Friday, July 22, 2016

Breaking News: Tim Kaine will be Hillary Clinton's choice for VP! Update!

So there you have it.

Damn, I was wrong.

Oh well, I am sure that Tim Kaine will be great. 

Update: Twitter weighs in on Hillary's choice of Tim Kaine.
I think that is a fairly accurate overview of my Twitter feed concerning Tim Kaine.

There is a little butt hurt out there, a whole lot of "meh," and at least a handful of "whoopies."

I remain unimpressed, a little disappointed, but I am certainly not horrified.


  1. Anonymous4:17 PM

    We shall see!

    1. I'm remembering the awful day of the mass murder at Virginia Tech in 2007. Then-Gov. Kaine had just arrived in Japan on a trade mission, turned around, and flew straight back to Virginia.

      He went to the memorial service and spoke straight from the heart, like a father. (Not like MY father, fortunately, but the way one hopes a father will talk at a moment unspeakably, unimaginably dreadful.). I have never re-viewed the video from that day, but now I will.

      The non-English-speaking son of someone I'm very close to called me the day of the shooting. Jorge knew that my oldest son was then away at university, but he didn't know which one. He wanted to make sure my son wasn't at Virginia Tech (he wasn't), that he was safe. I've always remembered that call.

      George W. and Laura Bush also came to that memorial service, but because of Tim Kaine, their presence was inconsequential as dust.

      That's the most compelling image I have of Tim Kaine. It certainly is reassuring to me that that is so, if Hillary Clinton chose him as a running-mate.

    2. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Thank you for this! I am not politically savvy.

    3. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Tim Kaine has a 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and a big far zero from the NRA. Yet you remaine unimpressed and a little disappointed?! That's preposterous! You are NO progressive! In fact, you're an asshole, Gryphen.

    4. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Thank you for sharing, 5:50 PM.

    5. Anonymous7:43 PM

      NARAL also gives Kaine an A, and the NRA hates him! WTF more do you want?

  2. Anonymous4:22 PM

    I sure hope he is a good harmonica player.

    Leaked emails show how Democrats screwed

    “No s–t,” the chief financial officer of the Democratic National Committee, Brad Marshall, plotted how to try to portray Sanders, who is Jewish, as an atheist.

    If you're an officer of the DNC being an atheist must be as bad as it gets.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      DIdn't Bernie say he's not religious? I have some "Jewish" relatives who are "cultural" but not "religious". Practically speaking they are atheists, since they don't believe (practice) the teachings of religion, but they enjoy celebrating the holidays. Like some of us do Christmas.

    2. Anonymous6:18 PM

      There was never any question that the DNC as an organization was for Hillary from the gitgo.

      As a Berner, the dirty politics do not offend me because the Sanders camp was probably doing exactly the same thing to Hillary. At least i hope they were...

    3. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Wow. Political strategists were trying to win for their candidates. Breaking news. Not.

  3. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Hillary Clinton Names Tim Kaine As Her Running Mate

    The Virginia senator and former civil rights lawyer is seen as a polite attack dog who can appeal to voters across political and demographic spectrums.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Hmmm. This is the second presidential candidate in a row who didn't choose $arah as their veep pick. Does anyone suppose she'll finally get the hint that she is truly, utterly and for eternity 'defeated'????

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      @6:48, the nation has moved on from Palin. I suggest that you do the same. This is not about her. Even Republicans don't like her.

    3. Anonymous8:06 PM


      I'm sure he'll energize..... someone.

      He's like the Democratic version of Pence in that he's white bread and boring.

      But at least he has enough experience to qualify for the office of president.

      Other than that, to all those that kept pushing Warren.

      Told you so.

      Shouldn't have been a surprise after Warren's appearance on Colbert last night.

  4. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Good choice.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Safe and boring choice.

      Won't woo Bernie's supporters.

  5. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Hillary Clinton had to weigh how her VP choice would impact the Democratic bid to retake the Senate. She also was likely thinking about some Trump insurance by picking the Senator from a swing state. Kaine is an ideal fit for the Clinton campaign, and he was the right choice to be her running mate.

    While a dream ticket with Elizabeth Warren would have been nice, the problem of Warren’s seat possibly being filled by a Republican if she became vice president, ruled her out as an option. Sen. Warren herself expressed concerns that having two women on the ticket would harm the Democratic Party’s chances of winning in November. In the end, Sen. Warren may have been too big of a risk for the Clinton campaign to take.

    Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA) has long been a favorite potential VP in Democratic Party circles. Kaine is a former mayor, governor, DNC chair, and current Senator. While his record will be picked apart by the left’s ideological purists, Kaine brings the South on to Clinton’s ticket in a way that none of her other top contenders could.

    The Kaine choice signals that Clinton is making a play for white male voters that aren’t sold on Donald Trump. Kaine is also a great insurance policy against Trump in Virginia, and since he comes from a state with a Democratic governor, the Kaine choice doesn’t carry the same penalty to Democratic Senate hopes that picking a Warren or Booker would have.

    Some of the Bernie Sanders supporting holdouts will predict doom for Clinton because she didn’t choose someone who was far enough to the left to appeal to them, but the blunt truth is that Democrats don’t need the Bernie supporting progressives to win. Hillary Clinton is already beating Donald Trump without the twenty percent or so of the Sanders supporters who are holding out. She doesn’t need all of their votes. She already has enough of Sanders’ supporters to get the job done.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      It's this kind of cockiness that precludes failure every time.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Thanks for the succinct explanation of why the Democratic party always -- ALWAYS -- shits all over the progressive wing.

    3. Andrew, you're wrong. Democrats ARE progressive - we just can't agree upon what to fix first. It's the L's and the I's that always want to hitch their wagon to the D star and then piss and moan because they get what is coming to them for not having paid their dues in the party. No one would even know who Bernie is if he'd run as an I.

      They didn't want to give him their war chest after he'd onto been in the party 4 months. You can call that dirty tricks if you want, I call it protecting what they earned themselves over a period of decades.

    4. Anonymous5:47 PM

      The solution is to win more people over to the progressive side, Andrew. When progs become the majority of the party, they will call the shots. Until then -- and especially until enough Americans identify as being on the left -- there should be no surprise that Dem candidates will lean center to win general elections.

    5. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Progressive idealists - you should be running for city council and congress. Build the movement from below and in the House!

    6. Anonymous8:13 PM

      How nice to have it finally stated that you're not needed and your votes don't count. (And probably never did.)

      Now the bashers and haters can continue spewing their bile with a free pass that Clinton will win anyway.

      Now that we have two lily white bread tickets, I wonder which third party will offer us a substantial filling.

  6. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Knew all along that she would never have picked Warren or Booker, they would steal the attention from her. Tim Kaine definitely is pale in comparison. Hillary gets all the attention for herself.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Do you really think it was about attention?

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      I don't believe for a minute that Hillary made her choice based on who is going to get the most or least "attention". That's what Donald Trump does. Hillary made a sensible choice and isn't running as if it were a President Of The Universe Contest.

    3. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Uh, m'kay, 4:24 PM.
      Are you the one in need of attention?

    4. Anonymous4:52 PM

      oh please!

    5. Anonymous6:12 PM

      As a Berner, i believe Hillary picked Kaine because he is someone she believes can step into the President's shoes at the blink of an eye, if necessary.

      I would call it 'homage-to-the-won't-need-it-gods' because she made it someone qualified to be the president.

  7. Anonymous4:25 PM

    He sounds like an awesome choice, one of many she had to choose from!

  8. Well, Trump is a fat and easy target for whoever Hillary picked, so there's that.

    I share your sense of disappointment, Gryphen; I also wanted Elizabeth. But 32 years in this state now, and Kaine is a homeboy I can be glad about too.

    The important thing is now we have a team, one we can readily rally around, and get this lady in the White House where she belongs! Clinton-Kaine 2016.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Ù©(^‿^)Û¶ Ù©(◠◡◠)Û¶

  9. Anonymous4:25 PM

    WOOOOOWEEE Checking a few wingnut sites, and they are worried! Some saying "Trump just lost"

    I think Kaine is someone who can bring any fence sitters from the right who would never vote Trump. He's also a decent guy, so if Hillary can trust him, me too.

  10. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Well fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck. He was my least favorite choice. Are the dems hoping to lose? They're pandering to the right in the hopes of getting those disenfranchised voters!? Jesus fucking Christ. (Sorry to the believers out there, it's just words to me. Words that help me cope.)

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Calm down there bucko. Not only would a choice of Warren risk losing a Senate seat, but really, it wouldn't make that much difference in the numbers. Bernie supporters were going to support Hillary anyway or sit this one out. Tim Kaine may bring in more centrist and disaffected Rs.
      Now let's get to work.

    2. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Read some words about Kaine then 4:26. I didn't know a thing till I started checking out her choices, I think it's a good pick!

    3. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Funny thing is, I don't know any (real) Democrats who say "dems."

    4. Anonymous5:06 PM

      Uh, I say "dems".. are we not allowed to?

    5. 5:06 "Dems" is in general usage by the Tealiban as an offensive term - often used with "Libtard" or "dummy".

      I tend to use the full name of any party, or the party's initial.

    6. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Meh, plenty of us Democrats say Dems.

    7. Anonymous8:02 PM

      5:48 Democrats who say "Dems" never get taught the secret handshake.

  11. Dinty4:26 PM

    Kaine is a very safe choice in most election years, I think he's a great candidate, but this is not a normal year.

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      Neither was 2008 when Obama had Kaine on his short list.

    2. Dinty5:12 PM

      Agreed. :Obama holding up a Guinness jpeg:

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Agreed. They way overthought this.

      It's too bad no one listens to Michael Moore.

      He nailed it. This election is about how the voters feel. Both VP picks mean nothing. They are boring snoozefests easily ignored.

      This is between Trump and Hillary.

      Moore is worried and with good cause. He thinks Trump will win. After his speech last night I agree with Michael. That speech had nothing to do with substance and was completely impossible to accomplish. It wasn't reality based. And they ate it up. It's what they wanted to hear and it made them feel good. Trump makes them feel good. Hillary doesn't. Kaine won't change that.

      It's nothing but a popularity contest. That's all elections have been for decades.

      How do you think Reagan won?

      Or Schwarzenegger in California.

      Safe doesn't always win the race.

  12. Anonymous4:27 PM

    We all need to get over our disappointment but at least Liz Warren and Sherrod Brown stay put in the Senate where they can work hard for the legislation that we need. Bernie said that whoever gets elected we have to demand that they do what we want, So get involved in the get out the vote especially after we saw the shit show that Trump put on. Speaking of he got quite the bounce from the convention. had Hillary at 60% yesterday afternoon and Trump with 37% now it's 57% to 41%. Scary polls. Read the comments over there on that site and all the white guys are gung ho for Trump. Suprisingly one guy is gay and he thinks that Trump will make his life great again. whewh boy!

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      That is not a huge bounce, by convention bounce standards. Pundits have been in agreement this morning that Trump went all-in on his pitch to his mad-as-hell base, without doing a thing to reach out to undecided (sane) voters.

  13. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Tim Kaine is fine. He is not a pushover. He will be a strong VP. Go Hillary!

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Hill is the only one that can make this choice. She didn't need my opinion. I am fine with her choice for now. Can't say I know that much about him. So I'll see.

      I would have liked Booker. She studies stats and trends and all that. She is more about getting business done than her opponent with all his fast talk. This will be a good thing. It is nothing close to another non-vetted running mate that birthed Sponge-bob. Be thankful!

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      not all progressives in New Jersey love Booker, or so I've heard.

    3. Anonymous8:25 PM

      But how will he do in a debate against Pence?

      Will anyone be able to stay awake long enough to keep score?

  14. I was right, there was no way she was going for Warren. Franken would have been a good choice to bring in the progressive wing of the party but she chose safe. Time will tell if the rest of the progressives are as enthusiastic about her as she really needs.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      They don't have to be enthusiastic about HER if they are scared enough about HIM, and his screaming crazy angry white guy schtick last night surely helped in this regard.
      I heard one pundit make the point that Trump's ultra-safe, white-bread choice freed Hillary up to go with a safe choice herself. If he'd been brave enough to pick someone with cross-over appeal to women or minorities or even independents, she might have needed to counter with a more ballsy choice of her own.

    2. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Al Franken is calling Tim Kaine a progressive.

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Why yes Al Franken is correct. And he knows Tim Kaine, unlike some of the knee jerk yappers around here.

    4. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Al Frankin is also dead honest. I trust his judgement totally.

    5. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Hear, hear! If he's good enough for All Franken, he's good enough for me.

  15. Anonymous4:32 PM

    I suspect she wanted Elizabeth Warren, and Sen. Warren wanted to stay in the Senate. Trump sure was worried about Warren. I'm glad she will be in the senate.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      I think Warren would would be wasted in the VP

  16. Anonymous4:32 PM

    'Trump Can Win'

    Clay Shirky drops a truthbomb on white liberals.

  17. Anonymous4:34 PM

    I'm absolutely satisfied with Clinton's choice. Kaine is awesome.

    Check out his wikipedia page:

  18. Biggest bummer of the race. I am pissed she didn't pick Warren, will re-think my vote. Senate be damned - Warren was the best VP she could have chosen. Makes me wonder about Hill's decision process. Was she influenced by "consultants" for a more politically advantageous position? Who the fuck is Tim Kaine? I get that most VP's are just riding in the passenger seat, but with Elizabeth Warren I think we could have seen a more active/vocal VEEP. Alan GRAYSON would have been a better choice if Hill was leaving Elizabeth in the Senate. I think HE should be president. Not a happy Democrat right now.FUCK -all.

    1. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Oh come on!! Warren has no executive experience. You're acting like a spoiled child. Kaine will be a good VP.

    2. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Love Alan Grayson but, as people have said before, so many mysoginists in this country to ever elect a female ticket. It's just not going to happen,

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM

      You're going to "rethink your vote" 4:34? How do you go from Warren to Trump? Because that no vote for Hillary is one less Trump will need.

      Kaine scares the right because they know he's mild enough to bring republican voters who despise Trump to vote Clinton.

    4. Anonymous4:54 PM

      Instead of pouting and being pissed off why not educate yourself about Kaine since you admit you have no clue who he is? Links are posted here in the comments to make it easy for you. Cheer up!

    5. Anonymous4:59 PM

      Acting like a spoiled child or a good little Republican plant. Seems like we're seeing a lot of the latter -- all, funny thing, with names I don't recall seeing before in these parts.

    6. Anonymous5:01 PM

      I am pissed she didn't pick Warren, will re-think my vote.
      Are you serious!! You didn't get your way so you are not going to vote for Hillary. More likely you weren't going to vote for her anyway.

    7. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Who the fuck is Tim Kaine?
      Just because you are ignorant and don't know who he is, doesn't mean he isn't a good choice.

    8. Anonymous5:44 PM

      I pee on your sushi.

    9. Anonymous5:49 PM

      @dragonfly whatever.
      Are you really a democrat?

      Warren would lose her effectiveness as VP. She's much more powerful where she is.

      I love Grayson but he's too incendiary to help Hillary get elected.

      Besides that, Hillary has just picked a VP who if,God forbid, she could not serve out her term, would act in the best interests of this country.

      Pence, on the other hand, is a hyper-fundamentalist, believes in end times, and thinks, as proven by his governorship, that women don't own their own bodies. Which by my reckoning is unconstitutional. Just saying, get a grip.

    10. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Anyone who thinks Alan Grayson is a viable candidate for VP suffers from terminal political insularity and ignorance.

    11. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Are you sure you aren't a Trump voter? You certainly fill the proudly ignorant and uninformed bill. Go read about Tim Kaine.

    12. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Grayson is a loose cannon.

    13. Anonymous7:40 PM

      There are a whole lot of disenfranchised GOP that the Dems absolutely NEED to vote Blue in order to win this; it was more important to have a safe, white male running rather than a woman or a minority, simple as that.

      Dems need to romance GOP this time not the far left of their own party.

      Kaine will not scare these people, Kaine will bring her the GOPers who are afraid of Trump.

    14. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Anyone who doesn't vote for Hillary because of Tim Kaine was never going to vote for her in the first place.

  19. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Another old white guy, not impressed. Still voting for her, but unimpressive pic for VP.

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      A less yawn than Pence.

    2. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Maybe all the 'white guys' should leave the country or take a good long vacation for 5 years or so.

      Then, when everything is burned to the ground and all your protections and social order has completely vanished, maybe you will understand what 'old white guys' do to keep this ship going.

    3. Anonymous8:22 PM

      @anon 5:15pm
      Woooo, sorry if I don't bow down to you because you happen to be old and white.
      BTW, you don't have to be old or white to keep a ship sailing.

  20. Anonymous4:38 PM

    @TimKaine is a relentless optimist who believes no problem is unsolvable if you put in the work to solve it.

  21. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Kaine's a great choice. I live in VA--very near VA Tech--and everyone here remembers the sensitive way he handled the shootings there.

    Besides, Warren needs to stay in the Senate so she can take over The Turtle's position. She's a powerhouse!

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Kaine earned much praise for that (the shootings).

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Former Virginian here. Kaine is very solid. Not flashy, but a good progressive. Very, very experienced. Very effective. Please learn about him.

  22. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Kaine was considered as a possible running mate for Barack Obama in 2008, but was not chosen.

    On July 28, 2008, Politico reported that Kaine was "very, very high" on Obama's shortlist for vice president,[86] a list which also included then Senator Hillary Clinton of New York, Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, Senator Evan Bayh of Indiana, and Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.[87] Obama ultimately selected Biden to become the vice-presidential nominee.[88]

  23. Anonymous4:42 PM

    This is Trump's party. This could be Trump's America. Don't let it.

  24. Pat in MA4:46 PM

    The more I read about Tim Kaine, the more I like the pick. I agree with an earlier comment that I'm glad to see Donald and his hate fest off the front page. So damn sick of 24/7 the sky is falling, doomsday, Armageddon shit. Let's get behind this team and keep this country moving in a positive direction!!!

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Yes, I can't stand one more day of Trump and all his psychoses.

      He is still yakking about Cruz and plotting how to get his revenge. As much as I can't stand Cruz, he did a serve to the USA by again exposing Trump's paranoia.

      The media had better give the Democrats first billing next week and move little Donnie to the used car salesman section where he belongs.

  25. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Here are six things you probably don’t know about VP pick Tim Kaine

    1. Anonymous5:09 PM

      Thanks for that link. I didn't know he speaks fluent spanish, sings, plays the harmonica & loves one of my favorites - bluegrass!

  26. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Let's congratulate our next Vice President!

    The more I learn the more I like about him. He's for gun sense too.

  27. Anonymous4:48 PM

    A notable vote of confidence from Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards (who also happens to be the daughter of late Texas Gov. Ann Richards):

  28. Anonymous4:53 PM

    "The Progressive Case For Tim Kaine As VP"

  29. Speaking of vice presidents - hypothetically - what damage would it do between now and November if Pence decided he signed on for more insanity than he could stomach, and wanted off the ticket...? How difficult is it to imagine Pence's job being verbally sweeping up after Trump in the campaign, popping up mere hours later to insist the latest awful repugnance from Trump's lips aren't what he meant?

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      He just branded himself. Too late now.

    2. Anonymous6:25 PM

      I wondered about that also, dvlaries. I don't know how long he can last before running for the nearest exit.

  30. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Oh well, I am sure that Tim Kaine will be great."

    You would say that if she picked Charles Manson. You question nothing she does for the single fact that she has a (d) by her name.

    You're easier than a 2 dollar whore and probably just as smelly.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      @4:54 PM Who asked about your Mother? Stay on topic, troll.

    2. Anonymous7:06 PM

      4:54 PM Your entry and language do not belong here. It smacks of Trump's type of talk. Take it elsewhere and do not come back here.

      The problem with you ignorant people is that you don't read, can't read or the largest part of your brain is consumed with hate.

      Disappear - NOW!

  31. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Optics? Bad. Too old. Too white.

    Excitement factor? Nil.

    Actual policies? May be okay.

    I’m hoping he’ll grow on me.

    1. Maple5:22 PM

      Yeah, he's white. But old? He's only 58.

    2. Anonymous5:46 PM

      I'd feel secure with the two of them at the helm. Now we need to give them power by voting dem all the way down ticket-- get progressive there! They do all the work anyway :)

    3. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Do you know anything about him at all?

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Catholic, speaks fluent Spanish and says Women should have the right to determine what to do with their own bodies, not government. Has foreign relations committee position - google for more info.

    5. Anonymous8:10 PM

      The adults have arrived! Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine have more governing experience than any team in American history!

    6. Anonymous8:25 PM

      And if there had only been other Spanish speakers qualified that weren't old and white...maybe in the year 2016...oops, it is 2016. Kiss the minority vote goodbye.

  32. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Tim Kaine's voting record:
    Planned Parenthood: 100%
    Brady Campaign: 100%
    NARAL: 100%
    Human Rights Campaign: 100%
    AFL/CIO: 94%

  33. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Kaine is well known as a fair player so Trump is going to look like a fool (more foolish) fighting him like a 4th grader bully.

  34. Anonymous4:57 PM

    I was disappointed for a beat—I wish Xavier could have been chosen—but now I’m over it. On to the convention!

  35. Anonymous5:00 PM

    How much charisma can the country take?

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      Yours will be more than enough.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      How much governing experience can the country take? Clinton/Kaine 2016!

  36. Anonymous5:06 PM

    I love Elizabeth Warren, but having two women on the ticket would have been a terrible mistake. The misogynistic attacks on Hillary would be greatly amplified. And note: This is still a very middle-of-the-road country (which is starting to lean center-left). A firebrand progressive like Warren would have harmed Clinton's chances.

    Tim Kaine is a very safe choice. But he's also a very good choice. He's never lost an election in his southern state (Virginia), where's he's been mayor, governor, and now senator. He was also the chairman of the DNC, so he knows how to do national politics. He's been vetted up the wazoo (Obama considered him), so there should be no scandals emerging. He has a strong, competent political wife, who holds state office in Virginia. Although he comes across as a kind of smiley, Irish, good-old-boy, he's a Harvard Law graduate. He appears to be a sincere Catholic who's always enforced the law despite being personally troubled by both abortion and the death penalty. His kids seem absolutely fine...not to mention that one of his sons is a serving Marine (who joined via college ROTC, not because of a choice between jail or the military!).

    I had hoped Hillary would select a Hispanic, but I really couldn't find one who had the gravitas, charisma, and experience (yet) to be VP. Guess she couldn't either. LOL. However! Tim Kaine speaks fluent Spanish! I'm sure she'll turn him loose in TX, NM, AZ, and CO, where he'll prove very helpful.

  37. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Hillary Delayed Telling Staff Her VP Pick, Instead Left Roses For Orlando Victims (IMAGES)

  38. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I like Tim Kaine. I know many people wanted Sen. Warren but a number of political moderate friends who told me they would hesitate to vote for a Clinton-Warren ticket. Sen. Warren will still be a strong voice in this election cycle.

  39. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Lifetime Texas Republican Leaves The GOP In Epic Resignation Letter

    Chris Ladd has been a Republican for 30 years now. He is so hardcore that he’s even a friend of former Texas Governor Rick Perry and thought the world of Ronald Reagan.

    But now that the party has chosen Donald Trump as their 2016 nominee, Ladd wants nothing more to do with the GOP any longer, and he tore Republicans a new one in a letter he wrote announcing his resignation from the York Township Republican Committeemen’s Organization and it is an epic read.

    “At the national level, the delusions necessary to sustain our Cold War coalition were becoming dangerous long before Donald Trump arrived,” Ladd pointed out. “From tax policy to climate change, we have found ourselves less at odds with philosophical rivals than with the fundamentals of math, science and objective reality.”

    And then Donald Trump came along and made the party even worse.

    “From his fairy-tale wall to his schoolyard bullying and his flirtation with violent racists, Donald Trump offers America a singular narrative – a tale of cowards. Fearful people, convinced of our inadequacy, trembling before a world alight with imaginary threats, crave a demagogue. Neither party has ever elevated to this level a more toxic figure, one that calls forth the darkest elements of our national character.

    With three decades invested in the Republican Party, there is a powerful temptation to shrug and soldier on. Despite the bold rhetoric, we all know Trump will lose. Why throw away a great personal investment over one bad nominee? Trump is not merely a poor candidate, but an indictment of our character. Preserving a party is not a morally defensible goal if that party has lost its legitimacy.”

  40. Anonymous5:19 PM

    That just sucks, but I will still support Hillary.

    1. Anonymous6:13 PM

      What exactly sucks about Tim Kaine? Specifically, based on facts you know about him and his record?

  41. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Donald Trump received 400k less viewers than Mitt Romney did for his acceptance speech. Sad!

    In fact, not only did the cheeto-faced toupee-topped totalitarian lose the ratings race to Mitt Romney, but he had the LOWEST ratings EVER!!! Or at least the last 12 years.

    1. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Are they really surprised, his speech was just a regurgitation of what he has been spewing for months.

  42. Anonymous5:23 PM

    We knew it was coming – this morning’s absurdly childish and infantile outburst from the cheeto-faced moron signaled that Ted Cruz has really gotten under his thin skin and he wasn’t about to let it go.

    Well here’s what he’s planning to do about it:

    Trump Would Fund Super-PACs Aimed at Taking Down Cruz, Kasich

    Donald Trump plans to create and fund super-PACs specifically aimed at ending the political careers of Ted Cruz and John Kasich should either run for office again, after both snubbed the Republican nominee during his party’s convention this week, a source familiar with Trump’s thinking told Bloomberg Politics on Friday.

    The plan would involve Trump investing millions of his own money –perhaps $20 million or more — in one or two outside groups about six months before their respective election days if Texas Senator Cruz or Ohio Governor Kasich stand for office again. The source said Trump is willing to set up two separate super-PACs – one for Cruz and one for Kasich – and put millions into each.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Any sane Republican should sit up, take notice and vote for Hillary !!!

  43. Anonymous5:26 PM

    In Kaine, Clinton Adds Fundraising Power to Campaign

    In choosing Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate, Democrat Hillary Clinton has added another prolific fundraiser to her already vast financial apparatus.

    Since his campaign for Virginia lieutenant governor in 2000, Kaine has raised $60 million from a donor network of corporations and well-heeled individuals...

  44. Anonymous5:26 PM

    It's all for the best. Warren can fire away at Trump from the sidelines, while this fellow Kaine is up front looking calm & sane. He may reassure some old school conservatives that it's ok to vote for a Dem this time.
    Looks to me like the Democrats ought to push optimism. Kaine could help with that.

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      That's what I'm thinking!

  45. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Here's a fun little fact:

    Kaine increased pre-K by 40 percent in his state while Pence decided to ditch a federal grant application for pre-K funding in his state.
    (h/t @jasoncherkis)

  46. Anonymous5:29 PM

    Kaine email trove shows media-savvy micromanager

    Virginia released 145,000 of Tim Kaine’s emails as governor. They reveal why he's the safe and smart VP choice for Hillary Clinton.

    There’s a big reason why Hillary Clinton picked Tim Kaine as her running mate: He’s a shrewd inside player just as devoted to the details of policy as he is to the mechanics of politics.

    The Virginia Democrat’s dexterity — both in winning elections and then in governing after the ballots are counted — is illuminated in thousands of emails Kaine and his staff wrote during a single term in charge of Virginia, and which POLITICO closely studied to understand the style and character of someone who may be next in line to the next president of the United States.

    Those messages show Kaine is no Joe Biden: He’s a media-savvy executive who avoids gaffes by discussing tricky topics with his staff before he speaks with reporters. He pays attention to even the smallest of detail — making his own spread sheets, editing his online biography — and he doesn’t hesitate to throw around his connections with a certain politician named Barack Obama.

  47. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I knew it wouldn't be warren. Everything about Hillary warren is against.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Like your opinion matters...

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      ten millions of opinions do...

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Can't any of you see how valuable Warren is in the Senate? She is the only one (except for Spitzer who screwed himself out of politics with the whoring) that can bring the big banks down to size so we never face another stock market nightmare, or allow the big companies to take away employees pensions through mismanagement.

      Leave her where she is and hope, hope, hope that she becomes Senate Majority Leader (a first) and she will get some work done by that sluggish outfit that has only the word "No" in their vocabulary this past 8 years.

  48. Anonymous5:38 PM

    David Corn Retweeted
    Ronald Klain ‏@RonaldKlain 1h1 hour ago

    Kaine SUCCESSFULLY took on NRA in a gun state, smoking in a tobacco state, climate change in a coal state. #ProgressiveWhoGetsResults

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM


    2. Anonymous8:11 PM


      We needed another "old white guy" this time if you want to win this thing. I know it's boring to those Americans that would like to further diversify government, but believe, now is not the time.

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM


  49. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Ana Navarro ‏@ananavarro 30m30 minutes ago

    Hispanic Outreach: @HillaryClinton has Spanish-speaking do-gooder who was a missionary in Honduras; Trump has Joe Arpaio...and a taco bowl.

    1. Anonymous7:02 PM

      Oh wow, a Spanish speaking white person, yeah that will ignite the minority vote ( eyeroll).

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM


      So you'd rather her pick a minority or a woman and lose this thing and then everyone could blame the minority or female for costing her the election, is that what you'd like to see, because that's what would happen, and really race and gender relations are dicey enough in this country as it is.

    3. Anonymous8:14 PM

      7:02 - watch.

  50. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Okay, Kaine it is then. It is up to him to live up to the job and inspire while also playing the attack dog on dumpsterfire and fence (the cheap version of wall hehe). I will vote dem but I have high expectations of my candidates. I will be watching.

  51. Anonymous5:51 PM

    The Left’s Beef With Tim Kaine

    Bernie’s supporters see a rebuke in Clinton's ‘safe’ VP pick.

    1. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Whatever Bernie, at this point Clinton is done trying to romance the far left and has moved on to romancing the GOPers that have been left behind by the deterioration of their party.

      Their numbers will be enough, Bernie bros can do whatever Clinton no longer needs them.

  52. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Kaine accepted clothes, vacation as gifts

    The former Virginia governor's $160,000 in disclosures could be a political liability for Clinton's leading VP pick.

    Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine took advantage of the state’s lax gift laws to receive an $18,000 Caribbean vacation, $5,500 in clothes and a trip to watch George Mason University play in the NCAA basketball Final Four during his years as lieutenant governor and governor, according to disclosures he filed.

    Now a leading contender to be Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Kaine reported more than $160,000 in gifts from 2001 to 2009, mostly for travel to and from political events and conferences, according to disclosures compiled by the Virginia Public Access Project. The givers included political supporters, a drug company that soon after bought a facility in Virginia, and Dominion, the state’s biggest provider of electricity.

    While legal under Virginia’s unusually permissive ethics rules, the gifts could become attack-ad fodder after similar presents led to corruption charges for Gov. Bob McDonnell, whose conviction the Supreme Court overturned Monday. Republicans could also use the records to portray Kaine as part of the self-dealing establishment in a cycle animated by hostility toward the political class.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I don't even read politico anymore after they went beyond-the-pale anti-clinton. What they have to say matters not to me. End of.

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Little different with the McDonnell's as they were predominately receiving gifts and dollars from one individual whom was seeking political favor.

      160 grand in 9 years? Come on, in the political world that's chump change and to me it shows that he has a strong moral and ethical compass and isn't for sale.

  53. Anonymous5:57 PM

    I remember when Obama picked Biden. I was so disappointed that in that year of change, Obama would go for a safe, boring, anodyne white guy.

    Once again, I was reminded that Obama is smarter than I am.

    Kaine solidifies Clinton on the ticket of grownups -- in sharp contrast to the other guys. He can't be criticized for being unskilled or unprepared in either domestic or foreign policy. He's a workhorse, a bridge-builder and an effective executive AND legislator.

    You need excitement, go skydiving. Clinton and Kaine will be doing the unglamorous work of governing while you're out.

  54. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Tim Kaine volunteered in poor communities in Honduras and has devoted his life to social justice. (He was a civil rights attorney for many years before entering politics.) He also proudly earned an "F" from the NRA which, by the way, is headquartered in Virginia.

    Look into Kaine more and you will NOT be disappointed that he was selected. Before I researched him, I thought "meh." Now, I'm very happy about this choice.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Thank you for actually using your brain and formulating an opinion based on facts. Good counterbalance to the stupidity and ignorance on display here tonight.

  55. Anonymous6:05 PM

    What a dud. Who cares about this boring guy? If she had picked Elizabeth Warren, she could be writing her inauguration speech right now. This guy is as dull as I can imagine. OK he speaks Spanish...

    1. Anonymous8:16 PM

      Warren did not want it - she said herself that two women on the ticket in 2016 was too risky. Do you never read any articles or what????

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      Lotta folks wouldn't have voted for two chicks, Warren knew that and so didi Clinton, in fact they both mentioned it. So go cry elsewhere, it was time for a safe and prudent choice and it shows great political acumen that she made this choice.

  56. Anonymous6:05 PM

    From what I have read so far, I think this is a good choice. I don’t care if Bernie Bros are disappointed, this election is more important than their little hurt feelings.

    Warren’s senate seat is safe and she can continue to demolish little Donnie, while the campaign can focus on getting the message out.

    Meanwhile, Donnie won’t know what hit him. He is so busy right now on insulting Cruz, he just needs a little nudge, like humor at his expense at the DNC, to really go over the cliff sometime soon.

    By the way, Melanomia and Donnie Jr’s speeches aren’t the only instances of plagiarism, Trump’s slogan Make America Great Again comes from none other than Ronnie Reagan. But he is dead, so no lawsuit.

    FEC might want to look into Ivanka pushing her Made in China Clothing line using the campaign twitter feed.

    The Trump family motto: profiting at all costs.

    1. Anonymous7:33 PM

      And Ivanka is hawking online copies of the dress she wore to the convention. You too can have it for only $138!

      Makes you wonder why the Trumps are really doing this.

  57. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I know Tim Kaine. He is my Senator. There is no more decent and brave person in the Senate and Hillary is lucky that he said yes. Check out his stand on requiring that senators actually vote before they send kids to war.

    Elizabeth Warren was never going to be on the ticket and it's pathetic to attack Tim Kaine for being a "white guy" or to criticize him with no knowledge of who he is because you're clinging to the fantasy that Warren wanted to be on the ticket.

    That sort of ignorant yapping about a very good man makes this site sound like c4p dead-enders clinging to their fantasies about Palin. Quit it.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Jeff Flake, Republican senator from AZ, just tweeted: "Trying to count the ways I hate @timkaine. Drawing a blank. Congrats to a good man and a good friend."

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Well I am sure his pick may get some white people excited but it's not exciting very many people. Now there are two candidates from the NE, both white, both stuffy......yeah that will get people out to vote. Personally I think Hillary just threw away this election.

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Virginia is not in the northeast. I'm sure you're right about everything else though - and thanks for the racism!

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      For the most part I think the trouble people have with Kaine is they don't know him.

    5. Anonymous7:30 PM

      7:00pm "Stuffy"?

    6. Anonymous7:42 PM

      @anon 7:30pm
      Yes stuffy, a white xtian missionary.
      Sorry, I think Hillary blew it with her choice.

    7. Anonymous7:56 PM

      Great comment, 6:05pm.

    8. Anonymous7:56 PM

      7:00 PM - $arah fan? Your geography knowledge is as good as hers.

    9. Anonymous8:18 PM

      7:00 - be honest. You were never going to,vote for her anyway, right?

  58. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Kaine is more than just a "safe" choice.
    He has political, national security, and executive experience: he is a U.S. Senator from Virginia; has national security chops (he serves on the Senate Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees; administrative experience as a former governor of Virginia and former mayor of Richmond, VA.
    In addition, he has civil rights legal experience and is Spanish-speaking AND he comes from Virginia, an important swing state, which he can help carry for Clinton and the standing governor, who will choose his successor, is Terry McAuliffe - a Democrat.

    All-in-all, he hits a lot of the right buttons.

  59. The most important criteria for the POTUS and the VP is sanity! Can you honestly even begin to think that a grown ass man that refers to himself, in third person as "THE Donald" is mentally well? Kaine may not be whom my first choice would be...but I'm fine with it. Never been a big Hillary fan but will do everything I can to see she is elected due to her being "sane." The other option is terrifying!

  60. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Oh, Gryphen.. You're unimpressed. I'm so sad. Not! It was never ever going to be Elizabeth Warren. Get over that! Get on board or get the eff out of the way.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Don't you dare give our host a dose of humiliateaberniebro!

    2. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Stuff it where the sun don't shine, 612p. Anyone who questions whether G is on board 1000% needs to seriously work on their reading comprehension skills.

  61. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Look at Kaine and Pence, and ask yourself who's the better human. One pontificates, one acts.

  62. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Hillary was very smart to wait to pick her VP until after the Donald made his choice. And let's face it, with all the 'all white, all male, all xtian' rhetoric that the gop's espousing, her best choice was Kaine. I can't wait to vote for both of them.

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      And yet her pick threw more than those votes away. I am highly disapointed that the ticket is white bread and more white bread.

    2. Anonymous8:23 PM

      6:57 - you don't know what you're talking about. Tim Kaine attends a predominantly black church, was the mayor of Richmond (50% POC), and his wife (daughter of Gov. Hilton) was enrolled in an integrated school to help end segregation when she was a child; they have excellent ties to the African American community.

  63. Anonymous6:34 PM

    Jeff Flake. Jeff FLAKE!

    Jeff FlakeVerified account
    Trying to count the ways I hate @timkaine. Drawing a blank. Congrats to a good man and a good friend.

    And that is how we will win over the NeverTrumps. Good move, Hilz!

  64. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Checking out the rightwingnut sites to see their reaction, I came across this comment and a genius reply (on a John Ziegler post of all places) Just thought we all needed a chuckle..

    ,,Why do you haters use the French spelling of "Fox"...? Is it supposed to show that you're intelligent...?

    The French spelling of Fox would be "Renard".
    Faux is French for "Fake".
    If you're going to try to insult people for lack of intelligence, try not to be so stupid in the process.

  65. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Honestly, after all the researching I've done Kaine today, I might even like him better than Clinton! LOL

    They'll make a great team

  66. Anonymous6:54 PM

    If making sure drumpf doesn't win in november isn't motivation enough, then no matter who Secretary Clinton picked wouldn't have made a difference.

    AC from NJ

  67. Anonymous6:55 PM

    My initial reaction to Kaine's selection was 'meh.' But I'm starting to get excited. Kaine is well-liked in the Senate and will help Clinton in Congress the same way VP Biden helps Obama. Getting elected and governing effectively are more important that either being ideologically pure or having a huge, Warren-type personality Pres. And, unlike Warren, he'll be replaced in the Senate with a Democrat.

    What's even more exciting for Democrats is that there are so many outstanding Democratic politicians and choices for Hillary's running mate and for future presidential campaigns.

    Keep your eyes on CA AG Kamala Harris. She'll win Boxer's Senate seat this Nov. and, some day, will be our first black, female president.

    1. Anonymous7:32 PM

      I completely agree. I'm in CA and Kamala has won me over over time (it did pain me, though, to see that Loretta Sanchez had run for the same office her and will in Nov., and she'll lose--I love LS). At first I saw her as being promoted too quickly and easily via Willie Brown, but she's worked her butt off and it will be so exciting to see her sworn in.

      I also am for Kaine because so much of Trump's Benghazi and other crap about Hillary not being fit for office and as commander-in-chief has just been neutralized.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I'm looking forward to voting for Kamala but sad she and Loretta Sanchez, a quality Rep., are facing off in Nov.. I don't like CA's primary rules.

  68. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I think it is a very smart choice. First off, I know it's 2016, but the country is not ready for two women. I am, but that is not the norm. Second, Tim Kaine will appeal to men and more importantly, working class voters. Third, you open up a Senate seat that can be replaced by a governor that is inclined to choose a more liberal leaning person. IMO a good choice.


    1. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I'm with you, Heidi.

  69. Go to @AlGiordano's Twitter feed to read 19 tweets about his personal experience with, and admiration of, Tim Kaine.

    As usual Al is a voice of both reason and inspiration.

    I cannot wait to work for Clinton and Kaine!

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Thank you! Was going to post the same! Giordano says Kaine is the real deal.

  70. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I remain unimpressed, a little disappointed, but I am certainly not horrified.
    Oh Gryphen, buck up or get into the back seat of the truck. Let's get moving! It's a done deal, and we have a lot of work to do!

  71. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Really look at Kaine's resume before commenting, I did.

    GOP 'slpoddy heads gonn a be 'splodin'.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      They already are!

  72. Anonymous7:28 PM

    I'm tuckered out from making Bernie bots read the fact, because they immediately launched into attacking Time Kaine... and EVERY SINGLE ONE of them has been mistaken EVERY TIME. After all the stupid wrong shit they said about Hillary Clinton, now they're saying stupid wrong shit about Tim Kaine.

    They're way too self-obsessed to remember that the election isn't about Tim Kaine or Bernie Sanders or even Hillary Clinton- it's about putting down Donald Trump and his army of psychobillies.

    1. Anonymous8:19 PM

      They also don't seem to calculate the factor that a senator represents his/her state. Sanders has had the luxury of representing Vermont. If he ran in VA, the GOP would be guaranteed the win. Kaine can shift his positions as a national candidate but, seriously, he's pretty progressive on most issues and some thought he was too radical to win in VA.

    2. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Bernie loves Tim Kaine. Tell them that. Bernie will next week, anyway.

  73. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Manish C. Bhatia ‏@mcb_law 33m33 minutes ago
    Important point I hadn't seen elsewhere by Gen. Clark & @Lawrence: @SenKaineOffice is on Armed Serv. Cttee. & son is in service. @Perry_OB

  74. Tim Kaine ought to make those evangelicals who support Trump lose their minds. He's a committed Christian, belongs to an African-American church, sent his kids to a predominantly black public school. He lives his values--he doesn't just put them on parade for political purposes. His sheer decency is in sharp contrast to opportunistic moral-free Trump.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Exactly. Thank you.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM

      And a better Christian than Pence claims to be.

    3. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Evangelicals don't care. They want anti-gay and anti-abortion rhetoric and Supreme Court justices. That's why they supported Reagan over the exceptional human, Jimmy Carter.

  75. Anonymous8:08 PM

    O/T - Sorry - This needs publicity and some sites say $300 Million, and it has to do with Drumpf saying he will get rid of Dodd-Frank:

  76. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Tim Kaine's Wiki: Enjoy!

  77. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Gryphon I am surprised and disappointed that you are unimpressed by Tim Kaine.


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