Sunday, August 16, 2015

As we move closer and closer to 2016, this should be in the forefront of our thoughts.



  1. Randall2:11 AM

    That's right JEB, show off your understanding of foreign-affairs by embracing the Iraq war.

  2. Jeb looks like he's having a T.I.A. (mini stroke). It's gotta be some kind of brain damage that lets that family sleep at night over what they did, then defend it!

    Unconscionable -- not to mention indefensible, unforgivable, wrong; unscrupulous, underhanded & dishonorable.

    That any American cannot see that breaks my heart.

  3. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Proof positive that the "smart one" in the Bush family was Barney the dog.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      And the best looking, too.

  4. Is there something about wonky eyes and being republican?

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      Yes, I think so. Walker, W, Jebbles, PayMe. So unattractive. W had "elephant eyes" no disrespect to intelligent elephants.

  5. Anonymous4:22 AM

    US can't afford this plague

  6. A. J. Billings4:40 AM

    All of us, regardless of how we feel about the reality show that American poltiics has become, had better get out and vote for whomever gets nominated as the Democratic candidate.

    In spite of having to hold my nose to vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination

    In spite of the fact that the elections are now bought and paid for by the billionaire types

    The reasons we must not let the Christian Taliban candidates win for President come down mostly to just two major items

    1) The next President, if he is a Republican, WILL start a new war with Iran, and Iran is a MUCH bigger, richer, and more powerful adversary than Iraq ever was. That could even trigger World war 3, much to the delight of the Christian end times nuts, and Dick Cheney.

    2) It's likely that at least one or two Supreme court justices will be needed by 2020. If the Repubs put one more justice on the court like Bork, Scalia, or Thomas, we could be looking at women's rights being moved back to the 1800's.

    Just hold your nose and vote!

    1. Anita Winecooler4:29 PM

      I wholeheartedly agree, too much is at stake in this election. Now's not the time for apathy, if one of those war hungry freaks get in, we're in big trouble. GOTV and bring clothes pins, but VOTE!!!!

  7. Anonymous4:41 AM

    When will "America's Grandma" battleaxe Barb make her appearance, defending her Jebby? Will his other loser brothers, Nealzie and Marvin show up to support him, I wonder? I read years ago that a former neighbor of the family said that when the kids were little, there was not a single book in the Bush house. Easy to believe that, given the stupidity of the two brothers who think they are royalty. Jeb! should do the only "smart" thing left for him, take the $100 + millions of donor money, and go home. Surely the rich people who gave to his campaign can now see how stupid this man is?

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      The repubs knew W was as "dumb as a stump" (Lumpy McCain said that) however, they had their ace in the hole, Dickless Cheney waiting to run the entire show. I wonder WHO they have ready to be Jeb!'s puppet master? Could it be Lizzy the Lizard Cheney? She is as vicious as her daddy.

  8. Anonymous4:47 AM

    And we did nothing to pay for the war except put it on the mythical "national charge card" otherwise known as the national debt so that Democratic presidents could bear the blame.

    Won't work, Jeb. At least I hope not.

  9. Anonymous5:22 AM

    For the troops who volunteered their service for this country, we thank you. For the idiots in Washington who started the wars and put these young men and women in harms way, we give you the Bronx cheer or the middle finger, take your pick. Don't let another Bush near the White House. This guy sounds as dumb as Bubba. Must be genetics.

  10. Anonymous5:29 AM

    When I think Jeb, I think "stupid", "disengaged", "entitled", "hypocrite"... but mostly STUPID!!! He scares me because I think he will win the GOP nomination by default. The Republican bar is SO low, he may grow on them.

  11. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Did Mammy and Poppy Bush not notice that Jeb's left eye is off-center and have it corrected? Or were they too busy drooling over the awesomeness of their sons? What a joke they are (except WE are stuck with the consequences...)

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Many years ago when rge Kennedy family were riding high on the political scene, Poppy Bush said "Wait until you see what MY boys will do" Jesus H. Christ, Poppy, the Kennedys had something sadly missing in your boys - BRAINS. There is no excuse for these Bush people to be so dumb, except genetics. They attended the best schools money can buy.Poppy paid good money for their diplomas, yet here we are, looking at complete idiots. Such a shallow gene pool the Bush family has. Too much money, so few brain cells. Without the family ill gotten gains, these "boys" would not even make good managers at a fast food joint. I know firsthand, since one of my sons had that job for a while.

  12. Anonymous6:12 AM

    13-Year-Old Perfectly Lampoons Donald Trump In Awesome Viral Video

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM

      Priceless! Priceless! Priceless! Now if the voters with at least as much intelligence as this talented 13 year old will get to the polls maybe the nation can survive!

      You go girl!

    2. Anita Winecooler4:34 PM

      She's absolutely talented and much smarter than Trump. Why did Melania do that to her face? She was a stunning beauty, now she looks, well, plastic and fake.

  13. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Why yes it was a great deal....for Haliburton....blackwater, and for most of the military industry. For the fighting man, not so much.

  14. Anita Winecooler4:45 PM

    George took a one point seven TRILLION dollar surplus handed to him by Jeb Exclamation Point, then blew through it like Grant took Richmond, and it wasn't enough to feed the war machine he put in place. Every point in that graphic leads directly back to Jeb and his pregnant chads, dangling chads, half aborted chads, and imagined chads when the presidency was handed to GWBush, we all know who won the popular vote.
    GWBush's focus was revenge at all costs, because "That man tried to have my daddy killed"

    How ironic was this interview?????


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