Saturday, August 13, 2016

Somebody took the time to transcribe an entire Donald Trump sentence. Tell me how long it takes you to experience deja vu.

Reading that almost triggers my PTSD from my years transcribing Sarah Palin speeches and interviews.

At this point virtually everybody has made the comparison between Trump and Palin over and over again, but actually reading a sentence like this really drives home just how similar they are in their thinking or, if you prefer, non-thinking habits.

As I have said before I really do not think we would have Donald Trump as the Republican nominee in 2016 if we had not already had Sarah Palin as the VP nominee in 2008.


  1. Anonymous6:19 AM

    That "sentence" is only missing the folksy cliches. Same mindset, same brain cell count.


    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      In an alternate universe it would be great if Sarah could be on the ticket with Don the Con. Pence is spent, Palin is more his equal wordsmith.

    2. Anonymous10:41 AM

      In Trump's defense, it is more or less grammatically correct and he didn't make up any words.

      Nor did he say nucular.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Speaking of Sarah Palin, the comment below from a previous post is an interesting comment. How come Sarah Palin runs off to her Arizona compound, runs around all over the lower 48 and leaves Track at home without supervision? Sarah needs to hire a nanny or something for Track.


    It is President Obama's fault Track Palin was accused of his violent drunken behavior when he was a teenager, accused of stealing liquor and went on a vandalism spree.

    If Obama didn't let violent drunks join the military to avoid jail time then Track would not have PTSD, wouldn't be divorced within a year and wouldn't have beat up his pregnant girlfriend.

    I also blame President Obama for Track's addiction to Oxycontin prior to enrolling in the National Guard:

    In 2005, Track was accused along with three other teenagers of cutting the brake line of a school bus in Wasilla. The incident was reported on a local news broadcast in Anchorage (video is above). The Frontiersman newspaper reported at the time that four teenagers had stolen a bottle of vodka from a liquor store and gone on a vandalism spree. Political conspiracy theorists reckoned that Track avoided jail time by enlisting in the U.S. Army. Col. Thompson downplayed that rumor in the U.S. News report from October 2008, calling it “balderdash.”

    During Palin’s run for vice president in 2008, the National Enquirer reported that Track had been suffering from an addiction to Oxycontin.

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Sarah used to give interesting speeches and used to be seen on talk shows but now nothing What happened to her? Is she still alive?

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Who cares?

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      You said the Secret Word so you're the Door Prize Winner for today! We'll be sending you a coupon for $50.00 Off on a lifesize, inflatable, anatomically correct Sarah Palin Blowup Doll with Removable Tits just as soon as we receive your check or money order for $99.95.*

      *This charge is only a service and handling fee and does not reflect the price of the doll. The discount coupon cannot be used to pay on the service and handling fee.

    3. Anonymous10:42 AM

      They have a bigger clown now: Trump.

    4. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Do you feel better getting that rant of your chest.

  4. So my take on the 2016 GOP Presidential nominee....Putin convinced DJT to run believing the GOP would win and Russia would then wipe clean DJT's debt slate plus future quid pro quo. DJT may have finally realized this HUUUUGE error of thought and is throwing out all that outrageousness to guarantee a loss. Talk amongst yourselves……

  5. Anonymous6:42 AM

    I quit after "very good genes."

  6. Anonymous6:54 AM

    He meant very good 'jeans'.

    DJT has the best jeans, let me tell you. It's true. The best.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Are they made at Wharton?

    2. You mean like these?:

  7. WA Skeptic7:14 AM

    GAAAH! Make the Bad Man STOP!

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    GIRL POWER! FUCK YES“I get banned for not liking Bush and now Trump can practically put a hit out on Hillary and he’s still all over country radio! Hypocrites!”

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      More Girl POWER!

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Black Power! BLM! Like THIS>

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      "•Trump is setting new lows for the GOP in support among college-educated white women, garnering just 27 percent to Clinton’s 57 percent (Romney won the demographic by 6 points in 2012)"

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      It's funny he should say that having already met Sarah Palin.

      Is he saying Hillary is smarter than he is? Wow. Thought he'd never admit that.

  9. SallyinMI7:24 AM

    Does that not say his uncle, the very vey smart one, went to Wharton? Ah, no..."Trump received his Bachelors in electrical engineering from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (1929), his Masters in physics from Columbia University, and his Doctorate in electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (1933). He was a professor at MIT from 1936 until 1973."
    Does Trump just open his mouth and let it go? He can't even tell the truth about his uncle.

    1. No, no, Sally, by the time he babbled out the word Wharton Trump had already switched to talking about himself (big surprise). His uncle had "very good genes"* which Donald also inherited enabling him to go to Wharton blah blah blah.

      *If by "very good genes" he meant "genes that make me act like a spoiled sociopathic toddler even in my seventies."

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Only people wrongly convicted have longer sentences. *grin*

  11. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Donald Jackass tRump is not an intelligent man, no matter how many times he states that he is close to a genius. He is a fool. "good genes"? must have come from his mother, certainly not from a tRump.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Trump DOES look like he was dug out of his mother's ass.

    2. Anonymous11:05 AM

      He had good longevity genes.

      But he did not inherit his Father's head for business.

  12. Anonymous7:27 AM

    All I want to know is when the election is over and POTUS Hilary Clinton is sworn in, will Donald Trump start putting his white clown makeup back on and his red ball nose then go back to Ringling Brothers?

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      When she wins, and she will, I hope the media gives him the heave ho. His mentally challenged opinions serve no purpose whatsoever.

    2. @7:57 -- The media won't drop him. Did they drop Sarah? No, the two blowhards are good ratings material. Face it, journalistic integrity in the MSM is like NBC covering actual sports, not just broadcasting entertaining tidbits about Olympians' personal lives and endless commercials. Not gonna happen.

    3. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Trump will continue to make news far beyond this campaign cycle. He'll be invited to discuss politics on all of the news channels, he'll probably resurrect the Apprentice with some sort of political spin, he'll continue being the dingleberry stuck in America's butt hair at least until the next election cycle and probably beyond.

      You'd have to be naive to think that the media won't keep milking this maniac for clicks, and viewers and dollars, and he himself will make out like a bandit.

      Welcome to America 2.0

  13. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Good god, this word salad is catching...

    Kimberly Guilfoyle Accuses Obama and Clinton of Baiting Trump Into Saying Stupid Things

    ...KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE (CO-HOST): Oh, well it’s just a double standard. And Newt points it out there, because this is specifically about what what word economy, like — Trump’s trying to do it in three, instead of ten. It’s the mind of the businessman, he’s always looking to, like — nail it down, get it done, say what he’s saying. He knows what he’s thinking, but it’s about now being very careful to choose your words to make sure that they don’t misconstrue it.

    And what you’ve seen is a concerted effort, really — it’s like the most unholy partnership of all time between the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, constantly making comments trying to bait Trump into saying something that will sidetrack him, and then the mainstream media refusing to cover the same things when Hillary says it — but it’s — which is very difficult to catch, given the fact that it was like, what, 240-plus days before she did a press conference to answer a question?

  14. Anonymous7:40 AM

    dRumpf quote"We have a lot of law enforcement people working that day," he said. "We're hiring a lot of people. We're putting a lot of law enforcement — we're going to watch Pennsylvania, go down to certain areas and watch and study, and make sure other people don't come in and vote five times.""Wendy Weiser, director of the Democracy Program at the New York University School of Law's Brennan Center for Justice, called Trump's comments "very disturbing and harmful."""We have to call up law enforcement, and we have to have the sheriffs, and the police chiefs, and everybody watching," Watch MEMEME!

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:56 AM

      "Other people"?

      What's, other than white?

  15. I think (note: think) somewhere he said women are smarter than men.
    He better check his source for whatever drugs he's getting.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      He strongly favors Ivanka over his sons.

      No wonder they feel the need to kill animals to feel manly.

  16. Anonymous7:51 AM

    No, Trumplethinskin, losing Pennsylvania wasn't due to rigging, you were a fucking loser! Plain and simple.

  17. Anonymous8:02 AM

  18. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Nowadays, you just can't talk about Donald Trump without it conjuring up Sarah Palin. Yeah, that is pretty hilarious how Donald talks. Just like Sarah. And the people that follow them understand all that. Scawy. Good posts today Gryphen. I'm still scarred a bit from Bristol's crosseyed picture of yesterday. Geez, it's not hollaween yet so don't do that again.

  19. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I've transcribed Palin's and Trump's word salad. Palin is much harder to transcribe. Trump speaks English; Palin mutilates English.

  20. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Every now and then, Sarah writes one of those long facebook rants and she brings back memories of her word salad. Now, all that Sarah posts are some results from the Olympics, waving a flag and saying USA! Not very original or up to date.

    In case anyone forgets Sarah's legacy, she made it ok to insult Obama by saying that he does not see America the way that you and I see America (code words, he is not like us). When Sarah said that Obama palled around with terrorists, she made it ok for Trump to say that Obama and Clinton were secret terrorists who started ISIS. Sarah continued to post facebook rants where she regularly insulted Obama, showing no respect for the office that she came this close to seeing as her own (in her own mind). Sarah Palin may have been famous for her word salad, but she made it ok to insult Obama in a personal way.

  21. Anonymous9:03 AM


  22. Anonymous9:19 AM

    dRUMPF, not Trig, is the Tundra Turd's 5th offspring. And like all of the others, he has not progressed beyond a middle school intelligence or mentality.

  23. Anonymous9:54 AM

    It's funny, Trump is walking though all those open doors that are now closed to Sarah.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Read this interview and tell me the guy is not bonkers he can't stay on subject and he keeps repeating himself like someone with dementia

  26. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Someone needs to ask him what he reads.

    Maybe that could be one of the debate questions.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:52 AM

      I think Donny can't read. Seriously.

    2. Anonymous11:44 AM

      He pays others to read for him.

    3. Anonymous1:54 PM

      "The internet. I read the internet. It has lots of words. The internet has the best, most amazing words. I love the internet"

  27. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Ahhh - here's my payback for the ugliness that Palin has unleashed:

    I am supporting the Democrat who has a great, really tremendous, the best jeans chance- WHARTON! - of unseating John McCain (AKA the dude who got caught.)

    Interested in joining? Here's a link to learn more about Ann Kirkpatrick:

    Full circle, baby! Oh and -

    FUC* You, Sarah Palin!

  28. Anonymous10:56 AM

    He talks in parenthesis.

    If you put them in, there are a lot of asides there that should be in parenthesis.

    At least he eventually gets to some point and he doesn't make up words. His grammar is even fairly correct also too.

    But I think if I were standing there listening to this blowhard my ears would be bleeding with JUST GET TO THE FUCKING POINT!

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Trouble for him, we don't 'hear' parenthesis and because those are his spoken words, his point, whatever it is, remains lost.

      One would expect a 70 yr old man who was exposed to grammar in grades K-12 and some feeble attempts at higher learning would obey the occasional rule of grammar.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      One would expect a 40 yr old woman who was a governor and claims to have a degree in journalism to occasionally obey the rules of grammar, and know how to use a dictionary and thesaurus.

  29. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Interesting that "many people say" Trump is taking speed to control his weight (not working!) and that Sarah, also too, is/was taking speed to peel off those pounds.

    Side-effects include delusional thinking and the inability to think and speak with basic coherency.

    It looks like when you put sociopaths and stupid and speed together you get super-stupid-psychos.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      That would also explain his twitter rants in the wee small hours of the morning when normal people sleep.

  30. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Damn! Sarah Palin in a male body, same spew of word salad, put into a blender, blended at high speed, put on a roller coaster and flung all over the place. It must be a brain disorder. Did Trump fall off one of his buildings and survive?

  31. Anonymous11:38 AM

    BTW Gryphen, did you see Triumph's election special on Hulu? You must watch the focus group of Trump supporters and their reactions to "ads" that were made for the Trump campaign. Hard to believe people are this incredibly stupid! It is funny, but frightening at the same time.

  32. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Many people say that is some splodey head thinking and talking right there!!!

  33. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Jesus, who openly brags about their "good genes" in an attempt to convince people that they are as smart as they say they are? Gryphen, you should do a post about "the Goldwater Rule" and how psychiatrists are not allowed to make comments about the mental state of public figures. Apparently, some of them are chafing at the bit during this presidential election, for obvious reasons!

    "Ghaemi also proposes a few amendments to the Goldwater Rule. He believes that the in-person examination requirement should be nixed – assessing psychiatric patients often requires outside input: from colleagues; from family; from friends – he also feels that psychiatrists should be able to weigh in when a candidate poses a societal threat that overtakes professional oath."

    Yes, apparently some psychiatrists feel that Donald Trump is actually a "societal threat", but they are forbidden from talking about it!

  34. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Out of all this Palin and Trump bullcrap, I like that someone said that they and their surrogates are doing this thing called implantation. You know, say something, and it sticks in somebody's pea brain because people are not very discerning. The age of reason has flown out the window with every word.


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