Sunday, October 18, 2015

Jeb! mocks The Donald on his fitness to be commander-in-chief. Here let me repeat that, a Bush is mocking a reality star on his fitness to lead America's military.

Courtesy of CNN:

The long-running feud between Jeb Bush and Donald Trump escalated yet again Saturday, with the former Florida governor releasing a two-minute video on social media mocking the billionaire's fitness to be commander-in-chief. 

The clip is the latest salvo in the Bush-Trump rivalry, which has often been marked by bitter and personal exchanges between the two prominent Republican presidential candidates. On Friday, Trump suggested Bush's brother, former President George W. Bush, shared in the blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks because they occurred during his presidency. 

Saturday's round centered on a video set to the tune of circus music that highlights comments from Trump that have called into question his grasp of military matters. Many of Trump's most controversial moments are presented, including his questioning of John McCain's status as a war hero to his inability to name prominent terrorists.

I don't even have a side in this fight, I just like to watch therm slap each other.

It's kind of like watching female mud wrestling. Nobody cares about the winner, all anybody wants to see is an exposed boob.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Or a pair of boobs!

    1. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Please don't insult my boobs by comparing them to these idiots.

      Mine are attractive, warm, comforting, effectively perform several important functions, can feed others at no cost, don't argue with or disparage each other, catch errant crumbs from tasty baked goods, get and keep people's attention, and look good in a tight sweater.

      Can't say the same about either of these two fools.

    2. Anonymous4:13 PM

      "I'd be the bestest Commander in Chief of the galaxy"


      my penis is bigger than that of all the other candidates; and way more impressive than a mere vagina.

      These are guys are just longing for the chance to take it out and waggle it.

  2. The longer the lunatics, e.g., Trump, Carson, Fiorina, Huckabee, and Cruz stay in the race, the better it is for the Democrats. But isn't it about time for Jeb! to throw in the towel?

    1. Anonymous4:23 PM

      It is, but unfortunately Jeb connotes excitement has more money than the rest, so he will be in It for the long haul.

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM

    This is hilarious. Trump, your drunk neighbor.

  4. Anonymous3:01 PM

    IMO they are both worthless. The GOP is disastrous to the US. What have we come to when Trump, who has endorse Kanye, and Ambien Carson want to be POTUS.

  5. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Jeb is a poor excuse as a candidate for POTUS. I don't like Trump either, but as things are going today, I'd pick him over another lying Bush that comes across as such a weak and crappy Republican! And, he thinks his wife is going to help in the race because she is Mexican? Give me a friggin' break! I feel sorry for her in having to be brought out on the national stage today which is something she has ever wanted to do!

    1. something she has ever wanted to do!

      "Ever" is not the same as "never".

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      3:03, you'd pick a lying Trump over a lying Bush? Why not just vote Dem?


  6. The idea that we're even seriously discussing whether another Bush or Donald Trump is qualified to be the Commander in Chief should tell the world how ridiculous the GOP has become. Of course it's the same party that trotted out Sarah Palin as a legitimate Vice President candidate so it's just further de-evolution of the party.

    Yet people continue to vote for these individuals and think they're the answer. I sincerely think that in 12 years the GOP will run a circus geek who will bite the heads off of chickens at their debates. Heck, couldn't be worse than Trump I guess.

    1. I hear ya loud and clear. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at the imbeciles who comprise the Republican party. I was just a kid when Reagan ran and won the first time but I do remember older people lamenting the fact that he was an actor. Oh my, I do miss the good ol' days when republicans were just stingy instead of now when they're stingy, mean and crazy.

    2. Anonymous4:02 PM

      it's just further de-evolution of the party.
      Well what do you expect from the party that doesn't believe in evolution? Or any science for that matter. Americans should be terrified where this country is headed. The idiots are not getting laughed off the stage, they are getting 1st and 2nd place in the polls. Worries me that they might one day make it into that powerful office because we're all too busy being entertained.


  7. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Who knew you that could the letters rearrange Jeb BUsh next to spell the butt fuck!

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      What??? Spell much? Sorry, that was just a dumb comment, 3:11.

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Reminds me of a schoolyard bully. Instead of turning things around to what Bush the third would bring to the table, he falls for Trump's salvos every time, showcasing both's ability to play checkers or chutes and ladders, let alone be President.
    There isn't a functioning brain in either - but at least show your stuff if your're having a pissing match.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Things that make you go hmmmm:

      Jeb has had since Nov 12, 2001 to think about how he could answer the 9-11 questions. This is the best he could do?

      " Jeb Bush ‏@JebBush Oct 16

      How pathetic for @realdonaldtrump to criticize the president for 9/11. We were attacked & my brother kept us safe."

      Also too:

      “Does anybody actually blame my brother for what happened on 9/11?”

      Hey Jeb! did you ever hear the phrase don't ask the question if you don't know the answer?

      Remember that time your brother said: “All right. You’ve covered your ass, now.” He said that BEFORE 9-11. While he was on vacation. About an intelligence briefing.

      Pathetic? Jeb! and his lame excuses and ass covering for his brother Dumbya are Yoogely pathetic.

  9. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Trump and Jeb are both about as qualified to lead the country as our favorite gentleman scholar, Trig Palin, is. They are all equally retarded. Tripp Johnston is another fucked up retard kid. Bristol's latest spawn will be just as fucked up. That's why we call her Cletus the Fetus. Why is it that when someone posts the truth about all of these Palin fuckups, they just get shot down? Jesse Gryphen must really secretly love Sarah from the way he takes up for her stoopid children. Her hoohah can only spit out retarded babies.

  10. Anonymous2:46 AM

    Only morons would buy that idiots book.

  11. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Oops...I posted the prior comment about morons buying idiot Palin's book on this thread by mistake.

  12. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Sometimes I feel a little sorry for Bristol because she's a poor pregnant unwed mother. Then she opens up her mouth (via Nancy on her pathetic blog) and proves herself to be an evil hypocritical witch. I feel sorry for any child of her and more so for poor Trig. Some day Bristol, some day "the chickens will come home to roost." They always do.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.