Sunday, February 14, 2016

I certainly understand why this would trouble a lot of young (And older) Democrats.

Courtesy of Salon: 

The Democratic Party’s superdelegate system has come under attack this presidential election, as critics blast it as undemocratic. There are hundreds of superdelegates, unelected party elites, who can sway the primary election, undermining the candidate democratically chosen by the party’s mass base. 

Critics have begun to ask why this undemocratic system exists. CNN’s Jake Tapper posed precisely this question to Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, an ally of Hillary Clinton who co-chaired her former presidential; campaign, in a Feb. 11 interview. She responded with shockingly blunt honesty. 

“What do you tell voters who are new to the process who say this makes them feel like it’s all rigged?” Tapper asked the DNC chair. 

“Unpledged delegates exist really to make sure that party leaders and elected officials don’t have to be in a position where they are running against grassroots activists,” Wasserman Schultz calmly explained.

That answer has caused a great deal of blowback towards Wasserman Schultz and the DNC.

Which of course is understandable.

But is it fair?

After all the idea of Superdelegates was formed after the Democratic convention of 1968 in order to take some of the control out of the hands of party leaders and put it back into the hands of the voters.

However now there is fear that it might do just the opposite.

It should also be pointed out that though Howard Dean gained the support of a number of superdelegates before the primaries began in 2004 he was still ultimately defeated by John Kerry, and in 2008 when Hillary seemed to have the majority of them locked up, Barack Obama was still able to win the nomination.

Having said that there does exist the possibility of superdelegates playing a deciding factor in this 2016 nomination process.

So the ultimate question is, if that indeed happens, will many Bernie Sanders supporters see Hillary's nomination as legitimate? And if not will that ultimately have a truly negative impact on the future of the Democratic party?


  1. Anonymous6:39 AM

    It was a horribly-worded answer, especially given what's currently going on. But she's telling the truth, for whatever that's worth.

    Of course, this is really only theoretical at the moment. It's so early in the process. I wish they weren't talking about it at all. I think we are going to find a clear(ish) winner emerge as we move into other states.

    1. Anonymous7:20 AM

      Agreed. The answer is ripe for pushback by republican Berniebro interlopers who wish to create havoc among democrats. Shame on Bernie Sanders for embracing those who are disappointed by President Obama (none of whom are democrats in good standing).

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Dear 7:20,

      Don't help.


    3. Anonymous7:54 AM

      Berniebro cleanup aisle 7:36

    4. Anonymous8:13 AM

      That is something that REALLY dissapointed me about Bernie. His unjust criticism of President Obama and his alliance with Cornell West.

    5. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Yeah, 8:13 AM, that did it for me.

    6. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Ha! I'm 7:35 and I'm also the OP. I wrote, don't help because you are just here, as you always are, to stir up trouble talking about "interlopers" and "democrats in good standing." You're anonymous, but you're pretty easy to spot.

    7. Anonymous9:01 AM

      This is how its been since 1968, yet ONLY now are they whining about it? Berniebro's or RNC operatives ie: TROLLS whining about it now?
      Shame on you for waiting so long to try and change the system.
      I am getting sick of the "Berniebro" Bernie or nothing- "its not fair" bs, b/c I know they are RNC ops and idiot people. The RNC thinks Bernie will be easier to "BEAT" than Hillz.
      That is why they aren't attacking him yet. But you wait until he wins the primary...Socialist, Jew, etc. I knew a "Liberal" from TX she would go bonkers at Bernies name and she would go ballistic! Socialist!
      Anyway the true is I will vote for the DEM that wins the primary. If its Bernie I will vote for Bernie. If its Hillz I will vote for her, B/c the alt is too horrible to bear!
      For y'all Bernie bros, spend the next 4 yrs and join the DNC and try to change the system. That is how "Change" happens. Or you can whine about it on your "shouty page" like Sarah. Its up to you.
      Be the change, not a whiner.

    8. Crystal Sage11:13 AM

      Back in the day, we Baby Boomers who wanted to overthrow "the system" were advised to "work for change within the system." Some of us took that advice and did effect change. It was a long and sometimes torturous process but, with patience, we achieved much. Especially with women's rights. Remember the ERA? We championed it and watched it ultimately fail, but we kept on. These BernieBots are too impatient and want change now - or else they'll quit like spoiled little diaper babies.

      How quickly they forget how bad it was in 2008 and the strides that have been made since then. Sure, it didn't all happen as we wanted, but it was not because Obama did not try. It was the Republicans who fought everything put forward by Obama and the Dems. Of course, some of the Millennials were just young children then and do not bother to learn recent history. Too bad they haven't. They could unwittingly give the Republicans the White House. I love Bernie but he is not presidential material. His criticism of Obama takes him out of consideration. He's just too negative and one-note about income disparity. Yeah, we get it. We also understand that Obama finally got Bin Laden; saved GM; saved the country from a real depression; got affordable health care where there was none; and encouraged a deal to take away Iran's nuclear capabilities. So there.

    9. Anonymous1:19 PM

      The problem with Bernie unwarranted criticism of Obama is it would take ammunition away from the dems. Republicans want so bad for Obama's legacy to be cloaked in failure like W's.

    10. She basically said so TPTB in the Democratic party can ignore the will of the people and choose whoever they want.

      Which is exactly what it is.

      Yeah, the truth is ugly. She didn't pretty it up much but at least she didn't lie or try to hide the fact.

      I wanted to vote for Howard Dean. We'll never know if he would have done better than Kerry. I'd like to think he would. We'll never know. But I felt robbed that he wasn't on the ballot by the time my state had it's primary.

      If the DNC is going to choose using their Superdelegates, then why bother to vote at all?

  2. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Many Bernie Sanders supporters have turned into a Dem version of the Teaparty. Nothing good you say about Hillary will be tolerated.

    1. Anonymous7:18 AM

      Repeating the same BS won't make it true.

    2. Anonymous7:24 AM

      because they Bernie campaign is hijacked by those who would do harm to democrats. Ex: Cornel West.

    3. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Anonymous7:18 AM

      Denying it won't make it false, any more than denying climate change

    4. Anonymous10:57 AM

      Anonymous6:55 AM

      Many Bernie Sanders supporters have turned into a Dem version of the Teaparty. Nothing good you say about Hillary will be tolerated.
      Exactly because the Bernie bros are RW operatives, hired by ROVE!
      If you notice most Hillz supporters don't Bash Bernie, however the same can't be said about Bernie bros.
      Think about it, all the RW knows how to do is hate and divisiveness. They try and call POTUS "Divisive" but look who they STILL tolerate in their party even tho, she has turned on them, and bit the hand, how many times? They know she will go where ever the money is....Palin! If Rove paid her to talk up Bernie she would!!!
      Would that convince you that Bernie's campaign has been hijacked?

  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    DWS really does a disservice to the DNC and the party.


    1. Anonymous8:59 AM

      You can't help but notice that Bernie supporters have nothing but anti-Hillary rhetoric. Bernie is that uninspiring.

  4. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I think the superdelegates, despite who they've said they endorse in advance of the primaries, will look at the primary results and vote in a way that supports the will of the people in their home districts. I'm confident they have the integrity not to use their votes as a thumb on the scale.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      I wish we'd switch to popular vote. My distrust of any of them knows no bounds.

    2. Anonymous7:23 AM

      That is precisely what happened in 2008. The will of real democrats will prevail here.

    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I certainly hope so.

    4. I'm not.

      The Democrats heading in the same direction as the Republicans when it comes to control and corruption. Just because they aren't that bad (yet) doesn't mean it isn't there.

      I'm not so confident of the fairness of the superdelegates. I guess we'll see after the primaries and what the convention voting shows.

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    "So the ultimate question is, if that indeed happens, will many Bernie Sanders supporters see Hillary's nomination as legitimate?"

    I think the more important question is will Independents see Hillary's nomination as legitimate?

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      not the independents who vote republican

  6. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Berniebros will not be able to derail the democratic nomination. Those are the people are are screaming the loudest.

    Keep in mind Berniebros have not voted in prior democratic off-year elections.

    Additionally, this system was in place when Obama was elected. The true will of democratic voters will be done here. The rules have not changed for Hillary's sake. The rules are in place so that republicans can not try to do what Berniebros are doing.

    You can not deny that Bernie's campaign has been hijacked by republicans whowould wish to knock Hillary out BEFORE the general.

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      I'm a Clinton fan and I do deny it has been hijacked by republicans. It hasn't been "hijacked" by anyone.

    2. Anonymous7:50 AM

      I think generalizing Sanders supporters as "bros" and "republican interlopers" who've "hijacked" the Sanders campaign is a mistake. Clinton supporters were claiming similar things about Obama supporters at this same time in the 2008 primaries. Those who don't learn from the past are destined to repeat it.

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM


      Two words: Cornel West

    4. Anonymous7:52 AM

      They why did his campaign workers steal Clinton DNC files?

    5. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Hijacked = Sexual Exploitation

    6. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Bernie's supporters coined the term "berniebros". Sucka

    7. Berniebros is a political maneuver used in a previous elections (President Obamas) to denigrate the opposing candidate. It didn't work then and it won't work now.

    8. Anonymous8:19 AM

      So an airplane is being sexually exploited when it becomes hijacked?

    9. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Berniebros were active in 2008?

    10. Anonymous8:28 AM

      berniebros coined the term themselves. therefore, using it is not derogatory.

      It seems very suspect that every comment from a supposed Bernie supporter is actually a hit job upon Hillary Clinton. Touting Bernie as the superior candidate just can't hold up even in their own arguments.

    11. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Robinson Meyer coined the term "Berniebro" in an Oct 2015 article in The Atlantic.

    12. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I think West is wrong, but he's voicing his opinion and finds himself aligned with Sanders (and is speaking out in his favor). That's not hijacking.

    13. Anonymous8:53 AM

      It does not matter what they (berniebros) are called. Their conduct is what democrats have a problem with. They can not write a proBernie comment without making derogatory comments about Hillary. You do not see this from proHillary commenters.

    14. Anonymous9:29 AM

      8:38, that is laughable. This thread is full of the sort of name-calling and disparaging comments aimed at Sanders supporters that's easy to find on any comments section about the campaign: Bullies, bros, hijackers, republicans-in-disguise. This is the same nastiness Clinton supporters aimed at Obama supporters when he started winning primaries. It's sour grapes.

    15. Anonymous10:14 AM

      The difference is Bernie supporters are taking aim at Hillary. Hillary supporters are not taking at Bernie. Therefore, Bernie supporters are suspect in their motives. If you have two brain cells making a complete synapse this becomes obvious.

    16. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Good Read>

    17. A Superfan In Atlanta11:56 PM

      First off, I am not a Bernie Bro.
      I am a female.
      I am African American.
      I am in my mid-40s
      I think for my own damn self and articulate my point of view without a need to put any of you down and call you names.
      If Bernie does not win, I will vote for Hillary.

      Disagreeing on a particular Democratic candidate is not a bad thing people!!!

      As a Bernie Sanders supporter, I find it extremely childish and irresponsible for any Democratic voter to throw tantrums and call people like me a troll, a republican plant or declare they won't vote if Hillary isn't the nominee. WTF?!?

      Just like you, I used my own level of critical thinking skills and adult coping mechanisms to voice my opinion regarding the person that best represents what's important TO ME! Our life experiences have simply led us to need different things from the candidates that are running. I get it and accept it without feeling like I have to crush you or your opposing views. I WANT to hear what you have to say and how you feel.

      As an avid supporter of President Obama, it definitely hurts to hear Bernie Sanders say that he failed to bring the country together. The truth is because the Republican and Democratic congress have collectively made it difficult for President Obama during his term, he has not been able to bring the country together like he probably wanted. Unfortunately, that is a true statement. I don't like it but it doesn't change what's true. Do I support Sanders using Cornell West as a surrogate? Hell no! From the looks of things, Team Hillary rejected him so he went with Sanders to reboot his fleeting relevancy. Hopefully Bernie will see through his bullshit and draw a line.

      So hold up buttercup. Don't be so quick to make a villain out of people like me who support Bernie. Just respect our different needs and walks of life.

  7. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Fasten your seatbelts ladies.

    Watch crude, rude, impotent males throw every sexist comment they have at Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. The FEAR her almost as much as they do Hillary.

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM


    2. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Anonymous7:33 AM,

      No, truth. But typical of the knee jerk name calling in response to any defence of Hillary.

    3. Anonymous8:31 AM

      7:22 7:55 EXACTLY! + last line>AND what President Obama agenda HAS accomplished so far.

      Senator Sanders proved it with this comment:
      "a low blow". It was not. He should have stood by his points and issues with the President and not HRC. It was the topic of the day here at IM. It was sexist.

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I'm a Clinton supporter, 7:33, but I can recognize a troll when I see one.

      "ladies" and "crude, rude, impotent men" are sure signs, especially when nothing has yet to be said about Wasserman-Shultz. You're a cartoon faux feminist.

    5. Anonymous8:55 AM

      There were far more dem primary voters in Iowa and NH in 2008 than in 2016. Bernie's revolution is severely lacking. Bernie should be singing Pbama's praises. Instead he gets Cornel West to reaffirm to blacks how inadequate Obama has been.

  8. I don't much worry about the Democratic superdelegates- because I'm going to vote for the Democratic candidate no matter what. But I'm wondering if the Repugs have the same thing: if they do, they might propose somebody who is electable.

    1. Anonymous9:03 AM

      I've been thinking the same thing. I don't the GOP establishment wants any of the current crop to be the nomination. Rubio was probably their choice, but he's proven himself to be a hot mess.

      I wonder who they would choose.

      Guaranteed, though, if it Trump isn't it, he will sue.

  9. 66gardeners7:49 AM

    The superdelegates have the best interests of the democratic party as their priority. Bernie Sanders' campaign has been infiltrated by republicans. They should not be allowed to dissuade the will of democrats in this nomination.

    Obama won the nomination in 2008, i.e., superdelegates switched their votes. Republicans switch parties to try to get a weak democratic nominee for the general. Obama earned the nomination in 2008. If Bernie deserves it, he will as well.

    As it stands now, I'm not convinced Sanders' supporters have the best interests of democrats in mind.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      As a life long Democrat, AND a woman, I take exception to this. My preference is Bernie but will wholeheartedly support Hillary if she is the nominee.

      As to this "BernieBro" bullcrap, just put a sock in it. This is primary silly season and as such you have to learn to take it. You can bet the Republicans will make a "BernieBro" look like hearts and flowers in the general. If Hillary and her supporters can't take the heat now, what will you do against the Repubs?

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Just as any berniebro, I have a right to my opinion. Put a sock up your ass

    3. Way to condescend to the "little" voters.

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    BernieBullyBros is what they are in fact.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

  11. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Anonymous7:57 AM

    I think the "BernieBros thing is being blown out of proportion. I don't think there are that many, but they are loud, rude and obnoxious. Probably Libertarian supporters who've lost a candidate.

  12. Anonymous8:13 AM

    "Bernie Sanders campaign has been infiltrated by republicans" is a paranoid claim. I'd really like to know the source for that one.

    1. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Cornel West

    2. Anonymous8:30 AM

      The internet is home to the best of the Bernie Sanders campaign — the grassroots, youth-powered, bottom-up energy of social media fueled Sanders’s challenge to Hillary Clinton.

      But the social web has also shown off the worst of Sanders supporters. Writing in her endorsement of Clinton this week, progressive writer Joan Walsh complained of harassment from online supporters of Sanders that the Vermont senator’s campaign aides have been aware of for months. Walsh called them “the Berniebot keyboard warriors,” but they’re more commonly referred to as the Bernie Bros.

      In fact, top Sanders campaign aides have quietly reached out to senior officials in the Clinton campaign and women like Walsh personally to apologize for Bro behavior. Online, aides are pushing their digital community to police itself and keep the Bros quiet. And some volunteer members of Sanders’s digital army are scrambling into action, reporting offenders and moderating bro-y posts.

      Still, the Bros break through, and there’s real worry in corners of Sanders-world about it.

      Fact finders are democrats

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      8:22, are you trying to claim Cornel West is a Republican? I'm sorry, that's ridiculous and paranoid.

    4. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Cornel West is a Republican? Since when?


    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Cornel West is a sellout grafter. His politics are for sale.

    6. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Cornel West is fool like Sarah Palin whose politics is for sale

    7. Are you a parrot, repeating Cornell West over and over?

    8. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Sure, there's no insulting by Clinton supporters, but West is a "fool", a "grifter" and a "sellout". Clinton supporters are losing their minds like they did in 2008.

    9. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Cornel West IS that bad. Sucks that Bernie let Cornel hitch his wagon to his campaign.

    10. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Bernbiebros want to detail Hillary. Period.

    11. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Cornel West deserves democrats' scorn. His politics are for sale at the expense of his own race.

    12. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Yes. His politics are for sale. We got it the first three times you posted it.

  13. Anonymous8:55 AM


    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Corrupt as shit.

  14. Anonymous8:58 AM

    O/T Elizabeth Warren Humiliates Mitch McConnell For Threat To Block Obama SCOTUS Nominee

    After Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that he would lead Republicans in obstructing President Obama yet again, this time by leading his party to abdicate their Constitutional duties, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) reminded McConnell that President Obama’s will is the will of the people and that he won by five million votes.

    Senator Warren said in a statement, “Senator McConnell is right that the American people should have a voice in the selection of the next Supreme Court justice. In fact, they did – when President Obama won the 2012 election by five million votes.”
    Then Warren proceeded to remind McConnell about that thing Republicans are always claiming to worship – the Constitution, specifically Article II, “Article II Section 2 of the Constitution says the President of the United States nominates justices to the Supreme Court, with the advice and consent of the Senate.”

    Wait for it… “I can’t find a clause that says ‘…except when there’s a year left in the term of a Democratic President.'”.....

    3, 2…1…Here Come the Cries That Obama Had Scalia Killed

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Thank you, Elizabeth Warren. This is exactly right. The will of the people is that Obama is President until the end of 2016, and not a moment shorter.

    2. Anonymous 9:20 AM wrote: Obama is President until the end of 2016

      Until 12:00 noon EST, 20 January 2017, actually. I'm sure you meant well, but this can make a difference.

    3. Technically yes. But the Republicans have been so hot to trot get rid of him that they'll consider him gone as soon as the November results are official.

      It will only be left to see if they start screaming about President Clinton or President Sanders and how they are going to obstruct the new president until they leave office.

  15. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Though i have never liked the delegate system, ya don't change horses in the middle of the stream.

    This is something for the congress to take care of in a NON-election year.

    1. Anonymous9:24 AM

      Congress has nothing to do with this. Otherwise, I agree with you.

    2. Anonymous9:33 AM

      HAHA. So now not voting for Clinton is "changing horses in the middle of the stream." It is this same blatant insistence that Clinton is already the rightful nominee and Sanders is a spoiler that sank the Clinton campaign in 2008.

    3. Anonymous10:08 AM

      berniebro cleanup aisle 9:33

    4. Anonymous10:19 AM

      9:33 is unhinged

    5. Anonymous12:47 PM

      Listen, dumbass, the current process IS the delegate system.

    6. Anonymous 9:33 AM wrote: So now not voting for Clinton is "changing horses in the middle of the stream."

      No. The "horse" in question is the "superdelegate" concept, not a candidate. Please pay attention.

    7. This has nothing to do with Congress. This is the Democratic Party and they can have any process they think they can get away with.

      The question now is can they continue to get away with this with more and more people disgruntled over it.

      Superdelegates are a fairly recent change to the DNC and were inaugurated to "correct" or more properly supersede the will of the people if the people don't choose the candidate the leadership wants.

  16. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Party politics are just that; party politics. There's nothing "undemocratic" or "illegal" about the way political parties structure themselves internally. Anyone is free to join any party, attend meetings, work for the party, move up to leadership positions and have some voice in how the party manages this internal structure. The undue influence of money is there at every step of the way. This is where ethics and conscience and decency and moral ground are challenged. If you think the system is rigged, and it definitely is in many areas, you owe it to yourself and fellow citizens to become an active member of your chosen political party. You actually CAN make a difference there. Whining about "illegal" and "rigged" and "undemocratic" from the sidelines is just whining. Doesn't do a damn thing for anyone.

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Good post
      At the very least we should pay attention to the political process. That is how George W. Bush got elected. People tuned out because of the uncivil discourse.

    2. Anonymous12:53 PM

      Good points. Why do I, a registered independent, get a say in the selection of a party's nominee when I haven't committed myself to the party? I'm in CA and can vote for either party in the primary. Personally, I'd like to do away with the too long, too expensive primary process and leave the nominating completely to super-delegates, many (most?) of whom are elected officials. The parties have platforms which I wish were at the forefront of the general election debate.

  17. Anonymous9:54 AM

    you can call me whatever you want to i dont care, i do know for a fact, if the voting, take NH as an example, won by 20 percent yet tied in delegates, happens nationally and the supers GIVE it to Hillary,, i will vote repug just to piss off all you hillary suporters that want to whine about Bernie.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      We don't need or want Berniebros in the dem party

    2. Anonymous10:08 AM

      That'll show 'em.

    3. Anonymous12:45 PM

      You go ahead. I hope you enjoy your country with a republican controlled White House, Senate, Congress and SCOTUS. If you think Obama has not been progressive enough and Hillary will not progressive enough, this republican administration will make W look progressive. Oh, and don't whine when we are fighting several simultaneous wars in the middle east. Stupid, childish brat.

    4. Anonymous 9:54 AM: you can call me whatever you want to i dont care,

      That's rich … coming from someone who has no identity other than "9:54 AM".

    5. Anonymous3:14 PM

      Using a name and picture isn't required here. Posting anonymously says nothing about the validity of a person's comments. Suggesting it does is just ad hominem, which you do a lot.

  18. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The main thing is this is the primaries and people should vote for the candidate they think best represents their views.

    1. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Bernie supporters (who are suspect to begin with) know their only hope is to make Hillary look bad. Republicans failed at this. So will Bernie supporters

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Clinton is doing a pretty good job making herself look bad. For example, bringing up that she gets advice from Kissinger was a significant unforced error.

      In my view, Sanders is the logical successor to Obama because he aims to advance Democratic goals like universal health care. If Clinton keeps saying "No We Can't" to everything, she will lose.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      When did Clinton bring up anything about getting advice from Kissinger? I did hear Bill Clinton repeat Kissinger's compliment about Hillary doing an excellent job administering the State Dept.. The Kissinger remark had nothing to do with policy.

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Bernie actually brought up Kissinger. When asked who Bernie gets national security advice from, Bernie had no answer.

      Hillary Clinton has diplomatic skills which enables her to consider all views. Sanders thinks it is his way or the highway. Bernie schtick sounds a lot like trumps.

    5. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Hillary Clinton has diplomatic skills which enables her to consider all views.

      What you really mean is; HRC evaluate which decision will equal the larger donation to the clinton foundation, she will base all of her political decisions on this simple, yet complex (legalities) formula.

      Me I am just glad; Sen Sanders says no, to Kissinger foreign relations policies.


    6. What's the point if the Democratic leadership is going to "fix" the vote using the superdelegates. That's what they're for.

  19. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Everyone seems to be getting all worked up about the system being unfair when we haven't even given the system a chance to work. We've had ONE caucus and ONE primary, and it's only the very beginning of the process.

    NH has a quirky way of viewing politics (I have family who lived there for 20 years) and they're right next door to Vermont, so Sanders' win was to be expected. There are lots of other states left to weigh in, and we may yet end up with one candidate leading by a large margin.

    Let's just take a deep breath and give the primary process some time to sort out the candidates before we get our panties in a twist about the possible actions of the superdelegates.

  20. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Bernie Sanders campaign staffers are shown encouraging undercover journalists to claim false addresses in order to vote in the NH primary. (No matter how easy the undercover journalists found it would be to cast an illegal ballot, they stopped short of actually doing so.)

    Read more at:

    1. Anonymous4:12 PM

      That's Karl Roves buddy, O'Keefe, working for team HRC, strange indeed this news is?

      Eho has hired Rove?

    2. You have the nerve to come here and present JAMES O'KEEFE as any sort of proof of wrong doing? Like this liar and fraud is any sort of trusted source or even a "journalist"?

      And you cite the National Review? What a laugh, funny boy.

      Go back and crawl under the rock you live under.

  21. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Okay kids we need an adult in the room. :-). Little Debbie needs to resign from the DNC so to actually serve her Florida constituents or campaign full time for Hillary. What is she looking for chief of staff? I know that this is a pro Hillary blog, but get real folks. What are you going to do when the majority of the democrats vote for Bernie? Tell them to eat cake and have those that know what is best annoint her anyway? Welcome President CRUZ! Because every poll so far agrees that she can not beat any one of the GOP candidates. Bummer to be you.

    1. Really?

      Because RealClearPolitics' February 8 poll has either Clinton or Sanders beating Trump, Cruz, Bush, Carson (Sanders ties). Rubio is the only one that is up by only 2 points. After Christie beat him up and his poor showing the last few debates those numbers may change.

      I think either Sanders or Clinton will be able to beat whoever ends up on the Republican ticket by the time November rolls around.

      The longer the clown car rolls the worse they all look. The obstruction over Obama's Supreme Court nomination will be the killing blow. It will gain seats in the Senate and put a Democrat in the White House.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.