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And look at that, I'm still standing. |
Hillary Clinton has a slim three-point lead over Donald Trump one week before Election Day, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll conducted entirely after FBI Director James Comey announced the discovery of new emails that might pertain to the former secretary of state's private server.
Clinton leads Trump 46 percent to 43 percent in a two-way race, and 42 percent to 39 percent in a four-way race, with Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson at 7 percent and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at 5 percent.
The poll was conducted using an online panel of 1,772 likely voters on Saturday and Sunday, beginning one day after Comey's announcement. The poll carries a margin or error of 2 percentage points.
In a separate poll conducted before Comey's disclosure, Clinton was leading by three points in the four-way race, and five points in the two-way race. Put simply, there is not yet evidence that the revelations have drastically altered the contours of the election.
I heard this same information on MSNBC today and am glad to see it confirmed.
Also read on another online news site that for most of the voters their decision was made long ago and that all of the news which has come out recently, concerning both candidates, really has not moved the needle much at all.
And don't forget that 22 million people have already voted, so any new "scandals" between now and November 8th will have absolutely NO impact on those votes.
As of this post Nate Silver suggests that Hillary still has a 75.4% of winning and Trump has a 24.6 % chance, so very little change there.
However if you are like me you are probably feeling more than a little nauseous after riding his roller coaster for almost a year now.
I think that our friend John Oliver summed all of this up best.
"We have burrowed through, not just rock bottom, but through the core of the earth. And we've come bursting out the other side, startling kangaroos, and we're currently hurtling toward outer space where there is no up, down, light, or darkness, just an endless void in which death comes as sweet, sweet relief. Please let this thing be over soon."
Just saw upChuck Tawd on NBC Nightly News. "This has been a remarkably stable election." HUH??
ReplyDeleteHillary looks great - looks like she's lost some weight. Who wouldn't? The orange anus mouth gets more bloated....
There was an effect, G'man.. 10 million Trump followers got an erection and went looking for a cousin to.....
ReplyDeleteFor those guys, I guess a headline like this morning's on Alternet wouldn't faze them in the least:
Delete"Reminder: Donald Trump Due in Court After Election Day on Child Rape and Racketeering Charges"
ReplyDeleteRep Gabriel Gifford (D)
Secretary of States Hillary Clinton (D)
Palin and Burr won't be happy until they have Democratic blood on their hands.
What's wrong with these sick mentally ill Republicans always wanting a Democrat assassinated?
In this case we have Richard Burr, a Republican Chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence talking about being shocked that the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton didn't have a bullseye on her.
"when he recently saw a picture of Hillary Clinton in the cover of the National Rifle Association’s magazine American Rifleman, he was “shocked” that “it didn’t have a bullseye on it.”
Listen to audio at
34:11 minute mark
Leaked audio: Republican senator in key race joked about Hillary Clinton being shot
Senator Burr first should be sanctioned by the senate, then voted out!!!!
DeleteSen Barack Obama's Secret Service was worried about Sarah Palin's hateful rhetoric since 2008.
ReplyDeleteNow there's a new Sarah Palin in town
Richard Burr
Chairman of the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Burr also raised eyebrows for saying at the event that he was "surprised" to see a picture of Clinton on a gun magazine that didn't include a bullseye.
ReplyDelete"I was a little bit shocked at that -- it didn't have a bullseye on it,"
POTUS Please >Fire Comey & Hire Garland.
If my fellow atheists will forgive this novice some momentary backsliding, "Please God, keep this woman healthy."
ReplyDeleteCertainly works for me dvlaries!
DeleteI'm more of an agnostic but earlier this evening, prayed "please God exist & please save us from drumpf". I really, really need for this to be over.
DeleteSen RICHARD BURR (R) apologized for his comment about the assassination of Hillary Clinton but like Chris Matthews said, he is telling that to a group that liked it.
ReplyDeleteBut the Comey incident can't help this:
ReplyDeleteDeep Unfavorability for Clinton, Trump...
If a Democratic politician talked about rifle crosshairs on Donald Trump's head, America would never hear the end of it from Trump and his children.
ReplyDeleteSame with SARAH PALIN and Barstool.
Imagine if Sen Barack Obama had a map of crosshairs and in Alaska, Sarah Palin's name had crosshairs on it.
Sarah Palin would be screaming bloody murder.
Somebody call the Secret Service and FBI. No way would the FBI make a public announcement that Sen Burr is under investigation.
ReplyDeleteMakes one wonder what effect THIS will have on T.Rump though? http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/cover_story/2016/10/was_a_server_registered_to_the_trump_organization_communicating_with_russia.html
ReplyDeleteOT:This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump’s ties to Russia. It certainly seems the Trump Organization felt it had something to hide, given that it apparently took steps to conceal the link when it was discovered by journalists."We can only assume that federal authorities will now explore this direct connection between Trump and Russia as part of their existing probe into Russia’s meddling in our elections."his is the explosive story the media should be focusing on. It’s critical that the American people know what kind of financial ties a potential president has with an American adversary, especially when that adversary is Russia."
Delete"Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him."
"This is something of huge significance, way above party politics," the former intelligence officer comments. "I think [Trump's] own party should be aware of this stuff as well."According to several national security experts, there is widespread concern in the US intelligence community that Russian intelligence, via hacks, is aiming to undermine the presidential election—to embarrass the United States and delegitimize its democratic elections. And the hacks appear to have been designed to benefit Trump."a Russian intelligence attempt to co-opt or cultivate a presidential candidate would mark an even more serious operation than the hacking." "He is confident that he knows enough to be extremely alarmed."<Reid
How would they compromise Trump? He has no shame.
ReplyDeleteTrump sexually assaulted numerous women
Trump feels he is above the law and can grab pussy whenever he wants to
Sen Burr wants a bullseye on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's head
What do you mean now there is proof, the republicans have been passing anti-women legislation for years.
DeleteThe War on Women did not begin with Trump's nomination.
I wonder if the fact that the head of the DNC, Donna Brazile, fed debate questions to HRC will shine a bad light on Hillary? Sure doesn't help CNN.
Seems that maybe Bernie wasn't crazy after all.
Wow you keep posting this on every thread, obviously WE are more concerned about Trumps ties to the Russian's than some primary debate questions.
DeleteEven *I* could guess what the questions would be.
Delete5:41, N O T H I N G B U R G E R
DeleteSorry 7:01, you've got the wrong guy. I haven't posted this anywhere else. I was just wondering if anyone thinks it's racist for CNN to fire a black woman while still backing the white woman? Or maybe it would be good if Donna B. resigned from the DNC like DWS so she can go to work directly for the HRC campaign out in the open instead of secretly. Either way, she shuda gave the questions to Bernie too...just to be fair. ;~)
7:01 - Does this make you feel better?
DeleteHow should voters weigh the sins of
these two uniquely corrupt candidates?
What I don't appreciate is Donna playing the
Delete'Christian Persecution' card while she's lying
straight-faced to the camera after she's been
caught red-handed. She belittles the actual
persecution Christians endure daily.
Gimme a break all you assholes attempting to provide cover for Donna Brazile and the Clinton team. The only bigger joke than Donna are her internet defenders.
“We are completely uncomfortable with what we have learned about her interactions with the Clinton campaign while she was a CNN contributor,” Lauren Pratapas, a network spokeswoman, said in a statement.
“CNN never gave Brazile access to any questions, prep material, attendee list, background information or meetings in advance of a town hall or debate,” Ms. Pratapas wrote.
ReplyDeleteOH MAMA!
ReplyDeleteMother Jones
A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump
Has the bureau investigated this material?
... And a former senior intelligence officer for a Western country who specialized in Russian counterintelligence tells Mother Jones that in recent months he provided the bureau with memos, based on his recent interactions with Russian sources, contending the Russian government has for years tried to co-opt and assist Trump—and that the FBI requested more information from him.
"This is something of huge significance, way above party politics," the former intelligence officer says. "I think [Trump's] own party should be aware of this stuff as well."
Does this mean the FBI is investigating whether Russian intelligence has attempted to develop a secret relationship with Trump or cultivate him as an asset? ...
" so very little change there"
ReplyDeleteYou are reading-for-information challenged if you believe a decline from 83.6 % to 73.6% in 5 days is "very little change."
Or this: http://occupydemocrats.com/2016/10/31/october-surprise-abc-uncovers-millions-payments-russia-trump/
ReplyDeleteTax evader Trump: somewhat long article but verrry interesting.
Donald Trump Used Legally Dubious Method to Avoid Paying Taxes
..... Tax experts who reviewed the newly obtained documents for The New York Times said Mr. Trump’s tax avoidance maneuver, conjured from ambiguous provisions of highly technical tax court rulings, clearly pushed the edge of the envelope of what tax laws permitted at the time. “Whatever loophole existed was not ‘exploited’ here, but stretched beyond any recognition,” said Steven M. Rosenthal, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center who helped draft tax legislation in the early 1990s.
Moreover, the tax experts said the maneuver trampled a core tenet of American tax policy by conferring enormous tax benefits on Mr. Trump for losing vast amounts of other people’s money — in this case, money investors and banks had entrusted to him to build a casino empire in Atlantic City......
.... In any event, Mr. Trump can no longer benefit from the same maneuver. Just as Congress acted in 1993 to ban stock-for-debt swaps by corporations, it acted in 2004 to ban equity-for-debt swaps by partnerships.
Among the members of Congress who voted to finally close the loophole: Senator Hillary Clinton of New York.
"tax avoidance maneuver so legally dubious his own lawyers advised him that the Internal Revenue Service would likely declare it improper if he were audited.”
DeleteTrump bent over backward – and potentially broke laws – to avoid paying these taxes is because he was scrambling to “stave off financial ruin.”< NOW WE MUST STICK IT TO HIM LIKE A HOT PITCHFORK!
Typical cookie cutter Republican. Predictable, and stale. Obama, of coarse tries to trust that they will have a heart but tis not to be. No wonder they all understand where Putin is coming from.
ReplyDeleteDO YOU KNOW WHO I AM ???????????
NEVER FORGET !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank her for giving US Donald Trump, she'll be back to bring US more like him, just a little more crooked and pervy.
ReplyDeleteSam Bee with POTUS
Supposedly, this will happen on Tuesday:
He can announce all he wants - its been proven he is not related
DeleteYeah, World Nut Daily? Right after the article about Bat Boy on Mars armed by the Kenyan Muslim to bomb 'Murica from space? I don't think so.
DeleteHey...what happened to the poll showing Hillary had a 96% chance of winning? It is what has kept me going without breaking things for several weeks.
ReplyDeleteI find it hard to believe that anyone not already under a blood oath to back their candidate, will make a decision based on a rumor that some NEW emails MIGHT have something ugly on them.
Well if that is true, that's a relief. the media has hyped all of this up. & next thing you know they will be regretting giving Trump free press and they fell for it. People are having anxiety attacks over this election, I hardly know which reportes to believe anymore as it is all about getting people to turn in to your news shows as far as the news is concerned.
ReplyDeleteIt's a fucking circus and Trump is doing everything he can to be the ringmaster and Sarah Palin is dying to be his barking trained seal. It's all so disgusting. Politics has never gone lower than before until now. It just makes me feel so sad than a presidential election has devolved into a reality tv show election. And worse for Sarah because that's what she's hoping for......a reality tv show. Sickening. What a sad day for America tha our elections are controlled by Assange wikileaks, Putin & Donald. Even sadder that the head of the Reblican head of the FBI is going along with it. As many have said boh on the left & right..this is unprecident and yes Comey KNOWINGLY took a dump on democracy.
Wish this info was getting more coverage on the news so everyone would hear it
ReplyDeleteNewsweek article
Excerpt: "Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics—exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases—have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled—sometimes in vain—to obtain records."
October Surprise: ABC Uncovers “Millions” of Payments From Russia To Trump
Excerpt: "Republican nominee Donald Trump has been treading treasonous territory for months now, raising eyebrows around the nation for a foreign policy that openly supports the ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the dictator of the Russian Federation. He’s surrounded himself with men with close ties to the Kremlin and the oligarchs that pull the strings behind the scenes; he’s being openly supported by Russian state-controlled media and by Russian intelligence services, who have breached the electronic servers of Democratic Party operatives and released selected pieces of information in an attempt to sow discord.
Throughout all of this, Trump has insisted that he has no business ties to Russia. “For the record, I have ZERO investments in Russia” he tweeted in July. Now – brace yourself, this might come as a shock – it appears he’s been lying to us the whole time."
It may well be true that Trump has no "investments in Russia," but he may well have debts to Russian banks and lenders. And such debts come with strings, lots of them. This is a matter that should have been raised by the media last spring when Manafort was still in the picture. Once he was gone, all semblance of interest in this subject disappeared from the media. I think it's what should have been focused on and should still be focused on. We know all that anyone could possibly want to know about Trump's troubling relationship with women but the public needs to know about his other connections - to Russians and to white supremacists and to whatever Mafia-style figures dominate the casino world. All of these are potential blackmailers should this country be unfortunate enough to have to survive a Trump presidency.
Bush Admin Just Got Involved In FBI’s Probe Into Clinton’s Emails And It’s Game Changing
"When you imagine partisan government overreach, it’s hard not to think about the Bush administration, especially when it comes to ignoring the law to accomplish their goals (think “enhanced interrogation”). When they tell the FBI they’ve gone too far, well, the FBI had better listen.
In an Op-Ed in the New York Times, Richard Painter, George W. Bush’s White House ethics lawyer from 2005 – 2007, wrote about his problems with the FBI’s latest investigation of Hillary Clinton and, most surprisingly, he’s taking legal action to stop it. According to Painter, it’s an abuse of power."
(Complaint was filed Saturday)
I'm glad that Richard Painter wrote his objections about last week's FBI meddling in the election but that led me to wonder about what Painter thought about the wholesale destruction of emails and documents by the Bush White House just before President Obama was inaugurated. Such documentation is destined for the National Archives and its destruction is illegal. Now I understand; he was no longer the ethics attorney. Was he fired or did he quit? In any case, why didn't he raise the alarm at the time?
A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump
"This is something of huge significance, way above party politics," the former intelligence officer comments. "I think [Trump's] own party should be aware of this stuff as well."
Hillary supporters are better educated. And being Democrats, they are less likely to swallow fear mongering whole cloth. They also thought the e-mail crap was all blown up out of proportion. So more e-mails, not from Clinton, not to Clinton, not on her server and, hey, Anthony Weiner? Nope, no one cares.
ReplyDeleteSorta like Trump's supporters don't care he's a fraud, lier, pedophile, sexual abuser, business failure, cheat, tax evader, and did I mention LIAR LIAR LIAR. They don't care. Nothing that will come out now will change their minds. The FBI could come out with what they've found on Trump's ties to Russia and it still won't change any minds.
Olbermann was in fine form. #33 lays out the argument for both Chaffetz and Comey to lose both of their "jobs" and be prosecuted under the Hatch Act for interfering in the election.
Yeah, who wouldn't equate using a private e-mail server (that was never hacked) to raping a 13 year old. They're equally criminal, right?
Check out Bill Maher too.
I have a dream, that Donald Trumps words and actions will soon be in the same landfill as Sarah Palins. 7 more days, folks!
ReplyDeleteShe can lose this election. It's close and momentum has been for Trump in key states even before this
ReplyDeleteWow they so do not want Hillary as their boss. As usual repubs doing everything they can to change the election results.
ReplyDeleteGive us the con Russian ties and all his crap.
The effect is being felt now.
ReplyDeleteTrump is gaining in electoral and Clinton is losing. But she is still at 304 according to Nate Silver. So she'll probably win, but not by the margins hoped for.
Oh, and she's now lost Ohio too.
Florida is now close to flipping back to Trump as she's only ahead by 1-2 percentage points there.
Too bad there isn't a strong enough tie to Russia to broadcast about Trump. Or he isn't arrested for one of the so many laws he's broken. Or he doesn't just drop dead from a coronary.
First, someone needs to arrest Chaffetz and Comey. Especially Chaffetz. He *did* enfluence the election with his loose lips and lying additions. Just watch Keith Olbermann. Chaffetz added "reopened investigation" to Comey's letter. Comey never said it. But ALL but one media outlet reported it that way. Fuck Chaffetz. He needs to be made to pay.