Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Governor Bobby Jindal defunds Louisiana Planned Parenthood clinics in response to hoax video, even though they do not perform abortions.

Courtesy of Salon: 

On Monday, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announced that the state would be terminating Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid provider agreement because — take a deep breath, people, this one’s a run-on — “multiple videos have surfaced showing Planned Parenthood Federation of America senior personnel and other employees describing how they actively engage in illegal partial birth abortion procedures and conduct these abortions in a manner that leaves body parts intact so that they can later be sold on the open market.” 

Following in the footsteps of Sarah Palin by buying into the narrative perpetrated by the Planned Parenthood hoaxers at the Center for Medical Progress, Jindal stated that he had “directed the Department of Health and Hospitals to investigate Planned Parenthood’s activities in Louisiana” — which do not include any of the procedures discussed on the deceptively edited videos, for the simple reason that neither of the two remaining Planned Parenthood clinics in Louisiana provide abortion services. 

In effect, Jindal is ordering an investigation into something that can’t possibly occur based on video evidence that shouldn’t be trusted, but he is in the running for the Republican presidential nomination — if only barely — and further defunding Planned Parenthood is a cheap way to score points among socially conservative primary voters.

Wasn't it just two years ago that Jindal was begging the GOP to "stop being the stupid party?"

Looks like somebody should have taken his own advice.

Speaking of stupid Brancy is still promoting those videos like crazy.

Let's face it without the stupid people there simply wouldn't be a GOP base.


  1. The stupid party's candidates take the oath to run: Ethics, integrity, reason, facts -- just say bye-bye.

    O/T here's another thing Obama as done:

    When President Obama won the election in 2007, he broke through the glass ceiling. The nation elected a black president, paving the way for all others that are not white. Nobody is even talking about the race of any of the current candidates. Obama broke through for all who follow:

    For Ben Carson, who is black,
    or Bobby Jindal, who is brown,
    and of course, Donald Trump, who is orange.

    (hat tip to Norbert Haupt)

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Actually Boehner broke the glass ceiling for orange people.

  2. Randall6:30 AM

    Bobby Jindal and Donald Trump are the most obvious examples of how the Republican Party has become the "professional wrestling version" of US politics.

  3. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Bobby's World will NEVER be president.

    Speaking of the GOP 2016 clown car::


  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Maybe Brancy should start promoting Bristol to get some counseling.

  5. Janice A Soderquist6:46 AM

    OT... one thing we see is Trump praising Sarah. But, will we ever see her on the campaign trail with him? I bet he will not be seen in public with her, he knows she is toxic. He is just praising her to draw her fans...

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Who'll bet that she'll find out The Glump's campaign calendar and "accidentally" arrive in the same town or city as does he on the same day? Forcing her way into at least a meet-and-greet.
      Although, that might be taking things too far, too soon.
      There's that deep bench that she doesn't want to annoy, and who she thinks will make room for her "when the time is right." Like, hmmm, 2020,

    2. Janice A Soderquist8:43 AM

      Trumps wife will never let her be around them in public. She has too much class and know what Sarah is up to.

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Trump's wife has class?

    4. Anita Winecooler6:18 PM

      "class" when using Sarah as a barometer, is a very low hurdle to surmount. An amoeba has more class and brains than Sarah. (no offense to amoebas).

  6. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I just want to smack this goofball in the face! These Republicans - as candidates for POTUS - bring such disgrace to their party. How can they think they'll ever be elected for 'any' office?

    I've grown to detest these particular politicians.

    Thank God we have had President Obama and VP Biden running our country!

    I worry so for our future if a Republican were to get into the office - although I suspect Hillary Clinton will win the race (in spite of all the negative they are putting out there about her in the media!).

    Vote Republicans out of office wherever possible - national, state and local levels. Get the people near you out to vote during our next election cycle.

  7. Cracklin Charlie6:50 AM

    Bob fool around too much and he will lose his current job, as well.

    1. He is term-limited and "Diaper Dave" is running for the office.

  8. Run, Piyush, run!!!

    1. I want the media to start referring to him as Piyush Jindal just like they hammer Barack HUSSEIN Obama.

      If it's sauce for the goose....

      That goes for the other candidates too, starting with Jeb.

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I so agree. For years these pathetic assholes have rarely referred to him as President Obama. Always Barrack HUSSEIN Obama, always! Screeching his middle name. Right Piyush, Rafael, Bush?

      Use THEIR real names. This bunch of clowns know nothing about respect. They gave none, they'll get none. They don't much like it when they get their own shit thrown right back at them, do they?

  9. Maple6:51 AM

    I'm betting that the folks who object to fetal cells being used for the benefit of scientific research into diseases such as Parkinson's and MS are the same folks who would object to having a loved one's organs donated to save someone else's life. Thoughtless little useless minds. And BTW, Bobby, PP did NOT do anything illegal, no matter how you want to twist it.

    1. How do they feel about heart or other transplants? They don't have a problem with carefully dismembering a dead human to preserve its organs.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I have MS and two friends that have Parkinsons - we continue to require scientific research as to these diseases and screw these Republicans that are trying to stop it.

      I'm assuming they would change their tune IF they have family members with these horrible diseases!

    3. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Liz are you really that disconnected from the obvious?

      I have no opinion on abortion.... but you have to be completely obtuse to not understand the difference between harvesting hearts/organs from the naturally deceased for transplant... vs harvesting parts from a recently viable fetus that was mechanically destroyed by a doctor.

      Gimme a break.

    4. Anonymous9:17 AM

      9:05, "No opinion on abortion"? GIVE ME A BREAK!

    5. Anonymous9:38 AM

      I really don't 9:17. I don't care if you believe me or not.

      But to have such obvious disconnect as Liz stated is absolutely fuel for the anti-abortionists, it is a totally obtuse comparison.

    6. Anonymous11:25 AM

      9:38, I bet you don't see color, either....

    7. Anonymous12:50 PM

      11:25, I could also be swayed to always vote republican, not cause I necessarily want to, but really just to spite asshole liberals that annoy me with their general stupidity and childish mentality just enough to do so.

    8. Anonymous1:30 PM

      You would vote Republican simply out of spite? And you are calling other people stupid and childish?

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Jeb Bush’s Grandfather Was A Founding Member Of Today’s Planned Parenthood

    ...Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida and 2016 presidential candidate, wants to launch a federal investigation and defund the major women’s healthcare provider Planned Parenthood. During the Iowa Faith and Freedom Summit, a top advisor for Bush said, “We have got to defund Planned Parenthood, by the way, and Gov. Bush supports those efforts.”

    I guess Planned Parenthood is one Bush family endeavor they don’t want to be associated with anymore.
    Liars Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Linked To Antiabortionist Terror Group (VIDEO)

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Shouldn't people like Bristol be getting cease and desist letters before they motivate someone even stupider to do something violent. With everybody suing everybody in the US, it boggles my mind that health care services could be interrupted because of liars and self promoters.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      So, BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeb! is a tool.

    3. Oh, he'll be walking that back as a misspeak as soon as it hits the media fan.

  11. Anonymous7:13 AM

    4 More Deceptive Edits In The Fifth Video Attempting To Smear Planned Parenthood

    Whole Sentences Removed In False Attack On Texas Planned Parenthood

    ...New Video Fails To Uncover Evidence That Planned Parenthood Broke The Law. Like the four previous deceptively-edited videos CMP has already released, their latest effort to frame Planned Parenthood does not include any evidence of illegal activity on the clinic's behalf. Instead, the video once again features strategically-edited conversations that merely show that the organization is being reimbursed for costs associated with the consensual procurement of fetal tissue, which federal law allows.

    1. It's a smear campaign, like the joke, "When did you stop beating your wife?' You can't erase the innuendos made by such cunningly made videos.
      It's like a judge saying, "The jury will disregard the [slurs] made by the Prosecuting attorney." Can't be done.

      PP may be in real big trouble.

      I's not at all surprising these a-holes are trying yet again but defund another worthwhile progressive institution, but DO IT to get votes! THAT is the awful & surprising thing -- it works. Look at Scott Walker, reelected!!

      That they HAVE to do this to get elected shows just how fucked is Reasonable America (the silent majority who just shake their heads in disbelief, shrug their shoulders and do nothing).

    2. A California judge forbade them from releasing any more videos since they are being investigated for breaking California state law regarding consent by all parties, which they violated.

      I hope someone is getting arrested, arraigned and going to trial real soon.

  12. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Now I remember where I've seen that face before.

    1. I'm sorry, but on behalf of Alfred, I take great umbrage.
      At the very least, Alfred has undeniable human and
      socially redeeming value, Jindal, not so much.

    2. Balzafiar10:07 AM

      Bobby's time would be far better spent doing something useful, like pulling a pedicab.

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      But you have to admit, Jonathan Sands, that Bobby sure looks like Alfred.

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    So the videos are disturbing. Hmmm. I should tell everyone about my experience as lab pathology technician killing and cutting animals for research. I guess if its's only animals that don't matter. I quit doing that because I couldn't handle the killing, etc. But this goes on constantly in the name of providing medical solutions to heal people. There are so many videos out about animal abuse, especially in the state of Iowa, Joni Ernst home territory. One of the very worst cases of animal abuse occurred in Iowa a few years ago. A couple of boys broke into a small local shelter of cats, took baseball bats and proceeded to smash the animals to pieces. They got off of course, "boys will be boys" etc.

    In many ways there is a comparison to the disturbing narrative--destruction of animals in cruel and abusive manner to fill human needs and the fetal organs being harvested for similar needs. Science is not absolute, and the objectivity required for many activities can be very disturbing.

    Watching a dr in an operating room save a life can also be very disturbing.

    How about sending soldiers to an illegal war to lose limbs and lives? Who cares as much about that?


    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      10cats, 13 here! I view abortion much like I view euthanasia of animals. Both are necessary in this world, for now. If we as humans would ever become the truly "superior" species, neither would be necessary, except in extreme cases. Sadly, animals that are euthanasized are already viable living creatures.

    2. Anonymous1:28 PM

      As long as women can get pregnant and men can get them pregnant, abortions will always be necessary.

    3. What I don't get is anti-abortionists are also anti-birth control and anti-sex education.

      Can't they put two and two together?

      Like birth control prevents abortion?

      No, they just don't want anyone to have sex. Well, they want men to be able to have all the sex they want but women aren't supposed to have any. Again I say, they can't put two and two together?

      Lack knowledge of basic science?

    4. Cracklin Charlie8:28 PM

      The women can have long as they're dressed, and act, like little girls.

      Little girls can't get pregnant.

      So, women don't need health care.

  14. Anonymous8:52 AM

    "Make the lie big. Make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." Guess whose playbook they are using.

    1. Goebbels and G.W. Bush. Both said pretty much the same thing.

  15. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Nancy French is promoting the videos on " Stacey Dash's" blog as well. She must really really like them.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      She's probably being paid to do it.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Stacy Dash is an asshole and an idiot.

  16. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Palin gets some time on KOS front page:

    1. Because Trump is so average Joe sixpack and so understands the working man because....because....because he hires them to cut his grass?

      She is so brown nosing for an appointment.

      Does she think the heavier she lays it on the more likely it is he'll choose her for his running mate?

  17. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wing-nut conspiracy theorists have done it again: The truth about the Planned Parenthood hoax revealed

  18. Anonymous9:30 AM

    97% of Planned Parenthood's work is mammograms, preventive care

  19. Anonymous10:04 AM

    As a person of East Indian origin , which this Jindal idiot shares, I am ashamed to see him sell his soul and act with no conscience; shameful.

  20. My lord, Piyush is UGLY!

  21. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I will be so grateful when Jindal drops out of the race and I won't have to looks at his putrid fake smile any longer. He totally makes me want to barf. He has NOTHING to offer the American people and is just a waste of space.

  22. Anonymous10:48 AM

    He looks like a well-tanned Alfred E. Newman.

  23. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Despite polls, Republicans still raring for a government shutdown fight over Planned Parenthood

    ... It was like throwing chum in the water to GOP conservatives, who have been whipped into a frenzy.

  24. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Jeb Bush Redirected Planned Parenthood Money To Abstinence-Only Education As Governor

    1. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Jeb Bush's son, "Jebby," was arrested at age 16 for sexual misconduct for screwing a 17-year old girl in a car in a mall parking lot. I'm so glad abstinence education works!

      (And, as we know, that's not the only time one of Jeb's kids got into trouble with the law).

  25. Leland12:03 PM

    Personally, I feel Jindal - especially in pictures like that one above - looks more like a woodchuck showing its teeth. My apologies to the woodchucks. I think they are the smarter of the two.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Woodchucks have more personality and are more intelligent.

  26. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Hey Congress, Defunding Planned Parenthood Is Bad For Your Health

    Using heavily edited videos made by frauds as an excuse, long-time misogynists in the Senate scheduled a knee-jerk vote to defund Planned Parenthood.

    The stupidity of this exercise would be laughable if it weren't so ignorant and cruel. For too long, women's health, like minority health and mental health, has been a second-class citizen in American health policy, subject to the ideologies and mythologies of short-sighted politicians. Planned Parenthood might not be the leading source of erectile dysfunction medication for members of Congress, but senators and representatives must understand they are hurting themselves when they attack fetal tissue research and defund Planned Parenthood.

    To the senators from the many states of denial, YOUR health is at stake:
    Aging senators (their median age is 61) should consider how much their own personal health may depend on fetal tissue and stem cell research. Our understanding of various diseases resulting in dementia, blindness, or other disabilities has expanded in part because of research done on donated fetal tissue. The Alzheimer's Association reports one in three of our fellow Americans dies with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. To members of Congress, you are not spared from these statistics. You can not afford to waste more time (yours and ours) attacking biomedical research. Furthermore, fetal tissue donations for the purpose of scientific research represent a fragment of a fraction of Planned Parenthood's work. Additionally, research on fetal tissue represents less than one per cent of the projects funded by the National Institutes of Health. Nonetheless, donated fetal tissue has contributed to breakthroughs enjoyed by current members of Congress, such as vaccines against polio and chickenpox.

    But perhaps this is too much "science talk" for members of Congress.

  27. Anonymous12:10 PM

    New Hampshire GOPers seize on Planned Parenthood videos to slash contraception, STD testing funds

  28. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Conservatives Are Furious That Trump Is Distracting From Planned Parenthood

    Republican presidential candidate and noted abortion flip-flopper Donald Trump has yet to make a statement on a pair of sting videos that allege Planned Parenthood affiliates are selling tissue from aborted fetuses for profit.

    His silence on the issue enraged conservative commentators and right-leaning political observers on two levels. On one hand, they blasted the mainstream media for conveniently glomming onto the latest Trump sound bite instead of substantively covering the sting videos. On the other hand, they suggested the real estate mogul was missing an opportunity to use his high profile to draw further attention to the Planned Parenthood controversy.

    1. They should leave Trump alone. There is no telling what he would say. Like if you want fewer abortions then give Planned Parenthood more money to supply free birth control.

  29. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Alfred E. Neuman. nuff said.

  30. Anonymous1:16 PM

    If Jindal became president, it would be the death of political cartoonists. He is already a living caricature. No one could draw his caricature!

  31. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Is it just me,or does Jindal resemble the lizard aliens from that old television show "V"? He is a true douche nozzle!

  32. It won't get him in the debate and it won't help his bid for the nomination.

    Jindal has made a lot of really stupid decisions regarding children, women, health, education, the poor. Why stop now?

    It is up to the voters to vote his ass out of office and keep it out. If they aren't up to it, they deserve what they get.

  33. Anita Winecooler6:38 PM

    Every time I see Pyush, I see him "preening" and fine tuning his hair part with a comb while waiting to give a rebuttal. One would "think", a governor would research, or at least "google" an organization's activities in his own state before jumping on the "anti abortion, our way or no way" clowncar to nowhere. I wish people would stop calling the video makers "journalists", what they're doing is editing and splicing words and phrases that support their mission, and others take it as (excuse the pun) "The Gospel Truth" on Planned Parenthood.

    OF COURSE Brancy and Mr French are "outraged". I doubt any of them are "educated" on the "Facts" surrounding conception and what Planned Parenthood provides beyond abortion. Careful, there, Brancy, sometimes things happen during childbirth that necessitate the mother getting a blood transfusion, and pro abortion folks are notorious for giving blood, and guess what? There's no way to know if the blood donor had an abortion, or, G_d forbid, fornicated without benefit of marriage and a liberal!

    1. Why? He's just pandering to the base and what he thinks the masses want. He has no interest in the facts or what's fair. Truth has nothing to do with it.

      He thinks defunding Planned Parenthood will get him votes just like the Republicans think repealing the ACA will get them votes.

      Both are wrong.

  34. Anonymous11:45 AM

    That is one truly ugly man. Even his smile is awful.
    Piyush, you just don't get it.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.