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About time you started to pay attention. |
Many Times readers have been asking me, over months now, to examine the paper’s coverage of Bernie Sanders’s presidential run. It’s even reached the point where, in comments to my blog posts, on completely unrelated topics, readers are complaining about what they see as dismissive coverage and asking that the matter get my attention.
“Stop the media blackout on candidates who are not Donald Trump or Secretary Hillary Clinton,” Roswell Colt Deutscher wrote in an email to me. And Chris Switzer, in an email criticizing Sanders coverage earlier in the summer, wrote: “I’ve enjoyed my subscription to the Times but I would like to see better coverage of the issues, less coverage of the personalities, and a little bit of parity among the candidates.”
This post is just to say that I’ve heard your requests and over the next few days, with the help of my assistant, Joumana Khatib, I will be doing a content analysis of the coverage. I hope to publish a post soon, letting readers know what I’ve found in terms of quantity, placement and tone.
Wow! It looks like if you make enough noise, you CAN get the media's attention.
And Bernie is certainly worthy of coverage.
The guy is really killing it out there!
I must be the only progressive Democrat who doesn't like Bernie Sanders. I find him obnoxious and unlikable. The only good thing that I can see about his candidacy is that hopefully he will push Hillary to the left. And, we do need other Democratic candidates, particularly in debates.
ReplyDeleteBut Bernie? Um, no...
Maybe people are sick and tired of the rank and file. Just my opinion, but if this country is stupid enough to elect another Republican, we are screwed six ways till Sunday.
DeleteThere is a "Left" candidate, I suggest you vote for him instead of trying to turn Hillary Clinton into a socialist..
DeleteWhat are you, an anti-Semite?
phoebes -- Does his being a forthright Jew color your view of him? Just asking, something to think about.
Deletephoebes -- what about him is obnoxious and unlikable? His positions, his personality? Pls. be specific. Thanks.
DeleteSanders has said he is "proud to be Jewish" but "not particularly religious."[24] Sanders's wife is Roman Catholic and he has frequently expressed admiration for Pope Francis, saying: "the leader of the Catholic Church is raising profound issues. It is important that we listen to what he has said." Sanders often quotes Francis on economic issues and has described him as "incredibly smart and brave."[22][36]
Deletefrom wiki
Guys, I'm Jewish and a very proud Jew at that! So, no, his religion is not problem for me. I just don't like him - I think his positions are admirable but will not be approved by the majority of voting Americans.
DeleteI'm 64 years old and I've been involved in politics since the Kennedy/Nixon race of 1960. I've never been fascinated by the way leftest candidates because I don't think they can win. And winning is what I'm all about. I'm very concerned about the Republican resurgence in this country. We may win the presidency next year, but the Republicans are winning at the state and Congressional level.
Running Bernie Sanders as president will not keep the presidency ours and will foul up our down-ballot races.
Will I vote for Bernie Sanders if his name is the Democratic name on the ballot? Of course, but I hope it doesn't get to that.
To me Bernie Sanders is exactly what this country needs to become a great nation once again. The over taxation of the low and middle classes is inexcusable. It abandonment of workers rights and union rights mislabeled as "Right to Work" is inexcusable.
DeleteWe need to take a "Hard Left Turn" to repair the damages of the last 35 years...
We are at a tipping point and the bourgeoisie themselves will not like the outcome if this trend continues...
History can be forgotten, but it relives itself..
Phoebes, you didn't have to defend your opinion, especially revealing more about your identity. It's brave you did. IM can get as ugly. I say this as a daily poster for seven years.
DeleteBernie is a safe vote. He is brutally honest and works hard everyday for ALL Americans. He is on top of my list of candidates. America can only allow a decent candidate to taken over our future plans
DeleteWow! Phoebe says she doesn't particularly like Bernie Sanders and people call her a Jew hater?
DeleteI'm Jewish (and apparently so is Phoebe) and I think that's nuts.
Here's my problem, phoebes. I don't vote on the basis of who I think can win, I vote on who is more closely aligned to my values. That being said, once they're in office they can do a total 180. We've seen it time and again.
DeleteBernie has been saying the same thing for years, and I trust him one helluva lot more than I do Hillary. If elected, he will face the same opposition that President Obama has but, as 7:36 AM said, we need that hard turn as opposed to "restoring America" to the 1800s.
I'm not all that supportive of Bernie Sanders. If he becomes the Democratic nominee, I'll support him but I don't think he's electable and I don't know if he deserves the nomination. Sanders comes across as an irascible old man; there are never any photos of him looking pleasant. And, let's face it, appearances do matter. Sanders has never been a member of the Democratic Party and now he suddenly wants to be the nominee. What kind of a team player is that? Sanders has consistently supported the NRA in Congress which is a big "no-no" in my opinion. He's also been insensitive to African Americans and their concern about police brutality. And none of us knows anything about his foreign policy credentials because he doesn't address those issues. While much of his domestic agenda sounds good, it is unlikely to translate into genuine legislation. And unfortunately, the national media will make mincemeat of him.
DeleteIn the end the 2016 election must be won by the Democratic Party and "won big." All of the emerging Democratic candidates have their merits and it will be vital for Democrats to vote for whichever person wins the nomination. We dare not repeat 2000 and waste votes on a non-viable candidate like Ralph Nader. Look what we ended up with.
I think Sanders sees this as his last chance to run for president. I doubt he went into this thinking he could actually win, but he can make a difference by bringing up some real progressive issues and forcing the less progressive Dems to answer.
DeleteLast chance not because he's going to die but because he's in his 70s
DeleteAnon@8.36a - you said EXACTLY what I was trying to say - and said it better!
Deletebeaglemom - You've described exactly how I feel about Sanders. I like a lot of what he's saying about income inequality and the economy. He has proven himself to be a staunch supporter of the middle class, something we've been sorely lacking for decades.
DeleteHowever, we can't escape the fact that, as the 24-hour news cycle and social media combine to cover every twitch and sneeze of every slightly famous celebrity, looks and public persona become ever more important. While his idea may be popular, he comes across as the grumpy old uncle you invite to family functions and roll your eyes at when he takes over the conversation.
I absolutely agree that this election is sink or swim for this country. If a Republican is elected, we will be plunged into economic disaster, multiple wars, a takeover by right wing evangelical Xtians, and a transfer of wealth and power to the top that will make the French Revolution look like a picnic in the park. In addition, the stacking of ultra-conservatives on the Supreme Court will cause the damage to continue for generations.
While I am convinced that Sanders has no hope of winning the general election, I am also very glad that his popularity on the campaign trail has forced Clinton and the rest of the Democratic party to reverse their recent slide to the right.
@ 6:28 - You say you find Bernie Sanders obnoxious and unlikable but how do you feel about his platform? Do you agree with any of his policies?
ReplyDeleteBernie getting the publicity he merits is more likely to put the wind up the Republicans.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the socialist Jew......yikes! Hmmmmm....who does that remind me of.....oh, yeah, Jesus! The Repubs will be having none of that, thank you, they're stuck in the Old Testament.
DeleteFear of Socialist Jews fueled the Red Scare in this country. If Bernie gets the nom, be prepared for some thinly-veiled attacks on his religion and political leanings from non-Jews who who claim to love Israel.
DeleteI still can't let go of the twit trio's upcoming thing in DC on Wednesday, and her quote, "We’re not here to rebrand a party, we’re here to rebuild a country." Think long and hard on what that would be.....downright frightening.
ReplyDeleteI wish we could greet them with a truckload of tomatoes.
DeleteIt sticks in my mind too. Yuck. Whenever Sarah Palin has been in Washington I've felt sick. She does nothing to improve a situation. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz are bad enough. But add Sarah to the mix????
Just to offer another view of Bernie: I just LOVE him each time I hear him talk. His content just blows me away because it is just what we need! His tone is right on for me. His being a socialist would normally have turned me off, but the last few years of GOP crazyness is turning me into more of a socialist than I ever was before.
ReplyDeleteAlong just every criterion I care about, Bernie is the best. He is one of the few who can hold a candle to Obama and be a worthy successor. A serious and good man. An educated man who is not into loony policy positions. Another man we can trust.
You said it and very well.
DeleteG, your heading does not represent the article correctly: The article says the NYT will study to the matter to determine IF they have failed to cover him fairly. THEY will decide. And let us know.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteThe Editor (who ought to be aware of his team's coverage) passes this off to an assistant. She'll come up with a bunch of statistics that can then be analysed.
Great... except we all know that data can and will be manipulated to prove any desired point.
Meanwhile, the paper, as representative of corporate interests, will continue to celebrate those candidates that increase sales: controversial in the short term and war-mongering in the long term. Anything to increase their own profits. Anything except truth.
I remember Judy, Judy, Judy! and the way the Times not only accommodated the Bush/Cheney cabal, but abetted the spread of lies.
You know it is possible to not support bernie sanders and not be anti-semetic. America is not electing a 70 something socialist president . I just wish we had a real alternative as democrats to hilliary. Tired of clinton drama
ReplyDeleteMe too. As a woman, she comes across as being "owed" this. Much like Romney in 2012 and McCain in 2008.
DeleteShe's going to win, folks! Get use to the idea. She'll be an outstanding POTUS and I can hardly wait to cast my vote for her!
DeleteLike other news outlets, the New York Times has been fawning over Donald Trump. I'm glad they've been called out on it. It would be nice if the NYT would also treat Hillary Clinton decently. She gets very little coverage unless there is another GOP "investigation" of emails or Benghazi on the horizon.
I agree with you!
ReplyDeleteToday's http://claytoonz.com/
Yes, and maybe they can stop the hit pieces on Hillary. They ran a story about a "criminal investigation" that was totally untrue, then never really took the time to clarify it.
ReplyDeleteI see far more negative coverage of the democratic frontrunner than anyone else. So yes, maybe it's time they turn their attention to Bernie for a change.
Hillary 2016!
I've seen more hit pieces of Hillary on the NYTs. Claimed their was a "criminal investigation" when there wasn't.
ReplyDeleteYes, let them turn their hacks on Bernie now.
Hillary 2016!!!
Congress - a led Republican committee - have tried and tried to bring Hillary Clinton down over these email issues and they've failed every time.
DeleteOthers have been proven to handle their emails exactly as she did (in the same position!) and nothing was done to them or concern expressed.
I can hardly wait to vote for her!!!
Bernie Sanders is unelectable just like Obama was unelectable.
ReplyDeleteNo one complained about Bernie not being a Dem when he caucused with the Dems and voted with them for years, NOW his official party is a problem.
Hillary is a Corporationist Champion, Pro-War, greedy, and elitist. Her husband increased poverty with his welfare reform racist dog whistle. He created the financial crisis with the repeal of Glass Steagall.
Hillary is a bought and sold DINO who is dishonest and self-serving in everything she does. I am ready for a woman President. I want a decent woman president who shares my beliefs.
Since none have applied, I am voting for Bernie. If he doesn't win the nomination I'll vote 3rd party. I will not vote for Hilary. A lot of people feel this way but are afraid to voice their opinion.
Please think hard about that -- your vote for a Democrat will help to keep the Republican candidate OUT of office. Vote strategically not emotionally at this point. It could be a close run thing.
DeleteThird party votes on principle gave us Bush in 2000.
DeleteWith the increase in voter disenfranchisement and rigging of voting machines since that election, the need for an overwhelming margin of victory will be even more critical in this election.
Six of the nine Supreme Court Justices are 65 or older and at least 2 or 3 will likely be replaced by the next President. Our economy is barely on solid ground, and half of Congress is salivating over the possibility of declaring war in the Middle East...again. GOP candidates are fighting over who can legislate the greatest oppression for women, minorities, the poor and middle class.
You certainly have the right to vote for whomever you wish, but before you place that vote, please keep in mind how a moment of principle can unleash decades of economic and military disaster. You may dislike and distrust Clinton, but the GOP alternative will be much, MUCH worse.
Anon at 9:57 am. If you vote "third party" then you might as well be voting for the Republican. And that will bring economic catastrophe, more unpaid for wars and a much greater burden on the American working class (e.g. middle class in the 21st century lexicon). No American liberal, Democrat or "progressive" should even contemplate the kind of temper tantrum you are threatening.
I am a registered Independent/Non Parisan in my state and it allows me more flexibility in casting my vote.
DeleteHillary Clinton will make the best POTUS. We need her badly as this mess with the Republicans continues! She'd be tough for them to handle!
Headline should read, "If you pay us enough or scream loud enough the media just might do the job right". Notice the "might' in there...
ReplyDeleteGO BERNIE!
ReplyDeleteGO BERNIE!
I too am sick of the media acting like Hillary is the only candidate on the Democratic side. I would love to see a woman elected president in my lifetime, but I would like for it to be someone like Elizabeth Warren, or some other woman in politics I admire.
ReplyDeleteBut if we cannot have a woman nominee like Warren on the Democratic side, I would like to see Sanders, Chafee, or O'Malley get the nod to run on the Democratic ticket. Or even the other guy Jim Webb.
Jim Webb is way too conservative and GOP style. His voting record in the Senate was not that good - if you are looking for a liberal.
Anonymous1:44 PM
DeleteJim Webb is way too conservative and GOP style. His voting record in the Senate was not that good - if you are looking for a liberal.
Thanks for telling me about Jim Webb.. I will take him off my list of candidate to support.
I think Hillary is a DINO.
The media - 11:49 AM - that I watch and listen to is doing everything they can to discredit Hillary Clinton. They assuredly are not promoting her in any way!
ReplyDeleteI, personally, can hardly wait to vote for Hillary Clinton. She has the most experience and toughness to handle the job! And, she far surpasses all the others - on both sides - as to being a leader!
I like Joe Biden, but will not vote for him. Elizabeth Warren is a neat lady too, but can do wonders for America exactly where she currently sits in Congress. She and Hillary could work very well together and I think they would!
I don't want him to just move Hilary to the left. I want him to move the republicans and the COUNTRY to the left. If we keep trying to move it to the left, maybe we'll end up at center some day.
ReplyDeleteThe country IS moving to the left. It's not going to happen overnight. Each new generation is more moderate/liberal than the past one. It doesn't happen overnight, not with hundreds of millions of people. The place to elect progressives is at the local level, then state level. With the electoral college being what it is, the Presidency is still up in the air because the strong areas of blue in red states get canceled out. At this point, we just need to keep the right-wing loonies out of the White House.
ReplyDeleteI have two daughters and I'm not willing to sacrifice our rights and our future over not having the perfect presidential candidate.
I'm glad someone brought this media bias to the NYT's attention, and pleased with their response. I've always enjoyed reading the NYT, but I've noticed many news papers and sources are equally culpable of marginalizing one candidate's coverage. I'm still on the fence as to whom will get my vote, but the media seems to have lowered the bar across the board. I'm still leaning toward Hillary, and think Bernie's competition will help make her a better candidate, if I'm wrong, then I'll gladly vote for Bernie, he's the closest to my dream candidate, but Liz Warren isn't running.
ReplyDeleteSad to see that a lot of you who don't like Hilary Clinton are repeating the right wing and Fox smears of Hilary. They know that if they tell you often enough that she is untrustworthy and deceitful, you will eventually believe it. No, she's not perfect
ReplyDelete( news flash: no candidate ever will be), but she'll be a good president. I love what Bernie is saying and will vote for him, or any Democrat who is the nominee. I think Hilary has the best chance to win.