Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Judge rejects Sarah Palin's defamation lawsuit against New York Times! Update!

Courtesy of The Daily Beast:

A Manhattan judge on Tuesday threw out former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s lawsuit against The New York Times. Palin sued the newspaper for defamation earlier this year over an editorial that tied an ad featuring crosshairs denoting anti-gun politicians, produced by her political action committee, to the 2011 shooting of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The Times was forced to append a correction to the editorial, noting the fact that “no such link” was established between the Palin group’s ad and the shooting. The judge said Palin was unable to prove on a “plausible factual basis” that the Times’ mistake was “malicious” in nature.


I knew this thing was going to blow up in Palin's face!

Well I think we all know what expressions she is wearing now.

Yep, that's the one.

Well good for the judge.

I think most of us dismissed Sarah Palin with prejudice years ago. 


  1. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Includes the judge's decision:

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      “Negligence this may be; but defamation of a public figure it plainly is not,” wrote Judge Jed S. Rakoff in Tuesday’s ruling.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM

      It was a New York judge, I know what his ruling was without read it
      His decision was probably "GEDAFUCKOUTTAHERE"

    3. Anonymous1:33 PM

      2 cases quoted by the court are Scientology cases. Way to go!

    4. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Oh, Judge was less than kind to Sarah.

    5. Anonymous3:00 PM

      "Defamation it plainly is not."
      Hear that, $arah?? Grow a pair!

    6. Anonymous5:14 PM

      How I wish we could dismiss $arah Palin, with prejudice, from the public platform. Legally, non-violently, etc. Let her go back to being that private figure she often publicly claims to want to be (to immediately be followed by very public caterwauling for attention.)

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Same ole grifter Sara. Throwing her nasty shit everywhere, and hope it sticks?
    Hahahahaha. Sara palin you are one inbred Imbecile.

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    The judge's opinion is a thing of beauty...well worth the read!

  4. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Hahaha to the retawd

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Oh man you've done it now Gryph. Your post is gonna blow up with comments

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      11:41 That would have been true two years ago. I knew the crosseyed grifter was done when the comments here started to go down from hundreds to tens.

  6. That poor fridge.

  7. Anonymous11:42 AM

    The Sarah Palin Curse is alive and well.

  8. Anonymous11:45 AM

    No payday for the Palins! Ha ha

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      Wonder how much it cost, and who is paying? What firm represented her, BTW?

    2. Anonymous5:43 PM

      I wish the judge had ruled that she would have to pay for the NYT attorneys and the costs of EVERYBODY having to prepare for this lawsuit!

  9. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Does this mean Sarah can't buy beach front property in Wasilla with the money she thought she was getting from her lawsuit?

    Well damnit, tell her and her family


    No more free money!

    1. Anonymous1:44 PM

      yes, this was going to set them up for life. get a job, sarah. you can go with the last gasp of a fading celebrity-make a porn flick. you did after all get your boobs made bigger.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      porn flick? You owe me a keyboard, I spewed the sherry. $carah is a scrawny 50+. While women who have been in the business can often continue, breaking in at 50? giggle snort.

    3. Anonymous9:23 PM

      i do hope your keyboard is alright. you know there are sarah worshipers who would love to see her do that.

  10. Anonymous11:51 AM

    I hope, the NYT can sue her to get their attorney costs back, or that the judge ordered her to pay them retribution!

    1. Restitution. "Retribution" does have a certain cache, though.

    2. Sarah and her emails2:49 PM

      Did Sarah's retributions lead to July 3, 2009?


    3. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Haha yeah Sarah how's that working out for ya now bitch?
      Hurts don't It? Live within your means now. Money train is all over honey boo boo...

    4. Anonymous10:24 PM

      $108.401,500,000 is HUGE.

    5. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Yeah 10:24 but that figure was in 1989. Whats it worth now is the question. And why they keep withholding it from the owner. Excuses are no longer valid. Time is up.
      Hurry before sanctions on US are placed, Depression v2.0.
      Make America POOR again...

  11. Anonymous11:52 AM

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!

    She's an Inter*NATIONAL* laughingstock now!!!

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      She always has been - and, most especially to Alaskans!

  12. abbafan11:53 AM

    Ha-Ha-Ha shit-head, you and your useless spawn are irrelevant and redundant!! Get real jobs, that is, if anyone with half a brain will hire you idiots!! The gravy train has finally derailed!! Ha-Ha-Ha!!!

  13. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I always thought that she asked for a relatively low amount thinking that the NYT would pay her off the make it go away. Ooops. I wonder if Sarah paid her lawyers up front or if they agreed to take a piece of her settlement. I also wonder who paid all of the filing fees.

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Me too. Somebody bankrolled this fiasco.

    2. Anonymous5:53 PM

      Nasty dirty politics did.

  14. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Oh, and just in time! According to Bristol's IG, it's Todd and Sarah's anniversary. Congratulations, Sarah!

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Yea, like they are 'the' happily married couple! Never have been - even when she was the interim gov of Alaska. It has been proven, and is factual, that both of them screwed around on each other throughout the years.

      Sarah and Toad = frauds and liars!

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      It's also the 9th anniversary of the day John McCain took leave of his senses and named Palin as his running mate, pretty much the stupidest thing a presidential candidate has ever done.

      I admire Sen. McCain for his military service and I wish him well in his cancer fight, but for me there will always be an asterisk next to his name because of the 2008 debacle resulting from his very ill-advised decision to pick Palin.

    3. Anonymous1:47 PM

      That is why Sarah has Bristol work social media, she can claim they have a marriage, like a normal marriage. Next they phone Daily Mail and it is a gossip news story. Proof that they are a normal happy family, the kind of proof they are into.

    4. Anonymous1:53 PM

      yes, sarah came close to ruining McCains political carreer, which would be a pity as he seems to be that rarest of critters, a republican with a conscience. standing up, with a brain cancer, to vote against trumpcare. i shall miss him. i'm sure sarah wasn't his choice.

    5. Anonymous2:52 PM

      @12:34 the day the nightmare began...
      "Sarah Palin's candidacy for Vice President of the United States was publicly announced by then-presumptive Republican Party presidential candidate John McCain on August 29, 2008."

    6. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Sorrym 1:53, that wasn't a conscience, it was either a "screw The Rump with my last chance" moment, or a "wow, I need to redeem myself because of many transgressions before I meet my Maker" moment. Neither are particularly praiseworthy. One is a vengeance motive, one a fear motive.

    7. Anonymous9:30 PM

      being a deep, deep, democrat, i would like to be allowed to like one republican-i have chosen McCain. leave me that. it doesn't not change the fact that he flew to Washington to vote against trump, while being very ill.

  15. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Ass, cash,or grass..nobody rides for free,Stinky. Taco Bells hiring. Oh never mind. You cant be trusted with $.

  16. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Dismissed! Who would have guessed? Who dismisses a Palin?

    President Donald Trump is set to stop in Austin Tuesday afternoon after his visit to Corpus Christi. He will be accompanied by first lady Melania Trump. During his time in Austin Trump will receive a briefing on Hurricane Harvey and tour the state Emergency Operations Center. The Trumps will return to Washington D.C. from Austin. Here is a sampling of what readers were saying ahead of the president’s visit. Some were concerned the money used on Trump’s visit would be better spent on hurricane relief:

    Supportive and prominent conservatives will welcome Melania and Donald Trump to Austin?

    Planning for Emergencies and Disasters in Texas https://gov.texas.gov/organization/disabilities/emergency_management

    AUG 27 Governor Abbott Establishes Dual Status Command In Response To Hurricane Harvey. Governor Greg Abbott today requested from Secretary of Defense General James Mattis that a Texas National Guard Dual Status Command (DSC) be established allowing for a single commander for both federal and state forces to oversee response to the devastation statewide of Hurricane Harvey. Meet - First Lady Cecilia Abbott https://gov.texas.gov/

    Sarah Palin and her activist family are now entrenched in the great state of Texas and part of the spirit of the citizens. They are always eager and willing to lend a helping hand to the Trump movement. As Willow did recently.

    More than ever in this tragic emergency there is much to be done and all help is important. The aftermath is still to come.

    Bristol, her children and Dakota Meyer have made a permanent move to Austin and are among the newest of Texans and the wonderful spirit of community. Austin was fortunate not to suffer the floods, winds and downpour they are able to be among the responders and help with rescues and the longterm needs of what is yet to come.

    1. Anonymous12:37 PM

      I'll wager that Trump is not even aware there are Palins residing in Texas! And, I'm sure he'd not want any of them near.

      He already knows how toxic Sarah is!

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Dismissed? That damn judge must not know who she is. Poor, poor, pitiful, pathetic Palin!

      Somebody net her and put her back in her cage.

    3. WTF????? 12:06 writes: ". . . are able to be among the responders and help with rescues . . ."

      Check Bristol's and Dumbkota's Instagram pages -- nothing about helping anyone except themselves.

    4. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Of course Trump knows and is kept up on all things Palin. They are bffs and work associates. Ivanka comments for Bristol on one of her sites.


      Hangin' at the White House https://static01.nyt.com/images/2017/04/21/us/21visitors/21visitors-master768.jpg

      Willow with the Don. (okay the costume is Photoshop). She was there with him and her mother.

      Willow http://www.strangepolitics.com/images/content/200691.jpg

      Sarah at home with the Don https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/12189281_10153755497018588_6723874597950803586_o.jpg?oh=bf31b9e56a1858971d06dea7aaf7a901&oe=5A123143

      They are still working for Trump.
      Now she has a failed lawsuit that she was counting on, she needs Trump more than ever. What else do they have to sell that can pay well and easy work?

    5. WTF???? 12:06 writes of Bristol and Duhkota: ". . . they are able to be among the responders and help with rescues and the longterm needs of what is yet to come. . . "

      Check out their Instagram pages. NOT ONE SINGLE WORD about the devastation in Houston and along the TX Gulf Coast. Just more self-promoting crap.

    6. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Dakota has several videos. He talks at length. Boring and dull, I listened to parts while doing some cooking. Yes, Bristol is empty and nothing going on.
      Instagram is mainly photos and many people use it to sell products. There is not much to read there.

      Dakota's videos do say more. He does have people that respond to him. They encourage him to go on and he is an inspiration to others that have served their country and are now back to adjust to life at home. They do look up to him and care about what he says.

      Dakota does talks about giving back and he answers questions. He likes being in a situation like first responders, saving people. At least that is the Dakota he is selling. I am not one of his fans, I was listening to him because I was wondering what he was about. I thought he was going to run for congress, but it turns out he changed his mind.

      I don't know what he actually does about anything, but he does talk and they do have a house and he put in a swimming pool. He can't be totally broke. Not sure about his income.

      He claims he gave up alcohol and he wants to be open and talk about things. Not just use this machine that stops craving drugs and alcohol. I don't know how it will work out for him, but that is a good idea. Stop drugs and alcohol and live an honest open life.

    7. Anonymous3:58 PM

      Anon at 3:40 pm. MOH (aka Dakota) is as much a grifter as Bristol, Sarah and all the other Palins are. Not one of them would lower themselves to look for and hold a job - you know, the kind of job where you show up every day, on time, and receive a paycheck (with taxes deducted) every week or so.

    8. Anonymous4:03 PM

      GAWD are you a knothead.

    9. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Dakota give up alcohol 3:40 are you kidding? He has posed at least twice the past year or so with Jack Daniels & Bristol just posted a pic where he is with all the Palin family toasting with a beer in his hand. Obviously he's lying about that.

    10. Anonymous4:59 PM

      4:31 PM - fake news, and the only reason I see that Gryph lets this one through is to nail its ass.

      How DUMB do you have to be to even attempt it when FACTS belie everything stated?

    11. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Dakota give up alcohol 3:40 are you kidding? It's what he says. Also
      "Talking about Anxiety and Alpha-Stim" it is a poor quality video, I don't recommend trying to listen. Alpha-Stim is a product that is over priced and they sell it to treat anxiety, depression and to stop drinking and drugging. I don't know if Dakota is selling it or not. He likes it for his treatments. There is another product that does the same for a lot less money. Many people recommend the one that costs less and not Alpha-Stim.
      This is not too long, he is with his mentor and possibly sober. I am not kidding that he says he gave up Jack Daniels and all that,

    12. What's the point of Trump going to Austin or Corpus Christi? So he can say we went to Texas?

      And what had Dumbkota done? Is he taking his boat or his truck up the coast and helping rescue people? Are they doing anything to help? Is Mr. MOH even helping to promote donations to the Red Cross on behalf of Texas?

      Yeah, thought not.

    13. Anonymous5:22 PM

      Funny, all I've seen on Bitchtol and Dumbkota's social media is self- aggrandizement and promotion about how he's going to something military in Pensacloa. And she's swilling diet drinks.

    14. Anonymous5:42 PM

      What is Dumbkota's relationship with that construction company in KY? How can he be involved in the day to day operations of his business as a disabled vet who get preference on government contracts if he is 1000+ miles away?

    15. Anonymous5:57 PM

      It's called Fraud. But that's ok.

    16. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Dakota had said he would only drink wine now. He is probably still using pot. If he ever got sober he would have to face the truth of what he has done with his life so he has to use something.

    17. Anonymous6:28 PM

      So is Alpha-Stims the next Meyer/Palin money scheme?

      He said something about 40,000 people will view that video. He wants every soldier with PTSD, alcoholics, addicts to have one. How much will he make from the sales?

      You can buy the same type of machine for less money and no doctor's prescription. What he is selling you must have a doctor and a prescription.

      If he becomes the face of Alpha-Stims and it fulfills it's potential, he'll be a rich man.

    18. Anonymous6:37 PM

      5:42 PM I think he sold the construction company deal? It was probably tricky and it didn't go as he planned. I don't recall the details, I think it is over.

    19. Anonymous7:00 PM

      Alpha stem. What is it? Home use electroshock therapy? Mini shock treatment to manage mental disorders?

      Brain Stimulation Wearable - Treat Depression and Insomnia.‎

      You might know... Daily Mail: "I also got my marketing manager working to get some great coverage from the national press – and this led to a number of stories being published, including this full-page article in the Daily Mail which sold about 2 million copies a day at the time…"

  17. Did anyone doubt this is exactly what was going to happen?

    With prejudice. Bwa ha ha! She can't refile. It's over. Dead.

    And she's going to have to pay all of her court costs.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      OH, BABY isn't going to pay for anything! You can take that one to the bank!

    2. Then she will be going to court again on this issue. She'll be the defendant when her lawyers sue her for fees.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Sarah, be careful they dont toss you down a mine shaft...

    4. Anonymous4:37 PM

      So is Sarah a twin? Whose the momma there Sarah? Who did your Daddy RAPE way back?

  18. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Poor $arah, bless her heart. Karma comes to call. Bet there's more on the way.

    Hope she's stuck with court fees, too.


  19. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Time to get a JOB Bitch !

    1. Anonymous1:57 PM

      time to make an xxx movie,peabrain!

  20. Anonymous12:33 PM

    ...and the pees in the pee pond all cried,
    "boo Hoo HOO!"

  21. Anonymous12:36 PM

    She fails at everything she touches and always has. Look at her husband and kids as a start! She's been even worse in government. Thank God she had the balls to quit as gov of Alaska. She did them a huge favor! And, she assuredly continues flunking on the national scene.

    Go for a hike or long walk in the mountains of Alaska, Sarah. The fall colors will soon be beautiful to view!

    1. a. j. billings1:25 PM

      She didn't "have balls" to quit, she was forced out, threatened with scandal, or something similar happened.

      Lots of rumors as to WHY that happened and HOW it happened were posted here 8 odd years ago.

      Some in Alaska know why, but either can't or won't say.

    2. Anonymous3:13 PM

      Some on this blog keep telling people what happened. See Austinisaf%%%er's analysis of those comments!

      July 3 2009!

      Sarah was still writing her speech...and it was already the morning she quit...and Sarah somehow didn't have time to organize a real QUITAPALOOZA event...like at the indoor ice rinkydink she built on land the city didn't own...her voice was all shaky...as she was quittin' before her time...and dead fish and lameducks and whatnot...took just a little while to get those governor's farewell picnics organized...seems like proof that she was taken out by surprise...and Sarah didn't know what that meeting was about (the one with Captain Zero and Dan from Ohio) when she had just gotten back from that long trip...and Kristan Cole (or was it Meg Stapletongue?) didn't know what that meeting was about either...and the next thing you know it's that infamous speech of hers by the dead lake...AND SHE WAS GONE!!!...and the 4th of July plans in Juneau at the Governor's mansion with the whole famdamily and Ivy Fry were all disrupted...and people wanted to join Trig for a beer...

      lol...someone had her number...and she and her bozos rolled craps...

      Was it Hawker?


    3. Anonymous10:28 PM

      No one knows, but I am guessing she stole money,
      interfered with lives.
      Can't do that. Courts or no courts. Universal concept.
      No one likes a thief/weirdo.

  22. Boy will she be pissed. 😎

  23. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Now she will cry she was a VICTIM of a liberal NY judge... and ask her followers for a donation to buy some butt cream to take away the pain.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha

  24. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Willow is gonna have to sell her MAGA swimsuit on EBay to raise some funds.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      who would want, after it was on such a skanky ass? you're over 18, willow. it makes you fair game. go to school, learn how to clean teeth or something, and get a real life.

    2. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha haha

    3. Anonymous8:56 PM


      Willow does something almost as mundane as cleaning teeth, she does hair.

  25. Savor the moment, folks. It won't take Trump 24 hours to say or do something to spoil the elation.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      he doesn't like her any more than we do.

  26. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Any minute now she'll blame Obama for the case getting thrown out.

  27. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Ohhhh, you mean someone's last financial gasp didn't turn out? Why whatever is that whole grifter family going to do now?
    Looking forward to the latest fec statement from the pac.
    How low can you go?
    Do they even have staff anymore?
    Postage costs money doncha know.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      The PAC was dissolved last year.

    2. Anonymous5:34 AM

      why is the stupid sarahpac site up still?

  28. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Gryphen----is Sarah still living in Alaska? She's into her new house now but no mention of where it's located. Since you live there, have you heard any talk of where she lives now?

    1. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Sarah is living in Alaska - Wasilla.

    2. Anonymous3:04 PM

      Well now she might have to sell it.

    3. Anonymous8:58 PM

      Our friends live across the lake and we were out kayaking with them and saw Todd's plane on the lake.

    4. Anonymous3:47 PM

      Isn't she selling METH again?
      Or is it COKE or HEROIN?

    5. Anonymous10:30 PM

      Probably all of em. Didn't that post office on KGB get busted for that? OH Sarah.
      Got away with that too hu?

  29. Anonymous1:28 PM

    I'm going to write this down in my gratitude journal.


  30. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hahahahahahahaha. Suck it, asshole.

  31. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Palin, a fucked up loser according to Trumps logic.

  32. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Of course some conservative with deep pockets paid for this silly lawsuit -- it was a stretch to begin with.
    The judge who heard the case is one of the most admired in the entire Federal judicial system. HIs IQ is probably two times Sarah's.

  33. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Love how the judge lets her have it and gives a ringing defense of a free press!!! Hahaha. Palin thought Trump already killed a free press and the constitution - not yet, bitch.. Bet she stiffs the lawyers like the Orange Asshole does.
    And damn it she DID target Gabby Giffords - oh what? The target was over her district not her face? Really Sarah?
    Well you still have Gawd and Tawd. Happy anniversary.
    Predictable reaction over at the PeePond with a special twist - blaming the Jewish judge. Yep those are her peeps. Both of "em.

    1. Anonymous2:57 PM

      Palin will pay in Hell for her actions and words that allowed Gabby to nearly be killed! Thank God, Gabby and her husband are as strong as they are! They truly are a couple of be admired - sadly, the same cannot be said of Sarah and Todd!

    2. Anonymous2:59 PM

      CoolChange brain is as fucked up as Foodstamp Petes.

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM

      After Gabby Giffords was shot Palin was very obviously embarrassed and distressed about her crosshairs on Democratic Congressional districts. She tried to tell people that they weren't crosshairs but were surveyor's symbols. Oh, Sarah Palin. She just gets herself in more and more trouble.

    4. Anonymous4:08 PM

      3:52 she wasn't embarrassed in the least. Blood libel ring a bell or two?

    5. Anonymous4:49 PM

      Darned straight, 4:08!
      Pardon the rhyme.

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      U.N. rights official blasts trumpet for his relentless "demonization" of the media.
      Sounds like they got his #! ;)

    7. Anonymous3:48 PM

      257 well God wont mind if she pays while still alive. ;)

  34. Anonymous2:18 PM

    I always appreciate seeing the latest disgusting palin grift fall apart.
    She is consistently pathetic as always.
    Go stupid Sara. You are a Barrel of laughs!
    God bless you.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Now she has to reload. What next?

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      4:13 PM - the Mom's March next month pumping up her awesome raising of a DS child, not hers and of whom she isn't, and a feigning wipe of the brow of how hard it is. LOL

    3. Anonymous3:49 PM

      413 Reload batteries to her "special" handheld friend.
      Next, the ULTIMATE version.
      Bzzzzzzzzz. Oh she's gonna...

  35. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Sarah is so happy they are writing 'Thank you, Mr. President!' and linking to 'Trump Surprises Texas Crowd With Unplanned Speech, The Reaction Is EPIC' by Mary Kate Knorr.

    I didn't see any news about the NYT's case yet.

    On Facebook they promote things like https://scontent-sjc2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/21192353_10155694969903588_827932594092506609_n.jpg?oh=9ca4465bb137dba37c91718facdee311&oe=5A21B71C

    and they attack liberals.

    Dakota is the one that covers current events and more support for Trump, MAGA and all that.
    Dakota is a Texan now and loves the state and the people. He is out on the front lines doing his part to help out. It is what he lives for.

    Dakota is talking about going back into the Marines so he can go to Afghanistan again. That is not unusual for men like Dakota Meyer would don't really come back from the battles they were in. I forgot what that is called, it is treated when they have PTSD treatments.

    Someone like Dakota Meyer is perfect for a domestic disaster and it is a positive way for him to expel all that built up energy.

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Obviously this comment is a publicity stunt for MOH, who is apparently Bristol Palin's spouse.

    2. Anonymous3:57 PM

      AGAIN, take it to a site that cares.
      C'mon, Gryph, enough of this shit.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Duh suffers from PTSD. No way he'll be allowed back in. Then there is that pesky photo of him disrespecting Obama with his medal which I will be sending to Camp Pendleton brass and JAG.

    4. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Too fat and out of shape for the Marines.

    5. Anonymous6:13 PM

      MOH re-enlisting? You have some imagination, 2:48 PM, or you're downright stupid!

    6. Anonymous7:52 PM

      6:13 PM

      That is what Duh said. He said he is thinking of re-enlisting, and he talked about it some. It was not imagination, unless it is his imagination. He didn't say he was doing that, he sounded like bull but it is how he talked.

      He is being mentored and he has a following of people that look up to him. That is who he talks to.

      My family was in the military but it was not their life. Some people do appear to be brainwashed with military life. Dakota is trained and he is good for teaching others and an inspiration for recruits. At least that is how his mentors are encouraging and guiding him.

      I don't know his medical diagnosis. If it is PTSD, anxiety, suicidal and/or depression, I don't see how he could enlist again. But who knows if we have more military theaters around the world and are to train and help other countries to fight, we might take more afflicted re-enlisted.

      Did you read about the close Palin friend that wrote to her for help to take him out of the war while he was sick? He ended up killing people, Sarah ignored his pleas. Probably blamed then President Obama for the soldiers that lost their minds and went on a thrill kill spree.

      That kid was not well and the military kept sending him back to war. So military might accept Dakota and even Track. Both could have recommendations from top brass. The military is what it is. There is good and there is bad.

    7. Anonymous8:57 PM

      FFS, 7:52 PM, you really need to find yourself a life; OR a good psychiatrist.

    8. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Begin healing now. Cranial Electro Stimulation. FAQ: Does my doctor need to prescribe Alpha-Stim? Answer: In the United States, a licensed healthcare practitioner needs to write an order. For the rest of the world (outside of the U.S.), it is available over-the-counter.
      It works.

      He's working hard,


  36. Anonymous2:55 PM


  37. She can appeal to the Second Circuit, but her appeal would likely be denied. Rakoff is known as a highly competent and experienced judge.

  38. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I have say, this reassures me that DJT also has a magnificent fall/fail in his future. Remember when $arah was a bright light and the world was her oyster? So glad to see "what goes around, comes around". Orange is really going to clash with DJT's complexion, especially after it turns grey in federal prison.


  39. Anonymous3:50 PM

    The reason why Palin’s lawsuit was dismissed was that she imagined malicious intent where there was none. The New York Times editorial made an unproven connection, but they responsibly corrected their error promptly. The newspaper was not trying to attack or smear Palin. The former vice presidential candidate’s desperate bid for relevance was based more on exploiting right-wing anti-media sentiment than facts and information.

    The motive for Palin, who has been eclipsed by Trump, and is now a footnote in history was a craving for attention.

    From a broader perspective, Palin’s lawsuit showed the sort of disrespect for press freedom that is spreading like wildfire through the Republican Party.

    Much like Palin herself, the lawsuit was empty and bogus. It was filed as both an attention getting device and an intimidation tactic.

    On both counts, Sarah Palin failed.


    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      For a (cough) journalism degree, she should have never filed it in the first place. It's more than obvious that she never went to class let alone graduate.

      Big BAD $arah was going to take down the NYT?


    2. The above post is a quote from the article, not your own words. As such it should be in quotes. It isn't enough just to post the citation but the parts you copied and pasted should be in quotes. Otherwise it constitutes plagiarism.

    3. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Whats up Buttercup?? Little Sarah tried to shut down opinion. Free Speech 1, Palin 0. She's running out of grifts. Try the hitch hiker get up again Sarah. Las Vegas is always looking for whores. You might have better luck making "easy $" in Nev standing alongside the road with your thumb out.

    4. Anonymous6:01 PM

      mlaiuppa, you're complaining about quotes? I have a problem with misuse of apostrophes myself.

    5. Anonymous9:12 AM

      601 ;)

  40. Anonymous4:27 PM

    She should have been charged for everyones time wasted on such a frivolous lawsuit.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      After her ABRUPT departure, didn't Captain Zero do something in Alaska to make it to where if you lose a case, you pay Fees? What a racket. Where is federal oversight to investigate?

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      9:14 It won't matter at ICC.
      They are moving toward now.
      Seems the U.N. is on board 2!
      They are "alarmed" with Trump

    3. Anonymous3:53 PM

      Good, the USA needs to be punished. Financially. Give the POOR the 1% money. Haha.
      Poetic justice baby. Shrug.

  41. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Anonymous 12:06 PM said

    Dismissed! Who would have guessed? Who dismisses a Palin? 

    Let's see....





    🤡 TRUMP

    😃 MCCAIN


    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Levi Johnston

    2. abbafan6:34 PM

      Anon @ 4:27 P.M. - Pimp Toad's ex- snowmobile businessman and EX-friend is Brad Hanson, whom horny $arah fucked, which led to the dissolution of said business partnership and friendship. The cross-eyed horny skank couldn't keep her legs closed, just like her horny skank spawn.

    3. Anonymous8:13 PM

      How many "trial daddies" your words, Bristol, until you found yourself a winner? Do you know how stupid you are? Seriously?

    4. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Brad Hanson? Piper's Daddy?

  42. Anonymous4:32 PM

    No way Sarah Palin never loses.

    Well besides loser Miss Alaska, being married to Todd, being mother to those kids, loser Trump administration cabinet member, loser vice-president, loser governor, loser author

  43. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Manhattan Judge: Lou Sarah, Sarah Palin or whatever you go by, git the fuck out of Manhattan!

    1. Anonymous5:17 PM

      "Git the fuck outta here"

      Isn't that what Glenn Rice said when sportscaster Lou Sarah was interviewing him using his dick in her sister's dorm room?

  44. Anonymous5:12 PM



    “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”

    1. Anonymous5:35 PM

      1000 push-up bras wouldn't help her now. $he's shot her wad, TG.


  45. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Has anybody ever noticed that Sarah Palin is a loser when she doesn't have her husband Todd in the room propping her up?

    Sarah Palin became mayor because Todd was her ghost co-mayor. Her staff had to report to Todd.

    Sarah Palin became governor because Todd was her ghost co-governor. Her staff reported to Todd.

    Sarah Palin loser vice-president because Todd was too busy pimping out Shailey Tripp to Sarah's Secret Service detail to be her ghost co-vice-president

    Sarah lost her Manhattan trial because Todd wasn't there.

    Could just be a coincidence. Nahhhh

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      SHE wasn't even at the Manhattan trial.
      Please stop it. PLEASE.

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Todd's grandparents had money and influence. That is what launched Sarah Palin into any type of political office.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM


      On his father's side only, and dad always thought that Todd married down by taking up with the knocked-up simpleton.

    4. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Western life assurance insurance. Manhattan Life.
      $108.401,500,000. Hello Sarah. And how are you today?
      The USA will have to pay for your little play of games.
      Game of Thrones my dear. :()

    5. Anonymous3:54 PM

      2017 Stock market crash
      2017 US Depression v 2.0

  46. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Sarah don't cry. Buck up or git out of the truck. You just have to get out there and find some more deep pockets to sue.

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Now what happens if someone $ues her?

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Crying like a bitch 6:03

  47. Anonymous5:48 PM

    The Daily Mail!


    'High school sweethearts!' Bristol Palin posts VERY old snap of her parents to mark their 29th anniversary, before sharing a throwback photo of her own senior portrait, featuring son Tripp


    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Levi got smart and moved on.

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Hope Bristol didn't use her senior picture with her canvas tent strapped to her back.

    3. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Bristol, or whatever works her social media sales and promotions, has gone brain dead. When America is having a national emergency and so many hurting, what does robot Bristol do? She falls back in time and comes up with an old photo. My old relatives are not that far mentally gone, they are almost 4-5 times her age.

      The obligation to post about 'high school parents' is why Bristol has accounts in media. It is about selling their product. Palins must sell that they are married and have babies. It is their brand.

  48. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Long time ago an Immoral Minority reader compared Sarah Palin to that "Hit A Mole Game"

    Every time Sarah Palin's head pops up in Wasilla, America always whacks her head with a mallet hammer.

  49. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Now how dumb and crazy do you have to be when even Trump never offered Palin any kind of position of any kind, not even 3rd rate advisor just so she could get a pay check.

    Her downfall was she has to be the center of attention and Trump has to be it too.

    Remember her and her porcupine sweater at one of his rallys while he stood on the side waiting for her to shut up! That was when he dumped her. It was to be her big comeback but nobody takes Trump's spotlight.

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      Sarah's not exactly the brightest bulb...

    2. Anonymous9:06 PM

      30 watt in a 100 socket.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Looks like shiny leeches 2me!

    4. Anonymous11:14 AM

      $Arah is a leech all right.
      How is that big boobed Bff?
      Oh right. Breast cancer.
      Sounds like God cursed her.
      So whom did she curse $arah?
      The reason you resigned? :()

    5. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Thieves and Murderers expose.

  50. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Levi lost. It's like a stone that water drips on over time, it just wears on the stone and he has two other kids now. He hasen't the money or the time to fight the exploitation of Tripp. So Bristol chooses to pretend Dakota is Tripp's Dad and Levi is out.

    Revenge has always been her goal.Tripp has always been a pawn and if that kid ends up to be a normal human being it will be a miracle.Look at this messed up family of grifters selling their kids for a buck just like Mama did.

    There are no laws to protect children from explotation so she can sell her shit shakes by posting photos of her kids like they are props! It's a form of child abuse in my opinion.

    Kids have a right to privacy but so far that is denied if you have stupid parents.

    Look at Barstools instagram. I don't need to see Sailor with just a diaper on sitting on a step. That should be for family only.By the way Barstool says no more kids! Right like we believe it, it's her claim to fame.

    1. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Seems to me, Levi won. He's free of these malcontents and Tripp's better off not being a pull toy between the two of them. Perhaps Levi decided to take the higher road since the low road has been taken by the Palins.


    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Levi did not win. His kid is living in Texas for the whole school year.

      Barstool has more money to throw at Tripp, swimming pool, better house.

      Remember when she used to play up Alaska? Tripp's snow machine that she bragged about. That's all gone in Texas. That kid has no clue who he is anymore. He is a a pull toy he has always been a pull toy used to brag about Alaska when Barstool lived there.He has been bounced around between two cultures.Now he is sent on a plane forced by the courts to go back to Alaska. Tripp or any kid is a pull toy when they are forced to travel because of their selfish parents wants.

      That should have been Bristol's first priority. Trip. Tell Dakota to shove it. At this point she was so happy anyone would marry her she caved just like her Dad Todd.

      Willow visits her and that seems to be all she has is her family and who pays for it her Mama.Levi did not win, Trip did not win even Bristol did not win.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      Cheap Kardashians.
      REAL celebrities don't post their kids online.

    4. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Levi has two beautiful daughters that were planned, I'm sure he's okay with walking away from "the mistake" and calling it good.

      If she got the kid then it would mean that he's off the hook for a majority of his child support, which would be awesome if you ask me.

      Those girls are adorable and he seems so happy with his beautiful wife, who the hell would want three kids anyway?

  51. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I just wonder what kind of dumb lawyers she hire and what did it cost her.Any lawyer worth his salt would see this was not a winnable case.

    She really still thinks she is that popular still or she can make money off it by whining about how unfair it is.

    The biggest "snowflake" is Sarah Palin who rode on family values but really had none because Trig was a prop, her son is a wife beater,her daughters go to "beauty school" because with all her millions it was always about her the ultimate forever control freak with a big mouth who used to have some looks.

    It is fitting that as she ages her popularity sank, house built on sand etc.

    It is fitting that while she hated President Obama his daughter Sasha is going to Harvard and Malia will probably too. So let her sit there in Wassilla pretending that she is not supporting her kids life style, that Track has some real problems, that without her money Trig would be cared for mainly by her. Let her sit there while Todd sits on his ass and uses her money and let her pretend she calls all the shots.

    At some point a real woman would get tired of a wimp for a Husband but not a control freak. Money is power and can you just imagine how much she wields it?.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Bristol is just like $arah. Find a wimp and exert control. Some men like it! Mommy issues, look at the histories.

  52. Anonymous12:01 AM


  53. Anonymous12:57 AM

    I was raised in Texas, I still remember one thing any gentleman would do would be to take off their hat when they go indoors. Texans were serious about manners. If a novice left their hat on they would have been told in a very nice way to remove it. Clearly Donald Trump is out of touch with people.

  54. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Well the good Judge just threw some serious shade on stupid Sara.
    My take;
    You first have to be someone ,in order to be defamed imbecile!
    Sara go back to street walking. Don't forget the Belmont's!Bless you child.

  55. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The braying ass photo is one of my favorite. That's our Sarah. She will continue to try to get her bony paws on other people's money.

  56. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Wednesday, April 05, 2017. So yes it appears that Bristol Palin has taken all of the younger children to Texas with her. Why?


    Having a blast: Bristol and her family have been living in a suburb outside of Austin, Texas, since March, and she recently confirmed that they are staying there permanently

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Good. Keep her. Bye bye.


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