Saturday, March 25, 2017

I think this is the perfect way to start the day today.


  1. Anonymous3:27 AM

    Surrendering is a lot like being captured.......

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Ahem, Yeah, yeah, it's not nice, but, I can't help myself, and the kids are still asleep so let me enjoy this with my morning coffee. T.Rump is a LOSER. La la la la LLLLoser. Loser.

      C'mon Melania, now just tell the world how lousy he really is in bed and we'll be rid of him.

      And DJ JR, remember how he screwed your mom, when he cheated with Marla? yeah, you remember. He hasn't changed, just doing it to the whole country now. Speak up, boy.

  2. Anonymous4:06 AM

    So now he's miffed at Kushner (NEVER Ivanka, mind you) for a ski trip during his hours of need? Rats do abandon a sinking ship!

  3. SallyinMI4:09 AM

    Miss them yet?

    1. Anonymous4:37 AM

      Both their responses were eloquent and supportive of all Americans' rights to healthcare. Like 'em or not, who are the adults in the room?

      Not me, in answer to that. I spent all yesterday afternoon and evening in a "neener neener neener" mood and couldn't wipe the smile off my face.

    2. Anonymous6:17 AM

      No, they weren't supportive at all. Just the usual clueless generalities and platitudes.

    3. I really need to install that Russian troll filter.

  4. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Fuckin' looser

    1. Anonymous4:40 AM

      Oops, should be


    2. I think you got both right!

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      BUT>drumpf" ‘We Learned a Lot About Loyalty’"

  5. Anonymous4:33 AM

    “He’s supposedly the author of Art Of The Deal,”

    “He's not a negotiator because he can't even close a deal. I like people who can Close A Deal.”

    1. Actually, it's pretty common knowledge that Tony Schwartz wrote the Art of the Deal.

  6. Anonymous4:38 AM

    The negotiator-in-chief couldn't seal the deal. He's nothing but a pussy grabbing con man.

  7. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Alyssa Milano 

    Trump 0 American People 2

    2:37 PM - 24 Mar 2017

  8. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Ana Navarro ✔

    Stalled travel ban. Wire-tap lie revealed. Investigation on Russia ties. Health-care debacle. Trump must be getting really tired of winning.

    1:12 PM - 24 Mar 2017

    1. Anonymous6:34 AM

      Don't forget the failed raid in, was it Syria? that got an American Seal officer killed. Yea, I'm pretty tired of winning already!

    2. Anonymous7:19 AM

      @6:34 That was in Yemen , this week it was Syria, next week Iraq, then..

    3. Anonymous8:04 AM

      There was a second Yemen attack soon after that was aborted after this first debacle. NO NEWS except a little one-liner blurb that never got repeated.

  9. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Albert Brooks ✔

    Looking forward to Donald Trump’s next big deal that won’t pass.

    12:47 PM - 24 Mar 2017

  10. Anonymous4:53 AM

    "Ultimately, the Trumpcare bill failed because of two traits that have plagued the Trump presidency since he took office: incompetence and broken promises," Schumer said. "In my life, I have never seen an administration as incompetent as the one occupying the White House today."

  11. "The decision came a day after President Trump delivered an ultimatum to lawmakers"
    That stupid bloated orange moron still has no clue how three co-equal branches of government work. He thinks he's CEO, the big bosserooni of the whole country and all of us, especially elected members of government, are required to obey his every infantile whim or else.

    He would never have run for office if he had had any idea that he would be applying for a job working for we the people, the great unwashed rabble, and that we would be his bosses, and that we could require him to follow the employee handbook (constitution) or else.

    1. Anonymous5:13 AM

      Imagine had they caved to his "or else" threat at only ten weeks in. He would have thought he's got carte blanche to do what ever the heck he wants to.

    2. Anonymous6:24 AM

      You have it wrong, not an orange moron. The correct classification is cheeto-haired, loofah faced, orange shitgibbon.

    3. Anonymous6:48 AM

      You have it wrong, not an orange moron. The correct classification is cheeto-haired, loofah faced, orange shitgibbon.

  12. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Trump University Failed

    TrumpCare Failed

    Commander-In-Chief Trump's First Military Raid In Yemen Failed

    We Need A President, Not A Failure

    1. Anonymous6:40 AM

      Thank you for that. I made a comment up - thread without reading all comments and I thought it was Syria but you are correct @5:00 AM. It was Yemen. Sorry about my mistake; BIG difference between Yemen and Syria.

  13. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Go back to playing golf BITCH!

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Gryph - why do you let things like this go through (and there are many others)? I am a staunch defender of the need for free exchange of ideas, but in virtual land, these kinds of things supress more speech than they encourage, and it contributes nothing to the dicussion.

  14. Anonymous5:04 AM

    I wonder how many people didn’t sign up for health insurance because they terrorized Americans with their immediate repeal and replace.

    I personally had a knot in my stomach every time the topic of health insurance came up, will I be covered in 2017 etc. because of their selfish agenda with no information.

    Yep the republicans are domestic terrorists and the beauty of this defeat is they did it all to themselves.

    1. Then there's the fact they "reorganized" the government web pages making it almost impossible to find information on the exchanges or to sign up.

      But people still managed to do it.

      Of course some states were more helpful than others.

      California is doing just fine.

  15. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Failed Trump Health Care and now this:

    Trump quickly walked back his oft-repeated campaign promise to move the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and he criticized Israeli settlements as "not good" for peace.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

  16. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The Hill
    March 24, 2017 - 07:43 PM EDT

    Trump angry Kushner, Ivanka went skiing during health debate: report

    A source close to President Trump told CNN that the commander-in-chief was frustrated with his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner's decision to go on a vacation in the heat of the debate over ObamaCare repeal.

    “[Trump] is upset that his son-in-law and senior adviser was not around during this crucial week," the source said, according to a CNN report...

    1. Probably saw the writing on the wall and decided to avoid it altogether.

      Apparently it's OK for Trump to go golfing every weekend but everyone else has to work around the clock 24/7.

      We have a Despot for a president.

  17. Anonymous5:19 AM

    And, once again, he deflects rather than do a proper assessment of what happened. He blames it on the Democrats who refused to help pass his law, the one that would do away with their law ---- instead of looking at how many Republicans bolted and his own role in the whole thing. this man is a total joke of an adult. It is pointless for us to have any hope he will ever grow up. It is just too late for that.

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      He's a LAZY sob 70 year old with low energy. What were we expecting?

    2. Anonymous7:35 AM

      @6:42 add>VACUOU$
      having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
      + This>
      a $ADI$T VOYUER

  18. Anonymous5:23 AM


    Secret Service Racks Up Bills for Trump Kids' Trips. Next Stop Aspen?

    President Donald Trump's family is reportedly headed to the ski resort town of Aspen this weekend, a trip that could cost taxpayers a pretty penny in security costs judging by the clan's recent globe-trotting.

    The Trump family visit to Aspen has not been officially announced, but the Aspen Times, quoting anonymous local law enforcement sources, reported Thursday that Donald Jr., Eric and Ivanka Trump and their families were expected and that the Secret Service had met with the Aspen Police Department.

    There are no hotel bills for Aspen in the Federal Procurement Data System yet, but the database does show a $12,208.25 contract by the Secret Service with Aspen Valley Ski/Snowboard Club for "recreational good rental/ski equipment lease" between the dates of March 10 and March 23.

    No further details were given, and the club's spokeswoman did not respond to requests for more information.

    Federal documents examined by NBC News outline hotel bills for the U.S. Secret Service and State Department coinciding with other out-of-town visits by Trump's sons and daughters, including:

    ☹ $53,155.25 during Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump and Tiffany Trump's business trip to Vancouver in late February.

    😬 $16,738.36 during Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump's business trip to Dubai in mid-February.

    😡 $97,830 for Eric Trump's business trip to Uruguay in early January.

    😠 In addition, the records show the Secret Service spent $4,0162.02 on rental vehicles in the Dominican Republic on Jan. 29, just ahead of Eric Trump's business visit to Cap Cana.

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Trumpland is a genuine banana republic.

  19. Anonymous6:59 AM

    You know, I'm sometimes accused of not listening to the other side, of thinking that just because someone is a Republican, they're an idiot. My reply is generally that no, I used to respect quite a few Republicans, the kind I called "garden club" Republicans. They were rigid, but they lived up to their own standards, and saw it as their obligation to help those who wanted to live up to those standards to be able to do so, too. It's where things like public schools, and public works from recreational facilities and hospitals came from. Those Republicans, some of whom were my friends, became more and more disillusioned with the extremes righties of their party. Some died, and those remaining became democrats (one even demanded his daughter take him from his nursing home to change his voter registration!) The Republican Party was effectively purged of thinking, competent people.

    I've rediscovered one of those 'garden club' variety Republicans, in the article below - perhaps I should now go out and look for an ivory billed woodpecker?

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Before the arrival of the Tea Party and of the Koch brothers pulling strings from behind the scenes, there were genuinely moderate Republicans. They do not exist anymore. One of the last of them, former MI Governor William Milliken, was thrown out of the Grand Traverse County Republican Party because he would not endorse Trump. He is a very dignified elderly man who had a constitutional right to support or withhold his support from a candidate. I feel sure he did not vote for Trump.

  20. Anonymous7:45 AM

    StandProudNow • 2 minutes ago
    Donald Trump did not become President just to be just some other President.
    He became President to do GREAT things for America. To be remembered as the Great President Trump. That's sorta his style, no?
    WHEN does he ever do things half assed?
    He has also toyed with the idea of running since the eighties.
    Anybody who believes that his brilliant mind has spent MANY thousands of hours for the past 30 years, to contemplate the obstacles and sabotage in the way for him to deliver his promises to the American People think he doesn't have a strategy? A plan?? I beg to differ.

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      I estimate a majority is aware that Trump has his strategies which are what we believe ethically and morally are deplorable. Sabotage is one of his tactics and exacting revenge. Thank you for emphasizing and validating our graze concerns about a Trump presidency and administration.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      That's too stupid for words but that's what they think over there; he's brilliant, just like their idol $arah.

  21. Anonymous7:51 AM

    This is good 'too'

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      You Go Bill^^^!
      "your head will spin"
      My think> mommy and daddy drumpf spun little dick donny until 'his head' BROKE. <Could that be it?

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      @8:03 Mommy dearest this>
      "Mary Ann sometimes told a story that began with her giving Donald and his brother Robert each an equal number of Legos when they were little boys. She recalled that Donald asked to borrow Robert’s Legos so he could build a high tower. Robert agreed, but when he went to recollect them he discovered that Donald had glued together all the Legos.
      When Donald grew old enough to use concrete and steel, he continued to build with nobody but himself in mind. The only buildings that bore TRUMP in his honor were ones that he named himself after himself. His idea of charitable giving was to make money off it."

  22. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Anon 6:51 below, what are you complaining about? I'm just telling the Orange Bitch to go play golf. He likes to golf!


    Anonymous 5:01 AM said
    Go back to playing golf BITCH!


    Anonymous 6:51 AM said
    Gryph - why do you let things like this go through

  23. Anonymous8:21 AM


    Donald Trump
    Art of the Deal

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

  24. Anonymous8:24 AM

    This fool will eventually be impeached. Why is Trump, Ivanka, Jared, Bannon, Tillerson and all those other Russian agents still receiving classified briefings?

    1. Why Ivanka? She is neither an elected official nor a government appointee. She has gone through no vetting and isn't subject to the scrutiny or restrictions holding office would entail. Thus conflicts of interest don't restrict her. And yet, she's getting clearance and briefings?

      Enough of this shit.

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      The reason they don’t want to call Ivanka a federal employee is so she can keep her company !! So they are bending the rules again.

  25. Anonymous8:25 AM

    I recall Trump repeatedly saying he had a great plan for health care and would repeal and replace Obama care. Correct me if I am wrong that Ryan made this plan up and it was tweaked to get votes. What did Trump contribute except to gain votes by lying he had a cheaper and better plan and people will love it?
    Now he denies his own words.

    I read Trump made an executive order for the IRS that undermines the ACA. Trump may undermine and sabotage at the expense of citizens to make it fail.

    1. There may be lawsuits involved if Trump tries to destroy the ACA through executive order.

    2. Anonymous11:22 AM

      He cannot do that.

    3. Anonymous11:23 AM

      The IRS? What do they have to do with the price of tea?

    4. Anonymous12:42 PM

      By executive order done the night of January 20, Trump ordered federal employees of departments that have anything to do with the ACA, to work to circumvent the law. He literally ordered them to break the law. My heart goes out to federal employees who have to deal with this administration.

    5. Anonymous5:17 PM

      The IRS? What do they have to do with the price of tea?
      The subsidy depends on your estimated income, on the 1040 you have to reconcile your subsidy with your actual income: you get $ back (taken off your taxes) or you owe money, which is added on to the amount you owe the IRS


    1. "All that can only be repealed by another law, which would require an act of Congress, not just an executive order from the president."

  27. Anonymous9:45 AM

    aka Cannabis

  28. Anonymous10:04 AM

    This is 'good stuff', including ^^^>

  29. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The Art of the Fart= rump and pooty.

  30. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Kinda O/T: Remember when we discussing how bad the replacement bill was going to be? Well, I'm one that stomachs the pee pond when/if I can stand it.

    Oh, they went on and ON over that bill and how it had to pass for weeks! Example held up: The poor, esteemed, board mascot vg1. As dire health as he is in, he needs a heart transplant that the ACA would not provide, but Ryan's replacement would. Well, fast forward a couple days and vg1 finally read the damned bill and realized that he would have lost all medical coverage PERIOD.

    I swear, that bunch are nutzoid and jump on any bandwagon. If Hannity, Rush, $arah, Alex Jones, or tRump say so, it's gospel. Whatever you do, don't research it yourself. Sheesh.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.