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"It's rigged, it's rigged, it's rigged!" |
Authorities in Philadelphia will station prosecutors throughout the city on election day to respond to any reports of voter intimidation or other illegal activity after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed that polling might be “rigged” in this mostly minority city.
Philadelphia is one of many U.S. municipalities wrestling with how to respond to Trump’s call for supporters to “watch” polling places, and corresponding promises from civil rights groups that they will send their own backers to the polls.
“All of our election judges will be provided with cell phones that have direct access to the district attorney’s office of Philadelphia,” said Tim Dowling, chief deputy to City Commissioner Lisa Deeley. “As soon as you cross the line, you’re going to be dealing with law enforcement.”
This week, Trump told supporters to “watch” polling places in such cities as Philadelphia, St. Louis and Chicago - all with large minority populations. As Trump has slipped in the polls, he has repeatedly said the election is “rigged” against him.
In Philadelphia, teams from the district attorney’s office will be stationed throughout the city, ready to respond at a moment’s notice, Dowling said. The city is also increasing security at polling places, demanding for the first time identification even from credentialed poll-watchers sent by political parties.
The city has activated such teams in previous elections, but this year there are more, and they will be set up at police stations.
“Because of all the rhetoric, we’re erring on the side of caution,” Dowling said.
Other states are facing similar challenges with election officials all over the country being forced to assure worried voters that the election is not being rigged.
Gee he is not even the President, and he is already sowing the seeds of mistrust among the American citizens.
Good job Republicans, good job.
Update: It appears that even Alaska is taking precautions to put voter's minds at ease.
I can only imagine how freaked out Trump will be if Alaska goes blue for the first time since 1964.
CHEATER:"Less than three (3) weeks after Mar-a-Lago allegedly sustained $17 MILLION in damages, the entire Trump family converged on the club to attend Donald Trump Jr.'s wedding there.""I would have known if there was anything in the magnitude of $100,000." Records also reveal that Trump did not file any large-scale construction permits on the property after the hurricane. It would have likely been illegal to conduct major repairs without a permit. Trump has previously admitted to depositing some of the $17 million payout into his personal bank accounts" in 2005
More:"In a deposition in an unrelated civil lawsuit, Trump said he got the cash from a "very good insurance policy"
DeleteI'm smelling insurance fraud.
At this scale, wouldn't it be Grand Larceny?
Ha-ha! Poll watchers are required to show ID, and voters are still free to vote!
ReplyDeleteWay to go, Philly!
I'm from Philly, 2012 romney didn't get not one single vote in MY voting place, I wear that like a badge of Honor, obviously the gop still haven't gotten over it.
DeleteOT: This Russia website was "shut down" this week>
In the past flyers used to get circulated in Black neighborhoods in Philly stating that it you've ever been arrested and you attempt to vote, you will be arrested on the spot. I wonder if Trump supporters are trying this tactic again.
ReplyDeleteThey'll be pulling out all of their old tricks. Like Republicans vote on Nov. 8 and Democrats vote on Nov. 9. That sort of thing.
DeleteOT?Newt GingRICH>
Maybe yes, maybe no> Eric, Guly...
Delete"Everything that The Telegraph caught on tape was a violation of US campaign finance laws. The issue goes deeper than Donald Trump’s corrupt campaign and a network of super PACs. The willingness of the Great America PAC to engage in such blatantly illegal activity shows how Citizens United has gutted campaign finance laws."
Trump wanted, and got, was a deal in which a tax-exempt city agency bought the site of the hotel, leased it back to Trump for $1 a year, and spared him from paying property taxes for 40 years."detailed failures in basic bookkeeping, the seemingly sudden adoption of irregular accounting methods, and efforts to stymie officials." She concluded that Trump owed the city $2.9 million as a result of his maneuvers, but it doesn't appear to have gotten the money back. The New York Times reported last month that the city may have recovered only $850,000 from Trump in a 2004 settlement.old his stake in the hotel in 1996, but the tax abatement is still in effect." File after File after File.
Gosh and donnie told us he doesn't pay federal taxes but he pays city, state and other taxes.
DeleteSo he lied again, I am so surprised !!
Also today he laid out his first 100 day plan, which included lowering taxes, dumbo still hasn't figured out the president does not lower taxes.
Philly and all other voting site locations who are fortifying because of the lies fomented by this sociopath should send the bill to TRUMP. And then SUE when he doesn't pay it.
ReplyDeleteWonder if King Twit of Trump Tower will offer to pay his poll "watchers" legal fees. I'm glad to see that cities are taking Trump's incitements seriously.
ReplyDeleteTrump: 'I actually think we're winning'
(CNN)Donald Trump told a crowd of supporters in Florida Monday that he is in the lead in the race for the White House, despite being behind in the majority of national polls.
"Some great polls have just come out. I believe we're actually winning," Trump said, slamming the mainstream media.
The GOP presidential candidate went on to cite two polls, which he said show him leading Clinton.
but, but, but he just told us all the polls are rigged!!!
Delete"Some great polls have just come out" of my ass.
DeleteGood, as long as some doesn't figure out how to hack and take down the cell phone towers.
ReplyDeleteNOW THIS:
Nobody gives a shit about this except the mainstream media that are already obsessed 24/7 by Orange Cosby. They'll be able to screen hours and hours more of an empty podium now.
Delete"Monday’s program began with just shy of 60,000 viewers, and within 30 minutes half the audience had moved on."
ReplyDeleteIn Pennsylvania you have to live in a county to be a poll watcher there, that is, unless the GOP changes the rules in the next week. I would put nothing past the 21st century GOP. They learned well from Nixon's dirty tricksters, some of whom got caught and punished. Now there approach to voter discrimination, intimidation and suppression is through legislation. Let's hope that federal judges everywhere are wary of the tricksters afoot this Halloween. . . .
If he wins, he'll destroy the economies of the world. Predictions are if he wins the markets will drop 20 points immediately worldwide.
ReplyDeleteA complaint has been filed with the FBI and the DOJ that trumps rhetoric violates the voting rights act of 1965
ReplyDeleteOfficials in key battleground states aren't complying with court orders to stop restricting access to voting
And just who's responsible for voter suppression? The GOP, of course. GOP whining about voting irregularities is their cover for their voter suppression and voter intimidation. And it's been going on for quite a few election cycles now.
I just made a couple of political donations...........one to Katie McGinty (Pennsylvania Dem), and one to Catherine Cortez Mazto (Nevada Dem). I live in a red state but Pennsylvania and Nevada are extremely close...........so I encourage Democrats across the country to send a little bit their way. Doesn't have to be big, mine were $25 but even $5 or $10 will add up, and the pay-off could be a Senate Majority for Clinton (hopefully) to work with!
ReplyDeleteThat man is a infected ZIT. Ooooo so yucky.
ReplyDeleteEven tic tacs would not cover that gross butt breath. nasty.
ReplyDeleteGet over yourself, Trump couldn't care less if Alaska goes blue.
ReplyDeleteI disagree.
DeleteSince Trump is already arguing that this election is fixed, having Alaska go blue for the first time in over forty years would undoubtedly convince him that he was correct.
If that photo of Trump is not an exact copy of Hitler screaming and turning red, I don't know what is.
ReplyDeleteGee his face is purple. Wonder how he gets away with not having a heart attack. He's fat, old, and probably sniffing cocaine. He's angry. All things that would knock him off his feet yet that hate just keeps him strong. Must have the devil on his side.
ReplyDeleteWatch Maddow on the issue of voter intimidation and the Republicans. They can't get away with it.
ReplyDeleteNot only is he destroying his brand, but he's also working on destroying the GOP brand.
ReplyDeleteHaha, Trump thinks he's winning eh? Well, according to Nate Silver he's getting his ass kicked real good. In case you don't know who Nate Silver is, he's famous for accurately predicting the outcomes of both the 2008 and 2012 elections. In 2008 he accurately predicted the results of 49 out of 50 states and in 2012 he accurately predicted 50 out of 50. That being said, here is what he shows for 2016...
Trump's not only losing the election, but his family brand is being boycotted by pissed off women. He fucked up really, really bad... I don't think he bargained for this shit...
I hope he goes down for the dirt nap. Him and his whole damn family.
This Philadelphian is anxious to see how things turn out. Bring it on, Trump supporters.