Friday, September 08, 2017

A Trump campaign ad attacking Democrats drops a day after Trump made an unprecedented deal with Democrats. Can you say "schizophrenic?"

Courtesy of The Hill: 

A new campaign ad for President Trump slams "career politicians" for trying to impede his agenda. 

"Career politicians and the media, trying to stop him, but President Trump is fighting for America," the ad says, flashing pictures of Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.). 

The ad then touts Trump's achievements since taking office. 

"Over 1 million new jobs, companies investing billions in America, stock market reaching all time record highs, our border more secure," a narrator in the ad says. 

"Americans are saying let President Trump do his job and make America great again." 

The ad's release comes a day after Trump reached a short-term agreement with Democrats to prevent a government shutdown, raise the debt ceiling and provide aid to communities hit by Hurricane Harvey.

The ad of course was not made by Trump himself, but rather by supporters who thought they had a handle on their boss's opinion of a certain political group.

But then the wind blew, and everything changed. Temporarily of course.

I think my only solace in watching this idiot careen around from one opinion to another, is that it is literally driving conservatives out of their minds 

“He’s as reliable as a rattlesnake,” said Florida Republican consultant Rick Wilson, who added that Trump has now empowered Democrats to win their positions on any number of issues, from tax policy to health care. “You gave the Democrats a gun to your head. These guys are now hostage to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.” 

House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and even Trump’s treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin, had wanted an 18-month extension of the debt ceiling, pushing its expiration to beyond the 2018 congressional elections. 

“He insists on loyalty, never gives any back,” said John Weaver, who worked on Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s bid for the GOP presidential nomination last year. 

Other Republicans, who supported Trump once he had secured the nomination and defended him because they believed he would approve GOP legislative priorities, saw this latest move as a threat to their agenda. “He thinks he’s going to play the Democrats off the Republicans,” said one longtime Republican National Committee member who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “Ryan and McConnell better plan for more.” 

Many of the same Republicans surprised and dismayed by Trump’s move had openly embraced him a year ago. They pushed on voters the idea that he was a smart, wealthy business executive – that despite a record that included scores of lawsuits, four bankruptcies and a relatively low net worth given that he began four decades ago with a business worth $1 billion in today’s dollars.

I'm really beginning to wonder if Trump may not have a GOP primary challenger in 2020. 

Assuming he makes that it that far of course.


  1. Can anyone name me one piece of legislation Drumpf has gotten passed that helps the economy or creates jobs? I can't think of a one.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Of course, when the GOP ran its candidates for Congress in 2010, they all talked about creating jobs. Once in office, they refused to let a single jobs bill come to a committee, let alone to the floor for a vote. Republicans don't want to create jobs; they only want to give their rich buddies more of our tax dollars.

    2. I remember in 2011 when wingnuts got control of congress, instead of jobs they went directly after Planned Parenthood and women's rights and abortion providers.

    3. Anonymous3:36 PM


    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      No expansion of trains, no high speed trains and no infrastructure bills passed meant many jobs not created too.

      Just thinking between Harvey and Irma it is not a good time to cut taxes drastically for businesses.
      Interesting they never address wages of American workers versus other countries.

  2. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Get real, there have been Republicans ready to run against him in 2020 since Jan 20th.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Doubtful. If he succeeds in lasting four years... nobody will want to get steamrolled and embarrassed by him like happened the last primaries. Nobody will want to ruin their political future, they can't play his game.

  3. Anonymous2:52 PM

    What in God's name is Trump doing with the "campaign ads"? The next presidential campaign doesn't begin until some time in very late 2018 when crazy Republicans begin to suggest themselves for the office of president. Imagine the media furor if President Obama had, in early 2009, begun campaign stops and campaign ads for the 2012 election year. And yet we're supposed to assume that this Trump's never-ending campaign mode is normal. It isn't normal.

    1. Nothing about Trump is normal. NOTHING.

      Except, possibly, as Stephen Colbert suggests, he has his own teeth.

      Has anyone seen him with his shoes off? Does he *have* ten toes?

    2. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Trump campaigns on Air Force One with SS on taxpayer money (when he is not golfing in NJ or FL). No, not normal.

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Can you say 'no longer Young punch drunk'
    "Jayapal, 51, who interjected.

    "The gentleman has already impugned my motives by saying that I don't know a damn thing that I'm talking about," she said. "He's now called me 'young lady,' " she said, and asked that Young withdraw his remarks."

    ""May I ask unanimous consent to withdraw my offending words? And to the lady, I do apologize. I get very defensive about my state," Young said.
    "So I do apologize for my statement. I recognize it was out of order. So I hope you accept my apology," "

    Remember "wetbacks' &'butt fuckers'

  5. Anonymous3:47 PM


    Palinized: GIving more than you take; being selfless; wanting to heal the world; living a non-judgmental life when it seems everyone around you hates the world

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      3:47 has wandered over to this post as lost and confused as she was on the Meyer post. Poor dear. Her mind is mush.

    2. This is what you get when you careen through the looking glass.

  6. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I was counting the minutes when the orange turd would turn on the Democrats.

  7. Someone has taught their daughter about Alex Jones and InfoWars.

    "A reporter for the right-wing, fake-news, conspiracy-filled Infowars website put a little kid on the spot at a pro-immigration rally in Austin, Texas, last week.

    And he got more than he bargained for."

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      $16 million!

  8. Anonymous5:11 PM

    "Mr. Kelly told participants that Mr. Cohn would lead the meeting. But Mr. Trump, whose most cutting insult is to pretend someone does not exist or that he barely knows them, virtually ignored him."
    "Refusing to make eye contact and ignoring a top adviser is not presidential behavior. "This is not normal or acceptable behavior for a president, and the media must not normalize it, or bury it in the last two paragraphs of a story about how Chief of Staff John Kelly is trying to bring order to the White House as The New York Times did."

    Which a pouty little prick HE ISIS.

  9. Anonymous6:51 PM

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

  10. Anonymous10:27 PM

    Lying pieces of shit .... all of them!

    How can Melania, Ivanka, Jr and Eric look America in the eye knowing their father is a liar?

    That's easy, they're all liars.


    ● .... a proposal was in the works to build a Trump Tower in Russia ....

    ● ..... the deal included the opportunity to name the hotel spa after his daughter Ivanka .....

    ● ..... Trump signed the document later that month, ....

    ● .... Trump did not mention during the presidential campaign that his company explored the business deal in Russia.  ....

    ● ..... Trump never referred to the prospective licensing deal that fell through a few weeks before the Iowa caucuses. .....

    ● ..... While the potential Russian deal was still on the table, Trump was speaking positively about working with Russian President Vladimir Putin ....

    ● .... In October 2015, days before he signed the letter of intent,Trump tweeted a link to an article titled "Putin loves Donald Trump."....

    ● .....Felix Sater, a Russian-born former Trump business associate and mob-linked felon who figured prominently in development of the Trump SoHo property in New York.....

    ● ..... The preliminary agreement for the Moscow project was signed by Trump on or around October 28, 2015, ....

    ● ..... Both parties agreed the property would be named Trump World Tower Moscow .....

    ● .... commercial properties and offices.

    "All plans shall be subject to (the Trump Organization's) prior review and approval..." ....

    ● .... . And if they did name it after Trump's daughter, then Ivanka or her designee would be given "sole and absolute discretion" to approve "all interior design elements of the spa or fitness facilities," .....

    ● .....I had the Miss Universe pageant -- which I owned for quite a while -- I had it in Moscow a long time ago. But other than that, I have nothing to do with Russia," Trump told NBC News in May. .....

    1. Anonymous3:35 AM

      If you grow up being told up is down and black is white then your father's behavior is good and he does nothing wrong.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.