Thursday, August 24, 2017

Donald Trump Twitter rants and also retweets image which both praises him and attacks President Obama.

This was Trump's retweet this morning.

As you can see his vision of his presidency is one that eclipses Obama's and replaces it completely, as if it never happened.

Trump also took time to bitch about media coverage of his Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde back to back speeches.
I should point out that Trump originally misspelled "There" in his original tweet (Their.) and it was only corrected many minutes later.
Interesting how he confuses a change of tones with evidence of a bipolar personality.

Trump then turned his attention to other targets.

Trump is either constantly exalting himself or attacking others it seems.

And with every tweet he just isolates himself a little further.


  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    That photo is utterly disgusting. A blond white man "eclipsing" a black man? Is this guy completely tone-deaf???

    Wait, no need to answer that....

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      orange man child, my friend. do not dignify him with the word "man". he's a spoiled rotten child who's having the biggest temper tantrum off all time.

    2. One of the manifestations of severely arrested development is a lack of impulse control (tantrums). We got us a 70-something-year-old toddler. Oy.

    3. Anonymous4:04 PM

      He seems to not understand that it is the more relatively dark object, the moon, which eclipses the brighter object, the sun.


      Just because he stared directly into a partial eclipse sans glasses doesn't mean he has one ounce of scientific understanding of the mechanics behind the event.

    4. Anonymous4:57 PM

      Despite the spray tan that most adults who care about their homes and families would not waste money on the extravagant cost, Donald Trump is white. Not orange. Old, white, born into wealth and never had to work a day in his life.

  3. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I see that eclipse meme as President Obama as the life-giving Sun shining bright and giving light to everything in his presence and drumpf as the dead rock blocking the sun and killing the earth.

    AC from NJ

  4. Anonymous2:24 PM

    So, Trump mooned Obama who is still the brightest star in our sky.

  5. Anonymous2:31 PM

    boy, he just can't get over the fact that Obama was a much more successful and popular president. you know he sees those poll numbers. it boils down to this-no n$!#%%@!r will ever be better than me! sad!!

  6. Hey, nitwit. If you feel compelled to explain your material, you suck at your job.

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Such a narcissistic child.

  8. Anonymous2:49 PM

    The original was President Obama blocking the neo-Nazi lard ass. No way was he going to let that go.

  9. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I saw a "best eclipse ever" the day of the eclipse. It was the opposite with Obama eclipsing the White Supremist head honcho.

    Did they market both at the same time? Or did one copy the other?

    1. I didn't see that.

      But you'll notice that Obama did not retweet that first one because he has much too much class.

    2. Anonymous4:09 PM

      The one I saw Monday was a 4-panel with Obama eclipsing Trump.

      Oh, here it is on Daily Mail of all crappy places:

  10. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Man behind Trump’s eclipse meme laughed at liberals – then lost his t-shirt store for ‘hating Jews’

    1. So typical of the right. They are all outraged when they themselves are held to account for their own actions.

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    In the meme, Trump is the moon that is temporarily passing in front of the sun (Obama). The eclipse of the sun is temporary. If Trump is the moon than the meme is suggesting that Obama is the powerful figure that gives light and warmth that was temporarily obstructed by a rare event.

    Trump is inept and devoid of basic intellectual skills that he and his knuckle dragging pals can’t even get their racism right. Trump and his racists thought they were putting down Obama, but all the meme really means is that Trump is a temporary distraction from the true greatness that continues to shine.

    1. False equivalent since Trump will never eclipse Obama, not even temporarily or fleetingly.

      Unless you want to go negative.

      Trump has beat Obama with the lowest approval rating EVER.

      Trump has beat Obama by spending the most taxpayer money on his own personal use in the fastest amount of time EVER.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      mlaiuppa, why take a salary when you've got Fort Knox as your personal ATM?

    3. Anonymous8:51 AM

      No learning curve here.
      Trump STILL refuses to wear protective glasses.

      Wild Tortoise

  12. Good thing Drumpfuck loves Drumpfuck because no one or nothing else does.

  13. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Jim Wright has a great take on this meme and Drumpf's ignorant re-tweeting it.

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    I think his handlers finally just gave up and told him to go the full retard, because everyone knows that the full retard never works out very well.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Sarah Huckabee Sanders does.
      Body language is everything.

  15. Anonymous4:29 PM

  16. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Every tweet sounds more psychotic than the last...and makes Trumplethinskin look all the worse.

    And for what it's worth;

  17. Anonymous2:55 AM

    Drumpf is both a toddler and a mean girl.Yes, bipolar.

  18. Yet in all those speeches, he did not think it would be appropriate to honor the sailors who had just died? I would have thought he would have mentioned it at the American Legion speech, at the very least!
    Why would the American Legion have a five time draft dodger speak to them anyway?

  19. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Trump wants to destroy Obama. He is an angry toddler. Obama hurt his feelings. He cares not a whit how it impacts the rest of us or the environmenmt. His thing is wealthcare for billionaires. He's passionate about that. Oh, and he likes being a despot but he's finding it hard to pull off. I bet he wants heads flying left and right but he hasn't been able to quite get there. His 'coronation' didn't give him the absolute power he craves.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.