Sunday, February 14, 2016

Bristol has some tips for celebrating Valentine's Day alone. No, really! (Well not REALLY really.)

The reason of course that this is not REALLY real, is because both this Facebook post, and the blog post it links to, are written not by Bristol Palin, but by Nancy French.

And of course French's post is liberally borrowed from other sources as well, however this seemed to be an original thought of her own:  

Take a break from social media. 

The more you compare your life to others, the worse it is. Here’s the truth that you already know: people only post the most heavily filtered version of their lives online. (You know it, because you do that too!) So, don’t compare your real life to the edited version of your friends… especially on Valentine’s Day when people are hell-bent on posting their MOST ROMANTIC DAY EVER. 


Take a step away from your phone, know you are loved, that you aren’t alone, and that February 15th is coming.

Which kind of begs the question, is this written as a message to others from Bristol Palin, or as a message from her deeply concerned ghostwriter TO Bristol Palin?

One can only imagine the kind of hell Barstool must be going thought right now, with two custody fights weighing her down, and a newborn cockblocking her next romantic groin grinding in the bed of some guy's pickup truck.

I'm not saying that it is not a hell that she richly deserves, I'm just pointing out its existence. 


  1. Anonymous4:32 PM

    According to CNN, Kanye West, husband of Bristol's hero Kim Kartrashian, is $53 million in debt.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      "If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem."

      J. Paul Getty

      Some guy from the ATL is upsidedown to the tune of $53 million? See Bristol, there is hope for you after all!

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      Couldn't happen to a better man! LOL. Get your money from the Kartrashians.

    3. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Will $arah be next to beg for money publicly? Soon, no doubt.

    4. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Yes, by all means, everyone ELSE stay off their phones and stop comparing themselves to others. Bristol will do it all for you

      courtesy of anon 11:08 down thread

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    "Take a break from social media."

    You first, you dumb fucking media whore.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      You know who used "hell bent" a lot also? George W Bush and Mama Grizzly.

    2. Anonymous8:31 PM

      "Take a break from social media."

      I know that Bristol doesn't even write her own blog posts, but the level of unawareness on this is well beyond humorous.

    3. Anonymous2:47 AM

      Didn’t her mommy promise us a few weeks back that she was going to take a break from ranting on the blue screen and listen to more music. She has already broken that promise several times.

      Since Bristol’s whole identity depends on comments from her fans, she would cease to exist without social media.

    4. Anonymous3:08 AM

      Yeah. Try it this way. A blogger who purportedly writes 3-4 posts per day and posts multiple times per day on Instagram often in reponse to posts on other blogs and facebook (all aka social media) tells others to get off social media!!!

    5. Anonymous9:35 AM

      $arah and W have dyslexia in common. There's that.

  3. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Here's a tip to Bristol for surviving Valentine's Day. Don't try and pawn your bastard off on another man and you might, just might, have a date for Valentine's Day.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      Not that Sailor is not a big factor is the breakup of Dakota and Bristol, but there has got to be so much more about why Dakota bailed so decisively. There is a very complex toxic amalgam to be exposed.

      Gryhen's blog should be long-lived on Palni stories along.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    That designer be was deceptively made... so she may as well lay on down and get used to it!

    Compliments of Grandma Griz!

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Anyone who even gives any holiday, especially this fake "Hallmark" holiday any attention, much less lets it affect their lives in any way positively or negatively, has something wrong with them.

    1. Anonymous2:49 AM

      Bravo! Valentine's Day is a money maker for Hallmark.

    2. Anonymous3:35 AM

      I feel sorry for you, Anon at 4:45 pm. Holidays are fun and they are a way of marking the coming of seasons. The celebration part does not have to be on a big scale. We enjoy Valentine's Day in part because we live in a part of the country that is covered in snow this time of year and the bright colors of the day bring lots of good cheer. And a bit of chocolate goes a long way to be cheering too.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      I love the way you think, Beaglemom. To me, all holidays have pagan roots that harken to the changing seasons. The holidays are fun - all of them - and bring people together. The trappings piled on top of these natural celebrations are fluff.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I agree with Beaglemom. Holidays should be a positive in peoples' lives.

      I'd like to ask you 4:45, what excites you? Do you have a passion in life?

    5. You're right there, Beaglemom. This was the third of the four Chocolate Holidays: Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's, and Easter!

  6. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Wow, you mean she actually used her blog as a blog and not just to paste in a link to someone else's writing? What a shock. Still, my bet is that her post is heavily borrowed from somewhere.

    1. Anonymous2:46 AM

      Right now, there's a book being talked about in various circles: Reclaiming conversation : the power of talk in a digital age by Sherry Turkle. Nancy French is just trying to hitch "Bristol's" wagon to a rising star.

    2. Anonymous5:43 AM

      So, like, you mean that like people actually, like fuckin' TALK to each other? Awesome, but like when I like try to tell guys about, like my shoes and shit, my $300 sunglasses and stuff, they like fuckin' look so bored. Then we have sex, and like I moan and like scream and they leave and like never fuckin' come back. Said Bristles.

    3. barstool9:45 AM

      any of you suckas know where my sunglasses are? $400 don't come easy these days.

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    What post?


    Is it already gone?

    All I see is sibling snuggles?

  8. Anonymous4:52 PM

    This is from the deeply concerned ghostwriter TO Bristol Palin.

    It may provoke humiliation in Bristol? That could be a good thing. Bristol just wants to win the baby daddy lotto for her scheme with Sarah Palin. What a disappointment for the Palins. If Bristol reaches bottom she may seek help, I doubt it. She and Track are too dependent and stuck.

  9. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Valentine's Day last year was so different for her. Well, the day is still young. She and Marina have plenty of time to get dolled up in their sleaziest outfits and go whoop it up tonight.

  10. Anonymous4:58 PM

    Let's give the poor girl a break. One year ago today, she was having hot drunken sex with a total stranger in Vegas without a care in the world (or a condom). Today, she's changing the poopy diapers of the product of that night -- well, ordering Piper to change them, anyway -- and continuing treatment for whatever STDs she picked up at the same time.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      Given that she regularly has "hot drunken sex with a to total stranger", I've always thought that the "worst mistake in her life" was something above and beyond that. Were there cameras, farm animals, a "how many can you fuck in an hour" competition with Marina at a Shriner's convention...?

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Good question!

    3. Balzafiar6:48 PM

      @5:14PM Your thoughts are the same as I had. The way she was describing it would open up a whole universe of awful things she might have done.

      I wonder if MALOE can shed any light on Bristol's comment?

    4. Too late for this year but timely for next next year6:52 PM

      15 Movie And Alcohol Pairings For The Single Girl On Valentine’s Day

    5. Anonymous3:59 AM

      I actually wonder if she gambled while hammered and lost a huge amount of money that night. She doesn't seem to even understand that all this fucking around without protection is a bad idea with long-term fallout. It almost seems like "ruined my life" has to apply to something else, something very basic with immediately visible consequences that managed to penetrate her little reptile brain.

  11. Frank Flashback4:59 PM

    What Sarah said.

    Sarah Palin added 4 new photos.
    September 19, 2014 ·

    I love my Bristol! My straight-shooter is one of the strongest young women you'll ever meet. I have to say this as a proud mama: right up there with their work ethic and heart for those less fortunate, my kids' defense of family makes my heart soar! As you can imagine, they and my extended family have experienced so many things (liberal media-driven) that may have crushed others without a strong foundation of faith, and I'm thankful for our friends' prayer shield that surrounds them, allowing faith to remain their anchor. Thank you, prayer warriors! I love you!

    See this from Bristol:…/bristo…/2014/09/my-parents-divorce/

    - Sarah Palin

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      What a crock of crap, $arah.

    2. Anonymous5:36 PM

      Sister Blah Blah sez

      Just a few weeks after the getdown in the Valley? I bet Sarah was rilly proud!

    3. Anonymous6:05 PM

      "my kids' defense of family (family defined as 'me,' Sarah) makes my heart soar!"

      That's all she seems to care about as far as her children go.

    4. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Kinda sick when a parent is living vicariously through their child - making stuff up about how "strong" she is when it's the exact opposite.

    5. Anita Winecooler3:46 PM

      EVERYONE loves "your" Bristol, that's the problem, bonehead! Why is the only heart box and card from SarahPAC?

      Reminds me of an act Bette Midler used to do, a woman complains that her boyfriend sent her a dozen roses, and opines "Great, now I have to spend the weekend with my legs in the air"
      To which Bette responds "Ain't ya got a vase???????"

  12. abbafan5:01 PM

    It looks as if it has been removed or deleted. So much for that "blue screen", you fuckin' dim-bulb palins!

    1. Anonymous5:38 PM

      The message is ALWAYS capture the image before posting. Which I bet Gryphen did do, also too!

  13. Anonymous5:02 PM

    When I logged on , there is a message at the top that says "this facebook page has been removed..."

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Go here:

    2. Anonymous6:22 PM

      thank you for the link!

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Oh. I see. Post Brancy's Valentine's Day post on Feb 10. No wonder I couldn't find it.

  14. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Always the fish lips.
    Grow up, Bristol, maybe you'd have a guy that would stick around.

  15. Anonymous5:04 PM

    G, you forgot Bristol is suffering from SarahPAC donation decline therefore her baby machine atm for the 2008 baby is not what it used to be.

  16. Anonymous5:05 PM

    The on-line passive-aggressive bullshit that goes on amongst Scarah & Barstool & bri/spNancy (and all the other personalities running around in their collective heads) is just ripe for some psychology student's doctoral thesis.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      What I've said from the start.

      Studied this in college but never went beyond a bachelor's degree.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Well, 6:16, here's your chance to get your doctorate degree. lol

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      Kickstarter that doctorate chit!

      I'm In!

    4. Anonymous4:21 AM

      Me too 6:18.
      I've always said many a doctorate will be earned by those who study the Palin/Heaths.
      I plan to write one on the fAUX TriG pregnancv in a few years from a nurse's perspective. Cab't now and maybe in a few years the world will believe it more.

  17. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Barstool and French are just hypocritical lying whores like Sarah. Barstool is borderline retarded like Sarah. French may be somewhat brighter, but she is still a dope.

  18. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Since Bristol has never been married, and those "trial husbands" seem to come and go, how about the other Valentines Days when she was alone? with Tripp?

    Why can't Bristol enjoy the day with Tripp? Instead, she focused on pink and red decorations and cheap candy. Wouldn't it have been nice for them to make valentines and bring them to either a nursing home or a hospital, after making prior arrangements. Those people are "alone" on Valentines Day, and it would have been a great act of charity, Christian or not.

    But, Bristol has made this about herself when she has two babies who have doubled her heart, who are her whole life, yet she didn't think about making cupcakes with Tripp and decorating them with pink and red icing.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      She has more than 2 babies.

    2. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Bristol can't do cupcakes right now-she's too busy drinking her protein shakes and pretending she has baby weight to lose after 8-14 weeks.

    3. Anonymous2:51 AM

      I used to be a service wife, my husband was in the USAF. So, being alone on Valentine's day or any other occasion, is not new to service wives. Somehow, they seem to manage, taking care of their children without their husbands. Unlike Bristles, they do it on a LOT less money. They have REAL love, not fly by night sexual encounters, which she seems to mistake for love. At her age, with all those children, you would think she should have matured by now. Still as childish as a very young teenager.

    4. Anonymous4:22 AM

      With all the incest in that family, I'd steer clear of that suggestion.
      even in innocence it is creepy.
      But we didn't build this.

  19. My question is: WHAT guy would want to do her? Seriously. She's a mess in every respect. Well, I guess it would be a guy who is just as stupid as she is. Have at it idiots.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      David Letterman was right.

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      McCain Palin 2008.

      58,300,000 votes.

      That is all. :-(

    3. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Drunk and closing time--even she who is known as Barstool starts to look...well, doable if you don't think about it too much

    4. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Sailor Palin born 11/04/15. That is all:-(

    5. Anonymous8:37 PM

      As a comedian once said. You can change your boobs, you can change your nose but stupid is forever.

    6. Anonymous9:52 PM

      8:37 PM
      Ron White.

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Dear Bristol, you selfish bi*ch,
    You are not the only person who is alone on Valentines Day. There are families who have someone away, serving in the military. There are people who have lost loved ones and they don't appreciate Nancy French's religious suggestions. There are people who are taking care of a loved one who is slowly drifting away in a cloud of dementia. Their loved one is still present, but their spirit isn't the same.

    Bristol, are you aware of the fact that the Eastern party of the country is experiencing sub-zero weather. People who had planned to go out to celebrate are staying home, staying warm and ordering pizza. Bristol, it's not always about you!

  21. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Thank goodness! Willow sent Bristol a heart shaped pizza. The day is saved. Bristol is loved on Valentines Day. Hey, Bristol, did you send anything to Willow, Piper, Track, or Trig? (Photo on Bristol's instagram, because the only way that people will know that you are loved on Valentines Day is by posting a photo).

    1. Anonymous11:06 PM

      Yes, by all means, everyone ELSE stay off their phones and stop comparing themselves to others. Bristol will do it all for you!

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Considering Bristol is trying to lose those last few baby pounds, it's a little passive aggressive for Willow to send Bristol a whole pizza to eat all by herself.

  22. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I would think at this point, every guy in Alaska would be afraid to even be alone in the same room with Bristol Palin, let alone sleep with her.

    God knows who's baby she might be trying to pass on the next unsuspecting idiot.

    1. Anonymous2:51 AM

      That's for sure, trying to trap a guy into marriage with another man's kid sure is going to put a damper on Bristol's sex life. Maybe she can move to the Yukon or Northwest Territories.

  23. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Well, I guess that message did not go over well, for it has now been taken down!

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      Yep, stupid-cupid's arrow struck way too close to home!

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      Well I just looked at it.

    3. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Look at the Big Hair. Lookin like the road kill her mama wears.

    4. Anonymous3:32 AM

      So -- I just checked out:

      What is the building behind her with the sign that seems to read "(M)USTANGS?"

      Why is she wearing a coat and the kid is not?

    5. Balzafiar6:58 AM

      @Old Redneck -- The only thing other than old Mustang cars in Alaska seems to be the Chugiak Mustangs (highschool football, hockey).

  24. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I think even Alicia has given up on Sarah and maybe Bristol. Unless she is hospitalized now or something. Where is she? Upset that Sarah endorsed Trump and not Ted?

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      My guess is court ordered hospitalization in the crazy ward or her Mommy and Daddy kicked her out.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Remember, someone posted a link to her photo so she may have gone into hiding.

      To see what she looks like google
      Alicia Mangelsdorf photo

  25. Anonymous6:19 PM


    Did Brancy re-copy this from an old Cosmopolitan magazine?

    1. Anonymous9:12 PM

      that is all they do is copy folks! now ya got it

    2. Anonymous11:05 PM

      No doubt..but she left out the part where Bristol should fix her hair and face, put on her sexy clothes, and head to the bar.

  26. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Sarah Palin. Why is your child forced to be a public figure and put up with all this fame and publicity? Abstinence consulting and advising, Dancing With The Stars, Reality TV, Bus tours to nowhere...Ghostwritten Blogs:

    "You don’t have to show only ROMANTIC love on Valentines Day. It’s a wonderful time for parents to do something cute for their kids, too. One of my favorite Valentine’s Day memories came a few years ago. I was dating a great guy, who just was not good at things like gift giving. My sister knew he wouldn’t do anything for me, so she had a heart shaped pizza sent to me. Haha! Gestures that like make memories that last a lifetime."


    1. Anonymous11:04 PM

      Oh yes. I recall every heart shaped pizza I ever received too. So special. So very sad. Bristol is a LOSER! Ticks off Mama, who was sure that 2016 was the year that politics would find her again.

  27. Anonymous6:26 PM

    MALOE, if reading here, can you tell us more of the "cousins dinner"? Is this something new or have you had these family gatherings in the past.
    Also, if you're not invited, are your siblings invited? Just curious.

    1. Anonymous6:46 PM

      lol. So dumb.

    2. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Really? What's so dumb about being curious?

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      6:46 PM lol. So jealous, troll.

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      No dumb 6:46 is having two kids by two different dad's and not being married at the age of twenty five. Dumb is Boopsie Palin her Mother for lack of parenting and never instilling in her kids a sense of pride even if her kids are stupid and Barstool is stupid, a stupid over priveleged princess.

    5. Anonymous9:12 PM

      A cousins party is not an unusual thing. There are a lot of cousins in the same age group in the extended Palin family and they like to party together.

    6. Anonymous9:45 PM

      And 3 more dummies. Lol.

    7. Anonymous2:05 AM

      I wish people would take the Maloe posts with a grain of salt,the more I've read them the more I think it's an elaborate troll.

    8. Anonymous2:59 AM

      9:12 So they like to party together? Maybe a couple of them could keep Bristles from getting knocked up AGAIN this year? Maybe the eligible guys in Alaska have been warned to stay away from the toxic bitch? I know I would warn MY sons to steer clear of her, if I lived there. Want to bet the Free Clinics are busy after every weekend that Bristles is on the loose?

    9. Anonymous6:58 AM

      I'm close to some of my cousins on both sides of my family. When we were in our 20's and early 30's and all still lived in the same area, we used to make a point of getting together once or twice a year, outside of my own parents'annual Christmas dinner for the whole family. It was a way to hang out together away from all the parents. So to me, MALOE's cousins'dinner makes perfect sense.

    10. Anonymous7:38 AM

      I would bet the "cousins dinner" is just something to get under cousin's skin. How juvenile,girls! Cousin is doing the right thing. Its time for others to step up and expose the palin frauds. They've hurt a lot of people.

    11. Anonymous7:53 AM

      2:05 AM The early morning hit and run Troll is spewing bullshit again.

    12. Anonymous8:50 AM

      People with brains correctly calling out the fake cousin getting called trolls... what a joke. You true believers are greatly lacking in the critical thinking skills.

  28. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Bristol, around this time last year, was posting photos of her kissing Dakota and glowing with pride about her new love. Did she care about the single girls, with no romance, when she posted all her exploits on Instagram, boasting and bragging?

    Now she finds herself sitting at home by her phone with a baby. She's got to realize that there's a season to be happy, and a season to be sad. It can't be all fun, all the time, Bristol.

    1. Anonymous3:02 AM

      Strangely, there were no blogs about wedding dresses, flowers, showers, plans for the big occasion. Something was wrong with the picture, as usual when a PayMe is involved.

    2. 3:02 AM My thoughts exactly! Where were the instagrams and blogs about her and her grizzly mom planning the wedding of the season? Where were the shots of cake choosing? Of who's in the wedding party? There's a whole lot of crap that goes into planning even an average, middle-class wedding. For people who live their vibrant lives so publicly,there were no pictures of ANY wedding planning for us giddy assholes to view. Strange.

      Except those staged pix in the beginning of the con, er, engagement that featured the 10K ring that sarahpac bought.

  29. Anonymous6:45 PM

    It really must irk her that Levi has such a gorgeous wife while she sits home trying to figure out who Sailors baby daddy is.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You mean she honestly doesn't know yet? How could someone NOT know who the sperm donor of her child is, seriously?
      Also, too how will she support this new child if there is no father to be named and scammed for the next 18 years?

    2. Anonymous7:22 PM

      Too bad beauty is only skin deep in that situation.

    3. Anonymous8:04 PM

      There was no beauty gained with all the work shes had done. Just a little wanna be.

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Whatever you need to tell yourself, 7:22pm.

    5. Anonymous8:54 PM

      How could someone NOT know you ask? Haven't you ever watched The Maury Show??

    6. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Bristol's beauty is only checkbook-deep.

    7. Anonymous12:24 AM

      Bristols beauty was the blue light special. Like her mom,her ugly crooked soul goes all the way thru.

    8. Anonymous3:04 AM

      There are women on The Maury Show on a regular basis, having DNA tests done on various men, trying to determine WHO the father is. One woman tested 8 guys and is still looking! This will be Bristles when Momma's $$$ run out.

  30. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Alone? Doesn't she have three, possibly four, children? Wouldn't it be more entertaining to dream up some fun Valentine celebration for them than moping around about being alone? And moping on social media? Honestly. What's wrong with those people.

    1. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Bristol loves herself some sex (who doesn't) but keeps repeating the same pattern and will never learn from it. Always someone else's fault, JUST like Mommie Dearest.

    2. Anonymous12:28 AM

      Bristol probably slithered on down to the Mugshot bar for late night impromptu Valentines arobics.

    3. Anonymous5:41 AM

      She has 4 kids (Trig, b. 2007, Tripp, b. 2008, Tristan, b. 2012, Sailor, born Nov. 2016)

    4. Anonymous7:50 AM

      5:41 AM Tristan, 2010 and Sailor, 2015.

  31. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Maybe the guy Bristol slept with a year ago (he knows who he is even if she doesn't know who he is) will contact her for Valentine's Day. If he's broke, she would be a pretty good paycheck.

    1. Anonymous3:06 AM

      Maybe he is scared to be identified, or maybe like her, he slept with too many to remember?

    2. Anonymous5:44 AM

      Sadly there is no shortage of guys who have NO interest in children they've fathered, and would be happy to sail under the radar in a situation like this. Even if he's a grifter, it's only a potential payday if either 1) he has > 50% custody so that child support comes into play, or 2) he's able to blackmail the family. But blackmail could backfire: if his identity is known & Sailor stays with Bristol, then he would be on the hook for 18yrs of child support.
      My guess is, both Bristol and the father know full well who the father is, and he has some money but not enough to go after, so neither is going to talk about it any time soon.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      "The guy who slept with Bristol last Valentine's Day knows who he is?" Not necessarily if he was drunk out of his mind.

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      If Sailor was really born earlier than Bristol says then any guy who slept with her and could possibly be the father won't think he is because of the timing. Imagine if it turns out Dakota isn't the father and she then tries to go after someone she slept with when it would be impossible for her to have gotten pregnant and had baby in late December.
      Whoever is the father needs to get her to stop using (or trying to) the baby as a paycheck.
      Even if Dakota is the father and she had baby when she says it is unbelievable that Sarah's Christian followers are just perfectly fine with the fact that she was having sex before marriage, lived with him before marriage with her young son, claims she was actively trying to get pregnant and she wasn't even the one who demanded that the father be involved, Dakota had to go to court.

  32. Anonymous7:30 PM

    In going on eight years I've followed you, Gryph, as a woman, all I see is desperation from the threesome of $arah, Nan$y, and Bri$tol. One has to wonder just WTH happened that it came down to this.

    They are not godly by any means and I shake my head. A story we'll never know, but I don't feel sorry for them. An existence they cannot seem to overcome.

    1. Anonymous9:18 PM

      They love to quote the bible but they don't live by what the bible or Jesus taught.

    2. Anonymous7:52 AM

      9:18: only Nancy knows the bible. The other two harlots know it is some kind of book, but since they don't know how to read above a fifth grade level, and their vocabulary is at a second grade level, they have no idea just what is written in the bible, and how to interpret a whole paragraph (and not just two or three words strung together).

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM


      It is who they are.

  33. Anonymous7:33 PM

    I thought Brissy was happy with her little peanut. What could she ask for more. Oh yeah, she can't seem to hold on to her trial daddies.

    1. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Well the little peanut didn't end up being a money maker for her so it's time to move on.

  34. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Maybe, just maybe it would be a good time to reflect on the poor choices you have made in your life and what led you to be alone with two kids and no Valentines baby daddy in sight.It may be a good time to stop whining about yourself and think about your future and your kids future.

    Two kids and unmarried is not something to be proud of, you best take a step back and take charge of your future from now on. Number one get some birth control. number two quit pimping your kids out to the public for a free ride they are all you have at this moment in time . Number three get some God Damn respect for yourself and get off your ass and get some pride so you can quit trying to live off Mama and some sort of infamy for being white trashes poster child as an excuse for bad decisions.

    You don't have it tough.You have money so shove it Barstool if you are looking for sympathy i suggest you quit posting pics about your nice home and shoes and purses and expensive clothes on your kids!

    No single normal Mom can relate to your life style they are to busy trying to find a way to pay their bills and go without so their kids can have decent clothes.You need a reality check. You need to be so broke you need help just to feed your Fatherless kids. You don't live in the real world and are doing a vast disservice by presenting a false reality.

    Shut the "F" up.If it wasen't for your Mama you would be working at Burger Doodle and hoping you don't get fired if your kid is sick and your babysitter cancelled, three strikes your out, no excuses. That's reality baby cakes and why don't you talk about that.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Great comment! You said it!

    2. Anonymous3:12 AM

      Also, too worrying that your car will break down. Driving with no insurance, since you can not afford it. Worried about getting the school supplies your kids need. Worried about the rent, utility and phone bills. Bristles is not a regular single mother, she is a single mother BY CHOICE. What makes her think se is so special? No talent, not much to look at, constantly posing with fish lips for selfies, pretending to be employed. I can hardly wait for the gravy train (SarahPac) to finally pull into the station.

    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Make that FOUR kids by FOUR baby daddas!

    4. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Bristol should be singing the praises of Obamacare.

  35. Maloe,
    I expect there was a lot of verbal abuse and neglect in that family. What about physical abuse? What about in the Heath family? Any kind of abuse? These people are so dysfunctional that I have think there was.

  36. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Having Nancy write her blog and a rep to monitor her instagram isn't going to make her popular. It's a waste of money. Since the PAC money is drying up Sarah should fire Nancy and the rep David Martin. It just ain't helping.
    Better to use that money on getting Track to a real rehab.

    1. Anonymous9:03 PM

      I believe they are trying to get Bristol a "career" selling weight loss products and what she really fancies herself doing is giving make-up and skin-care advice. She wants to be a model like all those pictures she sees in the magazines and sell beauty products and lotions on infomercials like Cindy Crawford does. It will never work though as everyone already knows she's had her entire face & head surgically altered. Maybe Bristol can climb up the ladder by becoming a receptionist answering the telephone in a plastic surgeon's office.

    2. Anonymous9:13 PM

      That's a great way to put it using the word "monitor". Bristol is so stupid on her own that her mother must monitor her. Brancy has to monitor her. David Martin has to monitor her. Sarah's lawyers have to monitor her. Otherwise Bristol will forever be making unwise decisions without people managing her. Must suck not being able to be yourself eh Bristol? Without all that monitoring and managing you'd already be out drinking, dancing, getting in fist fights, hanging with your gang signers and pregnant by who knows who again. Haha you are basically grounded because you can't manage your own life, are too immature to make adult decisions and mommy can't afford you to make anymore screw ups ruining her reputation what's left of it. You've screwed up SO much that your life is not your own and get used to it because Mommy will NEVER cut your umbilical cord.

    3. Anonymous9:15 PM

      That's why I kind of believe that David Martin is trying to shop Bristol around for another reality show, this time on one of the religious networks. Bristol is the good Christian unwed mother who chose love, and to have her children, (as opposed to you know what). Now, she is raising them on her own. If she would admit that Trig really is her kid, it would really sell. Especially if we get to see Bristol and Trig go for therapy and we watch his improvement, episode by episode. They have little people, overweight people, hoarders, but I don't think that they have had a series about a DS kid. Bristol will have to admit that Trig is her kid, but that's OK. It's reality TV. They will think up some crazy story to sell it.

    4. Anonymous10:01 PM

      No money to be made getting Track into rehab.

    5. Anonymous10:03 PM

      Maybe when Track gets his name trademarked, he'll be worth investing in by $arah.

    6. Anonymous10:39 PM

      Good luck, David Martin.
      NO one is interested in Bristol.

    7. Anonymous2:53 AM

      9:03 PM, you didn't mention that Bristol Palin is a terrible speaker, just awful. Nobody would be anything from her in that flat uninterested voice of hers, it's about as lively as her intellect.

    8. Anonymous3:17 AM

      Do you relly think anyone would be interested in a "reality" show featuring ANY of these PayMe grifters? EVERYONE knows Bristles has mot=re than two kids, it is no secret. One time is a mistake. As $carah put it "two, three, four, FIVE times" that is deliberate. All their reality shows flopped also, too, so who wants to chance another flop?

    9. Anonymous6:07 AM

      Yes, I can think of one scenario where I might watch a Palin reality show. That would be the one where Sarah goes to prison.

    10. Anonymous10:08 AM

      Bristol had a reality TV show that flopped. No future there

  37. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I see she has time to pose in full makeup and hair and nice clothes.That bitch has a full time babysitter. What single mom with a baby who is a normal baby who wakes up every two or three hours to be fed has time to pose for pics and write a blog and gets up at 7am to work? Bull. We ain't buying it.

  38. Anonymous9:08 PM

    You can tell Sunny had a beautiful Valentines Day per her Facebook. Bristol is alone, no daddy for Sailor and no Valentines card from her main man. She must have not got a card from Sailor's daddy either. She is no Kim, but sick enough in the head to think she is her double. No man, no job, no education, nothing.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Fertile Myrtle seems to think she is sexy, but having numerous children with no husband is a big turnoff. Except for guys who just want a one night stand. Guys who do not think about STDs until the burning and itching starts! Kinda like Bristles does.

  39. Anonymous9:11 PM

    If it will make Bristol feel better, we should all chip in to SarahPAC to buy her a new LV handbag and some new Louboutin shoes. Write it off as a consultant fee.

  40. Anonymous9:32 PM

    LOL Sailor wearing a Donald Trump wig!

    1. Anonymous3:59 AM

      Sailor looks just like mommy...when she had no chin!
      Photo shopped?

    2. Anonymous4:47 AM

      Black clothing on a baby? I don't think I have ever seen that...

    3. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Looks like 3-4 month old baby to me.

    4. Anonymous8:10 AM

      There are two comments mentioning how big she is, including "How is she so big already?"

      But truly, look how BIG her hands are. Those are not the hands of a 6 week old.

    5. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Anon at 4:47 am. The black baby clothes are a direct copy of Bristol's heroine: Kim Kardashian.
      I think it looks ridiculous.

    6. Anonymous4:20 PM

      At least Willard memorialized the event.

  41. Anonymous9:58 PM

    OMG, I feel so sorry for that precious, innocent baby,Sailor.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Me too. Her mom doesn't dress her in a heart outfit, a photo with a rose or something... doesn't even get mentioned in passing, but Tripp takes center stage in the "prop" department. Wonder if he made a card for mumsey and skeletor?

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Even trig got to wear his valentines t shirt as a baby. O,that's right. He wasn't "delivered" til April!

  42. Anonymous11:28 PM

    Of course she posted another pic of one of her kids. She's doping it more and more frequently. They're her only way to get anyone's interest and to make some real money. Terrible.

  43. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Sailor's a cutie, but it looks like she may have inherited Sarah's wonky eye. I hope it's just because she's still so young.

  44. Anonymous12:39 AM

    Bristol is giving a Master Class in Bastardy

  45. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Bristol is giving a Master Class in Birthin!
    Take it!
    Yew'll never get this chance again(until the nex'time)!

    Bastardy W/Bristol 1-2-3-!!!

  46. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Such nice christians, Nancy and Bristol did not get any flowers/nice gesture from a loved one on Valentine’s Day, so they are hell bent on ruining it for everyone else. Poor Bristol always the victim even on Valentine's Day. boo hoo

    However it was nice of them to warn Bristol’s fans not to compare their lives with her staged, edited version. Not everyone has a mommy with a PAC to mooch off of or has the luxury of birthing a child that mommy wants to use as a prop and is willing to pay for it.

  47. Anonymous3:40 AM

    This post was nothing more than an advertisement for Sarah's stupid book, the last sentence at the bottom is the tell...

  48. Anonymous4:01 AM

    From here on, remember that she now has someone doing PR for her. "Levi is a great dad," now this. He's trying to "humanize" her, make her a more sympathetic figure publicly.

    - sid

  49. Ammon Bungme4:11 AM

    Bristol, Give John Ritzheimer from the BLM occupiers a call, I hear he has an abundance of extra dildo's that he will send you, I also here his wife is on the look out for a real man as a husband to her and a father to her kids.

    1. Anonymous4:14 PM

      They don't have hydrants in Wasilla?

  50. Anonymous5:07 AM

    I don't know why you people think my Auntie Bristol doesn't have her special someone on Valentines Day. Here's a hint, didn't you read last week that someone is a very good dad to her child?

    1. Anonymous5:18 AM

      So you're saying Bristol and Levi are having an affair?

      I highly doubt it.

    2. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I think Bristol's sudden praise of Levi and her bs about working well with him as a co-parent has something to do with the Dakota custody case. If, in fact, DM is the father, he is going to want more than "every other weekend and two weeks in the summer". It is in his best interest to show the court the truth: Bristol is incapable of co-parenting, and she will do everything in her power to undermine the relationship between father and child (just as she did to Levi). If Dakota can reveal Bristol's previous pattern with Tripp/Levi, the court will be more inclined to make sure Dakota can have a real relationship with his daughter that is free from Palin interference. Bristol is trying to rewrite history because she finally has a formidable opponent with real lawyers.

    3. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Its not Dakotas kid. Dna hasn't changed since last week.

    4. Anonymous2:08 PM

      7:12 LOL I like that "DNA hasn't changed since last week."

  51. Anonymous5:30 AM

    Levi traded UP, way UP when he found Sunny. Beautiful girl, excellent wife and mother. Hard working and smart. Everything Bristles is NOT. Sunny is not a slut like Bristles.

    1. Anita Winecooler4:12 PM

      And it's eating Bristol's lonely heart. How sadz for her. Poor Brissy sleeping single in a double tent.

  52. Uh oh! Bristol is wearing a scarf. Is she a pregnant again?

  53. Anonymous6:20 AM

    HA! The FB post is now 'unavailable!' Bristol is such a stooge. Was reading somewhere today that a person is happy that Bristol might be going to Hawaii again in March-it's so hard being a mother with an infant, and by then, she'll need time away. Poor dear. I had two children in 15 months, nursed them both for a year, and was 'away' from them a total of eight hours over four years. I survived. The trouble with a lot of people Bristol's age is that they are selfish. I see it a bit in my DIL. My grandkids are 9 and 7, and adorable, and she always wants "mom's night out,' or a weekend with her friends. Why? What is so hard about spending time in your home with your family? Kids are only there for 18 years (unless they are illiterate grifters) and then they are off making their own way. It goes fast! Enjoy it; don't try to escape it.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      To be fair, a mother can not be at her best if she doesn't take care of herself as well as her children. I'm not saying they have to go to Hawaii but a mom's night out? Big frickin' deal. Everyone needs a break now and again. Unless, you're some kind of creepy Duggar family.

    2. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Most mom's appreciate mommy time. Everyone has a different definition of mommy time. Especially single moms. Its nice so mom doesn't come to resent her kids to give her a break. Hell,I had sisters who would take my daughter on summer vacations because I worked. That was a nice break for her. Motherhood shouldn't be a punishment. there's always cases where mom abuses the sitters they rely on but of course,humans will be human!

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Most Moms wouldn't leave a 4 month old for more than the time it takes to get a pedi or go out to lunch.

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      True,unless working full time.

  54. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Is this supposed to be advice from the lovelorn Bristol by way of Nancy French or is this Nancy French's advice to Bristol?

  55. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Sorry, Willblow: that adorable baby picture of Sailor that you posted is NOT a picture of a six weeks old baby. That is a picture of a three months + baby. She can sit up almost unaided, holds up her head real well... NOT SIX WEEKS OLD!
    (And she still has that birthmark on her upper lip that MALOE mentioned way before she was 'officially' born...)

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      and the baby IS biracial..

  56. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Bristol, you tried it, you didn't rock it, the animal print thing is over. Give it up...

  57. Anita Winecooler4:05 PM

    Bristol and Nancy gave each other conversation hearts, balloons, chocolate, and opened a bottle of cheap vodka. Drunk blogging, when your own REALITY SHOW had you and some lug cut a tree down for you, then you set a low table with candles in reach of Tripp, you kept sighing and pissing and moaning about how "Romantic" that sperm donor was, how you slaved to make him dinner, and your romantic evening was just RUINED! Look at me.....Stuck with a toddler on Valentines day, and yes, I DID season the chicken, dammit. What a guy, he gave me views of sunrises and sunsets """""SWOON""""""".
    Bristol must feel alone and lonely, even in a full house, she laying on her bed, tears in her ears because all her girlfriends got good chocolates, dates at fancy restaurants, and all she got was the shaft, again. Look at MEEE I don't care, I'm happy, here's something someone else wrote to take away your attention at how sadz I am. I texted, called everyone I know and they're out partying boo hoo boo hoo, Sad, pathetic, and totally neurotic.Hey, Nancy, "How come all my cordials are missing cherries?" Bristol admits she needs a man to complete her by doing this post. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.


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