Saturday, August 15, 2015

Facebook user creates fake account so that he can troll people outraged at Target over new gender neutral policies.

Courtesy of Today:  

Earlier this week, Facebook user Mike Melgaard decided to pose as the customer-service branch of Target. Seemingly, it wasn't hard to do. All it took was simply creating the Facebook alias, "AskForHelp," which sported the Target logo as a profile pic. He went on a tear, responding to complaints about the Minneapolis-based retailer's decision to remove "gender-based signage." These dissatisfied customers apparently want to find "girl" toys in one aisle, and "boy" toys in another.

Okay I am not usually an advocate of trolling, these examples are pretty damn funny.

As you can imagine this did not go over very well with some Facebook users, and Target made sure to let people know that he was not an actual representative.

However there were signs that they were secretly pleased that somebody was taking these idiots to task.

Gotta love it.


  1. Great way to start my too early morning. If people are gonna act like idiots~then you treat them like idiots. Love it.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Kudos to Target for their response. But it is times like these when people lose their minds over something petty, that I am really going to miss John Stewart. He would have had a field day.

    2. Boscoe6:45 AM

      I have to wonder where these geniuses would stock Sea Monkeys. Would they demand that science determine which eggs will turn out to be boys and which will turn out to be girls so that they can be stocked "appropriately?"

      The sick thing is that you know every one of those "my family ain't no transgender" people are as excited as shit when their daughters start following NASCAR, or the same football team that they like. Don't they know girls are only "supposed" to enjoy gymnastics and figure skating??

    3. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Love the Troll reply by Target!
      I'm getting really sick of the asshats who get pissed off and then twist doing the "Right" thing into "being Politically correct"! As usual the Right wing has co-opted PC a Lefty concept of "i am not PC" (therefore I will call you a asshole hyprocrite whatnot when you are one) they have twisted this into a perpetual "Poutrage" of tiny violins playing loudly and I'm damn sick of hearing it from them!
      Good on the guy who did the page, wonkette and other people get joy out of showing how stupid and infantile the RWNJ are! IM'rs also,too! The comments show what fucking asshats RWNJ! IDIOTS!

  2. Anonymous2:54 AM

    Now that's funny.

    At first it was hard to believe that the wingnutz could get so stirred up over such a trivial thing.... but then I remembered that conservatives are obsessed with genitalia. Perverts.

  3. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Sadly those in opposition of Target no longer segregating its toy and child bedding departments by gender would proudly send their child to the nearest pray the gay away specialist should their child play with the wrong toys. That's why they are boycotting Target. No damn way my kid is gay, he's gonna play with toy soldiers and trucks! More crazy Xian BULLSHIT to control people! Let kids be kids without the gender stereotype.

  4. Anonymous3:56 AM

    The friendly snark of the first three tweets is just delicious.
    And the fact that the actual Target took it in stride just makes it more so.
    Now where is that Target Lady (from the Wiig @SNL)?

    1. Target -- a corporation with the sense of humor-- you see, they ARE people.

  5. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Funny that people will boycott Target over this nonsense but still force their kids to church to believe in something that doesn't exit and causes more harm to them than playing with the wrong fucking toy.

  6. Anonymous4:14 AM

    They MUST feature this on @midnight Monday!
    I'm guessing they will.

  7. Anonymous4:15 AM


  8. Anonymous4:21 AM

    What a bunch of idiots these disgruntled former customers are. (Aside from the obvious, that is.) I mean---what, they can't tell "official girl" toys from "official boy" ones without some authority's direction first?

    Sounds like a pretty commie pinko setup to me! Are these people really SURE they stand for individual freedom and government non-interference????

    1. Sally in MI5:50 AM

      The funny thing is..they just proved that they CAN read after all! At least simple sight words.

  9. Anonymous4:31 AM

    Cue up Sarah and Bristol Palin's outrage against Target!

    1. Anonymous5:00 AM

      Its coming. Sarah Palin is getting slow in her old age.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      The default reaction to any absurd wing-nut rant is to expect SP and BP to jump in, after the fact, because there is possible media attention for them, too!
      How predictable you two are now -- SP & BP (well, your blog writers, anyway).
      KNOW THYSELVES? much.

      You are self-obsessed without being self-aware.
      Get help.

    3. Anonymous5:26 AM

      She already did, sort of by using Franklin Graham.

    4. Boscoe6:35 AM

      I'm sure she's working feverishly formulating some invective even as we speak. But you know, it takes time to concoct just the perfect assholish bumpersticker slogan for the occasion...

  10. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Waiting for the outrage from Brancy (Sarah Palin) against Target's new gender neutral policy.

    Any time soon Sarah will get her ghostwriter to post something on Bristol's blog.

    Then Sarah will post a comment on her facebook telling everybody to read Bristol's ghostwritten blog with a link to Bristol's blog.

    We've seen this time after time. This is now Sarah Palin’s modus operandi of hiding behind Bristol. Everybody knows that Bristol who barely has a high school education is not capable of writing anything without using the word awesome.

    Have a good day Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Oh how the "mighty" have fallen!

    2. Sally in MI5:49 AM

      Sarah hasn't even had time for Nancy to tell her how she feels about BFF Trump supporting Planned Parenthood! How can she possibly respond to something that only happened two days ago? Give the woman a break. She's vibrant, and school is starting, and she has to stage a "back to school picture" with darling Trig, and he keeps grabbing her phones. Surely she can't be expected to handle more than one major crisis at a time!
      "Tawd! Oh Tawd! Where's my purse...the extra phone is in there. And can you please make Trig stop hitting me?"

    3. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Sarah must not be paying very well. Nancy is very slow to respond with posts on hot issues unless she is trying to create one.

      Most paid bloggers are all over this topic...

    4. Anonymous7:46 AM

      That little fucker Trig is going to hit a woman someday when he's 17 or 18 years old and go to jail for it. It is not funny to see a kid acting that way even if it is Sarah. The little bastard should've would up scrambled on a tray in a PP clinic...there, I said it!

  11. Anonymous5:06 AM

    As soon as Target has a big holiday sale with great deals you will see Sarah Palin standing in line with the rest of the Target haters.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Will Sarah be boycotting the local Target?

  12. Anonymous5:10 AM

    I'm sure these kids will have plenty to say about it!

  13. Anonymous5:18 AM

    "If you aren't going to tell me which troll is the boy and which is the girl how can I shop at Target" LMAO!

  14. Anonymous5:52 AM

    So what would Target do to my five-year-old daughter who declared, in do uncertain terms, "I don't want to be a princess. I want to be the Kind or Queen.", no. Little girl -- here are some "My Little Ponies" just for you!

    But I want a Batmn costume like my brother!

    Ah, little girl, you're going straight to Hades if you don't like what we tell you you're supposed to like. You must not be a little girl, after all. Be gone, immediately, you child of Satan.

  15. Connie6:25 AM

    My sisters and I used to play with anything that fulfilled our imaginations. This was the sixties and my parents were filled with the spirit of the new generation.

    I remember Mom telling us years later that she gave us kids (all girls) toy guns over the objections of both my father's and her parents. Everyone thought it would lead to trouble. Not sure about trouble as we used the toy bullets as lipsticks. Mom thought that was a total hoot (she grew up with all brothers).

    Kids play. They will use whatever is closest to fuel their imagination. To limit a mind with pre-selected labels is damaging in my opinion. I've always shopped at Target. Now I'll make sure to spend my moneys there.

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    This is one of the best ever threads on IM! Mike Melgaard for President in 2016!

  17. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Marina and Barstool troll dolls?

  18. I don't care about the gender stuff, but I do care about the age-level appropriateness and feel that info has to be written on every toy.

  19. Anonymous1:51 PM

    My brother in law won't let my nephews get a kitten for a pet cause he believes that cats will make boys turn gay. I wish I could make up this shit.

  20. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I still have my two Troll dolls from back in the 70's!
    Now I want that green one! Target here I come.
    M from MD

    1. Anonymous6:23 PM

      I have five of the originals from the 60's !!

  21. Anita Winecooler5:25 PM

    There's a sucker born every minute, and this brilliant piece of sarcasm got them every time! And what's not to like about the iconic androgynous buck ass nekkid troll doll?

  22. physicsmom5:59 PM

    Target wins the internet for sure! Since they decided to neutralize the toy and sleepwear departments, we should have known that they would make an epic reply to the RWNJs. Bravo, Target, Bravo!

  23. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Don't these morons have anything better to do with their time, it seems to me other stores do not label the aisles boys/girls.

    To be perfectly honest, I am surprised no one brought up the fact that taking down the sides will lead to co-ed bathrooms :)


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.