Friday, August 14, 2015

You want to see groveling? Here watch the editor of RedState, Erick Erickson, grovel at Sarah Palin's feet.

So this post by Erick Erickson is really all about this photo on the right, and his reasons for not taking it down from his site sooner back in 2013.

Trust me you are going to want to have your barf bags ready.

Courtesy of RedState: 

But the picture was a scam and it was inappropriate and I should have acted immediately. So I’ve been kicking myself to figure out why I did not act sooner. (Really? Kicking yourself?)

Unfortunately, going back into my calendar, I know why I was slow to respond. I was in the hospital on July 1, 2013, with my wife. I had to rush her to the emergency room that day and was out of pocket that day and the next, though even while attending to my wife made sure to mount a defense of Governor Palin.1 I was the only paid employee at RedState at the time and one of the only Palin supporters on the front page of RedState by 2013. The contributors were telling me the picture was real, I was in the hospital, and I went with trusting the guys I’m surrounded with every day and who I’d empowered to decide these things while I was tied up. 

I am sorry the Palin family has held on to this for so long. (Oh they hang on to EVERYTHING, believe me.)

I certainly meant no offense and tried to respond as quickly as I could to it, but was limited at the time due to my own family circumstances. I certainly do not fault them. They have come under attacks from all sides and I can only imagine they must have, then and now, had concerns about who were fully with them and who are just using them and who hate them. (I think I'm in that last category.)

I mounted Operation Leper after the 2008 defeat to drive from politics those from the McCain campaign who engaged in character assassination on Sarah Palin. A few years ago, Nichole Wallace credited me with turning her into an author because of Operation Leper. 

I have not always agreed with Governor Palin, but have always tried to defend her and her family, including when the creepy author moved next door and the CNN anchor found an assault on Bristol Palin to be comedy and including the day after that questionable post went up when I was trying to get Christy back on her feet. (So a long time Palin ass kisser huh?)

I really am sorry that they did not know the reason it took so long to respond and I am really am sorry that hurt feelings have lingered on for more than two years. I understand, given what the Palin family has gone through, and am sorry there are those who want to continue to drag them through the mud. I have certainly never wanted that for them. They are good people. (Hah!) I wish I had known about this before now so I could have told them why it took so long. 

Hang on I have to sit with my head between my knees for a bit to fight the nausea.

Well it looks like even though Palin has virtually no supporters left, and has now become an international joke, she was still able to turn Erick Erickson into her little bitch.

I mean seriously how does this tragic little man even look at himself in the mirror without being disgusted with himself?

Well I imagine that over at the Palin compound Sarah is on the phone with Nancy French exchanging war whoops and celebrating the fact that they can still emasculate a sad little excuse for a man if they put their minds to it.

Personally I never had any respect for Erick Erickson in the first place. But now?

Now I'm ashamed that we even share the same gender.


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Erick you dumb fuck, now Sarah smells blood in the water and Sarah holds onto grudges.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Yep. Sarah will be going for the jugular.

    2. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Isn't she just sooooooooo Christian?

    3. Cracklin Charlie10:25 AM

      That's what sharks do.

      Deep Blue Palin

    4. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Erick - you're kidding, right? Why you spent one second composing a response to Nancy French and Becky Mansour is way beyond me.

      Trust me, Sarah wouldn't have remembered you posting a pic of her supposed cleavage in 2013. This is a woman who openly bragged about wearing her push-up bras when she wanted to get something passed on the Wasilla Assembly. Have you taken a recent gander at what she wore in 2009 to a military function where she sat on a stage and her skirt hiked up to within two inches of her bum.

      You're going to start apologizing b/c Nancy and Becky (her go-to gals who write her and Bristol's posts) are trying to make an issue out of an old photoshop pic?

      Don't you get it, Erick? Bristol doesn't have the slightest, foggiest, most marginalized idea what is posted on her blog. Nancy, Becky and Sarah do. Bristol is out and about with her self-identified "BFF" - a Russian porn model named Marina (oh, by the way, Marina. I saw you traipsing thru Costco off DeBarr Rd this past Wednesday late afternoon in your five inch heels. Ouch).

      Bristol doesn't have even the remotest clue about anything political going on around her. The predominant female role model in her life uses sex appeal to charm the men and play mean girls to any woman she considers a threat (thanks, Sarah).

      And Sarah, as ticked off as you are right now about Bristol and Marina's relationship - for once in your life, why don't you face the music? This is what you created. You did this. The reason Bristol has extreme difficulty forging and maintaining healthy relationships with either men or women is b/c she had you maintaining all your perceived slights, playing the victim, raging with fury anytime you thought anyone, anywhere said or did or thought something about you other than what you wanted.

      So. Erick. We thank you. You have come riding in, on your beaten down horse, two years later, to prostrate yourself in the mud, muck and mire before the great and awesome Sarah Palin - and to beg her forgiveness.


      I hope some of the folks at Red State who genuinely care about you, sit you down and speak truth into you, so that next time, you won't come across so ridiculously pathetic.

      This isn't about Sarah anymore. It is about Becky Mansour (look her up) and Nancy French wanting to insure Sarah stays relevant enough for them to keep gorging themselves at the trough of her almost-dead PAC.

    5. Anonymous11:45 AM

      11:02 AM


      If only Erick gets it.

    6. Did you post that over at the RedState mea culpa? Because if you haven't, you should.

    7. Anonymous12:12 PM

      X 1,000,000,000 !!!

  2. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Erick you hoohah change your name to Erika.

  3. Anonymous9:11 AM

    This is what we need to be aware big time:

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    ROFL. Now when Sarah Palin reaches into her coin purse for some change, she'll have to dig through a second set of squishy balls.

  5. Anonymous9:20 AM

    This article was so odd, why the groveling? Is Erick under the misconception that a throng of conservative women love Palin and will heap additional trouble upon him? I just can't wrap my mind around this.

    He is so weak. Men like him disgust me.

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      He is under the delusion that she still has a mob of hateful fans that will flood his email with poorly written death threats, and fling their diabetic poop at him wherever he goes.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Her demographic is....FUDDY DUDDIES!

  6. Anonymous9:20 AM

    '...I am really am sorry that hurt feelings have lingered on for more than two years.'

    Right there is the problem all you folks have with her, Erik...SHE IS HATEFUL, VINDICTIVE AND NEVER FORGETS!

    How/why would you want a person like that in a position of leadership?

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Spot on! The mature thing would have been to let all of it pass without comment, but oh NO not our Queen Heifer!

      Can you imagine if President Obama replied to every slight, every photoshopped image, every joke made about him the last 6-1/2 years? He's the class, intelligence, and charisma that she'll never have!

      And baby can't STAND it, can you, poopsie?

    2. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Hey Erick- better ask Sarah about that beauty pageant she lost back in the 1980s! Find out how long it took her to get over losing that one. lol...

      That's your future loser redstate Eric. She will never get over anything she thinks was done to her! NEVER!

  7. Anonymous9:24 AM


  8. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Bristol Palin: Erickson and Fox Are Part of the Hypocritical ‘Outrage Industry’

    Sarah Palin has made up a Bristol that is now a leading star of the hypocritical ‘Outrage Industry’. The American public is not so stupid as to think Bristol Palin is not pregnant, RIGHT NOW. She is not writing a blog for her mother. Why won't Red State and the media wake up and smell the coffee?

    Bristol is pregnant people!

    BRISTOL IS NOT working on a blog. She is not the one doing the hating on Planned Parenthood. Bristol is not writing about Sarah not being perky. She is not trashing Erickson for being a bully over some boobs.

    IT IS SARAH that will not write about Bristol being pregnant in real time, she may be giving birth right now. Sarah needs distractions.

    Bristol does not know the name of the father and Sarah is not saying a word about the facts. Oh, YES! Who is he and why must he be nameless?

    This dummy is more real than the ruse Sarah has created as Bristol Palin.

    “Conservatives have a real and legitimate reason to be pissed off at the GOP. That anger has galvanized conservatives and pushed them toward Donald Trump. To his credit, he has capitalized on that anger.” Erick Erickson also posted 1/2 dozen uncensored emails of vulgar, vile, crude remarks targeting him and Megyn Kelly.

    But not one odious Conservative Republican gives a damn about Bristol's fatherless fetus! They are raising their blood pressure over some stupied red herring.

    Cons and fools, shout about something real! If you are going to give yourselves heart attacks make it about reality and in real time.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      thank you, thank you, thank you

  9. Anonymous9:28 AM

    The comments are pretty much telling the Palin's to move on and put the 'poor me' whining aaa.
    This is empty pockets:

    But Sarah...Bristol...time to cowgirl up and stop attacking your own team, especially for old slights. We have a country to save and a community organizer who has done has damndest to divide us into the smallest factions possible. Stop working FOR Barry and adding to the division and hatred. And try to keep your daughter off camera until she matures more.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Woot! I wonder how long before it's deleted.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Sarah and Bristol are not merely whining.

      They are deflecting. Can you imagine Sarah being relevant?

  10. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Erickson can maintain McCain staffers character assassinated Palin but they did not say anything that millions of people did not observe.

    IMO he has a right to feel embarrassed he did not remove the Santa picture quickly. He is bending over backwards about a petty slight the Palin's are using to define him as a bad guy.

    This back and forth between them with Mama Grizzly pitting people against one another has gotten junior high absurd. Erickson is thrown under the bus for Palin's aligning with Trump.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      FFS he should have said the picture was a vast improvement over the original and he is surpried Palin didn't thank him for it.

    2. Anonymous11:07 AM

      9:29 - Your point is well taken; but a note of clarification: Sarah Palin is no Mama Grizzly. I don't care how hard Becky Mansour is trying to sell that meme.

      Mother grizzly bears care about and protect their young. Sarah doesn't do that. Not even kinda, sorta, a little bit.

      She left her kids to be raised by Sally, Molly, Heather, and whichever babysitter she could corral. Now she sits at her compound, with nothing to say (unless Nancy or Becky write it for her - b/c she wouldn't know what to say or where to start) and nowhere to go - because everyone out here knows it was nothing but a seven year charade.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      10:19: that's what I thought, too!

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM

      @ 1019 !!!

      More rw fapping to that pic than the beach pic 4 sure!

  11. Eric's history proves why he is the worst man to try and call out Trump for being a sexist idiot but I guess it takes one sexist a**hole to know one as they say.

  12. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Sarah Palin Endorses Donald Trump After He Promises To Give Her Power, Relevancy

  13. Anonymous9:41 AM

    The Donald is not going to last as Pres contender. The Megyn deal is a Fox creation. Sarah Palin's boobies aren't even as they appear.

    Not smart to cave Eric. No one will have an ounce of interest or respect for him now.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      The second he went off cowering in the corner holding his little pee pee groveling to that slut bristol he will never be looked upon as anything more than a pathetic little coward.

  14. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Doesn't anyone understand that the Palins are being called out every time they open their maws because they are idiots and not because people are jealous or hate them for no reason? Why do they think everyone laughs and criticizes them? They way they are apologized to and kissed up to after every slight, you'd think they were the mafia.



    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Judging from past behaviors, I'd say they are. Look how many are afraid to speak of what they know for fear of retaliation.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Yep, all the chicken shits in AK. Have the imbeciles not figured out there's safety in numbers? If they continue to just stand and take the palins raining down shit upon them they deserve what they get. Nothing as offensive as spineless fools who let trailer trash intimidate them.

  15. This couldn't have happened to a more odious person----from an even more odious person. I hyena laughed at this. You have to be a pretty pitiful POS to grovel at Palin's feet. I tell ya conservatives are disgusting and I'm glad they're cannibalizing each other.

    You know Erickson hates her and is going to get even with her, eventually. Watch your scabby back, Sarah.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      "I hyena laughed at this." LOL

    2. Anonymous10:14 AM

      "Giddy asshole!" LOL

    3. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Takes one to know one.

    4. Anonymous2:25 PM

      No no no, 11:21 AM, I didn't mean you. I was quoting Brisdull's calling her critics that when she announced her 2nd "admitted"out of wedlock pregnancy.

  16. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Sarah settles a two year grudge with one of the only people left who openly supports her. I don't know. This makes Sarah look extremely crotchety.

    I see this as Eric being sarcastic as hell, and the wife in the hospital reason is a dose of Palin "eat shit and feel sorry for me" medicine.

    Sarah is being stabbed in the back Palin style.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      I agree...he made several references to her holding onto a grudge and made her look very small given the circumstances of why he did not "act" sooner. If she or her offspring comes after him again they will look incredibly bad to all but the most loyal Palinistas.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      I agree. I do think it makes Palin look petty and confirms how she holds grudges. She must have a big file which she pulls from whenever someone says something she doesn't like, she digs in her file and "bam" goes after them. She is like a vulture waiting on prey to be found.

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      I wish I saw it as sarcasm, but I really think he's trying to mend a fence, though why is beyond me. This is a woman who flew to TN with Todd and Bristol and, under oath, made it sound like they lived out in the sticks - and it was that testimony that landed the poor college chap who sadly guessed her email account and shared it with the world - IN JAIL.

      JAIL. Do you hear that Erick? Sarah Palin doesn't give a flying flip about anything or anyone other than herself. That's why she callously flew thousands of miles before delivering her DS son (sorry IM'ers - I'm one of the few on this site who believe she birthed him. And if you really believe she did - as I do - it makes what she did with her flight back to AK all that much more heinous. She knew she was high risk. She knew he was two months early. She knew his heart was weak. So, assume for just one tiny second that she is his birth mother - what does it tell you about her wanton disregard for his welfare that she would subject him to such a dangerous birthing experience? Also, Sarah lacks the basic wherewithal to pull off a fake pregnancy).

      So there goes the Palin family, under oath, making it sound as if they live in the sticks. You know where they live? A couple hundred yards away from a four lane highway and a major intersection.

      Good one, Erick. You just knocked yourself out to defend a woman who knowingly lied and put a young man behind bars. You should be ashamed of yourself, Erick Erickson.

    4. Anonymous12:24 PM


  17. Anonymous10:16 AM

    If you pay people for their intellectual property you don't end up buying spoofed photos. His first defense was that the picture said Getty. Did they buy it from Getty or did they pirate it from someone who photoshopped a getty photo? Sarah Palin should take this opportunity to educate Erickson on intellectual property rights. What is the status of the 9/11 photo lawsuit btw?

  18. TwoBlueJays10:21 AM

    Wonder who got to him and told him he had to post this.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      It came straight from Jebus during a moment of masturb...I mean prayer.

  19. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Erickson oughtta know that Palins don't "pick their battles" , they wanna fight everybody.

    1. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Three weeks 'til Throwdown At The Hoedown's first anniversary bash!

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      And the ho is down!!


  20. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Dear Wonderful Blog Host Sir,
    I believe you meant to say Nancy French, not Nancy Grace.
    Not a big difference, but for historical accuracy and all that...


    1. Okay you have to admit that's a pretty funny mistake.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Nancy Grace is outraged to be compared to either Nancy French or Sarah Palin.

  21. Anonymous10:52 AM

    True that this was grovelling at it's worst. He kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" as if the Palin women were going to drive to his home in a Hummer limo with the whole Palin gang and start a brawl.

    What does Sarah Palin have over him? Talk about a lack of cajones. This guy is a wimp.

    However, Erickson's rant might be just too syrupy sorry. I think he overdid the penance and remorse to demonstrate how one has to grovel, if they want to deal with a Palin. He did point out his wife was in emergency and his mind was elsewhere.

    Bristol should apologize to him for trolling him and badgering him because of a slight 2 years previous. Just what did Erickson's slack response at removing the photo do to hurt Bristol so badly? She sounds crazy and the Redstate response is wonderfully supportive of Erickson.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Bristol apologize? She probably has no idea this is going on! You forget: Bristol Palin = Nancy French with Sarah Palin's hand up her ass. Sarah Palin should apologize, for living.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      Bristol is hard at work, no time to apologize. .

  22. Anonymous11:11 AM

    She shouldn't complain. She could use this picture to prove she has cleavage since there are no pictures with the Belmonts that produce cleavage.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      True. I've given up trying to figure out her tits and the cleavage weirdness. But it is weird...

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      What was that she wore at the Iowa Summit when King wanted presidential speakers?

      Was Sarah trying to set a new bar for women interested in running for an office?

      I don't get a 50 year old woman accentuating her nipples at a function like that. No one thinks that is sexist.

      It wasn't sexy.

      It was crass and dumb but I guess we will see future Republican Christian women using that tactic.

  23. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Is Bristol going to go after every publisher of photos that have been photo shopped of her Mom? Or, just the ones who happen to disagree with her Mom's political beliefs?

  24. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Once again, selective outrage. Free speech for everyone who agrees with Palin and find something to rant about if you don't agree with her. Why doesn't she just speak for herself instead of using Bristol, I mean - Nancy French to speak for Bristol who speaks for Sarah.

  25. Anonymous11:55 AM

    My dog, what a sniveling little pussy erickson is.

  26. Anonymous11:58 AM

    O/T I was curious about Redstate so I went there via HP, Erickson wrote a piece "Can We Recalibrate" about all the awful and hateful emails he's been getting. Republs can dish it out but they can't take it, welcome to President Obama's world.

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Oh this is so ironic, now isn't it? Look Gryphen, Erik from Redstate is trying to put the hate genie back in the bottle as if he wasn't the one to wine and dine it's ugliness. Now that it's directed at him, he's crying foul and begging for a reprieve. Isn't gonna happen, you hypocritical asshat. All this hate was fine when it was directed at Obama and Pelosi and Reid. All this vileness was fine when it was directed at Liberals and Progressives and Democrats, but now that they are ripping you a new asshole, you're crying and whining about 'changing the tone'? Live with it, drown in it for all I care, it's all yours.


      ...These are some of the emails I have gotten this week. They are still coming, even now this morning. The only thing I’ve done in the first three emails is delete references to Megyn Kelly out of respect for her. Those three emails all called her horrific vulgarities, sometimes in even more horrific combinations.

      But these are the comments about me.

      ...But I don’t get this anger. If this is the anger that flows out of Trump supporters, I do not think it is sustainable. Yet it comes daily. It is poisonous to debate, to democracy, and to the soul itself.

  27. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Well, after this groveling, and heartfelt apology, the PayMes better feel sorry for HIS sorry a$$ that they made him apologize for the time he spent in the hospital with his sick wife!
    OTOH, since life for them is all about MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEE, I guess, they will blame him and bit*h at him for not making THEM the priority of his life...

  28. Hey Scarah!
    Hey Brisdull!
    Since you read every single word that is under three syllables, that all ya' got?

  29. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Bristol, Tripp is trying to tell you something.

    Now you are repeating past mistakes and not more mature.

    We know you don't think about Erick Erickson or Donald Trump much, if any at all.

    Your own mother has to deny you and when she brings you up she calls you a kid.

    As close to sharing Bristol's disappointment blessing as Sarah could manage was to return to the Anchorage Brawl.

    How much more pathetic can Sarah go?

    Bristol try to pay attention to Tripp and listen!

  30. Anonymous12:23 PM

    This is getting old...bitches bitching about everything! STFU and crawl under a rock!

    1. Anonymous1:54 PM

      There are bigger mistakes than poking a Palin without protection.

  31. Icky... It's so effin great watching these morons lose their shit and attack each other. The guy with the mutant comb over and orange hair is SO creepy! Those Wasilla skanks are grabbing onto anything that keeps their trashy selves in the news. Now this chubby, pasty loser is begging the trailer trash to call the dogs off and meanwhile, back at Faux News, .. But, what a perfect schoolyard fight - nasty, slutty, skanky Wasilla mean girls slugging it out with their bitch!!

  32. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Mentally disturbed, IMO, Sarah Palin is.


  33. Anonymous12:43 PM

    What is the definition of insanity?'s Sarah and Bristol doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

  34. Anonymous12:51 PM

    What is fascinating in all this is that Erickson doesn't have a clue that he and his minions have created this angry beast. The anger was created by Palin and the nasty racist element all along. They went along with the vile comments from the right, when it was directed at the Left.

    There is no way I feel sorry for Redstate. They brought this about themselves. The nasty comments and threats are awful, but right-wing extremists were playing these games and causing left-wingers sorrow and fear, as many leftists were daily sent nasty threats.

    Juveniles like the Palins enjoy this. But, one day, they'll really be telling the truth, and no one wlll believe them; the story of the boy who cried wolf.

  35. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Summertime and the news media goes into a slow crawl.

    This year they were given Donald Trump and summer is hot!

    Clowns like Palin are going to take advantage of this opportunity. Her ego may be out to lunch but her peeps know this is a small window of opportunity for her to push what she wants.

    She is working hard on the Bristol myth. Of course, she must change the facts about Bristol since she is "planned" parenthood with who knows who for a co-planner.

    Hence, Sarah and Bristol are going to be victims and fight back the bullies.

    Isn't Recky Mansour a script writer? Seriously, I expected her to do better.

  36. Anonymous1:08 PM


    Why couldn’t you three leave well enough alone?
    If anything Erick Erickson and RedState did me a favor by giving some cleavage and breasts. That's something I've been trying to do to myself with my fake breasts ever since the Belmont horse races.

    But no, now you've done stirred up a hornet's nest and brought world attention to the fact that I look more like an old bag lady boy!

    You not only made me a laughing stock in Alaska and all around the world, you gave Gryphen of Immoral Minority a reason to repost pictures of me looking flatter than an old aging ironing board.
    -Lou Sarah

    Immoral Minority
    Thursday, August 13, 2015 :
    (Pictures of flat Lou Sarah)

    The Palins and their ghostwriter gleefully double down on their attack on RedState.

    "The picture of my mom sitting on Santa’s lap, with her apparently perky boobs hanging out, is CLEARLY photo shopped. Anyone can point that out from a mile away."
    - Barstool Dumbfuck Palin

    "Yes, because Bristol knows what her mother's breasts REALLY look like. And of course so do we. Yep, no perk there!"
    -Immoral Minority

    1. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Those Wasilla Hillbillies just can't stop opening their mouths and shooting themselves in the foot.

  37. Anonymous1:31 PM

    I think a thank you is in order?

    Barstool we at Immoral Minority says thank you for revealing that your mother has an inferiority complex and wears fake boobs and if she doesn't then she looks like Creepy Chuckie.

  38. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What a deafeningly loud sucking sound. It's no use hoping for rational minds.

  39. Anonymous1:42 PM

    We know what is on Bristol's mind.
    It is not perkless Sarah and her old grudges.
    I doubt she has heard of the Erickson dud.

    Bristol and Marina are concerned with decorating the nursery.
    Marina does cook and she will want to have the right food processor to pulverize the baby food when Bristol is no longer nursing.

    Don't you know Bristol wants to know how to stop pooping on the delivery table?

    Which is the best baby bump selfie? There are more important things than Sarah Palin and helping with her media score.

  40. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Someone, please, tell me why people are so afraid of her. Seriously.

    1. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Did you read Geoffrey Dunn's book?

      Or any of the others like the one by Joe McGinniss?

      Shit like this ain't no joke.

      Don't forget Schaeffer Cox. Who gave speeches in major local churches to his 2ATF nutbagger brigade.


    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Sarah may not have many followers, but they all have multiple personalities, email addresses and facebook identities. They also know how to write multiple letters of complaint, demanding an apology for Sarah for whatever faux outrage is her latest faux outrage.

      This is nothing new. When Sarah was running for office in Alaska, Chuck Heath bragged about how 50 people, using multiple names, could fill the letters to the editors with letters of praise of the latest thing that Wonderful Glorious Governor Palin did, raising her favorable ratings to 90%, an unbelievable number (and a fake number at that).

      Using that same blitz tactic, those busy letter writers are Hounds of Hell that Joe McGinnis described when he moved next door to the Palins. Sarah created another fake outrage, claiming that Joe would spy on Piper in her bedroom when the sight line from his house to hers could not look into Piper's bedroom. Poor Sarah wouldn't be able to strap Trig to her back, put on her halter top and go outside to mow her law because of the prying eyes of the journalist next door. Can't wait to see a photo of Sarah Palin in her halter top, mowing her law, with Trig strapped to her back LOL. But, Todd put up a rickety 15' high fence to prevent the spying, and to draw attention to the poor spied upon Sarah. And her letter writers wrote angry emails everywhere protesting Joe McGinniss' presence in Alaska. What a crock!

    3. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I'll take "drunken fence building" for a $1000 Alex.

  41. Anonymous2:09 PM

    In April of this year, Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam acted against the recommendations of doctors, addiction experts, reproductive health organizations and nearly every national medical association and signed a measure that allows prosecutors to charge a woman with criminal assault if she uses narcotics during her pregnancy. Only a week after going into effect, the law has been used to arrest and charge a new mother with simple assault after she and her newborn tested positive for amphetamine, which is not a narcotic.
    The Tennessee law is the first in the nation to charge a pregnant woman with criminal assault if she uses certain drugs, but remains part of a national trend that makes women vulnerable to detention and incarceration because of their pregnancies.

    Sarah Palin has the Nancy Bristol crusade for the perkless tit grievance and other nonsense.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM


      August 1, 2015 Substance Abuse During Pregnancy

      In Arizona and Alaska reporting is required when substance abuse is suspected.

      What about a doctor that employs a pregnant woman?
      As in the case of Dr. Michael Leary Cusack, Kelly Cusack Millen and Bristol Palin? the doctor and his staff wouldn't cover up for a Palin, would they?

    2. Anonymous5:04 PM

      According to the American Journal of Public Health, between 6 and 10 percent of incarcerated women are pregnant; in one year alone, 1,400 women gave birth while incarcerated in the United States.
      So just what exactly is it like to be a pregnant prisoner?

  42. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Erick Erickson has said some pretty stupid and ugly stuff, and making fun of Sarah Palin with a modestly sexy photo is not the worst thing he ever did or said. And to the her credit, Sarah, Bristol and Nancy French have also said or written some pretty ugly, nasty and petty stuff. They are the first to claim a false outrage at being insulted when that's the Palin agenda, insulting President Obama and spreading misinformation about any Left or Liberal cause. The bottom line is that they deserve each other. None of them, Erick, Sarah, Nancy and Bristol, none of them are in the spotlight or considered significant political voices. They need to stir up controversy in order to get noticed.



    1. Anonymous2:52 PM

      And those Instagram posts are illiterate.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Thank you 2:31 PM
      Right on.

      Dakota got this right. Bristol try to pay attention.


      Just ask @bsmp2

  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Dear Bristol Palin,
    I know that you don't write any blog longer than two or three sentences. You have a limited education and a limited vocabulary. Your idea of clever conversation was your wanting to win Dancing with the Stars in order to give the middle finger to the people who hate you and your mother and America. Here's a middle finger back at you!

    This is all a great distraction from the fact that Bristol Palin, once again, is pregnant but she is not married. These days it shouldn't matter. But Bristol was the one who Candies paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to promote abstinence. That's a word that Bristol cannot spell and does not practice. She "got ahead of herself" and now her pregnancy is "a huge disappointment," her own words (or maybe the words of Nancy French who writes moralist posts in the voice of Bristol Palin). Well, Bristol, we know that you are pregnant and when you give birth, we'll figure out just how pregnant you were when you became engaged to Dakota Meyer in such a hurry. Talk about dodging a bullet! If Dakota is the father, he has a curious way of accepting responsibility and being a father, something that was lacking in his own early life. So, Bristol, keep firing off those ghost written posts and pretending that you keep up with politics, that is, when you aren't busy working at your full time job as the medical associate of a 73 year old dermatologists (with your high school education, ha ha ha). We still can count 40 weeks, and it doesn't matter what kind of photos you post. You still need to grow up and be a responsible parent to your ever growing little family.

  44. Anonymous2:59 PM

    They resort to this because it's all they have left. Hollywood doesn't want them, the political world basically shunned them, major media coverage ground to a halt, and they're too damn stupid to realize that the more boorish behavior they exhibit, the bigger laughingstock they become. They will always have their followers but those aren't the brightest bulbs by a long shot.

  45. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Sarah Palin will do anything to re-write or re-do any press she doesn't like.

    Most of the time she just comes off looking more a fool and hypocrite.

  46. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sarah Palin will do anything to re-write or re-do any press she doesn't like.

    Most of the time she just comes off looking more a fool and hypocrite.

    ...outside of dancing tips I am not sure I would give the daughter that much time. wtf?

  47. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Why in the Holy Mother of Fuck do people still bow down to her? She an utter has-been with no clout whatsoever and it is truly coming to the point where one really does themselves a disfavor by even acknowledging her existence (and especially, her "sensitivities," given she has no empathy whatsoever.)

    Fucking ridiculous.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      More like a never-was.

  48. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Does no wrong.

    Read Bristol's post.

  49. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Sarah Barricuda loves the smell of blood in the water.
    She won't settle for a simple apology from Eric. NO. She will want - demand - air time!

    The escalator interview and the call in talk radio, well, they are pretty marginal public appearances. .

  50. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    Rumor has it that Mrs Erikson, according to his meticulously out of pocket kept day planner, suffered from an aggressive attack of Congestive Olfactory Lung Disorder (common cold) and complications from a botched self induced hangnailectomy which became infected.
    I don't use this term too often, but it applies here, what a cuckold p*ss# whipped grovelling buffoon.
    Of course Sarah carries grudges, and this spineless sycophant ass licker just scratched an itch Todd can't seem to find.

    And, of course, he chose to bring up Joe's renting of the house next door. What a jerk, speaking ill of a good man who's dead and can't defend himself. Screw you, and Sarah.

    Hope the road rises up to meet him, just like it did Breitbart.

  51. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I find it unbelievable that Eric is married, he must be a real joy to live with.

    Wonder why the "apology" obviously he has no regards for women. Why is he so afraid of Sarah, hate mail ? he must get plenty of that already, so what's a few more emails.

    Also too, it would have been more appropriate that Toad was the complainer and come to rescue his wife's reputation from this horrible defamation, after all isn't he suppose to be her husband and they have such a great marriage!!!

  52. Anonymous8:26 PM

    It wasn't taken down because it wasn't that important to you at the time,sarah. Better get on it about all the other sexually suggestive inhanced photos of you..also and 2! The pink top,and any zipper you could leave unzipped or button undone. The fake rubber Ass. The Belmonts! Where's your outrage over pictures of you standing next to rilly ugly guys with Bonerrrrs.

  53. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I think his apology was clever. He had a good explanation of why it didn't come down right away and he pointed out that she was still holding onto this after two years. His whole apology makes SP look like a jerk. If she keeps going on about it she will look like an even bigger jerk. He won.


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