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Islamophobe, xenophobe, racist, and Trump supporter Emirieta Xhelili. |
A bigoted Brooklyn woman launched a sickening attack on two Muslim women pushing their babies in strollers — punching them in the face and trying to pull off their hijabs, prosecutors said Friday.
Emirjeta Xhelili, 32, hurled Islamophobic insults as she pounced on the two victims near her Bath Beach home about 1:30 p.m. Thursday, authorities said.
“Get the f--k out of here,” Xhelili, 32, allegedly yelled at the pair, according to prosecutors. “Get the f--k out of America, b-----s.”
As she punched the 23-year-old women in the face and kicked them in their legs, she tried to rip the traditional Muslim veils off their heads at Bay 20th St. and Cropsey Aves., police sources said.
“This is America — you shouldn’t be different from us,” she yelled, prosecutors said.
The woman also has a rather repugnant presence on social media:
Xhelili has no previous arrests and works at Noi Due, a kosher Italian restaurant on the Upper West Side, her lawyer said. Her vile social media musings include several bizarre tweets cheering the candidacy of Donald Trump.
“America is the ark of Noah,” one reads. “Trump’s gonna win.”
Gee, can you even imagine what this country will be like if this woman's candidate actually wins?
I am just going to move my refrigerator, computer, and TV's into my bedroom now, because if that happens I am never getting out of bed again.
I'd like to know where this bitch is from. Her name sounds awfully furrin to me.
DeleteShe's not a native born American.
DeleteShe was born in Albania. A Muslim country.
You can't make this stuff up.
First of all, she looks retarded like all the palin girls.
DeleteI would of loved if those Muslim women whipped out a gun and blasted her to hell! I'm sick of these trump bitches telling ppl to "get out"! You GTF if you don't like it! White is the minority now!
The sad reality is when Trump loses we are stuck with these 'Tards and trump will go on some vacay out of the country maybe to a place where he hates the ppl like Mexico and we are left with all the rubes.
I give so many props to the Mulim people here. They practice their faith and don't bother anyone. They have their own diet & Health prescriptions they follow. Unlike these fake posers who spew about shit they know nothing about a ark etc. These posers don't even go to church.
I'd love to smack the snarl off that bitches face.
It started with la Palin she pulled these assholes out from under their rocks for Trump! Both of them Pied pipers of hate.
One of these days, these "Deplorables" is going to pick on the wrong person!
Trump will say, "she's brown, she has a funny name and she comes from a country that harbors terrorists, lets send her back".
DeleteShe seems nice.
ReplyDelete“This is America — you shouldn’t be different from us,”
ReplyDeleteYes, that's exactly why America was founded--so people could be exactly alike, every single one of them! /s
Native American?
She works at a "kosher Italian" restaurant? What is that? Is that for the Shylocks of Venice who moved to Brooklyn instead of Israel to inflict their brand of hate when there aren't any Palestinian locals to kick around?
ReplyDelete...and here's the screaming irony. She's of Serbian immigrant stock, and most likely--has Muslim heritage mixed in there somewhere.
ReplyDelete'''Gee, can you even imagine what this country will be like if this woman's candidate actually wins?
ReplyDeleteI am just going to move my refrigerator, computer, and TV's into my bedroom now, because if that happens I am never getting out of bed again.'''
LOL... I hear ya.
Starting the cloistering process right now. Perfect Sunday morning activity. Plan to put nine pair of sheets on the bed so I don't have to make the bed for the next two months. Just remove a couple when I need clean sheets.
DeleteThen I should have a pretty good idea if I will be moving to Norway, Canada or Mexico.
@laurensd1 6:06 AM
Delete'''Plan to put nine pair of sheets on the bed so I don't have to make the bed for the next two months.'''
When George W Bush stole the 2000 connection it took me 3 months to get back to normal.
Emirjeta Xhelili is certainly a good ol' American name.
ReplyDeleteThis woman is one of the deplorable Trump supporters Hillary is talking about.
ReplyDeleteTrump Campaign: We demand an apology from Hillary Clinton. Our supporters are not deplorable!
DeleteEmirjeta Xhelili: a Trump supporter, physically assaults two Muslim women while they were pushing their babies in strollers in a neighborhood in America.
Clinton's Campaign to Trump's Campaign: You were saying?!
Ironically she's not native born. She's an immigrant from Albania, which is 60% Muslim.
ReplyDeleteShe's one of the deplorables Clinton talked about.
Clinton should not apologize for her use of this word. If racism, etc., etc., is not deplorable, what is?
DeleteShe tells the truth but has to publicly regret it, alas. So many Americans absolutely hate her and now this? Big political mistake, alas.
Trump is all over this:
“How can she be president of our country when she has such contempt and disdain for so many great Americans? Hillary Clinton should be ashamed of herself, and this proves beyond a doubt that she is unfit and incapable to serve as president of the United States.”
Still -- 2 months to go and that is a lifetime in politics...I hope.
She said out loud what progressive people are thinking. But with that one word - deplorables - Hillary just increased the chances of a civil war in America. Gun sales just went up.
DeleteUnfortunately, there are many who fit this description to a tee.
DeleteTrump made his position clear that great Americans to him are racists, bigots etc.
Delete6:01 -- Yes. THIS is what Hillary needs to say now...but will she? Suspect she will go into her "cave" after poking her head out and saying what she really thinks, instead of what she thinks is safe to say.
DeleteIf there was any chance of a civil war, it crossed that rubicon long before Clinton used that word.
DeleteShe is Jewish of Eastern European stock, like most of them.
DeleteI do not give a fuck what religion she claims or of what descent she has. What she DID is a HATE CRIME in the USA, NOW!
DeleteDeplorable ?<YES
Like most of WHO?
DeleteOkay, here is when a hyphen is absolutely necessary.
ReplyDeleteThe headline reads as if a Muslim is bashing a Trump supporter. It needs to be written like this:
Quote from Muslim-bashing Trump supporter: “America is the ark of Noah, Trump’s gonna win.”
My brother shared a video that a cyclist filmed from his phone when an older white man stopped his car to verbally assault him for riding his bike in a lane clearly marked for cyclists and cars. The sixty plus looking man raged calling the cyclist a "faggot" and other insulting abusive names. He threatened to beat the shit out of him and other specific violent threats because he "is a surfer and sick of people like faggots who moved in a took over wrecking the town. While threatening physical assault the man declared he was "going to Trump" the cyclist said menacingly through clenched bared teeth.
ReplyDeleteOne can't help but conclude the enraged attacker believes he can "Trump" (violently rid anyone and define cyclists as faggots, gay to take his town back. Especially because he seemed to.Especially convinced he was a real man because he surfed therefore cyclists are fags ruining his town.
The older man did this while wearing his window washing company's tee shirt with the name on it! The police easily located him. It is frightening to know people who are extremely judgmental, see the world in extremes of black and white, all good or all evil etc. feel empowered by Donald Trump to violently assault verbally and or physically anyone different from them.
It would not surprise me if domestic violence of females is on the rise as well.
"It would not surprise me if domestic violence of females is on the rise as well." <THAT, THAT is the WHOLE THING. Woman POWER create FEAR in MEN, all they really have over most of them is shear muscle strength.
DeleteAn immigrant woman physically attacking other immigrant women - especially women with their babies... Donald Trump's work is almost done.
ReplyDeleteNope. She is Albanian if you bother to read the rest of her vile social media page under Mary Magdalene, she appears to have been an atheist who co vetted to cut and may also have been under psychiatric care, claiming to be pregnant when she hadn't had sex. She may be suffering PTSD from her xhilchood. Quite a few Albanian were caught up in the Kosovo war. And yes it is both and she is nuts and Trump attracts and inflames such deplorable people.
ReplyDeleteThe religious grudges of that region go back millennia.It always get very messy (and lethal) when they're exploited for political gain by scurrilous types. And here we are again...
DeleteFucking gypsies, they are always screwing things up.
DeleteShe's Albanian, AND an immigrant: SMFH
ReplyDeleteFrom her FB page
Lives in Brooklyn, New York
From Tirana, Albania
@dragaonfly2x 5:34 AM
DeleteRemember the racist Orly Taitz? Who was obsessive in trying to derail President Obama's presidency, because he is Black? Well, she is from Russia via Israel. A Russian immigrant trying to overturn a legitimately elected U.S. President.
Another Jew who is concerned about racial purity.
DeleteHappens to Muslims in the West Bank all the time. Why should New York's Upper West Side be any different?
ReplyDeleteBecause this is America and not Israel?
DeleteThe Muslim women who were attacked wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
DeleteI am having insight about people who have unhealthy narcissism who are intolerant of anyone and anything different than them who demand people be just like them or deserve violence to banish them.
ReplyDeleteEach time I have traveled to Europe I have witnessed obnoxious loud mouthed Americans demanding American things in a foreign country including in France they only speak English, only have menus in English and several years ago loudly raging because smoking in restaurants and bars was still permitted abroad.
The Trump campaign seems to have empowered people to publicly go after and commit acts of violence so their world be ordered and include only people like them.
I am finding this a sad state of humanity yet revealing about people any of us thought we knew are coming out as the deplorables. Trump has set the bar for these people to jail, beat the crap out of, blow them out of the water, level them manipulating they too can be part of or serve the best, smartest, greatest man who is superior and knows more than anyone. They seem to believe he will alter their lives, prosperity and grant an America of hot dogs and apple pie of whites only. Also destroy press credentials. Yes, they can own any assault weapons.
A relative shared several male friends came out as planning militias to take their country back who love Trump.
This election is not politics as usual as the watching world knows from observing.
I am having insight about people who have unhealthy narcissism who are intolerant of anyone and anything different than them who demand people be just like them or deserve violence to banish them.
ReplyDeleteEach time I have traveled to Europe I have witnessed obnoxious loud mouthed Americans demanding American things in a foreign country including in France they only speak English, only have menus in English and several years ago loudly raging because smoking in restaurants and bars was still permitted abroad.
The Trump campaign seems to have empowered people to publicly go after and commit acts of violence so their world be ordered and include only people like them.
I am finding this a sad state of humanity yet revealing about people any of us thought we knew are coming out as the deplorables. Trump has set the bar for these people to jail, beat the crap out of, blow them out of the water, level them manipulating they too can be part of or serve the best, smartest, greatest man who is superior and knows more than anyone. They seem to believe he will alter their lives, prosperity and grant an America of hot dogs and apple pie of whites only. Also destroy press credentials. Yes, they can own any assault weapons.
A relative shared several male friends came out as planning militias to take their country back who love Trump.
This election is not politics as usual as the watching world knows from observing.
Well, the ark can be a symbol of diversity: two of each kind of animal, etc. I don't think this deranged woman understands. Diversity is not a bad thing but a good thing. The two local Muslim women had as much right to be where they were as she had. We all came from somewhere, even the Native Americans at dim, distant past, trekked here from somewhere. Where it all began for humans.
There are a lot of Trump people that would take one look at that name and tell her to go back to Albania or whatever Eastern European hellhole she came from.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand when an obvious immigrant, from the looks of her and her name, who has obviously never bothered to Americanize her name, picks on others sharing her same circumstance. I think we have ourselves a self-loathing immigrant chick who has hers but doesn't want anyone else to have theirs.
Just one glance at that first name and that last name tells me that she doesn't have one leg to stand on when it comes to bashing those who she feels "aren't American enough".
Bitch is wearing blinders, that's for sure, pot calling kettle black and all that.
What she doesn't know is that based on her name and appearance alone Trump would lump her in with all of the other "browns" and have her on a terrorist watch list and deportation schedule sure as shit. If he's elected she's going to wish she had kept quiet, of that I am sure.
Good Read on this^
Well if Traitor Trump wins Emirjeta Xhelili had better change her name, her name does not sound American, how do we know she is an American and where are her papers to prove her citizenship.
ReplyDeleteGood Publicity for the Kosher Italian restaurant. She's entitled to her beliefs, but where will they find a male whatever she is to go on the ark?
ReplyDeleteImmigrants, my dear, are MORE American than folks who were born here. You're "american" by accident of birth, they CHOSE to become American, don't know if you understand what that entails. Google is your friend.