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I can't believe you people fell for that. |
President Trump’s first major budget proposal on Tuesday will include massive cuts to Medicaid and call for changes to anti-poverty programs that would give states new power to limit a range of benefits, people familiar with the planning said, despite growing unease in Congress about cutting the safety net.
For Medicaid, the state-federal program that provides health care to low-income Americans, Trump’s budget plan would follow through on a bill passed by House Republicans to cut more than $800 billion over 10 years. The Congressional Budget Office has estimated that this could cut off Medicaid benefits for about 10 million people over the next decade.
The White House also will call for giving states more flexibility to impose work requirements for people in different kinds of anti-poverty programs, people familiar with the budget plan said, potentially leading to a flood of changes in states led by conservative governors. Many anti-poverty programs have elements that are run by both the states and federal government, and a federal order allowing states to stiffen work requirements “for able-bodied Americans” could have a broad impact in terms of limiting who can access anti-poverty payments — and for how long.
If you click here you can hear Trump promising that he would not be for cutting social programs like social security, medicare, and medicaid.
I can't believe at this point there are too many people who actually still think that Donald Trump is not completely full of shit.
Cutting these programs is the GOP white whale and with control over the White House, the Senate, and the Congress of course they are going to try and roll all of these programs back, or get rid of them altogether.
This is why you NEVER vote Republican. EVER!
This is disgusting. Republicanos should be ashamed but alas, they are Republicans.
ReplyDelete"“Spoke with Comey. He wants to speak with Special Counsel prior to public testimony. Hearing Wed postponed. @GOPoversight,” Chaffetz tweeted."
Delete"Technically the House, not the White House, has the authority to write tax legislation. But White House officials who say Ryan fumbled the Obamacare repeal bill by not getting enough member input fear the same thing could happen with tax reform."
He's such a fucker! Republicans are going to lose their seats in Congress BIG TIME if they are up for reelection. Or, they will be afraid to run again.
ReplyDeleteTrump is an evil soul!
DeleteWhat? He promised not to cut Medicaid. That's why elder citizens voted for him. IMPEACH HIM!
ReplyDeleteThe elderly are on Medicare, not Medicaid. Trump and Republicans cannot touch Medicare without causing a senior revolt. This is all about welfare queen myths, poor people "taking advantage", hatred of the "other", etc.
DeleteThe 30+% that voted (and still say they favor him!) for Trump are going to rue the day! Idiots!
DeleteTrump could care less about killing poor Americans - Hell does await his ugly soul!
Medicaid is about subsidies and the poor Americans in our midst. Medicare is for the seniors (and disabled) which works beautifully. I've been on it for ten years - since age 65 when I retired (after working since the age of 20 full time).
DeleteHe does eventually want to "streamline Medicare" as he calls it and then also "streamline Social Security". None of this is sacrosanct regardless of whether we've paid into it or not.
DeleteWE have known for a long time that dRUMPf is so full of shit it is leaking out his ears. Seems his supporters can't see the brown stain on the sides of his head. Maybe that's why the dark orange makeup?
ReplyDeleteHoverround protests clogging DC streets in 3,2,1,...
ReplyDeleteMore RWNJs!
then I remembered this:
"While at DHS, Johnson and his team wrote the April 7, 2009 report, "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment." The report, which was intended for law enforcement only, was quickly leaked and caused a firestorm among some on the political right who accused DHS of painting all kinds of conservatives as potential Timothy McVeighs. In fact, it had merely pointed out that some domestic extremists focused on single issues like immigration and abortion and also noted that extremists were interested in recruiting military veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Its analysis of the causes of the surge of right-wing radicalism — the election of the nation's first black president and the economy, among other things — still seems completely accurate and is in line with similar findings by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
But DHS ultimately reacted to criticism from conservative columnists and groups like the American Legion by withdrawing the report. (Ironically, given the criticism of his report, Johnson describes himself as a registered Republican who "personifies conservativism.") In the months following the leak, Johnson says in the interview below, DHS gutted its domestic terrorism analysis unit."
ki$$ Off!
Is this what was overheard on the Israeli tarmac?
ReplyDeleteI swear to God, don't touch me with your nasty ass tiny dick fingers. I don't know if you touched Sarah Palin's hoohah when you had her in my New York home.
Melania made it clear she didn't want Donnie touching her and she didn't care if the world was watching (which it was).
Delete"Is this what was overheard on the Israeli"?...
" “I never mentioned the word or the name Israel. Never mentioned during that conversation,” he told reporters during a press availability with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. “They’re all saying I did, so you have another story wrong. Never mentioned the word Israel.” However, no one ever accused the president of mentioning Israel by name during the Russia meeting—"<dRUMPf
DeleteAccording to Trump anyone who pleads the fifth is a criminal so I guess he thinks Mike Flynn is a criminal? Michelle Obama was being disrespectful for not wearing a head scarf while visiting Saudi Arabia but he didn't make the First Lady or Melania wear them. And he has lied every day he has been in office, so all those poor white people in places like west Virginia who are on Medicaid are getting what they voted for, a lying hypocrite. Enjoy!
ReplyDeleteJust remember, not everyone in those places voted for him. They are going to get Fucked over really bad because of their ignorant neighbors. Try having a little compassion
DeleteNewt GingRICH, speaking Sunday on Fox News, pushed the idea that DNC staffer Seth Rich, who was shot and killed last summer in Washington, D.C., was murdered as part of a WikiLeaks-related conspiracy.
ReplyDelete“We have this very strange story now of this young man who worked for the Democratic National Committee,” said Gingrich, the former presidential candidate and Trump backer whose wife has been nominated as U.S. ambassador to the Vatican, “who apparently was assassinated at 4 in the morning, having given WikiLeaks something like 53,000 emails and 17,000 attachments.”
“Nobody’s investigating that, and what does that tell you about what’s going on?”
It tells me you are still full of shit Newt!
DeletePimping another lie?
Delete"Anyone who doesn’t suspect a political assassination, a murder with political motive, is painfully naïve," Roger Stone, a conservative lobbyist and former Trump confidant and adviser, said on his show Monday. "The question is really why the president has not ordered the FBI to take over the investigation from the D.C. Metropolitan Police. The truth is the president controls both entities, although he controls the D.C. Metropolitan Police indirectly perhaps. And it’s time for a real investigation."
I think many of the people who still support Trump are convinced that THEY deserve their benefits and therefore will not lose them. Only those lazy brown people who are cheating the system will be taken off the assistance rolls and properly punished for daring to ask for help.
ReplyDeleteOr they hate the brown people so much that they're willing to be hurt themselves as long as the brown people suffer more.
Fear not. Trump, Faux News and the (R)'s will blame this on Democrats. And they'll probably get away with it.
ReplyDeletelittle water boy Rubio said "“I’ve told everybody: I want to know the truth. I want to know the entire truth. I want us to put it in a report. And I want it to share it with you and the whole country, so people can reach their own conclusion,” "that if any president tries to impede a federal investigation, it wouldn’t simply be problematic, but could amount to an “obstruction of justice.”
Little Marco keeps changing his tune.
OT?" “I am sitting next to that friggin’ fire, and if MY hair goes, I am out of business.”{your FIREd}
Fat Fuck Crispy Creamer. BAM!
Flynn ‘lied to investigators’ about Russian payments to obtain security clearance: Top Democrat
LOCK HIM UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDoesn't everyone know that EVERY marriage is stressed while one of the people in them is actively in politics? EVERY marriage. This is fact.
ReplyDeleteIt takes the world's shittiest human being to discuss this as if it's their business. This goes for those on the right and left.
"EVERY marriage is stressed" {You got that right so}
John Barron Miller
Marriages do tend to get WAY stressed when wifey has a boyfriend that is the husband's best friend and business partner and husband has 5 or 6 pieces on the side.
DeletePolitics aside, that shit right there can be a deal breaker even in strong relationships, but can be especially traumatic in unholy unions that happened as a result of the wife-to-be being knocked up with another man's kid, which husband only became aware of when said kid was in his teens.
Boy howdy, some people really know how to make a mess of things, right?
Well, more people in marches that are coming up, more numbers than his expensive inauguration of which we still don't kkow where all the gifts went.
ReplyDeleteMost Republicans are incredible assholes that care nothing about their constituents. They and their dumb constituents claim to be "patriotic." Yeah, if patriotic means hurting, poor, old, and sick people and children of course. Assholes for the rich and nothing else.
ReplyDeleteHe also effectively neutralized the Volcker rule too.