Thursday, September 24, 2015

Why Kentucky clerk Kim Davis does not want to resign: "If I resign I lose my voice."

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Rowan County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis remained insistent that she was right in denying marriage licenses to same-sex couples during an interview on Wednesday with Fox News host Megyn Kelly. 

“When the legal challenges ended up not going in your favor, many people have asked, why not just resign at that point?” Kelly asked. 

“If I resign I lose my voice,” Davis replied. “Why should I have to quit a job that I love and that I’m good at? I’ve been a county employee and served the public well for over 26 years before I got elected. It comes back to, they can accommodate for all sorts of issues, and we ask for one simple accommodation and we cannot receive it.” 

The interview aired hours after a federal judge rejected Davis’ request for a stay on the order imposed upon her to issue the licenses regardless of sexual orientation.

It does not matter if Davis has "served the public well for 26 years." She is not serving the public well today and she should leave her position so that somebody who is not a Christo-fascist can take the job.

I found it almost incredible that at one point Davis says "Have we come to a place that we can't accommodate everybody? That we can't agree to disagree, and still have respect for each other?"

Of course the answer is yes. We can.

But apparently SHE cannot. Nor can she use her authority to deny rights to a group of people with whom she disagrees.

Oh and in response to her contention that she is simply upholding the word of God, and how God defined marriage "since the beginning of time," perhaps Davis needs to study this a little more carefully.

Oh and as for that "beginning of time" statement, perhaps an Anthropologist of Archaeologist could explain to her that neither Christianity nor Judaism has been around since the "beginning of time."


  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I've been working for decades in a professional environment.

    My "voice" is to do my job. My opinions are on my Facebook page!

    1. Boscoe9:23 AM

      "her voice" aka $80k dollars a year. Surely there must be a law that states if an elected official willfully fails to do their job, they can be removed. Right?

      I say if she wants a "religious accommodation" then she needs to show us the line in the bible that says she will burn in hell if she stamps a gay person's legal document.

      Because I'm pretty certain that book only admonishes people for BEING gay, not for anyone baking them cakes or stamping their papers. And really, we need to be clear on the idea that people don't get to invent their own religious exemptions based on what laws they feel like participating in.

    2. Anonymous3:39 PM

      When she says she doesn't want to lose her voice, all she's saying is that she wants the attention.

    3. Anonymous11:16 PM

      '''Anonymous3:39 PM

      When she says she doesn't want to lose her voice, all she's saying is that she wants the attention.'''


    4. Boscoe: She took an oath of office. She's violated that oath more than once. I expect she'll eventually end up back in jail and an interim clerk will be appointed until she can be replaced. I only hope they dock her pay for every day she did NOT do her job.

  2. Anonymous6:25 AM

    The beginning of time for Christo-Fascists is 6000 yrs ago

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Good one! And, Gryph, "Christo-Fascists" = :D

  3. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Bullshit. She loses $70000

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      Exactly! When she says "her voice", She means "her money".

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      It's 80 grand.

    3. Anonymous6:52 AM

      She also means her "celebrity."

  4. Anonymous6:28 AM

    So sick of this whiny bitch. Laws? What laws?

    Speaking of laws, anybody following the election fraud story coming out of Kansas? Very interesting.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Kim Davis needs to go. And education, especially civics, needs to be taught more effectively in her state, as well as in the other 49. (plus D.C.)

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Oh for pete's sake, it's just this simple: It's called a JOB and you are required to DO that job, whatever it might entail, or get the hell out! Capisce, Kim?

    You are spot on in your assessment, Gryph.
    A 26-year government employee and believer.

  7. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Hopefully, the Judge is no-nonsense and tosses her back in the pokey.

    Kim Davis is a criminal and she belongs in jail.

  8. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Watching the Pope address congress. It is a Miracle. And watching "boner" the face of republicans? priceless. Its like an exorcism for the repukes. Biden looks presidential and Boner? retirement.

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Boner looked like he wanted to cry (as he so often does). He also looked like he had been hanging out with Sarry doing coke of the barrels.
      I am not Catholic but Frank speaks to me.

      Earthymama / LouAnne

    2. Anonymous11:21 PM

      Bohner DID cry.

  9. Anonymous6:58 AM

    If that judge continues to let her get away with it, he has no business being on the bench.

  10. I would love to see this judge charge her with criminal contempt. Then she could be sent to prison(not jail) for up to 6 months without a jury trial.

    1. And while she is incapacitated, a new clerk appointed in her place. Like the ONLY deputy clerk actually doing his job.

  11. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Boner's losing it right now! He's twitching around contorting his face trying not to cry.
    The man is disturbed.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      And probably drunk.

    2. Anonymous11:22 PM

      I think he's disturbed, too.

  12. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Where in the bible is this one: Christ said to render to Ceasar what is Ceasar's and to God what is God's.
    He is separating church and state obligations in this passage from the new testament.

    What bible is Kim Davis reading? Or does she stick to the old testament only. There is no Christ in the old testament only his prophesy. I went to Catholic school for many years and probably know more that Davis will ever know.

    Not very religious anymore, but I do know the bible. I prefer the new testament.

    10 cats

    1. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Spot on. I'm Lutheran, and understand the difference between the Law and the Gospel. This harpy should not be getting press whatsoever.

    2. She only reads the ones supposedly written by Paul.

    3. Anonymous6:46 PM

      @mlaiuppa ~ And Paul was a woman-hater.

    4. Exactly.

      And NOT an apostle (self appointed by himself but the churches to which he supposedly wrote those letters did NOT accept him.)

      Plus a lot of Paul contains forgeries by other authors when analyzed by experts, hence the conflicting statements. (Women should speak up, women should shut up.)

      I think he was not only a misogynist but also a masochist. Really into suffering and deprivation. Personally I think everything attributed to Paul should be removed from the New Testament.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Not to beat a dead horse, but there is no way a good, well-intentioned father, who is an infamous Muslim activist, would allow one of his children to randomly bring an unnatural looking clock to school.

    An alcoholic wouldn't go to a party and hold any type of glass that gives the impression he was drinking liquor. Ahmed's father KNOWS there is religious tension.

    There were ulterior motives here. Very fishy.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      The only "ulterior motives" were on the part of the knock-kneed cowards who bullied a child who made a clock from a science kit as a fun, educational project.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Don't be an idiot. Neither the school nor the police thought it was really a bomb. And why the hell should this kid not be able to bring in an engineering project just because there's some kind of "religious tension" as you put it.

      I guess Muslims should watch their step and not act like normal people lest they be accused of something by people like the ones in that school and you.

      His father isn't INfamous, by the way.

    3. Anonymous8:09 AM

      You are completely and utterly wrong, 7:26. You are so wrong, you should be ashamed of yourself.

    4. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Your troll-assed comment is fishy.

    5. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Not to beat a dead horse.....then why are you?

    6. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Oh puh-leeze, go hang at c4p. You'll be more than welcome there with the other "mooslim" and "commie pope" haters.

    7. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Why are you bringing this up here? And now. And you're wrong.

    8. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Sorry if your stupid kids never brought a science project to school, but that is what normal and above average intelligent kids do. Now run along and see if Bristol tracked down her bastard's baby daddy yet.

    9. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Religious tension? More likely just bigoted assholes like you with their religious bigotry, but let me guess you call yourself a christian>

    10. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Do you, 7:26, also believe that women shouldn't dress, behave, a certain way, go to certain places etc if they don't want to get raped? Blame the victim never works.

  14. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I might be losing it?I am certain , that I heard dueling banjos as she spoke? She may be teeched in the head.

  15. Anonymous7:33 AM

    This is a really good article about why Kim Davis is wrong, and will likely fail in court.

  16. Anonymous7:37 AM

    In the meantime Gryphen, how about a comment on this administration "welcoming" the Saudis as head of the UN Human Rights Panel?

    1. Chenagrrl9:39 AM

      Do you recall W holding hands with said Saudis and giving big juicy kisses to several emissaries?

    2. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Yes! Blahhhhh!

    3. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Start your own blog and you can put all the christo-fascist, RWNJ nonsense on it the you want.

    4. Anonymous11:00 PM

      Yup the Republicans are no different than the Democrats are no different from the Republicans. Just the fact that the Obama administration is carrying on a Bush tradition should concern you. Just like he did with the bailout, the spying on US citizens, drone assassinations, trade agreements, and on and on......... If you'd open your eyes you'd see Repubs and Democrats are cut from the same cloth. At least if they get near the Whitehouse. Hillary is owned by the same rich people as the Bushes.

      Bernie and Elizabeth may be a different story and I hope they are for real, but if they are, the real powers that be will never let either of them step foot in the Whitehouse. But the same people who would be happy with a Romney or a Jeb Bush would be happy with good old Hillary. Don't fool yourself.

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    ". . . we ask for one simple accommodation and we cannot receive it.”

    What is she talking about? One "simple accommodation" being to deny gays the right to marry -- that one? Just 'cause she says? What a self-righteous bitch!

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      It's also not a "simple" accommodation. What she wants is to remove the clerk and the county from the equation in issuing marriage licenses. However, it's been done that way from the beginning of time and is not so simple to change. /s What she wants is to tie it to the state and the governor. But the next governor may not want his name on the licenses, either. What then?

    2. Anonymous10:59 AM

      She had the accomodation of not having to issue them herself, but not only prevented those under her from doing so, she has now destroyed government documents of issued marriage licenses.

    3. She wants to pick and choose the Constitution like she does the Bible.

    4. Anonymous4:46 PM

      She has received an accommodation, she is not required to marry another woman in order to have the same rights as everyone else.

  18. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Davis is a hgypoctit. She claims to be religious but has been martied four times to three different men and got pregnant by third husband while married to second husband. That's adultry. Who is she to sit in judgment of others? I am sick of these phony.christians. "Remove the plank from your own eye begore you try to remove the speck from your neighbor's eye",

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      When Kim embraced her present religion, that wiped that wiped the slate clean.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      When Kim embraced her "current" religion, she was no longer fit for a government position until she realizes exactly what the Constitution MEANS.

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Isn't that great. Pay no attention to all the crap that I have done before, I'm saved.

    4. Anonymous3:52 PM

      She may believe she wiped the slate clean, but those of us who aren't christo-fascists don't have to swallow that nonsense.

      And even if you do chose to do so, the fact that she is still living with husband Number 4 and didn't go back to Number 1 makes her an ongoing adulterer, living in sin in a marriage not recognized by christ.

  19. Anonymous7:58 AM

    For someone who professes to be a Christian, it is clear she has not read the Book of Matthew. If she had, she'd know that real Christians should keep their faith to themselves and lead through example, not ham-handed fights with the justice system.

  20. Frosty8:00 AM

    As with all Talibangelicals, she is a liar. She won't quit because she refuses to lose the 80K+ for not doing her job.

    Time for the court to slam her ass back in jail.

  21. Anonymous8:00 AM

    She misconstrues being accomodated as getting it all her way and demanding she have authority above the courts and all humans.
    She is a religious extremist but she seems to suffer from extreme black and white thinking which makes her irrational and illogical. She cannot be reasoned with.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      If she were an employee should probably could get some accommodation. But she's an elected official. She's the once that's supposed to make the accommodations.

    2. Anonymous3:53 PM

      She's also not very bright and has only a high school education.

  22. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Did anyone notice: The Pope didn't visit Kim Davis. He did visit a lot of poor people.

    Davis is paging wildly through her Bible trying to find those passages about the poor, the hungry, the sick, the lonely. Her Bible has only verses about sex, sex, and more sex.

  23. Anonymous8:30 AM

    I"m looking forward to her inevitable implosion. Let's hope it comes sooner rather than later.

  24. Our Lad8:38 AM

    This bucket of guts needs to be fired. God, or de devil or any other horseshit she wants to run up her flagpole has nothing to do with it. She's not doing her JOB, the fucking nincompoop.

  25. Then she shouldn't mind one bit if other employees act upon their conscience's in order to extol their beliefs. Maybe the clerk at DMV could refuse KD a driver's license, or the gas company employee refuses to investigate that leak, or emergency personnel refuse to respond to an emergency at her office. Isn't that what it's all about now? Don't let your job interfere with the expression of your beliefs? Pick and choose who you with to serve?

  26. Anonymous9:15 AM

    By saying she'll "lose her voice," if she resigns, she's admitting that she's using her position as a government employee to herald her religious views. That's simply not allowed under the First Amendment.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      It's not allowed. So why is everyone leaning over backward as she heralds her religious views, ie, tries to establish her religion? I don't get it.

  27. Anonymous9:17 AM

    "neither Christianity nor Judaism has been around since the "beginning of time."

    Not so fast there, Mister Blister!

    If the earth is 6000 years old and Xtianity is 2000 years old, that's a very impressive 1/3 of all time!


  28. Chenagrrl9:20 AM

    She doesn't understand that she is now an elected official and took an oath to uphold not only the U.S. Constitution, but probably the constituions of Kentucky as well as Rowan County. An employee doesn't do that.

  29. Anonymous9:31 AM

    She needs to be committed. She's insane. Goober Paylin or her daughter Wannabe can take over bigmouth freakshow duties.

  30. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Just join Westboro Baptist already, Kim, you're as ugly as they are.

  31. Anonymous9:32 AM

    $80,000 per year explains why she doesn't want to resign. Period.

  32. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Can you imagine if Bristol Palin had gotten a marriage certificate from Kim Davis while pregnant with Cletus the Fetus, then afterwards the certificate was cancelled because Dakota declared that he was not the Father? Kim Davis had done the same thing while married to husband 3 while married to husband 2.

  33. I think Davis must believe the Flintstones was a documentary. "Since the beginning of time", she says. Maybe Fred and Wilma were the grandchildren of Adam and Eve.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Yes and she believes the beginning of time was about 6000 years ago.

  34. Anonymous9:48 AM

    What Kim Davis really means is that if she resigns, she loses her money and her position. She should remember what Sarah Pain said when Sarah quit. Kim doesn't need a title.....

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Oh you BET $arah wanted the title.
      You're only fooling yourself by listening to her.

    2. When Palin resigned she still got people to call her Governor Palin. (And give her lots of money.)

      When Kim Davis resigns she will no longer be Clerk Davis and she will kiss that $80,000 goodbye.

  35. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Iam not computer savvy enough to know how to post a link. But if you go to Wonkette there is a link about Kimmie's psycho daughter (like mother like daughter).The daughter (and this is all on video) steals a mans dog driving her mothers' car and the Kentucky cops won't do much to help the man as they are afraid of Kim Davis. Also their is a suggestive (also Wonkette)that shows the daughter laying on a bed with another woman.Interesting Huh?

  36. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I watched this fucking wack job being interviewed by Megyn Kelly, she has some serious mental issues,
    her grasp on reality is hanging on by her fingertips..
    I hope her hubby Jethro has a job, cause it looks like she is not far from being held on a 5150

  37. Anonymous10:40 AM

    She has violated her oath of office, plain and simple. She vowed, with her hand on the Bible, to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
    Since she lied when she swore that, and now refuses to follow the laws of the United States, she should be sent to jail, impeached, or whatever other steps can be taken to remove her from office. And stop writing her pay checks. Period. What's keeping the courts and the state from removing her from office?

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      She was elected to the position, so a simple firing won't do. She works for the people, they have to fire her. And how soon is that going to happen? Never, I'm guessing, she's a celebrity!

  38. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Well, we all know a complete ditz who quit her job and got on TV to spout off her stupidity even more! So Kim, strap on some stilettos, lipstick up and maybe you'll be as lucky!!

  39. More like she'll lose that cushy $80,000 a year.

  40. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Kim Davis lost her voice when she got pregnant by her ex-husband while married to another. Kim Davis has no 'voice' pertaining to religious convictions. She is nothing more than a grifting fraud.

  41. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Lose her voice. She says that like it's a bad thing. How many people, before her tantrum, ever heard the Kim Davis voice?

    How many would like to never hear it again?

  42. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Davis is liking being in the limelight. She'll be offered a book deal soon and then a movie, count on it. She's becoming a christian icon, which, if she checked out the NT's admonition to stay away from idols and stay away from becoming one.

    She and her son are being invited to the Family Voters Values Summit this week and she's receiving a reward. Soon, she'll be refusing to marry immigrants.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      That's why in a post last week i called her a "sniveling pharisee with her prayer cards on her forehead."

      Jesus' favorite type of person, eh?

  43. Anonymous12:14 PM

    As it's been said, the Lord works in mysterious ways, and while the Pope is on the east coast speaking to a Republican Congress to "do unto others as they would have them do to you" (the golden rule), which is right from Jesus in the Gospels, the Davis shenanigans are about creating a name for themselves, she and her lawyers and her back-up values crowd. The very Catholics that some fundementalists disagree with and dislike, are doing the Lord's work in charities and servitude. Kim Davis can quote the OT all she likes, but she's far from an example of the NT. She wants to be a voice while she keeps her $80,000 job with benefits and force her Kingdom on others.

    She thinks she has God's voice, but won't even obey the Great Commission, which is not an ISIS, but an invitation; she would force to decide what others have a right to decide. It's control and gospel manipulation and many are seeing right through her.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Ding! It's not even the gospel, and why there are so many atheists today. Drop by the pee pond will see hatred and name-calling like none other unless it's "their own."

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      There is something odd about her phrasing "If I resign. I will lose my voice." It simply doesn't come across as a natural thought process or statement compared to what she usually says. I have to wonder who supplied this idea to her, and why.

  44. Randall2:43 PM

    We ask for one simple accommodation - to deny an entire subset of United States citizens their civil rights - and can't get it.

  45. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I think she has an illness, and I wouldn't be opposed to her having the kinds of accommodation other disabled people are permitted. Which is, if you can't do 80% of the primary functions of your job, your employer is permitted to transfer you to another job that you could do. They are not required to offer you the same pay you were previously earning.
    She can't do her job? Transfer her to highway maintenance

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Her illness is that she's a power-hungry narcissist.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.