Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hiking in Hawaii is great fun. Especially when the President makes a surprise appearance.

There were several other folks out hiking that day who also took notice of the President.

Okay well you know I am not usually one to criticize the President very often, but I have to say that I lived in Hawaii when I went to college, and I cannot imagine why he would be wearing a black t-shirt and long black sweatpants while hiking in that heat.

It is no exaggeration to say that would have killed me.

I did a ton of hiking while I lived there, and unless it was raining, I was stripped down to as few clothes as possible without risking an arrest for indecent exposure.

Still somehow he looks cool calm and collected, even in that muggy heat.


  1. Anonymous4:41 PM

    well, I have nothing to say about the color choice but he appears to be wearing that kind of shirt that wicks away moisture. also too, he looks good in black! Hawai'i is lucky to be in the spotlight every year - we love Bammerz!

    1. I lived in Hawaii for three years in the 80s. Lived on Oahu in Kailua town. The climate was incredibly boring (except for Hurricane Iwa) with temps not varying more than about 5 degrees year round (mid-70s - low 80s.

      At the higher elevations, it did feel cooler, but not enough to need a sweater. But darker clothing did not lead to the discomfort that it might with southern California temperatures (90s - 110s). The trade winds were near constant with palm fronds rattling noisily 24/7 without end, which also had a cooling/wicking effect.

      I don't see anything odd about his clothing choice. And yes, he looks good!

  2. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Where did you go to college in Hawaii Gryphen?

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      He's lying. He didn't go there or anywhere else for that matter.

    2. Hilo, 4:51.

      And I have pictures, though I have never had to use them to prove I went there before.

    3. Anonymous5:47 PM

      MJS are you back again for more torture? Fucking Palin Panty Sniffer!

    4. Anonymous6:00 PM

      @ anon 5:15pm
      At least he didn't go to beauty school for skin in AZ.

    5. Anonymous6:03 PM

      5:15, What a doofus. I would say douche but then I would offend some readers and so I won't.

    6. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Mind you, 5:15 PM just might be a bit butt hurt because, after five colleges, $arah didn't graduate anything.

    7. Anonymous7:52 PM

      UH Hilo! Hahaha, why is Obama so cool and clearly well educated and youre such a loser chump? He got his baccalaureate degree there and went on to bigger things while Gryphen just has this dumb blog and "works" with children, so he says.

    8. Anonymous8:32 PM

      7:52 - Did you go to college? From your stellar retorts (with such terrific spelling and punctuation), we doubt it.

    9. LOL! Looks like the Palin's flying monkeys are here in force. The same ones whose education didn't get past the back seat of a car. They laugh at your blog yet, the palinassholes are here.

    10. Anonymous10:34 PM

      7:52 pm
      Went to skin school in Az all the while getting drunk every night and picking up random guys to fuck. Most likely one of those random guys is the latest abstinence baby's baby daddy.

    11. Anonymous10:35 PM

      @ Patti

      I think it's one of the Palin spawn. Since SarahPac is just about broke from them living high off the hog on other people's money they had to cut back on expenditures. Barstool is earning her baby diapers tonight.

  3. Anonymous4:52 PM

    I cannot imagine why he would be wearing a black t-shirt and long black sweatpants while hiking in that heat.
    Because he's cool Daddy-o, cooool!


    1. I actually started to sweat when I saw him. That's why I made such a big deal out of it.

    2. Anonymous6:38 PM

      I get a wee bit warm too when I see him :)


    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Actually the temp here on Oahu for the past month has been in the mid 70's with 15-25 mph winds.
      Kailua winter!

    4. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Love your comment, Mildred! Me too!

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Barack Obama has always been one cool customer. ;)

  5. Anonymous5:12 PM

    President Obama has no problem shaking hands with the people in Hawaii. They don't creep him out like they do Sarah Palin

  6. Anonymous5:19 PM

    C'mon Gryphen. He's wearing a t shirt, like many are in the picture. So what if it's black? Most of the men have long pants on, a few have long shorts. That black tshirt if most likely of the lightest and airiest material that is found in clothing in Hawaii. Same with the pants.

    And did you happen to check the temperature in Hawaii where he is? Up as high as he is? Maybe it's not as hot as you remember this time of year. Seems like I read somewhere about high winds when the family went hiking on their first day.

    It also may be that he was asked to dress a certain way for his protection. Or identification by Secret Service.

    Anyway, it just seems you are jumping to judge our president without having all the information necessary to make a smart judgement.

    That said, I also believe that his natural cool allows him to live in the world very much differently that many of us. He's an island boy, by his own description. He's the light breezes. He comes from cool.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      The temp in Hawaii varies very little from day to day, season to season. Gryphen made the comment not as an insult, but to really say that the President must be in great shape if the heat and hard hike didn't leave him sweating.

  7. Anonymous5:20 PM

    See Sarah? He hikes on tropical islands too like you?? You two have SOOOO much in common. rofl

    Serious note though. Obama, please support full legalization of med marijuana. I know you're past that stage of life that most of us were in, but med marijuana is important.

    In other news, I was reading some instagram comments regarding some Trump meme and came across a girl with the moniker "lifes a tripp." Curious, I clicked on her. It was a girl with a son born last year that she named Tripp Easton.

    Yeah, I'm done with the internets today.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Funny how it's always Bristol Palin that attracts the kreeps, what with her craving for privacy and all.

  8. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Damn, there goes the "He's a Muslin" gripe after he wished the people Merry Christmas!

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I thought the same thing!

  9. Anonymous5:49 PM

    NO'kay people. Obama is cool cause he eats well, does light workouts and has African/Black in him.

    Blacks don't just love watermelon because it's delicious, it's a highly alkaline forming food, removing waste, hydrating and cancer fighting.

    It may be harder to find alkaline forming foods (fruits and veggies) in Alaska but it's well worth the effort. Weight is not the only bad thing one could lose.

    Acid vs Alkaline charts are easily found online.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Fuck you

    2. Anonymous6:49 PM

      Who doesn't love watermelon, fried chicken and home grown collard greens? Seriously, a person would have to be crazy not to wanna binge on that food at least once in awhile.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Seriously. fuck you!5:49.

      Mr.Bojangles has left the building. Are you trying to give Alaska a bad name? Excuse me ! I thought Alaskans were supposed to be individuals, no i am not from Alaska but please tell me the majority of Alaskans have maintained their open minded individuality.

      Speak up Alaskans! We on the outside see Palin as your spokesperson. Are you happy with that? She has made your state look like a bunch of redneck rubes with Gryphen being one of the lone wolves among the uneducated sheep.

      Palin has done more harm to your state than you will ever know. Those of us on the outside need to believe we could visit Alaska without running into redneck "haters" . no on who is not white would ever feel welcome there.

      You have a beautiful state and your letting a phony piece of shit speak for you, a failed ex Governor has become your mouth piece .

      Sorry. you need to make it clear that all are welcome to visit. When are you going to kick her ass to the curb? Speak up! Gryphen is trying. please tell i can go to Alaska and enjoy it.

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM

      When I was very young I married an American soldier, we were deployed to Texas far, far from my New England vanilla Irish roots. I had no idea how to cook but you bet I learned how to cook, fried chicken, collard greens and ox tail, oh and fresh biscuits. YUM.

    5. Maple7:32 PM

      The whole "alkaline vs acid foods" crap has been totally debunked.

    6. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Sorry to have offended you but I didn't think you wanted the long version of my story.

      Tons of fruit and veggies have really worked for very well for me but I noticed the price difference when I moved 200 miles north..In Canada, so I assumed Alaska would be the same. But I forgot. We pay more for everything here cause that's how we like it..or something.

      So, like a born again I advocate my new diet and for that I am sorry.

      Lemons and limes work good too.

  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Dressed in black . . . maybe traveling incognito? :)

  11. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I think President Obama should have to hike, golf, hold press conferences shirtless.
    Now, now, it would only be for his own health, I wouldn't want him to get heat stroke :)

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Fuck you

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Take your own advice, jack@ss, I mean, 6:44.

      It was a very cute comment 6:05.


    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      @ anon 6:44pm

      LOL, why does it upset you so much that President Obama is such an attractive man.

    4. Anonymous7:31 PM


    5. Anonymous7:44 PM



      mental much ?

  12. Anonymous6:19 PM

    I hate to state the I won't.

  13. Anonymous6:33 PM

    I still love me some Prez Obama. Best prez in a long fuckin' time.

  14. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Here is our President, meeting and hiking along side with Joe Blow. He keeps in touch with the real world. Everyday of his Presidency he has never forgotton the poor or the middle class unlike Trump who has never gone without.

    He has taken the slams that the Rebublicans have thrown. Michelle Obama has taken barbs about her weight " MOOshelle" and has maintained her class in the face of a culture who has lost respect for the highest office and the hardest job on the face of the planet.

    Class,a cool head and a clinical mind has become passe.

    Please Dog, get out and vote! We don't need reality tv stars and sociopaths running the show.

    1. Anonymous7:01 PM

      What a wonderful comment. I believe in every everything you said.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      Thank you.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      It's obvious that the President and his family have been exemplary residents of the White House because their critics have had to stoop to such ridiculous lengths to find anything to denigrate them for.

      Through it all, they have continued to demonstrate class and dignity, something I'm sure must have been extremely challenging at times.

  15. Anonymous6:44 PM

    And Donald Trump's doctor says that The Donald would be the healthiest President ever.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Like CBJ did $arah for veep?

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      My military friend stationed at Kaneohe Marine Base (adjacent to Obamas' vacation rental) says The Prez starts each day with a good workout in the gym there.

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Not a Dr, but I was an RN. One look at Trump tells me he is a bloated alcoholic, most likely with liver damage already.

    4. Suuure. Trump got out of serving in the military because of medical reasons.

    5. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Anonymous6:44 PM
      And Donald Trump's doctor says that The Donald would be the healthiest President ever.
      President Obama is VERY healthy. They don't come any healthier than him.

  16. Anonymous7:10 PM

    It seems the troll is a little upset tonight. Well, if the platypus chin that couldn't hold it up had kept her legs together and been on birth control, perhaps Mommie Dearest could have made a serious run or whatever her plans were that were thwarted.

    And the Whos down in Whoville all cried "boo hoo hoo."

  17. Anonymous7:41 PM

    so flippin' cool ! totally wish he could do two more terms ..

    .. but then there's always the possibility of him moving on to the supreme court .. :)

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I wish he would run for Senator again but the SC would be wonderful.

    2. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Anonymous7:41 PM
      so flippin' cool ! totally wish he could do two more terms ..
      I wish he could run again, too. I agree with the woman who said, "we love you, you're so awesome".

    3. Anonymous7:59 AM

      I suspect he and Michelle will establish some kind of charitable foundation or service organization before he considers tying himself to the Supreme Court. He's still a very young man and they have both been very involved in doing things to benefit the community for years. He could accomplish a great deal on the grass roots level and still be able to serve many years on the SCOTUS later on.

  18. Anonymous8:54 PM

    @ the FUCK YOU Poster

    Fuck You Bristle, now go feed that bastard you dropped last month.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Ah yes, today is Christmas Eve. -- "official" drop date for the disappointment. And no one gave a shit.

  19. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Wearing black and sweatpants is either because
    1) The hike was an add on, scrambled for security quickly? or
    His version of HOT YOGA!! Take that Sarah!

  20. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Well I think it would be cool to run into the president. It would be an honor to meet the man I voted for twice!

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      As much as I HATE running, I would gladly make an exception to jog a bit with President Obama (not that I have a prayer of keeping up with him)!

  21. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Wonder why we never see The Donald His Trumpness ever doing anything like this, especially since he is so fit you wouldn't believe it, and he's the most healthy person in the world.

  22. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I love you Gryphen but beg to differ. "Hot" to me is 100 degrees so no way would I have a problem with wearing black in Hawaii.
    On the other hand I would be freezing if I had to be out in temps in the 30s.

  23. Anonymous8:34 AM

    I hear ya Gryphen, whenever we go to Hawaii, doesn't matter if we've planned the trip during the "cooler season" I'm sick to my stomach for the first few days because of the heat. When we first searched for homes to rent we ended up renting one that had no A/C and holy crap, I did not hardly sleep that entire trip. I grew up in the deep south but have been in AK for 30 years and something really does change in ones body to adjust to living in a cold climate. I can easily take -20, but 90 and humid, oy vey!

  24. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Love President Obama. Most authentic, 'human' president we've had in a long time.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.