Saturday, August 15, 2015

John Oliver on sex education in America, and how abstinence only shames young women.

Okay I know I have shared these videos with you before, and they are all great, but seriously this one is amazing!

In fact I would like to see this shown to high school kids during their human development class as part of the curriculum, it is THAT good.


  1. Anonymous5:27 AM


  2. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Totally off topic, but what happened to the post abut President Obama's upcoming visit to Alaska?

  3. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I had a hysterectomy. Must be why I suck at bowling. If that makes no sense, watch the video.

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    OT, I know, and apologies. Here's a recent sighting of Sarah at the "Primp and Blow".

    1. Anonymous7:12 AM

      I don't give two diddleys about that vapid bitch.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      She's gonna ruin those Belmonts, running with no air in them.

  5. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I refused to allow my kids to sit through the "Abstinence Only" class in Texas. I requested a copy of the materials used and was frightened by the incorrect medical information and the outright lies! Many other parents allowed it because they didn't want their kids to be "left out" or made fun of because all the other sheep were attending. I taught my kids with books and videos and discussion. Thirty years before, in catholic school, my sex-ed class was better!

  6. Anonymous7:03 AM

    One criticism of the video:

    He says that we would not accept a history class not being historically accurate. Oh, if only that were true!

    Some states (usually the same ones that promote abstinence only/girl shaming sex non-ed programs) have been revising their history curricula to promote 'patriotism' and 'American exceptionalism'. They're just ignoring or even removing all those icky embarrassing parts like slavery, Jim Crow laws, and civil rights.

    Of course, they've been so busy fixing the science programs to feature creationism and Li'l Baby Jeebus riding a dinosaur that they have only recently begun to focus on the history textbooks. Now they can get busy taking Thomas Jefferson out of the books (can't go promoting that separation of church and state nonsense, can we?) and putting Moses in there as one of the Founding Fathers. After all, wasn't the US Constitution written on the back of those stone tablets?

  7. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I just don't believe that Track is Curtis Menard's son - he was a very good looking man, Track not so much. Not that I disbelieve Sarah was fucking Curtis and Todd at the same time though.

    How did they arrive at that name anyway? And what the fuck is cj supposed to mean?

  8. Anita Winecooler6:05 PM

    Off Topic, but I thought this clip was absolutely brilliant, and yes, it should be shown in every class in every school. Sex Education in the school I attended comprised of a nun, in health class, putting on a video and leaving the room, warning us not to laugh nor make any noises while she stood outside.

    The film was black and white, a cartoon of sperm in top hats and tails with canes coming out of some off screen manhole, then making a mad dash for an egg, which looked like jabba the hutt in drag, I kid you not.
    When the movie was over, she passed out a "quizz" about the narration.
    It's about shame and females dressing in hot pants and mini skirts "asking for it". And the ever popular monogamy in a long term Church approved marriage, (no civil marriages, nor common law marriages), If a girl does it once, she's a whore, used goods, trash, and deserves to be ridiculed. Stigmatized for life.

    I and my siblings were extremely lucky, our parents answered our questions and concerns, in an age appropriate manner, using books and facts. No cute names for private parts, we learned the proper nomenclature and functions. They're the ones who explained Sex as one way of humans expressing love, intimacy, and respect for each other. They're the ones who took the "dirty" part out of it and made it something special.

    Thanks for sharing this, I laughed so hard at times, but he got the message across loud and clear. There should be no excuse whatsoever for not setting a standard of truth for all states when it comes to real sex education. Knowledge is power, and it'll help all kids to learn what they need to know.
    Amazing, we can teach kids complex concepts about almost anything, but they're ill served when not taught about what goes on below their navels and between their ears when hormones kick in.


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