Thursday, September 28, 2017

Jill Stein is starting to sound more and more like Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Vanity Fair:

Amid the ever-expanding investigations into the Russian government’s interference in the presidential election, some Democrats have called for Stein to appear before Congress to testify under oath about her Kremlin ties. “We’re certainly interested in any efforts the Russians made to influence our election,” Adam Schiff, the top-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told Politico. “There have been public reports, I think, that Jill Stein was also in Russia attending the RT function, so we’re going to need to look at any efforts the Russians made through whatever means to influence our elections.” 

But for her part, Stein has no qualms about the role she played in last year’s election. In fact, she has begun to rely on certain defenses similar to those invoked by the man she is accused of helping elect. When asked about Russia during an interview with Politico, Stein was quick to dismiss speculation and leaned on many of the same arguments as the Trump team has in recent months. After rebuking claims that she espoused the merits of Putin as “fake news”, the erstwhile presidential hopeful said, “Putin is an authoritarian and has a very troubled, disturbing record.” On the other hand, she also noted, “It’s important to look at where Putin comes from. . . . It was Larry Summers and the guys from Harvard who basically privatized the public domain [in post-Soviet Russia] and created the oligarchs.” Stein also expressed skepticism toward the United States intelligence community’s conclusion that the Kremlin meddled in the 2016 election. “Most people are saying, ‘Oh it’s the Russians,’ but there is not a lot of evidence,” she said. 

And in terms of whether she blames herself for Trump’s victory, Stein argues that neither candidate was a good choice. “There are differences between Clinton and Trump, no doubt, but they’re not different enough to save your life, to save your job, to save the planet,” she says. “We deserve more than two lethal choices.” 

I have long suspected that Stein was more involved in this Russian interference thing than she has let on.

So it is not at all surprising to hear her continue to spout the Russian troll talking points.

I would not be at all shocked to learn that she has been on Putin's payroll since the beginning. 

Nope, not a bit.


  1. 66gardeners1:33 PM

    I always felt Bernie Sanders' campaign hacking of Hillary Clinton's files at the DNC were done by the russians

  2. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I never liked Stein, at first because I saw she had NO qualifications at all to be president, then later because so many libs/dems who didn't like Hillary decided to do a protest vote for her instead. Grr!

    1. Anonymous2:46 PM

      yes the women of this country need to band tightly together-we are ones ones who can save this country, this world. we don't spend our lives thinking of sex.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Well, we know a lot of her internet support actually was from Russian bots.

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Hopefully Mueller turns his focus on her after he has Trump in a hair matching orange jumpsuit.

  4. Anonymous2:39 PM

    i am sick to death of dirty republicans. you know the democrats are dirty too. but they hide it better. Hillary was great, but i wish Obama could have had a 3rd term. Portou Rico(yes, i can't spell) would have had help within a day. trump and the other republicans don't care if people die. Rush Limberger told his followers that hurricanes are real, stay in Florida-and ran as fast as he could to leave Florida-how many people died of heat and lack of water because of him? it's time to stand up for what you believe. donate to a charity, look for a good one, if you have a relief effort where you live, give them some of your time. i live i Wisconsin and can't get there, but i donated to an animal shelter saving pets left behind, and to a good charity for Portuo Rice. this is our world. do what you can.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      P-u-e-r-t-o R-i-c-o

    2. Puerto = port
      Rico = rich

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Spellcheck is your friend and any computer worth its salt has it, or even google the spelling before you mea culpa an "I can't spell" because once people read that then they read no further.

  5. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Well, fortunately for us, the Patriot Act applies to them too. Doubt they've been using 'burner' phones.


  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Yup. Jill be guilty of colluding with the bald one. He plays them all so easily. Wonder what they have against democracy? I know people get pissed but I think Bernie is somehow involved as an agitator. It was a grand plan to upset what was working. Putin doesn't want that. He knows people who fear are easily controlled. He wants minions. Donald is his number one minion. Watch and see. Even if we have doubts now history will tell the story. Truth obliterates lies.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      "Bernie IS somehow involved as an agitator."

    2. Anonymous6:40 PM

      I agree about Bernie.

      And all the crap about the DNC, and people are still spouting off about it, and all it did was split Dem votes off.

    3. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Bernie can say what he wants to.

      He would have faced the same and fared no better.

      Wake UP, people!

  7. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Without stating the obvious....
    Green Party Stein sold out.
    That has to be some serious cash...and SCRREW you.

  8. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Biden/Duckworth 2020

    1. Anonymous7:13 PM

      Biden/Klobuchar 2020

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM


  9. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Jill Stein has ruined the future of the Green Party. Sad.

  10. Anonymous10:19 AM

  11. This place is funnier than the Onion! You folks are a real hoot! Remember what Forrest Gump's mom said: "crazy is as crazy does!"


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.