Sunday, August 16, 2015

The Washington Post agrees with Bristol Palin's ghostwritten blogpost. Nancy French is very excited.

Okay so this Washington Post reporter (Not a very good reporter since she fails to recognize that Bristol Palin does not write her own blog.) posted an article that kind of agrees with Brancy's post from August 10th, in defense of Donald Trump.

In the article the reporter suggests that faux outrage never works and that Brancy's post was calling Erick Erickson out over using it: 

Whether or not we agree about the validity of the question, Bristol Palin’s got a point. This is not a winning strategy, and if you don’t grasp why, it’s because you misunderstand the whole reason the “outrage industry” works. 

One of the things I’ve been most struck by, whenever I find myself in rooms of people who all share the same beliefs (on whatever side of the aisle) is how ready they are to assume that the people who do not share those beliefs are being disingenuous. That beliefs you disagree with are somehow less genuine than those you share because No Intelligent Person Could Truly Believe Such A Thing or because They’re Just Claiming That They’re Offended To Shut Us Up — as though there were some big red Outrage Button that could be pressed, on cue, to achieve a desired political result. 

That would be too easy. 

And when you don’t assume sincerity on the part of your opponent, you wind up with fauxtrage.

This of course sent a thrill up the leg of Nancy French:

Well, this rarely happens. Thanks, Alexandra!

But here's the thing that this Washington Post reporter seems to have missed.

Fake outrage was EXACTLY what Nancy French was whipping up with her column.

She was attacking Erick Erickson's refusal to allow Donald Trump to attend his event, by bringing up sexist things that he himself had said in the past.  Including one incredibly overblown incident pertaining to Sarah's fake cleavage.

So not only did this reporter not realize that Bristol did not write a word of the blog post, but in her zeal to agree with a Palin she failed to realize she was congratulating Bristol for engaging in the exact same thing that she was condemning others for doing.

If she had taken even five minutes to do a little research she would have found that the Palins have made a cottage industry out of "fauxtrage" as she calls it.

From calling David Letterman a pervert for making a joke about her daughter, to suggesting that Joe McGinniss moved in next door to see in to Piper's bedroom, to taking every question about Trig Palin's bizarre birth story and framing it as an attack on a child with Down syndrome, Palin has refined this practice down to a fine art.

So once again ANOTHER ill informed reporter buys into the Palin mythology, and provides them with unearned credibility.

Well great now I feel outrage. And not "fauxtrage" either.


  1. Anonymous9:19 AM

    This may clear up Alexandra Petri's pathetic journalism:

    "ComPost Live with Alexandra Petri

    "The Compost, written by Alexandra Petri, offers a lighter take on the news and political in(s)anity of the day."

    Alexandra Petri -- not a journalist; not concerned with facts.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Regardless of the intent being sarcasm, parody - whatever -- it still keeps the PayMe name in the news when adds to their ability to grift and spew their divisive rants. Besides -- Ms. Petri is not the first mainstream journalist to use a ghostwritten piece by a Palin and not verify that it was indeed written by the person named in the by-line. We must continue to point out this sham!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      It is sad there are no jokesters or journalists that won't take Trig Palin's needs serious. He has been stunted and used by the Palins. It is not his fault and yes, he is cute.

      Palin Slammed By Handicapped Community

      Advocates for special needs individuals have voiced criticism concerning Sarah Palin’s childrearing decisions.

    3. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Time sure flies. It wasn't that long ago and cutie patootie was off to school for the first time.

      It’s Trig’s First Day of School!

      Turn around and it is: ‘Onward and Upward!’

    4. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Isn't WaPo owned by the Moonies? Crap I am so fucking sick of these phoney fucking bitches! STFU Bristol/brancy and just have your little bastard in peace. We are sick of your phoney poxpoutrage. Stick it where the sun don't shine.
      Giddy Assholes.
      PS what are the Paymes trying to cover up with all this? Did bristol have a white out? Why no baby talk?
      They are trying to hide or get in front of something.

    5. Anonymous6:14 PM

      5:08: The anniversary of the brawl is coming up. That is what they are trying to deflect from.

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    The best part of that article in WOPO were the comments.
    Majority slamming Bristol or the author using Bristol's post as an authority. Also, very few of Bristol's followers (or Nancy's)
    even commented on the being printed. It appears the article
    did more harm than good, if you are a Palin!

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Bristol is simply amazing ... she walks 40 miles to and from work each day and then hunts and butchers a moose for dinner. Even with this schedule, she finds time to travel, party, fornicate and read bedtime stories to Tripp.

    And best of all ... she still has time to write a blog and post selfies.

    Bristol is my hero.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      One detail you forgot:
      She walks 40 miles UPHILL BOTH WAYS to and from work each day.

      There, fixed it for ya.

    2. Dazed and confuzed10:01 AM


      All these facts about Bristol sound almost too fantastic to be believable!

      Why hasn't someone made a reality show about her life yet? That chit would be a surefire hit! YOLO!

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Haha, rotflmao! Good one. Thanks


    4. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Mine too. Lol.

    5. Anonymous10:21 AM

      You are beautiful, Marina. Keep that butt crack covered and Mommy says you can be my friend. Nancy will approve. Tripp and I love your loyalty forever.

    6. Anonymous11:10 AM

      10:21 and others. You left out the part where she, single-handedly is teaching the amazing benefits of Christianity to her "heathen" friend Marina.

      Such joy and bells ringing and gunshots firing out in heaven when Bristol saves the lost Marina and brings her to conversion.

      Surely once she saves the unsaveable Bristol will have earned her creds as a pro-life, pro-Christ loving, give me your money worthy televangelist.

    7. Anonymous3:42 PM

      You also forgot it was 40 miles in the SNOW, even in the summer cuz it is frontier AK !

    8. Anonymous8:42 PM

      The REAL Alaskan is Sunny. Recent FB photos of her caribou.

    9. Anonymous3:50 AM

      8:42 i know they will wat the meat, but I just don't like the pictures with the bloody antlers. It is disrespectful.

  4. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I realized after the infamous Palin Brawl that virtually every reporter, both journalists and celebrity/gossip, no longer bother to learn the facts behind a story. I mean, c'mon, the brawl had multiple witnesses and police reports accompanied by audio tapes and yet no one in the main stream press got the story right. I, too, am outraged!

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      The Anchorage Police Department confirms a brawl broke out at a party attended by Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Track Palin and Willow Palin.

    2. Anonymous10:57 AM

      That reminds me of a video that I watched last night on youtube about the killing of Princess Diana. It was an eye opener about the journalists who were beholden to the Royal Family and nobody else. They were basically paid to NOT investigate and to NOT report the facts.
      ( if you are interested in it...)

    3. Anonymous11:12 AM

      They were basically paid to NOT investigate and to NOT report the facts......

      That is not so rare.

      People are elected to Congress and Senate to stop investigations or investigate who power brokers want investigated.

      John McCain is a powerful Senator for what he can do.

      Also, too, Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.


  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    If it helps...the comment section is NOT being kind to the 'reporter' OR Bristol.

    I think they are closer to the drain than even we think.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM


    2. Dazed and confuzed10:10 AM


      8/13/2015 7:45 AM CST
      Sneer at the "GED as a high school drop out" all you wish to. My Masters degree in Political Science occurred after such a drop out, and a successful career in the armed forces of the United States (for which you should be grateful). My opinion, which is worth little to anyone other than myself, is that a GED diploma is at least as satisfactory as the normal high school diploma, and demonstrates a determination not evident in many who wander our streets waving their marginally earned "regular" bit of foolscap.
      Call me a braggart if you want to. I am proud of my GED (earned in 1952 while wearing a uniform). And my experience is relevant to Bristol Palin, as well."

      Please proceed! Where this is snark or an actual serious post, please proceed.

      Also, too, as far as I know Bristol hasn't started down her alternate path to graduate school. Meanwhile, the current occupant of the White House and his wife have two daughters who will have no need for a GED, and likely will earn at least a bachelors degree in the near future.

    3. Anonymous10:30 AM

      GAG!!!! Go get em Imers.

    4. Anonymous10:46 AM

      There is a big difference between dropping out of HS when you have advantages to sit around pregnant and go on a campaign trail while your parents bash education or you diss college education discounting college is just about going to fraternity parties. Some people do not bring respect or value to GED nor any other degree when they put down education in general.

    5. Anonymous3:22 PM

      Thank you anonymous. Sarah Palin during the 2008 campaign took every opportunity to malign young people, from college students to young backpackers in Europe. She was all over the place when it came to young women too. And, the bottom line was because her own children were so derelict she couldn’t articulate anything positive about this age group. She was told to focus instead on the military on the campaign trail so as to avoid questions about her children.

  6. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I am outraged that WaPo did not check the veracity of the author - Nancy French, and I intend to say so. What a sham - and it gives fake credibility to liars and keeps the Dullard's name in the press = grift keeps on coming. I am FURIOUS!

  7. Anonymous9:40 AM

    If Bristol could write her name, she may be able to enroll at the University of Alaska.

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Also , she could learn how to make change, in order to apply for a job .

    2. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Surely she could learn to say "Hey, giddy asshole, do you want f**king fries with that?"

    3. Anonymous11:02 AM

      There could be fame and fortune by turning AkAftaDark into the next Playboy TV! Organize an army of trolls to tweet and uprate and it will be all win!

    4. Anonymous12:28 PM

      AkAftaDark is sitting on a gold mine. Marina Exotix has already been able to quit her income from exotix llc. She must be rolling in cash being the Granny Poop Bah since Sarah Palin quit on Bristol the Pregnant.

      Do you think the little Ca$h Cow is birthed yet?

    5. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Bristol Palin and getting an education is a mute point.

      It will never come close to happening. Her mother bought her GED and some beauty school somthing that she doesn't use. She did not need it when her parents set her up with Dr. Jack Meoff, Alaska Dermatology Laser & Skin Cancer Center. Kelly Millen, Michael Cusack, Janice Sims, Marina Lupas, Nakea Stinger, all the malefactors from the strip mall.

      RIP Autumn Marie McDonald-Browning.

    6. Anonymous3:02 PM

      "moot" point...

    7. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Thx. Bristol is mute. lol

  8. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I would love to know what page and section this poorly researched piece of ignorance was published on in the WAPO.

    1. Anonymous11:09 AM

      The comments on the WaPo story are a hoot. Just search "fauxtrage" on the Washington Post dot com site (no spaces).

    2. Anonymous11:29 AM

      The compost opinion section.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    The writer of the article is getting her due!!!

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Joe McGinniss was right. Sarah Palin does know how to unleash the Hounds of Hell. This time she has created the myth that Bristol is capable of writing by paying Nancy French to post "Bristol's Latest Outrage." Please, everyone. Follow Sarah's tactic of having multiple personalities like Lou Sarah and Louise Heath write letters of outrage to Washington Post telling them that Bristol's ghost writer is Nancy French and that Bristol is hardly capable of any comment longer than writing something on facebook or Instagram.

  11. Janice A Soderquist10:09 AM

    This article is worthless. Everyone already knows the Palins and certainly do not care what they think. It is too late to change their minds with Bristol coming up with more accidents. The Palins have already gone through the thin ice with no returns, Nancy cannot help them.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      You make a point, Janice, but by keeping the Palin name in front of the public gives them credibility and allows them to continue the fraud and grift.

      When, oh when, will someone do an expose of this fraudulent family!!!?

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Nobody cares what they thinkl? Yet you are here every day commenting on what the Palins think, Janice? How does that work?

    3. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Nice comment, 10:40. NOT!

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I am a Republican.

    How stupid do you think we are? (That's a rhetorical question. As a regular here I already know the answer, okay?)

    We are talking about WAPO - not the Wash. Times.

    The election is around the corner.

    The Palins are toxic to conservatives.

    The Palins are the best thing to ever happen to Liberals.

    It is in your best interest to keep feeding America Todd, Sarah, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, and Trig shit sandwiches.

    Save the "outrage" for the hard right charlatans.

    The Palins are not worthy of outrage.

    Just chuckles.

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      First of all, I am sorry you are a republican, education can usually fix that problem.
      As for the Palin kkklan all they have ever been is a joke.

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Well though the GOP has usually given us fabulous gifts before every winning democratic run for the presidency, Palin is old news, but thanks for giving us Trump this year.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Screech was the turning point for the GOP. They took her on as their geriatric chearleader when we elected a Black president. Now,they have turned in on themselves.if anything,shes toxic and a constant reminder of their downfall. Nobody cares how desperate she is to stay in the news. Nobody wants her attaching herself to their coat tails. Wash. Post is trash.anyway.

    4. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Sarah Palin is not capable of being President of the United States. The GOP nominated her to run in the VEEP spot alongside an old, sick John McCain. The GOP risked the possible of Sarah Palin rising to the Presidency. It was treason.

      You are still a Republican? That means your intellect and judgement are deficient. Your advice is worthless.

  13. Anonymous10:12 AM


    This speaks to a most vital issue for Bristol Palin, any single mother or mother for that matter.

    Bristol, be your own person, let no one own you, it is also called growing up.

    Any media that coddles a 20 something selfie promoting celebrity type is a sad enabler. If Petri has any potential or integrity she will self correct her Washington Post article. Be of help for Palin to come to terms with the falsehoods she perpetuates while crippling herself.

    Sure it is terrifying for her to stand up and be herself, but it is the only way to grow. It is the only way Bristol can hope to be a better parent. As it is, think of what she is teaching Tripp and the fatherless baby she will birth.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      I wonder if Ms. Petri might follow up by trying to get a comment from BrisDull? One phone call is all it would take for her to realize that The Chin is incapable of writing an opinion piece, let alone one that shows political astuteness.

      Here's a sampler of BrisDull "live" on the few programs she's been interviewed on:

      ", well.... um.... ahhh... well, like um .... errrr ... Well, I ahhhh .... um"

      Of course, that's when $he's sober. After she's pounded down a few, her discourse turns to Fuck...Fuck...Fuckity Fuck. What an inspirational, intelligent young woman!

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      The only life Barstool will ever know is of indentured servitude. Look it up Barstool. Not that you will marry, but if you did you will find a man that will keep you in some slave/master relationship. Not entirely unlike a pimp and his stable.

    3. Anonymous11:31 AM

      Amnesty calls for decriminalizing sex work

      The largest human rights organization in the world, Amnesty International, voted to establish policy that would push governments to decriminalize sex work worldwide. Seema Iyer, Chloe Angyal, Aimee Meredith Cox, Andrea Powell and Mychal Denzel Smith join to discuss.

      Arrest the pimps. They are the criminals!

    4. Anonymous5:02 PM

      If Bristol had a brain and wanted to be worthy she would find activism with something like ending human trafficking, better laws for sex workers, putting pimps in prison. Not just some lip service by way of her ghost writer, that is why she is a loser. She has no backbone and she allows others to control her and make up bull for her.

    5. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Arrest the pimps? How about arrest the Johns?

    6. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Listen to the video.

      I didn't mean to leave out the Johns. The pimps are like the CEOs and there is an interest in taking them out.

      That would be a perfect focus for Bristol. She has to know a little about the business.

      Someone sure screwed her up. If she could come around to doing something positive and leaving behind her mistakes. I betcha pimps would be tops on her list to purge.

  14. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Hahahaaaa, thouht you all predicted the Palins were finished after the brawl? Certainly Bristol after getting knocked up again!

    Palin win!

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      I can certainly see that Sarah feels that way, seeing as how she is on Facebook boasting of how proud she is of her daughter the perpetually-single mom and the latest grandchild. Yay! Bristol wins! Another fatherless child to add to the Palin clan! Cause nothing gives you politiical cred like having a family of losers and grifters.

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      Just b/c ppl are paid to lie and write crap to maintain the myths doesn't mean the Palins aren't finished. Only a fool can't see what is with the so-called Palin "win".

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      When Bristol gets another $250k contract or is asked to be a spokesperson advocating christian values of marriage with a man and woman conceiving a child after the wedding or Sarah Palin hired for 100k speeches...come back.

      Society is fairly forgiving of missteps and mistakes. There comes a point of cumulative mistakes and deceit exposed they destroy their credibility. Check out the PAC donations too.

      Ranting via FB and the ability to tell whopper lies to get away with something may be a "win" in your world. The Palin's have steadily been losing financially because they do not fool so many anymore.

    4. Anonymous11:23 AM

      Really? Bringing another baby into the world with no baby daddy in sight is "winning" for the Palins...sure, that's quite a win there.

    5. Anonymous11:36 AM

      All of Palin's "wins" are belong to us.

      - Democrats

    6. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Just sayin'.... all the predictions around here were they were done.... done done done.... but it really doesn't appear that way does it? They are still making news, and even more telling, you are all still spending all your time here obsessing over this family! hahahahaaaa!! Palin win!!

    7. Anonymous12:21 PM

      Nancy French being a sucker for a humor columnist ---COMPOST--- is not actually news.

      It means the Palins are losers and more stupid than previously thought.


      Palins are a joke, they are a laughing stock.

      Not exactly news but it is a lot of fun to use them.

    8. Anonymous2:25 PM

      11:40 AM

      If you mean they aren't done being sucker bait, you are correct. If you call that news, that's your problem. We can all laugh about Nancy taking the bait for Bristol. Maybe Bristol has heard what she wrote by now.

    9. Anonymous3:46 PM

      I don't mind the ongoing saga of the palin clan. its a realtime soap opera. More popcorn! We aren't asking them to go away. Just realize we wont take you as anything other than trashy satire. And when mom straps on the Belmonts and the rubber butt,its B rated geriatric Porn Harlequin Romance meets palin white trash.

    10. Anonymous3:57 AM

      Damn straight we are still here, and will be til the end.
      The END being the world knowing how close a mentally ill woman hot to being VP of the USA.
      And the world already knows this unofficially.
      When the " tight abs " video goes on the news cycle it will be known officially.

  15. Anonymous10:16 AM

    It's amazing that Bristol can find time to write all of those blogs when she has a full time job running the dermatology office and she has a full time job taking care of Tripp. Wow, she sure can multi-task. How much do we think that Nancy French is paid for each blog post?

  16. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Not so easy @9:40

    Anonymous9:40 AM said
    If Bristol could write her name, she may be able to enroll at the University of Alaska.

    Here lies the problem.
    University of Alaska enrollment department:

    UOA Counselor : If Barstool is your name then why did you write "Awesome" in the write your name block?

    UOA Counselor: No I don’t see! No I don't care if you are the daughter of the governor of the state of Alaska! Don't you read the news you idiot? Your mother quit her commitment to us Alaskans so she can make reality shows. Your free ride is over Barstool! Maybe your mom can pay your ghostwriter to fill in the college application online for you?

    UOA Counselor : NEXTTTTT

  17. Anonymous10:50 AM

    SMHID! Just WHY would a newspaper - ANY paper for that matter - quote an uneducated ignorant selfcentered, unemployed and permanetly pregnant 25y/o (never mind that it wasn't even written by that dumbo...)???
    Have they no better, more informed, better educated people that they could quote? (Hint: there are quite a few who think very similar like Brancy, so you could have the choice of your pick - and thus sound much more educated than this pest!)

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Read the first comment.

      Even the dumbass Republican gets it.

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Hey barstool- the reason and meaning behind the collumn was showing the Irony of the repute over the last 8 years. Once again,Bristol missed the point. Like mom,like mini me.

    3. Anonymous5:38 PM


  18. Anonymous11:05 AM



    The joke's onto you!

    Weight until she has another anchor baby to use to get fame and fortune. Shell show all you Ricky Hollywoods!


    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      Also, too she is a shining example of a KKKhristian abstinence advocate cuz she keeps most of the babies that drop out of her vagina and even know who one of the baby daddies is!

    2. hauksdottir12:10 AM

      I count EIGHT grammatical errors in 11:05's post of 27 words. Like Poirot musing on "too many clues," the frequency appears to be unreal.

    3. Anonymous9:46 AM

      I guess its not what u do but who u do it with? What about half the mugshot bar!? Anchor baby? More like a roll of the dice!!

  19. Anonymous11:19 AM

    More stupid than WaPo/Petri?

  20. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Nancy French Revealed As Bristol Palin's Blog Writer

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      IM knew about this as soon as the first Brancy post was made.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      So did catbirdx & everyone else who has been reading IM. Never hurts to point it out again!

  21. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Good news Bad news

    Bad News: Bristol as we all know is pregnant again, and again without a husband

    Good News : Bristol since you are pregnant, you can now fuck day and night 24/7 without any birth control
    You can fuck as many Aftadark Playas as you want until you get near your delivery date. That's when you have to worry!

    When you are near your delivery date, be careful of some of the Aftadark Playas. You don’t want those 12 inch brothas poking your baby in the eye.

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      11:30 AM You must have experience with 12 inch 'brothas', or are you fantasizing again?

  22. Anonymous11:34 AM


    It's a word. Where would Nancy French use it?

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Bristol Palin since you are wise beyond your years as your mother puts it. Who do you endorse for the 2016 presidency and no you can't pick McCain

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      maybe? teddy nugent perhaps. all of the palin girls love ted.

  24. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Alexandra Petri is the Washington Post's HUMOR columnist. She never writes serious columns and she didn't intend this to be serious. It's a joke.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      Who? who is the father of brissys baby? do we know? why do people want kids out of wedlock? 2 people must be responsible for the child and equally share the life of the child.

    2. Anonymous12:00 PM


      The Compost in the article byline kind of hints at that.

      Alexandra Petri puts the 'pun' in punditry

    3. Anonymous12:16 PM

      If she is a humor columnist she deserves to be fired. She is a failure.

    4. Anonymous9:48 PM

      A.P. may just need some positive encouragement to enhance her craft.
      Why is writing satire so hard? And how do you get better?

  25. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I'm sick of seeing the Palin name in the news for absolutely nothing of value. Washington Post, don't you have more important things to write about? Most of us wish we had never heard the name Palin! Fuck you, John McCain!

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Its a rill slow day when palins are in the news. Always satire too and also.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      It is summer. Things slow down to a snails pace. It is an opportunity for Sarah to make some noise. If she wants to get a new story out, this is the time.

  26. Anonymous11:52 AM


    tweet tweet

    1. Anita Winecooler5:55 PM

      I love catbird. Where did they find that "flattering" photo of "Rebecca from can dented fridge compound"?

  27. Anonymous11:56 AM

    all chucks. not much of a reporter or network even faux snooze. The republican circus act must be seen by all. Even fellow elephants must witness. Witness the end of the current repuke party as we see it today.

  28. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yo Brissy ~
    "The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them."

  29. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Her Twitter account : @petridishes

  30. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Whatever anyone ever writes about Sarah and her family, good or bad, underneath it all, she and her extended family are simply poor white trash with money.

    She can grift the last pennies from her most loyal supporters, hobnob with politicians, celebrities and the rich and famous, fly here, fly there, fly everywhere, but she will ALWAYS be POOR WHITE TRASH!

    Her next reality show should be titled:

    "Poor. White. Trash. But DAMMIT I Got Me Some Money!"

  31. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Bris is disabled. She can not handle responsibility of any kind.

  32. Anonymous12:14 PM

    What's so obvious here is that, with Bristol (like all narcissists), being RIGHT or being AGREED WITH is much more important than the topic. Nancy French/Bristol here are just beside themselves for having a valid Washington Post journalist agree with them. It's all girly juvenile excitement. The very serious issue of real misogyny evades them. Women for centuries and millenia have been used, used and used and scorned and put in their places by men. If Nancy and Bristol were married to a neanderthal (term used by Sarah Palin no less), or if they were married to a Trump, they'd be put in their place, you can bet on it. Nancy would NOT be able to write a blog, or have her say in political/religious matters. She'd have to be a yes-woman to her husband. Men like Donald Trump would destroy Nancy and Bristol. They would either have to comply or walk the Donald plank.

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      "Nancy French/Bristol here are just beside themselves for having a valid Washington Post journalist agree with them."

      ho ho ho ! ! ! ! They super take the Compost joker serious! Not just Bristol but Nancy, married to an attorney, is thrilled to be tricked and the butt of jokes.

      Reminds me of when Sarah Palin was so pleased and thrilled to get that call from then President Nicolas Sarkozy


  33. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Is this not proof of BDP? It is the fugliest. Yet B-stool doesn't get it.

  34. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Brisdull is not even recognizable in those photos. Scary and sad.

  35. Anonymous1:04 PM

    OT Looks like Track has found love!

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Sorry wrong link

    2. Anonymous2:02 PM

      I feel sorry for that girl. She seems to have intelligence and she goes to school. She has deleted many of her old posts. First she had permission to post, then she had to go private. She cleaned up her social media and took it off private. She must have one hell of drinking or drug issues. It is good she is a functioning one. She really goes overboard on trying so hard. At least, she is fun and Track has even smiled in pictures.

      Little Kyla is so cute. Where did she get that kinky hair? Britta has straight blonde hair I believe. Do the Menards have the kinks and curls in their hair?

    3. Anonymous5:36 PM

      She's gorges!!! Topographically speaking, of course, Poor dear had a fridge fall on her lip. Guess that's what attracted Trackers to her. Perfect couple, when's the baby due???????

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

      1:04 PM Track's new gal is party time adorable. She looks his type but this one may be more compatible. They are a cute couple. When is the wedding? I don't see this wedding will end up like what happened to Britta or Bristol.

      You know Sarah does like to be in control, at least of social media. Will she allow Jorge to do her own accounts? How long will it last until Jorge loses her freedoms? Maybe Track will be the one to reign her in. They will both want a wedding with the third finger salute featured. Hilarious! I hope they can get a good shot of their pose with Sarah and Todd like that. The whole family may want to join in! That would be so cool.

    5. Anonymous9:05 PM

      As soon as the blow wears off of Sarah, or Becky, or Nancy, they will wake up and take Track's gf freedoms away.

      That is what we are waiting for.

      I love it when Satan shows her authoritarian ass, then they go off about Americans having freedoms. She is so transparent.

      What's your bet? How long until Track's gf loses her freedoms?

      Poor wittle Track. He will never be able to be anything except a tool.

    6. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Keep her in drugs and she will play ball. Drugs is only explanation as Track is illiterate. Ehats the attraction?

    7. Anonymous5:58 AM

      I agree with 403. It looks obvious that is the "love" attraction with those two. I've known couples like that. It is a strong bond until things go south.

  36. Anonymous1:40 PM

    This says more about the Washpot than it does about Nancy French or Bristol Palin/

    Who's the baby's father, Bristol?

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      Barstool didn't happen to catch the guys name. It was a quickie, in and out. So much for the "planned" excuse.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Was that the wasilla "in and out"?

  37. Crystal Sage2:15 PM

    Meanwhile, it looks like Tripp was on a real hunting expedition with his father and family. Stepmother Sunny bagged a caribou and Tripp took a picture of them butchering the beast for its meat. Nothing like the faux hunting experience that Sarah took part in a couple of years ago.

    Good for them teaching Tripp about proper hunting and camping. Bet he had the time of his life.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      That is nice to hear. I loved the end of summer and beginning of fall when I was young. Still do. What was great was going to town with my mother to shop. Getting art supplies and things for school.

      Tripp and Trig must be enjoying doing those things, or they will soon. It will be good for Bristol to get out and not be a shut in. I would be so disturbed by that if I was his age.

      I hope they both love their school prep and getting back with their friends.

      Piper, too. What a good time for her and her mom.

    3. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Piper is hanging out and about with Jordan, Track Menard's girlfriend. (Check out her Instagram, which is public again for now.)

  38. Anonymous2:17 PM

    After Sarah saw this

    She went for the Blow

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM


  39. Anonymous3:09 PM

    This is the Washington Post Gryphen. It is a crappy read. But, it might be a great time to send a letter to the editor pointing out what a piss poor job the paper did in not recognizing Brancy’s Blog is written by Nancy.

  40. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Bristol is right so get over it.
    I too agree with Bristol that having sex without birth control pills or any type of condoms equals two kids living with a mother that's never been married.

  41. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Bristol is a twit. Oh wait, I don't think I spelled that right.

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Yep, you need a dictionary!

      I am pretty sure they sent Track off to charm school so he won't end up like his sisters.

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Alcohol, drugs, and sex are Palin lifestyles.

  42. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Congratulations, Nancy French! You go, girl!
    Bristol Palin....snort.

  43. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

    Warshington Post is one of how many papers across the nation? About all it's good for is wrapping fish or lining litter boxes, but hey, any attention is good attention, right, NanBriSar? (whoever you are today). Poor Alexandra, she's nowhere near a Katie Couric or Rachel Maddow as a journalist, but then Sarah supposedly matriculated with a journalism degree and a sore throat.
    And Nancy's high fiving ONE person who agrees with her, agreeing and proving your veracity are two separate issues. Alex just regurgitated what you wrote without checking the facts first.

    1. Anonymous9:12 AM

      The Washington Fish wrapper

  44. Janice A Soderquist7:17 PM

    I am excitedly waiting for baby shower pictures. Love parties with gifts, lots of family and friends and fun food. Is Grandma throwing the shower, the girls at the Dr. Office or her sisters?
    I bet Bristol is so excited. I am sure she has been busy buying new baby clothes and setting up a great nursery. I wonder if Dakota, Joey or the other guy are as excited. Well, Sarah, if you are finished showering us with your pictures of your new look and Bristol is getting out of all the bathrooms taking selfies, is there any time in there for some word on the happy newcomer? I guess they are trying to figure out what to do with him and what family member or friend will adopt him.
    Congrat, Sarah and Bristol. Hey, Bristol, I hope you take off a year or so before warming up another bun in the oven...

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM


      Love the baby showers. Now that fall is nearing Bristol may be feeling better and her family and friends will want to do better for her. Most of all for the baby. That thing they did for a shower during the engagement saga was awful. Please no repeat of that. Please Palins, don't go lower, lift up.

      They must welcome the baby.

      You can never forget it has no father, but the Palins can be welcoming and try to love.

      It is time to welcome Bristol's baby.

      So far only Sunny and Levi have stepped up to the plate for this child.

  45. Janice A Soderquist7:41 PM

    Poor Bristol, yes, let's feel sorry for her. After all, Sarah is her mother, her only friend is a porno star, she does not know who the father of her baby is, she is twice an unwed mother with no man standing by her side, she thinks she works, she thinks she is broke and she is basically on her own, with no man at her side.

  46. Anonymous12:57 AM

    A somewhat credible newspaper wasting valuable editorial space on a loser self control lacking slut is a indicator of the depths that journalism has fallen to in our country

  47. Janice A Soderquist4:33 AM

    You watch, Bristol or Sarah have probably already contacted several outlets and People Magazine to sell them pictures of her new baby with pictures of all the Palins smiling and holding this new baby... you watch

  48. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Was Kyla Grace in Bristol's belly in this photo?

    1. Janice A Soderquist9:17 AM

      When was Kyla's so called birth? We will never know, as the Palins make them up. It would be interesting to see pictures of Bristol a month before and a month after her birth..


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