Saturday, April 02, 2016

Bernie Sanders demands an apology from Hillary Clinton. But it appears that perhaps HE is not the one due an apology.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

The back and forth between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton regarding campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry has reached a fever pitch. 

Speaking to a packed house eastern Wisconsin, Sanders twice said Clinton owed his campaign an apology. 

“We were not lying, we were telling the truth,” the presidential hopeful said after bringing up an incident yesterday in which an activist asked Clinton if she would stop taking money from the fossil fuel industry. Clinton responded aggressively and accused the Sanders' campaign of lying. 

“The truth is that Secretary Clinton has relied heavily on funds from lobbyists working for the oil, gas and coal industry, according to an analysis done by Greenpeace,” the senator continued this evening.

Of course this is in response to Clinton's outburst on that rope line the other day.

However as it turns out if there are any apologies forthcoming, they may need to come from Bernie Sanders.

This courtesy of the Washington Post:  

The Sanders campaign is exaggerating the contributions that Clinton has received from the oil and gas industry. In the context of her overall campaign, the contributions are hardly significant. It’s especially misleading to count all of the funds raised by lobbyists with multiple clients as money “given” by the fossil-fuel industry.

The Post then gave Sanders three Pinocchios.

It has to be remembered that not only is Sanders accusing Clinton of taking money from the fossil fuel companies, but that the money will buy political favors from her should she become President.

That is a fairly spurious allegation based on supposition not fact.

In other words it is a fairly low road to take.  


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Oh, boo hoo, Hillary playing victim yet again. 25 years of barbs from the Republicans haven't thickened her skin. Instead she's one of the most thin-skinned, defensive, cry-baby politicians around.

    1. Hillary Clinton is FAR from thin-skinned, after the incredible slings and arrows aimed at her over the last 25 years. Bernie is getting nasty now, and I'm not surprised. generally, that's what happens when one-track anger gets side-tracked and looks to be losing for sure.
      As it stands, I'm really appalled at the folks who so despise a smart, very accomplished and fundamentally honest female politician. Fed in large part by the GOP "hate Hillary" machine that's been in overdrive since she became SofS, and now looks to be a very, very credible first woman President. What a horrible shame that Bernie supporters are feeding that hatred. However, I have no doubt that GOP operatives are working overtime on the media websites doing their part.....

    2. Anonymous12:15 PM

      He speaks the truth. Which CEOs will have access to her and to all her cabinet, and what legislation will be drummed up to help their "poor" industries?

      Sanders is right on target.

    3. Anonymous12:17 PM

      BRAVO! Maple @ 12:08 You got THAT RIGHT.

    4. Anonymous12:19 PM

      I guess you missed her 11 hour grilling by the GOP operatives? Moron.

    5. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Sorry, Palin has that one covered 'til the end of time.

    6. Anonymous12:25 PM

      Sanders is a traitor to the Democratic Party and the primary process.

    7. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Just which politicians who he will need to pass his legislation is going to work with him - he won't help the downticket at all so he is less likely to get the Congress he needs to be able to do much of anything.

    8. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Here we have a thread with Hillary supporters flaming the hell out of Sanders and his supporters, while playing the victim card harder than even Sarah Palin plays it.

      Both sides need to tone it down and save those "slings and arrows" for the real enemy of all that is good: the Republiecans.

    9. Anonymous12:46 PM

      HILLARY is playing victim?????? It is Sanders demading an apology from her for daring to call him out on his lies. You entitled little twit. His initials stand for more than "Bernie Sanders".

    10. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Anonymous12:15 PM,

      He got 3 pinnochios from Washington post, Fact Check has said that his claims are not true and she is rated more honest than Bernie by Politifact.

      Why don't you stop with the malicious lies?

    11. Anonymous1:08 PM

      12:46 - Maybe you need to actually get involved in the primary process. The Democratic Party is being high jacked by a millionaire con artist. #BernieSlanders

    12. Anonymous1:21 PM

      1:08pm, you put the tea party tin foil hat crowd to shame.

    13. I disagree that "Sanders is a traitor to the Democratic Party and the primary process." If Bernie were he would have run as an Independent and split the vote.

      I think he is trying to preserve the process and make sure a R doesn't win and take us back to the stone age.

      I Hillary wins the nomination then he knows he wouldn't have beaten her. And if he wins he won't have to run against a 3rd party which is a win for him.

      I think they both want to make sure the R's don't undo every bit of progress that we have won since the 50's they just have different perspectives of how to do it but the main point is to not let the R's take the white house.

    14. Anonymous1:30 PM

      Anonymous1:08 PM

      You are so gullible. Bernie Sanders has virtually no money in his name and over $60K in credit card debt. How is that even possible after 20 years in the senate? He is either the most colossally inept money manager, in which case, WHY WOULD YOU WANT HIM RUNNING THE COUNTRY?. Or he is lying about his assets (which has actually be estimated at over $4 million) and hiding them under his wife's name. So which is it? Is he an imbecile who can't manage his money, or he is a lying hypocritical millionaire railing against other millionaires?

    15. Anonymous1:38 PM

      1:30 - what's your point?

    16. Anonymous1:41 PM

      Hillary is losing it. She can be all smiley and nice when she's winning, but the primary race is turning away from her and she's not handling it very well. The pressure of the looming FBI interview is getting to her too.

    17. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Anonymous1:08 PM

      I just clicked on the hashtag and realized we were both saying the same thing.

    18. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Are you sure 1:50. You guys are just arguing without paying any attention to actual facts. It's not that hard, they're published.

      Gotta love the Democratic party, they do love to tussle with each other over nothing.

    19. Anonymous2:54 PM

      to 1:08

      Could you provide the direct link to the polifacts article showing Bernie less truthful? I can't seem to find it.

    20. Anonymous3:08 PM

      2:54 - did you even read the links in Gryph's post? Start there. Hope you can read!

    21. Anonymous3:09 PM

    22. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Anonymous2:54 PM
      You can get the summary from here or at the Guardian.

      But if you want to actually go to Politifact, you can go to each of the "personalities" tab and see the breakdown of true, mostly true, and half true for each candidate. You can see that Hillary's numbers for those three categories are much higher than Bernie's.

    23. Anonymous11:51 PM

      Seriously, 3:27? You want us to use as a viable source the guy who wrote: I Can’t Believe Some Liberals Have Forced Me To “Defend” Sarah Palin

      Ya really gotta be careful these days picking your sources, and you simply have to fact-check the fact-checkers.

    24. Anonymous5:56 AM

      What is "ya"?

    25. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Anonymous11:51 PM,

      Did you read the entire comment? You can go to PolitiFacr itself. Or would that inconveniently provide too many facts? It only won a Pulitzer prize. Maybe that doesn't fur with your narrative?

  2. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Bernie has gotten very old to me. Hillary would make an outstanding POTUS and I will cast my vote for her!

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I think Bernie has tremendous energy, and I would like to have even half of that stamina when I am his age!

      He was an athlete in high school (runner), and he's still got it!

      Hillary seems to have a much slower paced rally and campaigning schedule than does Bernie.

    2. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Oh, he was a runner in high school. That changes everything.

      I'd actually be very interested to compare their rally and campaign schedules. I'm assuming you have information on that based on your comment.

    3. Anonymous2:52 PM

      2:00 Google is your friend.

    4. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Anonymous1:44 PM,

      You do realize that for him, high school was at least 55-60 years ago?

    5. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I was being sarcastic. I know you believe he has a more strenuous campaign schedule based only on your gut feeling.

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    This is what I have been saying and posting here and on Raw Story, where this disingenuous information keeps being posted over and over again by the bernie supporters.

    Not only is he exagerating the contributions by employees of the fossil fuel industry to the Clinton campaign, and insinuating that the contributions are made directly by the the fossil fuel companies to buy favors (which would be illegal), but he is not admitting that he also has quite a lot of donations form employees of the fossil fuel industries.

    Now he's demanding an apology for Clinton's outrage at hois false insinuations????? He may as well be a Tea bagger.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Ha! Tea bagger he's not. She's got hundreds of big companies in her back pocket; all of them will expect favors in the next four years. Crony capitalism in spades.

    2. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Anonymous12:17 PM,

      If you and Bernie have proof then go ahead and file corruption charges. Otherwise, STFU.

    3. Anonymous1:09 PM

      He is like a tea bagger. He's awful!

    4. Anonymous2:56 PM

      11:41 Yes, dealing from the facts makes him a complete exaggerator.

      12:50 You do like to order people around, don't you. In my world that's what's known as a bitch.

      1:09 He may look like a used teabag, but I hear he favors coffee.

    5. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Anonymous2:56 PM,

      Funny how you just assumed I was female and came at me with gendered insult. As a man would I then be authorotative, Bernie Bro? Why didn't you answere with he evidence of corruption?

    6. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Au contraire mon ami, 3:09, I apply that to any gender worthy of the compliment.

      PS. I'm actually for Hillary, I just like to see facts.

  4. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Losing respect for Bernie little by little.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Because he speaks the truth about Hillary?

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Me too.

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Because he lies and so do you.

    4. Anonymous1:11 PM

      He is a DISASTER. He's made me enthusiastic for Hillary. Thanks, Bernie Slanders.

    5. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Because he called Planned Parenthood part of the "establishment."

      Because he implied that abortion isn't an important issue we need to be talking about.

      Because he claimed President Obama's difficulties with a hostile republican congress was a problem of "leadership" (and said he, Sanders, would have done better).

      Because he refuses to campaign for down ballot democrats even though he knows gaining more seats in Congress is the only way any of his proposed programs have any chance of being realized.

      Because he won't even commit to supporting other Democrats even if here were to win the nomination and be at the top of the ticket.

    6. Anonymous4:43 PM

      "Because he refuses to campaign for down ballot democrats even though he knows gaining more seats in Congress is the only way any of his proposed programs have any chance of being realized."

      And lately he's been attacking Clinton for fundraising for those down-ticket races.

      In the last several days I've received emails from Sanders' campaign about a fundraiser that George Clooney is holding in Los Angeles in the near future. Sanders thinks it's "obscene" that some people are paying six figures to attend this fundraiser. What he doesn't mention is that Clinton is getting none of this money. This fundraiser is for the state parties to dole out to the down-ticket races.

      When asked by Rachel Maddow about this a few nights ago and whether or not he'll use his fundraising operation to help the down-ticket, he hemmed, hawed, and finally replied, "We'll see."

      Clinton is taking tangible steps to strengthen the Democrats' bench this cycle. Bernie isn't. Much as I hate the arguments over what the super delegates should do, it seems to me that one candidate is taking active steps to earn their support while the other is demanding it.

    7. A Superfan In Atlanta4:58 PM

      Anon 1:25p

      I can't speak on all of the mudslinging going back and forth between Clinton and Sanders as i have not taken the time to read up on all of that counter-productivity. However,coming from someone who's just as fed up with the Democratic Party -- the same one who has been too quiet throughout these last few presidencies since Clinton -- I wouldn't trust them or support them either. They are to blame for their weak defense of intelligence, fiscal responsibility, and upholding of laws that protect the majority of the population(not the majority that holds us as fiscal hostages). Just look at how they have prevented and blocked those who are expressing the same goals but through different approaches. Who wants to be a part of THAT club?!

      I'm all for getting new blood in there and putting term limits on all those lazy good-for-nothing lifetime politicians so we can get on with the business of moving our country forward...not back.

      Enough is enough! But yeah, if Hill gets the nod, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat.

      TOTALLY O/T (To lighten the mood and add a little funny to the conversation)
      Has anyone truly played out in their mind how a Clinton and Clinton team is going to run the country? I do not fear it since Bill did wonders during his term. But would Hill get any credit or respect for leading as many would perhaps (and understandably) assume Bill's guiding her every step of the way? When they both walk in the room, are they both to be addressed as President Clinton? Would be entertaining and might even rekindle some public emotional bonds that seem to be absent from their "relationship".

      Just wondering out loud.

    8. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Apparently, Bernie (the lifetime politician) wants to be part of the club long enough to use the DNC's resources.

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I used to like Bernie. As these campaigns go on, however, he reminds me more and more of the proverbial "get off my lawn" geezer that lives down the block in Everytown, USA.

    1. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Bernie is no geezer. He's a smart and experienced politician who looks at the Clinton corruption machine (The Clinton Foundation) and knows that Teapot Dome will pale in comparison to the favors and gifts the Clintons plan on giving to their buddies with the big checkbooks.

    2. Anonymous12:26 PM

      I agree. I don't think he ever expected to get this far, and that it is going to his head. While I could live with Bernie if he wins the nomination, and would vote for him over any of the Repub candicates in a heartbeat, he seems to have a milder affliction of what Trump has.

    3. Anonymous12:52 PM

      Perhaps you and Bernie would like to explain this anonymous $10 million donation?

    4. Anonymous1:32 PM

      My comment at 12:52 PM was meant for 12:19 PM.

    5. Anonymous1:42 PM

      @ 12:52 -- have a look at this for an explanation: A deliberately dishonest article concerning Bernie's finances has been posted on DU

  6. Anonymous12:07 PM

    When you start with a misleading source telling you someone else is misleading you, you just might be getting mislead.

    From Greenpeace:

    Hillary Clinton’s campaign has been backed by the fossil fuel industry in a number of ways.

    First, there are the direct contributions from people working for fossil fuel companies to Clinton’s campaign committee. According to the most recent filings, the committee has received $309,107 (as of March 21, 2016; source: Center for Responsive Politics) from such donors.

    Next are the fossil fuel lobbyists, many of whom have also bundled contributions. These donations also flow to Clinton’s campaign committee. Greenpeace has tracked $1,465,610 in bundled and direct donations from lobbyists currently registered as lobbying for the fossil fuel industry. This number excludes donations from lobbyists who are employed directly by fossil fuel companies, as those donations would have been included in the previous number.

    Last are contributions from fossil fuel interests to Super PACs supporting Hillary Clinton. Greenpeace has found $3,250,000 in donations from large donors connected to the fossil fuel industry to Priorities Action USA, a Super PAC supporting Secretary Clinton’s campaign.

    All told, the campaign to elect Hillary Clinton for president in 2016 has received more than $4.5 million from lobbyists, bundlers, and large donors connected the fossil fuel industry.

    Number of oil, gas and coal industry lobbyists that have made direct contributions to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign: 58

    58 registered oil, coal and gas lobbyists have personally given $138,400 to the Clinton campaign.
    Of those 58, 11 are bundlers.
    11 lobbyists have bundled $1,327,210 in contributions to the Clinton campaign.
    43 lobbyists have contributed the maximum allowed ($2,700).

    I believe in the numbers more than the candidates spin. Less chance to be misled.

    1. Anonymous12:25 PM



      Washington Post:

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Now there are two unbiased sources. (please note sarcasm).

      Even David Brooks (a conservative - not moderate - Republican!) agrees Bernie's attack is unfair.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Greenpeace has it's own problems.

    4. A Superfan In Atlanta5:01 PM

      I think the key term that deserves scrutiny is lobbyist. They influence how laws are made. So, if the point is to highlight the number of law-influencers that have contributed to the Clinton campaign over the years, then I believe that is a fair point to make. As Anon 12:07p pointed out, it simply boils down to the numbers.

      Don't know what Sanders numbers are when it comes to lobbyists. Maybe they are more. Maybe they are less. Nevertheless, it is a point worth having a conversation about.

    5. Anonymous10:52 PM

      How much does Jane Sanders make per month from the campaign?

    6. Anonymous6:11 AM

      What happened to Jane's job at the university?

  7. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Brooks and Shields discussed this yesterday on the PBS news hour.

    According to Shields, has looked into this and Hillary has gotten money from the oil and gas industry amounting to a almost insignificant percentage of a percentage.

    Again according to, so has Bernie !!!!!! So I think Bernie should shut up or apologize.

    I am being to think that Bernie is a very sneaky person.

    I don't trust him and I would not be surprised one bit if he messes up this election by running as a third party and we end up with a rethug in the W.H.

    Personally I would rather a candidate get their money from the rich that can afford it, than the "little people" that need the money to pay for groceries and bills. Bernie is running his campaign on the backs of those who can least afford it.

    1. Anonymous12:41 PM

      Bernie is running his campaign on the backs of people who are sick of the super rich-which includes Hillary-having control of the country, by whichever sneaky and illegal methods they use to get it. Pretty sure there was nobody standing over me and my debit card with a gun when I sent Bernie twelve bucks. I cannot believe that you'd rather just let the politicians be purchased. If you think there's no obligation to repay that money in some way, you're dreaming.

    2. Anonymous12:45 PM

      "Running his campaign on the backs of those who can least afford it" is one of the smears being spread by the Clinton campaign and being spread almost word-for-word all around social media. What a load of desperate bullshit.

    3. Anonymous1:12 PM

      Tad Devine was paid $800,000 last month by the Sanders campaign. You do the math!!! @12:45

    4. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Anonymous12:41 PM

      "Pretty sure there was nobody standing over me and my debit card with a gun when I sent" Hillary the maximum, and tehre was nothing "sneaky" about it. Does that make me a "super rich" and does that mean I purchased Hillary and she now "owes" me something? Or is only self-righteous Bernie supporters who can donate to a candidate for the good of the universe and not expect anything in return?

    5. Anonymous1:33 PM

      They do think he owes them something and they are going to be royally pissed if he wins and then can't deliver.

    6. Anonymous 12:08 PM, did you really write that, wow.
      "Personally I would rather a candidate get their money from the rich that can afford it, than the "little people" that need the money to pay for groceries and bills. Bernie is running his campaign on the backs of those who can least afford it."
      Have you ever heard of citizens united? Amazing.

    7. Anonymous7:08 PM

      1:12 Lucky Tad. How do you sign up for that?

    8. Anonymous7:46 PM

      7:06 - that's how much profit the Sanders campaign has. Devine, from his Monsanto days, is already a multi-millionaire, and he's hauling in $800,000 a month as Bernie's campaign manager. Must be a percentage deal for him from donations as part of his overall arrangement. (Yep, Bernie's campaign manager used to work for Monsanto! But don't tell Sarandon.)

    9. Anonymous9:46 PM

      1:12 I checked, and Tad did not receive $800,000 last month. You are incorrect and I'd be happy to parse this out with you, but for the rest of the readers I'll provide this quote from the politico article you're taking this from: "Devine Mulvey Longabaugh, the consulting shop for Tad Devine, Sanders' chief strategist, which received $810,000"

      Now that's not the same thing as insinuating that Tad Devine was personally paid that amount, which clearly he wasn't, but hey, what's the truth matter to you, huh, when it's so easy to make up bullshit and throw it out there without a care in the world?

      Is deceptive and untruthful politics what you're looking for? If so, I would recommend the C4P for you, you'd be right at home.

    10. Anonymous10:51 PM

      So his firm made $10,000 MORE than $800,000 last month! Thanks for the clarification!!!!! Sickening!

    11. Anonymous10:54 PM

      Evidently Bernie & Jane have not released their tax reports for a decade. Sign the petition:

  8. Anonymous12:10 PM

    She did this exact thing to Obama during the 2008 campaign. Guess she doesn't like it when it happens to her, huh?

    Pretty funny that Bernie is running the same tried and true tactics that Hillary herself used.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      If so, does that justify Bernie now doing what he promised he wouldn't do?

    2. Olivia12:29 PM

      Tried and true, but she lost. So why would he not learn from that?

    3. It was, and is, a strategy of a losing candidate. Clinton has matured. Sanders is desperate.

    4. Anonymous12:36 PM

      Can't remember in '08 which state it was (New Hampshire?) when she was interviewed in the diner and broke down and cried, "running for president is so HARD."

      Really, Hillary? Try living with a chronically ill husband every day wondering how you're going to make it through to see tomorrow.

      I will still vote for her, but sometimes she does do women a disservice.

    5. Anonymous1:07 PM

      You sound like Sarah Fucking Palin. She didn't say that. She said "it's not easy." If you can't tell the difference between the two phrases, there is something wrong with you.
      Read the story here.

    6. Anonymous1:09 PM

      She wasn't belittling your struggle. Get a grip.

    7. Anonymous1:15 PM

      BS - she faces extreme hardships every day. Most people would have folded years ago from the vicious and unfair attacks she's endured.

    8. Anonymous1:15 PM

      Running for president IS hard, especially when, every time you misstep someone tells you that you're doing a disservice to women.

    9. Anonymous1:32 PM

      So I paraphrased. Big whoop.
      I find no common ground with any of them either side. They will say or do anything to be elected.

    10. Anonymous1:41 PM

      1:32 - great. Stay apathetic & say hello to President Trump.

    11. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Then shut the fuck up and go back under the rock from which you slithered.

    12. Anonymous1:55 PM

      No. What Sanders is doing is not the same as the criticism of Obama in 2008. Then-Sen. Obama made a campaign issue out of not receiving corp. contributions. When he did, he was called him it.

    13. Liz @@ 12:33, Hillary is the one who is desperate. She's losing control of her inevitability. The west is going to take her down.

    14. Anonymous4:36 PM

      What exactly are you basing that on, twodux? Did a little birdie tell you?

    15. Anonymous4:43 PM

      TD, do you understand the delegate system of the primaries and the Democratic Party proportionality rule? HE HAS ALREADY LOST. It's too late no matter how "the West" votes. (The Democratic Party is very aligned with the Clintons in California, where I vote in June.) She will gain votes in any "victory" he has. He cannot catch up.

    16. Anonymous7:06 PM

      1:47. That wasn't very nice.

  9. Anonymous12:20 PM

    So he is a lying sack of shit old grandpa who wants this just as much as that other lying sack of shit grandpa, Donald Trump? Figures.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Hey, if you insist upon being ageist against the men you must also recognize that Hillary is and old grandma.

    2. Anonymous1:33 PM

      I think it's the "lying" that is significant.

  10. I was thrilled when Sanders entered the race. I expected him to enrich the political discourse and illuminate important economic issues. I donated to his campaign early on and was happy to have two great candidates.

    Now, I am disillusioned in Sanders and dismayed by his narrow focus and disappointed by his criticisms of President Obama, his refusal to support Democratic candidates and his unfounded attacks on Clinton.

    I am more than ready to have him exit the race.

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Exact same story here. I only gave him $40 last year, but now I regret it.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      And his refusal to even think that women's reproductive rights are an important issue.

    3. Crystal Sage1:56 PM

      It is rather ironic to me that those acquaintances of mine who now support Bernie, also supported Ralph Nader in 2000. And look how that election turned out. I appreciate Bernie's efforts to pull the Democrats more leftward but I do not appreciate his overall lack of support for other Democrats - especially President Obama. That is the deal-breaker for me and I, at first, supported Hillary in 2008 as I could not see an African-American being elected president, even though I greatly admired Obama. However, I came to be impressed by Obama's campaign strategy and Clinton's lack of a well- organized campaign and I was proud to work to help get him elected. All I see that Bernie has going for him is rhetoric, blame and promises. Sorta like Trump, except birds like him.

    4. Anonymous4:23 PM

      @ Crystal
      I don't see where his campaign is left of Hillarys at all?
      He refuses to even comment about those "unimportant" women's reproductive rights. His Tax plan is NOT good for anyone at the bottom that currently pays no taxes. The only real issue I have heard about is weed. Sorry, but I could care less about smoking dope and my friends have smoked dope easily for 50 plus yrs.

    5. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Loved your comment, Crystal Sage.

  11. Blowjob Bill12:27 PM

    300,000 dollars is insignificant ? and at least a million towards the Clinton foundation, I suppose that's insignificant too ?? Hillary could shit on your head and you'd thank her for the opportunity : /

    1. Anonymous1:16 PM

      First of all, the monies are not from Gas and Oil companies, they are from working people who declare their job title. Are you insinuating that hard working Americans that work under certain job titles have less rights than you do to donate to the candidate of their choice?
      BTW Bernie the DementiaHead collected over 50K from oil and gas workers.

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Right wing talking points. Yawn.

    3. Do you have any idea how much money gets raised during a presidential campaign? Apparently not, if you think 300,000 is a lot

  12. Anonymous12:48 PM

    This is clearly the place to learn the smears being spread about Sanders by the Clinton campaign. You guys got 'em all. You should at least try to use your own wording.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      It's Sanders doing teh smearing. How has Clinton smeared Sanders?

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      I call him Bernie Slanders. You're welcome.

    3. Maple2:04 PM

      @12:48 I note that either Sanders supporters OR Repub operatives pretending to be Sanders supporters are still slinging the sh*t about the Clinton Foundation. It's one of THE most respected charitable endeavours in the world, and if you knew anything about how it actually operates (which Charity Navigator obviously does not) then you would stop spreading all the nasty and false GOP (and Bernie) talking points about it. The Foundation funds projects directly. Other foundations donate monies to orgs such as CARE, Red Cross etc. to carry out the work. But because The Clinton Fdn doesn't use a middle man (so to speak)its outlays do not register with Charity Navigator and other charity watchdogs. Read up on it and please stop spreading false info.

    4. Anonymous10:07 PM

      Don't worry 12:48. Nobody's coming here to hone their strategy in the campaign, though maybe they should.

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Either Sanders or Clinton would be the far saner choices in November. In spite of the Republicans showing how clownish and ignorant they are more every day, I'm getting a sick feeling we Dems may not have the win so easily as we thought.

    The more this infighting goes on, and it's perfectly expected in a contest, the more I worry it's not such a slam dunk anymore. I may go into a summer hibernation till Nov.


    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      I hear ya, Mildred, it's frightening.
      No replacing President Obama.

    2. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Since Bernie made the statement that women's healthcare and reproductive rights just aren't important I guess I see no difference between him and the other men running.

  14. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The right wing has teabaggers. The left wing has Sanders.

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Who happens to be using the Hillary Clinton playbook from 2008.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Assuming that is true, That sounds like "he started it." Bernie said he was going to be better. If he just like eveyrone else, I'll vote for the one who understands international law and politics along with all the rest.

    3. Anonymous2:47 PM

      1:11. And that's how you argue your support for a candidate who his supporters think is so refreshing, so new? Here are a few things you should reconsider. 2016 is a hell of a lot different than 2008. Democrats are in the minority in senate and house, and in 2008 I don't remember"Hillary's playbook" including downplaying important womens' rights issues or downplaying the importance of having congress behind you.

    4. Anonymous5:26 PM

      1.11 is probably a troll from c4pee.

  15. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Bernie Sanders has also taken $$$ from the oil industry...According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Clinton has received more than $330,000 from donors with ties to the oil and gas industry, while Sanders has gotten more than $53,000. Accepting contributions directly from the industry would violate election law.

    Both amounts are truly insignificant. So because Bernie amount is smaller that is OK? Double standard maybe?

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  16. Anonymous1:13 PM

    This is what the DNC asked for when they let a non Democrat run under their umbrella.

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      As an Independent I don't understand why Independents, Undeclareds and Non-Declareds are always assumed to be Dems or liberals when I know plenty without party affiliation that don't trend to the left.

      That's why I'm confused about Bernie jumping on the Dem ticket, why wouldn't he just stay Independent? Many of his fellow independents, myself included, have never had anything to do with the Democratic party and wish he would have run as his Independent self.

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Agree! He fooled everyone. Funny how he's already registered as an Indepenent for his next and inevitable Senate run. Sigh.

    3. Anonymous8:20 PM

      @ anon 1:38pm
      He did it to use their resources and get free help, seems like much hypocrisy out of Bernie to me.
      Also, as a staunch Democrat I think the party should have told him to shove off.

    4. Anonymous9:59 PM

      I'd vote for Bernie if he'd stayed to true his Independent roots, but this alliance with Dems has turned me off him. I was hoping for once we'd have a candidate that would at least make a dent, whereas our candidates usually don't make a splash, not since Nader.

    5. Anonymous10:05 PM

      8:20 Somebody forgot to tell Bernie that the Democratic Party was an exclusive club, and once you're an independent, you can never become a Democrat, or run on their ticket.

      What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

    6. Anonymous4:55 AM

      Anon 9:59, you do know that Independent isn't actually a party with candidates, right? Or is this clever snark? It's so hard to tell sometimes, with some of the truly stupid comments here!

  17. There's a nastiness threading all through the comments today. It seems fair to be passionate about your candidate, but it's getting a bit stupid here. So much he said she said he's this she's that. I do wish Elizabeth Warren was running.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      She's for Hillary. She's waiting to endorse until the nomination is secured for HRC. BernieBros have already been cruel to her online for not worshipping at St. Bernie's altar.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      People get all het up over this political process when really the entire thing doesn't even happen until the convention.

    3. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Thank you. I observed the same thing, started to write something similar, and didn't near a good a job as you did.

  18. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Here are two greenpeace articles that may help us be better informed, both from 2016. From Feb 12:

    From March 31:

    1. Anonymous2:06 PM

      I gave up on Greenpeace a long time ago.

    2. Anonymous2:37 PM

      What's so interesting about the first hand account of the woman that Hillary went off on, is that she states she was there in her role as a Greenpeace activist (not associated with the Sanders campaign.)

      It also appears that the original numbers were based on Greenpeace research.

    3. Anonymous4:16 PM

      That's not so interesting.

    4. Anonymous5:22 PM

      I gave up Greenpeace when I learned how much they pay their collectors 50% of everything they scrounge on behalf of Greenpeace yet they still call them volunteers.

      Not my idea of not for profit.

    5. Anonymous10:03 PM

      5:22 Greenpeace's cost of raising funds is 13 cents on the dollar. Where are you coming up with 50%?

      My favorite is the DAV. They spend 1.1 cents per dollar raising funds. That's why they're my favorite, outside of the fact I come from a military family.

    6. Anonymous6:06 AM

      Two words...golden rice.

  19. Anonymous1:45 PM

    I guess my real question is, who cares if they BOTH received millions from oil companies and other fossil fuel industries?

    We use those products every day and aren't going to completely ever stop using fossil fuels until we mine or pump the last recoverable bit out of the ground.

    So what's the problem?

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      It's easy to spin it to generate populist anger for political gain. Trump's doing the same thing. And both Trump and Sanders have expressed the belief they can win over some of each others supporters.

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Thanks for stating the obvious...

    3. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Oh my, 1:45, apparently they aren't fracking in your backyard, or busting tankers up in the waters off your coast.

      But hey, gas is cheap, what's the problem, huh?

    4. Anonymous4:45 PM

      Well, 1:45, when protestors from Sierra Blanca traveled from Texas to tell Bernie Sanders the same thing about dumping nuclear waste, Sanders told them to take a hike.

      Paul Wellstone called the bill Sanders co-sponsored "environmental racism."

      Not in Bernie's backyard, I guess.

    5. Anonymous11:35 PM

      4:45 The Sierra Blanca issue is far more complicated than simply stating that Sanders was trying to "dump" nuclear waste on a small and poor Hispanic community. Obviously the nuclear dump proposed by the Sierra Blanca backers, Bernie included, would have been safely constructed, and it would have provided money and jobs to the people of Sierra Blanca, and that was something Sanders did take into consideration.

      With that said, though, it still does come down to the simple statement you made: "Not in Bernie's backyard, I guess."

      You needn't guess though, 4;45, because you were spot-on correct. Bernie was, in fact, looking for a way to get rid of Vermont's nuclear waste in someone else's backyard, and he didn't want it in his own (Vermont).

      PS. Bernie never told the people from Sierra Blanca to "take a hike." He actually met with them and discussed the problem with them. But that's playing semantics a bit. The crux of it was that he put his local constituents ahead of the people of Sierra Blanca, plain and simple, and he should be held to account for that.

      PPS. No "dump" was ever built.

    6. Anonymous6:01 AM

      This sounds a lot like "take a hike"

      Three West Texan protestors went to Vermont to plead with then Representative Sanders that the dump site shouldn't be located in this poor minority community, Mr. Sanders told the three activists, "My position is unchanged and you’re not going to like it.” When asked if he would at least visit the proposed site in Sierra Blanca, he said: “Absolutely not. I'm gonna to be running for re-election in the state of Vermont."

      “He didn't listen,” Curry said. “He had his mind made up."

    7. Anonymous6:06 AM

      And thanks for adding that info 11:35.

      That's why I posted originally. So people could see that Sanders has made some mistakes and has acted like a politician. I'm tired of reading how he is so pure and Clinton is so evil.

  20. Oh give me a break. Hillary is probably the biggest liar left in this election. She doesn't like being called on her crap.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

    2. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Gee 4:36, that's only the third time you dropped that particular link on this one page. You're slipping, but you probably made up for it with those 20 other useless links you've provided us here. You are so helpful.

    3. Anonymous6:49 PM

      It's Gryph's link in his post but you swell Bernie peeps seemed to have conveniently missed it above. You're welcome!

    4. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Yeah, just saw the Bristol story with 51 comments, and all 15 of your links. You've pretty much polluted the site to the point of stupidity. Hey what's happening in East Berlin tonight (that's an old joke you won't get, unless you can find a link to it).

    5. Wow, so sad to lose a campaign, 7:01. (By the way, I have not commented on the Bristol thread.) I feel bad for all you, Bros, getting all paranoid in defeat. Chin up!

    6. Anonymous9:31 PM

      6:49 You really haven't figured out this gender thing, have you. You must be so confused.

      Keep trying, though. You'll figure it out sooner or later.

    7. Anonymous10:05 PM

      "Bros" has become a gender neutral term in the campaign to include all BS supporters.

    8. Anonymous10:47 PM

      10:05 That maybe a stretch, but perhaps you've found the way to dehumanize Bernie Sanders' supporters.

      Wear that badge proudly, it's an American tradition born out of the slave trade, and still widely in use today.

    9. Anonymous5:53 AM

      10:47 - Sorry that you don't know the complete etymology or historicity of "Bros." But as a Bernie supporter, no one expects you to.

  21. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Bernie's a man of his word. He only takes donations from Amish people who aren't consumers of fossil fuel. Give all those donations back, and the Pinochio's go away. Heat your house with gas or oil? Sorry, Bernie don't want your donation.

  22. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Hillary needs to quit whining and debate Bernie in New York.
    And for any one who wants to see where her money comes from can take a gander here:

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Reddit is always my go-to source for facts/S

    2. Anonymous5:07 PM

      The campaigns have been negotiating a date for a NY debate for over a week now. Try and keep up.

    3. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Bernie the demenita candidate turned down Apr 4th, 14th, and 15th. Sorry but Bernie needs to quit backing out when his demands are met or maybe he just couldn't remember asking for a debate in April in the first place.

    4. Anonymous6:59 PM

      4:52 With all of your prime go-to sources, no wonder we're all enamored with you.

    5. Anonymous7:37 PM

      6:59 - cheer up. Bernie is only hundreds of delegates behind!

    6. Anonymous9:28 PM

      I know 7:37, and he's catching up so fast he's got the Hillary folks wetting their pants.

      Doesn't really cheer me up, I'm for Hillary, but it sure is fun to watch.

    7. Anonymous5:56 AM

      This is how it's been predicted to happen. He won't catch up. Read 538 and learn something.

  23. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I'm appalled at the shit that comes out of the Sanders campaign and its followers. They're no better than Republicans.

    1. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Good to know, thanks for sharing.


  25. One of Bernie's major policies is campaign finance reform. Bernie decided to not take the big money, so he still has a good point about the way HRC finances her campaign, and she claims to favor campaign finance reform. Seems HRC is the hypocrite on this.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Bernie took 50k plus from the oil and gas industry but I guess that's not hypocrisy when Bernie does it huh? He's just whining because Hillary raised more.

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      8:17 Let's see, you say that when Hillary takes $4.5 million from them, it comes from employees, but when Bernie takes 50K from them, well that's from the oil and gas industry.

      Sadly, 8:17, you've just outed yourself as the real hypocrite here.

      It always pays to think about what you're saying before you stuff your foot in your mouth. Just as Sarah Palin, or Bristol Palin, or any of the Palins, or of course Donald Trump, etc. Welcome to their club.

    3. Anonymous10:04 PM

      What a stupid false equivalency!

    4. Anonymous10:37 PM

      10:04 Which one, aren't they all stupid false equivalencies that we're discussing here?

      Welcome to the one-room schoolhouse where the 1rst graders scream the loudest.

    5. Anonymous8:16 AM

      HRC only took $333,000...yes more than Bernie's $53,000 but he also took the $$ and didn't return it...go figure!

  26. Anonymous3:43 AM

    Here are some facts 'bout Hellary...

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM
      Here are some questions about Bernie.

  27. Anonymous6:48 AM

    If Bernie is the Democratic party nominee for the November election how will he be able to raise enough money to fight the Republican money machine with their billions of $$$ from the Kochs, etc?

  28. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I think taking money from lobbyists that are paid by the industry IS taking money FROM the industry

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Is taking money from people employed by the industry taking money from the industry?

    2. Anonymous8:17 AM

      So the BERN should give back his $53,000 that he took? And what about his $4.5 million he's earned while in the Congress as an Independent. Should he also give that back now that he's a "DEMOCRAT"?

    3. Anonymous8:54 AM

      8:17 I keep seeing that $4.5 million dollar figure and would love to know where you found that, could you let us know? Thanks in advance.

  29. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Sanders earned $3.6 million in federal salary in 24 years of service. During that time he also paid about $1 million in taxes and had household expenses of at least $1.1 million (median U.S. household cost of living of $64,000 per year).

    Just keeping it real, with thanks to:

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Let's keep it real: Bernie says his wife does the taxes & his are boring. BUT...and this is scary from someone who's all about $$$, and I quote ""There ain't going to be very much exciting in that. I get a salary from the United States Senate," Sanders said. "Our financial situation, to the best of my knowledge, has not changed very much, but we will get out all of that information as soon as we can," he promised.
      How does he not keep track of his financial situation in his own house???
      Read more:

    2. Anonymous11:26 AM

      10:16 That's not keeping it real, that's just offering your opinion by throwing shade at any man who lets his wife or significant other maintain their household's finances. Apparently you think only men are capable of handling the money in a relationship.

      I guess I have more faith in women than you do.

  30. Anonymous10:06 AM

    The salary for a Representative & Senator is $174,900.00 per year {beside all the perks} and Bernie has been in the Congress for 26 years that means he would have earned about $4.5 million. He served 16 years has a Repre. and the last 10 as a Senator. That is not a paltry fact he should be quite wealthy.


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