Monday, August 10, 2015

Jon Stewart on Bernie Sanders.

I agree that this is undoubtedly accurate.

However I would argue that there are some conservatives making a similar argument in defense of Donald Trump.


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    The difference is that T-Rump is a crazy pants cuckoo bird...

  2. There's something about Bernie I've tried to put my finger on for a while and now I know what it is: I don't think Bernie Sanders could kill anyone.

  3. Anonymous4:11 AM

    hmmm? Let us compare. We have orange hair vs Sandy hair. orange, the entitled brat vs Sandy, one who has worked his life for middleclass and poor issues. A man of his word, honest, and a candidate for USA pres. A true gem.

  4. Anonymous5:12 AM

    Breitbart Staffers Accuse Site of Taking Cash for Positive Trump Coverage

  5. Anonymous5:17 AM

    What does Sarah think about the Donald now?

  6. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Bernie Sanders draws 28,000 people in Portland

    Portland set the record tonight. Including the 9,000 who couldn’t get in the doors, an astonishing 28,000 people showed up for our rally. We began this campaign all of three and a half months ago and the momentum has been nothing less than extraordinary. This campaign is sending a message to the billionaire class: Yes we do have the guts to take you on! They may have unlimited sums of money, but we have a united people.

  7. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Donald Trump struggles

  8. Anonymous6:16 AM

    And of course he's cheating, just like Sarah does:

    In a bombshell allegation, three Breitbart staffers have told Buzzfeed they believe their website is being paid by Donald Trump to provide positive coverage for his presidential campaign.

    Buzzfeed’s McKay Coppins reports that many staffers at the conservative website have privately complained about the website’s relentlessly positive coverage of Trump. “One current editor… said he was told by an executive last year that the company had a financial arrangement with Trump,” Coppins writes. “A second Breitbart staffer said he had heard a similar description of the site’s relationship with the billionaire but didn’t know the details; and a third source at the company said he knew of several instances when managers had overruled editors at Trump’s behest.”

    Coppins also interviewed a “communications operative” who claims to work closely with Breitbart. He claims the operative had conversations with multiple editors and writers confirming the arrangement, and “one staffer claimed to have seen documentation of the ‘pay for play.’”

    1. Anonymous8:45 AM

      Not surprising as Breitbart is NOT a legitimate news organization, but merely a vanity/opinion blog run as a paean to their late, not-so-great, drugged-out, loudmouth leader, Andrew Breitbart. It's Breitbart's voice from beyond the grave, not a balanced look at current events and actual news.

  9. LisaB25957:39 AM

    I think people know Bernie Sanders is authentic in ways no other politician is. It's a breath of fresh air.

    I think that was the reason for Sarah's initial popularity. She felt different than your run of the mill politician. Unlike Sarah, I think Sanders's popularity will not wane once people get a closer look. They may chose another candidate eventually, but it won't be because they discovered he was a bitter, know nothing narcissist.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      Sarah and Trump "go rogue" to deliver an agenda of hate and divisiveness while Bernie Sanders veers from the established path of political process to deliver a message of hope and equality.

  10. Therein lies the problem with conservatives. They don't see a difference. Sort of like failing to understand one jar contains peanut butter and the other shit.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Aptly put, might use that in the future. Might add, 'even though each jar is clearly marked.'

      Thank you TC @8:28 am.



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