Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Presidential candidate, and neurosurgeon, Ben Carson does not know if the Bible has authority over the Constitution.

If you're convoluted response to this question is that you have to know which passage of the bible is addressing which specific portion of the Constitution then your answer is "Yes the Bible has authority over the Constitution."

Which translates to the American people as "No I should not be running for President of the United States."


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    And which type of religion should be followed? Ben Carson's Seventh Day Adventist? Donald Trump's (supposed) Presbyterianism? Mike Huckabee's Evangelism? Rick Santorum's Catholicism? The Pope's Catholicism? Etc.
    Just saying "The Bible," isn't anywhere near enough. We need specifics.
    Would a Jewish candidate, following the Old Testament, qualify?

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Good point!

      I never was seriously worried about Ben Carson as a presidential candidate. I'll be surprised if he makes it to the primaries.

  2. It was a simple question, with only one simple answer: no.
    This is getting more and more frightening.

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    According to Dr. Ben we need to go stone Bristol to death.

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Why don't these evangelistic idiots go form their own bible country somewhere. Then we can put them on the terrorist watch-list where they belong.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I second that.

    2. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Why go elsewhere? They're forming it here and making good progress.

  5. Anonymous9:39 AM

    The stupid question should not have been asked.

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      It's not a stupid question if it gives an insight into a candidates knowledge regarding a simple civic question. I would not vote for someone whose way of governing is guided more by the bible tha the Constitution

  6. angela9:42 AM

    Carson's church--The Seventh Day Adventists, have an extremely sane policy of separation of church and state.
    They have been reiterating their philosophy a whole lot lately,
    and I have a feeling it is mostly because of Carson.

    My grandmother is an Adventist and won't mention his name.
    He's a grifter like the rest of them. These creeps flogging religion/politics make me ill. And its not just because I'm an
    atheist, its because I actually believe in the constitution.

  7. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Someone's neural synapses are not firing on all cylinders. But then again, what GOPer has any neural synapses to begin with?


  8. Frosty10:13 AM

    These people are INSANE! Too bad St Ronnie opened the doors to the asylums, and put the poor MF'ers out on the street.

  9. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I think it was Carson who said there should be a flat rate income tax (10 or 15%) because the Bible says so. The modern GOP is full of lunatics.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      "The modern GOP is full of lunatics."

      The "modern" GOP is full of dominionists.

    2. Anonymous11:51 AM

      I think that was Herman Cain or the "rent's too high" guy.

    3. Anonymous1:25 PM

      "Nein, Nein, Nein" Totally regressive bullshit that Cain never had explained to him properly.
      Then he got booted cause of a sex scandal but Faux said "America's still not ready for a black president" or something such.

      Canada has a bullshit V.A.T. tax as well. 13% across the board. It's on vitamins. It's on caskets and it's even on eco fees. I believe tampons are exempt.

  10. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Almost Every Major Poll Shows Bernie Sanders Challenging or Defeating Clinton and Republicans. Here's Why

  11. Anonymous10:45 AM


    Head of pro-Rand Paul super PAC indicted in payment scheme

    A close confidant of Sen. Rand Paul was indicted Wednesday for an alleged conspiracy to bribe an Iowa state senator in 2011 to shift allegiances to Paul’s father, Ron, then a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination.

    Jesse Benton, a longtime aide to the younger Paul who’s now helming a super PAC supporting the Kentucky Republican’s 2016 presidential bid, faces charges of conspiracy, obstructing an investigation, submitting false campaign finance reports to the Federal Election Commission and making false statements to the FBI. Two other operatives, John Tate and Dimitrios Kesari, also face charges connected to the alleged payoff.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Hmmm. This again? That reminds me. Why was it that Michele Bachmann didn't run for re-election in her deep red and tinfoiler infested district?

      Oh yeah. This scandal all started with the Michele Bachmann 2012 campaign and the theft of Iowa home schooler email list by thye cooperating witness. (google NICHE +Kent Sorenson)

      Also coverage of Sorenson's guilty plea got a few Michele Bachamnn name drops:

      "Sorenson, 42, resigned from the Iowa Senate a year ago, less than three years after his election. However, he has said his decision was "absolutely not" an admission of wrongdoing.

      His resignation came just hours after Mark Weinhardt, a special prosecutor asked to investigate whether Sorenson had broken Iowa Senate rules, released a report saying it was "manifestly clear" Sorenson negotiated payments in 2011 in exchange for his work as Bachmann's Iowa campaign chair.

      Such payments violate the state Senate's rules that forbid any sitting lawmaker from being paid by a campaign while in office.

      The criminal complaint against Sorenson came after questions emerged during the Senate ethics committee investigation about his role in the Bachmann campaign."

      Keeping up with Kent Sorenson- last month:

      "Embattled former state senator Kent Sorenson was aggressive with officers, banging his head against a squad car cage, when they arrested him for allegedly assaulting his wife last Friday, according to court records.

      Sorenson, who was convicted of concealing 2012 presidential campaign payments, was booked into the Warren County Jail on charges of interference with official acts and domestic abuse assault. Court records indicate that his wife escaped through a bedroom window after a confrontation with the 6-foot-1, 250-pound Sorenson."

      What would America do without "family values" republiCONs to tell us how to run our lives?

  12. Anonymous10:48 AM

    The Republican candidates are all the same on these issues. Ten of them will step on to the stage tomorrow night in Cleveland, and they will hold the same positions as their opponents. The Republican Party continues to believe that the problem is the messenger when the real issue continues to be the message.

    Republicans will try to out-conservative each other, but the reality is that Donald Trump is not the extreme of the Republican Party. He is the baseline. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and Marco Rubio won’t admit it, but they have a great deal in common with Trump, and it is the commonality of agenda that will sink the Republican Party in 2016.

  13. Anonymous10:58 AM

    And if you believe this, I've got a bridge to nowhere for ya...

    Fox News Doesn’t Control the GOP

  14. Anonymous11:02 AM

    This clip is a perfect example of Chuck Todd failing to practice journalism.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:45 PM

      So True!!!

  15. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Uncle Tom has him some religion.

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Neurosurgeon, heal thyself.

  17. Anonymous12:01 PM

    On PBS News Hour last night, Dr. Ben Carson, the mild-mannered black Republican who wants to stop federal funding to Planned Parenthood (as does every Republican), responded Gwen Ifill's question about what women were supposed to do for reproductive health care services without Planned Parenthood by saying, "They can go to the pregnancy centers that have been set up all over the country."

    These "pregnancy centers" -- Dr. Carson pointed out -- are privately funded. He did not point out they are funded by right-wing and fundamentalist groups. But he dd say they perform "the same services" as Planned Parenthood.

    It was a jaw-dropping moment. During the short interview, Ifills didn't have any time for a follow-up, or maybe it's just not the fashion nowadays to confront candidates. But there was much that could have been said.

    For one thing, those "pregnancy centers" do not perform annual pelvic exams and pap smears, one of the key, and vital services that Planned Parenthood performs in the community. They don't do breast cancer screening. And they certainly don't prescribe birth control to women who need it.

    So what do they do? They perform free pregnancy tests on women too poor even to buy a kit from the drugstore.

    And when the result is positive, an extremely dour, judgmental woman comes out with a pair of baby booties (that's right) and says, "Well, you're pregnant." No abortion information available here. The guilt trip is the whole point.

    I'm not making this up.

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      It's so typical that there was "no time" for follow up questions. There is never time for such questions when the media interviewer is talking to someone from the GOP. I bet part of the deal is that the person being interviewed does not have to address any follow up questions. I am so tired of these Klown Kar GOP presidential hopefuls getting away with saying anything they want before a camera with absolutely no fear of being held responsible for what they've said. So much for American journalists!

    2. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I am beginning to think all these journalists went to the same college as Sarah Palin.

      They never do follow up questions (commercial break)and they never challenge the lies(commercial break).

  18. physicsmom5:22 PM

    Anon 3:33, you hit the nail right on the head. As long as no one holds the candidates, and all politicians actually, accountable for what they say, nothing will change.

    As to Carson, he and Huckabee need to get together and bang out the Repub position on the Bible vs. the Constitution. Right now they're speaking at cross-purposes. Oh, probably should include Jindal in that high-powered confab too.

  19. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    He's a neurosurgeon, and plays a wicked game of "operation", but can't come up with a simple "no" answer. Which Version of the Bible? Which Church's "Bible"? Whose interpretation is THE official Bible of the founding fathers? Why did they add "no religious test" in the wording?
    We need "journalism reform", desperately in this country. Here's an educated physician running for the highest office and he can't answer a simple civics question without beating around a burning bush? Good Job, Chuck!

  20. He's just trying to avoid actually answering the question because he knows either way he's screwed.

  21. Whoever is bankrolling Carson will soon cut off the funds.
    His fifteen minutes ended with last night's debate.


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