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What Bristol is doing while Nancy French attacks people using her name. |
I don't like to see women objectified so I skipped it. (Is anybody buying that?)
But anyhow as it turns out one of the hosts, Vanessa Williams (Who was robbed of her own Miss America crown after an ex-boyfriend released nude photos of her to Penthouse magazine), asked Miss Tennessee a question about Planned Parenthood funding.
Miss Tennessee, responded with this:
"I don’t think Planned Parenthood funding should be cut off. The $500 million that gets given to Planned Parenthood every single year goes to female…care. It goes for scanning for cancers, it goes for mammograms…and if we don’t give that funding to Planned Parenthood, those women will be out of health care for reproductive causes.”
Well now she did it.
In response there was the predictable backlash from the Right.
Which of course mean that Nancy French cannot be far behind.
And oh is SHER pissed!
Courtesy of Brancy's blog under the headline "Miss Tennessee Tells Planned Parenthood’s Lies on the Miss America Stage":
There are so many things wrong with this, where do I even begin?
First, Planned Parenthood does not preform mammograms. Not a single Planned Parenthood clinic offers mammograms! (To be fair, sure why not, Miss Tennessee IS incorrect about the mammograms. However if you visit the Planned Parenthood website you will see that THEY don't claim to provide them either. And they are in no way responsible for people misinterpreting that fact.) So many articles and fact-checkers have debunked this myth yet still Planned Parenthood supporters keep proclaiming it as fact. It’s just not true!
Secondly, Miss Tennessee has bought in, hook line and sinker, to Planned Parenthood’s main talking point that women won’t be able to get health care if Planned Parenthood were to close. Again, this is a lie! The Alliance Defending Freedom released a super helpful map recently that shows that for every 1 Planned Parenthood Clinic there are 20 other women’s health facilities that do not perform abortions and are ready to provide healthcare to women in need! (Of course many of them provide misinformation in order to scare women away from birth control and the Morning After pill, not to mention perfectly legal abortion services, but why quibble?)
Finally, the question that judge Vanessa Williams asked Miss Tennessee shows just how biased the media and Hollywood is on this issue! She made no mention at all of the horrific undercover footage of Planned Parenthood selling murdered baby parts which started the whole funding debate in the first place! (Okay well at this point I am going to imagine that everybody reading here already knows that those videos that French is citing are highly edited bullshit.) Instead, she chose to push her agenda through a clearly leading and partisan question, with complete disregard for context or truth! (Translation: "Disregard for context or truth as WE see it!")
It makes me so angry that women who are supposed to represent the best of America use this platform as a way to push the lies of Planned Parenthood and demonize those of us who truly want to protect the rights of women – both unborn baby girls and their mothers!
You know I reread Miss Tennessee's answer a couple more times, and I fail to see where she is "demonizing" anyone.
I mean it's not like she called anybody a liar, or referred to anybody as biased, or accused an organization of illegally profiting from the sale of "murdered baby parts."
Now THAT would be demonizing someone.
The facts are that Planned Parenthood is an organization that helps millions of women and men, and the ENTIRE reason they are under attack is because the Right Wing formulated a plan to misrepresent themselves to obtain video, which they then doctored to create a narrative, and are now using as an attempt to undermine and ultimately outlaw legal abortions in this country.
And Nancy French is a frustrated moralist who has to pose as the unwed, numerously impregnated, daughter of a formerly infamous politician in order to get people to even read the shit that she writes.
She's the one spreading lies with her eternal referencing of the highly edited ridiculous video.
ReplyDeleteAnd is it just me, or does everyone have an instant distrust reaction to anything called "The Alliance Defending Freedom"?
DeleteBut, I guess after seeing conservatives naming things the opposite of what they really are for so many decades, it's just a natural response...
Nancy's just mad that Bristol never got to the Miss America Pageant. Too busy cranking out illegitimate children. Bristol did show a talent though. Dancing while heavily pregnant and almost winning DWTS. Of course Bristol would have given the correct answer to the Planned Parenthood question. LOL
ReplyDeleteOMG, Bristol Palin in a beauty pageant?!? Poor Nancy--she's got it bad for Bristol, doesn't she, but Bristol's type is her exotic dancer friend.
DeleteWell, even after all her plastic surgery and various nips and tucks to her body, Bristol Palin is still plain, inarticulate and simply uninteresting. And she has no real talent. So many people who watched DWTS couldn't believe that she made it through week after week. She only made it through because of who her mother was--Sarah wasn't the complete laughingstock she is today--and because her partner saved her. It was embarrassing to see that pudge in too-tight clothes with that square-faced wooden face come out each week and perform.
Not to mention the ballot box stuffing DWTS allowed until after Bristol apeared. They knew she sucked and the rule was changed next season.
DeleteMost of Bristol's "dancing" consisted of shaking her shoulders and chest while Mark did the real dancing. The wardrobe people sure had their jobs cut out for them...trying to camouflage Bristol's ever increasing pregnancy girth while the Palin-bots cheated to keep her exposed to ridicule on national TV.
DeleteBristol will go down in DWTS history as the reason they had to change the voting system !!! How's that for talent.
DeleteShe sure showed everyone she has no knack for dancing, but demonstrated to the whole world where her true talent lies, when she and the guy were going at it on the floor :)
I don't agree. Sadly enough, if a woman is good at "it" she can keep a man, especially if she has a few tries at it. Facts are facts, Bristol is as good at fuckin as she is at everything else. Also. the new chin might have made the oral even worse. If I were her I'd see a specialist. Like in hydraulics or HVAC or something.
DeleteBarstool never almost won DWTS. They knew the votes were rigged. They finally gave her the frozen boot due to viewer outcry.
DeleteHey Barstool...remember that thingy about glass houses.Get a husband slut.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't need a husband…she's got money and a planted “cyber word doctor” who thinks fancy words will sway the public!
DeleteSorry but humanity is waking to the odor of bullshit no matter whose mouth it come out of…so…that means that we appreciate your opinion as much as a fart…there are folks who have been and are still being targeted by this “mob family” in Alaska…so that matter is to be dealt with internationally…
Too many idiots in DC and they are in hot water for “spying” on 3o+ something countries – down to cell phone taps…so it would be highly probable that Palin and Parnell are tapping lines of those they feel pose a“threat” to their “dirty sexy politics” as McCain put it – and it wasn’t John…
What crimes have been committed by this mob will be heard in a court of law – sounds like Geneva – due to the Track record they have in corruption in Alaska and abroad…what goes around comes around…
You've got quite the imagination, 3:30. lol
DeletePlease be a little more specific. 3:30. Thanks.
DeleteCan we stop with the slut word? Bristol isn't good enough at it to deserve the title. Sluts are very good at what they do, Brissy couldn't seduce and use a man if her life depended on it, once the sex is over, what does she have to offer? Is she well read? Selfies and fishlips can only get one so far.
Delete4:24, skip to 4:15.
DeleteThat is your answer.
Thought she "loves this man so much" dakotex.
Delete3:30 pm. Thankyou
DeletePlanned Parenthood DOES referral out for mammograms. Every year since I turned fifty, I go to my local PP and they set me up with a free or low cost mammogram.
ReplyDeleteAs I have done this for eleven years in a row, I should think it's NOT inappropriate to say "planned parenthood offers mammograms".
Sorry for the o/t, but doesn't this place have a connection to Mr. Palin? I could be wrong.
I think Odd sold his percentage. He may still have special privileges and fly folks to the remote areas.
DeleteCrashed on take off? I hope there was no foul play. Too bad the Palins get everything covered up. I doubt his former business partners want any negative publicity. What a shame if they were to be investigated.
heard toad was part owner of a rainbow lodge. not sure if it is the same one. crazy to fly today. money over common sense once again.
DeleteIt is the same area, doubt there is another Rainbow Lodge.
DeleteTodd was a partner in Rainbow King Lodge. Many of us assumed that he used it for gambling and prostitution and drug-running (and blackmail material on government officials).
DeleteHowever, he'd probably be flying his own plane.
I'd read that he was kicked out of the partnership because he couldn't be bothered to get a commercial license (necessary for piloting with non-family members on board). Non-compliance with the laws is a family specialty... even if the laws would help them. Extra training for a better class of license might prevent careless accidents or negligence followed by millions of dollars worth of lawsuits.
I'd like to know who was on that plane, and what sort of manifest (ie: drugs), but I doubt if any Alaskan official will investigate too closely seeing who might still be involved with the Lodge.
I read somewhere that he wasn't a co-owner anymore. It makes sense that he sold his shares if they required him to get a commercial license. I doubt that he would want the commitment and heaven forbid be required to fly actually customers. He only wants to fly who he wants to fly, when he wants to fly. You know - Palin rules. Plus, do you think he could pass the commercial pilot licensing requirements?
DeleteI know I wouldn't get in a plane with him.
DeleteNot the same lodge. Todd was co-owner of The Rainbow Bay Resort which is now called Angry Eagle Lodge. This plane crash happened in a different location than the lodge that Todd used to be part-owner of, the flight originated from Rainbow King Lodge.
DeleteBristol Palin is a lost cause. Sarah Palin has so warped her mind.
ReplyDeletePlanned Parenthood does so much good --aside from abortions. But, if Sarah/Bristol flail in the wind with their hate of PP, then it probably helps Sarah get speaking engagements. It's all about the money.
And these alternative clinics Bristle is talking about? Are they for-profit or non-profit?
Their hatred of PP is partly a smokescreen so Bristle can justify being an unwed mother--and Sarah uses it to appear as a martyr who had a baby with Down Syndrome ( which I don't believe.) If Sarah was really Pro-life, she wouldn't be held up as an example of someone who kept her baby because it never would have been a question if she would keep him or abort.
Bristle/Sarah learned how to make money lying & spewing hate. It's all about the money $$$--and they are sickening.
Sarah did not have a DS baby.
DeleteWell 3:38 it does depend on the meaning of the word "have" doesn't it ;)
DeleteTodd is Trig's father.
DeleteBut is he the biological father?
And did he have sex with Bristle? Is that when she yanked on his balls?
7:02 The longer they drag out the mystery for Bristol's baby father, the more that seems certain. The AKafta makes them glad to misdirect the questions on fatherhood.
DeleteAs I understand Bristol's anger and attacks on her father's private parts is not new. What has been going on has a long twisted history. Neither one of them want to admit anything. They will scream it is private.
Anybody who disagrees with their beliefs are wrong! This is a democracy and everyone is entitled to their own opinion; as long as it agrees with the fundies.
ReplyDeleteBristol has sexy luscious lips and her kid she refers to as a stud. It must be nice to be an office worker and not need money, she could be making big money with her photos. Her agent knows how to distribute. No one is fooled by the older woman, Nancy. How much does Bristol make by selling her name?
ReplyDeleteMichael C.
Call 'em "sexy, luscious lips" all you want, Micheal, they aren't hers. She was much more fresh faced in '08 before she tried to go Kardashian and became a carbon copy of every wannabe out there. She's a bore.
DeleteHey Michael C. can I have you Keurig if Bristol doesn't want it?
DeleteBristol's lips.
Vowing to not have sex before wedded.
Then she got a new chin.
ReplyDeleteActually, Planned Parenthood DOES offer mammograms. Every facility may not have the proper equipment on site, however, a referral will be given and the patient will be charged a nominal fee. They also offer may other services such as regular physicals.
ReplyDeleteAnd HIV testing, 3:06. Cases of HIV skyrocketed in southern Indiana (due to sharing needles and drug use) when the PP clinics ,which screened for HIV, were closed because, you know, abortions and all. Created quite the problem for Governor Pence and the super majority Republican legislature.
DeleteYep and they had to resort to a free clean needle exchange program to help stop the rapid rise of HIV infections .
That is good but having free testing would also be good
It's all about the kids right...Say Brancy what about that poor little richest kid in the world living on the edge of poverty in Alaska? shit the poor thing can’t do anything without Palin’s minions of Christ that constantly stalks and attempts to crucifies that kiddo and from my end doc – a good kid with a good heart – that others trample on to serve their own needs and greeds – and when the kid sent an email to the folks and they must have forwarded it to Palin cuz she resigned 24 hours later! What they get away with is just pathetic period!
ReplyDeleteSo what is with the whole “adoption” that is “complicated” anyways?
And have you seen “fraud” take place with “labeling” children so as to get to the money that came with the kids and my research indicates many victims! Not just this case…I think that is why a trip to Geneva is on the agenda for some adoptees that seem to be “target practice” for others!
Your meds. Take them.
DeleteHey there imagination fascination dude, what if the Barstool has an AKAftadark bastard daughter this time? Will the Palin crime family "borrow" a blonde haired, blue eyed rent-a-newborn for the pictures that all the gossip rags will be fighting over for the rights to print? Will they have to go to Geneva to do that? Will there be an exchange of lots of cash? IMers are waiting with baited breath to hear from you.
DeletePlease continue, we're listening. At least I am.
Delete4:45: Me too...
4:45 and 5:20.... you know those crazy people that stand on street corners having conversations with invisible people......
DeleteI'm listening..
DeleteHorrible people like Palin are enjoying calling what people are saying a lie, but the error being made by people is sincerely done and it is not a complete error—they are talking about breast exams that are in fact done, although these are not advanced exams.
ReplyDeleteA lot of people call all breast exams mammograms. Men and also younger women generally do not know what a mammogram entails and are just familiar with the term, and they are making the mistake of calling a by-feel exam a machine mammogram. Ones done by hand, typically also done when college students go to their on-campus clinic for first paps and breast exams and learn how to check for lumps, is what is done at PP. PP also provides referrals so that a woman can go get a mammogram.
PP provides a great deal of information and services. Horrible people like Palin are using that error about the machine-done mammograms to make a blanket statement—a blanket statement that is the real error, and a lie—that PP doesn’t do breast testing at all. And they are implying that because sincerely errant people who refer to all types of breast exams as mammograms are wrong about what PP does in regard to breast exams, then all things said about services PP provides is also wrong. Palin is twisting one errant piece of info to spread lies. The people who are spreading the real false information are people like that horror Palin.
ReplyDelete"And Nancy French is a frustrated moralist who has to pose as the unwed, numerously impregnated, daughter of a formerly infamous politician in order to get people to even read the shit that she writes."
Also, how crappy it must feel to ghostwrite for an essentially illiterate young woman — a young woman who obviously has no boundaries, ethics and morals. Bristol Palin is a difficult act to maintain, I’m sure.
Why do you think no one will marry her?
DeleteWhy would ANYONE marry Barstool? She can't cook, she can't even keep house without help and she is major high maintenance with all her expensive makeup and shoes. I think we know why she's not found anyone to follow through with matrimony; she has ZERO to offer on the domestic front. As far as being easy, well what guy wants something that dozens have had already?
DeleteAlso, too: what guy in his own mind would want to marry a 'loose' girl that has had numerous children - each by a different father?
DeleteWhat guy would want to marry a beotch who cannot keep her five or six or seven year old under control, who has a filthy mouth, just like his mother, and who is completely out of control?
3:47, I said nothing about her marital prospects.
DeleteNancy needs a job.Bristol/The Fertile Barstool ,the Alaskan octomom needs an identity to hide behind because somehow they think it makes her marketable. Dumb people dont know the difference,nor do they care . The problem is the eventually bristol has to come out from behind the curtain. She has the personality of a shoe.she wants to be noticed,but she's already burnt her bridges,just like mom.
DeleteShe's 0 for 2 in the fiance department.
DeletePerhaps miss Palin should stop by for some birth control. Ooops .....too late.
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late for birth control!
DeleteWell Michelle Duggar- THAT'S too late.
It goes for mammograms. FACT
ReplyDeleteThey don't DO mammograms, but they DO refer out and help pay for the mammograms for women who can't afford it.
Please people, can we stop being stupid now?
"It makes me so angry that women who are supposed to represent the best of America use this platform as a way to push the lies of Planned Parenthood and demonize those of us who truly want to protect the rights of women – both unborn baby girls and their mothers!"
How stupid is this statement? What about baby boys? Don't they want their rights protected, too?
Hate to break it to 'em, but their buddy Ted Cruz's latest defunding campaign will never succeed.
And STILL the "proud she chose life" grandma has said not ONE WORD concerning it. Think she's happy about it? Not on your life!
That's their latest trope. "We aren't anti-woman! We are pro-woman, even before they 're born!"
DeleteIs Nancy French secretly a Palin hater? Seems like her posts just illuminate her/their gross ignorance.
ReplyDeleteWorked for PP for 12 years. Saw many women, young and old, receive cervical cancer diagnoses from Pap smears they received at PP - they would never have known because they were either college students or low income women - and their lives were saved by being referred out for surgical/oncology care. Same goes for breast exams. Year after year PP gave out shower hangers with SBE instructions (self-breast exam instructions). We referred patients all the time to outside physicians for a number of conditions - high blood pressure was a big one, because you cannot take hormonal birth control with high BP. And probably most important, as I see it, is that because very few insurance plans covered our services, we were not hide-bound to follow standard visit times, so we could take more than 15 minutes to talk to a scared young woman who thought she might be pregnant and explain her options. YES OPTIONS. We always did that with every positive pregnancy test. That was protocol.
ReplyDeleteThank you.
DeleteBig hugs to you, TwoBlueJays. I had occasion to wander into PP once, a long story having nothing to do with abortion. From what I saw and heard around the waiting room, their clients were overwhelmingly young women seeking birth control. Where these young woman would go without PP, I have no idea. The cheapest walk-in clinic I've ever seen charges $70-$100 for a visit, even on a sliding scale. What teenager will pay that? Take away PP and the demand for abortions skyrockets. The GOP position on this is just sickening.
DeleteWhen I was a single mom with two kids working and going to college, PP was my go to place for yeast infections, pap smears, birth control/advice - all with caring, kind professional people. I can't say enough good about PP.
DeletePP is the BEST!!! I used their services when I was 16 and ready to have sex with my boyfriend. The woman who counseled me was patient, answered all of my questions and never ever judgemental. This was not a subject I was willing to discuss with my mother, nor she with me.
DeleteI just can't understand why "our" voices, the voices of reason are squashed by what is supposedly the "liberal media?" How can we get ahead of this trend that allows the far right the loudest voice?
Is Bristol showing solidarity with #Trump by making an anus mouth?
ReplyDeleteI believe that you are correct, 3:52. Barstool is one big anus mouth. Probably smells like an anus also too.
DeleteAnd why is the end of her nose so bulbous? It's already starting to turn into Grandpa Heath's ample, prominent honker.
DeleteHer nose looks like Karl Malden's nose. Huge bulb on the end. She had her nose elongated and slimmed down but forgot about the tip? If she doesn't take care of that bulous nose, she will look like an elephant seal.
DeleteEspecially since she drinks so much. Soon it will be a burst blood vessels red bulbous nose.
DeleteThey call those"gin blossoms". She looks like WC Fields.
DeleteBristol like her mother will ALWAYS find something to bitch about for attention.
ReplyDeleteBristol: If you keep making faces like that your face will freeze like that permanently. What? It's too late? Dang!
ReplyDeleteBarstool has time to trowel on all that make up and write a blog. What a catch! lol
ReplyDeleteAn uneducated immature woman with loose morals wants to keep her name and face on the internet. Happens every day. Bristol Palin is no different to all those other attention whore$.
ReplyDeleteI've seen a raunchy pic of Bristol Palin taken in the bedroom of her old house on the lake last year. If there's one there are more. That's right, Bristol. You think shit you've shared by phone is safe? It is not. It's only a matter of time until you've embarrassed yourself and your idiot mother all over America again.
You don't have the sense God gave a stick.
With the alcohol/drugs/porn BFF, I am really surprised that there haven't been photos already sold or posted on the Internet.
DeleteGuess the guys have been " gentlemen" or paid off.
The crotch shot picture? Yea, it's floating around the internets.
DeleteLink please.
DeleteOr would posting a link be linking to porn? Depends on how much of the crotch is in the shot?
DeleteShe's over 18 so it's legal. Not like the video they say she recorded when she was still underage.
Sure, special needs girl Bristol, who's only claim to fame now is posting photos of her and her son wearing makeup, took time from her busy day taking fish-lips-makeup-wearing selfies to pen a screed about something. I personally love that some Palin somewhere is paying this lady to write shit and put the retarded Bristol's name on it! What a gig!
ReplyDeleteBristol's actual conversation is more along the lines of "Me Bristol, me know nothing about where babies come from and me Bristol need no Planned Parenthood because like dude why plan a parenting when me can have 4 for no plan and then take all baby daddy monies and such and live large while doing makeups and fishes face and derrrppppp....."
I truly think Bristol is special needs. No one would allow their mother and Nancy French to speak for them the way she does and at her age. Her actions and the way she presents herself on Instagram show so little self regard. It's really sad.
DeleteTrust me, Bristol is a very low functioning individual. That's part of the reason that MOH sent her packing; he didn't sign up to marry a pregnant AND retarded Palin.
DeleteHow low functioning is she? This is very disturbing given she is responsible for two children now.
Deletelol that was good.
DeleteThe court and judge will be interested in the unplanned kids and lack of parental morals and manners in little miss unplanned parenthood and womanhood.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, not up in Alaska. Otherwise, Levi would have had full custody of Tripp by now.
If you haven't seen it, take the time to see what happens in a country that imposes anti abortion, pro-natalist policies. Nevermind that this tale of sorrow occurred in a communist country but rather the means the govt took to enforce anti abortion and contraception policies. Hear the doctors describe the agents that worked in the hospitals to criminalize women who had abortions and miscarriages. The women who were force-examined at the workplace. The results, if you don't recall, were the thousands and thousands of shackled and malnourished children living in pens in less than deplorable conditions, squirreled away to live as animals in orphanages run by the state. THIS WILL HAPPEN again if we don't stop these people. Children of the Decree.
Is this about Romania?
DeleteIf so , follow it up with the documentary abput all the kids who then lived on the street and huffed paint and pickled their brains. I cant remember the name but will post a link when I find it
Found it:
DeleteChildren Underground
Please watch but very disturbing.
And there is a film not a doc about the back street abortion market from that time period. When I find it Ill post it.
This is the risk the US faces.
History repeats itself
Humans are stupid
'Leona's Sister Geri' is a great doc about the life of the woman who was the subject of the disturbing image of the young woman who bled to death in a hotel room after a botched abortion. That's where we are regressing to as nation if the James O'Keefes and Lila Roses get their way.
DeleteUghhh. I just cannot stand any more of those stupid fish lips pictures. I can't scroll down fast enough.
ReplyDeleteSame here. I HATE those types of selfies!
DeleteThose fake eyelashes make Bristol look like a brunette Tammy Faye Baker.
DeleteAnd that chin! Her fish lips pose expose the outlines of the implant so distinctly - and what's with the chin scars?
DeleteHow BrisDull can believe that chin implant makes her look attractive is testimony to how delusional she really is.
Whew, there is a bitch having a bad day at one of the other sites that I read and I hope she doesn't show up over here to cause trouble...I think she is already one of the trolls here...
ReplyDeleteBristol in a life with no famous connections? Could be.
Okay, you just made my day! I think I remember reading that wayyyy back when but it's one of those satiric pieces that never loses its charm!
DeleteWhen I became sexually active I took myself to Planned Parenthood and got myself the pill. I was given medically accurate information and made an INFORMED decision on what was right for me. I will ALWAYS support PP. Birth Control prevents unwanted pregnancy. What is it about that FACT that the wingers don't like? Oh, maybe women getting educated and choosing WHEN to become pregnant...if ever. That's what they hate. Women are no longer under men's control. They OWN their bodies.
ReplyDeleteThe fake christian right wingers want women "punished" for having sex. It's not about saving babies; it's about punishment.
It's about control,also and too.
DeleteThey can't stand women enjoying sex without cosequences.
DeleteDamn Bitchol!!! You don't look day less than 45 in that picture.
ReplyDeleteOT, but is there any connect between "Rainbow King Lodge" and the Rainbow Bay lodge in Iliamna that Toad is involved with?
There are 2 different addresses when you do teh google.
DeleteRainbow King Lodge
Address: Roadhouse Strip Rd #1, Iliamna, AK 99606
Rainbow Bay Resort (this one says permanently closed)
Address: 1 Rocky Beach, Pedro Bay, AK 99647
Fishing Lodge's Floatplane Crashes in Alaska; 3 Dead, 7 Hurt
" Pope Francis to deliver most speeches in Spanish during US tour
ReplyDeleteOnly four of pontiff’s speeches will be in English, while 14 others, including one at the United Nations, will be in his native language, Vatican says"
Sarah "let's speak American" Palin's head is about to explode.
This is beyond pathetic.
ReplyDeleteHad B availed herself of the education alone that pp offers, she wouldn't find herself in the position she's in now. Had Nanny Nancy done the same, she'd thank miss Tennesee for the info
Why doesn't Bristol use birth control when she has sex? She should insist that her partner uses a condom so she is not exposed to a STD. And, she should be using some form of birth control herself to avoid having huge embarrassments.
Delete1. She's stupid
Delete2. She likes it dirty
3. She's a rebel (and stupid)
4. Any 2 of the above
5. She was drunk and didn't care.
ReplyDeleteFacebook working on 'dislike button', Zuckerberg says
That's not a thing already? I guess it makes sense given the sheep like behavior of people who use the platform but really, I still am a bit surprised that it wasn't part of the software already...
DeleteI find Bristol's continual use of "murdered baby parts" very offensive.
ReplyDeleteWhy does Bristol hate women so much that she wants to deny them health care. Is it because she gets free health care and doesn't want others to be able to get affordable healthcare?
Anyway Bristol's crusade against PP is getting a little boring, must be running out of women to insult so she goes after Miss. Tenn.
Next we will see Sarah going after the other contestant that said The Donald is just an entertainer and should shut up.
Bristol would rather have been a teen who was allowed to finish out her high school years going to parties and hanging out with her friends, instead of being a symbol of her mother's right-to-life politics. When she found herself pregnant again, Sarah's plan was to marry Bristol off to Dakota, just in time for the couple to have a lovely bundle of joy. Bristol wants to pose like a Kardashian. She wants to wear designer shoes and carry designer purses. She lives through her instagrams (until the stalker shows up).
DeleteBristol, or any of those kids, gave one shit about high school. Book learnin,' anyway, and just because you are on the cover of People in gown and tassel does not mean you graduated, just like mommy from Idaho.
DeleteYeah, referring to mammograms is an egregious lie-except not, because they do referrals for them - but "murdered baby body parts" is a-okay.
DeleteI find Bristol's continual lie of "murdered baby parts" very offensive. Obviously she is a very slow learner !!
ReplyDeleteWhy does Bristol hate women so much that she wants to deny them health care. Is it because she gets free health care and doesn't want others to be able to get affordable healthcare?
Anyway Bristol's crusade against PP is getting a little boring, must be running out of women to insult so she goes after Miss. Tenn.
Next we will see Sarah going after the other contestant that said The Donald is just an entertainer and should shut up.
Bristol is not writing this.
Delete@6:19 as long as Bristol's name in on the blog- she owns every word written on it, whether it is her or not!!!
DeleteNo one would bother to read a book or a blog written by Nancy French. The reaction would be, "Who's Nancy French?" But when Nancy writes in the voice of Bristol and is paid to post her ghost written stuff on Bristol's blog, then she gets a few readers. Sometimes, Nancy doesn't even bother with the ghost writing stuff. Bristol just links to one of Nancy's blog articles, giving her a little more traffic than she would ordinarily get. Nancy is a simple person and a simple writer. When she needs to make a serious point, she quotes her own husband, David French. It becomes a round-robin, tag team, you scratch my back and make me look good, and Mom's PAC will send you the check.
ReplyDeleteIt is ironic that Nancy French; the self righteous faux Christian should be offended by abortions. It is a woman's choice. These faux Christians have no problem supporting wars that kill thousands of American soldiers who don't have that choice. They go to war because they are told to do so.
ReplyDeleteWe know that Nancy writes for Bristol because Bristol doesn't have the literacy to string coherent words together. Nancy is great at stringing bullshit together, and I feel embarrassed for her to keep spreading lies about Planned Parenthood. Bearing False witness is a sin equal to killing, and sodomy, Nancy. Go look it up in that Bible that you probably have never read.
No one in their right mind believes that Bristol writes what's posted on her blog. No one. I think it's Sarah's attempt to deflect attention away from the fact that Bristol is pregnant, again, and unmarried. Posting all these 'deep thoughts' gives someone reading them the impression that Bristol is intelligent, up on current events and just a downright straight shooting conservative gal. Not everybody falls for this crooked deception, Sarah!
ReplyDeleteNot everybody, actually, no one thinks Bristol has an intelligence level that would support blog postings of any kind.
Delete6:20 - You are so correct. We in Alaska who ever have had viewings/contact with Bristol Palin know that she is not capable of speaking/writing such posts. She is a very shy speaker with a very limited vocabulary - speaks in a monotone with no confidence or vigor.
DeleteIf anyone on IM sees this crap appear in a major media outlet, as has been seen before, we should make a point to call out the fact that they are publishing 'opinion' pieces by someone using a fake byline.
Nancy French epitomizes the Dunning-Kruger effect. Pretending (poorly) to be Bristol Palin is probably as far as she will ever go. She is just another one of the mediocre opportunists who latch on to the Palins to pursue a personal agenda (paycheck). RAM seemed like a more skilled writer, Nancy comes across like a dullard.
ReplyDeleteThis shit spewing will continue until those of you who have the goods spill the beans you've been promising to do for the last 7 years.
ReplyDeleteHere! Here!
DeleteStart talking.
No one ever will, because they all have the goods on each other, Believe you me, if anyone opened up about any of this, they'd be met with the hounds from hell.
Delete$arah did her homework all right, not on policy, she quit everything, but learned enough on who was doing what so she could stomp on 'em to get to the top.
She was put out to pasture in January. Now riding Trump. What an idiot.
The 'goods' you wish for don't exist.
DeleteSorry to have to inform you of that.
Palin will continue on.
Exactly, there have been comments here that nobody in AK likes or respects the palins, they have no influence etc.
DeleteSo if they are so inconsequential, why hasn't the truth come out. starting with the real reason she quit her cushy position as do nothing governor.
7:53 PM Wishful thinking, eh?
DeleteThe waiting is the hardest part
DeleteEvery day you see one more card
You take it on faith, you take it to the heart
The waiting is the hardest part
Your waiting will be rewarded in the end.
You think I'm full of it but you're wrong.
I think plenty of people have the "goods" on the Palins but in AK most people just don't care. They are live and let live types. Someday, someone, will spill a little and it will snowball They won't be able to stop it! It will happen, they've done too much evil.
DeleteNah. Ain't happening 7:47.
DeleteThere are no goods.
Of course you think there are due to information fed to you on these kinds of blogs. But there is nothing.
8:54 AM Why do you read and comment here?
DeleteHumor 10:14.
DeleteObsession 12:15.
DeleteBristle darling, you are a little teeched in the head.
ReplyDeleteAlso you are not very bright. Actually you are quite homely.
Todd and Sarah think you are a slow learner just like them.
Please go away,please.
No one but that stalker will marry her because she is low class.
ReplyDeleteShe should consider the offer. I don't see any other gentleman callers lining up.
DeletePP should get more funding so they can do mammograms as well. TIme to write to my representatives. Thanks for suggesting it Nancy. You frigging troll.
ReplyDeleteNot sure PP has to do the mammograms but pretty sure they can partner with existing diagnostic clinics to provide lower cost exams with their referrals. The imaging equipment is very expensive and would require extensive PP capital to provide that service in their many locations. There are millions of young women who have no insurance so can't get the referral from their regular primary care physicians.
DeleteNancy French and her husband are the most judgmental human beings, who get on their moral high horse constantly. They demonize everyone that does not agree with them or la Palin. And using "Bristol's blog" as a platmorm is ridiculous. Everyone knows she does not write that blog. I hope Palin's PAC runs out of money soon so she has to find another job.
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad. Old Frenchy actually has 20,000 more Twitter followers than Bristol. But the only time Frenchy gets anybody beyond her 50,000 followers to read her crap is when she slaps Bristol's name on it so news agencies will print the blog post under the headline "Bristol says something shocking in blog post"
ReplyDeleteAnd even news agencies are yawning.
DeleteI find it extremely depressing that many people don't realize that Bristol does not write any of these outrage rants that appear on her blog.
ReplyDeleteSarah must have a laugh every time it is posted that Bristol has written a commentary on this or that.
>I don't like to see women objectified so I skipped it. (Is anybody buying that?)<
ReplyDeleteWhen you put it exactly like that, no.
Still, you probably didn't miss much. Organized and showcased sexiness like that is rarely near as good as what you can occasion upon, on your own, when somebody isn't trying to 'work it.'
Now, this is coming from a gay fellow who has done his share of man-watching, but I suspect its universally true no matter what gender fires your rockets. There were shirtless guys mowing their lawns in my neighborhood this summer effortlessly firing more sexual imagination than any gyrating fool in a "Magic Mike."
I am sick of Sarah and Bristol. They will do anything to grab attention. Can you imagine anyone, an author, going into an office of the publishers or else dressed the way she is dressed?
ReplyDeleteAll Sarah and Bristol is do is post sexy pictures of themselves on their sites. This is all for attention and Bristol asks why she has stalkers, nuts...These women have nothing else to offer. Sarah is a horrible mother and we know what Bristol is. All these pictures just bring more people finding them for what they are, cheap and ignorant. They will never be reality stars and Kim will never be Kim. Kim works and has her own income and businesses. Bristol does not work, just wants to be a victim. Where is the baby?
Janice. I don't say this lightly, I honestly think you have mental problems, you are sick in the head. Your infatuation with Sarah and Bristol is way beyond any kind of normal.
Delete8:52 AM The 'normal' police is casting judgment again
Deleteupon people not known to them. What makes you the expert, Dr. Dork?
Says 8:52 who is sitting on her bed in her mommy's guest room fantasizing about being able to meet Bristles and to tell her how they're "soul mates". lol
DeleteSo you are saying Janice is totally normal 10:12, 10:28? Not slightly weird with the over the top infatuation/obsession? Including her 11:17 post below demanding the American People stand up to force Bristol to name a daddy - and that she go on welfare (or something), some kind of 'last straw'?
DeleteThat is all totally normal, is that right?
You want to be enablers of Janice's slip from reality?
Well, 8:52, what did I say you don't agree with? You probably don't work, unwed mother with no man, uneducated so if it is ok with Bristol, you will defend her. Get a life..... Bristol is a woman who made a million dollars and didn't get a higher education with all this money but instead works? as a receptionist in a Dr. office.Other than have two children out of wedlock and no man from either one, shows she did not do well in life. And how does she handle this, she mocks the president and educated women on her Facebook. She posts tons of pictures of herself on her Instagram as this is her top priority, her looks. Well, her party will be over when the new baby arrives and I really believe she does not want another one. And, you think I have mental problems...
DeleteJanice- read what you are posting.
DeleteBristol's comings and goings, (all brought to you thru the filter of blogs you read- and perhaps believe a little too much), is so important to you... WHY?
Bristol someone you don't know, and never will.
You need help lady. I'm the only one telling you.
I do not have an obsession with Bristol. Almost everything I have read about her, she posted herself. Bristol has told the world everything, in magazine articles too. I just don't understand why a girl of her means can't get her life together. By the way, were you invited to her baby shower. She posted to all that she was pregnant, she wrote a book and said Levi raped her in a tent, etc. so I am not making all this stuff up. I do not hate Bristol, just can't understand where she wants her life to lead too, she is lucky as her parents are millionaires and she do anything she wants. She does not take opportunities.
DeleteOkaaaaaaay Janice.
Delete12:10, you're the obsessed one. Aren't you embarrassed living with mommy and daddy at your age? No wonder you lust for Bristles, neither one of you can cut the umbilical cord.
DeleteOkaaaaaaay 1:23.
Delete11:53 AM Get your nose out of Bristol Palin's ass.
DeleteThe resident psychiatrist must be here.
DeleteNancy, thanks for reminding me to donate money to Planned Parenthood. I'll go do that now. I'll donate In YOUR name.
ReplyDeleteBristol and Sarah remind me of the old time fan dancers. Nothing more, Nothing less.
ReplyDeleteNow YOU can look like Kylie Jenner!
Bristol and Sarah remind me of the old time fan dancers. Nothing more, Nothing less.
ReplyDelete"Why doesn't Bristol use birth control when she has sex?"
ReplyDeleteI've said it before, but I'll repeat it. Bristol likes being a single mom - Tripp and this new baby were really planned. Even if she didn't specifically think "I'll get pregnant now" she doesn't find having another child to be such a bad career move, so she let nature take it's course. How many people think Bristol would keep having these "oops" pregnancies if she had to work 8 hours a day at Walmart to support herself and her children?
What will finally make the American people stand up and demand from Alaska and others is if Bristol cannot name a daddy, she goes on some kind of welfare. She said she works full time and is a millionaire.This would be the last straw. I think Bristol has gone through her money. I read somewhere her new house is in the Palin name.....