Wednesday, August 05, 2015

President Obama gives almost an hour long speech slamming opponents of the Iran nuclear deal, and reminding his audience that these critics were the same warmongers who supported Iraq war.

Courtesy of CNN: 

President Barack Obama issued a blistering rebuttal to opponents of the Iran nuclear deal as he sought to bolster congressional support for the agreement with a major speech on Wednesday. 

He declared that lawmakers risk damaging American credibility if they vote to scuttle the deal and equated them with those who pushed for war with Iraq -- and with the mullahs in Iran. 

"It's those hardliners chanting 'death to America' who have been most opposed to the deal. They're making common cause with the Republican caucus," Obama said. 

"If Congress kills this is deal, we will lose more than just constraints on Iran's nuclear program or the sanctions we have painstakingly built," Obama said. "We will have lost something more precious: America's credibility as a leader of diplomacy. America's credibility as the anchor of the international system."

I watched this speech today and was struck by just how detailed Obama was in itemizing exactly what makes the Iran deal so good for maintaining peace.

But what made me actually sit up and applaud was when the President reminded folks that the politician who are the biggest critics of this deal, are also the ones who beat the war drums the loudest for the idea of invading Iraq.

The 2002 Iraq vote, which spawned foreign policy headaches for the past two administrations, was driven by war-hungry politicians, Obama claimed. He said Wednesday that opponents of his agreement with Iran were deploying similar arguments ahead of the September vote in Congress. 

"None of these arguments hold up. They didn't back in 2002 and 2003 and they shouldn't now," Obama said. "The same mind-set, in many cases offered by the same people who seem to have no compunction with being repeatedly wrong, led to a war that did more to strengthen Iran, more to isolate the United States, than anything we have done in the decades before or since."

Now that's how I like to hear my President deal with his critics. By publicly spanking them over the fact that every problem they see they want to solve with the blood of our American service men and women.

The President also mentioned that literally EVERY other country who has commented publicly supports this deal, with the exception of Israel of course. Who have their own reasons for wanting to keep their people frightened and focused on the Iranian bogeyman.

It is a good speech, and extremely informative speech. (If you do not have time to listen to the entire thing here is a transcript.)

Of course the speech did not go over very well with the conservatives.

In fact Breitbart got their panties in a wad over the President's assertion that the conservative critics of the deal over here were "making common cause" with the hardliners in Iran.

Yep that truth really stings doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I chose to give life to my children, who are now young adults. Why are the anti-choice conservative Republicans so determined to perform a delayed, post birth abortion on them? Why don't they value fully developed, self-sustained life? Why do they want to kill my babies?

    1. Boscoe7:45 PM

      Eisenhower knew why:

    2. A Superfan In Atlanta7:52 PM

      Wow! I never thought about how deep the reach is for the anti-choice crowd. Post birth abortion affects everyone younger than a Baby Boomer.

    3. To Republicans poor women are just Axlotl tanks whose sole purpose is to provide them with cannon fodder for any future wars and cheap, disposable labor for their own profit.

      Destroying education, social security, medicare, it is all part of the big picture.

      Keep them ignorant and breeding. Spend no money on them. Don't get sick and if you do, die fast. That's their mantra.

  2. Republicans want war. It's just that simple. It won't be their sons, daughters, husbands or wives dying. And the arms manufacturers will acquire wealth, some of which will find its way into republican pockets.

    Why do we allow them to do this to us? Why do people continue to vote for people who hold them in such contempt?

    1. A Superfan In Atlanta7:53 PM

      We don't vote each election cycle.

    2. Anonymous8:25 PM

      the fuktard r's really need to reinstitute the draft if they want 'round the clock war, 24/7 ..

    3. Republicans don't respect people enough to hold them in contempt. To them, people, especially the poor, old, women, minorities, are simply a commodity to be used, profited from and discarded, like cars, stocks or real estate.

      They are useful when making a profit and useless when costing money.

      Hence the defunding of social security, healthcare, education, etc.

    4. Anonymous5:43 AM

      I felt--awakened?-- when I read your post, 8:41. You speak the truth. But that in itself is horrible. I don't want these people anywhere near positions of power!!!

      This is still (in name at least) a democracy, people. Let's GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Superfan, you should vote in each election cycle. The entire US House of Representatives is up for election every two years and 1/3 of the US Senate. Does Georgia have two year terms for its lower legislative body as well? Republicans vote; Democrats need to also.

  3. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Keeping Iran out of the nuclear club might be doable for a few decades. But over the long haul, it's probable they will eventually get atomic weaponery. This is a good stop gap. But mutual disarmament is best option.

    China, France, Russia, UK, US, India, Pakistan, North Korea, Israel have nuclear weapons. Although Israel doesn't admit it.

  4. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Yes, this is how a real president does his job. Not like W who essentially followed the orders of the weapons manufacturers in 2002.

  5. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Wish there was some way to get a third term...

    1. No law says he can't be Secretary of State.

      But I'd rather have him on the Supreme Court.

    2. Anonymous9:36 PM

      Me too. former President Barack Hussein Obama, at some future point, Chief Justice of the SCOTUS if that is what he'd relish doing as public service for the rest of his life.


    3. Leland3:48 AM

      I must admit I like the idea of him being on the Supreme Court, but as long as the repubes have control of Congress IT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN! Period.

  6. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Wars just line the pockets of Republicans in one form or the other.

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    This is why I voted for Barack Obama.

  8. Anita Winecooler7:29 PM

    I watched this "breaking news" on the new, improved, more tasty, less filling MSNBC, and was floored by this man's profound genius. THIS is the Obama I voted for. Not one word wasted, and his timing couldn't be better.

  9. Boscoe7:41 PM

    Huh. So, conservatives are all drooling and excited when they're comparing Obama to Hitler and saying he's on the side of the terrorists and are unsure if he's really Christian (as opposed to a secret Muslim brotherhood member, I guess), but their skin suddenly gets paper thin when he points out they're acting in alignment with Iranian hardliners, which is actually true.

    Funny how the war mongering toughguys go straight to crying little butthurt biyotches when given the most fractional dose of their own medicine.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM



    2. Anonymous11:16 PM

      So well said. TY.

    3. Anonymous11:24 PM

      Gotta love him. So brilliant, articulate, factual, and dazzlingly direct in making his point. He reminds me so much of my father, and I'm 67! These don't come along often. I'm so gonna miss him. *sigh*

  10. Anonymous1:37 AM

    Are they too full of hatred for the President, that they forget that 5 other countries are with him on this deal? Imagine how their leaders feel, watching the gop doing their best to destroy the best chance for peace in that region. They lost young servicepeople in W's wars, too, and they are sick of war. If they align with Israel so much, why don;t they move there, leave us for the SMART people? Each politician should listen to their constituents, not Bibi the warmonger. I think Israel, under Bibi is the most dangerous country in that region. He is intruding in US politics, and the weak willed gop is supporting HIM, rather than our President!! Disgusting.

    1. Leland3:50 AM

      Israel has LONG been the cause of friction and tension and terrorism in the middle east.

  11. Anonymous1:43 AM

    For a few generations now the republikkkan party have become this insane clown war mongers. They are paranoid, fearing, crazed zombies. There have been several misguided souls starting personal wars in the name of the usa. There have been attacks to the usa when big shit was asleep. And tonight folks. We shall hear more garbage, lies, and fear coming from the mouths of the fox selected few pimpin for money to feed the hogs. Stay tuned and thirsty my friends.

  12. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sarah Palin facebook
    46 mins ago

    If 7 years ago I had predicted the Obama administration was targeting my family and all conservatives who posed a threat to their radical agenda you never would have believed me, right? Well..... hmmm:

    Fuck you Sarah Palin. President Obama could give a rat's ass about you or your promiscuous daughters. Stick a fork in yourself, you're done RETARD!

    WAHHHH President Obama is targeting me. ROFLOL

    Oh by the way, has Bristol figured out who the father of her bastard unborn baby is?

    One more thing, is HMMM the sound of you giving a hummer?

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      Lois Lerner, the key figure in the controversy over the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups for added scrutiny, once considered opening up an audit into Bristol Palin’s compensation from a teen pregnancy charity, according to a new Senate report.

      What do you think Sarah Palin would do if it was Malia Obama who received $332,500 in compensation to be a celebrity abstinence spokesperson for the Candies organization instead of Bristol Palin (who is on her second promiscuous pregnancy)?

      If Malia Obama was Bristol Palin, would Sarah Palin cry out how come there isn't an investigation against unmarried Malia Obama who is out there fucking around and doesn't know who her second baby's daddy is?

  13. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Sounds right to me but I'm biased. Lerner asked if the IRS should open an investigation into Candies upon learning of Bristol's $332 000 payment. "Charitable" organizations cannot be for the benefit of individuals.

    Their abstinence spokesperson is a slut! If their secretary can't read, their accountant can't count and their I.T. guy can't use a computer then I give them a pass.

  14. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I did like that JFK clip Rachel M. played. "America will never start a war."
    Then they showed a pic of that dunce Bush and America started a war.
    Yes America was great, had morals. Now, nothing but uglies.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.