Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Fox News pulled off the air in Britain. They could not find an audience dumb enough to watch apparently.

Courtesy of CNN:

Rupert Murdoch and his sons are pulling Fox News off the air in Britain. The network's parent company, 21st Century Fox, has announced that the controversial news channel will no longer be broadcast in the U.K. after failing to attract an audience. 

The network has also become a lightning rod for critics seeking to spoil the Murdochs' planned $15 billion takeover of Sky, the top pay TV provider in the U.K. 

"Fox News is focused on the U.S. market and designed for a U.S. audience and, accordingly, it averages only a few thousand viewers across the day in the U.K.," 21st Century Fox said in a statement. 

"We have concluded that it is not in our commercial interest to continue providing Fox News in the U.K.," it added.

Yes a cable news station designed to attract the most ignorant viewers in the country, fill their empty heads with lies and conspiracy theories, and then send them to the polls to vote for the most corrupt politicians imaginable.

Apparently that is a model which does not work outside of America.

Gee lucky us.

So I guess Britain will not have to deal with shit like this.
This, this is why we have Donald Trump.


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    That is encouraging.

    OT This @yashar profile of @kathygriffin is an incredibly compelling, fantastic piece of journalism.

    Actress Kathy Griffin has apologized for posting a photo of President Trump’s severed head

    Bristol Palin fires back with five reasons Kathy Griffin isn’t the victim — here’s what she said

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      "Thousands of death threats rolled in, some of her close friends abandoned her, and even her beloved Fox News–loving mother, Maggie Griffin, joked to her daughter that she would not have her support."she just released for her new Laugh Your Head Off tour of Europe, Australia, and New Zealand concludes with an image of her in the same blouse she wore in the infamous Trump photo, holding a globe in her hand instead of a Trump mask. And she’s still angry with the president.

      “President Trump just pardoned Joe Arpaio, who was essentially running a concentration camp in the Arizona desert,”

      "She paid $10.5 million last year for a 13,000-square-foot mansion with all the trappings; her next-door neighbors are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West. “I’ve moved in next door to my act!”"“Comics by their nature are anti-Establishment. They are charged with the often unenviable task of going after people in power. I will never abdicate that responsibility.”
      " she says. “You may say I deserved it, but just think about it … the president of the United States and his family are going after a stand-up comic who had a show on the Bravo network called My Life on the D-List. If that isn’t punching down, I don’t know what is.”

      Griffin says she isn’t a victim: “I am in a position of privilege, I will be fine,”
      "Charlie Sykes, a conservative political commentator and former radio host who is famously anti-Trump, tells me that Griffin gave Trump and his supporters a big gift by releasing the image. “The moment I saw the picture, I knew [the outcry from Trump and his supporters] was going to happen. It’s a useful meme for Trump: It’s the left that incites violence, it’s the left that engages in hate.”"Griffin says she wants to focus on First Amendment issues now. Rick Wilson thinks she has no alternative. “The way Trump wins is if he shuts people up permanently and scares them off from being vocal critics,” he said. “She has to go back to war.”

    2. Anonymous5:39 PM

      What year was it when prissy Brissy said she could envision a career in politics? Learned at Mommie Dearest's knee?

      "All I have to do is memorize a few lines, repeat them over and over, and people send me free money??? I'm IN!"

      The only "work" she does is between the sheets and pooping out kids.

    3. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Where do you find time to literally make up garbage ?

    4. Anonymous12:27 AM

      I remember Brissy talking like she could be in politics. I don't know what year.

    5. Anonymous3:10 AM

      I don't think you know what the word means.

  2. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Calling someone else an insecure person is The same as physically abusing them.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Oh good LORD seek help.

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Calling you @5:16 an idiot is telling the truth.

    3. Anonymous10:24 PM

      You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.You are an insecure person.

      Had enough yet?

    4. Anonymous3:11 AM

      Thank you sir, may I have another?

    5. Anonymous4:03 AM

      Insecure and insignificant equals Brissie and her Momma.How is Duh's career as a political analyst on Faux going? He will need many, many hours of classes in public speaking before he is invited on again, I think.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    LOL. Here's how FARK described it.

    "Pipeline pumping raw sewage direct from the USA into U.K. homes closed at 1600 BST today, and the country is instantly a better place."

    Wish 'murica' felt the same. Fuck Fox.


  4. Anonymous6:22 PM

    " ... people who have behavioral and cognitive difficulties." tend to vote republican. They also think Fox is news. This country has a lot of these folks.

    1. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Truth, and a rigged election.
      He knows if, WE know it.

    2. Anonymous4:05 AM

      My family lives in the UK. They were outraged at the coverage President Obama got from Faux.He is well liked in the UK, as is Bill Clinton and Hillary.

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Here’s What Cohen Was Doing For Trump Campaign While Working On Russia Deal


  6. Anonymous6:34 PM

    We could ship them millions.

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Millions ARE shipped.

  7. Anonymous9:05 PM


  8. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Mattis freezes transgender policy; allows troops to continue serving, pending study

  9. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Didn't know tim kaines son was arrested.

    1. Anonymous3:07 AM

      Sarah Palin's kids have had their share of law run ins - which mommy gets them out of. CBJs son has been arrested, too for drunk driving.

    2. Anonymous5:54 AM

      It had something to do with a protest. At least he was not among the white supremacists which is where one would find a Palin.

    3. Anonymous6:32 AM

      Who is CBJ?

  10. What else did we expect? Trump makes Harvey all about Trump. He's hawking his $40 hats and bragging about his hurricane being bigger than anyone else's. "What a crowd" he brags when it's not a rally, it's a fucking shelter.

    "Trump also continued to tout how many supporters he has, and the size of his crowds, which he also does at nearly every campaign rally. On Tuesday, he remarked on the crowd size while visiting Corpus Christi, saying, “What a crowd, what a turnout.”

    He was at a fire station to meet with local officials about the disaster response. It was not a rally. "


    "Nearly every chance he gets, Trump brags about the size of his hurricane. He doesn’t have to deal with just any old storm like his predecessors did ― he is confronting a huge storm. The biggest storm you’ve ever seen. A storm that only he could handle. And of course, he wants everyone to know that he and his administration are doing a heckuva job. "

    Well, they aren't really. Plenty of civilian folk are jumping in and doing what needs to be done because no one else is there to do it. Congrats to those folks for their compassion and initiative.

    But I can see Trump shutting down the government because his "wall money" is going to Harvey instead. You just wait.

    "On the same day that Trump was tweeting about the size of the hurricane, his great rescue operation, NAFTA and his insistence that Mexico will pay for the border wall, former President Barack Obama tweeted a donation link to the Red Cross. "

    Once again, we have to rely on our former president to demonstrate what a president is supposed to do.

    Can Trump be any more unpresidential?

    "Reporters at the event heard no mention from the president of the dead, suffering or displaced Texans, nor did they hear Trump express any sympathy for them, according to a Dallas Morning News reporter.

    Trump seems to be taking a certain amount of satisfaction from the attention he and the hurricane are getting on TV, where cable news has nearly non-stop coverage.

    On Tuesday, Trump boasted that Federal Emergency Management Director Brock Long “has really become very famous on television over the last couple of days.” And he defended his decision to pardon controversial Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio during Harvey, saying he did so because of how many people were tuning in: “I assumed the ratings would be far higher.” "

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      How low can a country sink that their president is fixated on television ratings? Thanks for nothing, Vlad, you really did a lot more damage than even you could imagine.

  11. As a prank, someone slipped KKK hoods and rubber "pee proof" sheets into Trump's gift shop. They didn't notice for over 24 hours. Not until some reporters tried to buy some.


    "According to Gothamist, a New York-based news outlet, two local artists slipped the satirical items into the store located in the lobby of the president’s namesake Manhattan building on Monday afternoon. Aside from the sheets, flags and white hoods that were marketed to “fine people,” other items that mocked Donald Trump there were also postcards that featured Vladimir Putin and honored “First Lady Ivanka Trump,” the site reports."

    "“We thought the tourists coming in to buy some stuff, especially people from other countries, should get the whole story of who the president is, because the items in the Trump store don’t accurately reflect the person,” one of the two pranksters, who asked to remain anonymous, told Gothamist."


  12. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Don’t kid yourself, how many Brits voted for Brexit and didn’t know what they were voting for or thought it was a poll not a real vote.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      The low-information voters in the UK, and they exist there too, were very ill informed about what Brexit would really mean. Nigel Farage, the guy who sold the misinformation to the not-so bright Brits disappeared from view just after the vote when it was revealed how much he had lied. He has since slunk back but he knows he's despised by many.

  13. Anonymous4:22 AM

    I overheard some man say about the dump, let's see what the man can do?!.

    Omg, isnt pardoning a jackass and making killing of a women by car or crowd size at severe loss by people all about himself enough?!


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