Friday, August 14, 2015

Florida couple uses Bible to justify the sexual abuse of teenage girl left in their care.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

A 21-year-old Indiana woman has accused a couple who she lived with in Port St. Lucie, FL of physically and sexually abusing her for five years and using scripture from the Christian Bible’s Old Testament to justify it. 

WPTV News reported that the accuser says that she was sent to live with Rob and Marie Johnson after the death of her mother nine years ago. The then-13-year-old was sexually abused by Rob Johnson virtually from the day she arrived in the home. 

Rob and Marie Johnson reportedly believe in Old Testament law regarding marriage, under which a man can have many wives who are ultimately his property. The girl was ordered to call Jeff “Master” and to submit to his and Marie’s sexual advances whenever they ordered her to. 

The Johnsons reportedly preyed on the young girl’s fear of being abandoned by telling her that if she wanted to be part of their family, she had to have sex with them. 

“If she did not, the threat was that she would be turned over to state custody,” Herrington said. 

Marie and Rob Johnson are charged with two felony counts of sexual assault against a child. They were arrested on Tuesday and released on bond Wednesday morning.

Isn't it great how religion can be used to justify just about every terrible thing you want to do?

And that boys and girls is why we do not base our laws on biblical teachings. 


  1. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Florida couple...

  2. The real rub to this is that this form of logic can, and is, displayed in all religions. It is just another manner of power.

  3. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Old Testament law - what an oxymoron!

  4. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Yeah, here's hoping they have fun in prison.
    M from MD

  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    The arrested couple are from Floriduh and not Indiana. Some parts of Indiana are just about as backwards though.

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    As a former foster parent, where were the constant stream of caseworkers, therapists, etc? Never mind. I guess "Florida" answers all questions.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Most likely the underground "christian" rehoming of children that goes on all over, where children end up as maids or sex slaves like in this case.

  7. Anonymous12:55 PM


  8. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Released on bail??

  9. Anonymous1:30 PM

    But what if this is a SINCERELY HELD religious belief?

    How can the state law prohibit me from taking multiple wives, including young teens?

    In biblical times 3000 years ago, it was common for early teens to be concubines or mistresses, so that should rule over any stupid made up human law, right? /s

  10. Anonymous1:44 PM

    The person or persons who sent this child to live with
    these demons should also be sent to jail.! Bet these
    demons are part of a cult who abuse children in every way,
    in the name of God. Looking at these two monsters, if she was allowed to go to school, one would think someone at
    the school would take one look at them and know to
    call the authorities . She was dumped there, and no one
    cared to check on her well being. .Could she sue the people
    who sent her there.

  11. Anonymous1:52 PM


    How An Alaska Lawmaker Is Trying To Sneak Anti-LGBT Discrimination Into The Law

  12. Anonymous3:10 PM

    If they believe in the Old Testament, instead of the New, then they should rush right over to the closest rabbi (there are some in Alasak?) and go theough the many steps to become Jewish.
    Otherwise, they're running a scam, among other dreadful things.

  13. Anonymous4:20 PM

    This is straight out of the ISIS playbook. Yes, these people want a Christian caliphate here in the US, just like they want an Islamic one in the Middle East.

  14. no hell cold or dark enough for these monsters. I'd have no problem with life w/o parole.

  15. Anita Winecooler6:42 PM

    The more stories like this I read, the more my anti death penalty stance gets tested. Anyone can excuse any behavior using a quote from a holy book. What they don't realize, is that humankind has evolved and "Belief" and "Truth" have nothing in common.

  16. But the Ten Commandments are largely upheld in the laws of evey nation. You can't murder, steal, bear false witness in any legal proceeding (or your tax return), and so on, without regard

    The 600+ laws in the NT in the majority were applied only to the priestly class--a point of distinction lost on many moderns, whether new Christians, atheists, etc.

  17. Belief that murder, theft, and lying are wrong is unchanged from 10 Commandment time.

    Confusion ensues in those who can't distinguish these from the 600+ laws of the ancient Levite priesthood. Fundie Christians and modern atheists make this mistake.

  18. Do you hear me now?

    Pax et bonum

  19. They need to be neutered.


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