Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Yeah, what he said.

Tried to give these people the benefit of the doubt, but not anymore.


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    The rarest thing in the world ....
    A KKK member that voted for Clinton.

    Not all Trump voters are racist, but all racist voted for Trump.

    1. Leland5:46 AM

      "...Not all Trump voters are racist, but all racist voted for Trump."

      I would love to see proof of that! Besides, I know it isn't true. My neighbor is a racist (hates blacks!) but he didn't vote for him. At least, according to his wife.

  2. Anonymous3:58 AM

    It's so manly to tell someone on social media to fuck you. Hey Bruce, grow a pear. (Intensional misspelling)

  3. They are racists, all of them! They may as well cut holes in their white sheets, throw them on, top them off with their little pointy hoods, and go out to burn a cross or two. The GOP built this most recent incarnation, not with dog whistles, but with bullhorns! Their message has come across loud and clear, explicitly expressed, with every bit of hate, prejudice, and bigotry marinaded in meanness and sprinkled with spite.

    Bruce Bartlett?!? You helped create this monster. How you ask? By remaining silent, by going along, by fearing to "rock the boat," by wanting to retain your white privilege membership at all costs (self-respect, decency, brotherhood, love for humanity tossed aside), by turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to POC, by ignoring the terrible toll racism has taken on this country. Better late than never. Maybe Bruce Bartlett will inspire a few spineless white people to search themselves and realize that confronting racism might need to start right in their own home.

  4. Anonymous6:58 AM

    So now we act surprised that Republicans are racist? Wow. America was born on racism.
    The people who were telling us not to be racist were the most racist of them all.
    It's all a con. Just like those televangelist who shyster people out of their last dime in the name of God who could give a flying eff about money. If God is God he owns the universe. A dirty dollar from your pocket would mean diddly.
    The whole American idealism is born on a con so people wouldn't revolt. Now the chips are down and people are getting a little nervous. Finding our we aren't special in the eyes of the white is a rude awakening. NOT!
    Been that way since Chris Columbus came over the waters. Not going to change. The con will live on in the name of one race. Hurrah.

  5. linda7:04 AM

    While I agree with his sentiment, the truth is that not ALL Trump supporters are racists - just most of them. I personally know several Trump supporters that I don't believe are racist, but are, instead, extremely misguided. I guess you could argue that if they are willing to overlook his shenanigans and the shenanigans of his racist supporters then they should be painted with the same broad brush. But the people I know (who are slowly coming around to regretting their vote) seem to be able to separate the racism from other things they like about him. We can't have communication and meaningful discourse if we start from the premise that "all Trump supporters are racist" so I prefer not to agree with that.

    1. ^^^This^^^ is the problem. When excuses are made, get out of jail free cards are handed out, racists are held to a lower standard. If I hide a thief & his ill-gotten gains on my property, I can & should be held accountable.

      Boys will be boys. If you knew him like we know him. He has a good heart. Blah blah blah. *vomits*

    2. Anonymous10:15 AM

      I wonder what the people in Germany were thinking back in the day when they looked the other way as Hitler and his crew loaded people daily on those cattle cars? Were they not racist? Or were they humanity's cowards? Time will tell on these "not racist" Trump supporters. History, I tell you, will not be kind.

    3. Anonymous2:32 PM

      You are correct.

      There are in fact many types of Trump supporters. Some have a low IQ and simply don't understand, some are in denial, and yet another type are so easily manipulated that they believe all the claims against Trump are "fake news". If these actually understood, believed or accepted the truth, they too would be appalled.

      Being slow,or being the victim of propaganda does not make you a racist, but being called one, when you are not, really pisses people off. How does that help anything? It doesn't.

      Stop looking at people as groupings and start looking, really looking, at them as individuals and maybe we will all find a way out of this hell hole political climate.

    4. Some of them are stupid and gullible, I.E. very religious. Their little tin gods tell them how to vote and they do. They don't think. They don't learn or consider or seek out.

      Just blind sheep.

      But most of them are racists, bigots, misogynists.

      I imagine there are a few beaten wives that vote as they are told, thinking they'll escape the next punch or kick.

  6. Anonymous7:14 AM

    "“No way do I or would my father support this garbage,” "

    1. Well, their dad opened the door on all of it.

      Nation at Risk? Total fake news propaganda designed to undermine education so they could get their hands on hithertofore untouchable tax dollars.

      When they couldn't privatize public schools they pushed vouchers and then charters. Then they inflicted No Child Left Behind on us. Conditions that were set up to fail.

      They gutted school budgets until there was no fat or muscle left but just dry bones. (And those ignorant voters put Trump in the Oval Office.)

      They are the ones that pushed privatization of Social Security. They're not done with that. They'll dismantle Social Security first, then privatize it and dip into the money like they did before (OH, under REAGAN) and never pay it back, then claim Social Security is insolvent and dismantle it.

      This was a long range plan developed and put into motion under Reagan. Probably during his senile years. That would be their fault too, for allowing an Alzheimer's patient unfit to function as president to run for a second term. It continued under both Bushes and only went slightly underground during Clinton. It ran rampant during Obama with their obstruct obstruct obstruct. And now it is like an abscess that has burst and all of the putrid pus is draining into the open.

  7. Anonymous8:29 AM

    On the VIEW> facts!

  8. Anonymous9:24 AM

    "Womanhood isn't a measure of privilege"

  9. Anonymous10:01 AM


  10. Anonymous2:03 PM

    'On September 5, 1972' "Black September" terrorist group took Israeli athletes and coaches hostage at the Olympic Villiage in Munich,"
    ""Forty-five years have passed for an official Israeli delegation to return to this place. The Munich Olympics became the blood Olympics."

    Putin's Sochi and next>Kim Jong-uns Pyeongchang

  11. I never had any doubt.

    But I must say they are much, much worse than I ever imagined.


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