Monday, October 23, 2017

Celebrity gossip site includes Bristol Palin as a "celebrity" who lost weight on Dancing with the Stars. Wait, what?

So this is how the images are displayed on Page Six for an article entitled "Celebrities who lost tons of weight on Dancing with the Stars."

However as anybody who has been visiting this site for the last several years will notice immediately those pictures are actually reversed.

This image actually shows Bristol's weight GAIN while on the show.

This was Bristol at the very end of the show in 2010.

In fact her bizarre weight gain earned so much attention that she attempted to explain it away in her ghostwritten book using logic that could only convince the dumbest human beings on the planet:

So let me address this issue head-on. I'm not skinny and I'm not fat. I'm a girl like everyone else who lives in this era of airbrushed photos who's trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. And do you know what? I'm succeeding. Everyone talks about how strenuous the Dancing with the Stars workouts are, but they're nothing compared to any high school basketball practice. Though one contestant famously lost forty-one pounds, I have to assume it was because she was not too active beforehand. Because I was an active kid before I started, this show actually took my activity level down a notch. That meant I was not going to be seeing rapid weight loss. Which was fine with me.

Yes that is right, Bristol claims that she gained so much weight because she was so incredibly active before the exhausting rehearsal schedule that she actually gained weight, while EVERYBODY ELSE lost weight at an accelerated rate.

Kelly Obourne
Now I have no idea who paid this tabloid site to engage in this revisionist history, but it is hard to believe they actually fucked up this badly on their own.


  1. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Good catch, IM! The Palins (Bristol and her Mother) have always been liars and were caught so often (throughout the past ten years or so) via you and others that access your blog.

    Alaskans know the fraudulent Palins better than most across the nation and have a great time pointing out their total baloney!

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      "Administrator Scott Pruitt has said he does not believe greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels cause climate change,"


    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      If he really believes that, he is not only corrupt corporate shill, he is an extreme idiot.

    3. Anonymous6:00 PM

      He needs extra security. He is going to kill the planet. Not everyone is pleased with that.

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      At least Bristol didn't lie about her entire childhood and life.

    5. Anonymous6:41 PM

      She just lied to get money from suckers, And did her part for the corrupt political crap her family was into. Had she been a decent honest person she would not have sold her soul and that scam would have been shut down. Instead it went on and morphed into Donald Trump and his nuke games. She could have been somebody and saved the planet.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Oh lordy,
    Yes Bristol, your basketball suicide drills were just soooo much harder than DWTS.
    I'll trust an Olympian like Kristy Yamaguchi, who knows what real training is, when she says dancing is a good workout.
    God, the stupidity of the Palins just never gets old.
    Remember when Bristol said with a straight face that she had "jaw realignment surgery?"
    Remember when Sarah went from not pregnant to 9 months pregnant in pictures, but delivered a baby at eight months? And the said baby wasn't born in a hospital with a NICU, but with a nonqual FPP inducing her at a podunk hospital? And the premie with a vsd and/or PDA going home and then going to work with "mommy" at day 3 of life?
    Oh fucking please Palins. NO ONE except the terminally stupid can listen to you without laughing their assess off.

    1. Rarely if ever, is it mean, if it's the truth. That being said, thank you for NOT being mean, but rather extremely insightful, and of course truthful. One can only imagine that nasty, rancid taste left in the back of BP and especially her mothers throat, hence: THEIR IGNORANT POLITICS, followed by the TRUMPHOLES of AMERICA...

    2. Bless that poor girls miserable heart.....

  3. It had been YEARS since she played basketball anyway and she's so full of it her eyes are brown. OMG. Please.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      It wasn't that long ago when she did that gig where she and her bff were hard at work for an old doctor. One of the friends died and it was a big hushed up mystery.

  4. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Why then the gorilla suit? How about the Aladdin-like costume coming out of her trailer?

    PREGO! It’s not just a pasta sauce.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Brilliant. n/s

    2. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Girls on social media pose with Prego jars when they want to announce that they are knocked up.

  5. Anonymous4:43 PM

    The two where she is in black (2nd from top), the one on the left is photo shopped for the DWTS promos. She was starting to pork up and it got a lot worse.

  6. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Fuck her.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM


    2. Anonymous5:40 PM

      If anyone did they would get herpes

    3. Anonymous6:28 PM

      That was Bristol's strenuous workout plan before DWTS!

    4. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Gino's mother told a friend of mine that he was worried after being with her because she has chlamydia. That family can't stand her and were horrified when he was dating her knowing what her reputation is around here, but hey, lotta young guys cut their teeth on easy women then move on to find a decent woman.

    5. Anonymous8:02 AM

      @Anonymous11:05 PM
      Or maybe telling the truth.

  7. Anonymous4:47 PM

    If she was not pregnant here, then she swallowed a watermelon whole.

    1. Anonymous9:39 PM

  8. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Bristol knows ten ways to liposuck. She wasn't a healthy active kid before DWTS, she was a full time drama queen and Levi stalker.

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Definitely no drama.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      No wonder she is afraid to move her face now. She always has the same look, rare that she will even fish lip now. It must be the botox and she always needs to take a shit from that tea she sells.

    3. Anonymous7:21 PM

      ALL drama, ALL the time. Fake engagements, lucrative magazine spreads full of lies, running away from home, fucking Levi's brains out... and THEN dancing on TV.

      DRAMA MAMA, poor little Tripp.

    4. Anonymous3:08 AM

      6:20 you can see the outline of her plastic implant device through her skin

  9. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I think this is after the first show she did. She was still looking knocked up and fat.

  10. Anonymous5:03 PM

    She's Palin and Republican. Of course she lies.
    oops, no combat badge.

    caught having an affair

    the biggest whopper

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Sarah actually doesn't lie more than the average human (I say this because ALL humans lie about some things.)

    2. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Yep, totally normal to stuff a pillow and play prego so you can move to DC and be veep. Everybody does it so it's ok. I am shocked Trump didn't do that when he ran, so much easier than his way.

    3. Anonymous6:53 PM

      6:06 - fool, you are all over this blog lying. It is what you do.

    4. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Alicia, hon, only the very mentally ill stuff a pillow in their panties and call it TriG.

  11. Crystal Sage5:15 PM

    I am grateful that the Palin Family Lies have eclipsed the Cheeto Chronicles on this blog. Needed a break. At least the Palins are not in power nor will they ever be. Much too dumb and lazy to achieve anything without lies and manipulation.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Do you think dakota agreed to the marriage scheme because she got a chin job?

    2. Anonymous3:11 AM

      We are in this shitshow BECAUSE Sarah paved the way. She is dangerous still. She needs to be exposed in order to heal this country.

  12. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Basketball? Everyone knows she was too busy having babies and mono in high school that she never played basketball.

    Besides, her stint on Dancing with the Stars was a good year and a half after high school basketball was over her senior year. Check the roster. She was never on the Wasilla team her senior year 2008-2009. She may have been on the party team though. I admit, it's a lot of work hoisting those beers and shot glasses. Not to mention the hangovers.


    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      They tried to prove that she was on the girl's b-ball team at Juneau-Douglas HS when she was "mono'd up" but the photos were actually from the year prior when she did actually play ball there.

    2. Anonymous6:05 PM

      They never tried to prove anything and where the fuck did this mono bs come from? Even Bristol laughed at that one. SMH at dumbfucks on blogs.

      She isn't even a partier. I mean, she was a normal high schooler but there was no craziness or she wouldn't have done so well in school, proven by the records she released.

    3. Anonymous6:48 PM


      Um, you've obviously never read Bristol's high school MySpace account. As all she talked about was smoking weed, getting fucked up, getting laid and constantly praying that she wasn't pregnant because she couldn't remember what she did the night before.

    4. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Moron, it's no secret that at 15 Bristol Palin was lying to her parents and sneaking out and drinking alcohol with boys. She even admitted it in her "book".

    5. Anonymous9:39 PM

      To the dipshit at 6:05...... Where did this Mono BS come from? Why it came from Sarah herself. That was her story to cover up why Bristol missed 5 months of school prior to the birth of Trig. They needed a story to "prove" that Bristol was not Trig's mom and Sarah was. Get with it man. You came to the party late so hurry and catch up. By the way 6:05, are you Dakota? You sound like him. Big foul mouthed bully.

      Isn't even a partier..... my word. Did you miss the Palin family drunken brawl? Where little Miss innocent was yelling drunkenly and was trying to punch out the host of the party? And possibly pissed her pants? Oh yah, she's a daisy for sure.

    6. Anonymous3:15 AM

      Some people take the short buses, let's be nice. All people can learn with patience and effort.
      Sarah sent bristol who had "mono" (read pregnant) to her sister's house. Apparently so Bristol could infect her sister's kids with mono and not her own kids? Anyhoo, Dylan Kolvig parents's houseboat/party boat sunk from a party that started a fire. Rumor is there was lots of sex on that boat that night and Brssie got pregnant with TRiG and any one o fhe guys onboard her and the boat could be the daddy, including Track.

  13. Anonymous5:21 PM

    We're living in an age of "revisionist history" and it looks like the Palins have finally jumped on the bandwagon, still, that's some hilarious shit!

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Why do you think they have anything to do with this article? LOL She did go heavy with the elliptical though and still does.

    2. Anonymous6:11 PM

      Here is the hot mama Bristol.

    3. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Bristol wouldn't know what the fuck is an elliptical, Alicia. As usual, your bullshit gives her way too much credit.

      Bristol likes liposuction. She and her tubby sister had their fat sucked on her dumb reality show.

      You need to take your meds.

    4. Anonymous9:31 PM

      That would be fat, pregnant mama Bristol.

  14. Anonymous5:24 PM

    First 'celebrity'. Now that is funny. Do the Palins think if mommy buys you a GED you become a celebrity? She's a foul mouthed ignoramus like her mommy. Second, how much do they pay these outfits to publish this nonsense. Bristol 'porked' up with child during that stint on DWTS. It was obvious. Her sycophantic cult fans voted multiple times to keep the talent less flabby loser in the 'running'. It was obvious it was all a scam. I wonder what it must be like to be so stupid as to believe what they are peddling here? 'Palin stupid' is a special type of stupid. I'm surprised Wasilla doen't have an honorary short bus for that family of dimwits.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      We do and Trig drives it :-)

    2. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Do you only read articles with her name in them? Because these types of celeb stories are what make up the internet. And she doesn't even consider herself famous and has never acted like a celebrity other than joining charities across the US.

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      lol buy a GED. Keep lying, troll.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM


      Charities? You funny, girl! If you ask Sarah and Todd Bristol herself is a charity, in fact all their kids but Willow are.

    5. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Name one fucking charity that she works for you, Alicia. Just one.

      Just one. You don't need to prove it, we can do that.... :)

  15. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I wonder who bankrolls this nonsense. Sarah doesn't want to spend her own money. Is talent less Bristol on anyone's radar? And what brain dead fool would call her a celebrity. She has all the personality and acuity of a turnip.

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      They're trying to get her back in the news because she makes her money selling amphetamine teas on instagram, that's her only gig, and guess what, Brissy and DUH are running out of money.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Why are we so obsessed with writing these types of lies? It's actually getting to the point of insanity.

      Bristol would never and has never taken money from anyone, nor would she live off anyone.

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      They are on or wannabe on the Russian gravy train. Sarah and Duh can hook Brissy T. Pissy up if she stops being so lazy. She sure misses Exotica.

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Those teas are laxatives, not amphetamines.

    5. Anonymous6:42 PM


      The liar is you little one.

    6. Anonymous6:49 PM

      6:01 PM This is fun. Not really lies to bring up facts about her past.

    7. Dinty6:57 PM

      The Mercers

    8. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Bristol Palin has never held a legitimate job in her life. Ever.

      And she never will. Why should she, when people are happy to hand her free money based on her name?

      It's significant that of all the times Bristol has been given free money because of her name ... NOBODY HAS EVER OFFERED HER A JOB much less a career. All she got was the opportunity to make a fool of herself. Again.

      She's still to this day whoring herself for a few cents at a time peddling laxative tea and a box of junk. There are no cheaper sponsorships than Bristol Palin.

    9. Anonymous4:35 AM

      6:01 PM, that's rich. You've never posted an honest word.

  16. Anonymous5:43 PM

    The rehearsals for those energetic routines that she walked through must have been brutal indeed, I mean, now much time did she have to spend lying in the floor practicing for that routine where she was just lying on the floor?

    Bitch already had given birth to one or two babies before she was on this show and actual high school, and also too her GED, were many years in her past.

    She's so funny, ya gotta give it to her though, she's a dedicated amphetamine junky now and that's really helping to keep the chunk off ;-)

  17. Let’s not forget she stuffed her face like food was being discontinued and she had corned the market.

    1. Anonymous5:59 PM

      She and a cousin do joke about eating more than men and she did once jokingly call herself fat girl for life as a result of loving food but she definitely did not gorge during dwts.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      The baby wanted fast food. You can't fight pregnancy cravings.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      5:59 PM There were several pictures where she sure looked like she was gorging.

  18. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sarah gave her her elliptical as a xmas present in 2010. She's obsessed with ellipticals and hiking. Tripp climbed the butte by himself with he was just 2.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      That's pretty amazing because the Butte is all of 800 vertical feet. Wow, another impressive Palin feat! Keep 'em coming!

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Wasn't that Mount Everest Tripp climbed? I thought he was 19 months. He was such a charming child they made a TV show and showed some classic scenes about parenting.

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      oh and can he ride his bike down a little hill?

  19. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Bristol's pretty much the only person who could be gorgeous at 1000 pounds. Though she's never been super overweight or unhealthy.

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      Whew, you funny! She was an unattractive heifer before that new chin and associated facial liposuction, and dropping the 75lbs. Now she's just a partially attractive anorexic heifer.

    2. Anonymous7:08 PM

      Sorry but no, she most certainly is not. She's not even gorgeous at 150 lbs and never has been. I've yet to see a single girl from Wasilla who is the least bit gorgeous. Lots of white trash, though.

    3. Anonymous9:26 PM

      I would have never thought she got up to 1000 pounds. You sure it wasn't 500 pounds? What happened to all those photos?

    4. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Does this look like someone who has been dance rehearsing 8 hrs per day for 6 weeks?

  20. Anonymous6:12 PM

    She's never been wealthy but she is financially responsible. The first things she does for kids is set up college funds and bank accounts and locks down necessities before frivolties.

    1. Anonymous6:40 PM

      You are a hoot. You don't have a clue.

    2. Anonymous7:32 PM

      You're on the wrong thread. We're talking about Ms Trial Daddy Bristol Palin here. She's still buying Louis Vuitton for herself.

    3. Anonymous8:01 PM

      LOL nobody in her family ever went to college, not even her idiot mother- Sarah just liked to get out of Alaska a lot. She did not graduate.

      Bristol has had no education and she's not very smart, neither is her so-called husband and neither is her son so far.

      Nope, no college for that bunch- ever. In fact, it'll be a surprise if any of those kids get through high school without interruption.

    4. Anonymous4:37 AM

      This lie again? Give it a rest!

    5. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Hmmm, the pontoon party boat and the trips with the Trial Daddies to Disney and all the Hawaii trips...who paid for those? She's never had a job.

    6. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Bristol Palin's kids are cute but it is kind of sad to think about the way they have to grow up with constant chaos and neglect.

  21. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Does anyone here have a Twitter account? Trump has completely butchered the spelling of "Hezbollah" in his last tweet.

    Hizballoh? Really?!

    1. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Lol. Loved the former Mexican President's latest tweet:

      "Vicente Fox Quesada
      .@realDonaldTrump 10 accusations of sexual harrasment, for real? There's nothing to grab except your lawyers. Man up by October 31st, pussy."


    2. Susan6:56 PM

      And he hasn't corrected it in 3 hours!

    3. Anonymous7:40 PM

      LOL that was good after so many Alicia dribblings.

  22. Anonymous6:21 PM

    She loves this outfit!

  23. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Gryphen, as expected you have roped in the mentally ill one and she is bouncing about the room like a ping pong ball.

  24. Anonymous7:02 PM

    New York Daily News:
    Why is Bristol Palin gaining weight while on 'Dancing with the Stars'?

    .... the single mom has also sparked one particular question.

    How the heck is she not losing weight on this show?

    The ABC reality competition requires contestants to dance for hours on an almost daily basis if they want to last as long as Palin has. "DWTS" alum Kelly Osbourne credits her stint on the show as a catalyst for her 50-pound weight loss. And as fellow competitor Kyle Massey has demonstrated, the intense exercise can cause pounds to seemingly melt away.

    But not always.

    Last month, Palin herself acknowledged that she hadn't shed any weight while on the show.

    "I haven't really noticed a change in [my body]," she told "Access Hollywood." "I think most people lose weight [on the show] because they're too stressed out to eat. I haven't had that problem!"

  25. And sure enough Bristol's fanatic in chief showed up.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Bristol's fanatical freak is running low on opportunities to stalk and harass Sunny and her friends these days, so she must have a lot of free time.

    2. Ahhh poor stalker. I would feel a wee bit sorry for that critter except that she (?) has been such a regular nettle around here.

  26. Anonymous7:48 PM

    The best thing about this post is all the pictures of homely Bristol with the two caterpillars under her skin where she had stuff injected from either side to look like a fake chin.

    This is no doubt the work of the old loony Dr Jackmeoff, probably a favor to Sarah Brontosaurus Jaw.

    1. Anonymous4:57 AM

      Makes a nice little shelf to keep crumbs from her maw off the floor!

  27. Anonymous9:46 PM

  28. Anonymous9:48 PM

    DWTS 2010 Bristol Palin looking like she was dancing her ass off for 6 weeks:

  29. Anonymous2:33 AM

    The country is collapsing around us; the world is going haywire; Trump is threatening nuclear war; millions of Americans, including children, are likely to loss their health insurance shortly -- and we're supposed to care about Bristol Palin's lies about her DWTS' experience! She must be desperately short of cash and needs a couple of television appearances or she's just crazier than ever. Time to announce another pregnancy, Bristol!

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      Why are you here? Some of us are taking a break from the mad mad world. Except the reminder that it is the Palin frauds and liars that pave the way for Trump.

      Life goes on. Yes, Bristol said no more breeding, to hell with giving Dakota Meyer a son, no matter who the father. That would mean she would be pregnant about now. Possibly she has made her peace with abortion and she will save herself the joys of calving.

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      I read that on Brisdull's IG. No more babies. Duh is supposed to appropriate Levi's son as his own.

  30. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "Melania Trump’s new anti-bullying effort is a joke"
    Trump and DeVos “spent time talking to many of the students who were in the [school] cafeteria, taking selfies with them and posing for pictures.”


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.