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Laurie Luhn with Megyn Kelly |
Laurie Luhn told the lawyers at Paul, Weiss that she had been harassed by Ailes for more than 20 years, that executives at Fox News had known about it and helped cover it up, and that it had ruined her life. “It was psychological torture,” she later told me.
So far, most of the women who have spoken publicly about harassment by Ailes in the wake of Gretchen Carlson’s lawsuit had said no to Ailes’s sexual advances. They ran out of hotel rooms, they pulled away from embraces, they complained or avoided or generally resisted, even when it hurt their careers. This is the account of a woman who chose to go along with what Roger Ailes wanted — because he was powerful, because she thought he could help her advance her career, because she was professionally adrift and emotionally unmoored.
Doing so helped Luhn’s career for a time — at her peak, she earned $250,000 a year as an event planner at Fox while, according to both her own account and four confirming sources, enjoying Ailes’s protection within the company. But the arrangement required her to do many things she is now horrified by, including luring young female Fox employees into one-on-one situations with Ailes that Luhn knew could result in harassment. “He’s a predator,” she told me. In recent years, Luhn had a series of mental breakdowns that she attributes to the stress of her situation, and was even hospitalized for a time.
You know I am not a woman so there is no way for me to understand what it must be like to have somebody demand that you trade sex for employment, or for career advancement.
But just the idea that somebody felt they had to allow a sweaty corpulent troll like Roger Ailes to paw them and denigrate them makes me both nauseous and enraged at the same time.
And the fact that others at Fox News knew of this behavior and allowed it to go on, should serve as an indictment of the entire organization.
They are all corrupt at FOX! All of them appeared to 'go along to get along'!
ReplyDeleteThen you have also the likes of Bill O'Reilly who was sued and had to pay big bucks for sexual harassment. And, then you have Hannity!
Thank God, I never had that need or requirement throughout my career of many years! (Retired now and in financial good shape w/o sex w/my bosses!)
The blond women at FOX were takers and idiots themselves! That is probably why I've rarely tuned them in during the past ten years!
If Fox and friends keep chasing after the orange Don, trying to grease the way for republicans, it may be adios for the bunch.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that the corporation was aware means they are civilly liable in court for any behaviors of Alies after they were made aware of the first incident. I hope ALL those woman open lawsuits against Faux.
ReplyDeleteDidn't FOX end up paying Ailes forty million as his exit bonus? Now, they'll be paying the gals in these lawsuits?
DeletePerhaps they'll go broke and we'll never see or hear their peeps ever again! That result would be heaven sent!
FOX has been the leader (stoopid Hannity!) in promoting The Donald too.
Why anyone watched their crap and lies is beyond me!
Please don't suggest a naked Roger Ailes to my imagination just as I'm about to head out to pick up our pizza dinner. :) Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI can only imagine, dvlaries. GRIN.
Delete-- #1 fan
Well within the scope of this topic, and very much worth reading:
Thank God I'm ugly in Fox terms.
ReplyDeleteI would set them on their ear and then some.
What more can you expect from a right wing television show catering to a base of shallow, uneducated white guys who only watch in the hope of seeing some titty action.
ReplyDeleteKitty action? You mean a camera shot up the shirt skirt, right?
DeleteWhich, sad to say, seems to be legal in Georgia.
Yeah, just color us idiots once again. WTF?
I still am sad about my neighbor. I just couldn't stand to hear her parrot those Fox News talking points, so I didn't visit her as often as I should have. She's gone, but Fox keeps going.
ReplyDeleteWonder why Sarah has not come to Ailes' rescue. After all, he sure gave her a big opportunity after she quit playing governor. Maybe she did what she had to do to get the gig. That wouldn't surprise me.
ReplyDeleteRoger said he never had sex with Sarah because she smelled bad.
DeleteSarah is so self absorbed. She spent her time looking to see who was looking at her, while at Fox.
DeleteNo, Ailes would not have approached the hag.However, I would suspect she would have been more then willing, if he had.
Therefore she does not have a dog in this fight. She was a grifter being played for rating's.
It appears Sarah wants to keep on good terms and she would like to be able to use Fox. Her sil was on this morning. How was that arranged? He talks to people and know what garbage that place is. He just has the same kind of 'family values'. He likes those kind of people and the way the operate.
DeleteSarah would love for Bristol and any of her family to appear on Fox.
Was the morning interview a trial run for them to be able to have more opportunity at Fox?
Will Bristol be on next?
I am sure if they have an opportunity to develop a program with Fox they would do it in a minute.
Sarah would never want any of her family to work at Planned Parenthood. That is not her kind of 'family values.' She and family would go on and on writing about how bad Planned Parenthood is.
Sarah and her family feel and share the same 'family values' with Fox.
Fox News
It's hard to imagine how little self-esteem someone would have to have to put up with this abuse for two decades. She had a family-why didn't she just go home? And no, I am not blaming her; Ailes is a criminal, but when was she planning to make it stop? Aides is lucky that none of these women carry guns.
ReplyDeleteNot hard for me to imagine. I too have been unable to find a job at times, even though I am well qualified, but I am also an old woman with financial responsibilities to others. (= desperate, at times) Sometimes you do what you gotta do. No need to blame her. And I see you are not.
DeleteThis is a far too common phenomenon, not always this stratospheric, and certainly not always does it get exposed.
O/T but well worth reading. margaret and Helen are at it again.
They just nail it, don't they?
DeleteThanks for the reminder!
Ailes is nothing more than a disgusting, calculating pig just like Donald Trump. They are not men. They are predators and nothing more.
ReplyDeleteWhen Todd Palin was outraged with, I think Letterman, he was on TV and spoke up. I think he used the word rape. He went after a man he claimed was disgusting. Any in event the Palin family would do similar with an organization they are close to if they were disgusted by what the bosses and organization stands for now.
DeleteDakota would go on and on and protect the women at Fox.
The Palins clearly do not have negative thoughts or feelings about how Fox does it's business, how they treat people, none of it.
This says a great deal about the entire Palin family.
This whole story creeps me out. I wish I had more sympathy for this woman but she made her own bed. She knew what she was doing and what she would get out of it and now can't handle how degrading it was. As for Ailes, there are not enough words! I tried gross, disgusting, pervert..none were strong enough. This is the climate that they built their network around. This is what is being jammed down the throats [or lordy, that just brought back those ugly,ugly details from the article] of the American public and too many are buying it. Now how many showers will it take to wash away all those images?
ReplyDeleteLook at how she is dressed in that photo. I don't see a victim here and it pisses me off as a woman. She could have kicked him in the balls and said no!Is Ailes a creep? yes . Look at Fox News do you see one homely woman working there?. She used her looks for gain, nothing but a high priced hooker and it makes all women who are attractive look cheap. Honor is something you don't sell. She had a choice to quit and turn down the money at least she would still have her pride and principles, now put a worth on that.
DeleteImagine if all these women had spoken up at the time of the events, I mean all of them. Perhaps Fox News would not even be on the air in the form of poison that it is today, Ailes would have been gone and he is the main reason we have such horrendous political discord and rudeness in our nation today. He is the one who pushed the anger, fear, and hatred that spews out of every Fox News and commentary personality on the air today. He and he alone is responsible. All the other who spouted his words are nothing more than foolish tools.
DeleteAND, as I understand the article, she is putting her $3M+ settlement to speak out about it. Good for her.
ReplyDeleteI meant she is putting that big settlement at risk: it had big non-disclosure conditions.
DeleteMaybe candidate trump will get briefed on all the serious investigations going on and security breach that involves himself and cult.
ReplyDeleteIf you had a client would you book them at Fox? Trumps enterprise?
DeleteIs Chris Jenner going to book any of the kids she manages at Fox or Trump.
You know fox will say Ailes is gone and it is a new day. Forget the 20 years of cover up and anyone that was complicit or knew.
It is going to be curious to learn who all is going to be a 'friend' or a part of something so treacherous and unforgivable.
The Meyers and the Palins will be right there with all the perverts. Begging for a piece of the pervert pie.
Delete)))))))FOX NATION((((((((( good read.
ReplyDeleteOf course, this begs the question, how many times did $arah suck Ailes' prick?
ReplyDeleteWhy do you think Fox set up the studio in Wasilla. Perfect for Todd to parade his whores and she and Rog can made their own kind of 'connection'...and then when she was in NY, she had to make good on her long distance teases. And sometimes, as a cover, she spewed some word salad on Fox, just enough to make her feel important.
DeleteIt must have been a lucrative job for Marina, the Russian exotix. That was her thing, long distance. She may have taught old Sarah all she knows in that career.
DeleteShe sure had to disappear from the Palin circle fast.
Marina is the Russia with Love pipeline connection to Pal-in around with Putin, right Toady and Sara? You have sprung the leak and it is spewing cum from the FOX foxes> ALL of them.
Delete:-} take that Barstool up the a$$.
So THAT'S what happened to BFF Marina. Hey, Brissy, think we're stupid?
DeleteMany called it.
Better get out on the trail, girlfriend, can't wait to see it! Smooches.
Can't get your mind around the fear and loathing? Watch "Deliverance".
ReplyDeleteI read that article last night, late, right before I went to bed. What he did to her is the stuff of nightmares. A horror movie if you will. I had lots o' trouble sleeping.
ReplyDeleteI really wish I could understand why she put up with him and his abuse for so long. I'm glad she's coming forward and telling her story. I really hope others who were manipulated by not only Ailes but others at Faux News will come forward and tell their story, now too.
How did that....that....piece of sh!t get a 40 million dollar parachute to leave Fox? I hope all the lawsuits coming his way deplete his bank account and leave him penniless.
$250,000/year goes a long way towards helping people overlook what they don't want to see.
DeleteLive and learn. Forty five percent of Alaskan Natives can't get job. No EEO enforcement in AK regardless of million dollar budgets. Cue the happy talk. Too bad about the white chick showing her cleavage having gropefest probs while she works. How can we collectively bear it that she was groped. Let's spend a lot of time caring and crying about this. How about a 24 hour discussion?
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when a woman did not complain about harassment on the job. It was what she had to do to get a good job. Yeah, and probably get a good part in a movie by way of the casting couch.
ReplyDeleteBut it has been acceptable for a woman to document her harassment, present it to the company. Monica Lewinsky. Twenty years ago, women were being taught to say, "That is not appropriate" in order to close off a prying question or an ugly advance.
I don't know why anyone would stay on a job for 20 years and take that kind of abuse. What was the breaking point? At what point did that woman realize that she had no self esteem? Didn't she have any close friends or family that could help her deal with the problem?
Because still in this day and age if a woman complains she is done in whatever industry she has chosen to want to work in. And women put up with this crap to bring a paycheck home.
Delete5:46 I'm not sure whether to applaud your comment or curse you. I've experienced many forms of sexual harassment in my lifetime. From relatively simple unwanted attention to down right criminal behavior from men that should've known better. But the most painful, and life altering, was from my own father. There is no braking point when you are dealing with that emotion. And nothing helps. Not counseling (I had plenty), not close friends and certainly not self esteem. As a child, reeling from the pain and trauma of abuse, the first thing you feel is shame and guilt. Just, please, don't judge why women may or may not speak out.
DeleteI just have to wonder what size chin implant Megyn Kelly has, I mean damn, that think is like two inches long! She must have requested the "extra long and pointy" or said "make mine a double"!
ReplyDeleteMaybe she called Bristol for advice.
DeleteAll I can say is: "Cry me a river!" This broad was able to stand it for TWENTY YEARS, and now all of a sudden she has some remorse?! Yeah, right! Sorry, but I think she might be worried that some stuff might be coming out about her complicity with all the 'sheite' going on in there and that she might be on the receiving end of a lawsuit or two for being complicit with ahe sexist atrocities going on!
ReplyDeleteRoger Ailes is right and so are the women accusing him. They all deserved each other. Fox scumbags, all of them- male and female. They are the face of the Republicon Party. They ushered in, foment, and fed the bigotry and hatred in this country. They are the worst of America.
Delete@ 6:20 I agree
DeleteThe disgusting part is she was his pimp, she knew about him, she set other unsuspecting women up and got paid for doing it.
6 Vids> Girl Powerhttp://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/samantha_bee_full_frontal/2016/07/_samanthabee_fullfrontal.html
ReplyDeleteFox news....champion of "Republican Family Values..."....LOL
ReplyDeleteThat must be right wing code for keeping women pure and virtuous so they can be offered up untainted to the likes of Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Josh Dugger and countless other right wing scumbags
I sure hope that photo was taken at a party, her top is not appropriate for business attire.
ReplyDeleteI guess It's just me. There's no amount of compensation in the world that would make me allow myself to be tortured every day for years. Yeah, there's stockholm syndrome, and I guess I was lucky, I started working from the bottom up for a great company owned by a woman, and made it to a pretty comfortable place, in my compensation and title, and I love what I do, so it's not just work for me. I've seen the best and worst in people along the way and hopefully will be able to retire soon, fingers crossed.
ReplyDeleteYou misspelled "Hooker" in the title....