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Damn glasses did not help one bit. |
Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) announced Friday he is ending his presidential campaign.
Perry announced the end of his campaign at the Eagle Forum -- an event founded by conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly -- in St. Louis, Missouri.
"We have a tremendous field – the best in a generation – so I step aside knowing our party is in good hands, and as long as we listen to the grassroots, the cause of conservatism will be too," Perry said, according to his prepared remarks.
And then there were sixteen.
Should we start taking bets on who drops out next?
Donald Trump's deleted 9/11 tweet
ReplyDelete(CNN) Donald Trump has deleted a tweet about the Sept. 11 attacks that drew notice for its reference to "haters and losers" when he posted it on the anniversary two years ago.
"I would like to extend my best wishes to all, even the haters and losers, on this special date, September 11th," Trump tweeted on Sept. 11, 2013.
It is unclear when the tweet itself was removed, but Trump hasn't deleted a retweet of his own tweet.....
Who are the Haters and Losers Donald Trump is extending his best wishes to?
Is Donald Trump sending his best wishes to the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11?
Sarah Palin would you like to explain to America what this is about?
Didn't think so.
Extending his best wishes?! Today (9/11) isn't a holiday! Fuck you, Donald Trump and your ridiculous comb-over! And to those that are supporting Doofus Donald, "fuck you too!"
Deletelol the pompous ass must have thought it sounded too pompous and deleted it because he's tired of having to answer all those gotcha questions.
DeleteRick Perry becomes first GOP candidate to end his presidential campaign.
ReplyDeleteWas it Rick Perry or Sarah Palin who bailed out first? Are we talking about Sarah Palin in 2012, 2016, 2020 ....
Ah shucks. He might have been the first president to govern from a prison cell. That would have been something new and different.
DeleteNext out? Christie...no, wait! Jeb!?... Carson, no, Jindal, no, no...Walker...any of 'em, all of 'em!
ReplyDeleteSo many names! Such a worthless bunch.
20 rupees on Jindal to drop out next.
DeletePope Santorum. Huckleberry. Ms. Lindsey. Jingles.
DeleteI'll ante in for Christie.
DeleteI still don't believe he stood for two continuous hours at the last debate without needing to fart. Whoever gets placed to the right and left of him at the next one, can take it a given that they are unloved.
Interesting that the national media doesn't even mention Perry's criminal troubles. They truly do such a shit job!
ReplyDeleteThe idiot Sarah Palin isn't even in the mix, so there is no need in bringing her up! She lends nothing to the subject and probably would have been at 0% were she, in fact, a member of the Republican clown car!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Lindsey going bye bye?
ReplyDeleteY'all know it was really his wife was wanting him to run,so as she could live on Pennsylvania Avenue.
ReplyDeleteBut he could've learned us and teached rill good.oh well.
Just like Queen Ann.
DeleteRachel was right. And, seriously, if this field is "the best in a generation" the GOP is in SERIOUS trouble. And, they are about to shut down the government. Again. How does that help anyone?
ReplyDeleteBut it's not Christian to denigrate another group of people, unless they are black, women, named Obama, poor, or Democrats. Then fire away, huh, Rick?
DeleteIf they manage to shut it down -- again -- it will just makes them even more worthless. What is the reasoning for it this time? Fulfilling their sworn-in duty to govern? They are the Kim Davis of congressmen.
DeleteHe had three reasons for getting out, but could only remember two.
DeleteRick, Rick, Rick. You never had a chance same as Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Tim Pawlenty, Bobby Jindal, Chris Christie, Ron Paul, Scott Ealker and the perennial Republican loser, Sarah Palin. Folks, it's going to be Jeb! and Hillary. Start getting ready to fight with everything you have to keep Bush the Younger out of the White House.
ReplyDeleteDon't know why people keep mentioning Sarah Palin as being in the mix of the current crown car of Republicans indicating their interest in running for POTUS.
DeleteShe isn't there and certainly needs no mention. She constantly embarrasses herself and our nation. Way past time to stop giving her any recognition!
Someone finally remembered T-Paw!
DeleteHuntsman was too far above all of these lunatics. He wouldn't his time on the gotp again, he has their number, which is good for dems.
DeleteBobby Jindal is next.
ReplyDeleteWell played!
ReplyDeleteI've got 5 on Pataki.
ReplyDeleteWho he? she?
DeleteNeed more be said?
Anyone who can name the remaining 16 without looking wins tonight's prize: a chance to name the Harvard professor who just announced for the Democratic nomination.
ReplyDeleteTrump, Carson, Carly, Walker, pateki, Gilmore, Christy, Lindsay, Cruz, Kasich, Ricky S, The Huckster, +4
DeleteJeb! +3
DeleteI got nothing. I'll show myself out just like Rick Perry!
DeleteFrothy +5
DeleteBobby Jindel, Rand, one more...
DeleteIsn't Santorum running too?
DeleteAll of a sudden I feel sorry for Perry as pictured. He reminds me of my poor old grandpa after he loses a game of checkers.
ReplyDeleteI will whistle a tune when Walker drops out. That man is the Devil himself. I think he would murder his mother if it meant getting the nomination.
ReplyDeleteHe did a good job stripping Wisconsin of all that made it great. I sure do not want that repeated across the nation. Plus I drove through Wisconsin in April; Trump is right, the roads suck.
However, the worst thing about Walker is how dumb he is. He evidently needs tutors to teach him about all things foreign, and still he doesn't get it right. I don't know about all of you, but if you pay attention to the news, you don't need a tutor to tell you what you should already know.
This means Sarah is FOR SURE running!! Poor haters here.
ReplyDeleteSarah wouldn't go on a beer run, let alone run for POTUS!
DeleteI put 2 shitmuffins on Santorum by Oct. 1
ReplyDeleteI appreciate what the chairman of the Texas Democratic Party had to say about Rick Perry's announcement today:
ReplyDelete“Today marks the end of an era in Texas, but the culture of corruption that Rick Perry established still lives on through the Republican Party of Texas... Perry is the product of the corruption that festers with one-party rule. His legacy continues as we watch Texas’ top law enforcement official Ken Paxton face three felony indictments and endless controversies at state agencies..."
Honestly, after how he fared in 2012 he never should have entered the race. Thinking Huckabee is another that needs to drop out along with Santorum.
ReplyDelete100 bottles of clowns on the wall. 100 bottles of clown. Take one down and pass it around. 99 bottles of clowns on the wall.
ReplyDeleteha ha we used to sing that (100 bottles of beer on the wall) at christian camp on the bus and got detention.
In high school, we went from singing '100 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall' to drinking them.
DeleteSomewhere $arah is panicking: "If Rick Perry quits, am I still allowed to say we have a deep bench. Deep bench. Deeeeeep bench. I hope so, I'm running out of quotable bumper stickers to write on my hand!!"
ReplyDeleteGryphen, I'm willing to bet that Thaddeus "Thad!" McCotter drops out next. Or else Tim "Tim!" Pawlenty. Wait. I'm thinking of 2012. Never mind. Call me when Trump crumbles, will ya?
ReplyDeleteJeb! told Colbert that the exclamation mark connotes excitement. Good grief. This man is like warmed up lettuce.
ReplyDeleteWatch Mitt Romney come in and seem all sorts of Presidential compared to this "deep bench." I would love to see him get trounced by a woman, and I do mean Hillary.
ReplyDeleteIt won't be long before we say farewell to Holier Than Thou Santorum, Warmonger Graham, Who-the hell is he? Gilmore, Boring Pataki, Little Rand and Big Chris.
ReplyDeleteIs Rand Paul even running any more?
ReplyDeleteI haven't heard him stick his foot in his mouth lately.