Saturday, August 15, 2015

Ted Nugent posts video of black man striking another man, and claims it depicts slain teenager Michael Brown in attempt to smear his name and the Black Lives Matter movement.

So on Nugent's Facebook page you can find this video of a black man, purported to be Michale Brown, striking another man from behind and then beating him and robbing him. It is quite terrible to be sure.

Nugent reposted the above video and then added his own comments as well:  

ALL LIVES MATTER but not to devilscum. If black lives matter then let us pray that blacks stop killing raping & destroying their own. Soulless pathetic punks. Here's the gentle giant of Ferguson in action. The world is clealy better off without such vicious devils.

The problem of course is that the man in the video is NOT Michael Brown. Which Snopes made clear back in December of 2014.

Several of Nugent's own visitors also pointed out that it was not Michale Brown as well: 

Eric Burchfield That's not Mike Brown.

Steven Krueger Ted, I love ya brother..but this is not Mike Brown Keep it real by keeping it true brother

To which Nugent responded as follows:

Ted Nugent doesnt have to be mikey. devilpunks are all the same

Many of Nugent's supporters also did not seem to care who it depicted, the fact was that black people were thugs and therefore their lives don't matter:

Kort Kelley Michael Brown got what he deserved! 

Leah Benyo-Bell He was and is Fucking scum! One less asshole to worry about!! 

Chip Morgan Michael Brown was a low life punk...not because he was black but because he was a low life punk....he got what he deserved. 

Jonah Dosher Why can't we just hunt these animals? I feel worse for Cecil, and I don't think that was wrong. Lol 

Yeah see to Nugent and his racist supporters it really doesn't matter that this is not Michael Brown.

What matters is that it shows a black man violently assaulting another man, ipso facto Micheal Brown deserved to die.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    wow? where is sarah on this most important do do throwing repuke contest. Is he in iowa.

  2. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Live by the sword, die by the sword, you racist piece of shit. Hope you end up as the trophy in a canned hunt.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Karma sucks, you raggedy ass pedophile and draft dodger.
    I am sure you suckled til in your teens. Your day will cum.

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Someone needs to post a video of a random man in a cowboy hat shitting his pants.....seems appropriate in this case....could call it #draftdodgerscum

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      A photo of a person standing in the Vietnam draft line in the 60's, with a smirk on a ugly face and shit dripping from his filthy pants.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Nugent is not an anomaly. Just read comments at any Breitbart article or the comments on a Trump article. There are some UGLY people out there. I almost wish I didn't bring kids into this world.

    1. Anonymous6:34 PM

      I know the feeling. I worry for my kids and grandkids. Too much hate in this world.

    2. Anonymous9:07 PM

      I know...
      They seem to have come out of the woodwork since the Travon Martin murder.

      This country has taken a terrible turn where heavily armed racist thugs are allowed to say and do anything including kill. They are not great in number, their candidates are defeated in national elections. We need to remove this cancer from our midst.

  6. Anonymous5:32 PM

    It is good to be white.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      This is getting beyond ridiculous.

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      It is good to be serial killers, and child rapists? BTW, they are all christians.

  7. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I hope and pray that Michael Brown's family sees this and sues shitty pants, coward, pig face Nugent for all he has. Karma, baby.

  8. Anonymous6:13 PM

    G, your Snopes link doesn't work.

  9. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Here's the Snopes article.:

  10. Anonymous6:40 PM

    When Ted Nugent dies they better erect a 16 foot high fence around his grave to keep people from pissing on it!

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Nah, they them piss and much worse. He deserves it!

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      Why waste the wood? A hole saw bit and a portable drill is an easy fix. But here's the problem, he likes to pee all over himself and poop his own pants while alive, a more fitting tribute would be to erect a port a potty over his grave.

    3. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon7:41 PM

      "When Ted Nugent dies they better erect a 16 foot high fence around his grave to keep people from pissing on it!"

      Yeah, but I can piss 17 feet high.
      Into the wind.

  11. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I would like Nuge to keep his word and skedaddle.

    High gun ownership linked to high rate of police officer deaths, study shows
    Researchers find states with the highest rates of state-registered private gun ownership also have the highest rates of homicide of law enforcement officers

  12. Anita Winecooler7:44 PM

    I don't believe in a hell, but there's got to be a "special place" for this racist scum (as an aside, show me who you hang with, I'll tell you what you are. Looking at you, Sarah).
    Perhaps the Labrea Tar Pits? Some cave with contaminated water? Anywhere except among human beings who care for others and their struggles.

    1. Anonymous4:09 AM

      It is astounding how identical their noses.

      That Time Sarah Palin and I Got to Meet Chris Kyle's Widow, Taya, Ted Nugent, Dakota Meyer

    2. Anita Winecooler4:23 PM

      LOL I never noticed before, but you're right! IF Sarah and the Nuge were cousins and had a baby, it would look just like Bristol, with the original chins....

  13. Anonymous7:54 PM

    And will Nugent be showing fake videos of Sarah Palin's little black granddaughter?

    1. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Poor Kid! I don't know who my daddy is...
      Brizdull the mattress back whore went to a gang bang...

  14. Ted, I could have guessed your thoughts on Michael Brown in particular and blacks in general. What would be a more fascinating examination is your list of people you consider dignified.

  15. Caroll Thompson2:12 AM

    Ted tries his best to be a macho guy. But in reality, he is a coward too chicken to serve his country when his country called. Plus his music sucks, so there is that.


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