car does doG drive?

    Has he had sex in it with Bristol?

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Only if he brought her a wine cooler in exchange for sex.

  26. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Scarah certainly seems to have a personal grudge against planned parenthood. I wonder if she tried to force Bristol to have an abortion there and they said they wouldn't do it if the mother (Bristol) wanted it.

    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      Maybe Sarah used PP services that she wants to keep secret.

  27. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Bristol and her blog make the big time!

    The TPM editor thinks it is Trump's fault it is all turning into a shit show, but is all maybe it is the "Everything Sarah Palin Touches Turns To Shit" shit show instead.

    Check it out.


    TPM Editor's Blog
    Everybody Gets Messy

    "Here's another example of the Trump pattern, how his candidacy has this uncanny ability to trigger explosions in virtually every part of the conservative ecosystem it touches.

    Now Bristol Palin, famed abstinence advocate and unwed mother, is attacking Erick Erickson for attacking Donald Trump for Trump's attacks on women. Why does she care?"

  28. Sara and her female family members should have availed themselves of PLANNED PARENTHOOD generations ago.... ALL THOSE UNPLANNED pregnancies ya know... sheesh how stupid can they be????

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Not only the female family members, the males need PP's services also too.

    2. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Sarah and her female family members should have availed themselves of Planned Parenthood....What? Then Chuck wouldn't have had to marry Sally.
      Then Todd wouldn't have had to marry Sarah.
      As for Bristol, she would have been spared that whole public humiliation thing at the Republican Convention when she was outed at as an unwed pregnant teen.

      And, if Bristol had visited Planned Parenthood before she met Dakota, she wouldn't have "gotten ahead of herself" and had that "huge disappoint" that should be arriving any day. Instead of posting photos of Tripp-spoiled rotten, what would she have to post?

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      It ain't Dakota's. Take it to the bank or Sarah would have nailed him at the reception in Kentucky. It's AK Aftadark for sure. We'll all see a white aryan blue- eyed child from the rental shop and then never see the kid again. She thinks she's Kim K.

  29. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Bristol Palin doesn't even understand what Erik Erickson said.
    Bristol is a borderline retard with a serious sex addiction.

    1. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Serious sex addiction=slut

  30. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Sarah do you know if Bristol knows the nationality of her fetus? I mean does she remember who did it when she was fertile or when she forgot to take her cramp pills? It would be a great relief to the ones who are not considered the seed donor.

  31. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Too bad Bristle never figured out how to drive to Planned Parenthood, if she had Idono WooDadDadais Palin wouldn't be on the way.

    Tick, tock, tick , tock, I'm still betting on Sept 30th for the calving date.

  32. Anonymous4:11 PM

    "Sarah Palin was my guest on The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio"
    - Kevin Scholla

    WTF? Mama Grizzly Radio? ROFLOL

    Sarah Palin lost her job with FOX, lost the Sarah Palin Channel, lost whatever respect the Republican Party had for her, the TEA Party isn't knocking on her door, SarahPac is going belly up, forever lost any chance of being President Sarah Palin of the United States of America, her unmarried daughter is pregnant again and still not married, Sarah lost her Medal of Honor Recipient meal ticket, has to kiss Donald Trump's ass and lower herself if she wants a job and now Sarah Palin had to crawl on her old boney knees to be a guest on the Mama Grizzly Radio. Aint that some shit?

    As been repeated over and over from near and far,


    So Sarah now you what that stench is, your ass does stink!

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      In Alaska we refer to that as
      The Sarah Palin Curse

  33. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Years ago, while in university, I used Planned Parenthood to provide regular healthcare because Student Health only dispensed aspirin. They diagnosed and treated me for strep throat and ear infections. All this was done on a sliding scale where I payed only what I could afford. Thank you Planned Parenthood! I now donate generously to insure this incredible organization will continue to function.

    1. Anonymous9:23 PM

      We need to hear from more women like you.

      Palin will still lie claiming truth about PP services are the lies. Sadly people will believe her deception. I do not believe she is misinformed but that she intentionally lies for self serving reasons

  34. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Man, there are some gawd awful drivers out there. Guess, the all knowing sky fairy had better keep his vehicles parked. Jeezus tale the wheel they are texting revisions to the King James version amending the words to fit their idea of the US Constitution.

    Gawd, Guns and Granny Pants Palin

  35. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Sarah didn't abort Tri-G because he wasn't hers to abort. He was never in her tubal ligated body.
    Cathy Baldwin Johnson was not a high risk obstetrician and never would have been allowed to induce birth of a high risk pregnancy at MatSu, which was not credentialed to do so.
    It's all a big lie that is easily provable. It will be all over the news cycle one day, 24/7 for three full days.
    And then lessons learned.
    We will then finally be ridden of the stupid fucking Palins.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      It's all a big lie that is easily provable.
      If it is so easily provable, how come 7 years later, Sarah is still blabbing, a martyr for not aborting Trig and the truth hasn't come out?

      I don't understand, there are comments here that state the Palins are not liked in AK, blah blah, yet it appears everyone is still afraid of these thugs.

      I don't think the truth will ever come out and we will be listening to Sarah undermining our government until she dies.

    2. Anonymous6:11 AM

      The key is CBJ and MatSu. It is up to Alaskans to put the pressure on those cretins and the hoax is easily provable. Problem is, enough Alaskaans up there just aren't as tenacious as some of us in the lower 48.
      I've called MatSu compliance officer and PR people many times, they don't return calls, they have email messages with away messages.
      If I lived up there and not 4k miles a way, you can be damn sure I'd be knocking on the doors with a tv crew asking questions.
      I'd be knocking at CBJs door at Alaska Cares, asking her to prove her credentials and malpractice insurance, back in 08...as a concerned citizen of Alaska of course. I certainly wouldn't want a quack posing as a high risk obstetrician in my community.

  36. Anonymous4:40 PM

    ‘Funny Or Die’ Unapologetically Reveals ‘The Shocking Truth About Planned Parenthood’ (VIDEO)

    ...What’s worse? This new video reveals that women are having their breasts fondled. Sure, it’s called a “breast exam” that may detect abnormalities in the breast tissues and could potentially save a woman’s life if she has breast cancer, but they are FONDLING breasts. That’s a violation of every ethical code there might ever be.


  37. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Palin will never get over the fact that Obama is in the White House and she is in the dumper, and always will be.
    She is a forever loser, seething with jealousy and becoming older, and oh is she showing it, by the minute!

  38. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Michigan Court Rules Gun Nut Parents Can Open Carry In Elementary Schools. What Could Go Wrong?

    ...After a protracted battle between a gun nut parent and common sense, Michigan Circuit Judge Archie Hayman ruled for the former. He found that Kenneth Herman was legally allowed to open carry his pistol into his daughter’s elementary school in the town of Clio regardless of whether the administration or other parents didn’t want him too.

    The dad boasted about his legal victory to MLive:

    “‘The ruling today does not come as a surprise, the law is the law,’ Herman said after Hayman’s decision. ‘Now that Clio Area Schools have heard the ruling, read the laws and the Court of Appeals case law has been explained to them, I [sic] they stop burning through tax dollars fighting the law and common sense.”

    And in a way, Herman does prove one thing — Michigan’s gun laws are insane. They are so lax, in fact, that a guy like Herman has grounds to legally overrule an entire school district’s gun-free policy because “freedom.” Michigan is among a growing number of Republican-controlled states that envision a country where hundreds of millions of “good guys with guns” can take their firearms anywhere — churches, schools, bars, parks, government buildings — to shoot the hypothetical bad guys. Opponents argue that these roving “good guys” can very quickly turn into “bad guys” and adding more guns to a volatile situation won’t help matters. These legitimate concerns are all but ignored.


  39. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Here’s A List Of Women Misogynist Creep Donald Trump Has Degraded Over The Years



  40. Anonymous4:44 PM

    The "laws coming out of DC" were passed by Congress, not the president. What an idiot.

  41. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The way this loser/quitter pretends the President of the U.S. is a CEO. is despicable and false. The U.S. is NOT a profit making entity that exists to make money for stockholders. God, I despise her stupid, sniveling, hateful, money-grubbing guts.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      The poor dear is so dense and unevolved that she doesn't even know what she doesn't know. She's the demented Monday morning quarterback without a playbook. It usually takes her a couple extra days to even figure out what her cronies are saying and by then it's all old news anyway.

  42. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Hey stupid your so called deep bench is a bunch of recycled maggots in it.They all sound the same.Hell they are all the same you stupid piece of shit.Low life gutter snipe curl up and die.Nobody will give a fuck.

  43. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Wasn't it a "deep bench " last election that caused the blood bath between Republican candidates during the primary and helped to elect our President Obama? This time around there are 17(!) Republicans trying to get recognized by saying the most bombastic ridiculous things? This helps the Republican's how?

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Would someone please explain what in the hell is this "deep bench" she keep yakking about.

      Is it the bench at the bus stop where the clowns wait to hop on the clown bus?

      Seriously, what is this "deep bench"?

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      I think it's a sports reference. She was a legendary high school athlete, dontcha know.

      Meghan in PA

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      This may either make your head explode or cause you to dissolve in uncontrollable laughter but here's another 'deep bench' reference, delivered in Palin's typical, 'lucid' manner:

      (Jan. 24, 2015 interview with Sean Hannity)

      "I along with others on a deep bench are no doubt thinking about it but it’s much too early to say whether I, and others I’m sure would answer the same way, they, would be throwing their hat in the ring.”

    4. Cracklin Charlie9:45 PM

      A team with a "deep bench" is a team that is fully loaded with good players.

      Even the guys on the bench are good players.

      I have no idea who Sarah Palin is talking about. I guess they would be a deep bench for the basketball team at Clown College.

  44. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I'm telling you, that Palin has ALWAYS got something fresh and profound to say!!! For example, I don't think I've ever heard her say deep bench before!!

  45. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Hmmm, Sarah Palin or Donald Trump?

    ...So let’s recap. Someone who is so thin-skinned that they can’t move on from a slight. Someone who refuses to accept reality and then act accordingly. Someone who has a form of attention-deficit disorder, in which they constantly crave attention. Someone who is constantly boasting about past glories, like an ROTC officer describing his last weekend-warrior experience. Someone who can’t control their language and constantly belittles and bullies everyone they don’t like by flinging insults... ”

    Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/422298/Trump-the-teenage-bully

    Yeah, I know, it's freaky parallels. No wonder she wants to suck his dick. And so does Bristol.

  46. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Trump is a mouse the Clinton’s love to play with.


  47. Anonymous5:49 PM

    God doesn't drive parked cars? Doe's anyone? If a car is parked it is obviously not being driven. Is there some deep meaning to this statement?

    That remark should have been on Bristol's blog. Bristol knows a lot about parked cars, she has been the passenger in quite a few, however Bristol screaming "Oh God" while in a parked car takes on a whole new meaning than Sarah intended.But who knows their Palins.

    1. Well, I didn't even know that God drove, so that shows you what I know.

  48. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

    Gee, Sarah/Bristol seem to know a LOT about Planned Parenthood. Wonder if it's from experience or believing the videos we've all seen as heavily edited smear jobs? Where did you get your "Wite outs"? Sarah?

    The Palin wimminfolk, any of em all of em, that have been put in front of me over the years don't know squat about women's health. The only reason she wants a "deep bench" is because she wears three depends and two Poise pads.

    Of course she waited till Fox, Roger, AND Trump made amends, while Kelly held her ground, to come out on the side of Trump. What part of "You're Fired" didn't you get? Run to Breitfart, they'll talk to anyone.

    Congrats, again, on your choice of photos for your post, Gryphen. This one shows the emaciation she's undergone in recent years. Looking more and more like "Granny Klampett"

  49. Anonymous6:12 PM

    "Sarah Palin was my guest on The Palin Update on Mama Grizzly Radio"
    - Kevin Scholla

    This Mama Grizzly Radio station sounds like some guy sitting in his grandmother's basement using a CB radio or base station he inherited from his great grandfather.

  50. The Kid's Brother's Uncle6:16 PM

    Geneva...courts will soon know that there is another who will be the heir...the usurper will be exposed and the true birthright will be recognized...Hitler? Ha! Churchill, Khomeni alll trails lead to the fund that should be in the hands of the son of the regency yet here I sit...without friends and no idea of path of actions. The brother is the one that will finally be recognized and not be shuttered...the funds will be monetized and in the rightful hands of the brother of the child that was forgotten...grin, heads will roll and crimes will be punished by the U.N and Putin knows because Alaska is Russian heritage and it all comes back to Sitka and crimes of the ancestors. Wait see...laugh with us.

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      I don't know that I believe you anymore. So many people involved and so much money....they grease their own palms. Thanks for the update.

    2. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Omg. I'm just doubled over laughing.

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Yeah everyone's a clown...face wipe...there comes the time to pay the player...then who you gonna call...probably ghostbusters...but their not picking up the phone...cos you know, the mosquito was at the wrong address...face wipe...so many eras...you can't keep a good kid down...head tilt...lol...

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      "path of actions"? Seriously?

    5. Anonymous10:11 PM


    6. Anonymous11:00 PM

      The Intel is that what is going on IS the strategy – keep mixing it up…add more shit…
      well unfortunately that has all been sifted thru – and DNA tests have confirmed linkage to a ‘trust fund baby’ in Alaska to the ME – particularly the Sunni tribe – then add Saladin bloodline…so you can understand the stories that keep surfacing…I knew this was familiar…they did this awhile back with another ‘trust fund baby’ and that one is being groomed for politics…if you all stand back and look at the whole pic…
      you will see it is all money and sex – whom can breed with whom…
      pay offs and ‘I was a vessel for you’ is the rhetoric usually…dang darn that technology…looks like it will find and expose a ‘trail’ of those ‘golden child’ aka another way to filter money into a country and invest it…they crucify those they cannot forget…that is a fact…and a shame…

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Todd and Sarah Palin used to sneak their family across the border for free Canadian Healthcare. Sarah and Todd did you use Planned Parenthood for Bristol's high school mono and her other deliveries?

    Sarah who paid for Track's daughter's delivery expenses? SarahPAC?

    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Track's daughter? Do you mean Bristol's daughter?


    2. Anonymous11:46 PM

      Dear 6:21 - are you speculating about the border runs or do you have direct knowledge of this? The reason I ask is because the Palin kids are entitled to that free
      gubmint healthcare through the Indian Health Service.

      Also too, Bristol birthed at least one of her babies - the premie - at Providence in Anchorage. He was in the NICU.

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      Also too, Bristol birthed at least one of her babies - the premie - at Providence in Anchorage. He was in the NICU.
      Is that the child named Trig?

  52. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Late to the party.

    Oh, dear sweet Queen Heifer, that barks what you don't live, how IS that throne?

    Come out and run, coward. Do you EVER get tired, or your family, get tired of making fools of yourselves? I guess not!

    A Bible Reader

  53. Anonymous7:10 PM

    palin45potus • 32 minutes ago

    Tell ya what.

    In any dispute between Bristol Palin and any so-called "conservative" out of DC, be it Erick the Red or Laura Ingraham, I'll preemptively assume that Bristol's right.

    And I'll be right 99% of the time too.
    Stupid is as stupid does.

  54. Anonymous7:25 PM

    The reason babygate needs to be exposed as the truth it is, is simply that Palin still uses this totally fraudulent story to try to make her look good, give her pro life credentials and the foolish and blind people need to be forced to see the truth! I cannot stand tha people cannot see through her fraud!

  55. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Hannity threw a few softballs at Trump, but also pressed him a little on specific policy proposals for Obamacare, the economy, and even Planned Parenthood.

    And Trump kind of surprised Hannity by defending them, saying that abortion is only a “fairly small part of what they do” and overall they do a great service for women, so “we have to look at the positive also for Planned Parenthood.”


  56. Anonymous8:15 PM

    A couple of direct lies here –

    Enter Bristol Palin to repay the generosity Erick has shown over the years by dishonestly stabbing him in the back for no reason other than the fact that she really likes Donald Trump. In her initial blog post on the matter, she made the following claims:

  57. Anonymous8:30 PM

    There's some weird shit going on in the comments tonight. Is it because the title has the word 'kid' in it? Now The Kid is here plus many Anonymous posters. Now there's The Kid's brother's uncle also offering up commentary. Shawn's Mom is also here. I mean, this is turning into Batsville.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.