Thursday, September 14, 2017

Russia also used Facebook to organize anti-Clinton rallies in Texas.

Courtesy of Business Insider:  

A Russia-linked Facebook group attempted to organize a series of anti-immigrant, anti-Hillary Clinton rallies across Texas last November, three days before the election and months after Russian operatives used the social-media platform to organize an anti-refugee-resettlement protest in rural Idaho. 

The group, called Heart of Texas, had over 225,000 followers as of last summer. It was shut down last week as part of Facebook's takedown of accounts and pages "affiliated with one another and likely operated out of Russia," a Facebook spokesman told Business Insider on Wednesday. 

Casey Michel, a journalist who has spent years tracing US secession movements to Russia, tracked the group's activity throughout the election and determined it was more than just a platform for far-right Texas secessionists.

Several signs pointed to the page being a Russian influence operation, including a lack of contact information and ads, and a corresponding Twitter account created in November 2015 — right around the time Facebook experienced a surge in Russia-linked, fake accounts, Michel said. Its "about" section read only: "Texas's the land protected by Lord." 

Perhaps the most revealing clue that Heart of Texas was not a project spearheaded by dissatisfied Texans was the language. The memes posted in the group contained typos, grammatical errors, and a general unfamiliarity with basic English phrases.

This of course follows news that the Russians used Facebook to organize anti-immigration rallies as well. 

At this point if I were a conservative Trump voter I would be wondering or ANY of the memes I liked, posts I shared, or rallies I attended were NOT created by the Russians.

For the rest of us I think we are just seeing the tip of the iceberg and that there is a whole lot more we are going to learn about just how the Russians stole the 2016 election.


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    It looks more and more like the former and still-wannabe- USSR now owns the GOP. How times change!

  2. Anonymous11:37 AM

    And yet another voter data leak.. this time of every Alaskan voter...

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      "Each XML-formatted record contained details, some sensitive and personally identifiable information, on prospective voters, including names, addresses, dates of birth, their ethnic identity, whether an individual is married, and the individual's voting preferences.""We've learned that Equals3, an [artificial intelligence] software company based in Minnesota, appears to have failed to secure some of their data and some data they license from TargetSmart, and that a database of approximately 593,000 Alaska voters appears to have been inadvertently exposed," This is the second known data exposure of voter records this year.

      The first, and largest ever to date, saw 198 million records on individuals from every state exposed. Deep Root Analytics, a data company working for the Republican party, took responsibility for the exposure."

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    But will any of these right wingers even care that Russians and fake accounts were behind this? I have my doubts.

    1. Anonymous7:05 PM

      For the most part, I think rw won't care about Russian interference or fake accounts. Trump loves Russia, Putin and the fake. Why wouldn't most of his followers?

  4. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Somebody needs to ask Trump do you think you would have beaten Hillary Clinton fairly in 2016 without his comrades help from Russia?

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM

      No is the answer. Look at how all of his prewritten sound bytes during the debates were immediately launched as Russian memes on social media. (I only know this from the research of others). Can you imagine if that sort of effort had been coordinated against Trump by Hillary? By another country?

    2. Anonymous2:04 PM

  5. Anonymous11:59 AM

    TeXxxa$$ Law.
    "THE MEDIA AND THE LEFT ARE OBSESSED WITH SEX. And we guess it’s the fault of the “media and the left” that we think it’s funny that Ted Cruz wanted to hide all the Texas dildos in his butt so the rest of the Texans couldn’t have them, especially in light of how a “fella” with access to Cruz’s Twitter account late at night “liked” some good old fashioned porn."
    "It was not the dildo brief of a man who is just “pretending” dildos are the enemy. It was the dildo brief of a man who knew dildos are a slippery slope to banging your family, because if Texas state law sanctions people slamming their clams with anything but a married heterosexual Christian penis bent on getting them pregnant, then how could they argue against incest? Yes it really said that."
    "It also said that if you can buy a dildo to titillate you on your down theres, what’s to stop you from buying a human person for the same purpose. No, hand to God, that was part of his argument.
    "continually referred to dildos as “obscene devices” and said that, though the FDA has signed off on certain “obscene devices” for “therapeutic use,” he searched the internet far and wide to try to find a good solid therapy dildo, and he just couldn’t."


  6. Anonymous2:53 PM

    "a review of the recent statements issued by Trump Jr. and Kushner about the meeting reveals an important contradiction between their accounts."

    "What’s different? Trump Jr. recounted that Kushner was present when Veselnitskaya discussed contributions to Clinton and the DNC that the Russians thought could somehow be used against Clinton. Kushner asserted he only heard the Russian lawyer talk about the adoption issue."

  7. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Putin knows how to get away with murder. He knows how to be sneaky. This is his MO.
    We the unsuspecting Americans are being played. The man in the White House is a traitor.

  8. Anonymous3:19 PM

    For all time, idjt is a pissu grabber, a racist, a ...
    His hostory.

    Impeach today!

  9. Anonymous3:26 PM


  10. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Just ssy it. All the deaths are on fat prez cheeto face brain dead wannabe's head.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.