Saturday, September 16, 2017

Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher believes the conflicts in Charlottesville were orchestrated by "Hillary and Bernie supporters." Update!

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

The violent neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last month was nothing more than “a total hoax” orchestrated by liberals who supported Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, according to a hard-right Republican representative. 

“It’s all baloney,” Dana Rohrabacher told the San Francisco Chronicle, speaking of the rally where police said a car driven by a white supremacist injured 19 and killed counterprotester Heather Heyer. 

“It was left-wingers who were manipulating them in order to have this confrontation,” Rohrabacher said Thursday, in an effort to “put our president on the spot.”

Yet that’s all bunk according to Rohrabacher, who pinned the events on a former “Hillary and Bernie supporter” who got Civil War re-enactors together to protect the statue of Lee, which would be removed under a proposal before Charlottesville’s City Council. 

“It was a setup for these dumb Civil War re-enactors,” Rohrabacher said of the Charlottesville rally. 

All this, he claims, was a ruse to box in President Donald Trump over the issue of racism in America. On the day of the rally and at a press conference at Trump Tower a couple of days later, the president said blame for the violence fell “on both sides.” His response hurt his approval ratings among Republicans who saw his statements as divisive.

Well SOMEBODY has obviously been getting their news from Info Wars again.

Rohrabacher's major claim to fame is that he is an ardent climate cahnge denier, but clearly his ignorance is not contained to only rejecting science.

He also rejects news coverage, undeniable facts, and apparently ANYTHING which undermines his world view.

Of course the problem is not just with his own stupidity but the fact that he represents a number of equally ignorant people who will continue to make excuses for racists because deep down they agree with them completely.

Though in Rohrabacher's case I am not at all sure it is all that deep down.

Update: I see people referencing the fact that Rohrabacher has been a Russian agent for years, and I would agree with that statement.

And that is further evidenced by his new push to get the White House to pardon Wikileaks


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    He's also clearly on Putin's payroll and doesn't bother to hide it.

  2. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Even through multiple layers of servers, the internet, miles of cabling, ISP's, and what not, the stupidity burns.

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    Hasn't Dana Rohrabacher been a Russian agent for years? How has he remained in Congress? If this is who supports Trump policies, that is pathetic. Juggalos, Insane Clown Posse, Dana Rohrabacher. MAGA. Alt-right,

    Live shots from the pro-Trump "Mother of All Rallies" going on in DC right now. ...Turns out bots can't rally. #MOAR

  4. Maybe he should go work for InfoWars. I understand there's a opening.

    On the other hand, I think Rohrbacher is too stupid to work for Alex Jones.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Why are all the Republican white men such jerks? Have not found one that I like, respect or trust. Trump is the worst and such a poor example for the rest of his followers/Republicans.

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Rohrabacher was a speechwriter and assistant to the President, during the Reagan administration. You remember Reagan, the "tear down this wall" guy. He must b spinning in his grave regarding rohrbacherz relationship with the Russians. Supposedly rohrbacher has been Putin's bitch since Putin beat him in arm wrestling in a DC bar in the mid 90s

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Didn't Rohrabacher infiltrate the Taliban for Reagan? Was that when Afghanistan was Russia's Vietnam? What's with that? He must have cozied up to Russia back in the day. Obviously, no one learned the ancient history, why you don't fight in Afghanistan. Russia is still wanting us to put boots on the ground and finish up in Afghanistan.

  7. Anonymous1:03 PM

    why would any one make something so stupid up? and if it was,who? that's right, blame liberals. because we just want to slander gun carrying nazi's and alt right. we wanted Heather to die for our cause, which is to take over the USA, so we can the right to the gas chambers. yees. where do these idiots come from?

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Make up your ducking mind you jerk!

    JUNE 2017
    Trump Will Withdraw U.S. From Paris Climate Agreement - The New ...

    The New York Times › 2017/06/01 › tru...
    - Jun 1, 2017 - In Mr. Trump's view, the Paris accord represents an attack on the sovereignty of the United States and ...

    SEPTEMBER 16, 2017
    Trump Administration Won't Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal ...

    Wall Street Journal › articles › trump-ad...

    - 1 min ago - The U.S. has stated it will “not renegotiate the Paris accord” but will review its terms after President ...

  9. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Putin probably has a way of still messing with our minds. Remember this guy was KGB. Even with Donald waffling all over the place, I feel that his a a ploy. Keep people confused and make them more schizo than they were before.
    We gotta stand our ground or we fall for any disinformation that come our way.

  10. Anonymous1:10 PM

    I bet Rohrabacher and Steve Bannon hang out together at the local saloon. Belly up to the bar, boys!

  11. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This crazy fucker went to London last month with equally crazy "journalist" Charles Johnson to meet with Assange. CJ was standing by DR flashing a white supremacy hand sigh. Rohrbacher now says Assange gave him electrical data that
    PROVES that Russia in no way interfered in the 2016 election . He is trying to give this "data" to tRump. He is Batshit crazy.

  12. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Sarah Palin must be tickled pink and head over heels for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA). At least her disgraced face booked is thrilled with how huge it all is!!

    'This could be huge.' Palin Facebook writer. Links to 'The White House Just Waded Into A Deal With Julian Assange' By Mary Kate Knorr

    Is Palin in a lunatic asylum or what? She does nothing, her name on Facebook is a front. Where is she?

  13. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Creep! 14 @ 41...

  14. Anonymous2:33 PM

    "“[i]f anyone EVER tries to stop my car on a highway with negative intentions… I will not stop under any conditions.”
    "n subsequent tweets, Bernstine called protesters “thugs” and “snowflakes” and vowed he “won’t be assaulted in the name of ‘free speech.'”"Bernstine dismissed replies pointing out that the tactic he is endorsing was recently used by an alleged neo-Nazi to murder a woman during a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in addition to militant groups like ISIS."Republicans in six states “have pushed for laws this year that would shield drivers who hit protesters. The bills are part of a wave of anti-protest proposals introduced since the rise of the Black Lives Matter and anti-Trump resistance movements.”Bernstine seems to think that tactic would be appropriate in St. Louis, where demonstrators took to the city’s streets on Friday to protest the acquittal of former city officer Jason Stockley, who shot and killed Smith"

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      As the judge in the case stated it would certainly be an anomaly if the heroin dealer wasn't armed. 'Nuff said.

      People just want to riot sometime, let 'em get it out of their system, get a little pepper spray, feel like their voices are heard and if they're smart, which many aren't, they'll all go home before repeating the process of death by cop.

  15. Anonymous5:01 PM

    How about these folks?

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      They are Trumps kind of people. 'F00k the FBI'

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Juggalos are so weird, they are like the alt-right or alt-left of all of the trailer park people in the US that drink cheap soda with too much sugar, put on clown makeup and have way too many tattoos.

      but hey, they seem to accept all of the weirdos in our society that no one else will, many for good reason, so I guess we normal folks should be happy they all have a band to coalesce around?

    3. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Juggalos Draw Bigger Crowd On The National Mall Than Pro-Trump Rally

    4. Anonymous7:13 PM

  16. Anonymous7:04 PM

    GOP Congressman Sought Trump Deal on WikiLeaks, Russia

    California’s Dana Rohrabacher asks for pardon of Julian Assange in return for evidence Russia wasn’t source of hacked emails

    A U.S. congressman contacted the White House this week trying to broker a deal that would end WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s U.S. legal troubles in exchange for what he described as evidence that Russia wasn’t the source of hacked emails published by the antisecrecy website during the 2016 presidential campaign.

    The proposal made by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R., Calif.), in a phone call Wednesday with White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, was apparently aimed at resolving the probe of WikiLeaks prompted by Mr. Assange’s publication of secret U.S. government documents in 2010 through a pardon or other act of clemency from President Donald Trump.

    The possible “deal”—a term used by Mr. Rohrabacher during the Wednesday phone call—would involve a pardon of Mr. Assange or “something like that,” Mr. Rohrabacher said. In exchange, Mr. Assange would probably present a computer drive or other data-storage device that Mr. Rohrabacher said would exonerate Russia in the long-running controversy about who was the source of hacked and stolen material aimed at embarrassing the Democratic Party during the 2016 election.

    1. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Republican Who Once Arm-Wrestled Putin Now Wants a Pardon for Julian Assange

  17. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Rohrabacher repeats bogus claim Democrats orchestrated Charlottesville violence

    In August, PolitiFact national took a deep look at this inflammatory claim, which started with controversial commentator Alex Jones of Jones said emails show Democrats such as Hillary Clinton and billionaire investor George Soros instigated and orchestrated racial protests in Charlottesville by trying to "control" and keep people "desperate." After an exhaustive examination of relevant leaked emails, it found no evidence of Jones’ theory and rated it Pants On Fire, the most severe false rating.


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