What this has to do with Wisconsin is anybody's guess, and her Facebook post does not really do much to explain it:
On Wisconsin!
Faith of America is in you to take us forward on Tuesday; to remain strong and independent of the status quo political establishment so your vote will truly represent your optimistic spirit and desire to WORK! Hardworking Wisconsinites deserve much better than a repeat of the establishment's agenda that led to losing this great state to Obama in 2012 - by 200,000 votes! (So choose Donald Trump so you can lose to Hillary Clinton instead!)
The continued games of the permanent political class will assure a Hillary victory unless you tell them "ENOUGH!" and vote for bold, new leadership that puts your interests before party politics. (Actually right now Trump loses to Hillary by significant margins.) Vote for your jobs and security. Vote for the first candidate since Reagan who is growing the Commonsense Conservative movement... the only one who's created middle class jobs... the only one not living off your tax dollars... the only one Wisconsin can count on to steer us away from the rocky shoals ahead. (The one who cheated on his wives, the one who declared bankruptcy several times, the one who thinks a woman should be punished for having an abortion, the one who lies about virtually everything, to virtually everyone, with impunity. Oh, am I not helping?)
Vote for Donald Trump on Tuesday to make America great again.
This is the message shared with diverse Wisconsin voters this weekend, including those of you I'm thrilled to see today at "Zingers and Flingers" Gun Range in Wausau today at 12:30. See you there!
Like I said I am not really sure why she needed a picture of her with a dead animal in order to convince voters to choose Trump, who is not somebody that is usually associated with hunting, but seriously why try to make sense out of things now?
![]() |
Here's Palin at that Zingers & Flingers event today. Photo courtesy of Facebook. |
After all don't forget.
Donald Trump: “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.”
You'd know all about continued games, wouldn't you $arah? You're such a POS and you know it.
ReplyDeleteHow does Donaldass T Rump Drumpf Stump, the short-fingered vulgarian lure ol' Sara(h) P to Fifth Avenue for a 'conquered' sow shot?
DeleteWill his 'supporters' still vote for him?
Palin reminds me of the Avon ladies that knowingly prey on lonely elderly women.
Deleteawwh, I defend Avon ladies who visit elderly women. My mom's even came to her funeral.
DeleteA picture of a dead bore with a dead boar.
DeleteA friend of mine told me that it was a sales tactic because they buy to ensure that you will come back. I am glad that your mother's person was nice.
DeleteI love Avon so much...
DeleteIt's always a shame when people have to find out the hard way that their 15 minutes were up years ago and that they really should just keep quiet.
ReplyDeleteInstead of, you know, actually having any friends that think enough of them to tell them before they make a giant public ass of themselves.
But then again, it's a valid question how much good telling her would be anyway. A thing is what it is no matter what anyone does. A lion will always be a lion, a horse will always be a horse and Sarah will always be the hind end of one.
Dunning Kruger!
DeleteHer 15 minutes ere up when her pants-over-hooves were in style. Back in the early 80's?
DeleteOh she needs the fashion police...what is she wearing
ReplyDeleteI don't know but it looks like it's giving her a serious wedgie. I hope she gets gored by one of those boars someday.
DeleteI think she raids the Salvation Army shops...
DeleteWatch out for bedbugs Sayree. You have to kind of be careful...who you hang around with these days...
DeleteAre her Herman Munster shoes supposed to be a fashion statement? Without elevated shoes, Sarah Palin feels inadequate.
ReplyDeleteShe is beyond pathetic! So what does Todd do in Sarah's absence? He's banged up pretty good; who cares for Trig? Feeds him baby food? Takes him to his special needs school? Sarah is out in the heartland bragging about what a wonderful man Donakd John is, while her mothering skills are zip, nada, just not there.
ReplyDeleteWow that's a huge crowd Sarah Palin is talking to. Is she at McDonald's?
DeleteReading my mind... it;s really pitiful... when will she get the clue??????/
DeleteOhhhh is THIS the hunting trip where she shot/killed the miracle dog Jill?
ReplyDeletePoor Trig, no more best friend Jill
Does Gene Simmons know she stole his shoes?
ReplyDeleteSarah, you can do better at fred meyers for clothing.
Delete2 sows in a pic!
ReplyDeleteTrump is going to lose big here in Wisconsin. Trashing Scott Walker was a yuge mistake. Walker, Ryan and Priebus are very popular with Wisconsin Republicans. Oh and after her Milwaukee speech folks here are calling Palin Mama Teddy Bear.
ReplyDeleteSarah, please stop borrowing you daughter's clothing.
ReplyDeleteThat poncho looks more like something she borrowed from Sally. Assisted-living wear.
DeleteIs that a real poncho or Sears poncho?
DeleteFrank Zappa
My guess is she bought at the Wausau Goodwill. It's effing ugly and unflattering.Trying to hide her 'extra pounds'?
DeleteAnon @ 3:32 P.M. - "Cosmik Debris" from my favourite album - Apostrophe'. "Dinah Moe Humm" and "Crew Slut" apply to both Barstool and $arah!
DeleteDinah Moe Humm for sure! Can't remember the other but sounds applicabe.
DeleteAnon @ 4:31 P.M. - "Crew Slut" is from "Joe's Garage" Vol. 1.
DeleteOmg,she looks
Deletelike my hump-back Grandma who is 90.
That's why the sweater/poncho rides up in back.And those skinny legs and thighs in Bell-bottoms. She is really a mess.
All the Repugs have such bad posture. Trump's may not be the most severe, but he looks even fatter than he is with that horrible hunchback of his. (Ugh, and when he sat down with Chris Matthews last week and all his side flab was bulging through his tight suit jacket, it was so gross.) Sarah does indeed look 90 in that outfit and hunched over. She thinks she looks so cool and has no idea that she is anything but.
DeleteDid she REALLY pack that fugly outfit to wear on the campaign trail? Maybe it was in the "Lost and Found" bin at the gun range?
DeleteWhat is going on with her hair, black with white pom pom on top, did her wig fall off?
ReplyDeleteI want to see a photo from the front, is her lipstick smeared all over her face?
DeleteTake a look!
Sarah's such a pathetic goof. Here's video of her big arrival in front of a crowd of 200!!!
DeleteThis is her hair without a wig.
200 ROFL, Trig must have counted the audience.
DeleteThat was embarassing to watch.
Just behold the tens of people!
DeleteIf someone else made that same claim about what they would do on 5th avenue, that person would be in big trouble because it is a threat against the safety of the public, called domestic terrorism. It would and should be taken seriously.
DeleteKieth Left>
Picture on wash.com looks like she's scratching below the belt.
DeleteThose folks are thrilled to see the Hunchback of Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteHuh. She hasn't been performing at the Tier 1 convention centers with the thousands of adoring fans lined up around the block and the $10,000 a plate dinners for quite a few years now, has she?
ReplyDeleteNow it's a couple hundred people in a rented basement. Whoopsies. Someone's career took a wrong turn into a dumpster.
That would be the trumpster.
DeleteDonald Trumps' Palin curse is currently at level 3. When it reaches Level 5 his chance of winning the GOP nomination will end.
Todd Palin made it home from the hospital after suffering a bad accident that left him in intensive care recently.
NBC News reports that two weeks after Palin’s snowmobiling accident, he’s at home healing with family.
Palin suffered broken and fractured ribs, a broken shoulder blade, broken clavicle, knee/leg injuries; and a collapsed lung on March 13.
It occurred north of the Palins’ Wasilla home in Alaska. The near-fatal experience took place when Todd’s wife, Sarah Palin, was stumping for GOP presidential front-runner, Donald Trump, in Tampa. The former 2008 vice presidential candidate remained supportive of her husband in spite of her loaded schedule....
Todd is one to put others first, according to Sarah.
“He’s got a great heart… to go along with two inflated lungs now, metal holding bones together, and stitched up epidermis that makes him appreciate good health more than ever,” she wrote.
Todd and Sarah Palin have been married for 35 years.
With Donald Trump now campaigning in Wisconsin and Todd Palin home from the hospital, Sarah has headed in that direction. The Chicago Tribune reports that the former Alaskan governor was met with a “tepid” response from crowds at Milwaukee County Republican gathering Friday night....
Todd married Sarah when she was pregnant with Track Menard, so how is that 35 years. Track is not 30 yet.
DeleteThey have been married for 35 years??? You mean, they got married when they were barely 15y/o, and then they waited another 10 years to have Caint-Do-Right Track??? I thought that 'first child' was born full term after about seven or eight months gestation, and that they had to elope when she found out she was preggo with Menard's kid, while Toad actually was up on the North Slope...
DeleteOh, well, I guess, my bad for not remembering her own told history.
This would be like Todd's vehicle if he was not rescued by the mystery strangers and the person in the house that made calls for the hurt Todd. The workers and people at Cubby's after Todd was left outside.
Not all accidents in Alaska are private.
Why didn't you just paste the entire newspaper while you were at it.
Delete2:49, come down off that ledge there bub. You need a little help for your obsession.
DeleteIf Sarah got marred at 17, how did she go to 5 schools in 6 years and get her journalism/communications degree with a side of poly/sci?
DeleteAnd she was preggers also too.
Journalism is DEAD.
I didn't know bell bottoms made a comeback? Good thing I kept all my pants from the 60s.
ReplyDeleteGot for Donald Trump to make Donald great again.
DeleteI know, the giant bellbottoms with the platform boot-things!
DeleteIt's like half Frankenstein's monster and half old chewed-up Bratz doll!
Lookin' cute, Granny!
Elastic waist band pants.
Delete". . . diverse Wisconsin voters . . . " my ass.
ReplyDeleteBlow up the photo, look closely -- lily-white, mostly old.
Diverse in Sarah's world are red heads and blonds in the same room.
Delete'Diverse' because some people are 90+ years old, while some are only around 70 y/o.
DeleteDiverse- some use viagra, some don't!
She is SO gd funny....makes me laugh EVERY time. Oh, and pretty too, but I feel sorry for Todd, and the kids...especially the kids.
ReplyDeleteCheck your glasses. f
DeleteWhich one is the pig? She couldn't hit the broad Side of a barn. Does it kick daddy? Not as much as you little Sara.
ReplyDeleteDisgusting ho should be fed to the pigs when her time comes.
I heard it's the most painful of all forms of death/torture.
Have a nice day.
That pig was from a canned shooting area, and also, too, most likely even tied down, just the moose that 'she' shot that simply stood there, waiting for 'her' (or rather one of the accompanying real hunters) to finally hit it after a total of fife bullets.
DeleteI can see lipstick on that pig from my house!
DeleteBut what shade is the boar wearing?
DeleteSarah Palin Twitter
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin – Verified account @SarahPalinUSA
Just landed in Wausau, WI - motorcading with Donald J. Trump to his next town hall - beautiful here, just like... http://fb.me/7QT3rFu3g
1:56 PM - 2 Apr 2016
Yup Sarah Palin is with another wife's man just like the good old days. Sarah Palin must be creaming in her thongs thinking all those Secret Service agents are there to protect her?
She definitely is trying to relive those glory days, isn't she?
DeleteSara thinks it's VP time. Ketamine dreams.
DeleteNARAL launches campaign calling out Trump’s atrocious record on women
She posts a picture driving through Wisconsin and says its so beautiful "just like home." Umm, no it isn't like your home Sara. I see there was snow on the ground but that's about it. There are no farms in Alaska like the one you're driving by. Wisconsin is beautiful but it is nothing like Alaska. I've lived both in both places. You're just trying to give an illusion of that common ground you're hoping will make Wisconsin people like you. Well, we don't. Go back home.
DeleteSarah Palin tells John McCain’s campaign manager Steve Schmidt (change that to Trump's campaign manager Corey Lewandowski) why McCain (oops Trump) needs to definitely win the 2008 (damn another error, should be 2016) presidential election. “I so don’t want to go back to Alaska,” Palin says.
ReplyDeleteSee I don't get that either. If I hadn't taken a job in DC, I'd be back home in a heartbeat.
DeleteI get it. Alaska is small potatoes. Sarah (and her girls) were meant for bigger and better things. I'm sure they thought they were entitled to those Oscar swag bags they stole in 2009. They are entitled to every TV show they want, and entitled to the Alaska Film Credit Sarah signed into law. They are entitled to their fancy accessories, mansions, stretch limos, free airfare, five star hotels....the good life. Too bad none of them does a lick of work for all that entitlement.
DeleteA multimillionaire hunts and shoots pigs for fun while starving Native Americans and other poor Alaskan’s has to go without that pig so Sarah Palin can have another one of her hunting photo ops.
ReplyDeleteStill packin' 'em in, eh Paylin? Did you send a collection plate around for your PAC, you dumb fucking loser?
ReplyDeleteIs that a pig or Bristol's fat ass after DWTS?
ReplyDeleteThat's a pig with a wild boar!
DeleteThat is a whore with a boar!
DeleteThe picture isn't the only thing she recycled. I've seen nicer clothes in the dumpster behind the thrift store.
ReplyDeleteWork? Does she support Walker's ALEC bill that broke up the unions, making WORK for less the status quo in Wisconsin (and Michigan, and Ohio and so many more?) The GOP is about the minions working for the billionaires. As Ivana admitted, "Who will clean up after us if not the immigrants?" Wisconsin's job problems are directly due to Walker policies, straight from the Koch?ALEC playbook, Sarah. Since YOU l;love off OPM yourself, what the hell are you droning on about? You haven't earned a paycheck ever in your miserable life.
ReplyDeleteDonald bringing wife and daughter on campaign to show off his giant trophy wife and Aryan family.
ReplyDeleteI am a democrat but I do like Heidi with her little sweater and her vulnerabilities.
And her Goldman Sachs connections? How come Hillary's SPEECHES are such a thing, and Heidi's JOB means nothing. You think old Teddy doesn't get insider info from Heidi?
DeleteAnd then there's 'moderate experienced' Kasich, who came out ahead when his employer, Lehman Brothers, went bankrupt. Little Johnny got a lot of cash out of the failure...has he ever thanked the American taxpayers for that?
Goldman Sachs for Trump fans means the Jewish people that screwed us.
DeleteAm not partial to any of them except that I do think that Trump may nuke someone out of spite.
Aryan family? Both Ivana and Melania are probably of slav descent.
DeleteWow, here's video. How the mighty hath fallen. Maybe 30 people?
Sarah Palin was not the only weird and disgusting thing that happened in Wisconsin. Bernie Sanders brushes his wife aside and tells her not to stand next to him.
Looked and sounded like he told her she could go sit down. Notice her big smile? She didn't react as though she was being brushed off or treated rudely.
DeletePlastered on smile. I suppose after all these yrs of being treated that way she thinks she may get something out of it.
DeleteAs a wife, I always love it when the men folk tell me to get offstage. /s
DeleteI know why she does this; it makes her look cool to a certain demographic in this country. The God, guns and Constitutuon crowd. Her "fans." And it's as phony as she is. The president has not taken anyone's guns away, people are still free to worship and put up Christmas trees, and hunting is allowed in every state of the Union. Sarah wants so badly to appeal to these 'heartland' patriots! God! Guns! Constitution!
ReplyDeleteExcept they are too illiterate to actually understand the constitution and often conflate it with the bible.
DeletePailin would have been better had she posted a photo of herself giving Glen Rice a blowjob in hope of luring the male black vote.
ReplyDeleteSomeone on this blog is obsessed with Glen Rice. Do you have fantasies of Sarah Palin and Glen Rice? Are you the same person commenting all the time or are there so many of you?
Deleteand this matters to you why ?
Anonymous4:17 PM
DeleteWell if someone continually posts the same thing, they must think it is REALLY important for others to read about their fantasies. Either that or they are just a nasty racist using Glenn Rice to get their digs in at Palin.
4:17 I think Palin was the one obsessed with Rice.. Fucking him in her sister's dorm. Probably didn't take the sweaty sheets with her either.
Delete@4:17 PM You should discuss Sarah's 'knocking boots' under Glenn Rice with Sarah Palin,she seems to have the same admiration for President Obama. Sarah Palin has been obsessed with President Obama since 2008.
DeleteAnonymous5:48 PM,
DeleteHmm... it seems it was a one night stand, but you give it more importance than Brad Hanson. How come you never post about him? Because he wasn't "BLACK - agggggh". Nasty racist idiot that you are.
What a washed up has been. I wonder what she is going to do next year? Most of her cult members have abandoned her and won't be sending her any more of their $$$$$$. What is she qualified to do? Is the WalMart in Wasilly hiring?
ReplyDeleteDoubt she's Greeter material.
Delete"Welcome to Costco. I love you"
DeleteSee: Idiocracy
Just a few years ago, actress Katherine Heigl was everywhere - television, movies, talk shows, red carpets. Yesterday I saw her in an ad for cat litter.
ReplyDeleteCat litter ads and speeches in a community center - that's what happens when you develop a reputation of being difficult to work with and treating people like crap.
Perhaps you could look more deeply before you malign someone. Katherine is animal advocate:
DeleteCat's Pride Partners With The Heigl Foundation To Save Lives
A portion of every sale of Cat’s Pride® Fresh & Light Ultimate Care® will be donated to support the work of the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation.
So proud to tell you how my @jasonheiglfound partnership with @catspride will help our work to end animal suffering:
She just released a movie in 2015, she's filming a movie now, she's got another one in post production, she just finished a TV series in 2015, so there goes your has-been professional argument on Katherine.
And while doing that she has two young girls, a happy marriage, a menagerie of animals, some rescue, and she lives on a farm in Utah. Most likely she's been raising her family away from 'Hollywood'. Once it's time to promote her next project, she'll do the talk show circuit, because that's what actors do.
Now Sarah, that's another story, and she has slid downhill ever since she hit the pinnacle in 2008-2009.
lol re: Heigl. I saw a STAR magaine in line at grocery store reporting that Heigl was a diva during the cat shoot, demanding a trailer and perks. Crew said it was super annoying and that she thought she was still on Grey's Anatomy, not doing a cat commercial.
DeleteShe is cray, cray! Here's another video from today of Sarah talking about endorsements. Go home Sarah!!
lol...she looks like a caricature...lol...and the outfit is to literally die for..lol
DeleteLay off the botox hun.
DeleteWaxy waxy.
Wrong color makekup and what is up with those lips??
“I wish I could repay people for caring,” Todd told Sarah. “Makes me want to do more for others, especially when they’re down and out. Maybe that’s part of the purpose in all this.”
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin
Repay the people? The bitch is returning SarahPac donations to her dumbasses? Good for her.
Sarah wants to repay and thank the people that saved Todd's life. If he was alone in the wilderness, and the way the 'serious' injuries were described, he would have died.
DeleteTODD WOULD BE DEAD. You bet they need to repay and care about plenty of people who were part of saving his life and involved in the care.
It was also said Todd's injuries were not bad, so it isn't clear which it would be. Collapsed lungs seem like it was serious when left in the snow.
For some reason Patty Sullivan is not telling Sarah how to contact the person in the house. They would know or be able to describe Todd's saviors.
The person in the house is someone who would be very important and they also need to be thanked and repaid for their care.
I really don't get why that would be private from Sarah Palin and Todd. What is wrong with Patty Sullivan? The Palins need to thank those people.
Plus the person in the house, people that hitched up something or drove Todd to the parking lot to dump him outside. They need to thank the people at the market and the two ambulance workers. There are so many they need to thank and repay.
If not, that is a bunch of crap that someone wrote about them wishing to repay for caring.
Lol earth to 5:04. Get a grip.
DeleteWho is Patty Sullivan?
DeletePatty Sullivan is the official that said a person at a residence on Talkeetna Spur Road paged medics around 8:00 PM.
DeleteWhere on Talkeetna Spur Road? TSR is about 8 miles from Cubby's. It is not a short road.
Also close to 8:00 PM medics went to Cubby's after a page. Is that 2 pages? One from somewhere on Talkeetna Spur Road and one from Cubby's?
The Palin's cabin is near Petersville. Almost 2 hours by car from Talkeetna.
Medics from Talkeetna Ambulance took the victim to Mat-Su Reg. Another 60ish miles.
Interesting stories. If someone had life-threatening injuries in that area one would sure hope there was a faster way to get medical care than to drive a whole hour. But then a person recovering from life-threatening injuries also probably wouldn't lounge next to a big special needs' kid on a sofa just two weeks after surgery.
DeleteSuch an interesting story this is.
Lol. Yes so interesting 9:42. So so intereszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Delete'Like the news department would report on anybody else.'
DeleteI agree with these 2 comments:
Rick Bray · Cordova High School
Why no details of the accident? Like where exactly it happened, how it happened, who "found" him and transported him to where he was picked up by medics and was alcohol or drugs a factor, for starters. Like the news department would report on anybody else.
Like · Reply · Mar 16, 2016 12:26pm
Arne Barnard · Anchorage, Alaska
Todd Palin was going WAY too fast for safety concerns and, as a result, his upper body looks like a map of LA- AFTER the earthquake.
I wonder if anyone bothered to do a tox screen on him at the hospital?
You don't get injuries of this magnitude unless you're impaired AND you are seeking to accomplish a certain objective, such as "ending it."
The last time Palin had an accident, he was thrown 70 feet and only broke his arm.
This is being covered up quite handily-----so far.....
Like · Reply · Mar 21, 2016 4:37pm
Keep digging 10:24.
DeleteMaybe by the time you get to China someone will take notice lol.
MISSING SNOWMOBILE. If they could find this guys snowmobile it would be easy to find Todd's, If there was one to find that night.
DeleteSearchers find snowmobile from a blizzard, using dragging hooks from sea ice in Norton Bay. Roger Hannon, 22-year-old western Alaska man.
“The visual impact actually has a large effect on the mindset of the emergency responders,” said Bill Mackreth, the Mat-Su EMS training coordinator.
Alaskans prepare for the worst in disaster drill
So why all the screw ups when an Iron Dog champion has a life threatening emergency? Todd Palin was the secret governor in Alsaka for part of a term. It makes no sense he is treated like trash.
"Patty Sullivan is the official that said a person at a residence on Talkeetna Spur Road paged medics around 8:00 PM."
DeleteWhy don't they talk to the resident on TS Rd? Is there a reason they aren't naming them? People need to know where this happened. No location and no damaged snowmobile. It needs to be investigated.
How can they know what happened if no one knows where an incident took place?
Yes, we know the Palins make up their own photographic 'evidence'.
Todd Palin home from the hospital?
Sarah, with Donald Trump now campaigning in Wisconsin.
Lol. No it makes no sense at all 11:32. You should book the first flight out to Alaska and investigate this pressing matter of the utmost importance! Alert all the jurisdictional police authorities, and tell them you expect nothing but total transparency and cooperation in this investigation that you are leading. The future of this great nation is at stake and is up to you to break this wide open!
DeleteTodd is an experienced old dog. He is traveling in an area he knows well. There is no reason to speed except if someone is chasing him and/or he was drunk and reckless.
DeleteThe area is rife with drug dealers and users. Burglars and bullies of the criminal world.
You could get a cash reward of up to $1000.
907-745-3333 or the Alaska Bureau of Investigation at 907-745-2131.
Mat-Su has yuuge problems they need to open up and address.
Mat-Su group joins national effort to end drug addiction among youth
1:16, there is little doubt left that there was a drug deal gone bad, leading to a high speed drug fueled snowmachine chase, Alaskan style. Likely involving 20 or more snowmachines and 2 heavily armed jet helicopters. Probably many involved in the chase were Russian mobsters. Bare knuckle turns, sphincter squeezing speeds, jumping embankments long and high enough to clear ten semi trucks. Our hero would have been in the free and clear if the old leaning dog didn't take a crapper near Cubbies.
DeleteUnfortunately, the medics have probably all 'disappeared' as well as the snowmachine which has no doubt been dismantled into molecular sized pieces, and spread in the deepest parts of all the worlds oceans.
Still, you must find the truth!
There is no snowmobile and no accident to investigate. Todd's wild ride belongs with Sarah Palin's wild ride.
An all time favorite:
Money talks.
“Halfway through her speech, did you ask if you stumbled into some bad acid?”
'Makes me want to do more for others, especially when they’re down and out.'
DeleteTodd did not say that. After seeing what Sarah put on her facebook, Trig and Todd, it is they are lying about Todd's condition.
Todd may be in a coma somewhere or on life support.
Dear Donald Trump
ReplyDeleteIs this sort of what you had in mind when you said there should be a ‘punishment’ for women who have abortions.
News Media ‘Mainstreaming’ Trump’s ‘Extreme’ Statements
ReplyDelete“By not challenging these statements again and again and again,” Huffington said during a televised interview on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” the news media is “allowing them to become part of the conversation, to become part of the mainstream.”
“We’re getting used to these absurdities,” Huffington said.
‘SNL’ Perfectly Captures Trump Supporters’ Tireless Delusion
ReplyDeleteMake American grapes again!
Sorry, but these are not 200 people! These are, what, six rows of seats, about ten or 12 each row. My math says that is a grand total of either about 60 or 72, maybe 75 people.
Good grief! That was pathetic.... And WTF is she wearing? 1970s retro?
Deletelooks, peeps. Her look is current. Ponchos and bell bottoms ARE BACK.
DeleteHowever, they look better or GiGi Hadid and other supermodels.
Not the Palins who are little short ugly people.
And now to the American Serb Hall in MKR, for historic post-Game Change encounter between me @MarkHalperin and @SarahPalinUSA @SHO_TheCircus
The Circus Verified account @SHO_TheCircus
A real-time documentary series, covering #Election2016, on @Showtime. Sundays at 8p/7c. #SHOCircus
WTH is she wearing her:https://www.facebook.com/sarahpalin/photos/pcb.10154110666013588/10154110665173588/?type=3&theater
ReplyDelete5:18 Not only is she wearing it but apparently she thinks it looks great on her.
DeleteMy comment above: WHT? 1970s retro?
Deleteyes. 70's retro is in.
DeleteSome of us didn't like it in the 70s or again now..but she is current.
Also short and ugly and evil, so she looks stoopid. And vain.
This is Donald's way of making nice nice about his anti woman's stance? Seriously? A real man wouldn't send a wild boar, dead or alive, to make nice nice with your whiteout comments, punishing women for having abortions, make that punishing doctors for doing abortions. Sorry Donald, you only get one chance to make a first impression, this is your third showing what a whoosie you are. Take Sarah's advice, keep your back arched so they can't screw you. On second thought.....
ReplyDeleteThe loving wife and mother. Donnit knows how to pick 'em. He luvs wimmin.
DeleteThis article says 100 people to meet Sarah today. She's hit the big time!
Weren't they mostly or all staff and family rounded up at the last minute when Trump's campaign managers called to see if they could set up a meet and greet for Sarah? Yes, yes it was!
DeleteWendy Williams on Sarah's judge show. If this is any indication this new show is not going to do well...
Sarah has not pitched the show. No guarantee it will sell.
DeleteLiked Wendy's comment that fits Sara.
Delete"I'm Judgemental."
That's one qualification she's got.
I happened to watch part of the Is this your Baby show with the DNA test at the end. I thought to myself, How does anyone think it will be possible for Sara to sit quietly while the people rant and rave and cry about the issue?
No freakin way! Sara won't be able to handle all that attention focused on the two disputing parties and not on her.
Thanks! I just watched and it was great. I loved the comment Wendy made about Sarah's "two packs of hair."
DeleteI watched that show and Wendy said "it [$arah's $how] is an affront to my queen, Judge Judy."
DeleteRemember Palin mocking Obama with "You didn't build that."
ReplyDeleteWell Sarah
"You didn't kill that!"
It is pretty clear she has some really lame creds. Hunting boars? In Alaska we frown on such lame hunting behavior. She may think it gets traction out there, but who is she attempting to impress? Old guys who save up forever to take out a boar that is paraded in front of their blind? It is the end result of the end result Sarah, give it up, go home and take care of your family.
ReplyDeleteDoes it kick?
DeleteBoar hunt was not in Alaska.
DeleteIt was at Nugent's petting zoo where they kill the animals in their pens..
Saw the video of her entering that place. My gawd, applies makeup with a trowel these days does she? What a trollop!
ReplyDeleteWere the folks who showed up at Zingers &
ReplyDeleteFlingers bussed in from Assisted
Living places. All old and white.
Did they think they were going on a field
trip to a fun place, but before they
got to eat they had to listen to this
screechy lady , screeching about crummy America and some great guy ,Trump.
Their expressions were , huh?
They thought it was nice that this guy Trump gave them each a place mat to set
their food on. looked that way.
If I were going to attend a political
rally, I want to see every color of face
possible showing up! The short memory,
HUH white people and the low info's, haters
and far ,religious right people do show up for her, but are now greatly disappointed and at the same time embarrassed for her. They know she is
grasping at straws, and are starting not to care. I am a white person, and when
President Obama was elected, I was
on top of the world! It has to be Hillary
next. She is so qualified, and at the same time the only SANE candidate running!
Go to 1:20 and give it a sec:
Sarah Palin's speech are so God Awful that I wonder if Trump is secretly trying to lose. He can't possibly think that Palin adds any new voters to his base. All that Palin and Trump will attract are the under educated, white racist voters like the ones who have been calling President Obama names for the last 7 years.
ReplyDeleteJust for the record, since Obama took office in Jan.2009, the stock market has doubled, unemployment has dropped, Osama bin Laden isn't around, he has signed nuclear treaties with other nations, and generally gone to work trying to clean up the mess that GWB left behind. For the record, GWB inherited a surplus from Bill Clinton, which he squandered on a senseless war in Iraq.
My gawd, what she's wearing... Trying to find common ground with the Wisconsinites again. Does she really think people in Wisconson are dorks so she's trying to "be like them"? The boar hunting picture trying to find common ground was way off. Most Wisconsin people like to hunt deer, not too many hog hunters here.
ReplyDeletehmmm? I wonder? Does sarah prefer dealing with the McCain family or the trump family? Are the perks better? Shopping? Are the trump women as welcoming as the McCain women? How about heidi cruz, did she and sarah get along as well? Just asking. No reason.
ReplyDeleteSara has no friends that aren't on her payroll.
DeletePalin has now become nothing more than the punchline to every joke made about the lack of intellect in the republican party.
That's right...about "friends" Sarah's motto is "what's in it for us." Even when she had the opportunity to try out the google glasses for free, she still wanted to get some $$$ out of it.
DeleteWho os that bag lady standing in front of all those people? Poor woman - would someone please give her a pair of pants that belong in this century, and not in the 1970s? Same with the poncho!
ReplyDeleteMy goodness, that woman is getting worse by the day! She never had any fashion sense, but she is retreating into her childhood now!
Sarah is famous for tromping through all the second hand stores in Anchorage. This ensemble is obviously from a GoodWill store. Good heavens, what a mess she is. All the money in the world and she dresses like a bum.
DeleteI think she's wearing piper's outfit, who dresses no better. lol...WAIT....maybe Sally's old clothes.
DeleteI shop at a Wisconsin WalMart quite often. Most of the customers I see are dressed better than $carah. Those Herman Munster boots are fugly. I wonder how that sweater looked BEFORE it was all stretched out ?
ReplyDeletePresidential candidate Donald Trump needs a Hail Sarah Palin pass to shake things up.
ReplyDeletePresident Donald Trump
Vice President Sarah Palin
Does anybody know, has anybody heard about Sarah's End of the Month SarahPac Two Day $5,000 Fundraiser?
ReplyDeleteDid Sarah meet her goal?
Did Sarah exceed her $5,000 goal and stopped?
Did Sarah make her SarahPac payroll for the month of March?
Do you think Sarah is going to reveal what happened to her two day fundraiser? Has Sarah ever revealed what has happened to her past fundraiser scams?
DeleteDo you think Sarah is going to reveal what happened to her two day fundraiser? Has Sarah ever revealed what happened to her past fundraising scams? NO!
DeleteThat audience is barely 3 people deep and at least half of them are paying more attention to their phones. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is truly wacko. Her looks, her speech, wacko! Why does Donald Trump think that she is an asset in campaigning for him?
ReplyDeleteCarry conceal
What are you trying to tell us,sarah? That the only thing you can sneak up on these days is smelly and caged?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is she wearing???? She looks like she rolled out of bed and threw on whatever was on the floor and scooped her hair up into a knot. And Sarah, those clunky heels under your outdated jeans aren't fooling anyone. You're not tall. Get a consultant to teach you how to dress and put a little effort into it.