Saturday, September 16, 2017

Robert Mueller investigators are very interested in whether Jared Kushner helped the Russians locate and target certain Americans as vulnerable to social media propaganda.

Courtesy of Vanity Fair:

Mapping the full Russian propaganda effort is important. Yet investigators in the House, Senate, and special counsel Robert Mueller’s office are equally focused on a more explosive question: did any Americans help target the memes and fake news to crucial swing districts and wavering voter demographics? “By Americans, you mean, like, the Trump campaign?” a source close to one of the investigations said with a dark laugh. Indeed: probers are intrigued by the role of Jared Kushner, the now-president’s son-in-law, who eagerly took credit for crafting the Trump campaign’s online efforts in a rare interview right after the 2016 election. “I called somebody who works for one of the technology companies that I work with, and I had them give me a tutorial on how to use Facebook micro-targeting,” Kushner told Steven Bertoni of Forbes. “We brought in Cambridge Analytica. I called some of my friends from Silicon Valley who were some of the best digital marketers in the world. And I asked them how to scale this stuff . . . We basically had to build a $400 million operation with 1,500 people operating in 50 states, in five months to then be taken apart. We started really from scratch.” 

Kushner’s chat with Forbes has provided a veritable bakery’s worth of investigatory bread crumbs to follow. Brad Parscale, who Kushner hired to run the campaign’s San Antonio-based Internet operation, has agreed to be interviewed by the House Intelligence Committee.

Bigger questions, however, revolve around Cambridge Analytica. It is unclear how Kushner first became aware of the data-mining firm, but one of its major investors is billionaire Trump backer Robert Mercer. Mercer was also a principal patron of Breitbart News and Steve Bannon, who was a vice president of Cambridge Analytica until he joined the Trump campaign. “I think the Russians had help,” said Congresswoman Jackie Speier, a California Democrat who is a member of the House Intelligence Committee. “I’ve always wondered if Cambridge Analytica was part of that.” (Cambridge Analytica did not respond to a request for comment.)

No evidence has emerged to link Kushner, Cambridge Analytica, or Manafort to the Russian election-meddling enterprise; all have denied colluding with foreign agents. (Kushner’s representatives declined to comment for this article. Manafort’s spokesman could not be reached.) Yet analysts scoff at the notion that the Russians figured out how to target African-Americans and women in decisive precincts in Wisconsin and Michigan all by themselves. “Could they have hired a warehouse full of people in Moscow and had them read Nate Silver’s blog every morning and determine what messages to post to what demographics? Sure, theoretically that’s possible,” said Mike Carpenter, an Obama administration assistant defense secretary who specialized in Russia and Eastern Europe. “But that’s not how they do this. And it’s not surprising that it took Facebook this long to figure out the ad buys. The Russians are excellent at covering their tracks. They’ll subcontract people in Macedonia or Albania or Cyprus and pay them via the dark Web. They always use locals to craft the campaign appropriately. My only question about 2016 is who exactly was helping them here.”

Yeah Kushner essentially could not wait to brag about how he had used technology to target likely Trump voters, of course this was before all the talk about Russian interference made the front page.

Now he does not seem quite so anxious to toot his own horn about how he used technology to identify these potential Trump supporters.

If I were a betting man I would bet that Kushner knew all along that his data was being used by the Russians to flood the Facebook pages and Twitter accounts of certain poorly educated Americans in order to influence their vote.

And I really hope that will be proven someday soon.


  1. Anonymous2:28 PM

    yes, prove it! this kid is every thing his father is-arrogant and stupid. i can't wate to see them go!

    1. Anonymous4:28 AM

      Kushie, looks like damien from the omen as an adult. He is evil as FUCK!!

  2. Caroll Thompson2:29 PM

    If I were a betting woman (which I am actually), I would bet that Kushner not only knew, but that he participated in the collusion. Or should I say treason.

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM


  4. "And I really hope that will be proven someday soon."

    I hope that will be proven someday.

    I hope that will be proven.

    I hope Trump doesn't pardon his ass.

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      he can but i bet for some reason it does not hold. that reason i hope is dumpt is in jail,too. i've never such corruption in my life. Nixon was nothing compared to this family.

    2. Anonymous4:30 AM

      T-rump cannot pardon state charges. Kushie is fucked if he his charged on a state level for a crime.

  5. Hedgewytch3:10 PM

    Do you think Kushner will sob aloud when they handcuff him and haul him to jail for collusion with a foreign enemy to influence the presidential election?

    1. Anonymous3:32 PM

      "scenes we'd like to see."

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Didn't his father go to prison? Something to do with family matters. Kushner may feel he can handle being locked up like dear old dad. Why would he risk going to prison? He had to know about Trump being shady and corrupt.

      Ivanka has been pimped by her father since he could pimp her out. She was going to Russia, doing business for the family and impressing oligarchs.

      Kushner had to know what all that was about. I don't see how either of them are at all innocent regarding the family crime business.

    3. Anonymous12:51 AM

      His face looks as blank as Ivanka's. They must get a family discount on Botox injections. If this vile family is allowed to keep on the way they are, we will be like N. Korea, with a self appointed "Dear Leader". Ivanka will be the next president, then one of her kids will take over.

    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      'Pretty face' will be the favorite boy in his cell block! If I had time, I would feel sorry for him, but I have to watch some grass grow.

  6. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Do you think any of those idiots who were bamboozled by Facebook into voting for DJT will ever admit it?


    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      GP, you answered your own question...they're IDIOTS so of course not. They'll just continue to go through life causing hate and discontent in order to feed their diet of ignorance.

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM


    3. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Not the ones I know who got on disability despite much of a work history. They see something in Trump which working people can't.

    4. Anonymous8:35 PM

      i.m not working and hated the orange child for years.

    5. Anonymous4:33 AM

      Them burning their maga hats is the closest to an admission that we will get to an admission of regret. And that is only because he backed out of a racist campaign promise, that they are mad at him. Fuck em, you get what u deserve.

    6. Nope.

      Nor will they admit they were bamboozled.

      And they'll vote for him again in 2020.

      As well as all of the Republicans in 2018.

      You can't fix stupid.

  7. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Ru$$ia Ru$$ia Ru$$ia

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Up here in Industrial Alaska is Russia worse enemy. Military plus Transformers, taking BIG equipment and arming It?
      Bye bye Russia. Hello new war industry and new crew.

  8. Kushner just LOOKS sleazy.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Yeah, Kushner has dead eyes.

    2. Anonymous8:36 PM

      there is some thing about him that does seem not right. he looks cold.

    3. Anonymous12:56 AM

      He married into the dumbest, sleaziest family in NY, yet their patriarch became president!!Now Jared is leader of the USA.He looks like he is still in shock.For someone whose father had to BRIBE Harvard to accept him since his grades were not good enough, he sure has reached the heights, hasn't he?

    4. Anonymous3:21 AM

      Ted Bundy-ish? Creepy.
      A poser. Not all that smart.

  9. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Russia probes leave Trump associates struggling with huge legal bills

    ...Another former campaign hand said Trump "has hung us out to dry" by leaving associates to drown in their attorneys' fees.

    "Multibillionaire Donald Trump has a moral obligation to pay the mounting legal bills of his advisers who are facing four-, five- and six-figure costs just for doing their jobs," said a former Trump adviser who had to pay thousands of dollars of his own money for legal representation.

    "After all, the reason Trump advisers have any legal bills at all is because Trump and key spokespersons like Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway repeatedly misled the public over Russia contacts, no matter how benign," the former adviser told the Washington Examiner. "Such lies gave congressional and federal investigators, let alone the media, probable cause to destroy our lives at will. Some reward for loyal service to President Trump."

    LOL! Stupid saps.

    1. Screw 'em.

      Let's hope the whole goddam crowd is driven into bankruptcy, starting with Flynn and Pence.

      I didn't hear anyone crying over the Clintons' legal expenses.

    2. Anonymous1:00 AM

      With tRump's history, surely these people KNEW he was not to be trusted? I want to see them all bankrupt, especially Kellyanne Conway, that vile bitch. The entire tRump family HAS to go down in flames, they are steadily, and quickly, destroying what is left of this country.

    3. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Cry me a river. Add these people to the long list of people screwed over by the Drumpfs. But these fools entered willingly.

    4. Anonymous4:35 AM

      Yup 3:22am no sympathy here.

    5. Anonymous4:36 AM

      Cue the worlds smallest violin symphony.

    6. Anonymous9:23 AM

      They knew what they got into when they accepted a job from this evil SOB. They knew he would screw everything and everybody. So, why did they think THEY would not be screwed?!

  10. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I hope to see this slimy weasel, his plastic wife and crooked father in law all jailed for a very long time.

  11. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Jared's punkass will be somebody's bitch in prison

    Karma is a bitch. Bubba will be grabbing Jared's bush.

  12. Anonymous6:13 PM

    "If Trump was an honest businessman who surrounded himself with only people of integrity and character throughout his career, he wouldn't have much to worry about. But he has always attracted people whose morals were flexible and whose most profound question was "What's in it for me?", whether it was in real estate or as a candidate and now president. And with the special counsel digging around, there are probably a whole lot of Trump associates lying in bed at night worrying about whether they're going to get caught."

    And why does he attract those people? Because he is that person. Fuck them all. I have no sympathy.


    1. Anonymous1:05 AM

      I agree GP. tRump has always gravitated to the "thug" style of person. Decent, law abiding people want nothing to do with him. Russian mobsters are more his type.He might (?) have money, but CLASS and STYLE allude him. He looks like just exactly what he is, a vile, foul mouthed, wanna be wise guy uncouth freak. His wife proves that "Money can not buy happiness" every time she shows her plastic face. Michelle Obama RADIATES happiness, and is comfortable in her own skin. Maleria not so much.

  13. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Trump’s ‘fake news’ attack lost its power this week

    An amazing thing happened this week.

    News outlets that President Trump has branded “fake news” reported Trump agreed in principle to grant long-term legal status to DACA recipients — a big item on Democrats' wish list — without securing funding for a Southern border wall in return. Trump said the media and the Democrats who say they negotiated with him were mischaracterizing the situation.

    Given a choice of whom to believe, reliably pro-Trump commentators, such as Tucker Carlson, Ann Coulter and Mike Cernovich chose the media, Charles E. Schumer and Nancy Pelosi over the president.

    Mark it down: This is the week that Trump's “fake news” attack lost its power.

  14. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Man, this Trump/Russia thing is such a web. I wish someone would write a book of all this when it's all said and done. Just to do a timetable and when and what. You know like how did Jill Stein end up at that round table with Putin. And where does Bernie come in on all this. Is he a plant of discontent? And how does Snowden and Assange fit into this picture? And why did Comey throw Hillary under the bus. And I know we know, but basically to rehash what was really really on voters minds when they voted Trump. What did they have against Hillary other than she was a woman and she irritated them with her color coded pantsuits.
    And all thought there are bits and pieces on Donald's dad being kkk and Donald treating Hitler's book like a bible by his bedside, it would be interesting to see what led to all of this. And what led to the big money that is having its' hands in America's pockets. And what led to Putin wanting to run the world.
    There's so much stories in all of this web. It would take an astute writer and researcher to put it all together. Just to get our minds straight. I'd by the book(s).

    1. Anonymous1:08 AM

      This would have happened years sooner, if the gop had been able to get a candidate as gullible, greedy and conceited as tRump. He is too dumb to know when he is being used.

    2. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Several books out already and many more coming on this crime of our lifetime.

    3. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Yeah....Jeb nor Romney could do it.

    4. Anonymous7:22 AM

      Read today's article in Vox: Hillary's coal miner gaffe. Explains her impossible situation very well. Sorry, I don't know how to do links.


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