Saturday, February 06, 2016

Yes it's time for yet another GOP debate.

I actually missed the fact that this was on tonight until about six hours ago.

Probably a case of cognitive dissonance on my part.

So I have a handful of predictions for tonight, because those of us covering these events are supposed to do that sort of thing.

Mine are rather simple.

After missing the last debate Trump is going to go out of his way to make a mark tonight so that the people of New Hampshire have him on their minds when they caucus next week. So expect plenty of  Trumpisms and insults.

Speaking of insults Trump is also going to punish Ted Cruz like a naughty puppy for beating him in Iowa.

EVERYBODY is going to go after Marco Rubio. Especially Chris Christie and Jeb Bush.

Unfortunately nobody can go after Carly Fiorina because apparently she has now been sent to the back of the bus and will not be on stage with the fellas.  (Come on, it's the GOP did anybody REALLY think that her candidacy was going to be taken seriously?)

But most important of all is that those of us who were blown away by last week's Democratic debate are going to be totally underwhelmed by the low blows, backstabbing, and cat-fighting which defines the GOP debates.

If that happens just do what I'm planning to do and imagine Hillary or Bernie eating these idiot's lunches for them. 

As always I will be on Twitter.

And I will also be back to update the post as events warrant.


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    This one is going to be fun. Trump and Cruz are going to go after each other.

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Ben Carson ever brain dead. Forgot to go on stage

    1. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Maybe he went back home in Florida to get a clean pair of underwear and didn't make it back in time.

    2. SallyinMI6:28 PM

      No, he didn't hear his name called, so they went on without him.

  3. ABC hi-def is sure showing me a lot of Trump scalp under that thin, desperate and vain comb-over.

    1. What is that color on his hair?

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      My first thought too dvlaries! It looks thinner than usual


    3. SallyinMI6:28 PM

      Maybe he's staying in hotels with water control, and he just can't get the shampoo out...

    4. Anonymous10:12 PM

      it looks like he had a much needed hair cut.
      the color changes frequently, as does the color of his skin.

    5. @DontHatetheGame4:56 PM

      "What is that color on his hair?"


      The most expensive spice in the world is pollen from the saffron crocus. All lilies have pollen that stains what it touches a golden yellow, but saffron produces the most intense long-lasting yellow, as well as adding flavor to curries and such. In the Middle Ages, saffron was used to "gild" food such as baked peacock or fancy breads.

      Whenever I see Trump, I hum "I'm just wild about Saffron, and she's just wild about meeeee... they call me Mellow Yellow (that's right)...."

      Marigolds and lemon juice are also used to brighten blond hair, however, given Trump's ego and wealth, my bet is on saffron.

  4. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Please debate gods, take Jeb down in flames!

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Do any of them realize that most of everything they would do as a president requires a vote in congress? Do they think they can actually do everything they say they will do on day one?

    1. Olivia5:53 PM

      Hell, most Americans, particularly tea bagger types, don't know that. The candidates are conveniently ignoring it except for Trump, who has no knowledge of anything about government function.

    2. SallyinMI6:27 PM

      Exactly. The current elected officials have been voting for six YEARS to end the ACA...and replace it with a wing and a nice dice, fellas.

  6. Anonymous4:55 PM

    When Chris Christie slaughtered Marco Rubio for giving the same 30 second speech over and over again, I was like, "DAMN!!"

    Nailed it!!

    1. SallyinMI6:26 PM

      Yes, I think the luster is off Marco.

    2. Anonymous8:38 PM

      He looked like a little ken doll on the stage, sporting a wind up key on his back.

    3. Anonymous4:50 AM

      I can't stand Christie, but I was cheering when he delivered that epic smackdown! The best part was, Rubio STILL didn't break from that pointless "Obama is doing this on purpose" garbage.

    4. Anonymous5:25 AM

      It was about time that someone acknowledged Rubio's debate answers are always the same no matter what the question is. He is an empty suit.

  7. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Do they guys know that President Obama is not in this race?

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      @Anonymous 4:55 PM
      Do they guys know that President Obama is not in this race?
      They all seem to think President Obama is running for a third term.
      I can't stand dumb ass Repubs. There is not enough intelligence on that stage to make a moron.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Please proceed, President Obama.
      Elect one one of these loons, and they'll beg for the "old days."

    3. Anonymous9:00 AM

      They see Hillary as Obama's third term. Slam him and she loses. They can't see she wins bc they lose.

  8. I think Jeb! might have actually shown some backbone in going after Trump tonight.

    I wonder if his mom gave him a pep talk?

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Sounds like it!

    2. Anonymous5:13 PM

      A boy loves his mommy, who originally said the last thing this country needs is another Bush in the White House.

      I'll bet President Obama is having a ball watching this!

    3. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Jeb Bush Receives Worst Endorsement Ever, Definitely Does NOT Want Anyone To Clap

    4. Anita Winecooler5:24 PM

      I've been popping off and on because my family's got a movie on tonight, but from what I've seen so far, they're doing the Democrats a lot of good. Bushie overdosed on no doze, and he's still not making sense.

    5. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I think they are baiting Trump. Trump was very upset after losing in Iowa. They are trying to get him to blow his top.

    6. Anonymous5:47 PM

      I wonder if his mom gave him a pep talk?
      She promised to bake his favorite cookies


    7. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Mildred, as seen online today pee pond, Barbara was clutching her pearls so hard, an oyster came out. Someone had to explain how it works.

      One cannot make this stuff up. HAH!

    8. SallyinMI7:29 PM

      Barbara looks really feeble...Jeb must be getting desperate to drag her out into the winter weather with her walker and her entourage.

  9. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Jeb stood up to Trump! Wow!

    1. SallyinMI6:25 PM

      Better late than never, I guess.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    Are they turning democrat? Rubio got filleted by Christie, repeated himself three times when Christie said "All he does is repeats things three times", LMAO

  11. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Rubio thinks he is running against President Obama.

    1. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Rubio's eyes say, nobody is home.

    2. SallyinMI6:25 PM

      Rubio doesn't think; as Christie has pointed out, Rubio recites.

  12. Anonymous5:25 PM


    1. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Those 2 women served our country and continued on as US contractors.

  13. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Here we go again - Obama...

    1. SallyinMI6:24 PM

      Is Barack running again? Oh JOY!!

  14. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Rubio is showing himself to be totally over his head- memorized statements, hating on the President instead of his rivals. Reminds me of Robin, the boy wonder.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      It's obvious Rubio has memorized these statements. He needs to work on his robotic delivery.

    2. Anonymous5:52 PM

      Yes, that who he looks like! Hahaha.

  15. they all agree that 68% of americans are wrong about raising taxes on millionaires...just wont work ...this means that the millionaires would stop giving them as much campaign money so it just wont work

  16. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Except for the fact that he's a shyster mob boss-wannabe, Christie almost looks sane


    1. SallyinMI6:23 PM

      Remember, Mildred, the bar for 'sane' and GOP is about three inches off the ground...down there with the pythons.

    2. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Chris Christie Helps Democrats Win By Gutting Marco Rubio At ABC Republican Debate

      Chris Christie obliterated the Republican establishment's best chance of stopping Donald Trump and Ted Cruz during an ugly exchange at the ABC Republican presidential debate that had to leave Democrats smiling.

      ...Rubio blasted Christie for destroying New Jersey’s credit rating, then launched back into his talking point about Obama intentionally trying to change America. Christie responded and called Rubio out for using a memorized 25-second speech that was exactly what his advisers gave him. Rubio slammed Christie for having to be shamed into going back after the snow storm. Rubio launched into the Obama changing America talking point for a third time, and Christie said, “There it is again.”

      Some in the audience began to boo Rubio when his talking point again. Christie said that Rubio has never been responsible for a decision a day in his life. The exchange was a disaster for Rubio as Christie exposed him as a preprogrammed robot who has no real answers.

      Christie is kneecapping Rubio and blowing up the best change that the establishment of the Republican Party has to stop Cruz and Trump.

      Chris Christie Is Over Marco Rubio's Same Old 25-Second Speech

      ...The moderators were ready to move on, but Christie wasn't having it.

      "You see, everybody, I want the people at home to think about this. That's what Washington, D.C. does," he said. "The drive-by shot at the beginning with incorrect and incomplete information and then the memorized 25-second speech that is exactly what his advisers gave him."

      The crowd went nuts.

      "When you're president of the United States, when you're a governor of a state, the memorized 30-second speech where you talk about how great America is at the end of it doesn't solve one problem for one person," said Christie. "They expect you to plow the snow. They expect you to get the schools open."

      Rubio hit back again, saying Christie was too focused on his campaign to care about the blizzard that hit his state last month.

      But then, he did it again. The same speech!

    3. SallyinMI7:28 PM

      Hey, Chris-they also expect you to keep the bridges open and to build new tunnels when traffic is so bad no one can get to or from work. You're right, but you don't do your job either.

    4. Anonymous6:27 AM

      Not one person, in today's Republican Party, is capable of doing anything needed to govern. For Republicans government is saying "no" to any infrastructure improvements, improvements in international relations, improvements in education, healthcare, housing, jobs. They are the party of "just say no."

  17. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Why on earth would anybody vote for Rubio when he has said he hates being in the Senate therefore does not show up to do his job but would love to be the President which would be a job ten times more challenging? The Republicans are running for class president. The problem in a nutshell is that Obama has been such an amazing President that he has made the job look easy but he has had to work so hard so much so that nobody knows what a difficult job it has been. We can't hire the Republicans to take the keys to the car and wreck the country again like they did from 2000 to 2008.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      good comment.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM


      Post that on his Facebook page.

  18. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Not watching, but how many gallons of water is Rubio drinking?

    1. Anonymous7:10 PM

      At every break I saw, he was furtively sipping! not to mention, got HAMMERED by Christie on parroting himself over and over.

  19. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Gryphen, the best part of the debate! I wasn't sure it was posted yet, the introduction which they all messed up!


    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      I don't know how you laated, Mildred.
      I switched it to the Golden State game.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM


  20. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Who cares what these seven clowns have to say? I'm just watching this debate so I can drool over David Muir.

    1. Amen. I'm with you when you're right!

    2. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Glad I'm not the only one!

    3. Anita Winecooler3:40 PM

      And for the men, they have Martha Radditz. This whole intro debacle belongs to the moderators, ABC, ABC's directors, the guy who sweeps the floors, and the candidates themselves. This wouldn't happen, ever, on MSNBC. The cameraman never thought to cut the feed, direct the clowns by name and pointing to where they should go. Who knows? Maybe he did and the clowns didn't get it? ABC's going down the toilet from the top down. Go to break or something, but don't showcase absolutely unexcusable
      stupidity. Eye candy is nice, but it takes smarts to think on your feet.

  21. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Is Tina Fey gonna be on SNL tonight? Would love for her to spoof Sarah's Today interview last Monday.

  22. Anonymous6:06 PM

    O/T Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright endorsed Hillary, at the end she said there's a special place in hell for women who don't help other women. If Senator Elizabeth Warren decide to endorse Bernie Sanders does that mean she should go to hell? Just wondering.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      being required to help another woman just because I share the same gender is as ridiculous as all Republicans taking some kind of Republican oath. Let's pick the best PERSON for the job and quit "group think" politics. I don't vote with my vagina. I'm not going to vote for someone just because they have one.

    2. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Super dumb thing for Albright to say

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Why $arah was elevated.
      Comment on THAT, Madeline.

    4. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Cut her some slack. Albright is almost 80. She has lived through the women's movement, our attempts to get ERA passed, and probably had to fight like hell for her male-dominated jobs. What she said is what used to be said frequently when a woman running for office was much rarer than now. Hillary IS the best person for the job. Hands down.

    5. Anonymous8:37 PM

      You guys have short memories. PALIN SAID IT TOO. "At a rally on Saturday in California, Sarah Palin offered up a rather jarring argument for supporting the Republican ticket. "There's a place in Hell reserved for women who don't support other women," the Alaska Governor said",

    6. Anonymous9:27 PM

      I'm a nearly 70 year old and I deeply resent the sentiment expressed by Albright about "special place in hell". I think that even Palin and/or her "people" used this quote to excoriate others that line were to support Palin (or Hillary) in her time.

      I honestly think we have moved past this old chestnut about evaluating candidates in regards to their gender. Which I am so glad about. However, I have come to realize that women are not necessarily better leaders based on their gender alone. Remember Thatcher and Indira Ghandi? Those are only 2 top of the mind leaders who were certainly no better than their male predecessors. In fact they were maybe worse, in their determination to demonstrate their "tough" credentials. In no way will I support a woman just because she is a woman.

      I think most voters today no longer really care what sex their leaders are. The bottom line is that if they are Republican, they must be aligned with "right to life".

      THANK YOU to all the 60's feminists who fought this fight, but I think they must consider that they have won and it's too bad about not getting their due acknowledgements, but maybe they should just consider this current climate (taken for granite by the youngsters) as a success already. The younger generation just never really truly appreciate the battles of their forebears, myself included. I know there is lots more to go on the lives of every-day women, but I believe that the acceptance of women in politics has already happened, and they are not necessarily better than their male counterparts. Sad reality.

    7. Anonymous3:38 AM

      Women being seen as no better or worse than their male counterparts is the ultimate goal of feminism.

      I don't agree we are there yet (although I also don't agree with Albright). Women are accepted in politics, true. But women candidates and elected officials are not treated the same as men.

      For example, Clinton has been criticized for raising her voice. Her opponent is Sanders, who raises his voice all the time. He gets called passionate. She gets called a "shrieker" and the pundits joke around about how she reminds them of their ex-wives.

      It's ok to be a Sanders supporter, a Clinton dissenter, and still recognize that double standards continue to exist.

    8. Anonymous10:14 AM


    9. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Read her book, Madeline's pins, and see the context of her original use of that quote. Sarah stole that line while full term, sitting next to Janet Napolitano, bending waaaaay down to scratch her cankles. Gov Clinton has that "perceived whine" said Squeaky Fromm Wasilla, and admonished her for it while saying there's a special place in hell for fungible women who don't support other women. Anyone imagine Clinton supporting Sarah? Or the other way around?

  23. Anonymous6:09 PM

    They ALL scare me! If ANY of these POS's make it to the POTUS, we are in big do-do.

  24. Anonymous6:23 PM

    I needs drink. Or 10. At work currently there was just a massive brawl at this concert. Now, every concert that comes through any venue will see at least one scuffle. But this was huge. And it's not even a country one. I need new work. Lol nah I enjoy event management. But damn.

  25. Anonymous6:38 PM

    #GOPDebate speaking times:
    Cruz: 16:06
    Rubio: 13:01
    Trump: 12:11
    Christie: 8:56
    Kasich: 7:59
    Bush: 7:35
    Carson: 6:09

  26. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Donald Trump Booed After Telling Jeb Bush To Pipe Down

    Real estate mogul Donald Trump drew boos from the audience when he told Jeb Bush to quiet down during a heated exchange on the issue of eminent domain.

    Trump defended eminent domain, calling the expropriation of private property for public use an "absolute necessity" for the government to build schools, roads and bridges. He also argued the Keystone XL pipeline, which is widely supported by Republicans, "wouldn't go 10 feet" without the use of eminent domain.

    Bush, however, interjected by hitting Trump for using eminent domain to attempt to seize private property from an elderly woman to "turn into limousine parking lot for his casinos" in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

    "Jeb wants to be a tough guy tonight," Trump shot back. "Let me talk."

    "Quiet," he demanded, as Bush continued to interject. The audience booed loudly.

    Trump then accused the audience, which is primarily selected by the Republican National Committee, of consisting of "donors and special interests" -- essentially the establishment he rails against.

    "They're booing because I don’t want their money," he said.

    1. Anonymous6:55 PM

      NBC reporter tweeted that 75 of the 1000 audience members were donors.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      That's when I turned it off.

    3. Anita Winecooler11:59 AM

      Who, exactly, did that instance of "eminent domain" benefit? Trump didn't show up in Wharton Business School the day they taught "taking what's not yours is illegal" "When a writ of Eminent Domain helps a majority of people, it's ok for the Government to do it" But the process has several steps, a land value study, a highest and best use clause, and paying each owner a fair market value per square foot, which Trump blew through by offering the property owners a pittance, while his property value skyrocketed. Who had more ties politically and with crime syndicates at the time? Donald Trump and his private dancing lawyers, that's who. If I recall correctly, the longer the owners held out, the more they were offered, which is bribery, not eminent domain. The families who stood their ground were the ones who got the best deals in the end. Trump is a jackass.

  27. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Ted Cruz’s former roommate trolls the #GOPdebate in his most hilarious performance yet

    "Ted Cruz says he's against torture, but he'll torture the definition of torture so it's not torture. Yo dawg, we heard you liked torture..."

    "Ted responds to "Maybe you have no heart" with a heartless, calculated chuckle."

  28. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Very funny: Every Single Presidential Candidate Is a Character From The Lord of the Rings

  29. Anonymous7:55 PM


  30. BlueDragon8:03 PM

    A minor correction - we don't caucus in NH, Gryphen, we vote. Polls will be open all day. In my town they will be open 6 am to 8 pm.
    This really is a better system, I used to live in Maine, a caucus state - and it was difficult to manage - plan on a Sunday afternoon with a full-time job and 3 kids, and if you didn't get there on time, you were locked out. I wasn't a fan.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      The caucus seems so archaic, it should be done away with I think


  31. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Oh man, this is pure Trump cheese.

    Every single thing Trump does shows what an ugly (and I mean ugly--it is so hard to look at him) narcissist he is and how desperate he is to always be at the center of things. Look at the introducing of the candidates at this clip. Carson is said to be falling asleep, but it looks to me like he and Trump had talked beforehand about going out on stage one after the other--they are, after all since Cruz's goof about Carson quitting, besties. It's so disgusting that Trump can't even go out when his name is called and has to be last and make a big show of things. The candidates are lined up at podiums in order and Trump is already right in the middle, yet he can’t go out there as the fourth name called. He has to be last. The mods made a goof with Kasich. Trump’s intention was to go out last as mister important.

  32. Good morning. We're fucked:

  33. Anonymous3:12 AM

    I turned the channel when I heard Trump start in "I am a great businessman, I make great deals...blah blah blah".

    From reading different sites, it appears the fact checkers had their usual busy night, the list of lies is too long to post.

  34. Anonymous3:32 AM

    These clowns can't even walk on stage without messing up and they think they can lead a nation !!!

    1. Anita Winecooler12:08 PM

      Poor Carson had a deer in the headlight moment, or "Go ahead, I've gotta finish farting", they all remind me of laxative commercials with the sigh of relief when the entire lineup makes it to the bowl.

  35. Anita Winecooler12:09 PM

    I haven't laughed this hard since Bristol asked for privacy, no lectures and no birth control when announcing her little bundle of disappointment.

  36. Anonymous6:34 PM

    We remember water boy Rubio. What a bunch of Losers.

  37. Anonymous12:35 PM

    The usual intellegent remarks from the Liberal/Left...Don't expect much from the Liberal/Left and am never disappointed...Hope Donald trump wins and gives the Middle Finger to the Vermin on the Left for 4 years or more,because that's what the supporters are doing now.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.