Friday, September 29, 2017

Mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico slams response by FEMA, and begs for help.

The above comes after Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz responded with this after the acting head of Homeland Security suggested that what was happening in Puerto Rico was a "good news story."
This is actually starting to look very muhc like Bush's completely ineffective response to Katrina, and this could be a defining moment in the Trump presidency.

P.S. The Mayor will be on with Rachel Maddow later on tonight. 


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Impeach Donald Trump! He is in charge and is the one responsible for doing practically nothing for the Americans in Puerto Rico. He is a racist and inept as they come.

    Say lots of prayers for our fellow Americans and donate your own personal funds to them. They need our help and fucker Trump is blocking it!

    1. Anonymous6:17 PM

      " he departed for Bedminster, New Jersey where he is expected to head to his Trump National Golf Club, telling them that Puerto Rico is going really well."added that the loss of life is always tragic but it's "been incredible, the results we've had with respect to loss of life. People can't believe how successful that has been, relatively speaking."

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      "“The problem is the Trump administration just dropped the ball 100 percent. They did not properly plan for what was going to happen after the hurricane. And every excuse I’ve heard so far has been nothing short of really almost criminal.”"

  2. Anonymous1:39 PM

    "You're fired"

    Under pressure from Trump, Tom Price resigns as health secretary over private plane uproar

    U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price resigned under pressure from President Donald Trump on Friday in an uproar over Price's use of private charter planes for government business.…

    “Secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas Price offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted,” the White House said in a statement.

    1. Will taxpayers be reimbursed? Fully?

    2. Anonymous2:49 PM

      2:10: in your (and my) dreams... :(

    3. LOL. Now if we can only get rid of Pruitt and DeVos.

      I wonder who is worse than Tom Price that Trump can foist on us? And how long and how many candidates it will take him before someone finally says yeah, I'll do it.

      I'm sure Price was more than happy to wash his hands of this albatross of an administration and go back to his life. Had no clue what he was getting into when he accepted Trump's invitation.

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Trump Goes On Vacation as People Are Dying In Puerto Rico

    ...“Damn it, this is not a good news story,” Carmen Yulin Cruz told CNN angrily on Friday. “This is a ‘people-are-dying story.’ This is a life-or-death story.”

    “I know it is really a good news story in terms of our ability to reach people and the limited number of deaths that have taken place in such a devastating hurricane,” acting Department of Homeland Security Secretary Elaine Duke said on Thursday.

    I’d call this tone deaf, except I’m not sure Trump even paid attention during previous disasters to loss of life of other people. He found a way to use 9/11 to benefit himself financially. His attention always seems focused on his own wallet, not the suffering of other people. Perhaps he really thinks, because he knows nothing about it, that he is managing this really well.

    He is not. People are dying.

    Or maybe Trump’s racism made it even easier for him to turn his back on Puerto Rico, delaying help they desperately needed.

    Either way, Trump’s comments are those of the drunken uncle at Christmas, not a President of the United States. He makes literally no sense. He is on par with Sarah Palin, only he carries it better because he has more money to polish the turd.

  4. Anonymous1:45 PM

    San Juan Mayor’s searing message to Trump: We are not ‘animals that can be disposed of’

  5. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Puerto Rican-born MSNBC guest blasts Trump’s ‘racist and prejudicial’ response to Maria crisis

    ...“The FEMA and this administration was not ready,” she said. “At the go, resources should have been on the ground to get supplies to the areas that needed it, to be responsive. And the first sign of leadership is to say, ‘You know what? We screwed up. We didn’t respond in time.'”

    Instead, Mark-Viverito said, “What he’s doing is he’s continuing to try to make it seem like it’s our fault, the people on the island, for what has happened, that somehow they were not prepared for it and it’s their responsibility. He wasn’t saying that about Texas. He wasn’t saying that about Florida. He’s saying that about Puerto Rico — and let’s not forget the U.S. Virgin Islands, too. There is a double standard. I think it’s racist. It’s prejudicial and it’s very, very clear that we’re not being treated as U.S. citizens, which we are.”

    Watch the video, embedded below:

    1. History is gonna be so very, very unkind to this administration. More like brutal.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      And justifiably so...

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM


      So a bunch of kids 100 years from now will hear what a fucked up POTUS Trump was? Big deal.

      Although I doubt they will get the truth in their history lesson. Just like we're erasing statues and civil war history we'll probably erase the Trump era as well, or at least whitewash the shit out of it.

      Haven't you seen enough to understand that's how we operate here in America?

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    On one hand FEMA has had 3 awful situation in a months time span. On another hand that statement is fucked up.

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM


    2. On the third hand, THAT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB!

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Look, she is exhausted.

    All of the people are exhausted.

  8. Anonymous3:45 PM

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Katrina happened very early In Bush the Second's second term. It did nothing but dip his favorable ratings a bit, but he still remained in office for the next 3.5 years to finish his term.

    Regardless of Trump's handling of this matter in Puerto Rico he'll suffer but a few points in favorable ratings yet also remain in office for the next 3.8 years.

  10. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Trump owns properties in Florida and in Houston.His golf course in PR went bankrupt and cost the government of PR 32 million. Of course he doesn't care.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      While far from being a Trump apologist the story is being bandied about as fact when in fact it's only partially true.

      Trump didn't own the property, he was hired to manage it and paid to put his name on it. The resort was failing when they hired him to "turn it around" but unfortunately the resort continued to fail, partially because of the recession. Trump did not personally owe any debt as he didn't own the property.

      We hold the right's feet to the fire regarding the accuracy of their reporting so I only think it's fair that we hold ourselves to the same standard and not propagate fake news as truth.

      The full story is here:

    2. Anonymous6:05 AM

      8:43 PM in other words, Trump's ideas of management failed again. Do the words 'inherited a mess' sound familiar? It's how Trump views the USA. When he is finished failing with us, it won't be his fault either.

  11. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Give them to hurricane victims.

    1. She could have found plenty of truly needy schools besides a school in Cambridge.

      She also could have found books about bullying rather than kindergarten Dr. Seuss pablum.

      BTW some Japanese Americans are still offended by Dr. Seuss because of his war propaganda.

  12. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Gee Dubai assist with all those engineers in that awesome city.
    Be greater than the USA.

  13. Anonymous6:03 PM

    "“I think it isn’t a good job,” he said, “It’s a DISGRACEful job. The United States of America is the most powerful, wealthiest country in the world, and this is not a response that’s demonstrative of our power and wealth.

    “I’m tired of the president always talking about how much it’s going to cost,” “It’s costing LIVES, Mr. President -of children, and the elderly and the infirm.”"

    the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation."OUR NATION!

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      If you look weak to your own citizens than how much weaker do you look to other countries.This is a template of response to an actual war and how organized we are to handle a crises, Trump being the idiot that he is cares nothing about perception, or common decency, it's all about the dime with this fool.

      He is our weakest link to our enemies because he disparages US citizens [ Puerto Rico] for debt. He divides based on income instead of unity he causes divisions.He worships money and lacks character and most of his followers are the poor rednecks who need a target for everything wrong in their lives, no job, it's the Mexicans or any other excuse they can find.He feeds their fantasies with the WALL, if only there was a wall they could get a real good job that them there Mexicans done took from them!

      That is what he promised, a fantasy that only the stupid would believe and their are a lot of stupid but even the stupid at some point say "Hey where are those jobs"

  14. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I think the mayor was courageous to call out Trump today and bluntly state people are dying.

    I heard Trump boasting and bragging today about what a deal maker and builder he is. I doubt the Governor of Puerto Rico told him what a tremendous job he has done. If he did not the Governor needs to call him out.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      And Trump needs to remember this we are the UNITED States of America.

      We stand for our citizens whether rich or poor they are citizens and as such deserve every help we can give. Now if you want to say "f" you and give away a strategic base than do it. Let the ass see how that plays out.

  15. Anonymous6:44 PM

    When are Trumps followers going to realize that he could care less about anyone but himself. Another weekend spent at his New Jersey golf club on our dime which puts money in his pocket.

    So the hell what if he puts in a appearance at Puerto Rico, actions speak louder than words. The gall, the unmitigated gall to not stay in the White House and at least pretend he cares. Trump golfs while a crises continues.

    If someone shows you who they are believe them. One damn weekend spent in the White House at the cost of us taxpayers could go to help Puerto Rico and Florida. It may sound like a drop in the bucket but 3 million can buy a lot of water, or generators, or food.

    You know what a real leader does? they work the problem. they don't pass the buck and they sure as hell know what a priority is. They don't try to pass tax reform in a time of crises just to have a "win".

    These are not acceptable standards for a United States President. the bar has been lowered so much i am afraid it will be accepted as the norm, and if that happens we will never again be considered worthy to lead anything. Whether through apathy or the belief that nothing can topple our standing we are letting this happen as long as Trump is President.

  16. Anonymous6:49 PM

    " “where did all of this come from?” moment in society has been festering individually and collectively for the LIFETIME of pretty much every black or brown person living in America today, regardless of wealth or opportunity; 4) Some of what I share covers sexism, too—intersectionality is another term I’m sure you’ve heard and want to put quotes around, but it’s a real thing too, just like white privilege. But you’ve requested a focus on personal experiences with racism, so here it goes:"
    ' Six years ago, I started a Facebook page that has grown into a website called Good Black News because I was shocked to find there were no sites dedicated solely to publishing the positive things black people do."hope what I’ve shared makes you realize it’s not just strangers, but people you know and care for who have suffered and are suffering because we are excluded from the privilege you have not to be judged, questioned, or assaulted in any way because of your race."what IS being asked of you is to acknowledge that white privilege DOES exist and not only to treat people of races that differ from yours “with respect and humor,” but also to stand up for fair treatment and justice, not to let “jokes” or “off-color” comments by friends, co-workers, or family slide by without challenge, and to continually make an effort to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, so we may all cherish and respect our unique and special contributions to society as much as we do our common ground."
    "Your Source For The Good Things Black People Do, Give and Receive All Over The World"

  17. Anonymous3:38 AM

    And yet, the governor of Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosello, has praised Donnie Two Scoops' response to the devastation! So.... which is it?

  18. Anonymous5:11 AM

    That's great president trump. Step on the necks of Americans who are in need desperate for help. By the way how's your golf game going?

    The Hill:
    Trump slams Puerto Rico: 'They want everything to be done for them' | TheHill

    - 1 hour ago

    Think Progress
    As mayor pleads for help, Trump congratulates himself on Puerto Rico response, heads to golf course

    16 hours ago

    ....“The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible,” Trump told reporters Friday before taking off for his golf course in New Jersey. “The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life. People can’t believe how successful that has been, relatively speaking.”...

  19. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Michael Skolnik
    Twitter › MichaelSkolnik

    Dear @realDonaldTrump, While you tweet from your golf club, the Mayor of San Juan is saving lives. You've done NOTHING. Sincerely, America

    6 minutes ago · Twitter

  20. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Stephen King
    Twitter › StephenKing

    Donald Trump, the master of self-congratulation. His picture should be next to NARCISSIST in the dictionary.

    15 minutes ago · Twitter

  21. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Michael Eric Dyson
    Twitter › MichaelEDyson

    Donald Trump does not care about brown people. @realDonaldTrump

    24 minutes ago · Twitter

  22. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Washington Post -
    Did President Trump add $33 million to Puerto Rico’s debt by bankrupting a golf course there?

    ...Eric Trump, the president’s son and an executive in the Trump Organization, said after the bankruptcy filing, “We made many millions of dollars on it but never invested a dime.” (In the bankruptcy case, Eric Trump filed a claim for about $927,000 in unpaid fees on behalf of Trump Golf Coco Beach LLC, PolitiFact Florida found.)

  23. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Damn them brown people. Now they want to take Trump's wall money and send it to Puerto Rico. Is this what Trump is thinking?


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