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Palin at one of the numerous colleges she attended. |
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24
(And what does that passage have to do with college you might ask? Nothing really, but that does not stop Palin from using it as an opening for this serving of stupidity.)
It took me five years (And five different colleges.) to graduate college, because I worked throughout to pay for it. All my siblings did; there was never a question about Dad’s teacher salary covering four kids in college at once. We did the math…we all got jobs. Nowadays, parents unload boatloads of money on a kid’s “college experience,” and that “experience” has never been costlier. (The Democrats had a plan for bringing tuition costs down dramatically, just that I should remind people of that.)
Not just financially. Modern college culture often involves nonstop efforts to unravel our children’s value systems. Self-indulgence is the name of the game, with professors blatantly attempting to indoctrinate with their liberalism. (Well facts DO have a liberal bias.) College today isn’t necessarily an incredibly rigorous experience, where students’ minds are constantly challenged and their horizons broadened. (And you would know this how?) So many courses are so politically correct they don’t even pass the straight-face test. Since really buckling down to take silly courses isn’t required, much time is dedicated to just having a good time – to partying. Many professors have cushy jobs that don’t require them to, you know, actually teach. (Also complete bullshit.) That means parents spend their hard-earned money – or, more accurately, borrow their not-yet- earned money – for grad students and adjuncts to fill the role of educator. You getting what you paid for, Pops?
And for all of this, the student-loan debt in America is nearly $1 trillion! It’s prudent to think twice before shelling out big bucks to liberals so they can enjoy efforts to brainwash the next generation.
(Well she has a point. The best way for conservative parents to keep their kids conservative is to deny them an education.)
Today, teach kids the value of higher education, making sure they value God’s Truth over the falsehoods of man. (In this context God's Truth is superstitious nonsense from the Bible, and the "falsehoods of man" are facts.) Consider creative ways to pay for education – such as, ummm, getting a job. It teaches them the value of what they’re receiving, and even possibly keeps them from blowing cash when the keg party passes the hat.
I am sorry, HOW many of Palin's kids attended college? (And I don't mean hair or skin college.)
And HOW many of them have jobs right now?
Last I heard Willow was working, but as for the others.......
And do we have an example of what happens to kids who do not go on to pursue higher education, and instead embrace their parent's values?
Oh that's right, we do.
Go ahead revisit the Palin family embracing their family values instead of going to college and being "indoctrinated."
Gee, if only ALL parents raised their children in a similar fashion.
The hard core fundies are always telling kids going off to college that there will be people everywhere, "deliberately challenging their faith" and other nonsense. I realized this only recently when I discoveted a relative's daughter was being told this horseshit before she left her hometown of Dallas, TX to go to college in NY state. Fortunately, the girl got a degree from a renowned university, decided to settle in her newfound city and became a bleeding heart liberal. Yay!
ReplyDeleteMiss piggy toes or hooves.
DeleteShe is the tiny poster ninny for ignorance. She is, after all, an infamous ignoramus. She is also a pathological liar. She has no degree. Like all things Palin, it is a fiction like the idea she is the country's "foremost energy expert." She is a corrupt and colossally stupid narcissist.
ReplyDeleteThe moment anyone mentions "god", whichever one they cling too, I immediately just go "idiot not worth listening to".
DeleteCultists are so lame.
Is this Bible Study page what's left of her PAC? The header seems like the same or similar design. She's not any more self aware (writing of funding college) than she was a decade ago.
ReplyDeleteUmmm, hmmm, errr --- I'm older than Palin, and went to college on scholarships (given because I was smart), jobs (pushing wheelchairs, delivering newspapers, working in college offices), working every summer, and taking out loans. Not a cent from my parents. Paid off my loans thirteen years after graduation. Got a liberal arts degree which was worth every penny.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter: got scholarships, loans, work-study jobs, summer employment, and is now paying off loans. She's making more now than I ever did and had a fabulous education, studying in England and India, helped by her college. She's applying to graduate schools. She's making a contribution to the world.
I paid a pittance, all I could afford. She was grateful for everything I could give her. I wish it could have been more -- because I love her and because I KNOW THE VALUE OF EDUCATION. She had wonderful, intelligent, dedicated professors who set her on the path to a life of curiosity and commitment.
I'm sorry, Sarah, that neither you nor your children ever had these advantages, and that you know nothing about the value of learning, of reaching beyond the limit of your small world to explore the unknown.
I got a full ride for college, but worked for my living expenses. Best thing I ever did, went back over the yrs and got 3 more degrees. 2 that were useful for the businesses we started, one for my own enjoyment.
DeleteSorry, $arah, but didn't make it through the first paragraph, without laughing my head off. Are you kidding me, when it's all there in black and white to disprove you????
ReplyDeleteWe all know the truth, and it's forever, baybee, no matter how hard you try to spin it. Someone's mighty upset today....hahahaha
Darlin,' you NEVER graduated and you know it, but keep preaching on about how we should adopt your values because, gosh darn it, it worked out so well for you, didn't it. What a maroon.
ReplyDeleteNEVER is right! Why does she expose herself the way she does?
DeleteSarah should be very cateful. It could easily be proven she never graduated from college. These jerks who suggested that President Obama didn't earn his college degrees or the right to attend an Ivy League school need to put forth their own college transcripts and let us see just how well they did!
DeleteTo quote a certain beloved rabbit: What an ultra maroon!
DeleteIt has already been proven. I called UI and asked about the tassel color and the one Sarah had in her "graduation photo" was for her sister's associate's degree.
DeleteReally, where is her nice potrait of her college graduation. Never seen one even pics in her home, nothing.
DeleteOnce again, $arah espouses "do what I say, not what I do". Pretty common among bible scripture quoters. Pretty obvious, too, that $arah's master is more money than god. Hard to believe that anyone believes the drivel that dribbles out of her mouth. Bless her heart, pathetic doesn't begin to define poor $arah.
Only the uneducated would follow SP.
DeleteLooks like Stinky has been googling verses again. Moscow says there no record of her graduating. The only one you serve in the ruler of the underworld,Satan himself,sarah dear. I wouldn't even finish reading her new rant after the first paragraph. She's nuts. Maybe she can get herself a mental disability check $$. Obviously no one will hire her. She'd surely qualify!
ReplyDeleteAnd, don't forget, it was NEVER proven that Sarah Palin ever earned a college degree!
ReplyDeleteIt was never verified (Idaho was supposedly where she finished according to John McCain) and Sarah never provided the media with a copy of her diploma even though it was requested numerous times.
She has bullshitted and lied constantly (as did John McCain about HER!) and the majority throughout Alaska and the country have been on to her for a number of years, believing nothing that comes out of her pie hole. (She's a duplicate of Donald Trump!)
She's fucking idiot as are her adult kids (Track and Bristol) and the guy with whom she supposedly has wedded bliss (not)!!
The broad has failed at everything she's touched.
I still believe she changed schools the often because she had to, having slept with all of the professors for grades she had to move on to fresh meat, er, marks. It's the only way I can believe she passed enough classes to get the credits for a degree.
DeleteSo why didn't you shell out the $$ for your children to go a bible college, $arah? Could it be that they never graduated HS, cut the mustard GPA, or you couldn't part with it?
ReplyDeleteBack when you were waaaay popular LOL, the only commencement you were invited to speak at was that small HS in eastern Washington when you taped a dollar to their chair, and I'm surprised you even parted with that! What was it, $25 total?
Trust me, boopsie, if you HAD graduated University of Idaho, as you claim, wouldn't they invite you back as their most famous alum? Fact is, you didn't, and it's not because they're those d*mn libruls; I grew up eight miles from there.
You are fooling NO ONE.
What self respecting bible college would enroll a Palin? Usuallly a famous name and how the money gets them in...but rumor is a few of these ids had baggage, babies or both! That's not 'zactly what these bible colleges want to admit.
DeleteNow I'll have to admit that a babble college might be different...when it comes allowing one of Sarah's spawn to matriculate...but somehow I doubt many of them know the difference between micturition, matriculation and mastication.
Probably not even the ones with a 3.497 GPA...
hahah! funny stuff!
DeleteMy daughter is working towards her degree in chemistry. I can assure conservatives that it's rigorous enough.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, tuition at the University of Alaska is $4,608/yr., with books, supplies and student fees adding another $2,784........bringing it up to $7,392/yr. However, Alaskan students qualify for the Alaska Performance Scholarship. Which means that if you graduate with a 2.5 gpa, you get $2,378/yr, a 3.0 gpa will get you $3,566/yr, and a 3.5 will get you $4,755/yr. $7,392 minus $4,755 equals $2,637. I'm making an assumption that the Palin children all got a 3.5 or higher, because Sarah always claimed that Bristol graduated with honors, despite giving birth to and caring for a newborn during her senior year. I guess that Bristol is truly a "super mom", doing it all like she does.
You can bet the young Sarah Palin had her hand out for every free dollar she could screw someone out of.
DeleteYou're forgetting those times Sarah claimed Bristol was going to college with a newborn and a full time job and and and.... Sarah wouldn't have a clue about the lies she has told about Bristol but we remember- Sarah we can show you on the internet when and where you wrote that lying shit.
DeleteYou "assume" a LOT! :)
DeleteBristol never graduate high school, she got a GED and who knows who took the test for her.
DeleteLike sarah, bristol is not college material.
I could not POSSIBLY care any less about this idiot and her family. She is dumber than Humpty Trumpty! At least HE was smart enough not to have her join his funny farm!
ReplyDeleteShe is dumb enough she probably has to THINK to breathe!
Hello Sarah.
ReplyDeleteYou are so full of shit!
Not very interesting stuff in the religion gig!
Maybe take up bingo? Knitting ,being a cougar,knitting, starting wars, hitwoman(man) ?
LOL counting her illegitimate grandchildren is a full time job.
Delete5:13 Not to mention fighting all her rag tag kids battles for them is a full time job too and also.
DeleteSadly, I would bet Tripp will never set foot in a college classroom. Neither parent cates about higher education when there is other people's money to spend and animals to hunt down and kill. He needs the care of a good dentist, as well.
ReplyDeleteWell Sarah would know, not many people like her that would peddle their children for $$$$$$$$ like she did.
ReplyDeleteSarah's trashing education because none of her whelps have any education even though she and they could afford it so easily.
ReplyDeleteThose parasites she bred prefer to remain ignorant, like their mother and father- who both get along fine with nothing upstairs because they have so much money they don't need a brain.... like Trump.
There is no point trying to discuss Sarah's silly description of college life. You get what you choose out of school. There is no reason to take "silly classes," and no one is going to indoctrinate you with liberal philosophy. If you don't want to listen to broad opinions about all points of view, go to a conservative religious school which will reinforce your values.
ReplyDeleteI want a doctor who went to a good medical school, and I want the engineer who designed the bridge I'm driving on to have a good education and knows how to build that bridge. A good education prepares you to think outside the box, relate and coordinate information, and listen to other points of view. Sarah has little to say that's worth while.
I have a friend like Sarah. He wants to claim he was in Special Forces in Nam. He was a cook. He claims her taught auto Macha nice at the local college.He was an assistant. He claims to own 2-3 airplanes. The planes were owned by his mother in laws boyfriend who's deceased. Lies are transparent and tend to wear on people, sarah.
DeleteGryphen, I hope that you'll scope out the new Palin house and give us an update.
ReplyDeleteMe, too. Where and why?
DeleteAre they building a new house or just remodeling the house they already live in?
DeleteI want to know! Whose house? Where? How did anyone hear about this?
DeleteWell That lake house that infuriated her to build one with illegal materials is for sale. Hmm..shall we see what money built That one Sarah?
Deleteyep, pageant walkin' is so harrrrd....
ReplyDeleteSnort, maybe she's finally ready to produce some proof of that 'graduation' she claims since she's trying to 'sell' it again. lol
ReplyDeleteI cannot fucking believe this idiot woman......she must be aiming for a tv bible thumper show, with all this scripture quoting of late. If there is anyone in the world who worships money it is $palin and her brood, so she probably figures her ignorant followers will start sending her money again so that she can line her coffers. Just the worst grifters I have ever seen!!!
ReplyDeleteIn Alaska, any resident can get a generous student loan to go to college or grad school, in or out of state. The only requirements are AK residency and attending an accredited school. Back in the early 80s, when Sarah was attending college, up to 50% of the loan was 'forgiven', ie, you didn't have to pay it back, if you 1. completed your degree; and 2. were living in Alaska. (They discontinued the forgiveness part of the program sometime in the late 80s.)
ReplyDeleteHer sob story of hardship and no money for college is complete bullpucky. Lack of money would not prevent ANYONE in Alaska from attending college who really wants an education, ESPECIALLY back when she was going to school.
I would bet my bottom dollar that she took advantage of the state education loan program to use as a junket and went off to Hawaii with a bunch of like-minded friends to party and sunbathe and occasionally attend classes when not too inconvenient. Then the fools found out that Hilo is a really rainy and not very beachy place, so she had to scramble and changed to HPU in Honolulu. Who knows why she didn't continue there, but her story about having to work and woe-is-me is totally BS.
Also, "adjuncts" are professors, too. Their job is to teach. If repubs hadn't cut funding to public colleges and universities across the country, there would be fewer adjuncts and more full time professors, so she needs to look in the mirror for someone to blame about that.
She then realized pretty quickly that she went to the wrong side of the wrong island if she wanted to sunbath. Classic Sarah, she didn't do any research.
DeleteSadly, no, adjuncts are not professors, though they do exactly the same thing in the classroom, though many have PhDs. Don't confuse the job title with the earned degree. Many adjuncts are better teachers than full professors.
DeleteAnd yes, adjuncts are being exploited by universities, because most universities, especially state schools, are administratively top heavy, and lets NOT forget the obscene $$ that is spent on athletics, including coaches salaries. .
Anon 7:28: You are not correct. I was an adjunct professor for decades before I retired. That was my title; that was my job. My duties and compensation were different compared to the full timers, but that is also true for an associate professor compared to a full professor or at different types of institutions.
DeleteYou aren't doing anyone any favors confusing the issue or denigrating people by saying their job title somehow isn't valid.
Also, in my case, I was paid nearly as much as full time professors and the same benefits package. I had a lot more freedom and time off and a lot fewer governance duties. We had a strong union that worked for years to get us pay equity. My working conditions were deplorable when I started, back in the 80s, but certainly weren't for the last 15 years or so. I preferred my situation and didn't even want to be full time with so many more headaches. Many adjuncts are exploited, but not all.
I see. Her kids didn't go to college because they value Gods Truth over the falsehoods of man. I thought it was because they are stupid lazy hillbillies/drug addicts whose only interests are driving big cars and having babies. Good she set me straight.
ReplyDeleteOh YES, and Ellen DeGeneres is giving a whole disadvantaged senior class in Brooklyn NY a free ride 4-year scholarship to college of their choice in hopes that they'll turn ghey. Eye roll.
DeleteYou were right about that...the stupid lazy addicts part.
DeleteGood point on Ellen -- she builds up, they tear down. Remind me again why we're all accused of being jealous of them? LOL
Delete3:36 You can major in "gay?"
DeleteThey didn't attend college because they couldn't get in. Too damn dumb.
DeleteSpeaking of Bristol, did her MOH baby daddy attend the ceremony at the White House to mark Medal of Honor day?
ReplyDeleteExactly WTF does Sarah know about college today? In the first place, her experience was years ago at five different colleges spread out over ??? years.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, not a single one of her children has any experience with college -- well, except maybe to drive past one occasionally.
Sarah never stayed at one institution of higher learning long enough to learn anything. And it has shown throughout her "career."
Yep. Really good colleges are about building relationships with your instructors - be their full prof or adjuncts. (That adjunct of today could likely has a PhD could well be your grad school prof in a few years.) Building that relationship can get you an offer of research in the lab, a good letter of rec for an experience or scholarship.
DeleteSarah never stayed at one institution of higher learning long enough to learn anything
She never stayed long enough at one institution to transfer enough credits to actually graduate.
Education or mental institutions? Can't keep up with her back and forth.
ReplyDeleteNot sure if projection, or her personal experience of blaming others for being kicked out or quitting every school she nested in.
Laughable listening to a finger wagging scolding quitter who lets her spawn run around acting like drunken animals giving life advice.
What a dingus.
So I guess we ignore that Jesus was a Rabbi or Teacher and that he started teaching at a very early age in the temple.
ReplyDeleteor that the Jews, who Palin seems to worship, respect education and teachers very highly.
In fact, nothing in the bible supports Palin's worship of ignorance.
But I guess, that isn't surprising. That god and money quote has to do with being greedy and selfish, for caring more about accumulating private wealth than about your fellow man. We all know Sarah Palin is a big fat LOSER when it comes to compassion, charity or thinking of others before herself.
Is it any wonder she gets that quote completely wrong or twists it to suit her own agenda?
She worships ignorance. And money.
After all, without it she never would have been elected. To anything.
Plus she needs to tear down those with an education because we know how she "earned" hers and why she had to attend so many colleges. Too bad none of her professors will come forward to tell how she "earned" those grades. Considering how illiterate she is, I'm surprised her degree hasn't been revoked.
To put it in language she can understand, without an education you can't tell god's truth from false prophets. Palin is one of the "falseiest" prophets out there.
Truly, there is zero proof that there even was a Jesus.
DeleteThere is in her "holy book" and it says he was a Rabbi or Teacher.
DeleteSometimes you have to talk to people on a simply level they can relate to.
That's assuming she can at least remember some of the parts of her bible people have told her about. I make no assumptions she can actually read or.
Or can even read.
Yes, the bible of course says that there was a Jesus, but I'm talking actual historical proof, not a bronze age fairy tale.
DeleteAgain, when you are dealing with the rabid you'll get farther using their fairy tale against them than simply denying it's existence.
DeleteUse her book against her and her head explodes. Deny it and she simply digs in her heels, claims you're godless and ignores you.
Bill Maher is extremely effective at using the bible against whatever talking point the Christian Republicans are trying to justify their cruelty. He's talented enough to make them liars and hypocrites and still make the case they're nuts to believe in an invisible man in the sky. He basically shows they don't even follow the beliefs they profess to have.
You don't simply say to Palin "there was no Jesus." You use her book to show she's ignorant, she's a BAD Christian, she's wrong and Jesus would hate her for whatever she is trying to prove by twisting his words. Instead of what would jesus do it's more we know what he'd do; jesus would kick your ass.
The Palins are dishonest, uneducated, and foul mouthed. They are lowlifes. In that group of miscreants, Sarah is the lying narcissist in charge. But they all(except Trigg) are despicable slimy losers.
ReplyDeleteThe white trash family of Alaska!!!
DeleteWatucky is what the ANC locals call Wasilla!
DeleteSo no job from Faux. Had to shut the PAC down cause she used all the money supporting friends and family. So when does her new religious grifting career start?
ReplyDelete$he used the last of the PAC$$$ to buy Truck out of his latest DV with his latest baby mama.
DeleteThere won't be enough to buy him out of the next one. And there WILL be a next one.
"College today isn’t necessarily an incredibly rigorous experience, where students’ minds are constantly challenged and their horizons broadened. (And you would know this how?) So many courses are so politically correct they don’t even pass the straight-face test. Since really buckling down to take silly courses isn’t required, much time is dedicated to just having a good time – to partying. Many professors have cushy jobs that don’t require them to, you know, actually teach."
Every single word of this is absolute lying, ignorant, bitter, jealous bullshit.
It is clear that she doesn't know the slightest thing about higher education, universities, colleges, degree requirements, college level courses, or what professors do to earn their salary.
Unforgivable ignorance. She is of course too stupid, uneducated, lazy, incurious, and ignorant to be able to write a single word about higher education, but there is no need for her to show her nasty jealous stupidity off for all the world, wait, for all three of her drooling readers to see.
She claims some profs don't teach, a statement which shows just how ignorant she is.
DeleteUnless they are at a solely teaching college (4 year small, liberal arts) they do something called research, which is the actual practice of what they teach (and often, their students participate in that research and learn far beyond anything they could in a classroom. In the sciences they do things like the underlying research to find cures for diseases or expand human knowledge, they invent computer programs that make our lives more productive, to better war machines (you should be applauding that $carah. Or do you now hate the troops?) Others do research on how people in groups behave - social sciences. But you're not very socially astute $arah, but some do research in abnormal psych, something you exhibit all the time. So THAT should be important to you.
Lol. 7:38 you really don't know much.
DeleteThose that can, do. Teachers don't.
In the technical and science fields, the real talent is out making money. The 'proffs' prior to getting tenure are doing everything they can to make tenure and basically could give a shit about the classroom. Once they have made tenure, they don't give a shit about much at all.
10:54, you are the one who really doesn't know much.
DeleteIn the technical and science fields, *some* of the real talent is out making money. A lot of the real talent is carrying out ground breaking research. I see tenure-track professors every day struggling to carry out the required levels of research AND to teach conscientiously and well.
After tenure, many professors keep right on carrying out world-class research and also teach superbly.
"Those that can, do. Teachers don't." is a stupid shallow ignorant platitude.
Thank God not everyone is only intent on making money. Professors in most universities do engage in research as well as teach. My husband taught for 34 years at a university, is now retired and still engaged in research. It's not all about the money. Some people actually enjoy working with students, helping them grow more intellectually, learn to think critically and analytically. Being part of higher education also allows professors to further their own understanding of important questions through research and writing. Very, very few get "rich" through a career in higher education but they find "remuneration" in knowing that they've helped young people become better and that they've added to human understanding of important questions. Sarah Pain, as usual, doesn't know a thing about what she's trying to write about.
Amen 3:45
DeleteAfter 32 years in my field, I started teaching in a University. I want to train the next generation in my field from the ground up. Took a paycut to do it PLUS am paying for my own PhD .
DeleteIt's "couldn't give a shit", not "could give a shit".
You don't even know how to say what you mean, you're so palin stupid.
It is called an idiom moron at 6:46, and it can be written both ways even though your old dumb brain can't handle it.
DeleteShe's such a moron with all her bible talk, she just doesn't get it, people aren't down with religion any longer and while I've always felt embarrassed by religion and religious people, it's even worse for me now that is is dying and the retarded and still beating that fairy tale drum.
ReplyDeleteFuck you people, grow a fucking brain.
Re-read your post: Are you proud of it?
DeleteNice usage of the 'r' word.
Try using the 'n' word next time, it's nice too, SMDH.
No Sympathy for the Hillbilly
She's so retarded it cancels out everything she says and does.
ReplyDeleteGratuitous 'r' word.
DeleteCompletely stupid and useless comment.
I think she's trying to justify spending whatever's left of her $$ on that fugly house/storage structure she's building, instead of saving for Piper and Trig to get a decent education. Her priorities are so fucked.
ReplyDeleteShe should have just said
ReplyDelete"At age 16 my daughter Bristol decided to start breeding and I ended up having to take her first kid and subsequent to that she's now on her 5th, in 10 years...college, who cares, breed! My son Track, he was a practiced vandal and alcoholic by the age of 15, he joined the military and served a little less time than I did as Governor of Alaska. He went on to breed children with two women whom he assaulted and lost custody of both. My sweet daughter Willow, she quit school to become a hairdresser and serial vandal and potty mouth, nope no college for her either. My daughter Piper is a grade behind in school because she is dumb, she'll never go to college either so I'm not really sure why I'm writing about college stuff."
-Lou Sarah, worst mother in the world who herself has never been proven to have graduated from any college.
Delete"My youngest son, Trig, is the smartest one in our family."
Delete"My ex-husband Toad, father of some of my kids, is a college drop out."
DeleteLook Sarah is just a po dunk girl from a po dunk town who rode on her looks as far as that train could carry her ass. She appealed to all the other losers out there who never taught their kids to achieve anything. Suddenly all the red neck losers had a voice.
DeleteYour kid is to stupid to go to college look at the Palin's! There is hope i mean Barstool married an MOH that is dumb as a rock but still she got married! Goals! never give up! If you can afford plastic surgery for your daughters and this could happen to them to.
I know its seems shallow. But wtf bristles has the worst set of legs I have ever seen! Wow
ReplyDeleteNo calves , no shape eewwww.
She is also homely as heck . maybe its the Leno chin?
I am sorry she is ugly! Whoa!
Huge knee caps from.......?
DeleteU Know
Holy Shit, what an ignoramus. DO THE MATH STOOOpid $arah. Even state schools cost $25K per year, for out of staters. Add in another $10K for room and board. Since it's a bit hard to "broaden your horizons when you remain "on the farm" or "in the valley" that meansgoing out of state @ $140K total. WHat 18-19 y o is gong to make that kind of cash, considering most corporations won't hire them full time. I've seen far too many try to work -4 jobs and neglect their classes, ending up like $arah with a not really a diploma piece of paper. $arah took five (or was it six) years to graduate if she even did (we've never seen proof and no college claims her, because she used her college time to gallivant around 4 or 5 schools, and that generally means one loses some credits because of their different requirements.
ReplyDeleteIn a nutshell 4:23. And, indeed, units are lost in this bizarre "whack a college" model employed by people like Sarah. Actually, very few people would go to five colleges ...
DeleteFive colleges or more is community college part timer status. A last resort college for those who made "other choices" or have other commitments. Mainly non-traditional students whose first priorities are family, or those who don't have the grades or even minimal ability to pay. And kudos to them for not giving up. Mnay get an associates, get their lives together and goon to a BA or even MA. It is a definite struggle and they'll almost never end up in the top echelon of jobs or corporations. But it's better than what Sarah's kids are qualified to do. "Would you like fries with that?" About the only one who deserves any respect is WIllow, at least she chose something and she's doing it and claims to like ti. It will be interesting to revisit 10-20 years down the road though, when the novelty has worn off, the feet are tired, the carpal tunnel sets in, and she's expected to keep up with new styles, new techniques new product.
DeletePlus be nice to your clients.
DeleteSo, this liberal was in school for five years, got two degrees, had about $1200 in debt which we paid off in 3 years, and I worked two jobs, summer jobs, and tutored to earn my way. I also was a Res Assistant for two years, which meant I was inc charge of a dorm floor, but got free room and board for those years.
ReplyDeleteI can't help it if the precious conservative snowflakes have to be spooned college and are too lazy (too busy drinking?) to have jobs.
Oh, and our two kids left a private school and a big 10 engineering school, with ZERO debt. Our eldest also graduated 13 of 110 in law school and her only costs were books. It's called being smart, Sarah. National Merit Scholars get scholarships.
Your brood wouldn't know about that. Your brood only knows about baby making, fake TV shows, and grifting PACs and selling crap beverages. What a waste of everyone's time you are. It's pretty bad when Trump, who has surrounded himself with millionaire sycophants, doesn't have even an advisory role for you, huh? Must suck to be irrelevant.
Thanks 4:37 for raising fantastic kids who actually contribute to their communities! More and more it appears a lot of people who espouse "traditional values" didn’t quite include the value of a good education in their child rearing repertoire and are now angry Junior doesn’t have a job that will support the family Junior accidentally produced because he didn’t know how to put on a condom.
DeleteSarah and Todd had the ability to give their kids a free ride at school but none was intelligent and/or motivated enough to take them up on it.
DeleteWell, when I went to college it was $120 for a full 12 units or more per semester. I graduated without debt by working summers and part time but it did take me five years since I couldn't take a full load the last two years because I was working.
DeleteYou just can't go to a state university for that amount of money any more. I'm not even sure if $120 would cover a full load at our community college.
The last class I took (for my second master's degree) it was something like $635 per UNIT with most of the post graduate classes being three units.
These days it's impossible for a student to work full time at anything to earn enough money to pay for a full time college load and still graduate in four years. Sorry but true.
Not everyone gets a scholarship.
Then you're dealing with should only the wealthy or elites go to college? Just because someone can't get a scholarship should they be denied the opportunity to go to college if that is what they desire?
If someone really wants to be a doctor and has what it takes mentally to succeed in that profession, should they settle for shoe repairman?
There's nothing wrong with being a plumber or a realtor, cutting hair or working retail. But if someone has a passion for accounting or veterinary medicine or the law, should they have to settle for the life of a bank teller because they couldn't get a scholarship and their parents couldn't afford to pay for their education?
Or should they take on a lifetime of debt?
No one should graduate with hundreds of thousands in debt, looking at decades to pay it off.
The Republicans have arranged to profit off of our children's futures the way they have gamed the student loan system. Student loans can't be restructured or refinanced. Like medical bills (another scam) it can't be canceled out with a bankruptcy. Like medicare and medicaid drugs, the rates are higher than the market rate and there's no negotiating or competition.
Mkes socialism or communism look good lol
DeleteI wanted to be a doctor. Was smart enough, but chickened out on the debt. Also had no family help as I was first generation to go to college. I took another route.
I remember at the time wishing I was born in the Soviet Union because there I would definitely had been a doctor as I had the smarts and drive.
I remember thinking how fucked up this country is. I remember walking through a casino and watching people gambling away one semester, two semesters, three semesters.
It was depressing.
513 Well by all means move to Russia since it's so great! As much mixed mutts they got now who the fuck cares anymore. They sure don't.
DeleteOh and Sarah is no heath picture . sagging calves, no muscle tone at such a young age.
ReplyDeleteLazy girl.
Fungal toes.
DeleteThat didn't take long!! About an hour ago, I went to Sarah's bible study page (link in Gryph's comment) where I left a comment that was not kind to Sarah and her family.
ReplyDeleteI pointed out that not one of the kids has attended college and not one of them has a job (except Willow).
I then posted links to the audio and police reports for the Palin Family Midnight Brawl as well as posting the above photo of Bristol pissing in the street.
Now -- an hour later -- my comment has been removed and when I try to comment, I find I have been banned!!!!!!
I consider it an honor to be banned by Sarah . . . I've been thrown out of much better places.
Well done, my friend!
DeleteBadge of honor. Too bad that the truth hurt so much.
DeleteSome day, maybe SOME day, she will think before she posts although the chances of that are next to none. I wonder what set her off today. Your MOH post, Gryph? :)
ReplyDeleteReally? What in the world makes this dimwit an expert on college? I come from a family that is college educated three generations and it has been a lot of work for every generation to pay for it, finish and prosper. And the liberal education bias she speaks of is entirely insane. Sorry Sarah, Gryph is right, facts are probably a liberal value. Placing one's brain in the faith fog is not conducive to critical thinking skills and I refuse to apologize for this. Your life is better because some of the people in my family worked their asses off to get into good schools and created things you use every day.
ReplyDeleteThe real reason she hates teachers?
DeleteHer creepy daddy Chuckie was a teacher. All teachers MUST be like him, huh, $ara?
Wasn't he a substitute teacher?No rill teaching degree?
DeleteShe isn't rilly in a Faith Fog.Nothing could be further than the truth with this bunch. Its just a front because she's got nothing else. No jobs,no education. Her family are all unemployed bums.
Delete249 yup he's a leech and latched onto who?
Deletewho was that Sarah? cough cough cough
Gee, it seems to me that if the bible is anything to go by,Palin and the bulk of her spawn are LONG overdue for a stoning...and I wanna cast the first stone.
"WATCH: Trump last year: If I'm POTUS I don't think I'd see any of my golf courses again, I just want to stay in WH and "work in my ass off"
He's just like Barstool!
I don’t believe that sarah has a college degree, that is why she likes to mock those of us that do. Her IQ is too low and she isn’t college material. Only sour grapes sarah would discourage kids from pursuing a degree.
ReplyDeleteHer English is so poor that she couldn’t even graduate from trump U and his only standard is “can you pay”.
It certainly is getting more difficult for her to receive the attention she so desires considering her competition for liar of the year is the so called president.
She's a dyslexic married to a less-dicks-it.
DeleteOh yah think? The only picture shows her with no one around her at all in cap and gown. The cap has the color of tassel her sister would have worn for her major. It was the wrong color for Sarah's. All bullshit.
DeleteSo Sarah's kids did not attend college. When Dakota Meyer was awarded his MOH, President Obama advised Dakota to get a good education. When Dakota appeared on the David Letterman show, Dave had the same advice for Dakota. When we watch the video of Dakota trying to stumble out simple words in the English language, it is clear that he didn't take that wise advice. In fact, Dakota had one job when he got out of the service, working for an armaments company who also Dakota to take the training program and attend classes. He didn't.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he's moving to Austin to pursue a degree at the University of Texas. :)
8:02 He is probably going to work with Alex Jones on InfoWars.
DeleteLooks like Sarah's talking about working yet again. She sounds as if she's an expert at having a job. When's the last time she had one of those, anyway? July 2009? And even that one was part-time.
ReplyDeleteGo fill out some applications, Sarah. And take Bristol with you.
I think the only real job she had as an adult was working as clerk at Matanuska Electric Company, and Todd's dad got her that job.
DeleteThat was a union gob also too!
DeleteHow does working your way through college cause you to go to 5 different schools?
ReplyDelete$he'd 'worked' her way thru all the cocks on each campus, one by one. Conquerin' spirit passed on to her kids, too!
DeleteAh, that classic photo of the Stool's shapeless scrawny calves and weird swollen knock-knees. Not the body of a dancer...
ReplyDeleteThat high school champion basketball point guard and cross country runner...wtf happened?
DeleteLooks like the only weight room she saw was the cafeteria!
That left big toe looks deformed.
DeleteShe came by those huge swollen knees honestly, guys, lay off!
DeleteShe also forget that college was considerably less expensive and not just because everything was comparatively less expensive.
ReplyDeleteGee, where to start lol?
ReplyDeleteSarah, hon, it took you six years and 5 colleges before you quit. You do not have a degree in, what have you claimed? Journalism? Communications? Minor in poly/sci?
No way you were able to cull together enough credits for a degree. Plus. didn't you spend time in a mental institution also too during those 6 years?
I now teach in a University. Guess what bitch? I took a 50% fucking paycut because I feel so strongly that I want to educate people into my profession. I make up the money doing my old job on breaks and summers.
Not everyone is college material. Case in point - each of your offspring. But they still need a trade ad then they need to work at the trade. Trades are good and needed. But really, kids with other gifts, smarts and talents don't need to forego college learn to pop zits.
True it is ridiculously expensive. But don't you ll have that free money every year? Investing that for your kids since birth gives them a nice start. We started saving for our kids college the weeks they were born. No shit. The first three years they are set without aid, plus the merit aid may actually let them have leftover money for grad school.
But a parent has t see the value of learning.
Sarah, you are many things, but a life long learner ain't one of them.
Hahaha brisfull and her pee drunken self for all her kids too see. Haha mama sarah is such a joke. An anul joke.
ReplyDeleteI didn't read every single post, but I browsed through them all. I may have missed another post about 5 colleges in 5 years and graduating...highly unlikely!! My son transferred from one engineering college to another and lost an entire year. It would take a lot longer if one kept going from one school to the next. Not all classes transfer. I am so tired of SP lies.