Thursday, September 07, 2017

As another deadly storm threatens our citizens creationist Ken Ham would like to take a moment to remind you that it's all your fault you unrepentant sinners.

For the record people do not "believe" in Evolution, but rather than accept and understand the facts of science.

Facts don't require faith.
Acknowledge my sinful state, buddy I celebrate my sinful state.

It is so hard to believe that in the 21st Century there are still so many idiots condemned to remain trapped in such primitive thought processes and so willing to embrace superstitious nonsense instead of expanding their minds and gaining release from the prison of their fears.

(H/T to Joe My God.)


  1. From the article: Facts don't require faith.

    Philip K. Dick (who, at times, had difficulty determining what was real) put it this way:
    Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

  2. Anonymous3:09 AM

    God saying to support LGBT rights.

  3. Anonymous3:54 AM

    I crossed the path of a black cat yesterday. Gave it some food then a back scratch, and all was good. Gonna try breaking a mirror and walking under a ladder today.

  4. Grey One talks sass4:03 AM

    Those who hold the reigns of power will do anything and everything to keep those reigns in their own hands. Humans have been dancing this dance for millennia, each time we come to this point those in power crush all who stand in their way. Death. Destruction. Rinse. Repeat.

    It's time for Something New. If I knew what that was I wouldn't be surviving on welfare and living in subsidized housing. Just saying, the old wash, rinse, repeat is getting old. I'm not sure any hair remains after so many 'repeats' from history.

  5. Anonymous4:23 AM

    They are not " willing to embrace superstitious nonsense " rather that's how they grift to earn a tax free living. Somehow at least street beggars are more honest and hard working than these idiots are.

  6. Anonymous5:32 AM

    If the greenback didn't exist mankind would find another thing to put value on and these fools would fear monger it out of you.
    We all have guilt. One way or the other, our emotions rule us until we realize that and let go. The so called Christians are playing on that for your' last dime.
    The reason the Christians in the country are supporting Trump is that they know the rest of America is onto their grifting ways and about to call them on all that money they rake in. Also, why is the NFL not taxed again?
    It's weird how a faction of white America made it so that they are untouchable while the rest of us are fodder. Very strange. No wonder we ended up with a con artist for a president. It's all in the name of grifting.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      it's a shame that so many people opted out of an education-that would make a differnce. and i belong to a church that doesn't ask for money. i am Latter Day Saints. tithing is your choice. before you dump on me-one wife. i watch carefully every thing the church says and does. i told to vote to vote for Romney. i told them it was my vote. must have been the only LDS who didn't vote for him. one of the problems with religous people is that they follow without ??????'s. oh, please just tell the missionaries no thank you. they will leave. my cat ate my dictionary.

  7. We all put our pants on the same way. Come on down to TX and stand by the shore in Galveston, you then realize how very teeny tiny you are. Get busy living your life and pay it forward.

  8. Anonymous5:50 AM

    I'm confused? am I suppose to feel guilt for some reason?

  9. Ham is whining because his Ark Park sucks balls and no one goes there because no one in their right mind falls for the phallacy.

    He should start his veryown prosperity gospel scam and get rich quick like Osteen.

  10. Anybody have an idea what Ham's net worth is? I'll bet he has an even greater unshakable belief in cash.

  11. Anonymous7:29 AM

    OT? $CUM>""When the sales representative asked Hill how to identify doctors who were financially motivated to prescribe Subsys, Hill explained that she looks for doctors that are 'money hungry,' and went on to describe how to figure out if a doctor has a 'light in their eyes' and is willing to 'play ball.'""

  12. Anonymous8:01 AM


  13. Anonymous8:06 AM

    jeff elf Sessions truth tell:

    1. Anonymous8:46 AM

  14. Chenagrrl11:19 AM

    Ham is a crock. The Earth cannot be the way it was even a year ago. There is no return. Biology, geology, climatology are all based on change.

    1. Anonymous4:32 PM

      we had better find a way to change , too. and i a BIG hurry. it's a time before Mars is livable. if we get there.

  15. Anonymous12:07 PM

    If sin causes hurricanes, tornados and other disasters - then how come they occur mainly in the "bible belt"?

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      because in the bible belt they hide their fornication in cheap hotel rooms and national parks. you know-the ministers.we get tornados-really bad ones and people die, in the bible belt. we gotten 7 feet of snow at times, too. it just isn't as dramatic as a hurricane.

  16. Anonymous4:26 PM

    i believe in Creator and evolution. i guess this makes it ALL my fault. wish these God freaks would the part of the bible where God loves us. they ALWAYS go right past that part.

  17. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Science is based on the idea of testing hypotheses. If you make a prediction and it turns out wrong, your hypothesis is wrong but if it turns out right, you might be right.

    So, here's Ham's hypothesis: "Devastating Hurricanes-reminder we live in a fallen groaning world as a result of our sin against a Holy God"

    You'd expect the devastation to be strongest where godlessness is higher and less where it is lower. Yet we've got hurricanes wreaking havoc in the Bible belt and general serenity in China. Hmm. I guess we've proven Ham's hypothesis wrong. That was easy.


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