Friday, January 29, 2016

Let's take a deeper look into this most recent SarahPAC disclosure shall we?

The big numbers as I mentioned yesterday is that SarahPAC started the reporting period with $565,830.22 cash on hand.

During the six months they brought in an additional $457,469.52.

Spent $642,326.57.

And ended up with $380,963.17.

Which of course means that Palin spent $180,859.05 MORE than they brought in.

And that means that the PAC is, for all intents and purposes, on its last legs.

Now let's take a deeper dive and see what we might see.

Under Consulting we have money going to various places such as Grey Strategies, Northstar Strategies, and others including Timothy Crawford the guy who runs SarahPAC for Palin.

Crawford walked away with $77,000.

Pamela Pryor received a paltry $6,000 for her "consulting" work.

However Palin spent an additional $154,125.00

For a whopping $255,125.00 in consulting fees.


The next largest expenditure comes under Postage.

Which adds up to $74,004.00 in total.

However there were also around $116,272 billed as "Direct Mail."

So if you add those two together it comes to about $190,276 give or take a few pennies.

Aries Petra, RAM's LLCm received $18,000 for, get this, speech-writing. (That is of course before she left for the greener pastures of Breitbart.)

Remaining in the Palin fold are two old favorites Marilyn Lane and Carol Ryan.

Each receiving $15,000 apiece of their "clerical" work. 

Now get this, the PAC also spent a whopping $43,869. give or take a few pennies, on fundraising. (Gee, do you think if she spent more she would have more to spend?)

Palin's attorney Tiemessen received around 5.528 for legal services.

Passcode Creations got $29,683.14 for some kind of video production.

Palin's photographer Shaelah Craighead received only $1,500 for her hard work.

And Palin apparently spent $3,833.33 on some bears that she handed out to donors.

And that my friends is the state of Palin's rapidly failing slush fund as of January 1st, 2016.

(You can check the numbers yourself by clicking here.)


  1. Anonymous6:10 AM

    How much did she give to candidates?

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      As some noticed yesterday it was worse than giving zero to candidates - two candidates didn't cash their checks so it was -$1500. I guess those paltry dollars came with too much baggage.

    2. Anonymous7:02 AM

      Also, too, on page 6 are the curious words "Sarah PAC did no advocacy."

    3. Anonymous8:00 AM

      This is how SarahPAC works. A candidate gives her $$$ in return for her endorsement which is totally unsustainable.

  2. Anonymous6:12 AM


    Those donors are so stupid

    1. Look it's early in the morning and the first thing I had to do was math. Not my favorite thing.

      So YOU look up the hotels and airfare, I need more coffee.

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      Looks like she's flying in the cheap seats these days, but still enjoying those robes-and-slippers hotels. The real question, though, apart from living high on the hog at her donors' expense, is the extent to which she is double-dipping on travel expenses. Maybe the IRS will finally be the one to bring her down.

    3. Anonymous6:43 AM

      Nearly $5000 at Hotel George in DC in September. Seems like a lot of money.

      She was in DC around that time for the "stop Iran deal" rally with Cruz and Trump.

    4. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I always look for her on the plane (now that she's been demoted and is flying with regular people!) whenever I fly outside of Alaska!

      I have grandiose ideas of saying horrible things to her, pulling off her wig and creating one huge scene!

      Damn, but it would be fun!

    5. Anonymous9:20 AM

      @anon 6:43 am

      Yeah, that's quite a bit for a hotel in DC, I wonder what she added to her room charges?
      BTW, I was in DC 2 weeks ago and stayed at the Mayflower which is still one of "The" motels in DC and got a room for $169 a night, of course it wasn't the Presidential suite or anything, but it was a very nice room.

    6. Anonymous9:24 AM

      If you go to the end of the document and work back, you find all the expenses. The first few hundred pages, starting at the front, are the sad sad list of her donors.

    7. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Lots of 'Airport services'...guess she loves her some limos meeting her plane. If she's not going to fly charted, by gum she will have a limo!

    8. Anonymous9:51 AM

      I think when Todd is not traveling with her she does the limo services so she gets help with baggage and has someone accompanying her, since she doesn't like to travel alone.

    9. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I think she likes to be treated like a celebrity and is afraid people will say nasty things to her if she walked through the airport unaccompanied. It's very important for her to keep up the appearance of being a VIP.

    10. Anonymous10:39 AM

      haha you tell em Gryphen! Coffee time! lol

  3. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Public knowledge of her drying up slush fund has gotta hurt!

  4. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Someone should call a priest to give last rites.

    1. Balzafiar6:43 AM

      I think an exorcist might be more appropriate.

  5. Anonymous6:18 AM

    No Nancy French?

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I think she's somewhere in that additional $154,000 for 'consulting'.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      I've wondered if Brancy's pay just comes from her being able to use Bristol's voice for her public facebook, instagram and her Patheos blog. Nancy is the managing editor of the Faith and Family Channel on Patheos. Patheos bills itself as the premier site for all things religious and spiritual. They claim to be "balanced"...think about who also uses that word in their moto? LOL! We KNOW if Nancy is involved it's not balanced! I've yet to dig deeper into Patheos but plan to look into the Founders next.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      She must be another one of those strange "companies" that don't have any information about them on line.

    4. Anonymous8:03 AM

      You may be right. Who here among us would even know about Patheos much less visit there if Bristrol's name were not attached to it? Certainly not me.

      If $arah does pay her, it will not be for long.

    5. Anonymous10:38 AM

      Cousin reported that French asked for a raise and was turned down, which suggests she is being paid directly.

  6. Anonymous6:22 AM

    When she travels for "business" aren't all those trips paid for by whoever was crazy enough to book her? Why is she paying for her own lodging, airfare, etc. in these cities - Omaha, DC, etc?

    1. Boscoe6:29 AM

      It might be very... interesting... were the IRS to check and see if those who booked her ALSO wrote off those same hotels and flights...

    2. Anonymous6:31 AM

      I'm sure at one time they were, but Sarah doesn't warrant that kind of treatment anymore, especially when she has to beg to get anyone to let her appear.

      Maybe the people crazy enough to book her want to put her up in the local econolodge. Sarah can't be seen in an econolodge.

    3. Anonymous7:02 AM

      I bet SarahPac pays for hotel/air/car rental then she gets reimbursed personally by whoever was crazy enough to have her appear.

    4. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Anonymous7:02 AM
      I was just going to say the same that IS how it works.

    5. Anonymous7:17 AM

      The woman pays the for services etc up front, and then gets reimbursed.

    6. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Anonymous7:02 AM

      I bet SarahPac pays for hotel/air/car rental then she gets reimbursed personally by whoever was crazy enough to have her appear.

      Absolutely right! Good observation

    7. Anonymous10:40 AM

      I don't know about the IRS but Juneau is peeking over they must be nervous!

  7. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Sarah is getting paid $400,000 to give a speech in Hong Kong.

    Oops, my bad .. that was a 2009 news article I just read.

    1. Balzafiar6:44 AM

      That has to hurt -- going from a highly paid whore to a street hooker.

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Yeah....I remember that "speech" where she put her OWN country down in the global community. What a patriot, I mean TRAITOR, huh...

    3. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Yeah....I remember that "speech" where she put her OWN country down in the global community. What a patriot, I mean TRAITOR, huh...

    4. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Sorry for posting twice. My bad. :(

    5. Anonymous7:37 AM

      From $400K in Hong Kong 2009, to $40K from The Donald in 2016. Quite the decline.

    6. Anonymous8:54 AM

      In Palin's mangled word salad,
      patriot and traitor are the same.
      Geez, they have the same letters in them...

    7. Anonymous9:14 AM

      must have been her 'English' lesson for the can only use these letters today!

  8. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I noticed that a new expense this time around was for "Airport Services Worldwide." Apparently, it's an executive service that gets you through the airport (curb to expedited security & boarding) without having to deal with "the little people."

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Paid $1115 for what? Hand holding...

      Airport Assistance Worldwide
      Airport Assistance Worldwide pioneered the airport “Meet and Greet Service” more than 30 years ago. Since then, Airport Assistance has been providing top quality, personalized Meet and Greet Services to celebrities, business executives, corporations, and other high profile clients all over the world.

      Clients are met curbside at the airport by one of our professional representatives and escorted through all procedures at the airport.

      Our office is staffed with a professional and knowledgeable reservation team to assist you with your urgent VIP meets.

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Maybe that's how she gets away with traveling with meth.

    3. Anonymous7:48 AM

      escorted through all procedures at the airport.

      Seriously? Even I have managed to get from curbside to plane without losing my way. And without a smart phone too!


    4. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Clear Now is cheaper.

  9. Caroll Thompson6:40 AM

    One thing I noticed is that on July 1, there were checks cut totaling $88,279. Obviously these expenditures were due prior to July 1 and payment was delayed to avoid showing up in the mid year report.

    The other interesting thing is payments to Kingston Public Affairs in the amount of $20,000. Kingston Public Affairs is run by Karen R. Giorno, who just happens to be Trump's campaign Director in Florida. So, obviously Sarah has been trying to get to Donald Trump for months in an effort to grift off of his popularity.

    Other than that, there are the usual suspects. Sarah's two companies Northstar Strategies and Grey Strategies were paid their usual $8,000 a month. No doubt in my mind that Sarah got a piece of that action as she owns those companies. You see how it works? You pay your company money and then your company pays you. That way your name does not show up in the PAC expenditure report.

    We also have expenditures of $9,174.94 to Perseus Distribution for books for donors. Obviously that is Sarah buying her own book to distribute to the Rubes who fund her lavish lifestyle.

    I also noted that Sarah did not travel much in the last six months of 2015, but when she did travel, she stayed at five star hotels. Obviously, Sarah is too good for the more moderate hotels such as Holiday Inn, etc....

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      There is another $9,000 book purchase in there so a total of $18,000 worth of books purchased. She must have an entire building on the compound just for her crappy books.

    2. I was wondering what she was doing in South Florida (Ritz Coconut Grove). And the Hard Rock, Tampa.

    3. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Kingston received $30,000--3 checks, $10K each.

    4. Anonymous7:30 AM

      She'll eventually not be able to stay at a five-star hotel as she/they won't be able to afford it!

      But, too, where will she be traveling (no one wants her anymore!) that would require that upgrade from her white-trash life in Wasilla, AK?

      Still would love seeing her, Todd's and Bristol's income tax returns for the past five years! They would give us more pertinent information - especially when compared against the SarahPAC reports!

      Think of all the income tax returns that she files - her businesses, personal, SarahPAC and god knows who and what else? Her/their accountant is assuredly earning his/their fees!

    5. Anonymous7:31 AM

      The Amazon price for Sweet Freedom was $11.99. Even at list price of $19.95, that would be around a thousand books that they bought up. Really?

    6. Anonymous7:37 AM

      $30k to Kingston for fundraising consulting?

      I guess it didn't work. Although Kingston managed to raise $30k in funds for itself.

    7. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Interesting catch, Carol. Cousin said that the real balance is 288K, but that they were able to push back "around 100K" in expenditures to keep the bottom line from looking even worse. Sounds like it's an old game.
      So is it legit to funnel PAC funds to yourself via LLCs? I hadn't really paid attention to this stuff before, but would think it might be kind of a no-no. In any case, $16K/month sounds like about the right amount to keep the kiddies afloat in the style to which they've become accustomed. Or maybe they're supported by postage, and $16K/month is Palin's own allowance? A nice gig, if you can get it.
      Oh, and re: those book expenditures, let's not forget, surely they also contribute to some extent to the spectacular (not) sales of her book.

    8. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Alaska is the worst for money laundering!

    9. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Remember, Alaska is majority Republicans and has been for quite a few years!

      The Alaska Legislature is loaded with questionable Republicans currently serving office.

      Hopefully, we'll see a huge change as each comes up for reelection.

      First, it's way past time to rid themselves of that woman from Eagle River! She has high hopes of gaining the governorship at some time in her future! She's been chair for handling the money and they have been spending it like there was no tomorrow! She forgot that oil could take a huge hit! Great fiscal planning, Anna! (and Hawkins, etc.!)

  10. Anonymous6:42 AM

    So, Gryphen, if I read between the lines correctly, you're providing the hard evidence that establishes without any doubt that this horrible woman, this noisome stain on American politics, is a complete and total failure in every single endeavor and by every conceivable measure.

    Is that about right?

    And if so, may I offer my congratulations and appreciation for a job well done, sir!

  11. who would pay to listen to her word scramble?

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      yeah buy the game for 11.99

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Remember this stinker?

    "Building America's Future" - The Documentary
    Published on Aug 4, 2015

    Passcode Creative
    08/03/2015 video production 29683.14

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Nope. Don't remember it.

  13. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Maybe she's expecting a high-paying job in the Trump Administration or at Trump Galactic Enterprises HQ?

    How about a retelling of the Don Knott's classic film "The Reluctant Astronaut" whereby that awful woman gets a letter from Lord Trump's office informing her she's been hired to work at Palais d'Trump (formerly the White House). She goes to DC expecting a cushy do-nothing high salary gig only to discover she's to work as a janitor/pin setter in the little-used White House basement bowling alley. Comedy and humiliation ensues when a delegation from her small hometown in Alaska comes to visit and she has to fool them into thinking she's really a West Wing big shot. And then all of the sudden she's launched into space in response to the Russians sending a petri dish full of trained flatworms into orbit. The end.

    If any Hollywood types are interested, I have some casting ideas and a 4 page treatment with sample dialogue. Have your people call my people.

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Which line represents the $5,000 a month that MALOE said Bristol receives as 'hush money' - unreported IRS income, I'll bet.

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      postal money orders.

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM


    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I think it's 8k a month.

    4. Anonymous7:29 AM

      $200,000. for postage could hid $5,000. a month. Postal money orders.

    5. Anonymous7:35 AM

      What about her other kids? They have to be receiving money each month. Is any of this information getting to the proper authorities for investigation?

    6. Anonymous7:37 AM

      MALOE said $5000 per week was what Bristol was getting before. It may be under consulting fees for Palins LLCs.

    7. Anonymous7:37 AM

      Do you suppose the payments made to her companies are used as payments on her houses?
      Do you think she is funneling money to them and they pay her house payments?

    8. Anonymous9:30 AM

      So that's how much Sarah paid Bristol for Trig? $5000/week?

      I wonder if Sarah still has to pay Bristol for Trig now that Trig seems to be living openly with Bristol?

  15. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The donations for the last six months were almost the same as the first six months. If donations continue the PAC may last another six months.

    I wonder if the money spent on speech writing is for FB and blog posting. The speeches are Palin word salad. The Trump endorsement speech tossed with juvenile rhyming words was mocked by SNL "said the Lorax". Mud Flats live blogged that Dr. Seuss wrote the speech and the press emphasized the rhymes even as "post apocalyptic poetry".

    The media would serve justice to inform the public to be cautious how their donations are spent. Obviously the PAC was 100% for Palin. The LLC's manage Palin real estate and investments.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      With Palin supporters mad at her for endorsing Trump, her donations may decline dramatically.

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      It will be interesting to see if her Stump for Trump brought her a new cash crop of supporters.

  16. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Once again, so much money paid out to strategists and consultants, but for what? Sarah Palin was a disaster this past year.

    1. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Strategies on how to grift...i guess grifting requires time and effort etc...
      That woman and her KKKlan will never work since they discovered the art of getting free stuff and money. SMH

    2. Anonymous7:15 AM

      They strategize on how to rip people off...what a POS

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      consultants on how to cook the books and hide the money.

    4. Anonymous9:20 AM

      she was trained by the best on page 16 hu Sarah 'how to grift in the name of God'~

  17. Anonymous7:05 AM

    "Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey"
    You have proven your character is shit since all you can do is write for years attacking one person, who doesn't even matter to the public.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      Your last sentence is a lie. G does a variety of articles. Also - yes she does matter because of the damage she has done and continues to do.

      Pat Padrnos

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      If Sarah doesn't matter to the public, why do you care? Is it moral to tell people that you are going to donate to all of these important conservative people and end up spending 97% on yourself, giving them 3% to justify the PAC?

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Your sad is killing me.

    4. Anonymous7:38 AM


    5. Anonymous7:41 AM

      It matters to me. I am "the public".

    6. Anonymous7:42 AM

      WAAH WAAH WAAH Hit a nerve, did he? Poor baby, poor baby! ROFLMAO at your lame remark.

    7. Cracklin Charlie7:42 AM

      It matters to the public, you idiot, if she is stealing from the public to finance her criminal family lifestyle.

      A scam is a scam.

    8. 7:05 - which palin are you? Maybe it's track reminding us it's all about HIM and she doesn't matter anymore - he's wanting his 15 minutes now!
      Or it's brissybabymaker reminding us it's HER turn to be the star trailer dweller? OR, it's the effin dog fed up with the pack?
      One thing for sure - you'll never see the proper attention given to their tax returns, child neglect and abuse or criminal records long sealed or the true nature of this trailer trash as long as McCain remains above ground - because he sure as hell doesn't want the TRUTH of how vile this family really is. The GOP has lost so much ground since 2008. It's all about damage control and even with all the efforts to keep secrets - this bitch and her nasty grifting offspring have still managed to prove treason is optional when a POS like McCain wants to steal the highest office by whatever means necessary. They spent a fortune in clothes, kept her under lock and key, gave her fuckin cue cards like a 3rd grader, turned their head when she strapped on the Trig prop, supported her lies about the fake pregnancies and spent ENORMOUS amounts of money to deceive the American voters - I fuckin hate palins and hope to see McCain live to regret what he tried to do to us - and that includes that skank Nicole and Wallace and Mike Schmidt - treasoness losers! :-D. I feel better now...

    9. There, there. Now turn that frown upside down!

    10. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Whassa matter 7:05? Did Sarah cut your postage payments or consulting fees? I understand your grumpiness about it but you really should take your complaint to Sarah, not Gryphen.

    11. Anonymous8:28 AM

      7:05 it obviously matters a lot to you doesn't it? Enough to get your azz out of bed and read this blog before you even had your first red bull.

      Oh and btw-gryphen is partly responsible for skank being less and less of an interest to the public -with his and others constant scrutiny of her more and more people are seeing the light about the big grift. The mainstream media may tread more delicately but you can bet IM comes up every time they are sourcing their own stories about that skanky azz skank.

      You and your ilk have no right to even utter the word morality you low life pond scum sucking bacterial growth.

    12. Anonymous8:31 AM

      7:08 AM How are your Liberal parents? Your family photos show that none of you have missed any meals.

    13. Anonymous8:43 AM

      I have faithfully read this blog since 2008. I don't always agree with Mr. G, but there has never been an occasion for me to question the quality of his character. You're barking up the wrong tree.

    14. Anonymous9:22 AM

      oh Sarah...what's the matter? Audit time?

    15. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Awz, da troll gots a bad case of dem sadz.

  18. Anonymous7:05 AM

    OT, but cut from the same cloth; Thursday's New York Times has a front-page article on the dramatic mis-handling of donated funds by The Wounded Warrior Project.

    It's the same stuff Palin does; re-directing donations to luxury hotels, airfare and whopping salaries vs. minimal money spent on veterans. Oh, and also immediately firing anyone who questions those decisions, also, too.

    Online the article is posted as:

    Just about says it all, doesn't it? This was Thursday's paper, so if you don't subscribe or (this is what I do) go online for "ten free articles per month", try your local library.

    Hope a lot of news sources pick this one up!!!

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      If you want to read some scary information, look up the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which takes in hundreds of thousands from people who want Trump to show up at one of their events for the publicity-- or they want some kind of favor from Trump. Then, Trump has been giving the money to conservative republican groups. All of the money donated last night went into the Donald J. Trump Foundation which is considering giving it to two suspect "charities."

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I'm not so sure that the Wounded Warrior Project reference is the same one that Donald raised money for because I heard on TV last night that HIS warrior project was looked in to and headed by ONE person and had only ONE employee. I imagine Donald's vet project was invented at the very last minute when he went rogue on the debate. I'd look into that if I had more time but gotta go to work.

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Don't forget that when Trump is scheduled for an appearance, he invites hundreds or thousands to attend even though there is no seating capacity for them.

      Hence, the lines of people that cannot get in!!! Makes him look so much more important! Haha!

      Wonder how many other politicians do the same thing? Or, if they don't now, they will! Trump is teaching Republican politicians so many new/ugly doings!

    4. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Hi, 8:27- No, I don't think Trump is involved w/Wounded Warrior, either. I'm sure he'd want ALL the yuuuuge donations for himself!

      Anyway, wanted to post the article because Sarah Palin has done her share to publicize the group. Just like her, just as sketchy- as Gomer Pyle would say, "Surprise, surprise!".

      Wild Tortoise

  19. I wouldn't put it past her to pocket checks made out to her directly and any currency that people mail to her.

  20. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Why spend almost $200,000 on direct mail and postage, in an age where people get their news and advertising online? What is she mailing out? And why is it so expensive?

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      How many postal money orders do you think there were in $200,000?

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Direct mail, has anyone gotten paper mail or are they all emails?

    3. TwoBlueJays7:57 AM

      She isn't 'mailing' anything. P.O. money orders changed to bank cash is an old scam. It's money laundering. Also an easily traced scam - banks have to keep records. And they are audited.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      look into that Wasilla post office that had to shut down...betcha dollars to donuts some of the money order if not all came from there! hu Sarah? oh and tell Mary hello!

    5. Anonymous9:34 AM

      The direct mail fee also applies to the fund-raising emails that HSP Direct does for Sarah PAC.

  21. Anonymous7:08 AM

    The woman and her KKKlan should get get jobs. Wouldn't that be easier

  22. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Interesting reading the expenditures portion and who received money out of the witch. The Political Media Inc that was listed as a research publication-- doesn't look like any type of research publication that I've ever used.

  23. Anonymous7:13 AM

    But ironically, Sarah will be featured on the TODAY show on Monday in Iowa. WHY??????

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      As long as Sarah issues a public opinion about politics, it is called "justifying her slush fund," I mean, "justifying her PAC." Don't forget to give so Sarah can enjoy more luxurious trips.

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      As the presidential campaign kicks into high gear, we'll be talking with candidates, voters and Donald Trump's newest ally Sarah Palin, who will be joining the anchors exclusively during the special edition of TODAY.

    3. Anonymous7:38 AM


    4. Anonymous7:40 AM

      But there has to be something in that slush fund 7:23 or she's grounded.

      Maybe Tood could shuttle her around in his plane, so what if it took 237 fuel stops to get to a speech! :)


    5. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Mildred - Sarah is on record saying she didn't like flying in his airplane.

      Plus, he'd probably rather rid himself of her permanently!

      Can you imagine living with that voice of hers as long as he has? Talk about living a life in Hell! Yikes!

    6. Anonymous9:16 AM

      I really hate that NBC is giving coverage to Palin on Monday. She should have no voice in our political discourse any longer. This is exactly why I want her to be outted as a liar, cheat, and all round totally bad character who should be locked up for her actions.

    7. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Betcha Trump's not too happy about Today show inviting Sarah instead of him. Whose campaign is this anyway?

    8. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Every negative/factual thing we have on the Palins (to include Sarah, Todd, Bristol and Track) should be forwarded to all the heads and specific journalists of the networks.

      As more and more things are publically being disclosed, we will see the national discovery of the BIG 'gates' issues! (like the birth right of the retarded child that lives in one of their homes).

  24. Anonymous7:14 AM

    $18,492.09 for "Sweet Freedom"

    Timothy Crawford
    645 South Lake Drive
    Ormond Beach, Florida 321741515

    11/23/2015 Books, shipping and stamps

    Perseus Distribution
    1904 Flex Dr.
    Jackson, Tennessee 38301

    12/20/2015 Books for Donor Fulfillment
    9174.94 MEMO

  25. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I would love to see the income tax returns of Todd, Sarah and Bristol! Are the Palins divorced? Are they filing separately? What is Todd's income from the oil company if any? He quit the company - didn't retire from it.

    Were there any donors to SarahPAC from Alaska this report period? Think there were only one or two last report. Who actually provides her the biggest support even in her dwindling numbers of today?

    She's a goner!

  26. If any of us little people were spending more than we were taking in, we would be told by Palin to tighten our bootstraps and pull ourselves up by our pursestrings. Her PAC is Exhibit A of exactly what a Fiscal Conservative does NOT do.

  27. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Dear Sarah and fans of Sarah Palin,
    If you spend more money than you earn, you will be in debt. SarahPAC spends more money than it takes in. That's not the sign of a fiscal conservative.

    Special note to Sarah: If Trump wants you to campaign for him, you don't need to spend the little bit of money left in SarahPAC. That guy has BILLIONS. Let him pay for your travel, five star hotels and luxury expenses. He can afford it.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Yeah, but she's a beggar. I'll bet she begged Cruz and others and they turned her down nicely for the meantime. So she was forced to go to Trump even if it means she had to spend PAC money to do it.

  28. Anonymous7:22 AM

    $1,152.25 for LOCAL transportation for TWO round trips!

    BAC Transport
    660 W. 54th Ave.
    Anchorage, Alaska 995181137

    05/18/2015 ground transportation
    309.75 MEMO

    BAC Transport
    660 W. 54th Ave.
    Anchorage, Alaska 995181137

    05/21/2015 ground transportation
    281.50 MEMO

    BAC Transport
    660 W. 54th Ave.
    Anchorage, Alaska 995181137

    09/08/2015 ground transportation
    486.00 MEMO

    BAC Transport
    660 W. 54th Ave.
    Anchorage, Alaska 995181137

    09/12/2015 ground transportation
    75.00 MEMO

    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Moving Bristol's furniture from sold house and then to new house?

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Bristol's called off wedding AKA 'celebration of life' was May 23.

      Did SarahPAC pay for the whole clan's ground transportation?

    3. TwoBlueJays7:58 AM

    4. Anonymous8:06 AM

      "Stop the Iran Nuclear Deal" September 9
      Visit to Regnery Publishing September 11

    5. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Guess that's where the hummer for the brawl came from.

  29. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Wondering who Kingston Public Affairs is? The business name does not come up in a Google search and if you search the address it comes up as a single family home

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      There's a comment about it up-thread.

  30. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Well, she is definitely begging for money now for her Pac using Trump photos, etc. She is not even stumping for Trump anymore. I bet she is flat broke, no money. I bet the money she has has already been spent. What is she going to do now, how is she going to pay the bills coming in? Her accountants and other staff will drop away soon. I bet every penny she has in her Pac equals the bills on her desk. I see her getting desperate now.

  31. Anonymous7:27 AM

    When she "smiles" she looks as though she has a nasty smell right under her nose. More like a smirk.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      She does. It's coming from her mouth.

  32. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Also, too, on page 6 are the curious words "Sarah PAC did no advocacy."

    Send it to CREW. the FEC won't do anything about it but CREW might.

  33. Anonymous7:38 AM

    I can't wait for them to file for welfare, you know, the legal above board kind. And food stamps.
    Giggling here just thinking about it. I doesn't take much to entertain me......


    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      and I bet it's really cooking her books that some other folks are NOT on welfare...hmmm
      legalities legalities legalities

  34. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Will the IRS or FEC ever see this information or forum information? Grypth... are you sending this info in?

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Are you? Plenty of high profile media read this blog. Don't you worry.

  35. Anonymous7:42 AM

    It's no wonder Bristol is hawking her mom's books on every patheos posting. Hahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      The books is hovering at #35,000 on Amazon. Sorry, it ain't working Bristol.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      sell them as firestarters that might work?

  36. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Palin's photographer Shaelah Craighead received only $1,500 for her hard work.
    Bristol's engagement photos?

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      All the pictures on Willows and Bristols pages. New ones too. All of Sailors pictures too...

  37. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Ah, I love seeing articles about the details of Palin's spending:

  38. Anonymous8:01 AM

    $43,869. give or take a few pennies, on fundraising.
    What fundraising? $43K for sending emails and contests? hockey stick contest? buying her books to send to donors? Bristol's new shoes?

    Do they have to explain where the $43K goes ie show receipts or can they just come up with a figure ?

  39. Anonymous8:05 AM

    CNN picked up Barstool's latest tirade about SNL and showed the who wore it better poll 87% Tina Fey!

    Then across the bottom of the screen they mentioned the FBI has video of the tarpman reaching into his jacket before getting his face shot off.

    It's gonna be a good day!

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Barstool in 2010 heading to DWTS practice. That is not a dancer's body, she was PREGNANT. 'Cousin' was right again, Tristan was born December, 2010. That was why Barstoll wore a winter scarf with a t-shirt in Haiti December 11, 2010. It worked for Sarah to camouflage her fake Trig pregnancy. Has anyone heard from Dylan Kolvig, Trig's Daddy?

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

    3. Anonymous10:04 AM

      I think Bristol dropped "Tristan" off somewhere and does not raise him/her.

  40. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Don't get sad, y'all, when those numbers temporarily rise. The whole point of her endorsing Trump (and apparently paying HIM to do so; how humiliating for her) was to get access to a fresh batch of rubes for grifting. I expect she will raise some $ in the short term, but be not distressed...her overall trend is dropping, and after a brief bump in the numbers, that downward trajectory will continue.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      True. Unless it's DNA or brawling the public doesn't care much as the Palins have overstayed their welcome. Yep nowadays Sarah is pretty much a blip to be made fun of in the news.

  41. Anonymous8:09 AM

    RAM = trying to cover the Turd's stench in speechifying. Didn't work.

    Clerical = trolling blogs, any of 'em, all of 'em.

    Postage = payoffs for silence.

    There, all fixed.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Even her loyal boot licker RAM has jumped ship.

  42. Anonymous8:14 AM

    At what point to PACS become unjustifiable to keep going. I'd love to see some statistics on them and when they close. Seem's Sarah will probably keep hers until she's 90. Gotta keep her kids hushed and her flying monkeys out there trolling the internet for her.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      That's silly, 8:14 AM Her 'slush' fund will NOT last until she is 90! Plus, no one will be donating to it to keep it alive!

      I can hardly wait to see her (and hers) have to really grovel in the State of Alaska where very few can stand them! What a fun life they are going to live!

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Pretty soon Sarahi s going to have to dip into her own money and you betcha then she won't be staying in 5-star hotels and using airport greeting services and private limos. She's notoriously cheap, except when using other people's money, or Opium, as she likes to call it.

  43. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Anyone that wicked who could take OPM from working families and use it as a personal slush fund would have to suffer from some heavy conscience.

    That a person could do these things and then point a finger and accuse others of doing the same things would have to even have a heavier conscience.

    That a person could betray the thousands of supporters for a bowl of Trump soup, neon lights, tower of Trump Babel, lasciviousness, lewd, hateful, spiteful, candidate, who defies the God she' says she so stands with, couldn't have a conscience any more.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I don't think she's had a conscience EVER. She's a sociopath.

    2. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Well, Sarah's not a particularly big believer in god, I'd guess. It's just that fundies are a super-easy group to steal from.

      I think the best way to think of the Palin family is that they're pure animals. Like animals, who lack a moral compass, their only goal is to prevail. With animals, that means get enough to eat today without being eaten. With the Palins, it means doing whatever they think benefits them at that moment. They don't consider the lack of ethics in a certain action and then decide do it anyway. They're not even morally developed enough to recognize that things have ethical consequences. Animals.

    3. Anonymous9:26 AM

      @ 8:52 please do not insult animals by comparing them to the Palins.

      Animals do not treat their young or fellow creatures as poorly as the Palins.

    4. Anonymous9:36 AM

      No empathy or conscience.

      That is the definition of what a sociopath is. It's estimated that 1% to 4% of the general population are sociopaths. Palin is a textbook example.

      The religiously inclined might say they have no souls.

    5. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Actually, wolves have pretty tight social/family groups. It's the Palin species that likes to break them up by shooting them down from helicopters.

      Wild Tortoise

    6. Anonymous10:23 AM

      A friend of mine saw the world as made up of two kinds of people, the takers and the givers. Sarah is always on the take, so is Trump. So are a lot of other greedy, self-centered people.

      The givers are the ones who love too much. We have a homeless guy who sells papers near our supermarket. He was late in coming to the supermarket today, but someone left a sandwich for him at his "usual place." The sandwich didn't cost much, but it showed a lot of heart.

      Please don't think for a minute that Trump was raising money for veterans groups. All of the money raised when into the Trump Foundation. They are thinking about giving it to the same puppy place that provided that excellent therapy dog to the Palins. Some therapy dog. They were too cheap to buy a step stool. The dog was a reject from therapy dog school.

      Sarah and Trump are selfish, takers. It's all about them.

  44. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Sarah might be tempted to write her tell-all book. She could blame Obama for her fake birth of Trig. She could say the devil made her do it, or Todd and her kids begged her to do it, for the good of America and the world.

    She could twist the story of her fake birth so as to not be culpable, and blame John McCain; she could say she was in some fugue state, like Walter White, or that she was suffering from PTSD that she caught from Track.

    Writing a tell-all book would make her richer than her wildest dreams, except that she might watch her kids spend wildly spend it while she's in jail.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I think when she learned a 'certain someone' was back in Alaska - she freaked out! She sent her mother and the question of 'why are you in Alaska'? Now is that due to that HUGE trust account even Levi knows about? Can't seem to kill that Birthright owner can ya?
      Why doncha write about THAT Sarah...haha

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      We all know in Alaska, that IF Sarah Palin wrote (she wouldn't actually do the writing as she is not capable of doing so - (it would be by a ghost writer!) a biographical, it would be full of untruths and not factual in any way!

  45. Anonymous8:25 AM

    There's a lot of misinformation above about how PAC funds legally work and why this one is spending so much on postage. Maybe this will help.

    Palin can legally spend every penny of that PAC on hooker garb and orange makeup for herself, plus high-end purses and shoes to bribe Bristol for using her Patheos blog/FB page for the openly racist, religiously bigoted and homophobic comments Sarah's too chickenshit to post herself. There's literally nothing statutory preventing her from using those PAC funds for pretty much anything she likes. So let the donor beware: you have no control over where your money is going, unless the contributors band together and demand accountability. And Palin donors can't and won't, because they're ignorant and barely able to feed and dress themselves.

    Second, the high costs for postage are consonant with a direct-mail operation (NOT one with the primary purpose of funding candidates) that exists only for the purpose of raising more money. You may have read media stories noting how Ben Carson's campaign is structured the same way: more like a direct-mail operation than an actual campaign. He's spending the majority of his campaign chest raising more money rather than buying ads, setting up field offices, etc., because he never intended to seriously run for president. (Once he caught semi-fire, he thought he'd ride it out, but that was never his original intention, I'm sure.) Palin never intended to seriously support other candidates; she is running a personal ATM through this PAC. Again, totally legal, so caveat donor.

    Direct-mail operations run on very tight margins, by the way--you spend huge amounts to recoup those amounts plus a small profit margin. Even by those standards, Palin is failing, and that probably pushed her into paying Trump to let her endorse him, even though she knew she'd take a hit from so many of her former supporters. She probably will raise decent money in the first six months of this year, thanks to an infusion of cash from the brigade of Trump supporters she's now tapped into, most of whom weren't marks for her before. But, as I said above, this won't last.

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      One thing, tho... is Bristol and the other kids reporting on their IRS all the money funneled to them? That is another thing... the IRS doesn't have to wait for that...

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      No idea, 8:38. That's Bristol's lookout. The girl makes poor decision after poor decision, so I wouldn't be surprised if she's screwing this up, too.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      They have to report gifts in amounts over $14,000 to the IRS even if it comes from mommy. that includes purses, shoes also.

      I doubt Bristol is reporting it, otherwise she would be paying Levi child support.

    4. Anonymous9:38 AM

      For every new Trump supporter she gained, she lost a Cruz supporter who will no longer be donating. So we'll see how that works out.

    5. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Didn't Bristol open some kind of LLC? She must be one of the "consultants" being paid by the PAC

  46. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I think that the IRS has her in their crosshairs and are biding their time, waiting, waiting until next January 2017, the day after Obama leaves Office, to investigate her SarahPac.

    They know that if they challenge her now, she'll blame liberals and Obama, claiming she's his victim and he's trying to get back at her.

    If they wait, she can't blame Obama or his administration, and she'll be having to give account to President Hillary Clinton or President Bernie Sanders. The go-ahead green light, Sarah, next year this time.......bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!

    1. Balzafiar9:02 AM

      @8:25AM -- I think you are wrong. IMHO, the IRS waits on no man.

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      when I started in Contracting in the late 80's the women at the IRS loved it when I came in...nope not eligible to pay taxes YET! It was a contest of sorts! Those were the days! Now everyone is trying to rip them off instead of making enough money to pay them! What a bunch of leeches...

    3. Anonymous9:47 AM

      PAC dollars do not fall under the regulatory authority of the IRS as PACs are tax-exempt. PACs are solely regulated by the Federal Election Commission, who require annual or bi-annual reporting depending on the election cycle.

  47. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "[As] far as what I have seen about the #OscarSoWhiteControversy, it seems Jada Pinkett Smith started it because her husband wasn't getting nominated. I don't know how other people think about it, but I hope my son sees early on – that not everyone gets a trophy."
    "We shouldn't segregate ourselves or limit Black History Month to one month a year. I wish things were really colorblind… I don't know what we can do as a society to come together as one."
    -Bristol Palin

    Bristol stay off the internet BITCH!

    1. Balzafiar9:01 AM

      Not to worry; she didn't write that.

    2. Anonymous9:10 AM

      I'm confused? What is she saying? Is Bristol complaining about Jada because Jada is saying her husband got screwed at the Oscars and Bristol is saying not everybody gets a trophy

      Then she says something about we shouldn't segregate ourselves blah blah blah something about Black History Month blah blah blah society come together as one.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      Marina Lupas what is Bristol saying about not everybody gets a trophy? Do you and your Aftadark agree with Bristol?

    4. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Not to worry; she didn't write that.
      I said it before, I'll say it again, as long as Bristol earns income from that blog, she is responsible for everything written on it.

      "that not everyone gets a trophy."
      except Bristol who was compensated for lying about abstinence, rigging the voting while not being able to dance, not writing a blog, selling photos of illegitimate children and not actually working in a derm office.

      That is what Tripp is learning early on

    5. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Bristol thinks all society should come together as to black issues?

      Perhaps she should talk to her mother about this subject!

      Sarah, who publically discriminated against Alaska's first people when she was quitter governor of Alaska!

      Plus, her racist mother who constantly has been against President Obama for years.

      Sarah only 'wishes' she had the likes of a man like President Obama! Something she 'does not' with Todd Palin!

    6. Anonymous10:16 AM

      If it is on Bristol's facebook or her blog, then it was written by Nancy French. Usually, the photos on Bristol's instagram are her own.

      Bristol claims to work full time, yet she manages to post a new political or social comment on her facebook every two hours. And, she has a couple of kids to take care of. That busy girl can sure pack a lot of work into each day and still find time for a fish lips selfie.

  48. Anonymous8:49 AM

    In all seriousness--really, I want to know what people in Alaska do believe here--could Sarah run for the House of Representatives and be elected? Maybe not run to be a senator but a rep? It would provide her with an income, so I'm wondering if she might decide to run.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      She couldn't get elected Dog Catcher in Alaska. Most of us are greatly embarrassed by and fed up with, her and her family.

      - An Alaskan

    2. Anonymous9:21 AM

      We only have one Representative seat, currently held by Don Young, who has served nearly 22 terms in office.

      Don is 82 years old and probably won't serve much longer but there is no way Sarah Palin could be elected to anything up here. Haven't heard any whispers of who might when Don decides not to, but Palin could run and would fail epically.

    3. Frosty no longer AK9:44 AM

      Hell no! She couldn't get elected dog catcher.

    4. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Sarah Palin would be afraid to run for anything in Alaska. She knows she's horribly disliked and wouldn't attain dog catcher status!

      Plus, she's quit at everything she has touched - or hired folks to do the work for her - example - Mayor of Wasilla!

      Don't forget too, they let her go at Channel 2 (TV channel in Anchorage) when she was hired as their 'supposed' sports announcer. She literally screwed the black basketball player (in the Great Alaska Shootout)at that time (admitted by both!).

      The woman is a curse at whatever she touches! To include her husband and children!

  49. Anonymous9:11 AM

    And the stalkings continue little Sarah? Let's see just a minute ago I saw a truck stop in front of the road! low and behold the computer starts to screech! oh checked the security and an intruder was blocked!Try again Screech! Yawn! You are boring

  50. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Direct mail-are they buying stuff online and charging the shipping fees to SarahPAC?

  51. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Cash on Hand at Close of Reporting Period

    2009 -- 928,336.61

    2010 -- 1,328,855.26

    2011 -- 1,012,772.74

    2012 -- 1,149,939.10

    2013 -- 1,117,683.99

    2014 -- 825,555.95

    2015 -- 380,963.17
    2016 -- ESTIMATE 0.00

  52. eclecticsandra10:13 AM

    Were the postage expenses for money orders as indicated by cousin?

  53. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Someone raised a really good question, but I can't find it now. Sarah writes down the expenses she paid out for traveling to give her big Trump endorsement. Trump gives donations in the same amount to her PAC to cover her expenses.

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      The max allowable donation is $5000, that wouldn't cover much.

  54. We already know she cheats on her expense forms.

  55. Anonymous10:38 AM

    Hey Juneau? Nervous? You should be helping Sarah!


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