Saturday, March 26, 2016

So today was another caucus day for Democrats. And look Alaska gets to play too!

Sorry I'm a little late with this but I spent the afternoon after the caucus watching "Batman vs Superman" with my newly returned daughter. (Two and a half hours, why do movies have to be so long these days?)

So by now you all know that Bernie won all three states up for grabs today.

While I cannot speak for Washington and Hawaii, I can tell you that Bernie won big in Alaska.

In fact the damn lines were several hundred deep even before the place opened up at 9:00 AM to let us all in to West High School where the caucusing took place.

I essentially stayed incognito, though at least one person called me out by name and tried to get me to volunteer to be a delegate.

My daughter was, of course, rubbing it in my face that there was such a huge pro-Bernie crowd.

I actually did interview a couple of young men about why they were supporting Sanders.

The first guy responded with, and I kid you not about this, "I'm too stoned to answer any questions."

I could have left if there, but that is just shoddy journalism, and the next few gentlemen really did have much better answers.

All in all the young people are very fired up, and I certainly hope that they hang onto that enthusiasm even if their candidate is not the eventual nominee.

We certainly need that kind of fire if we are going to keep the Republicans out of the White House.

Update: It looks like Sanders won Washington in a landslide as well. 


  1. Anonymous4:40 PM

    you should have asked them who they voted for in the mid terms.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    The bigger question is could Bernie win the general election against Donald.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      He can't beat any Republican this November.

    2. Anonymous5:18 PM

      And he's not going to beat Hillary Rodham Clinton for the nomination. Math wins!

    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Trump fears Bernie. Not a problem for Bernie to win over the Donald, if D makes it.

    4. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Bernie can't win without the minority vote.

    5. Anonymous5:52 PM

      He can't win the Democratic nod nor the general election without the minority vote.
      And before a month agao I may have plugged my nose and voted for him, but not after he dissed a Native American activist at his rally in MN. I'll stay home instead of voting for him , as will my Black and Hispanic friends. You white people want another old white guy? Then deal with it.

    6. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Bernie dismisses the Southern Vote as not important ... too conservative! Tell that to all the democrats down there fighting for their party and preferred candidate.

      Bernie can only win when Independents and young punks vote. He's using the democratic party for its resources and intends to run as in Independent from Vermont when his term is up.

    7. Anonymous6:44 PM

      5:52, exactly what transpired at the MN rally? I haven't heard about and would like to know.

    8. Anonymous7:03 PM

      6:44 -

    9. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Thanks. I watched it. It seemed as though he was treated respectfully, asked to be concise, due to time constraints and was hijacking the event. If he had asked his question without his detailed back story, he might have gotten a response. I did not see Bernie diss him.

    10. Anonymous8:00 PM

      6:55 c'mon, seriously?
      "He's using the democratic party for its resources and intends to run as in Independent from Vermont when his term is up."
      He will be 75 in September. He will be 79 by the next presidential election and it will likely go to the incumbent, so he will be 83 when he attempts that "independent" run. If he does, he should win, just off the pity vote!

    11. Actually, the polls say he can.

      Hillary can too.

      I guess when Republicans have to choose between Trump, staying home or voting for a Democrat, the Democrat wins either through lack of votes for the GOP or the crossing of the aisle.

    12. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Bernie will not even win the Democratic nomination. Math tells us so.

  3. Anonymous4:47 PM

    1. Anonymous4:56 AM

      Could people give a hint at what the link is about? You can't just click on a link on IM, you have to copy and paste.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      Thank you, 4:56. I thought it was just me that gets annoyed by that.

  4. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Your going to have to realize there are alot of people who have not forgotten what the republicans did to our economy and many of us want some one to go to jail for this.
    It can happen with Bernie in the Presidency, the others not so much their to beholden to their meal tickets. There are also many people who really do not want America to be the World Police, It is time the rest of the planet to step up to the cause.
    The country might actually do quite well with a "New Deal Democrat" which Sanders seems to be especially when compared with the rest of the herd. There are many more of us out there than you think! And it is not just young Americans who feel this way.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      And just how is Bernie going to do anything? You think because he would be elected that things would go his way? Where the fuck have you been for 7 and 1/2 yrs?
      BTW be can't win without the minority vote that he d

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      How is it going to happen? On what grounds? He can't even manage his own finances, how can he get any respect from the financial industry? It very nice to dream and tilt at windmills but at some point you have to acknowledge reality if you are going to govern in the real world.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      What has Bernie Sanders achieved in his very long life? Bernie Sanders has achieved surprisingly little- certainly nothing that he can stand on as POTUS.

      Bush II was a non-achiever also too.

    4. Anonymous6:58 PM

      It depends on what you value, 6:32. Trump supporters seem to think he has achieved quite a lot. Bernie has served his country with integrity for years.

    5. Anonymous4:59 AM

      @6:32 -- check out his accomplishment working with the Republicans on bills to get major reforms passed.

  5. Anonymous5:22 PM

    4:57 you do not seem to be reading & understanding the polls.

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    And yet Bernie hasn't won one state with a high minority population.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      You don not understand that republicans have left him alone up until now because they did not think he had a chance.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      @ 6:03 pm
      I do understand, no candidate can win without the minority vote.

    3. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Anonymous6:48 PM

      So sorry, my comment was meant for Anonymous5:22 PM

    4. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Wanting to have rational drug laws does not make one a fanatic.

  7. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Will Bernie pull off the ultimate win and get the nomination? Maybe, maybe not. But,just as Trump has shaken the GOP up, Bernie may have shown the standard bearers on the left that we, too are not enchanted with the assumed nominee. I doubt the party leaders ever expected Bernie to last this long or pull off the victories he has. If nothing else, Bernie supporters have sent a loud message that we are ready for a change and we are a force to be reckoned with! Now, help me down from this soapbox, I need to send Bernie a donation!

    1. And like the GOP leadership, the Dem leadership also doesn't give a damn what their democratic voters want.

      That is the message of Trump and Sanders.

      That the voters aren't happy and the leadership doesn't care. They'll do what they want anyway. That's what the superdelegates are for.

  8. Anonymous5:52 PM

    That is such a cute picture of the two of them!

  9. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I'm a die-hard Bernie fan and yes, I do believe he can beat any of these republican shitheads. However; I won't be an idiot and not vote for Hillary is she wins. And....I would also be too stoned to answer if we had legal weed here in Vegas and I'm 53. So it's not all young kids supporting Bernie.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      All of you legal weed fanatics better not whine about Big Cannabis in 25 years.

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM


      I still grow my own or purchase on the black market so do all of my friends so "Big Cannabis" isn't to much of a concern to me and my friends.

    3. Anonymous11:52 AM

      Wanting rational drug laws isn't being a fanatic.

  10. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    Alaska feels the bird!

  11. Anonymous6:08 PM

    If Bernie wins the nomination, it's much more likely that the GOP nominee wins in November. Even if that GOP winner is a one term POTUS, the SCOTUS easily could tip back to Scalia on steroids within four years. Bye bye Roe v Wade.

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Fear fear fear!!!

      That card is getting old.

      The worst possible scenario for this country is a Hillary presidency. Both Bernie and Trump supporters understand this clearly.

      ps. Abortion rights arent going anywhere. fear fear fear.

    2. Anonymous6:24 PM

      If Bernie wins the nomination, would you vote for him? If so, he could win. Same as I will vote for H if she wins.

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Boogety Boogety Boogety!
      Is the tin foil hat taken off at bedtime?

    4. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Every poll shows that Bernie does better against any of the GOP candidates than Hillary does. You may not like it, but it's true. And yesterday, a national poll showed Bernie up a point on Hillary. TRump has sky high negative numbers nationally, with every racial group, and women of all ages. And Cruz is hated by everybody, even the Republican politicians who are holding their nose and endorsing him.

    5. 6:08 pm6:51 PM

      6:08 here,
      News flash for 6:19! Abortion rights have been chipped and way for a number of years. Exhibit A is Gryphen's post below re: Mike Pence. The list goes on and if you were a real Democrat, you would know that.

      Secondly for 6:24, if he wins the nomination, I will absolutely vote for him. I'm in my mid 50s, female and have only voted for a Rep candidate in local races twice, over thirty years ago when I was much younger and less wise. There's no way in hell I would sit out this election or give any GOP candidate my vote now.

    6. Anonymous7:05 PM

      6:47 - polls don't matter. Delegates do,

    7. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Anonymous6:47 PM,

      Every current poll. You really think that the negative ads against Bernie Sanders by the republicans has started? Most republicans only know he's a socialist. They are boosting him to be the Democratic nominee so they can start the take down for the general election. He doesn't stand a chance.....his age, his record in the senate, his personal finances, his lack of ambition his entire life.

    8. Anonymous7:31 PM

      Lack of ambition? Seriously? Define ambition? I guess this is the new version of the "community organizer" attack?

    9. Anonymous8:02 PM

      How many times does it have to be said that polls about the general election match ups don't mean anything at this point in time?

    10. Anonymous8:03 PM

      On the same day Gryphen reports on abortion rights being chipped away, someone comments here about how we don't need to worry about abortion rights being chipped away. Incredible.

    11. Anonymous8:11 PM

      8:03 - it was some Bernie Bros. Figures!

    12. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Maybe women would then stop killing innocent babies and then learn to practice better birth control.

    13. Uh, not it's not.

      Blue states will be blue. They won't go red for Trump or Cruz.

      But Bernie has a chance to woo over disgruntled Republicans that can't bring themselves to vote for Trump and can't stand Hillary.

      If we wanted to make it a lock, Hillary should put Bernie on the ticket as VP. (Yeah, yeah I've heard it all before. But it would get her the youth vote that we can't afford to lose.)

    14. Anonymous12:29 AM

      It appears that the ghost of Richard Mellon Sciafe is revealing himself through the commenter at 6:19pm. How'd that Arkansas Project work out for you, buddy?

    15. Anonymous4:31 AM

      @ mialuppa
      Bernie can't even get the minority vote in the democratic party.

    16. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Please tell me that 8:51 is snark.

    17. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Anonymous8:51 PM,

      Maybe if men were automatically forced to care for every baby they sire instead of the woman, abortion would be legal and contraception would be free.

    18. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Anonymous7:31 PM,

      He didn't earn a paycheck until he was forty.

    19. 4:31. You think if Bernie wins those minority voters are going to vote for Trump?

      It's OK to say that oh sure, those young college students won't stay home they'll vote for Hillary and in the same breath say Oh no, those minority voters would rather stay home than vote for Sanders.

      When Polls put up Sanders against each of the Republicans individually Sanders wins every time. And when Polls put Clinton up against each of the Republicans she mostly wins. The last one I saw had her losing to Kasich in MIchigan.

      In Michigan Sanders beats Trump by 19 and Clinton beats Trump by only 11.

      Time to stop the Bernie Beating.

      We need to be better than the Republicans and stop eating our young and turning on ourselves.

    20. Anonymous9:00 AM

      6:12, 8:37, 8:40- I have noticed your responses here lately. You must be new to this because you don't respond to the post by hitting the "reply" right below the comment you are responding to. Very few of us are going to chase down an original post in the thread to see what you are talking about. It makes your point pointless and is kind of annoying. Respond by hitting "reply" directly below the comment you are answering please.

    21. Anonymous11:52 AM

      And Clinton has a chance to win over centrist republicans and independents who hate the Republican candidates but wouldn't vote for what they consider to be socialism.

  12. Anonymous6:11 PM


  13. Anonymous6:21 PM

    Bernie does well in caucus states -- it's when there is a primary with more voters that he fails more often. Today was predicted to be his best night of the campaign so bask in the glory. Hillary is way ahead of him in big states with more delegates, like NY and PA. And since he'd like to gut the insurance industry, he won't stand a chance in CT or RI.

    Then the socialist flips the bird to the DNC by not dropping his phony lawsuit, even after his own staff accessed HRC's files.

    Can't wait until he's done for good.

    But yeah, a little birdie flew in ... the same day he flipped the bird to the DNC by not dismissing his frivolous law suit. T

  14. A few more observations.

    I was in a room with my fellow Hillary supporters from my voting precinct.

    Altogether there were about 56 of us. In the Sanders room, where my daughter was, there was about 170 or so.

    My room had ratio of two women for every one male, and only about three of the participants were under thirty years old.

    In my daughter's room the vast majority of the occupants were under thirty, and were mostly male, though it was more evenly split than in my room.

    Not sure if these statistic held up in other caucus rooms in the high school, or for that matter nationally, but I thought that was interesting.

  15. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Anyone notice it's the backwards southern states that HRC is winning?

    1. You mean the ones with more minorities?

      So I have yet to receive my KKK newsletter this month, is "backwards" the new code word?

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM


    3. Anonymous6:38 PM

      You mean the states that aren't lily white like Vermont? Do you think black democratic voters in those states are backwards? Really? Wow.

    4. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Them's fightin' words. Hillary's the only qualified one running. And Bernie's a socialist.

    5. Anonymous6:54 PM

      Gryphen, I am not 6:30, but as a Southerner by birth (now in the SW), I did not take the comment to be "code". You and the commenters who followed you are very eager to assume and attack. With my roots and most of my extended family in the South, I figured the comment was about hillbilly, red neck white trash or low information, under educated voters. We have no problem dissing southern red state voters as ignorant, government teat types, but if we are disparaging one of our own, it automatically becomes a racist remark!

    6. Anonymous6:55 PM

      Shitty comment 6:30, but by the same token, Gryphen loves to dump on the South any chance he gets.

    7. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I am 6:54 and need to clarify:
      When we here take shots at the southern red state voters and mock them as lazy, poorly educated, etc, wedo not assume that we are implying that they are of any particular race or group, other than being ignorant southerners. I don't know why it was assumed that 6:30 was implying anything but ignorance? There are a lot of racist whites in the South who would never vote for a Jewish person.

    8. Anonymous7:08 PM

      I'm a Southerner and I've never felt dumped on by Gryphen. But then I'm not stupid and nobody can offend me unless I take offense.

    9. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Most of the red neck racists white southerners aren't voting for democrats, period.

      So, who exactly is the OP talking about?

    10. Anonymous9:48 PM

      If me calling folks like Kim Davis backwards makes me a racist then you jumping my shit for making that statement makes you an asshole.

    11. I don't think of any particular race or group when I think of lazy, poorly educated Southerners or at least not the race or group you think I'm thinking of.

      Well, that's not entirely true.

      I do think of Republicans and white trash. Missing teeth, rednecks with maybe a still hidden from the "revenoors". The ones that struggled to graduate the eighth grade.

      I think of Kim Davis and her hubby Jim Bob Jethro spilling out of his dress overalls.

      I think of the gun totin' bible thumpers that don't believe in evolution or that man walked on the moon.

      I think of those that are stupid enough to continue to send their disability and social security checks to televangelists and SarahPAC.

      Is that racist?

    12. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Choosing between a Jew and a Woman, I'd be hard pressed to say which a racist Southerner would vote for. Since most racist Southerners vote Republican or nothing, it's a moot point.

    13. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Definitely not racist, mlaiuppa.

      But I do think what you're saying is different from what the OP is implying.

    14. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Appears the tradition of ownership of blacks is alive and well in the democratic party. Very admirable, the way the white democrats informed their blacks who they could vote for.

    15. Anonymous4:53 PM

      I believe most southerners are poorly educated. It has nothing to do with race unless being southern is a race. Pulling the race card is bullshit. Sorry you are wrong. I'm not racist I'm just saying northerners are by nature more progressive.

  16. Anonymous7:01 PM

    No worries 8:54. Bernie shows the same disdain for Southern Voters aka democrats.

    Luckily, he can't win without them.

    1. Yes. He can.

      The Blue states hold more electoral college votes than the Red states.

      And in three polls put out by Fox, Bloomberg and Quinnipiac in a General head to head Clinton beats everyone except Kasich and Bernie beats everyone except Kasich. But Bernie loses by only 1 and Clinton loses by from 4-11.

      Everyone seems to think that if Bernie is the nominee minorities will stay home rather than vote for him or even vote for the Republican. But they're so sure that all those motivated young voters that support Bernie will hold their noses and go ahead and show up and vote for Hillary.

      Trying to get the youth vote has always been difficult. It's what put Obama over the top. It should be a major concern of the DNC. Especially if it turns out Kasich is the nominee in that brokered RNC convention. Or even Paul Ryan.

    2. Anonymous11:39 AM

      I'm not sure the "youth vote" won't stay home if Sanders doesn't get the nomination because the "youth vote" is notoriously fickle and lazy and, apparently, easily offended.

      (When I was part of the "youth vote," I never missed an election, even if I wasn't completely enamored with the candidate on my side of the aisle.)

  17. Anonymous7:06 PM

    So, you're not going to tell us what the serious supporters had to say? Just leave it with the insinuation that all Bernie supporters are stoners who have no idea what they're doing?

    Ya know, this blog, above all other sources that I read, has led me to the conclusion that far too many democrats are just as dirty as any damn republican.

    Way to represent,Gryph. Keep up the mudslinging and you just may succeed in driving people to the other side.

    1. Well thank you for reminding of the immense power that emanates from my very fingertips, which allows me to drive people from one side of the ideological fence to the other with but a keystroke.

      I shall endeavor to keep that vast responsibility at the forefront of my thoughts from this moment forward.

    2. Anonymous7:15 PM

      I don't care if you're a stoner. I care if you can define 'socialist', because that is how Bernie defines himself.

    3. Anonymous7:20 PM

      Bernie's supporters on this blog drove me away from his campaign.

    4. Anonymous7:22 PM

      One key stoke is as good as the other. But yeah sure. Blame the media but never yourself.

    5. There's more to this than just what you hear on the news (which is spin supporting their own chosen nominee.)

      There's also more than 538.

      I looked at the polls at RealClearPolitics. In a General head to head Bernie does better than Hillary. As of March 23 they both win against Trump and Cruz. But they lose against Kasich. Hillary loses by a lot more and in all three polls. Bernie only loses in two of the polls and only by 1. To me that makes Bernie the more viable candidate.

      But we'll see what happens in the next few months. Elections can turn on something as coincidental as a small bird landing on a podium.

  18. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I am 53 years old. I am a female. I do not partake in either drugs or alcohol. I have a good career and I pay my taxes.

    I waited a very long time and listened with an open mind to both sides with the intention of avoiding, at all costs, the *team mentality*

    I did not make up my mind until today. What kept coming back to me is when Hillary made it clear that she had no intentions to repeal Citizen's United. I waited for her to speak on this and set it right. She hasn't.

    I believe we will keep spiraling out of control with nothing but bought off politicians until it is repealed.

    I don't believe that Hilary can defeat Trump because those who love him, hate her, while many of them are still on the fence about Bernie.

    So, no Gryph. Not all Bernie supporters are young stoned males who have given no thought to what is in front of us. But, gee. You knew that already didn't you?

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Google is now your friend, if you've avoided Clinton's words so far on Citizen's United. Here's her position statement on overruling it:

      Her opinion piece to CNN:

      You're welcome!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      When did she make that clear about Citizens United? Because I've heard her say she will end it.

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      Agree with the above! I'm a 55 year old female. All I want for November is a candidate that eliminates Citizen United and the super pacs. There is an obscene amount of money being funneled to these elections.

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      7:29 The Brief>

    5. Anonymous7:20 AM

      I agree with 7:49 that getting rid of citizens united is a big part of who I'm voting for, but it's definitely not all I want. If it was, I could vote for Trump as easily as Sanders.

      I also want reproductive rights, civil rights, sexuality and marriage equality, gender equality, etc.

      Which is why I'll vote for whichever Democrat wins the primary.

    6. It's not who says they'll end it but who means and and will work toward it.

      Hillary says she'll end it but I don't believe she'll do anything about it.

      Bernie says he'll end it and I believe he will work to get it repealed.

  19. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Did you run into any Johnstons at the caucus? Oh I forgot, they're gunhumping Republicans. That is when they bother to register to vote.

    1. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Now now now. You know Sunny can do no wrong. She's purty. ;)

    2. Anonymous7:40 PM

      It doesn't count, if you respond to yourself...

    3. Well to be fair it counts as half a point.

    4. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Good one, 7:18!

    5. Anonymous8:02 PM

      I disagree.

    6. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Me, too. (Not the same person)

  20. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Wow, we are starting to tear each other apart here. I think we are all on the same side and might want to so a little more respect for each other.

    1. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Why do you think it's "tearing each other apart" if people give their own opinions?

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      7:26. Are you not reading the same comments I am?

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      7:17 I agree. I support Bernie but will gladly vote for Hillary when, not if, when she gets the nomination.

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      I personally love it! It's a replay of 2008 when Barack came in and kicked Hil's ass and Hil supporters were all butthurt and whiny and "we're not gonna vote for Barack" blah, blah blah, and it all worked out okay, but still it's always fun to watch people get all butthurt and whiny.

  21. Anonymous7:18 PM

    You were incognito? Did you wear your shades? Were you hounded for autographs when they found you out?

  22. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Gryph, how was Batman vs. Superman?

    1. Well it was no Citizen Kane but it was a relatively pleasant diversion for a Saturday afternoon.

      I quite like Henry Cavill's Superman, but I found Affleck essentially resurrecting the same brooding, self involved asshole from "Gone Girl" only this time he was dressed as a giant flying rodent.

      Saving grace for the movie was Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman.

    2. Anonymous7:55 PM

      Wow, Gryphen! First you piss me off with your underhanded, pot smoking Bernie jab, then you insult Affleck? I am starting to rethink this blog...

    3. Isn't Affleck a self-involved asshole in every role he plays?

      But who am I to judge. I haven't watched a Batman movie since Michael Keaton. (Another one who people dismissed as no way can he do that role. The Bernie of Batmans.)

  23. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I have always admired Hillary Clinton. I voted for Bill both times (first time I ever voted was in '92) and hated the nonsense they both endured and still do. So, if Hillary become the nom, I will vote for her. However, Bernie is my first choice and I do get tired of the attacks from both sides. A while back, IM was toxic thanks to the Bernie supporters attacking Hillary. Now that Bernie is gaining momentum, the Hillary supporters are on the attack. Since no one is swaying anyone and I find myself getting ticked to the point where it actually affects my attitude towards Hillary, I am done reading the comments or adding mine. I will troll c4p with drlager!
    I guess IM will just be a "whose your daddy", Palin site for me.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Okay. Vote for Bernie or if Hillary's nominated, vote for her. Thanks. So you'll be voting for Hillary. Oh, and watch that getting 'ticked''s really bad for your health.

  24. Karl Rove9:13 PM

    Bernie or Bust!

    Our caucus in AK was great fun, no stoned Bernie Bros there!

    Feel the Bern!

  25. Phyllis10:05 PM

    Using the pledged and super delegates together Bernie would have to win 58.75% of the delegates that are left. Hillary 28.75%.
    Just using the pledged delegates Bernie would have to win 60%. Hillary 48.25%.

    Using pledged and super delegate, which is the way the Democrats arrive at the 2382 delegates to win the nomination, Bernie needs 1397 more delegates and Hillary needs 679 more.

  26. >>(Two and a half hours, why do movies have to be so long these days?)<<

    Probably for the same reason so many of them are too loud: to lull into the conclusion that if it's lengthy, noisy and immediate, it must also be important.

  27. It really saddens me to hear any Democrat reveal they have been brainwashed...I like to think we are all too skeptical to believe all the utter CRAP coming from every direction.

    But we've all been victims to 23 long and miserable years of unfounded accusations of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton.

    The fact that not a single shred of EVIDENCE has been turned up (in spite of enormous wasting of taxpayer funds) in all that time, SHOULD have us immediately suspecting any new slander of her, as nothing more than another baseless attack.

    INSTEAD, I read comments that start with "Well, even though Hillary has murdered dozens of people, and sold secrets to the Soviet Union, I may vote for her if it stops Trump."

    COME ON, MAN! Don't let yourself be manipulated like that! By repeating the same debunked "scandals" over and over, they've conned you!

    Etch-a-sketch that sewage out of your brain, right NOW.

    1. Anonymous5:20 AM

      Great observation Robert

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Thanks, Roger

  28. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I spoke with my sister who's husband was part of the failed bush administration. She still believes Hillary will be indicted. She gets pissed when I laugh at the gop crazy spin tactics. I noticed the think tanks these neocons have gone to have been put on a hate list by Southern Poverty Law for spreading islamaphobia. I sent the article to her this morning. Expecting a backlash at any moment...;)

  29. Anonymous7:12 AM

    We had a Hawaiian landslide for Bernie today too. Record crowds stretching miles around the polling places. They think it was the largest turnout in Hawaii elections. One of the smaller polling places, actually ran out of ballots because their turnout is usually so low. Not a GOP type trick, just not used to crowds & they all got to vote anyway.

  30. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I fully understand & approve of everyone's choices for the Democratic candidates. I have my own preference too. The thing that bothers me the most is hearing Democrats threaten to stay home if their candidate doesn't win. That's the one way to guarantee a Rethuglican steals the Presidency, the Senate & even more House members, more states, & their legislators & Governors. Wanna see that? I sure in Hell don't.

    Have Democrats not learned, after all these years, just WHY we have so many lunatics who have taken over Congress, local & state governments, school boards,etc. ? BY STAYING HOME. Shame on you!!

    Damn it, swallow your pride/bile, Quit bashing both of our candidates & vote Dems in a solid block for all offices. It's the only way to save our Country from an even worse disaster for America that we'll never recover from. VOTE: In YUUUUUUGE numbers.

  31. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Get out and Vote!!!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.