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Track "I abuse women" Palin |
As Radar reported, Track’s ex-girlfriend and baby mama Jordan Loewe filed for custody of the former couple’s newborn son, Charlie, earlier this month, claiming she was “concerned” about her “safety or the safety of her children.”
But then, she filed for a restraining order against Track, unleashing a barrage of horrifyingly specific allegations:
On December 3, she writes in court documents obtained by Radar, “I had brought my son over to visit Track and we started arguing and Track pushed me against the wall while I had our 3 month old son in my arms.”
Just weeks later on December 22, “He put his hand on my head and squeezed as hard as he could while our son was in the room,” she claims. “He also hawked a giant ball of spit in my face.”
On on January 8, she alleges, “Track had our son for a couple of hours, then asked me to come get him. When I was on my way he found out I was bringing a girlfriend of mine so there was a third party there – He got angry and told me he was going to ‘put a bullet through my head’ and put us both in the ground.”
But wait, there's more.
“I had my son in my car driving off his property, and he threw rocks at my car, then got in his truck and followed me,” she writes.
“He was driving recklessly trying to run me off the road – almost causing an accident multiple times.” In describing her injuries, Loewe says, “I had hand prints (and) red marks on my face (and) head.”
Loewe is asking that Track be kept from communicating with her or her son "in any way." And says she is not after money but only concerned with the her child's safety.
And seriously, who could blame her?
I have to point out that Radar Online could ONLY get this information if somebody leaked it to them .
Remember Track's attorney Kimberlee Colbo filed to keep all of these documents confidential.
I certainly cannot get my hands on them, so somebody clearly sent them to Radar.
Which is a VERY smart move for Loewe's team.
As I have said repeatedly, the Palins cannot stand having their personal shit exposed in the press and they will buckle like an under trained boxer in the first round if they keep trying this thing in the court of public opinion.
I should also point out that these stories completely fit in with the stories I have heard about Track over the years.
He is an angry, woman abusing bully, and he should NEVER be allowed to have a firearm in his possession.
The Palins are such a classy bunch, aren't they? But really, WTH was Jordan expecting?
ReplyDeleteI agree. It's not like his history is a secret. She knew what she was getting in to and she not only had sex with him but also got pregnant.
DeleteAt this point, she should move away from him. Another city in Alaska for now but after sole custody is settled she should move out of the state.
More petty punk ass thuggery from the Palin's. Gee i wonder where she came up with that term from, she must have been projecting her thug life family on someone else.
DeleteStop even trying to blame Jordan! She was in love and hoping he would change. Naturally Track was nice at the beginning and he has his mom as master of playing victim as a role model. Sarah sure fooled many people. What makes you assume that Track did not mimic her?
DeleteI think i'll mossy over to the peepond and post the link for them..
Unfortunately a restraining order may not do her much good. I suggest she arm herself and take down that vicious thug the next time he tries to assault her.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I am not surprised, we already know he has committed violence against Britta, and Jordan in the past. He should be in jail so she would be safe, but he's a Palin and has gotten special treatment. I hope a judge also looks into criminal charges against him.
I agree. A restraining order against this thug will not help. She literally has to leave the state and go undercover and SHUT UP about the whole thing and assume a new name.
DeleteLook what happened to Shailey Tripp when she moved and somehow disclosed her new location!
Were there further conditions of release re the charges from this past year? Would he, possibly, be in violation; could they be reason for revocation, if so? Why would she leave her newborn alone with track?!
DeleteRestraining order is the first step.
DeleteThen if she has to defend herself, she has grounds for self-defense if his body is found near her with a weapon.
(A friend told me if I ever killed an intruder in my house, to be sure to take a kitchen knife and put it in his hand before I called the police.)
11:48 I don't think Jordan realized before leaving the baby alone with Track that he would actually hurt his own son. Now she does!
DeleteA restraining order won't do any good against someone as far gone as Track. I know that personally. And also how many women have been stalked, terrorized and/or killed even though there was a restraining order? I believe the prisons are full of men like that.
DeleteIf Track hasn't learned anything by this age well there's not much hope for him and you can bet Mommy will not ever admit he needs professional help but just keep ignoring the problem.
12:42 Take a lesson from the crime shows (CSI, etc.) and be sure not to leave any fingerprints on the knife.
DeleteWow. Enough is Enough. Track should be in jail. Or, at the very least, a residential treatment program. It is going to be tragic when he finally kills someone. Jordan needs to record every interaction with him with audio and video recording. Is it really against the law to record someone when they don't know that they are being recorded?
ReplyDeleteYou are allowed to record your own conversations and record video in your own home. So yes.
Delete@ Andy, depends on the state.
Deleterules about invisible recordings depend on the state.
Deletehaha you can call the non-emergency number and get a live witness! betcha didn't know that one!
DeleteFYI, although Colbo has made that motion to keep the filings confidential, (and now Jordan has responded), the court has not yet ruled on that motion, so the court docket is not yet confidential.
ReplyDeleteI take that back. Jordan has not yet responded. Sorry for the confusion.
ReplyDeleteI think your first post was accurate.
DeleteJordan responded by leaking the info.
Team Jordan!
If she did leak it, she must have learned from Brisket how to do it.
DeleteMy point was that it may not have been leaked, because news organizations (or anyone) could have gotten it from the docket, because there is not yet an order.
DeleteTeam Jordan! Too bad her boyfriend's mommy never, huh, what a pos for role models that Sara and Tawd.
DeleteShouldn't he be arrested for this?
ReplyDeleteUmmmm, yeah.....
DeleteHe was once and he pleaded for a lesser and then failed to meet the requirements and .... nothing happened.
DeleteHe's a PALIN.
Good for her.
Leak it all. Get sole custody. Get child support too although he'll NEVER pay a penny.
Then leave the state. Go as far away from this pustule as possible.
Because it sounds like he isn't going to stop until she's dead.
And if he does kill her, he'll still get off. And have sole custody.
Naw they will esponge the record later on!
DeleteThen let em rape some kids,then let them drive a school bus before leaving state. Good ol Palmer court justice system!
Not everyone dies they try to kill 224!
DeleteSarah Palin was more concerned with throwing insults at the Obamas than her son throwing rocks at Jordan.
ReplyDeleteTrack's problems started way before he joined the National Guard. Maybe Track did injure Todd instead of that phantom snow machine accident. Track should be in prison for assault and attempted murder. Track is an overgrown pussy.
In all the time that Todd was in the hospital recovering, did Track even visit? Don't remember any pictures showing him there.
DeleteWas Sarah Palin 'rock running', or running from a rock thrown by her insane son?
ReplyDeleteprobably and Sarah is too chicken shit to call the one person who could stop it all!
DeleteAnd the sad part is---this won't stop some foolish person from getting knocked up by him again and going through the same hell as the previous two did.
ReplyDeleteC'mon Sarah, tell us how this is everyone else's fault but your son's. Tell us how its Obama's fault that your non-combat son has PTSD. Tell us how if everyone just let your family be good christians you'd all be perfect. Maybe your kid is just an effed up adult who has serious woman issues and is a danger to those women and their children. It happens.
Now run along and make sure you cover his ass by blaming everyone but you and Todd. And of course, Track.
He hates women because of the first one he ever met, his mother.
DeleteCan't blame him too much. Imagine if the Palins were your family! Yuck.
Deletemama palin be so proud, eh? Time for her to have a little 'focus on family' --- her own damn family of lazy layabouts.
ReplyDeleteShe has always hoped her constant barking about PBO would deflect from the despicable antics of her bizarre media whore family. Not working, lady. Try getting an education, a job or an effin' clue!
Now we know what a male Sarah Palin looks like.
DeleteIt's interesting too---because she has tried to fool people into thinking she is this "hockey mom", her family's exploits are even more visible than if she hadn't tried so hard. Another backfire, Ms. Palin!
DeleteSHe was a perversion of a real hockey mom, as she admitted in news articles how she egged him on to on ice violence.
DeleteTrack played on a competitive hockey team for most of his time in Alaska. All practices and the majority of games were in Anchorage. She only started to show up when she was running for something and cameras were there. Never gave a sh*t about Track. Or any of her other bio kids. Or the stolen child. It's always about Sarah. Always.
I’ll probable get blasted for saying this but I am having a hard time having any sympathy for Jordan. Track has a long record of violent behavior, he did not start beating and threatening women a few months ago.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it didn’t bother her when she was drinking/drugging along with him. She got beat up at least once before and failed to pursue it in the court system.
She should have left the state and obviously had the means to do so, could have used her vacation money instead of partying with Track.
A restraining order is not going to stop him; she should take her child and leave the state immediately.
I doubt she can leave the state without risking losing custody.
DeleteYup, I believe she needs to leave the state. Maybe get a new identity.
Deletedomestic violence cycles from wine and roses to threats and physical harm. there is no understanding it unless you are in it - the personality of an abuser can and will fool people for some period of time until they explode. it is a very dangerous place to be in and not so easy to extricate yourself from. imho and personal experience
DeleteHuh? Track threatens her. Track assaults her. And you blame her because you think she should have made different decisions (none of which involved illegal behavior?) You may be right she made unwise decisions, but Track is the person who assaulted someone. She was supporting his relationship with his son.
DeleteAnd, stay as far away from any of the Palins as she can! I agree - relocating and starting a new life would be a great idea for her - as difficult as it might be to do. Wasilla is NOT where she should remain for the safety of herself and her child!
DeleteShe was supporting his relationship with his son.
The violence began long before she had a child.
Besides, why would anyone support a relationship with a violent parent, certainly doesn’t show much concern for the child’s well being.
Don’t forget he chose his guns over his first child. What a fine example of a caring father.
Anon at 12:05 pm, As we sink deeper into Trumpland, I suspect that the woman will always be blamed totally for every bad behavior by the male partner.
Relationships with abusers are complicated. It's not as simple as people would believe. I'm glad Jordan got it figured out, but I'm sorry she had to endure more abuse (and abuse to her son) before that happened.
Deleteif bad guys approached you honestly as the bad guys they are inside - you would most likely run for the hills. many many times bad guys approach you as sweet and thoughtful men and then reveal their true nature when the option to run has long passed. again, imho personal experience. i wish her much help in her attempt to get right with her child and this despicable man.
DeleteYeah nothing like good ol domestic terrorism to convince someone to move...
Track is a piece of shit but I find it odd that you're criticizing leaks when you depend so heavily on leaks by the Johnstons. Go ahead and block this comment. That will only prove that I am correct.
ReplyDeleteHe wasn't criticizing leaks he was praising them. They are necessary to shed light on this violent criminal family.
DeleteWhere did Gryph criticize the leak?
Delete11:37 AM Straight from Bristol's nasty mouth, GFY, Troll.
DeleteGryphen applauded the leak. Go re-read the post.
Delete11:37 "That will only prove that I am correct."
DeleteUh, no, it didn't in the least. This whole alternative fact crap is getting out of hand. Are you real proud to be a senseless carrier??
What a moron you are, Palin family member. He applauded the leak, stupid.
DeleteHey what's that shiny light twinkie?
DeleteProof? What an idiot you are, Lou Sarah. Trump doesn't want you and your monstrous son has gone off the rails. Better keep YOUR arsenal out of his reach. You will NEVER escape the permanent legacy of any harm to anyone if YOUR guns are involved. While you're at it, have Tawd take aways Track's arsenal, also too. This will end in tragedy without intervention on your part.
DeleteShe should wait for Track to make an unauthorized visit and 2nd amendment his ass as he forces his way in.
ReplyDeleteThis is not going to end well. He will end up killing someone or getting killed himself.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
He could easily aim his anger at Sarah. Didn't he find out at a late age that Todd was not his biological father? That has mother was pregnant, when she married Todd, with another man's child? The supposed biological father is deceased and has been for a number of years so had no impact on Track's life.
DeleteYep. A time bomb just ticking away.
Delete@12:18 "A loss of engine power during cruise flight due to fuel system contamination with water,"
The evil is strong in that family.
DeleteI imagine that Trump has a Cabinet position perfectly suite for such a fine family man as Track.
We ARE going to be seeing him on the news sooner rather than later. He IS going to kill someone or himself.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, now might be a good time to reach out to Jordan for some insider information. I bet she has some interesting things to share.
I don't know how anyone in the family sleeps at night when Track on the prowl. It's only a matter of time before he snaps on one of them.
ReplyDeleteThe whole family knows he has anger problems. How stupid of Bristol to allow him and Jordan over at her house for a night of getting drunk on alcohol.
DeleteI cannot be the only one who thinks that the snow machine and rock-running "accidents" were as reported. I've always thought that Track was the perpetrator.
DeleteMaybe Track will snap Brissy.
Delete1:35 - Track graduated from school bus sabotage. I'm sure he knows how to sabotage a snow machine as much as someone knows how to sabotage an airplane killing a Menard.
DeleteAt this point the truth that comes out relating to the Palin family is always as bad if not much worse than we ever thought.
aw so that is who my shadow is...hey Track your not very good at what you do bubba!
Deletemight want to relocate the faculties dude!
the hunted do become the hunters kiddo! :/
A restraining order might protect her and her child in this case because there is some hope it would be enforced.
ReplyDeleteFor many women, a restraining order might as well be a death sentence. The order sometimes tips the already unstable guy into a lethal response.
Regardless of the (probably many) mistakes this woman made in getting to this point, it appears that she is attempting to protect the child. Certainly a laudable goal.
O/T Six years and this their plan? Even they don’t know what in the hell that E.O. is about!!!
Republicans propose giving US states option to keep Obamacare
Two Republican senators said on Monday that U.S. states should be allowed to stay in the Obamacare healthcare insurance program if they like, with one adding she felt confused by President Donald Trump’s broad but unspecific executive order targeting the program...............
But the legislative proposal by Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana would let states choose to keep Obamacare or move to a replacement program, for which states would also receive some federal funding.....
Collins, a moderate Republican, called Trump’s executive order issued Friday against Obamacare “very confusing,” adding that whatever actions the Trump administration takes, legislation will still be needed to replace the health insurance law.
“We really don’t know yet what the impact (of the order) will be,” Collins told a news conference, adding that it will be difficult to assess the impact until there is a new Cabinet secretary in place in charge of health......
But the order did not specify which parts of Obamacare would be affected or the timing.
Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Georgia Representative Tom Price, has said there is no plan for “pulling the rug out” on millions of Americans’ healthcare as a replacement is designed. Any changes are unlikely to affect the government-funded or subsidized insurance plans covering more than 20 million people in 2017.
Schumer said in a statement that the Collins-Cassidy approach would be a “far cry” from a full replacement of Obamacare.
“It is nearly impossible to keep the benefits of the Affordable Care Act,” Schumer said, using the official name for Obamacare, “without keeping the whole thing.”
Susan Collins is moderate in name only. Throughout the past eight years, she voted virtually lock-step with her GOP colleagues. The press would suggest that she might vote with the Democrats on one issue or another and then, guess what, she voted with her GOP pals.
Thanks for the O/T in front of your post.
DeleteDakota are you happy to be a part of the Wasilla looney tunes?
ReplyDeleteFuck NO!
Dakota is in grave danger himself.
DeleteHow will it look when he gets in a fight to the death with his brother in law? And Dakota kills him?
Whose side does Sarah take then?
And a MOH recipient, you know it would be investigated thoroughly. Her compound would be crawling with detectives and all her secrets would come spilling out.
Dakota protect Jordan! You are supposedly a hero ... well ... hello? You signed up for the Palin crazy. Quit mugging for the iPhone and try to be a man.
Delete4:09: Did he not sign up as some type of womens' savior?
DeleteDakota find a HUGE blanket and wrap it up!
DeleteCops show up? no he's not dead he's nappin!
The dough boy is not the hero he was made out to be. He knows that and so do the others who were there.
DeleteDidn't Dakota start a fight with a woman at a bar a few years ago and get his ass beat?
DeleteNo abortions, period.
ReplyDeleteOr periods, your choice.
DeleteThe Handmaid's Tale.
DeleteThen don't have one 12:08 dumbass.
DeleteOver to visit Track, where? Why does she keep going back? Sounds like they're both on a self destructive fast track to hell. Hey! Idiots! You have a kid! Selfish nitwits.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder old Toady globbed onto Dakota. Bodyguard?
Jordan is asking the court to support her decision to stop going back. This is the opposite of self-destructive behavior. Yes, it would have been good if she'd never gotten herself in this situation but now deserves all the support available to change course.
Delete12:35: Hear hear!
DeleteJordan would be smart to move out of Alaska and get as far away from Track as she can.
ReplyDeleteHow about the cops and the courts do their jobs by arresting and jailing Track instead. The victim should not have to move and hide.
DeleteGee, that just might work. If none of them ever used Todd's services or took any illegal favors from the Palins.
Deleteyeah that is not how you 'get rid' of those who you think 'might have some evil in em'!
Deletedumb damn ass that you are! you M O V E!!!
Levi Johnston wrote about the Palin household long ago!! They are one messed up bunch - beginning with Sarah and Todd.
ReplyDeleteTrack grew up watching his parents fight, use horrible language and I'll wager witnessed them physically fight each other!
Remember the Anchorage brawl party? Todd, Sarah and Bristol were there (think Track was too) and all were reported to have been physically fighting others in attendance.
The Anchorage Police were called and had them on audio which was released to the public the same night of the brawl!! Nasty language was on the audio too! You could hear all of them using profanity!
Yes, from reports Track was definitely there screaming at married women to get on the ground and bed over. He also tried to fight Todd.
DeleteLet's not forget that witnesses said that Sarah wanted to join the melee but didn't get the opportunity.
DeleteHe is mentally ill from his mom's genes. And his mom killed his dad. He never could get right. I think the biggest reason is the Heath genes. They are fucked up
ReplyDeleteTrue dat.
Deletehighly disagree, he is an angry, spoiled adult that never had to deal with the consequences of his own actions.
DeleteMental illness runs in my family. You'll never convince me that Track's problems are due to mental illness, or at least not mental illness alone.
DeleteThe violence surely ruins deep and long in Track Palin - egged on and bragged about by his sorry excuse for a mother:
Although the rest is pure TeaTHUG bullchit: The Sarah created Trac's violent streak is there: http://www.collegian.psu.edu/archives/article_966f0edd-0d0b-573c-8c24-2f03d8ff4269.html
DeleteIt goes back generations in the Heath clan!
DeleteGodlamighty, Gryph, this is some sick shit. THANK YOU for posting it. I'm going to re-post the Radar story on my blog and am asking my daughter to spread it around on Facebook, Twitter, and Jezebel.
ReplyDeleteThe majority of the christo-fascists are violent MOFO's.
ReplyDeleteIf idiot jordan doesn't relocate, she and the kid will be dead within a year.
The palins have never gone up against a rich family before...
Yeah! Jordan's mum and stepdad are far wealthier than the palin KKKLan, gonna be interesting to see who gets the babe.
DeleteWho "gets" the babe? You're forgetting, pro-lifers like the Palins are pro-life until the baby is out of the womb. After that they don't give a shit.
DeleteHe was a latchkey kid in Wasilla, the Wild West of South Central Alaska. If people had ever visited the place for a week or two, or looked at the crime and drug statistics, or stats from the local schools, they'd realize that this was to be expected.
ReplyDeleteSarah even told on herself..........she said that when Track was a teen, he begged her not to run for political office. Now they're all reaping the seeds that she planted ten, twenty years ago.
Track is a result of a rich Mommy and Daddy( or those in a community that have pull and protect their kids)
DeleteTrack is who he is because he has never had to face the consequences of his own actions, Mommy has always "made it go away".
I cringe now, thinking about 10-year old Barron. My unfortunately semi-educated guess is that he's well into the autism spectrum and well on his way to his first psychotic break. Being fathered by a 60-yr old has some serious drawbacks, not to even mention the rest of the issues with this particular father.
DeleteActually Barron is highly gifted but keep on speculating!
Deleteisn't drumph more like 70 ?
DeleteI'm not saying Barron has Autism,I'm no expert.But your argument is hogwash,many high functioning autistic children are gifted in some ways. My 16 year old grandson is "on the spectrum " ,and is a gifted student in some classes,his issues are mainly social and lots of work on having him learn how people react to each other and having him mirror others reactions has helped him become just kind of "different" to other students rather than being ostracized by many do to his sometimes peculiar reactions. He is a genius with computers and hosts a Minecraft server.
So no,your argument is useless.
@ 4:46 pm
DeleteMost "highly gifted" 10 yr olds can clap their hands together unlike retard Barron.
tRump was 60 when Barron was born. The incidence of both autism and mental illness climbs sharply with advanced paternal age.
DeleteTime will tell, of course. I'd be happy to be wrong.
The two are not mutually exclusive, @ 4:46.
Delete@Anon 12:25 PM
DeleteYou brought up an interesting point. Yes, Track pleaded with his mother not to run for governor. Probably, because of his past behavior and the fact of who his real father was.
Sarah said she ran anyway because she didn't think she could win. After she won, her relationship with Track was practically destroyed.
I've always thought this was one of the reasons she faked a pregnancy. She wanted to run for VP and wanted her second child's (Bristol) support. She knew Track would be even more angry with her bringing his problems on the national stage. He knew people would look into the family and bring out all their dirty secrets.
After convincing Bristol she could fake a pregnancy and no-one would ever know that she had a baby...that is everyone outside of Alaska...she went ahead with a well thought out plan. With the support of Dr. CBJ, Sarah pulled it off and to-this-day, there are people that think Trig is her child.
After seeing how well Bristol was rewarded for supporting her mother, and how Track has behaved all these years, all this makes sense.
5:27, that "retard" crap is beyond offensive. Why would you use a word like that to describe ANYONE let alone a 10yo child?
DeleteBeing highly gifted brings along its own set of issues. My own son (now 15) is on the autism spectrum and also highly gifted and while today he presents as a quirky smart kid, it has been a very long road to get to this point in spite of his giftedness. We're talking years and years of speech therapy, social therapy, physical therapy and other therapies (no, he couldn't clap his hands, btw, when he was younger - motor skills were off) I wish people would read up before using such a broad brush about groups of people.
4:46, your grandson sounds a lot like my 15yo son :) I'm so glad to see your appreciation for his gifts as well as your understanding of his struggles. I wish everyone could do that :)
Is there anyone here with a Facebook account who can post the Radar story as a comment on Sarah's Facebook page? on Bristol's Instagram page?
ReplyDeleteI know -- they'll delete it as soon as it's discovered, but . . .
Like they haven't seen it because they never google themselves?
Deleteno, 1:01, hunnie, as a special Fuck You to them.
DeleteYou don't need a facebook acct to comment on Radaronline, just comment and then they give you a name, add in your email address and what happens is you have to go to your email and okay the comment.
Delete@1:01 PM GFY.
DeleteWhy? Do you suspect the Palins no longer read here? We have seen photos of this blue screen on $arah's phone!
DeleteEnablers should be guilty too.
ReplyDeleteI blame Sarah & Todd & everyone who helped cover for this man-child. (not Obama).
ReplyDeleteHe needed help 10+ years ago and never got it. Now there are 2 children in the world who are going to suffer the consequences.
2 children? PLEASE..THAT is only the beginning..."who are going to suffer the consequences.".
DeleteWaiting for the tundra twat to blame it on her war hero's ptsd.........the twat better not because we all know that pussy never saw combat.
ReplyDeleteIf I were Todd, Joey, Gino, Levi, Britta, Britta's family and Bristol, I would file for a Restraining Order against Track requesting that he cannot be within 5 miles of them. Why Bristol's trial husbands? Track may feel like they took Bristol away from him?
ReplyDeleteHaha, u may be right. He is probably the reason she is a slut. He probably test drove her before and got jealous.
Delete12:54, exactly, Track has been 'doing' Bristol.
Delete2:39 & 2:44
DeleteLMAO !
more 'n likely, no doubt in that fucked up inbred kkklan ..
What about Britta and Kayla Grace? Their lives may be in trouble.
ReplyDeleteBritta got a court order for Trackmarks to have supervised visitation only.But like most bully's, Track now has his little mind focused on Jordan.
DeleteTrack never sees Kayla which is good.
DeleteIf mommy keeps covering up and enabling him...he is going to end up killing someone one day. It really makes you wonder what happened to him growing up that makes him hate women and his own spawn.
ReplyDeletewhat happened to him growing up ?!? take a look at his mom and *dad* then the heaths, therein lies your answer ..
Deletefunneling money didn't help matters either!
DeleteSo wouldn't you think a judge would require some proof of military record and ptsd.
ReplyDeleteAlso, from research a judge should know that people with substance abuse who are violent aren't going to get better on their own. How many murdered women & children had protection ordered when they were killed?
History always repeats itself, unfortunately.
DeleteBeyond PTSD, you are still responsible for actions.
DeleteOne of Palins Daily Devotionals.
ReplyDeleteTrusting God With Your Reputation.
You cant make this bs up, she basically blames bad press for her and her families bad reputation.
We all heard the brawl police tapes. We all know what Track did and continues to do but i guess the haters and press made her family do it.
DeleteOne day he is going to carry out his threat and kill someone or himself.
ReplyDeleteWhat is disturbing is he endangered his son when he pushed pushed her and
tried to run her off the road. No thought or regard for the baby at all.
DeleteIt's bad enough he beats on his babies' mothers, but to do this in the presence of these kids? Doesn't that make it worse it the eyes of The Law?
when you realize the law don't care you will be allright. alaska is corrupt.
DeleteOT?: Read the comments: "Soldotna High School student Ethan Brown used his personal Twitter account to denigrate Alaska Natives and homosexuals while also making a racist remark about former first family, head coach Derek Urban confirmed Saturday.
ReplyDelete“3 things I hate. Liberals, faggots, and Alaska natives,” one tweet read, dated for Jan. 19. Another posted the next day stated, “Inauguration Day. time to take the libtard out of office and make the White House white again.”
Soldotna/Kenai are a very red fundy part of Alaska full of xtian "schools" and lots of retarded people. Gee O D rules their lives but there are so many out of wedlock teen births and domestic violence all in the name of their savior, doncha know.
soldotna's kind'a like the wasilla of the kenai peninsula ..
DeleteYou are almost always shitouttaluck in Soldatna!
DeleteTrack will fare well in Trumpland. The GOP plans to gut the Violence Against Women Act. Track will probably get a medal for being such a jerk. His ex-girlfriend should leave Alaska and raise her child incognito elsewhere.
From Ru$$ia with Love>
On December 3, she writes in court documents obtained by Radar, “I had brought my son over to visit Track and we started arguing and Track pushed me against the wall while I had our 3 month old son in my arms.”
ReplyDelete3 months old on Dec. 3rd? I thought the baby was born in October...
Pretty much confirms that she was pregnant in January 2016 when Track hit her and threatened her. He really needs to be locked up.
DeleteYes he DID need to be locked up. And have his guns taken away.
DeleteThis is the thing about Sarah Palin, she thinks she is protecting her family by protecting them from the consequences of their behaviors.
However by doing that she ensures that those behaviors get steadily worse until they do something that have even more extreme consequences which she is powerless to stop.
DeleteThe claims that he shoved her with the baby in the arms and then spit at her were not in the original report. Also not in there was him threatening her with the gun. Original report she said that he had the gun in his mouth and was threatening himself not her. While I believe they got into something that night, the original report said it was over an argument over the fact that she was seeing her EX, it appears that she's clearly making shit up at this point.
ReplyDeleteThat was the first report about their fight and when we learned about their relationship. It was BEFORE the baby was born.
Delete1:52 PM I think you are confusing two different things. What you are referring to as the "original report" is about the night Track was arrested, yes? She had not given birth at that point - it was about a year ago, in January 2016.
DeleteHer new report is about things that have happened in the last couple of months, while her son was there. Why would you think she would make this shit up?
Those are two different incidents. The earlier incident, over her ex, where he threatened to shoot himself, was last January, when she was barely pregnant. The new report, where she had the baby in her arms, was recent (obviously).
DeleteSorry. That was the report from a year ago, last January, when the sh*t hit the fan for the first time.
DeleteWhat is being reported now is what happened just a month and less ago.
If you can't read and don't know what year it is I suggest you just STFU.
DeleteThe original report to which you refer was back in January. The other incidents she described happened AFTER the baby was born, which likely was in October. This is now mid-January, so, Track has been pounding on her and threatening her regularly for the past 3-4 months.
Delete1:52 you are the one making shit up
ReplyDelete$our Pu$$y?
Will Trump pardon Track?
ReplyDeleteProbably won't need to pardon Tracker. Odds are Jordan will be back to him in a flash and mama grizzly will have already bought off the Wasilla police and courts.
DeleteJust stsy safe jordan and child.
ReplyDeleteJordan Loewe must have something wrong with her. She was already separated from the bastard, the baby doesn't know who he is, and yet she still keeps going to him and tolerating violent physical abuse how many times?
ReplyDeleteShe needs to answer for her own behavior, she needs to answer for deliberately putting her newborn in so much danger.
Its not unusual to see Jordan's behaviour.She is in an abusive relationship with tack Palin.
DeleteRemember he may be the bastard child from Sarah Palin illicit love affair.
Lots of disfunction in the Palin/Heath Klan.Which might explain a teeny bit?
In the midst of a custody battle, one parent keeping a child away from the other parent- or keeping the kid away if there is any type of visitation plan - is grounds to lose custody. She was liekly doign what her lawyer told her to.
DeleteYou're talking utter bullshit 6.23. I pity your friends asking you for advice.
DeleteNO LAWYER would advise their client to repeatedly jeopardize their life and their baby's life the way Jordan Loewe has deliberately done.
Any lawyer would have had that restraining order in place months ago- obviously the problem was (once again) Jordan Loewe's bad judgment.
As far as I'm concerned she asked for everything she got.
Where's Alicia? Is she gonna start stalking Jordan like she does Levi and Sunny?
ReplyDeleteProbably over at Radar Online holding up the Palins.
DeleteYep, she's on radar with her multiple personalities.
DeleteWider & deeper Screechy
So why isn't Track in jail for these new charges?
ReplyDeleteThe other day someone at the pond linked a Twitter picture of Sarah. The caption said something like, 'look who I saw at work today'. Did anyone take a screen shot? SP looked totally drugged up in the picture, her eyes were not focused and she looked terribly thin again.
ReplyDeleteI can't find it and would love if someone has it.
So, maybe this is why Sarah didn't go to DC. Everyone's life is at risk now, Track is a maniac. Who knows who will be the victim of his anger and insanity.
ReplyDeleteSo, he not only attacked Jordan but put his child's life at risk when he came at her as she was holding the baby, when he threw rocks at the car, and when he chased her down in his own vehicle. If this were anyone else, he'd likely not get supervised visitation. At least not until getting some help. Of course we know he won't (and there may be no way to really help him). And his anger and need to act out is going to just keep amping up. All the Palins should be scared right now. Any day, we all may turn on the news and learn that there has been a mass murder homicide over there.
ReplyDeleteOops. I meant mass murder suicide over there.
Deletewow, unfortunately track fits perfectly in the family annihilator category of domestic abuser/murderer. loewe is absolutely correct in trying to completely shut down anything to do with him. he isn't meant to have a family because he's obviously not psychologically and emotionally able to handle the ups and downs of life like most people are. police are often aware of family annihilator types in their communities and try to get women to consider leaving them, but they know they can only do so much, and just hope that they aren't called in to document a multiple murder. it sounds awful, and it is, but it happens all too often.
ReplyDeletePuh-lease people! This is so obviously Obama's fault.........do you not see that? Obama was born in Kenya in 1961, and immediately realized that he'd need a fake Hawaii birth certificate and newspaper announcement, just so that when he became president in 2009, he could then "do stuff" to mess with Track Palin, his opposing vice presidential nominees son, who already happened to be 19 years old at the time.
ReplyDeleteThis had absolutely NOTHING to do with the way Sarah and Todd Palin raised/ignored their children......you whiny non-accountable "it takes a village" liberals.
Thanks for clearing up that point!!
DeleteSarah Palin gave birth to a criminal psychopath, and her care for him stopped there. He has been on his own since he could walk. Todd Palin could care less because he is not his biological son.
ReplyDeleteWhat will Sarah Palin do when Dakota 'loses it' with Bristol? Will she defend him? It is bound to happen.
ReplyDeleteBristol Palin is an experienced streetfighter but Sarah would never defend her daughter over an MOH. The non-achieving daughter will never leave, unlike the MOH. Sarah values that medal like she values nothing else but she can't seem to get it to make any money for her. It seems that a couple of years of Palin scandals have really taken the gloss off of the Meyer bling and it's not much use for grifting any more. Dakota Meyer met President Obama and the President gave him some good advice which he ignored to go fuck Bristol Palin instead, and he will be paying for that for the rest of his life "up there in Alaska" because Bristol needs a place to hide while instagramming.
DeleteDamn it Track! REALLY? You KNOW that isn't right!
ReplyDeleteStop fucking around and call me. Ignore your Mom.
LOL I just went over to Radar to see how Alicia was doing. It's hilarious, all of her online identities are madly praying for Track and whatnot and
ReplyDeletenot a single one is showing any concern for the victim.
You're a hateful slug, Alicia Mangelsdorf. I hope someone tips a shitload of salt on you.
O/T: so, $arahPAC has only a scant $99,000 left. At the rate $he is spending the money like there is no tomorrow, that $99,000 will be gone by the end of this or next month. THEN WHAT???
ReplyDeleteThose Palin kids could have done anything with their lives. They had every opportunity but they chose throw away their lives by grifting with Sarah. What a waste of lives.
ReplyDeleteIf she's not married to him she shouldn't be anywhere near him.
ReplyDeleteHoney, pack up and move.
Don't understand it . . . I can't see the comments on the Radar Online article.