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Trump whispering to White House spokesperson Hope Hicks. |
The White House communications director has resigned only three months after being hired by President Donald Trump.
This is rather big news as there has been talk for days about a shake up in the White House.
Then, suddenly, there was this off statement issued by spokeswoman Hope Hicks.
Courtesy of WaPo:
President Trump has a magnetic personality and exudes positive energy, which is infectious to those around him. He has an unparalleled ability to communicate with people, whether he is speaking to a room of three or an arena of 30,000. He has built great relationships throughout his life and treats everyone with respect. He is brilliant with a great sense of humor … and an amazing ability to make people feel special and aspire to be more than even they thought possible.
Okay look maybe Hope Hicks is such an over the moon fangirl that she actually wrote this to describe some alternate reality in which she envisions Donald Trump having these attributes.
I mean I don't know the woman, so maybe.
But the thing is that it sounds very suspiciously like the kind of statement that Trump used to make about himself back in the 70's, 80's, and 90's while pretending to be his own spokesman.
Here is what he said as "John Miller" courtesy of the Daily Wire:
“Miller” bragged, “Actresses just call to see if they can go out with him and things.” Madonna “wanted to go out with him.” “Miller” boasted that despite living with Maples, Trump had “three other girlfriends.” “Miller” told Carswell why Trump supposedly dumped Maples for the Italian model Carla Bruni, asserting, “He really didn’t want to make a commitment. He’s coming out of a marriage, and he’s starting to do tremendously well financially.”
Both Carla Bruni and Madonna denied ever wanting anything to do with Trump.
Like I said maybe this Hope Hicks woman is just that smitten with the legend that is Doanld Trump, however evidence suggests that only one that smitten with Donald Trump is in fact Donald Trump.
All I know for sure is that the very fact that we suspect that it MIGHT be coming from Trump himself, means we are very, very far down that rabbit hole.
I wouldn't doubt if it was coming from Hicks herself! How soon everyone forgets Monica Lewinsky.
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one who gets creeped out looking at that picture?
ReplyDeleteYes, it looks like he is sneaking up on her, like he did to Hillary during the debates.
DeleteMaybe he just wants to tell her how beautiful she is or smell her hair:) Melanomia replacement in the making!!
She has the look of "get me out of here"!
DeleteI understand Ms. Hicks is super smart & is super tight with the Donald. She is one of the devout Trump enablers who tries to keep a low profile. One of those people who is important to the cause but does not want everyone to know how deep her nose is up the president's butt. He really likes her too.
ReplyDeleteYeah, Rogue Potus at Twitter said she was part of the 'Trump cult' there.
DeleteWell she can’t be that smart if she is working in the trump W.H.! Talk about career ending position. Has she lawyered up yet?
DeleteI have to agree about that "magnetic personality" bit. He DOES attract the scum of the earth, the greedy low life people such as himself. After all, $carah is his #1 fan, and look at the great respect she enjoys!!
DeleteWhat was the purpose of the statement? It does sounds like little donnie trying to convince himself he is great or a skit from SNL because nothing could be further from the truth than that statement.
ReplyDeleteHicks is 28, and it looks like he's trying to blow in her ear.
ReplyDeleteHope Hicks, #45's #4 rill-American-FLOTUS-in-waiting.
He did not write that. Too many words in the sentences. Multiple thoughts in each sentence. No, that was written by someone delusional about him, someone who is just blinded by him, although I can't see how that could happen. Utterly amazing that anyone so literate who was exposed to him could see him in this light. Blows my mind.
ReplyDeleteits easy - just write the exact opposite of the truth
DeleteWhat??? Oh, I got it. Someone found that piece in a drawer. It was a "love letter" to Obama by an admiring staffer. He wouldn't let it go out, modest as he is. So, whoever found it just decided to put it out and say it was about Trump. See if it could make people as fond of Trump as we all are of Obama.
ReplyDeleteNever gonna work though, because it is totally off base when applied to Trump.
What was the purpose of the statement and why was it made?
ReplyDeleteIt does sounds like little donnie trying to convince himself that he is great or a skit from SNL because nothing could be further from the truth than that statement. In fact every claim made is exactly the opposite of the real donnie.
She's a naive and gullible twenty something ex-model with only a BA addicted to racoon-eye makeup. This one stinks to high heaven. I'll bet he REEEEAAAALLLLY likes her.
ReplyDeleteThat sounds like a write up by a fifteen yr old groupie for a teen rag like Tiger Beat. It has all the earmarks of John Miller. Trump will have to get smarter. We're getting to know him well.
DeleteShe is his White House mistress.
ReplyDeleteHe is old enough, and beat up enough to be her grandpa.
DeleteWake up in the morning, roll out of bed, "Hey Gramps".
Delete‘Hell no, that’s career suicide’: Conservative spinmeisters want nothing to do with Trump communications job
Oh you mean the factory where Ivanka pays a decent wage with 40 hours workweek because she is against exploiting women and children in the workplace:)
Men probing Ivanka Trump brands in China arrested, missing
By ERIKA KINETZ - The Associated Press
SHANGHAI (AP) A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing, the arrested man's wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday.
China Labor Watch Executive Director Li Qiang said he lost contact with Hua Haifeng and the other two men, Li Zhao and Su Heng, over the weekend. By Tuesday, after dozens of unanswered calls, he had concluded: "They must be held either by the factory or the police to be unreachable."
China Labor Watch, a New York-based nonprofit, was planning to publish a report next month alleging low pay, excessive overtime and the possible misuse of student interns. It is unclear whether the undercover investigative methods used by the advocacy group are legal in China.
For 17 years, China Labor Watch has investigated working conditions at suppliers to some of the world's best-known companies, but Li said his work has never before attracted this level of scrutiny from China's state security apparatus.
"Our plan was to investigate the factory to improve the labor situation," Li said. "But now it has become more political."......
Maybe Ivanka could send a batch of her champagne popsicles over to them?
DeleteHe treats everyone with respect but his wives whom he cheated on back in the day when he could get it up.
ReplyDeleteMelania should be pissed off at this statement from another woman and Trump should be smart enough to know when he is being used.Somehow other World leaders were not feeling the positive energy of the fat orange idiot.How can this be? Uh oh i see another divorce in the future.
You know it says something when his best defence should be his wife and she is amazingly silent.She stands there like a mannequin in her outfits, she has not announced a cause and she has not moved into the White House yet.Barron was the excuse, well school is almost out Mrs. Trump and you cant hide anymore.
From now on you will be forced to play a role besides arm candy and you will hate it.It's up to you to protect Barron while you sell your bullshit. All this time we have seen Donald play golf at Mar A Lago and not even make a pretence of going to Trump Tower to see you or Barron.
How does it feel to be an ornament for an idiot who loves only himself? Do you feel like a boughten stripper who always has to look perfect for a fat ass with fake hair. I almost feel sorry for you but you sold yourself so start earning your money.
When photos of those flickering RED lights in the upstairs at the WH were published, someone asked "Is Maleria working again"?? What a family we have in the WH. Not one decent, upstanding, respectable member in the entire crew.
Delete@3:59 Redrum
Here is Hope Hicks.
Living in NYC, I've listened to and have seen Trump's media exposure for the better part of 30 years, so I'm comfortable saying that:
ReplyDeletehe has no sense of humor
has never said anything uniquely intelligent or original
his vocabulary is shockingly limited even for a 10 year old
has never exhibited evidence of moral character, empathy or simple human decency unless there was a personal upside
Thank You rte148.
DeleteI know New York had his number. He spent years bragging about his greatness and promoting himself like Renco Pocket fisherman or pet rocks.
He was a product and all those angry old people thought he somehow was their champion. MAGA! Like it's wasn't already. But i digress because he tapped into the young and stupid who believed Obama was going to take there guns.The same people who worked at minaman wage jobs who thought he would actually create a job that paid more as he sold them red MAGA hats made in China.The disconnect is astounding.
The gop is feverishly working to destroy our educational system, so it will get worse unless WE do something about all this ignorance.
DeletedRUMPf is demented, delusional, despicable and deplorable. I'd like to see destitute added to those d's.
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't put it past him to have her issue his own words. How ANYone could work for him is a mystery.
d's? dRumpf gets a 'F' 4FALE!
DeleteWorking for tRump would be easy, as long as you had NO self respect, your family approves of you being a liar.
DeleteIf Trump wanted to go into politics he picked the wrong wife. We may see another first of a divorce of a sitting President.
ReplyDeleteThat's just what we need another drama. We don't need to focus on policy like we used to, oh no America has now become a reality tv show of Trumps latest blunder and meanwhile nothing gets done.
This asshole needs to go! He drops a big bomb for his ego and ratings. What did that accomplish? This man is mentally ill and the Rebublican Party is willing to sit on their butts trying to decide how long they can let it go debating about how to save their party and not piss off the 34 percent.
Look at the harm he has done in 5 months. Our Allies our pissed because he acts like a landlord demanding money without counting the cost of what lives they have spent.We as a Nation used to be the ones who rised above. Now we look like a business deal, a sleazy bunch asking to "Show us the money" like we expect other Countries to pay for our loyalty.
This is the downfall and it is embarrasing . At no other time in history have we demanded such payment and Trump is too stupid to realize,to know that that is exactly what has kept us in power. Now our allies feel they can't count on us anymore.
Him demanding other countries pay up is laughable. He has paid NO TAXES for years, yet spends our tax money for his many trips to his golden showplace in Florida. Such gall. He is a flaming idiot.
DeleteTonight on Lawrence O'Donnell show, one of the guests mentioned that Hicks was on the overseas trip. They mentioned she accompanied Trump at the Vatican. As someone else said, this sounds like another Monica.
ReplyDeleteIs that why Melania slapped his hand away?Little Donnie being a dick without a dick.What did Melania expect? as a third wife married to an ego maniac she really should have known her worth.As disgusting as it is i heard some guy explain why his friend never stays with anyone.
Delete"That new girlfriend smell wore off"
Disgusting but true for the Trumpster.
Trump had another literal babysitter but she left recently. Her name wasn't familiar, I think she was literally his sitter, with no other responsibilities. I'm guessing he couldn't adjust to life without a personal assistant. Perhaps Hope Hicks is performing that non-role now. I bet she's making a lot of taxpayer money for doing it too.
DeletePresident Donald Trump is reportedly telling foreign leaders to call him directly on his cellphone and giving them his phone number, prompting security concerns. Current and former U.S. officials told the Associated Press that Trump specifically told Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to call him directly. Trudeau has reportedly taken Trump up on the offer. Additionally, a French official said Trump and French President Emmanuel Macron exchanged phone numbers. World leaders typically communicate on secure phone lines, as opposed to government-issued or personal cellphones. Trump met with Macron, Trudeau and others at the G7 Summit in Italy last weekend.
So, Putin can listen in to the other leaders, the way he does now with tRump?
DeleteSo Veep creators admit the show is about Hillary.
ReplyDeleteriiiiight, sure it is
DeleteFucking dumbass
DeleteI suspect (ok, I hope) Trump has finally stroked out on the toilet or something. WTF is covfefe?
ReplyDeletei can't stop laughing seriously
DeleteMaybe he was texting, while Hicks was "servicing" him?
DeleteThis sounds suspiciously like a Kim Jong Un or whatever that despot of a North Korea is...
ReplyDeleteYeah their pappa daddies played Cannibal doncha know!? All in the Family.
DeleteHope Hicks is full of covfefe.
BTW I don't think it's a typo. I think we'll be seeing more of this as signs of Trump's mental deterioration. They are eventually going to have to take his phone away and ghost his twitter feed.
ReplyDeleteomg i never laughed so hard for thirty minutes in my life.
Another Trump disaster....
ReplyDeleteHey Gryph, wake up and smell the #cofefe :D
The whole damn scam is coming apart. All the enablers are falling down. And trump? what a idiot. Gosh take the cell phone away from that old senile self absorbed pile of lard. Old people on social media creating fake news and promoting ignorance is way too much.
ReplyDeleteTrump is really showing his age. He is so delusional and deranged it is becoming dangerous. He is out of his mind and making the impeachment case solid.
ReplyDeleteSomething odd about hope the hick. Did her mommy set her up for this shit show. I read something months ago about that family. Odd a twenty something can handle the oldman smell and depends? How much does she get paid? It takes a whole medical team to care for a old senile man behaving badly.
DeleteDoes this mean that everyone can personally contact trump by his private cell phone number now? Oh goody.
ReplyDeleteFuture - Where Ya At
DeleteNY homeboys on low down.
No encryption needed.
ReplyDelete" Trump is talking about a scandal where he is under investigation based on what he saw on Fox News. The conservative network isn’t just influencing Trump. They are the basis for his statements about a scandal that could destroy his presidency."
Path: "The odds of the President being removed from office using the 25th Amendment are zero, so it is going to be up to the voters to first put a check on this president by giving Democrats a majority in all or part of Congress in 2018, and then following that up by removing him from office at the ballot box in 2020."